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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:32:49 GMTServer: ApacheTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7 >html classie ie6 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7 >html classie ie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8 >html classie ie8 langen> !endif-->!--if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)>!-->html langen> !--!endif-->link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href/favicons/favicon-32x32.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href/favicons/favicon-16x16.png>link relmanifest href/favicons/site.webmanifest>meta nametheme-color content#ffffff>head> !-- Basic Page Needs --> meta charsetutf-8> title>Text Ad Builder/title> meta namedescription contentFree Effective Credit Based Safelist, List Building, Free Email Marketing, Free Email Advertising. > meta namekeywords contentsafelist, safelists, free safelist, free safelists, credit safelist, credit based safelist, credit based safelists, email marketing, safelist advertising, advertising, free advertising, list building, lead generation, opt-in email, opt-in email marketing, opt-in email lists, list builder,email advertising, email marketing, free email advertising, bulk email advertising, opt in email advertising, optin email advertising, targeted email advertising, opt in email advertising, email marketing, mass emailing, bulk email marketing, direct email marketing, email marketing program, opt-in emailing, marketing email service agent, opt in email marketing, targeted email marketing, permission email marketing, email marketing software, marketing email, optin email marketing, opt-in email marketing, email marketing tool, online email marketing, email marketing list, email bulk mlm business marketing opportunity, email direct marketing, email marketing service, email marketing campaign, e mail marketing company, bulk email marketing service, otp in email marketing, email marketing solution, email marketing services, email marketing consultant, target bulk email marketing, email marketing strategy, opt in email marketing service, direct email marketing firm, email list marketing, email marketing consulting, permission based email marketing, bulk email marketing software, marketing email list, optin email marketing research, business to business email marketing, mass email marketing, email marketing technology, email permission marketing, internet marketing online marketing email marketing interactive marketing, targeted bulk email marketing, mass email marketing, credit based safelist,banner exchange, marketing safelist, pro safelist> meta nameauthor contentDave Mosher> !-- Mobile Specific Metas --> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> !-- CSS --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/zerogrid.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/style.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/responsive.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/flexslider.css typetext/css mediascreen /> !--if lt IE 8> div style clear: both; text-align:center; position: relative;> a href> img src border0 height42 width820 altYou are using an outdated browser. For a faster, safer browsing experience, upgrade for free today. /> /a> /div> !endif--> link relstylesheet typetext/css href// />script src//>/script>script>window.addEventListener(load, function(){window.cookieconsent.initialise({ palette: { popup: { background: #FF0000 }, button: { background: #f1d600 } }, content: { message: This website uses cookies. By using this website you accept the use of cookies., href: }})});/script>/head>body>!--------------Header--------------->div classwrap-header>header> div idlogo>a href#>img src./images/logo.png/>/a>/div> nav> ul> li classcurrent>a hrefindex.php>Home/a>/li> li>a hrefcompare.php>Features/a>/li> li>a hreffaq.php>Faq/a>/li> /ul> /nav>/header>/div>!--------------Slideshow--------------->script typetext/javascript>function AuthorizeValidation(myform) {if(myform.terms.checked true) {myform.validation.disabled false }if(myform.terms.checked false) {myform.validation.disabled true }}/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function() { $(#feedback).load(inc/check.php).show(); $(#usercheck).keyup(function() { $.post(inc/check.php, { userid: myform.new_userid.value }, function(result) { $(#feedback).html(result).show(); } ); } );} );/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function() { $(#feedback2).load(inc/check2.php).show(); $(#usercheck2).keyup(function() { $.post(inc/check2.php, { contact_email: myform.new_contact.value }, function(result) { $(#feedback2).html(result).show(); } ); } );} );/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function() { $(#feedback3).load(inc/check3.php).show(); $(#usercheck3).keyup(function() { $.post(inc/check3.php, { subscribed_email: myform.new_subscribed.value }, function(result) { $(#feedback3).html(result).show(); } ); } );} );/script>!--------------Content--------------->section idcontent> div classzerogrid> div classrow> div idmain-content classcol-2-3> article> div classheading> h2 aligncenter>Never Look For FREE Advertising Again!/h2> /div> div classcontent>p styletext-align:center>span stylecolor:#FF0000>span stylefont-size:20px>strong>span stylefont-size:28px>Text Ad Builder/span>/strong>/span>/span>/p>p styletext-align:center>98 active members/p>p>span stylefont-size:14px>span stylefont-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif>em>strong>Text Ad Builder /strong>/em> has just about everything an em>Internet Marketer /em>could need in a Viral Safelist Mailer Site./span>/span>/p>p>strong>span stylebackground-color:yellow>You can now have an instant audience to your website or business opportunity /span>/strong>/p>p>br />u>strong>What makes our Safelist The Best? /strong>/u>/p>p>When you join a free safelist, you get the right to post an ad every so often, perhaps once a day. But other members have the same right - there is absolutely no incentive whatsoever for them to ever read your safelist ads!/p>p>Text Ad Builder runs off of credits - you must have credits to post your ad to our list. And the best way to get tons of free Text Ad Builder credits is to read the emails from other members. It's a strong>win-win situation/strong>: you get your ad read by thousands of other members, and those other members earn free credits for reading it!. /p>p>strong>u>Drive visitors to your website in just seconds/u>/strong>/p>p>em>Credit(Point) Based Mailer:/em> With the credit based mailer you can email your ads to the safelist up to 4 times a day as long as you have credits left. One credit one person you can mail to. Earn credits for reading mail and for referring others. You can choose the amount of credits you use. This is a really good feature because it allows you to save your credits and use them whenever you want />br />br />u>strong>Earn Money For Referring Members/strong>/u>br />br />Our affiliate program is an amazing way to earn money for referring other members to our safelist. All Referral Commissions are paid out using either BitCoin or Payoneer./p>p>u>strong>Video Advertising Friendly!/strong>/u>br />br />Do you have a website or capture-page that uses video? Many sites will reject your site just because it has video. NOT HERE! We're VIDEO ADVERTISING FRIENDLY!/p>p>br />u>strong>We Have A Ton Of Features On Our Safelist /strong>/u>br /> /p>ul> li> p>Totally credit based posting. Send your ad to one other member for the cost of one /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>YOU/strong> choose how to spend your credits! Send your ad to 500 members, or 5000 members!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Vacation Setting/strong> - Turn your account off at any time to prevent your inbox from filling up. Easy to return from vacation - just click two links and you are back up and running!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>HTML Ads/strong> - Get your reader's attention with your choice of fonts, colors, even graphics! (Paid feature only)br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Get visitors to your site - /strong>Our members receive credits for reading other member's ads. But in order to receive any credits they need to visit your website and stay there for 20 seconds. Our special script will check this automatically, so you will get guaranteed visitors!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Earn Cash & Credits For Referring Members!/strong> - Tell your friends about span stylefont-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:small>Text Ad Builder/span>, and get loads of free credits and cold hard cash!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Banner Exchange - /strong>Display the banners from your program in front of every span stylefont-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:small>Text Ad Builder/span> member. The only limit to your banner advertising is the number of credits in your account!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Bounce Handling - /strong>span stylefont-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:small>Text Ad Builder/span> uses a specialized Bounce Management system which ensures you're mailing to ACTIVE MEMBERS, unlike most other lists where members can be inactive for months or even years. Don't waste your time and money on dead accounts!br /> strong> /strong>/p> /li> li> p>strong>Solo Ads/strong> - Members (and non-members) can now purchase a solo ad that will be sent to all active members Contact email address./p> /li>/ul>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:20px>span stylecolor:rgb(0, 0, 128)>strong>NO PROMO CODE NEEDED! /strong>/span>span stylecolor:rgb(255, 0, 0)>strong>$100+/strong>/span>span stylecolor:rgb(0, 0, 128)>strong> AD-PACK INCLUDED!/strong>/span>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-size:14px>Register for FREE and we'll automatacially give you 5,000 Credits, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Ads, 5 Text Links, 5 Solo Ads, and 5 HP Solo Ads - strong>NO CHARGE! NO PROMO CODE NEEDED!/strong>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-size:14px>span stylecolor:#FF0000>strong>BONUS PROMO CODE! /strong>/span>We're going to throw in another 5,000 Credits, 5 Solos, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banners, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links when you usestrong> span stylecolor:#000080>PROMO CODE:/span> span stylecolor:#FF0000>span stylebackground-color:#FFFF00>newmember/span>/span>/strong>/span>/p>p> /p>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:24px>span stylecolor:rgb(255, 0,0)>strong>OVER 250 Traffic Sites In/strong>/span>/span>/p>p> /p>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:24px>span stylecolor:rgb(255, 0,0)>strong>Our FREE Referral Builder! /strong>/span>/span>/p>p styletext-align:center> /p>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:24px>span stylecolor:rgb(255, 0, 0)>strong>Members WIN BONUSES/strong>/span>/span>/p>p styletext-align:center>span stylefont-size:24px>span stylecolor:rgb(255, 0,0)>strong>For EVERY 10 Ads Clicked!/strong>/span>/span>/p>p styletext-align:center> /p>p styletext-align:center>span stylecolor:#000000>span stylefont-size:28px>strong>In Just A Few Moments You'll Gain Access To Our Growing List Of Responsive Members/strong>/span>/span>/p>div classjohnson-box styletext-align: center;>a href#register>img src../images/join.jpg />/a>/div>p>Referred By: bluediamondreport/p>p> /p>p styletext-align:center> /p>/div> /article> /div> div idsidebar classcol-1-3> section> !--div classsocial> a href>img srcimages/facebook-icon.png titleFacebook />/a> a href>img srcimages/twitter-icon.png titleTwitter/>/a> a>img srcimages/google-icon.png titleGoogle Plus/>/a> a>img srcimages/linkedin-icon.png titleLinkedin/>/a> /div--> /section> section> div classheading>h2>User Login/h2>/div> div classcontent> div classcontainer>form methodPOST actionlogin.php namemyform2 idlogin>div classheader> /div>div classinputs>input typetext value placeholderUsername or Email autocompleteuserid nameuserid autofocus />input typepassword value placeholderPassword autocompletecurrent-password namepassword />input typecheckbox nameremember idremember value1 /> Remember me a hrefforgot.php>Lost Password?/a> input id\submit\ typesubmit namesubmit valueLogin>/form>/div> /div> /section> section> div idregister classheading>h2>Register Account/h2>/div> div classcontent> div classcontainer>form methodPOST actionjoin.php namemyform idsignup>div classheader>p>Referred By: b>bluediamondreport/b>br>Member Since: 2020-06-01 17:05:04/p>/div>div classinputs>input typetext placeholderFirst Name namenew_fullname autofocus />input typetext placeholderLast Name namenew_lastname autofocus />div idfeedback>/div>input typetext id usercheck placeholderUsername autocompletenew-userid namenew_userid autofocus />div idfeedback2>/div>input typetext id usercheck2 placeholderYour ContactEmail autocompletenew-contact namenew_contact autofocus />input typepassword value placeholderPassword autocompletenew-password namenew_password autofocus />input typepassword value placeholderRetype Password autocompletenew-password namenew_passwordv autofocus />div classcheckboxy>label classterms>input typecheckbox nameterms value1 onClickAuthorizeValidation(this.form) /> I accept a hreflegal.php?pageidterms target_blank> b>Terms and Conditions/b>/a> - a hreflegal.php?pageidbanned target_blank>allowed emails/a>/label>/div>div classform-group> div classterms>img srccaptcha.php altcaptcha image>/div>br> div classterms>input typetext namecaptcha size3 maxlength3 placeholderPlease Enter 3 Black Symbols classform-control>/div> /div>input typehidden size25 namereferid value1>input idsubmit typesubmit namevalidation valueCREATE ACCOUNT disabled />/p>/div> /div> /section> section> div classheading>h2>About us/h2>/div> div classcontent> p> David Mosher - Here from Dalls/Fort Worth. I own over 300 text ad exchanges, viral mailers, lfmvm viral mailers and safelistProx traffic sites, a submission site, and 14 Supersolo networks./p> /div> /section> section> div classheading>h2>Legal/h2>/div> div classcontent> ul> li>a hreflegal.php?pageidearnings target_BLANK>Earnings Disclaimer/a>/li> li>a hreflegal.php?pageidterms target_BLANK>Terms Of Use/a>/li> li>a hreflegal.php?pageidspam target_BLANK>Spam Policy/a>/li> li>a hreflegal.php?pageidprivacy target_BLANK>Privacy Policy/a>/li> li>a href target_BLANK>Support Desk/a>/li> /ul> /div> /section> /div> /div> /div>/section>!--if lt IE 7> html classlt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7> html classlt-ie9 lt-ie8 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8> html classlt-ie9 langen> !endif-->!--if gt IE 8>!--> html langen> !--!endif-->head> meta charsetutf-8/> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1> link relstylesheet href/colorbox-master/colorbox.css /> script src>/script> script src/colorbox-master/jquery.colorbox.js>/script> script> $(document).ready(function(){ //Examples of how to assign the Colorbox event to elements $(.iframe).colorbox({iframe:true, width:40%, height:80%}); }); /script> !--if lt IE 9>script src//>/script>!endif--> /head>!--------------Footer--------------->div classwrap-footer> footer> div classwrapfooter> center>font color#000000 faceVerdana>Copyright 2015 - 2025 Text Ad Builder - All Rights Reserved. /font> /div> /footer>/div>/body>/html>
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