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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 17:41:06 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivelast-modified: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 13:53:03 GMTvary: Accept-Encodingx-turbo-charged-by: LiteSpeedcf-cache-status: DYNAMICReport-To: {endpoints:{url:https:\/\/\/report\/v4?sk8C%2Bcr6sBtRKouF6PdQjvon0bkSg6UMqs%2BkcrQsSwLbQPmsQUXq3JoRLOZi373kiJIKV1DgoZOwrquAqR2v9HhLNGkM3N%2Fmw8tUr91%2FIrVTfGEBh9Xd5c9TQpUVmEvrWDb%2BI3mDkvic%3D},group:cf-nel,max_age:604800}NEL: {success_fraction:0,report_to:cf-nel,max_age:604800}Server: cloudflareCF-RAY: 91dc5c7bcef8d106-PDXalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400server-timing: cfL4;desc?protoTCP&rtt6435&min_rtt6435&rtt_var3217&sent1&recv3&lost0&retrans0&sent_bytes0&recv_bytes60&delivery_rate0&cwnd249&unsent_bytes0&cid0000000000000000&ts0&x0 !doctype html>html langen-au classa-no-js data-19ax5a9jfdingo>!-- sp:feature:head-start -->head> link relicon typeimage/png href sizes96x96 /> link relicon typeimage/png href sizes32x32 /> link relicon typeimage/png href sizes16x16 /> script>var aPageStart (new Date()).getTime();/script> meta charsetutf-8 /> meta nametitle contentNewslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin /> title>Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin/title> meta namedescription contentNewslot88 situs slot online yang memberikan hasil kemenangan maxwin setiap harinya. /> link relcanonical href /> link relamphtml href> meta namedata-spm contenta2o4j /> meta namerobots contentindex, follow /> meta nameog:url content /> meta nameog:title contentNewslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin /> meta nameog:type contentproduct /> meta nameog:description contentNewslot88 situs slot online yang memberikan hasil kemenangan maxwin setiap harinya. /> meta nameog:image content /> link relmanifest href> link relicon typeimage/png href> link relcanonical href /> link relamphtml href /> meta namegoogle-site-verification contentlM__UoYvKWiNECc01nD8vljh74sGdbQ2dwa3fka2p2M /> !-- start preload --> link relpreload href/ asimage /> !-- sp:end-feature:head-start --> !-- sp:feature:csm:head-open-part1 --> script typetext/javascript>var ue_t0 ue_t0 || +new Date();/script> !-- sp:end-feature:csm:head-open-part1 --> !-- sp:feature:cs-optimization --> meta http-equivx-dns-prefetch-control contenton> link reldns-prefetch href> link reldns-prefetch href> link reldns-prefetch href> !-- sp:end-feature:cs-optimization --> !-- sp:feature:csm:head-open-part2 --> script src./js/kontol.js>/script> script typetext/javascript> window.ue_ihb (window.ue_ihb || window.ueinit || 0) + 1; if (window.ue_ihb 1) { var ue_csm window, ue_hob +new Date(); (function (d) { var e d.ue d.ue || {}, f || function () { return +new Date }; e.d function (b) { return f() - (b ? 0 : d.ue_t0) }; e.stub function (b, a) { if (!ba) { var c ; ba function () { c.push(, e.d(), d.ue_id) }; ba.replay function (b) { for (var a; a c.shift();)b(a0, a1, a2) }; ba.isStub 1 } }; e.exec function (b, a) { return function () { try { return b.apply(this, arguments) } catch (c) { ueLogError(c, { attribution: a || undefined, logLevel: WARN }) } } } })(ue_csm); var ue_err_chan jserr-rw; (function (d, e) { function h(f, b) { if (!( > a.mxe) && f) { a.ter.push(f); b b || {}; var c f.logLevel || b.logLevel; c && c ! k && c ! m && c ! n && c ! p ||; c && c ! k || a.ecf++; b.pageURL + (e.location ? e.location.href : ); b.logLevel c; b.attribution f.attribution || b.attribution; a.erl.push({ ex: f, info: b }) } } function l(a, b, c, e, g) { d.ueLogError({ m: a, f: b, l: c, c: + e, err: g, fromOnError: 1, args: arguments }, g ? { attribution: g.attribution, logLevel: g.logLevel } : void 0); return !1 } var k FATAL, m ERROR, n WARN, p DOWNGRADED, a { ec: 0, ecf: 0, pec: 0, ts: 0, erl: , ter: , buffer: , mxe: 50, startTimer: function () { a.ts++; setInterval(function () { d.ue && a.pec && d.uex(at); a.pec }, 1E4) } }; l.skipTrace 1; h.skipTrace 1; h.isStub 1; d.ueLogError h; d.ue_err a; e.onerror l })(ue_csm, window); var ue_id 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, ue_url /rd/uedata, ue_navtiming 1, ue_mid A39IBJ37TRP1C6, ue_sid 356-1077062-4831846, ue_sn, ue_furl, ue_surl, ue_int 0, ue_fcsn 1, ue_urt 3, ue_rpl_ns cel-rpl, ue_ddq 1, ue_fpf //$uedatas:, ue_sbuimp 1, ue_ibft 0, ue_sswmts 0, ue_jsmtf 0, ue_fnt 0, ue_lpsi 6000, ue_no_counters 1, ue_lob 1, ue_sjslob 0, ue_dsbl_cel 1, ue_swi 1; var ue_viz function () { (function (b, f, d) { function g() { return (!(p in d) || 0 dp) && (!(q in d) || 0 dq) } function h(c) { if (b.ue.viz.length w && !r) { var a c.type; c c.originalEvent; /^focus./.test(a) && c && (c.toElement || c.fromElement || c.relatedTarget) || (a g() ? fs || (blur a || focusout a ? t : u) : t, b.ue.viz.push(a + : + (+new Date - b.ue.t0)), a u && (b.ue.isl && x(at), r 1)) } } for (var r 0, x b.uex, a, k, l, s, v , webkit, o, ms, moz, e 0, m 1, u visible, t hidden, p innerWidth, q innerHeight, w 20, n 0; n v.length && !e; n++)if (a vn, k (a ? a + H : h) + idden, e boolean typeof fk) l a + visibilitychange, s (a ? a + V : v) + isibilityState; h({}); e && f.addEventListener(l, h, 0); m g() ? 1 : 0; d.addEventListener(resize, function () { var a g() ? 1 : 0; m ! a && (m a, h({})) }, { passive: !0 }); b.ue && e && (b.ue.pageViz { event: l, propHid: k }) })(ue_csm, ue_csm.document, ue_csm.window) }; (function (d, h, N) { function H(a) { return a && a.replace && a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ) } function u(a) { return undefined typeof a } function B(a, b) { for (var c in b) bv(c) && (ac bc) } function I(a) { try { var b N.cookie.match(RegExp((^| ) + a + (^;+))); if (b) return b2.trim() } catch (c) { } } function O(k, b, c) { var q (x || {}).type; if (device ! c || 2 ! q && 1 ! q) k && (d.ue_id a.rid k, w && (w w.replace(/((.*?:){2})(\w+)/, function (a, b) { return b + k })), D && (e(id, D, k), D 0)), b && (w && (w w.replace(/(.*?:)(\w|-)+/, function (a, c) { return c + b })), d.ue_sid b), c && a.tag(page-source: + c), d.ue_fpf w } function P() { var a {}; return function (b) { b && (ab 1); b ; for (var c in a) av(c) && b.push(c); return b } } function y(d, b, c, q) { q q || +new E; var g, m; if (b || u(c)) { if (d) for (m in g b ? e(t, b) || e(t, b, {}) : a.t, gd q, c) cv(m) && e(m, b, cm); return q } } function e(d, b, c) { var e b && b ! ? : a; e || (e {}); id d && c && (Q 1); return ed c || ed } function R(d, b, c, e, g) { c on + c; var m bc; function typeof m ? d && (a.hd m) : m function () { }; bc function (a) { g ? (e(a), m(a)) : (m(a), e(a)) }; bc && (bc.isUeh 1) } function S(k, b, c, q) { function p(b, c) { var d b, f 0, g {}, m, h; c ? (d.push(m1), gc 1) : g; for (h in g) if (gv(h)) { var q e(wb, h), p e(t, h) || {}, n e(t0, h) || a.t0, l; if (c || 2 q) { q q ? f++ : ; d.push(sc + q + + h); for (l in p) u(pl) || null pl || d.push(l + q + + (pl - n)); d.push(t + q + + pk); if (e(ctb, h) || e(wb, h)) m 1 } } !J && m && d.push(ctb1); return d.join(&) } function m(b, c, f, e, g) { if (b) { var k d.ue_err; d.ue_url && !e && !g && b && 0 b.length && (e new Image, a.iel.push(e), e.src b, a.count && a.count(postbackImageSize, b.length)); w ? (g h.encodeURIComponent) && b && (e new Image, b + d.ue_fpf + g(b) + : + (+new E - d.ue_t0), a.iel.push(e), e.src b) : a.log && (a.log(b, uedata, { n: 1 }), a.ielf.push(b)); k && !k.ts && k.startTimer(); a.b && (k a.b, a.b , m(k, c, f, 1)) } } function A(b) { var c x ? x.type : F, d 2 c || a.isBFonMshop, c c && !d, f a.bfini; if (!Q || a.isBFCache) f && 1 f && (b + &bfform1, c || (a.isBFT f - 1)), d && (b + &bfnt1, a.isBFT a.isBFT || 1), a.ssw && a.isBFT && (a.isBFonMshop && (a.isNRBF 0), u(a.isNRBF) && (d a.ssw(a.oid), d.e || u(d.val) || (a.isNRBF 1 d.val ? 0 : 1)), u(a.isNRBF) || (b + &nrbf + a.isNRBF)), a.isBFT && !a.isNRBF && (b + &bft + a.isBFT); return b } if (!a.paused && (b || u(c))) { for (var l in c) cv(l) && e(l, b, cl); a.isBFonMshop || y(pc, b, c); l ld k && b && e(wb, b); var s e(id, b) ||; l || s a.oid || (D b, ba(s, (e(t, b) || {}).tc || +e(t0, b), +e(t0, b))); var s e(id, b) ||, t e(id2, b), f a.url + ? + k + &v + a.v + &id + s, J e(ctb, b) || e(wb, b), z; J && (f + &ctb + J); t && (f + &id2 + t); 1 d.ueinit && (f + &ic + d.ueinit); if (!(ld ! k && ul ! k || b && b ! s)) { if (ld k) { try { hK && hK.isUeh && (hK null) } catch (I) { } if ( for (t 0; t L.length; t++)T(G, Lt); (t N.ue_backdetect) && t.ue_back && t.ue_back.value++; d._uess && (z d._uess()); a.isl 1 } a._bf && (f + &bf + a._bf()); d.ue_navtiming && g && (e(ctb, s, 1), a.isBFonMshop || y(tc, F, F, M)); !C || a.isBFonMshop || U || (g && B(a.t, { na_: g.navigationStart, ul_: g.unloadEventStart, _ul: g.unloadEventEnd, rd_: g.redirectStart, _rd: g.redirectEnd, fe_: g.fetchStart, lk_: g.domainLookupStart, _lk: g.domainLookupEnd, co_: g.connectStart, _co: g.connectEnd, sc_: g.secureConnectionStart, rq_: g.requestStart, rs_: g.responseStart, _rs: g.responseEnd, dl_: g.domLoading, di_: g.domInteractive, de_: g.domContentLoadedEventStart, _de: g.domContentLoadedEventEnd, _dc: g.domComplete, ld_: g.loadEventStart, _ld: g.loadEventEnd, ntd: (function ! typeof || u(M) ? 0 : new E(M + - new E) + a.t0 }), x && B(a.t, { ty: x.type + a.t0, rc: x.redirectCount + a.t0 }), U 1); a.isBFonMshop || B(a.t, { hob: d.ue_hob, hoe: d.ue_hoe }); a.ifr && (f + &ifr1) } y(k, b, c, q); var r, n; l || b && b ! s || ca(b); (c d.ue_mbl) && c.cnt && !l && (f + c.cnt()); l ? e(wb, b, 2) : ld k && (a.lid H(s)); for (r in if (1 e(wb, r)) break; if (l) { if (a.s) return; f p(f, null) } else c p(f, null), c ! f && (c A(c), a.b c), z && (f + z), f p(f, b ||; f A(f); if (a.b || l) for (r in 2 e(wb, r) && delete a.scr; z 0; a._rt && (f + &rt + a._rt()); c h.csa; if (!l && c) for (n in r e(t, b) || {}, c c(PageTiming), r) rv(n) && c(mark, dan || n, rn); l || (a.s 0, (n d.ue_err) && 0 && n.pec && (n.pec, f + &ec + + &ecf + n.ecf), z e(ctb, b), ld ! k || b || a.markers ? a.markers && a.isl && !l && b && B(a.markers, e(t, b)) : (a.markers {}, B(a.markers, e(t, b))), e(t, b, {})); a.tag && a.tag().length && (f + &csmtags + a.tag().join(|), a.tag P()); n a.viz || ; (r n.length) && (f + &viz + n.splice(0, r).join(|)); u(d.ue_pty) || (f + &pty + d.ue_pty + &spty + d.ue_spty + &pti + d.ue_pti); a.tabid && (f + &tid + a.tabid); a.aftb && (f + &aftb1); !a._ui || b && b ! s || (f + a._ui()); f + &lob + (d.ue_lob || 0); a.a f; m(f, k, z, l, b && string typeof b && -1 ! b.indexOf(csa:)) } } function ca(a) { var b h.ue_csm_markers || {}, c; for (c in b) bv(c) && y(c, a, F, bc) } function A(a, b, c) { c c || h; if (cV) cV(a, b, !1); else if (cW) cW(on + a, b) } function T(a, b, c) { c c || h; if (cX) cX(a, b, !1); else if (cY) cY(on + a, b) } function Z() { function a() { d.onUl() } function b(a) { return function () { ca || (ca 1, S(a)) } } var c {}, e, g; d.onLd b(ld); d.onLdEnd b(ld); d.onUl b(ul); e { stop: b(os) }; ? (A(G, a), L.push(a)) : eG d.onUl; for (g in e) ev(g) && R(0, h, g, eg); d.ue_viz && ue_viz(); A(load, d.onLd); y(ue) } function ba(e, b, c) { var g d.ue_mbl, p h.csa, m p && p(SPA), p p && p(PageTiming); g && g.ajax && g.ajax(b, c); m && p && (m(newPage, { requestId: e, transitionType: soft }), p(mark, transitionStart, b)); a.tag(ajax-transition) } d.ueinit (d.ueinit || 0) + 1; var a d.ue d.ue || {}; a.t0 h.aPageStart || d.ue_t0; d.ue_id; a.url d.ue_url; a.rid d.ue_id; a.a ; a.b ; a.h {}; a.s 1; a.t {}; {}; a.iel ; a.ielf ; a.viz ; a.v 0.300369.0; a.paused !1; var v hasOwnProperty, G beforeunload, K on + G, V addEventListener, X removeEventListener, W attachEvent, Y detachEvent, da { cf: criticalFeature, af: aboveTheFold, fn: functional, fp: firstPaint, fcp: firstContentfulPaint, bb: bodyBegin, be: bodyEnd, ld: loaded }, E h.Date, C h.performance || h.webkitPerformance, g (C || {}).timing, x (C || {}).navigation, M (g || {}).navigationStart, w d.ue_fpf, Q 0, U 0, L , D 0, F; a.oid H(; a.lid H(; a._t0 a.t0; a.tag P(); a.ifr ! h.self || h.frameElement ? 1 : 0; a.markers null; a.attach A; a.detach T; if (000-0000000-8675309 d.ue_sid) { var $ I(cdn-rid), aa I(session-id); $ && aa && O($, aa, cdn) } d.uei Z; d.ueh R; d.ues e; d.uet y; d.uex S; a.reset O; a.pause function (d) { a.paused d }; Z() })(ue_csm, ue_csm.window, ue_csm.document); ue.stub(ue, event); ue.stub(ue, onSushiUnload); ue.stub(ue, onSushiFlush); ue.stub(ue, log); ue.stub(ue, onunload); ue.stub(ue, onflush); (function (b) { function g() { var a { requestId: b.ue_id || rid, server: b.ue_sn || sn, obfuscatedMarketplaceId: b.ue_mid || mid }; b.ue_sjslob && (a.lob b.ue_lob || 0); return a } var a b.ue, h 1 b.ue_no_counters; {}; {}; ; a.count function (b, f, c) { var e {}, d, g c && 0 c.c; e.counter b; e.value f; e.t a.d(); c && c.scope && (d || {}, e.scope c.scope); if (void 0 f) return db; db f; d 0; c && && (d 1); h || (ue_csm.ue_sclog || !a.clog || 0 ! d || g ? a.log && a.log(e, csmcount, { c: 1, bf: d }) : a.clog(e, csmcount, { bf: d }));{ c: b, v: f }) }; a.count(baselineCounter2, 1); a && a.event && (a.event(g(), csm, csm.CSMBaselineEvent.4), a.count(nexusBaselineCounter, 1, { bf: 1 })) })(ue_csm); var ue_hoe +new Date(); } window.ueinit window.ue_ihb; /script> !-- 6 --> script>window.ue && ue.count && ue.count(CSMLibrarySize, 10178)/script> !-- sp:end-feature:csm:head-open-part2 --> !-- sp:feature:aui-assets --> link relstylesheet href|01e5ncglxyL.css,01lF2n-pPaL.css,519YvOBDG8L.css,31uBZQYbDJL.css,11hEAfyy4tL.css,01qPl4hxayL.css,01pOTCa2wPL.css,413Vvv3GONL.css,11TIuySqr6L.css,01Rw4F+QU6L.css,11vYg+mVuGL.css,01J3raiFJrL.css,01IdKcBuAdL.css,01dRHIoUjnL.css,21lFcV0hmCL.css,01W0RNXC6mL.css,51nYRMITMLL.css,01XPHJk60-L.css,11wvSzGn6tL.css,01ANX9Vx1mL.css,01cvE3JoRWL.css,21qiQ1rOUAL.css,11wazUu-8nL.css,21RWaJb6t+L.css,11yLJpkAxFL.css,216LjtW6ADL.css,01CFUgsA-YL.css,313tC6rl1gL.css,116t+WD27UL.css,11yEzLYDg2L.css,113QjYEJj-L.css,11BdrZWOJpL.css,01r-hR9jMmL.css,01X+Gu6WK9L.css,21ZVss5T32L.css,114W6O7j2oL.css,01LzHhtXxxL.css,21zi3R-XjNL.css,115pt6oW+ZL.css,11hvENnYNUL.css,11Qek6G6pNL.css,01890+Vwk8L.css,01bDiPuBD6L.css,01cbS3UK11L.css,21F85am0yFL.css,016mfgi+D2L.css,01WslS8q5ML.css,21zhgeMzYSL.css,016Sx2kF1+L.css_.css?AUIClients/AmazonUI#not-trident /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href|11Y+5x+kkTL.js,51cR93oXsVL.js,11yKORv-GTL.js,11GgN1+C7hL.js,01+z+uIeJ-L.js,01VRMV3FBdL.js,21u+kGQyRqL.js,012FVc3131L.js,11aD5q6kNBL.js,11rRjDLdAVL.js,51LgVZTDoFL.js,11nAhXzgUmL.js,119kvzYmMJL.js,1110g-SvlBL.js,11npBNHo-jL.js,21eKR4hvwNL.js,0190vxtlzcL.js,51P8J4TsllL.js,01JYHc2oIlL.js,31nfKXylf6L.js,01ktRCtOqKL.js,01ASnt2lbqL.js,11bEz2VIYrL.js,31o2NGTXThL.js,01rpauTep4L.js,31lTOzOlAqL.js,01tvglXfQOL.js,11Rf82oewsL.js,014gnDeJDsL.js,01A2fK8tgRL.js_.js?AUIClients/AmazonUI /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href /> script> (function (b, a, c, d) { if ((b b.AmazonUIPageJS || b.P) && b.when && b.register) { c ; for (a a.currentScript; a; a a.parentElement) && c.push(; return b.log(A copy of P has already been loaded on this page., FATAL, c.join( )) } })(window, document, Date); (function (a, b, c, d) { use strict; a._pSetI function () { return null } })(window, document, Date); (function (d, I, K, L) { use strict; d._sw function () { var p; return function (w, g, u, B, h, C, q, k, x, y) { p || (p !0, y.execute(RetailPageServiceWorker, function () { function z(a, b) { e.controller && a ? (a { feature: retail_service_worker_messaging, command: a }, b && ( b), e.controller.postMessage(a)) : a && h(sw:sw_message_no_ctrl, 1) } function p(a) { var b; if (b && retail_service_worker_messaging b.feature && b.command && { var c; a d.ue; var f d.ueLogError; switch (b.command) { case log_counter: a && k(a.count) && && a.count(, 0 c.value ? 0 : c.value || 1); break; case log_tag: a && k(a.tag) && c.tag && (a.tag(c.tag), b d.uex, a.isl && k(b) && b(at)); break; case log_error: f && k(f) && c.message && f({ message: c.message, logLevel: c.level || ERROR, attribution: c.attribution || RetailServiceWorker }); break; case log_weblab_trigger: if (!c.weblab || !c.treatment) break; a && k(a.trigger) ? a.trigger(c.weblab, c.treatment) : (h(sw:wt:miss), h(sw:wt:miss: + c.weblab + : + c.treatment)); break; default: h(sw:unsupported_message_command, 1) } } } function v(a, b) { return sw: + (b || ) + : + a + : } function D(a, b) { e.register(/service-worker.js).then(function () { h(a + success) }).catch(function (c) { y.logError(c, AUI SW Failed to + b + service worker: , ERROR, RetailPageServiceWorker); h(a + failure) }) } function E() { l.forEach(function (a) { q(a) }) } function n(a) { return a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && } function F(a, b, c) { if (b) if (b.mshop && n(a)) a v(c, mshop_and), b b.mshop.action, l.push(a + supported), b(a, c); else if (b.browser) { a u(/Chrome/i) && !u(/Edge/i) && !u(/OPR/i) && !a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && !u(new RegExp(B + bwv + B + b)); var f b.browser; b v(c, browser); a ? (a f.action, l.push(b + supported), a(b, c)) : l.push(b + unsupported) } } function G(a, b, c) { a && l.push(v(register, c) + unsupported); b && l.push(v(unregister, c) + unsupported); E() } try { var e navigator.serviceWorker } catch (a) { q(sw:nav_err) } (function () { if (e) { var a function () { z(page_loaded, { rid: d.ue_id, mid: d.ue_mid, pty: d.ue_pty, sid: d.ue_sid, spty: d.ue_spty, furl: d.ue_furl }) }; x(e, message, p); z(client_messaging_ready); y.when(load).execute(a); x(e, controllerchange, function () { z(client_messaging_ready); complete I.readyState && a() }) } })(); var l , m function (a, b) { var c d.uex, f d.uet; a g(:, aui, sw, a); ld b && k(c) ? c(ld, a, { wb: 1 }) : k(f) && f(b, a, { wb: 1 }) }, J function (a, b, c) { function f(a) { b && k(b.failure) && b.failure(a) } function H() { l setTimeout(function () { q(g(:, sw: + r, t.TIMED_OUT)); f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.TIMED_OUT, done: !1 }); m(r, ld) }, c || 4E3) } var t { NO_CONTROLLER: no_ctrl, TIMED_OUT: timed_out, UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER: unsupported_browser, UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE: unexpected_response }, r g(:, a.feature, a.command), l, n !0; if (MessageChannel in d && e && controller in e) if (e.controller) { var p new MessageChannel; p.port1.onmessage function (c) { (c && c.feature a.feature && c.command a.command ? (n && (m(r, cf), n !1), m(r, af), clearTimeout(l), c.done || H(), c.ok ? b && k(b.success) && b.success(c) : f(c), c.done && m(r, ld)) : h(g(:, sw: + r, t.UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE), 1) }; H(); m(r, bb); e.controller.postMessage(a, p.port2) } else q(g(:, sw: + a.feature, t.NO_CONTROLLER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.NO_CONTROLLER, done: !0 }); else q(g(:, sw: + a.feature, t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER, done: !0 }) }; (function () { e ? (m(ctrl_changed, bb), e.addEventListener(controllerchange, function () { q(sw:ctrl_changed); m(ctrl_changed, ld) })) : h(g(:, sw:ctrl_changed, sw_unsupp), 1) })(); (function () { var a function () { m(b, ld); var a d.uex; J({ feature: page_proxy, command: request_feature_tags }, { success: function (b) { b; Array.isArray(b) && b.forEach(function (a) { string typeof a ? q(g(:, sw:ppft, a)) : h(g(:, sw:ppft, invalid_tag), 1) }); h(g(:, sw:ppft, success), 1); C && C.isl && k(a) && a(at) }, failure: function (a) { h(g(:, sw:ppft, error: + (a.statusCode || ppft_error)), 1) } }) }; if (requestIdleCallback in d) { var b g(:, ppft, callback_ricb); d.requestIdleCallback(a, { timeout: 1E3 }) } else b g(:, ppft, callback_timeout), setTimeout(a, 0); m(b, bb) })(); var A { reg: {}, unreg: {} }; A.reg.mshop { action: D }; A.reg.browser { action: D }; (function (a) { var b a.reg, c a.unreg; e && e.getRegistrations ? (w.when(A).execute(function (b) { if ((a.reg.mshop || a.unreg.mshop) && function typeof n && n(b)) { var f a.reg.mshop ? T1 : C, e d.ue; e && e.trigger ? e.trigger(MSHOP_SW_CLIENT_446196, f) : h(sw:mshop:wt:failed) } F(b, c, unregister) }), x(d, load, function () { w.when(A).execute(function (a) { F(a, b, register); E() }) })) : (G(b && b.browser, c && c.browser, browser), w.when(A).execute(function (a) { function typeof n && n(a) && G(b && b.mshop, c && c.mshop, mshop_and) })) })(A) })) } }() })(window, document, Date); (function (b, a, J, C) { use strict; b._pd function () { var c, v; return function (D, e, g, h, d, E, w, F, G) { function x(b) { try { return b() } catch (K) { return !1 } } function p(c) { return b.matchMedia ? b.matchMedia(c) : { matches: !1 } } function k() { if (l) { var y || c.tablet ? q.matches && m.matches : m.matches; if (z ! y) { var a { w: b.innerWidth || d.clientWidth, h: b.innerHeight || d.clientHeight }; if (17 Math.abs(r.w - a.w) || 50 Math.abs(r.h - a.h)) r a, (z y) ? h(d, a-ws) : d.className w(d, a-ws) } } } function H(b) { (l b C ? !l : !!b) && k() } function I() { return l } if (!v) { v !0; var t function () { var b O, ms, Moz, Webkit, c a.createElement(div); return { testGradients: function () { return !0 }, test: function (a) { var d a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1); a (b.join(d + ) + d + + a).split( ); for (d a.length; d--;)if ( c.stylead) return !0; return !1 }, testTransform3d: function () { return !0 } } }(); g d.className; var A /(^| )a-mobile( |$)/.test(g), B /(^| )a-tablet( |$)/.test(g); c { audio: function () { return !!a.createElement(audio).canPlayType }, video: function () { return !!a.createElement(video).canPlayType }, canvas: function () { return !!a.createElement(canvas).getContext }, svg: function () { return !!a.createElementNS && !!a.createElementNS(, svg).createSVGRect }, offline: function () { return navigator.hasOwnProperty && navigator.hasOwnProperty(onLine) && navigator.onLine }, dragDrop: function () { return draggable in a.createElement(span) }, geolocation: function () { return !!navigator.geolocation }, history: function () { return !(!b.history || !b.history.pushState) }, webworker: function () { return !!b.Worker }, autofocus: function () { return autofocus in a.createElement(input) }, inputPlaceholder: function () { return placeholder in a.createElement(input) }, textareaPlaceholder: function () { return placeholder in a.createElement(textarea) }, localStorage: function () { return localStorage in b && null ! b.localStorage }, orientation: function () { return orientation in b }, touch: function () { return ontouchend in a }, gradients: function () { return t.testGradients() }, hires: function () { var a b.devicePixelRatio && 1.5 b.devicePixelRatio || b.matchMedia && b.matchMedia((min-resolution:144dpi)).matches; F(hiRes + (A ? Mobile : B ? Tablet : Desktop), a ? 1 : 0); return a }, transform3d: function () { return t.testTransform3d() }, touchScrolling: function () { return e(/Windowshop|android|OS (5-9|1-90-9+)(_0-9{1,2})+ like Mac OS X|SOFTWARE(5-9|1-90-9+)(.0-9{1,2})+.*DEVICEiPhone|Chrome|Silk|Firefox|Trident.+?; Touch/i) }, ios: function () { return e(/OS 1-90-9*(_0-9*)+ like Mac OS X/i) && !e(/trident|Edge/i) }, android: function () { return e(/android.(1-9|L-Z)/i) && !e(/trident|Edge/i) }, mobile: function () { return A }, tablet: function () { return B }, rtl: function () { return rtl d.dir } }; for (var f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && (cf x(cf)); for (var u textShadow textStroke boxShadow borderRadius borderImage opacity transform transition.split( ), n 0; n u.length; n++)cun x(function () { return t.test(un) }); var l !0, r { w: 0, h: 0 }, q p((orientation:landscape)), m || c.tablet ? p((min-width:451px)) : p((min-width:1250px)); q.addListener && q.addListener(k); m.addListener && m.addListener(k); var z; k(); d.className w(d, a-no-js); h(d, a-js); !e(/OS 1-8(_0-9*)+ like Mac OS X/i) || b.navigator.standalone || e(/safari/i) || h(d, a-ember); g ; for (f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && cf && g.push(a- + f.replace(/(A-Z)/g, function (a) { return - + a.toLowerCase() })); h(d, g.join( )); d.setAttribute(data-aui-build-date, G); D.register(p-detect, function () { return { capabilities: c, localStorage: c.localStorage && E, toggleResponsiveGrid: H, responsiveGridEnabled: I } }); return c || {} } } }() })(window, document, Date); (function (g, l, E, F) { function G(a) { n && n.tag && n.tag(p(:, aui, a)) } function m(a, b) { n && n.count && n.count(aui: + a, 0 b ? 0 : b || (n.count(aui: + a) || 0) + 1) } function H(a) { try { return a.test(navigator.userAgent) } catch (b) { return !1 } } function I(a) { return function typeof a } function u(a, b, d) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent(on + b, d) } function p(a, b, d, e) { b b && d ? b + a + d : b || d; return e ? p(a, b, e) : b } function y(a, b, d) { try { Object.defineProperty(a, b, { value: d, writable: !1 }) } catch (e) { ab d } return d } function R(a, b) { a.className S(a, b) + + b } function S(a, b) { return ( + a.className + ).split( + b + ).join( ).replace(/^ | $/g, ) } function J(a) { (a || ).forEach(function (a) { a in z || (za 1, J(Ta)) }) } function ha(a, b, d) { var e a.length, f e, c function () { f-- || ((d && z.hasOwnProperty(d) ? A : K).push(b), L || (q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), L !0)) }; for (c(); e--;)Uae ? c() : (vae vae || ).push(c) } function ia(a, b, d, e, f) { var c l.createElement(a ? script : link); u(c, error, e); f && u(c, load, f); a ? (c.type text/javascript, c.async !0, d && /AUIClients|images/I/.test(b) && c.setAttribute(crossorigin, anonymous), c.src b) : (c.rel stylesheet, c.href b); l.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendChild(c) } function V(a, b) { return function (d, e) { function f() { ia(b, d, c, function (b) { M ? m(resource_unload) : c ? (c !1, m(resource_retry), f()) : (m(resource_error), a.log(Asset failed to load: + d)); b && b.stopPropagation ? b.stopPropagation() : g.event && (g.event.cancelBubble !0) }, e) } if (Wd) return !1; Wd !0; m(resource_count); var c !0; return !f() } } function ja(a, b, d) { for (var e { name: a, guard: function (c) { return b.guardFatal(a, c) }, guardTime: function (a) { return b.guardTime(a) }, logError: function (c, d, e) { b.logError(c, d, e, a) } }, f , c 0; c d.length; c++)C.hasOwnProperty(dc) && (fc N.hasOwnProperty(dc) ? Ndc(Cdc, e) : Cdc); return f } function w(a, b, d, e, f) { return function (c, k) { function n() { var a null; e ? a k : I(k) && (q.start r(), a k.apply(g, ja(c, h, l)), q.end r()); if (b) { Cc a; a c; for (Ua !0; (va || ).length;)va.shift()(); delete va } q.done !0 } var h f || this; I(c) && (k c, c F); b && (c c ? c.replace(X, ) : __NONAME__, O.hasOwnProperty(c) && h.error(p(, reregistered by , p( by , c + already registered, Oc), h.attribution), c), Oc h.attribution); for (var l Tc , m 0; m a.length; m++)lm am.replace(X, ); var q xc || anon + ++ka { depend: l, registered: r(), namespace: h.namespace }; c && z.hasOwnProperty(c) && J(l); d ? n() : ha(l, h.guardFatal(c, n), c); return { decorate: function (a) { Nc h.guardFatal(c, a) } } } } function Y(a) { return function () { var b; return { execute: w(b, !1, a, !1, this), register: w(b, !0, a, !1, this) } } } function P(a, b) { return function (d, e) { e || (e d, d F); var f this.attribution; return function () { h.push(b || { attribution: f, name: d, logLevel: a }); var c e.apply(this, arguments); h.pop(); return c } } } function D(a, b) { this.load { js: V(this, !0), css: V(this) }; y(this, namespace, b); y(this, attribution, a) } function Z() { l.body ? k.trigger(a-bodyBegin) : setTimeout(Z, 20) } use strict; var t || function () { return +new E }, r function (a) { return a && ? : t }(g.performance), la r(), z {}, T {}, n g.ue; G(); G(aui_build_date:3.24.9-2024-10-31); var aa { getItem: function (a) { try { return g.localStorage.getItem(a) } catch (b) { } }, setItem: function (a, b) { try { return g.localStorage.setItem(a, b) } catch (d) { } } }, q g._pSetI(), K , A , L !1, ma navigator.scheduling && function typeof navigator.scheduling.isInputPending; var B function () { for (var a q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), b t(); A.length || K.length;)if ((A.length ? A : K).shift()(), q && ma) { if (150 t() - b && !navigator.scheduling.isInputPending() || 50 t() - b && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending()) return } else if (50 t() - b) return; q ? q.clear(a) : clearTimeout(a); L !1 }; var U {}, v {}, W {}, M !1; u(g, beforeunload, function () { M !0; setTimeout(function () { M !1 }, 1E4) }); var X /^prv:/, O {}, C {}, N {}, x {}, ka 0, ba String.fromCharCode(92), h , ca !0, da g.onerror; g.onerror function (a, b, d, e, f) { f && object typeof f || (f Error(a, b, d), f.columnNumber e, f.stack b || d || e ? p(ba, f.message, at + p(:, b, d, e)) : F); var c h.pop() || {}; f.attribution p(:, f.attribution || c.attribution,; f.logLevel c.logLevel; f.attribution && console && console.log && console.log(f.logLevel || ERROR, a, thrown by, f.attribution.join( )); h ; da && (c, c4 f, da.apply(g, c)) }; D.prototype { logError: function (a, b, d, e) { b { message: b, logLevel: d || ERROR, attribution: p(:, this.attribution, e) }; if (g.ueLogError) return g.ueLogError(a || b, a ? b : null), !0; console && console.error && (console.log(b), console.error(a)); return !1 }, error: function (a, b, d, e) { a Error(p(:, e, a, d)); a.attribution p(:, this.attribution, b); throw a; }, guardError: P(), guardFatal: P(FATAL), guardCurrent: function (a) { var b hh.length - 1; return b ? P(b.logLevel, b).call(this, a) : a }, guardTime: function (a) { var b hh.length - 1, d b &&; return d && d in x ? function () { var b r(), f a.apply(this, arguments); xd.async (xd.async || 0) + r() - b; return f } : a }, log: function (a, b, d) { return this.logError(null, a, b, d) }, declare: w(, !0, !0, !0), register: w(, !0), execute: w(), AUI_BUILD_DATE: 3.24.9-2024-10-31, when: Y(), now: Y(!0), trigger: function (a, b, d) { var e t(); this.declare(a, { data: b, pageElapsedTime: e - (g.aPageStart || NaN), triggerTime: e }); d && d.instrument && Q.when(prv:a-logTrigger).execute(function (b) { b(a) }) }, handleTriggers: function () { this.log(handleTriggers deprecated) }, attributeErrors: function (a) { return new D(a) }, _namespace: function (a, b) { return new D(a, b) }, setPriority: function (a) { ca ? (ca !1, J(a)) : this.log(setPriority only accept the first call.) } }; var k y(g, AmazonUIPageJS, new D); var Q k._namespace(PageJS, AmazonUI); Q.declare(prv:p-debug, x); k.declare(p-recorder-events, ); k.declare(p-recorder-stop, function () { }); y(g, P, k); Z(); if (l.addEventListener) { var ea; l.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, ea function () { k.trigger(a-domready); l.removeEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, ea, !1) }, !1) } var fa l.documentElement, na g._pd(k, H, u, R, fa, aa, S, m, 3.24.9-2024-10-31); H(/UCBrowser/i) || na.localStorage && R(fa, aa.getItem(a-font-class)); k.declare(a-event-revised-handling, !1); g._sw(Q, p, H, ba, m, n, G, I, u, k); k.declare(a-fix-event-off, !1); m(pagejs:pkgExecTime, r() - la) })(window, document, Date); (function (b) { function q(a, e, d) { function g(a, b, c) { var f Array(e.length); ~l && (fl {}); ~m && (fm c); for (c 0; c n.length; c++) { var g nc, h ac; fg h } for (c 0; c p.length; c++)g pc, h bc, fg h; a d.apply(null, f); return ~l ? fl : a } string ! typeof a && b.P.error(C001); -1 a.indexOf(@) && -1 a.indexOf(/) && (-1 a.indexOf(es3) || -1 a.indexOf(evergreen)) && (a a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf(/))); if (!ra) { ra !0; d || (d e, e ); a a.split(:, 2); var c a1 ? a0 : void 0, f (a1 || a0).replace(/@capability\//, @c/), k c ? b.P._namespace(c) : b.P, t !f.lastIndexOf(@c/, 0), u !f.lastIndexOf(@m/, 0), n ; a ; var p , v , m -1, l -1; for (c 0; c e.length; c++) { var h ec; module h && k.error(C002); exports h ? l c : require h ? m c : h.lastIndexOf(@p/, 0) ? h.lastIndexOf(@c/, 0) && h.lastIndexOf(@m/, 0) ? (n.push(c), a.push(mix: + h)) : (p.push(c), v.push(h)) : (n.push(c), a.push(h.substr(3))) } k.when.apply(k, a).register(mix: + f, function () { var a; return t || u || ~m || p.length ? { capabilities: v, cardModuleFactory: function (b, c) { b g(a, b, c); b.P k; return b }, require: ~m ? q : void 0 } : g(a, , function () { }) }); (t || u) && k.when(mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime, mix: + f).execute(function (a, b) { a.registerCapabilityModule(f, b) }); k.when(mix: + f).register(xcp: + f, function (a) { return a }); var q function (a, b, c) { try { var e -1 f.indexOf(/) ? f.split(/)0 : f, d a0, g d.lastIndexOf(./, 0) ? d : e + / + d.substr(2), h g.lastIndexOf(@p/, 0) ? mix: + g : g.substr(3); k.when(h).execute(function (a) { try { b(a) } catch (x) { c(x) } }) } catch (w) { c(w) } } } } use strict; var r {}; b.mix_d || ((b.Promise ? P : P.when(3p-promise)).register(@p/promise-is-ready, function (a) { b.Promise b.Promise || a }), (Array.prototype.includes ? P : P.when(a-polyfill)).register(@p/polyfill-is-ready, function () { }), b.mix_d function (a, b, d) { P.when(@p/promise-is-ready, @p/polyfill-is-ready).execute(@p/mix-d-deps, function () { q(a, b, d) }) }, b.xcp_d b.mix_d, P.when(mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime).execute(function (a) { P.declare(xcp:@xcp/runtime, a) })); b.mixTimeout || (b.mixTimeout function (a, e, d) { b.mixCardInitTimeouts || (b.mixCardInitTimeouts {}); b.mixCardInitTimeoutse && clearTimeout(b.mixCardInitTimeoutse); b.mixCardInitTimeoutse setTimeout(function () { P.log(Client-side initialization timeout, WARN, a) }, d) }); b.mix_csa_map b.mix_csa_map || {}; b.mix_csa_internal b.mix_csa_internal || function (a, e, d) { return b.mix_csa_mape b.mix_csa_mape || b.csa(a, d) }; b.mix_csa_internal_key b.mix_csa_internal_key || function (a, b) { for (var d , e 0; e b.length; e++) { var c be; void 0 ! ac && object ! typeof ac && (d + c + : + ac + ,) } if (!d) throw Error(bad mix-csa key gen.); return d }; b.mix_csa_event b.mix_csa_event || function (a) { try { var e b.mix_csa_internal_key(a, producerId) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, MIX C005, WARN, void 0), function () { } } try { return b.mix_csa_internal(Events, e, a) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, MIX C004, WARN, e), function () { } } }; b.mix_csa b.mix_csa || function (a, e) { try { e e || ; var d document.querySelectorAll(a); if (1 d.length) for (var g 0; g d.length; g++) { if (dg.querySelector(e)) { var c dg; break } } else 1 d.length && (c d0); if (!c) throw Error( ); return b.mix_csa_internal(Content, a, { element: c }) } catch (f) { return P.logError(f, MIX C004, WARN, a), function () { } } } })(window); (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).when(sp.load.js).execute(function () { (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js(; (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js(|11Y+5x+kkTL.js,51cR93oXsVL.js,11yKORv-GTL.js,11GgN1+C7hL.js,01+z+uIeJ-L.js,01VRMV3FBdL.js,21u+kGQyRqL.js,012FVc3131L.js,11aD5q6kNBL.js,11rRjDLdAVL.js,51LgVZTDoFL.js,11nAhXzgUmL.js,119kvzYmMJL.js,1110g-SvlBL.js,11npBNHo-jL.js,21eKR4hvwNL.js,0190vxtlzcL.js,51P8J4TsllL.js,01JYHc2oIlL.js,31nfKXylf6L.js,01ktRCtOqKL.js,01ASnt2lbqL.js,11bEz2VIYrL.js,31o2NGTXThL.js,01rpauTep4L.js,31lTOzOlAqL.js,01tvglXfQOL.js,11Rf82oewsL.js,014gnDeJDsL.js,01A2fK8tgRL.js_.js?AUIClients/AmazonUI); (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? 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Tidak hanya slot saja, Newslot88 juga menyediakan tipe permainan lainnya yaitu casino, sportsbook, sabung ayam, togel dan tembak ikan. } },{ @type: Question, name: Apa saja keunggulan Newslot88 dibandingkan dengan situs Judi Online??, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Keunggulan dari Newslot88 berada di segi keamanan data member, pembagian maxwin setiap hari dan juga transaksi withdraw yang aman. }}}/script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: BreadcrumbList, itemListElement: { @type: ListItem, position: 1, name: Home, item: }, { @type: ListItem, position: 2, name: Newslot88, item: }, { @type: ListItem, position: 3, name: Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin } }/script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: Game, name: Newslot88, author: { @type: Person, name: mahjong ways 3 }, headline: Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin, description: Newslot88 situs slot online yang memberikan hasil kemenangan maxwin setiap harinya., keywords: Newslot88, rawit 128, Newslot88 login, rawit 128 login, agen judi bola, agen bola, agen judi, judi bola, image: /, url:, publisher: { @type: Organization, name: Newslot88 }, aggregateRating: { @type: AggregateRating, ratingValue: 89, bestRating: 100, worstRating: 0, ratingCount: 45698711 }, inLanguage: id-ID, datePublished: 2024-12-12T12:51:00.+07:00, dateModified: 2024-12-12T12:51:00.+07:00 } /script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: SoftwareApplication, name: rtp, operatingSystem: ANDROID, applicationCategory: GameApplication, aggregateRating: { @type: AggregateRating, ratingValue: 5, ratingCount: 125.525 }, offers: { @type: Offer, price: 0.00, priceCurrency: IDR } } /script> /head>!-- sp:end-feature:head-close -->!-- sp:feature:start-body -->body classa-aui_72554-c a-aui_a11y_6_837773-t2 a-aui_amzn_img_959719-c a-aui_amzn_img_gate_959718-c a-aui_killswitch_csa_logger_372963-c a-aui_pci_risk_banner_210084-c a-aui_template_weblab_cache_333406-c a-aui_tnr_v2_180836-c a-bw_aui_cxc_alert_measurement_1074111-c> span hidden idtemplate-version>amzn-p4/span> div ida-page> script typea-state data-a-state{"key":"a-wlab-states"}>{AUI_AMZN_IMG_959719:C,AUI_A11Y_6_837773:T2,AUI_TNR_V2_180836:C,AUI_AMZN_IMG_GATE_959718:C,AUI_TEMPLATE_WEBLAB_CACHE_333406:C,BW_AUI_CXC_ALERT_MEASUREMENT_1074111:C,AUI_72554:C,AUI_KILLSWITCH_CSA_LOGGER_372963:C,AUI_PCI_RISK_BANNER_210084:C}/script> script>typeof uex function && uex(ld, portal-bb, { wb: 1 })/script>!-- sp:end-feature:start-body --> !-- sp:feature:csm:body-open --> script> !function () { function n(n, t) { var r i(n); return t && (r r(instance, t)), r } var r , c 0, i function (t) { return function () { var n c++; return r.push(t,, 0), n, { time: }), i(n) } }; n._s r, this.csa n }();; csa(Config, {}); if (window.csa) { csa(Config, { Application:, Events.Namespace: csa, ObfuscatedMarketplaceId: A39IBJ37TRP1C6, Events.SushiEndpoint:, CacheDetection.RequestID: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, CacheDetection.Callback: window.ue && ue.reset, LCP.elementDedup: 1, lob: 1 }); csa(Events)(setEntity, { page: { requestId: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, meaningful: interactive }, session: { id: 356-1077062-4831846 } }); } !function (r) { var e, i, o splice, u r.csa, f {}, c {}, a r.csa._s, s 0, l 0, g -1, h {}, v {}, d {}, n Object.keys, p function () { }; function t(n, t) { return u(n, t) } function m(n, t) { var r cn || {}; k(r, t), cn r, l++, S(U, 0) } function w(n, t, r) { var i !0; return t D(t), r && r.buffered && (i (dn || ).every(function (n) { return !1 ! t(n) })), i ? 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(I(n), a.length && g ! l && U()) : ao(s++, 0, n) }, U(), S(function () { S(O, f.SkipMissingPluginsTimeout || 5e3) }, 1) }(undefined ! typeof window ? window : global); csa.plugin(function (o) { var f addEventListener, e requestAnimationFrame, t o.exec, r, u o.on; o.raf function (n) { if (re) return re(t(n)) }, o.on function (n, e, t, r) { if (n && function typeof nf) { var i o.exec(t); return nf(e, i, r), function () { n.removeEventListener(e, i, r) } } return string typeof n ? u(n, e, t, r) : o.blank } }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var t, n, r {}, e localStorage, c sessionStorage, a local, i session, u o.exec; function s(e, t) { var n; try { rt !!(n o.globale), n n || {} } catch (e) { rt !(n {}) } return n } function f() { t t || s(e, a), n n || s(c, i) } function l(e) { return e && ei ? n : t } u(function (e, t, n) { f(); var o l(n); return e ? t ? void (oe t) : oe : Object.keys(o) }), o.storageSupport u(function () { return f(), r }), o.deleteStored u(function (e, t) { f(); var n l(t); if (function typeof e) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && e(o, no) && delete no; else delete ne }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { n.types { ovl: function (n) { var r ; if (n) for (var i in n) n.hasOwnProperty(i) && r.push(ni); return r } } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e c.config, n Errors; function r(n) { return function (e) { c(Metrics, { producerId: csa, dimensions: { message: e } })(recordMetric, n, 1) } } function o(r) { var o, t, l c(Events, { producerId: r.producerId, lob: e.lob || 0 }), i name, type, csm, adb, u { url: pageURL, file: f, line: l, column: c }; this.log function (e) { if (!function (e) { if (!e) return !0; for (var n in e) return !1; return !0 }(e)) { var n r.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; l(log, function (n) { return o c.UUID(), t { messageId: o, schemaId: r.schemaId || ns>.Error.6, errorMessage: n.m || null, attribution: n.attribution || null, logLevel: FATAL, url: null, file: null, line: null, column: null, stack: n.s || , context: n.cinfo || {}, metadata: {} }, n.logLevel && (t.logLevel + n.logLevel), i.forEach(function (e) { ne && (t.metadatae ne) }), INFO n.logLevel || Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { number ! typeof nue && string ! typeof nue || (te + nue) }), t }(e), n) } } } eKillSwitch. + n || c.register(n, { instance: function (e) { return new o(e || {}) }, logError: r(jsError), logWarn: r(jsWarn) }) }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var r, e, n, t, a, i function, u willDisappear, f $app., p $document., c focus, s blur, d active, l resign, $, b o.exec, m o.configTransport.AnonymizeRequests || !1, g o(Events), h $.location, v $.document || {}, y $.P || {}, P (($.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type, w o.on, k o.emit, E v.hidden, T {}; h && v && (w($, beforeunload, D), w($, pagehide, D), w(v, visibilitychange, R(p, function () { return v.visibilityState || unknown })), w(v, c, R(p + c)), w(v, s, R(p + s)), y.when && y.when(mash).execute(function (e) { e && (w(e, appPause, R(f + pause)), w(e, appResume, R(f + resume)), R(f + deviceready)(), $.cordova && $.cordova.platformId && R(f + cordova.platformId)(), w(v, d, R(f + d)), w(v, l, R(f + l))) }), e $.app || {}, n b(function () { k(f + willDisappear), D() }), a typeof (t eu) i, eu b(function () { n(), a && t() }), $.app || ($.app e), complete v.readyState ? A() : w($, load, A), E ? S() : x(), o.on($app.blur, S), o.on($app.focus, x), o.on($document.blur, S), o.on($document.focus, x), o.on($document.hidden, S), o.on($document.visible, x), o.register(SPA, { newPage: I }), I({ transitionType: { 0: hard, 1: refresh, 2: back-button }P || unknown })); function I(n, e) { var t !!r, a (e e || {}).keepPageAttributes; t && (k($beforePageTransition), k($pageTransition)), t && !a && g(removeEntity, page), r o.UUID(), a ? r : T { schemaId: ns>.PageEntity.2, id: r, url: m ? h.href.split(?)0 : h.href, server: h.hostname, path: h.pathname, referrer: m ? v.referrer.split(?)0 : v.referrer, title: v.title }, Object.keys(n || {}).forEach(function (e) { Te ne }), g(setEntity, { page: T }), k($pageChange, T, { buffered: 1 }), t && k($afterPageTransition) } function A() { k($load), k($ready), k($afterload) } function D() { k($ready), k($beforeunload), k($unload), k($afterunload) } function S() { E || (k($visible, !1, { buffered: 1 }), E !0) } function x() { E && (k($visible, !0, { buffered: 1 }), E !1) } function R(n, t) { return b(function () { var e typeof t i ? n + t() : n; k(e) }) } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e Events, n UNKNOWN, s id, a all, i messageId, o timestamp, u producerId, r application, f obfuscatedMarketplaceId, d entities, l schemaId, p version, v attributes, g ns>, b lob, t session, h c.config, m ( || {}).host, I he + .Namespace || csa_other, y h.Application || Other + (m ? : + m : ), O hTransport.AnonymizeRequests || !1, E c(Transport), U {}, A function (e, t) { Object.keys(e).forEach(t) }; function N(n, i, o) { A(i, function (e) { var t o a || (o || {})e; e in n || (ne { version: 1, id: ies || c.UUID() }), S(ne, ie, t) }) } function S(t, n, i) { A(n, function (e) { !function (e, t, n) { return string ! typeof t && e ! p ? c.error(Attribute is not of type string: + e) : !0 n || 1 n || (e s || !!~(n || ).indexOf(e)) }(e, ne, i) || (te ne) }) } function k(o, e, r) { A(e, function (e) { var t oe; if (tl) { var n {}, i {}; ns ts, nu tu || ru, nl tl, np tp++, nv i, w(n, r), S(i, t, 1), D(i), E(log, n) } }) } function w(e, t) { eo function (e) { return number typeof e && (e new Date(e).toISOString()), e || c.time(ISO) }(eo), ei ei || c.UUID(), er y, ef h.ObfuscatedMarketplaceId || n, el el.replace(g, I), t && tb && (eb tb) } function D(e) { delete ep, delete el, delete eu } function T(o) { var r {}; this.log function (e, t) { var n {}, i (t || {}).ent; return e ? string ! typeof el ? c.error(A valid schema id is required for the event) : (w(e, o), N(n, U, i), N(n, r, i), N(n, ed || {}, i), A(n, function (e) { D(ne) }), eu ou, ed n, t && tb && (eb tb), void E(log, e, t)) : c.error(The event cannot be undefined) }, this.setEntity function (e) { O && delete et, N(r, e, a), k(r, e, o) } } hKillSwitch. + e || c.register(e, { setEntity: function (e) { O && delete et, c.emit($entities.set, e, { buffered: 1 }), N(U, e, a), k(U, e, { producerId: csa, lob: hb || 0 }) }, removeEntity: function (e) { delete Ue }, instance: function (e) { return new T(e) } }) }); csa.plugin(function (s) { var c, g Transport, l post, f preflight, r csa.cajun., i store, a deleteStored, u sendBeacon, t __merge, e messageId, n .FlushInterval, o 0, d s.configg + .BufferSize || 2e3, h s.configg + .RetryDelay || 1500, p s.configg + .AnonymizeRequests || !1, v {}, y 0, m , E, R E.document, b s.timeout, k E.Object.keys, w s.configg + n || 5e3, I w, O s.configg + n + .BackoffFactor || 1, S s.configg + n + .BackoffLimit || 3e4, B 0; function T(n) { if (864e5 s.time() - +new Date(n.timestamp)) return s.warn(Event is too old: + n); y d && (ne in v || (vne n, y++), function typeof nt && nt(vne), !B && o && (B b(q, function () { var n I; return I Math.min(n * O, S), n }()))) } function q() { m.forEach(function (e) { var o ; k(v).forEach(function (n) { var t vn; e.accepts(t) && o.push(t) }), o.length && (e.chunks ? e.chunks(o).forEach(function (n) { D(e, n) }) : D(e, o)) }), v {}, B 0 } function D(t, e) { function o() { sa(r + n) } var n s.UUID(); si(r + n, JSON.stringify(e)), function (n, t, e) { var o E.navigator || {}, r E.cordova || {}; if (p) return 0; if (!ou || !nl) return 0; nf && r && ios r.platformId && !c && ((new Image).src nf().url, c 1); var i nl(t); if (!i.type && ou(i.url, i.body)) return e(), 1 }, function (n, t, e) { if (!nl) return 0; var o nl(t), r o.url, i o.body, c o.type, f new XMLHttpRequest, a 0; function u(n, t, e) {, n), f.withCredentials !p, e && f.setRequestHeader(Content-Type, e), f.send(t) } return f.onload function () { f.status 299 ? e() : s.configg + .XHRRetries && a 3 && b(function () { u(r, i, c) }, ++a * h) }, u(r, i, c), 1 }.some(function (n) { try { return n(t, e, o) } catch (n) { } }) } k && (s.once($afterload, function () { o 1, function (e) { (si() || ).forEach(function (n) { if (!n.indexOf(r)) try { var t si(n); sa(n), JSON.parse(t).forEach(e) } catch (n) { s.error(n) } }) }(T), s.on(R, visibilitychange, q, !1), q() }), s.once($afterunload, function () { o 1, q() }), s.on($afterPageTransition, function () { y 0, I w }), s.register(g, { log: T, register: function (n) { m.push(n) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var r n.configEvents.SushiEndpoint; n(Transport)(register, { accepts: function (n) { return n.schemaId }, post: function (n) { var t (n) { return { data: n } }); return { url: r, body: JSON.stringify({ events: t }) } }, preflight: function () { var n, t /\/\/(.*?)\//.exec(r); return t && t1 && (n https:// + t1 + /ping), { url: n } }, chunks: function (n) { for (var t ; 500 n.length;)t.push(n.splice(0, 500)); return t.push(n), t } }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var t, a, o, r, e n.config, i PageViews, d ei + .ImpressionMinimumTime || 1e3, s hidden, c innerHeight, l innerWidth, g renderedTo, f g + Viewed, m g + Meaningful, u g + Impressed, p 1, h 2, v 3, w 4, P 5, y loaded, I 7, b 8, T, S n.on, E n(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: e.lob || 0 }), K T.document, V {}, $ {}, M P, R eKillSwitch. + i, H eKillSwitch.PageRender, W eKillSwitch.PageImpressed; function j(e) { if (!VI) { if (Ve n.time(), e ! v && e ! y || (t t || Ve), t && M w) { if (a a || Ve, !R) (i {})m t - o, if a - o, k(PageView.5, i); r r || n.timeout(x, d) } var i; if (e ! P && e ! p && e ! h || (clearTimeout(r), r 0), e ! p && e ! h || H || k(PageRender.4, { transitionType: e p ? hard : soft }), e I && !W) (i {})m t - o, if a - o, iu Ve - o, k(PageImpressed.3, i) } } function k(e, i) { $e || (i.schemaId ns>. + e, E(log, i, { ent: all }), $e 1) } function q() { 0 Tc && 0 Tl ? (M b, n(Events)(setEntity, { page: { viewport: hidden-iframe } })) : M Ks ? P : w, j(M) } function x() { j(I), r 0 } function z() { var e o ? h : p; V {}, $ {}, a t 0, o n.time(), j(e), q() } function A() { var e K.readyState; interactive e && j(v), complete e && j(y) } K && void 0 ! Ks ? (z(), S(K, visibilitychange, q, !1), S(K, readystatechange, A, !1), S($afterPageTransition, z), S($timing:loaded, A), n.once($load, A)) : n.warn(Page visibility not supported) }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var s c.configInteractions.ParentChainLength || 35, e click, r touches, f timeStamp, o length, u pageX, g pageY, p pageXOffset, h pageYOffset, m 250, v 5, d 200, l .5, t { capture: !0, passive: !0 }, X, Y c.emit, n c.on, x X.Math.abs, a (X.document || {}).documentElement || {}, y { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }, N { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }; function b(t) { if ( return //*@id + + ; var e function (t) { var e, n 1; for (e t.previousSibling; e; e e.previousSibling)e.nodeName t.nodeName && (n + 1); return n }(t), n t.nodeName; return 1 ! e && (n + + e + ), t.parentNode && (n b(t.parentNode) + / + n), n } function I(t, e, n) { var a c(Content, { target: n }), i { schemaId: ns>.ContentInteraction.2, interaction: t, interactionData: e, messageId: c.UUID() }; if (n) { var r b(n); r && (i.attribution r); var o function (t) { for (var e t, n e.tagName, a !1, i t ? t.href : null, r 0; r s; r++) { if (!e || !e.parentElement) { a !0; break } n (e e.parentElement).tagName + / + n, i i || e.href } return a || (n .../ + n), { pc: n, hr: i } }(n); o.pc && (i.interactionData.parentChain o.pc), && (i.interactionData.href } a(log, i), Y($content.interaction, { e: i, w: a }) } function i(t) { I(e, { interactionX: + t.pageX, interactionY: + t.pageY }, } function C(t) { if (t && tr && 1 tro) { var e tr0; N y { e:, x: eu, y: eg, t: tf, sX: Xp, sY: Xh } } } function D(t) { if (t && tr && 1 tro && y && N) { var e tr0, n tf, a n - N.t, i { e:, x: eu, y: eg, t: n, sX: Xp, sY: Xh }; N i, d a && (y i) } } function E(t) { if (t) { var e x(y.x - N.x), n x(y.y - N.y), a x(y.sX - N.sX), i x(y.sY - N.sY), r tf - y.t; if (m 1e3 * e / r && v e || m 1e3 * n / r && v n) { var o n e; o && a && e * l a || !o && i && n * l i || I((o ? horizontal : vertical) + -swipe, { interactionX: + y.x, interactionY: + y.y, endX: + N.x, endY: + N.y }, y.e) } } } n(a, e, i, t), n(a, touchstart, C, t), n(a, touchmove, D, t), n(a, touchend, E, t) }); csa.plugin(function (r) { var a, o, t, c, e, n MutationObserver, f observe, u disconnect, i mutObs, l _csa_flt, b _csa_llt, m _csa_mr, d _csa_mi, v lastChild, p length, _ { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }, g 10, h 25, s 1e3, y 4, O, k O.document, w k.body || k.documentElement, I, L , B , M , Y 0, $ 0, x 0, A 1, C , D , E 0, F r.blank, N { buffered: 1 }, S 0; function T(e) { || r.emit($csmTag: + e, 0, N) } I && On ? (T(i + Yes), Y 0, o new On(j), (t new On(V))f(w, { attributes: !0, subtree: !0, attributeFilter: src, attributeOldValue: !0 }), F r.on(O, scroll, q, { passive: !0 }), r.once($ready, H), A && (G(), e r.interval(z, s)), r.register(SpeedIndexBuffers, { getBuffers: function (e) { e && (H(), q(), e(Y, C, L, B, M), o && ou(), t && tu(), F()) }, registerListener: function (e) { a e }, replayModuleIsLive: function () { r.timeout(H, 0) } })) : T(i + No); function V(e) { L.push({ t: I(), m: e }) } function j(e) { B.push({ t: I(), m: e }), S || T(i + Active), S x 1, a && a() } function q() { x && (M.push({ t: I(), y: $ }), $ O.pageYOffset, x 0) } function z() { var e I(); (!c || s e - c) && G() } function G() { for (var e w, t I(), n , u , i 0, s 0; e;)el ? ++i : (el t, n.push(e), s 1), up y && u.push(e), ed E, eb t, e ev; s && (i Dp && function (e) { for (var t e, n Dp; t n; t++) { var u Dt; if (u) { if (um) break; if (ud E) { um 1, of(u, _); break } } } }(i), D u, C.push({ t: t, m: n }), ++E, x s, a && a()), A && r.timeout(G, s ? g : h), c t } function H() { A && (A 0, e && O.clearInterval(e), e null, G(), of(w, _)) } }); var ue_csa_ss_tag false; csa.plugin(function (b) { var a, e a.uet, f a.uex, c a.ue, d a.Object, g 0, h { largestContentfulPaint: lcp, speedIndex: si, atfSpeedIndex: atfsi, visuallyLoaded50: vl50, visuallyLoaded90: vl90, visuallyLoaded100: vl100 }, l perfNo perfYes browserQuiteFn browserQuiteUd browserQuiteLd browserQuiteMut mutObsNo mutObsYes mutObsActive startVL endVL.split( ); b && e && f && d.keys && c && (b.once($ditched.beforemitigation, function () { g 1 }), d.keys(h).forEach(function (k) { b.on($timing: + k, function (b) { var a hk; if (c.isl || g) { var d csa: + a; e(a, d, void 0, b); f(at, d) } else e(a, void 0, void 0, b) }) }), a.ue_csa_ss_tag || l.forEach(function (a) { b.on($csmTag: + a, function () { c.tag && c.tag(a); (c.isl || g) && f(at, csa: + a) }, { buffered: 1 }) })) }); window.rx { rid: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, sid: 356-1077062-4831846, c: { rxp: /rd/uedata } }; /script> script>window.ue && ue.count && ue.count(CSMLibrarySize, 16309)/script> !-- sp:end-feature:csm:body-open --> !-- sp:feature:nav-inline-js --> !-- NAVYAAN JS --> script typetext/javascript>!function (n) { function e(n, e) { return { m: n, a: function (n) { return }(e) } } document.createElement(header); var r function (n) { function u(n, r, u) { nu function () { a._replay.push(r.concat(e(u, arguments))) } } var a {}; return a._sourceName n, a._replay , a.getNow function (n, e) { return e }, a.when function () { var n e(when, arguments), r {}; return u(r, n, run), u(r, n, declare), u(r, n, publish), u(r, n, build), r.depends n, r.iff function () { var r n.concat(e(iff, arguments)), a {}; return u(a, r, run), u(a, r, declare), u(a, r, publish), u(a, r, build), a }, r }, u(a, , declare), u(a, , build), u(a, , publish), u(a, , importEvent), r._shims.push(a), a }; r._shims , n.$Nav || (n.$Nav r(rcx-nav)), n.$Nav.make || (n.$Nav.make r) }(window) /script> script typetext/javascript> $Nav.importEvent(navbarJS-beaconbelt); $Nav.declare(img.sprite, { png32:, png32-2x: }); $Nav.declare(img.timeline, { timeline-icon-2x: }); window._navbarSpriteUrl; $Nav.declare(img.pixel,; /script> img src styledisplay:none alt /> script typetext/javascript>var nav_t_after_preload_sprite + new Date();/script> script> (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? 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} /style> div idtitleSection classa-section a-spacing-none> h1 idtitle classa-size-large a-spacing-none> span idproductTitle classa-size-large product-title-word-break> Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin /span> /h1> div idexpandTitleToggle classa-section a-spacing-none expand aok-hidden>/div> /div> /div> div idbylineInfo_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-namebylineInfo data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idbylineInfo data-csa-c-slot-idbylineInfo_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> !--This check is an indicator on whether to show the Premium Fashion brand logo byline regardless of weblab treatment--> div classa-section a-spacing-none> a idbylineInfo classa-link-normal href/Amazon/b/refbl_dp_s_web_7940963051?ieUTF8&node7940963051&field-lbr_brands_browse-binAmazon>Brand: Amazon/a> /div> /div> div idcmrsSummary_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-namecmrsSummary data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idcmrsSummary data-csa-c-slot-idcmrsSummary_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> /div> div idaverageCustomerReviews_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-nameaverageCustomerReviews data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idaverageCustomerReviews data-csa-c-slot-idaverageCustomerReviews_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> style typetext/css> /* * Fix for UDP-1061. 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altEcho Spot src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Spot/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Big vibrant sound in a compact smart alarm clock/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B085G63QHT> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B085G63QHT?refMarsFS_AUCC_lr> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Premium sound, smart hub and Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B07NQ7HNHY> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B07NQ7HNHY?refMarsFS_AUCC_oe> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Studio src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Studio/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Dolby Atmos technology adds space, clarity and depth/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card first-fs-card> div classfs-group-wrapper> span classa-size-base a-color-secondary fs-group-header a-text-bold>With Screens/span> /div> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09B2RL8CG> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09B2RL8CG?refMarsFS_AUCC_hyp> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 5 (3rd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 5 (3rd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Compact smart display with Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0BLS3H65Z> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0BLS3H65Z?refMarsFS_AUCC_ath> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 8 (3rd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>8 inches HD smart display with Alexa and 13 MP camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0BCR4YW51> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0BCR4YW51?refMarsFS_AUCC_eh> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img alt Echo Hub src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold> Echo Hub/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Smart home control panel with Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B084NTF5ZY> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B084NTF5ZY?refMarsFS_AUCC_ta> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 10 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 10/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>HD smart display with motion and Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B08MQNGX3W> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B08MQNGX3W?refMarsFS_AUCC_B08MQNGX3W> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 15 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 15/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Smart display with Alexa and Fire TV built in/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card first-fs-card> div classfs-group-wrapper> span classa-size-base a-color-secondary fs-group-header a-text-bold>Alexa on the go/span> /div> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09Y1GZR7T> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09Y1GZR7T?refMarsFS_AUCC_gw> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Auto (2nd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Auto (2nd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Add Alexa to your car/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> /ol> /div> /div> div classa-carousel-col a-carousel-right>a classa-button a-button-image a-carousel-button a-carousel-goto-nextpage tabindex0 href#>span classa-button-inner>i classa-icon a-icon-next>span classa-icon-alt>Next page/span>/i>/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> span classa-end aok-hidden>/span> /div> /span> span classa-declarative data-actionmars-fs-hover data-csa-c-typewidget 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weeks of battery life/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CFPHSTDD> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CFPHSTDD?refMarsFS_KINDLE_sgse> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altAmazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (2024 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (2024 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>With wireless charging and auto-adjusting front light/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CZB5RHWX> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CZB5RHWX?refMarsFS_KINDLE_pc> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altKindle Scribe (2024 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Kindle Scribe (2024 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Redesigned display with uniform borders. Now write directly on books and documents./span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09BS5XWNS> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09BS5XWNS?refMarsFS_KINDLE_br> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altKindle Scribe (2022 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Kindle Scribe (2022 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>The first Kindle for reading and writing/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> /ol> /div> /div> div classa-carousel-col a-carousel-right>a classa-button a-button-image a-carousel-button a-carousel-goto-nextpage tabindex0 href#>span classa-button-inner>i classa-icon a-icon-next>span classa-icon-alt>Next page/span>/i>/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> span 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data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Battery Video Doorbell/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>1440p HD video doorbell with improved motion detection/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09WZBPX7K> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09WZBPX7K?refMarsFS_VICC_rvdw> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Battery Video Doorbell Plus src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Battery Video Doorbell Plus/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Head-to-Toe 1536p HD Video, motion detection & alerts/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li 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div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altBlink Mini 2 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Blink Mini 2/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Indoor/outdoor smart security camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0B6GK4VTC> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0B6GK4VTC?refMarsFS_VICC_RINGINDC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Indoor Camera (2nd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Indoor Camera (2nd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Compact Plug-in indoor Security Camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CG2TPLJV> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CG2TPLJV?refMarsFS_VICC_PNTC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Pan-Tilt Indoor Camera src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Pan-Tilt Indoor Camera/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Find your perfect angle with 360° pan coverage/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0C5QRZ47P> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0C5QRZ47P?refMarsFS_VICC_STUC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Stick Up Camera Battery src 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(x(csm.jumpStart.mtsDiff, k - c || 0), a(csm-rld-mts-gt)) : k && g ? a(csm-rld-mts-leq) : g ? k || a(csm-rld-mts-no-new) : a(csm-rld-mts-no-old) } f && f.timing && f.timing.navigationStart ? b.timing.transitionStart f.timing.navigationStart : delete b.timing.transitionStart } function v() { try { a.P.register(AMZNPerformance, function () { return b }) } catch (c) { } } function r() { if (!b) return ; ue_mbl.cnt null; var c b.timing, d b.transition, d mts, l(c.transitionStart), mps, l(c.processStart), mtt, d.type, mtst, d.subType, mtlt, d.launchType; a.ue && a.ue.tag && (c.fr_ovr && a.ue.tag(fr_ovr), c.fcp_ovr && a.ue.tag(fcp_ovr), d.push(fr_ovr, l(c.fr_ovr), fcp_ovr, l(c.fcp_ovr))); for (var c , e 0; e d.length; e + 2) { var f de, g de + 1; undefined ! typeof g && (c + & + f + + g) } return c } function l(a) { if (undefined ! typeof a && undefined ! typeof m) return a - m } function y(a, d) { b && (m d, b.timing.transitionStart a, b.transition.type view-transition, b.transition.subType ajax-transition, b.transition.launchType normal, ue_mbl.cnt r) } var e h.ue || {}, m h.ue_t0, q csm-last-mts, p 1 h.ue_sswmts, n, f a.performance, b; if (a.P && a.P.when && a.P.register) return 1 a.ue_fnt && (m a.aPageStart || h.ue_t0), a.P.when(CSMPlugin).execute(function (a) { a.buildAMZNPerformance && a.buildAMZNPerformance({ successCallback: s, failCallback: w }) }), { cnt: r, ajax: y } }, mobile-timing)(ue_csm, ue_csm.window); (function (d) { d._uess function () { var a ; screen && screen.width && screen.height && (a + &sw + screen.width + &sh + screen.height); var b function (a) { var b document.documentElementclient + a; return CSS1Compat document.compatMode && b || document.bodyclient + a || b }, c b(Width), b b(Height); c && b && (a + &vw + c + &vh + b); return a } })(ue_csm); (function (a) { function d(a) { c && c(log, a) } var b document.ue_backdetect, c a.csa && a.csa(Errors, { producerId: csa, logOptions: { ent: all } }); a.ue_err.buffer && c && (a.ue_err.buffer.forEach(d), a.ue_err.buffer.push d); b && b.ue_back && a.ue && (a.ue.bfini b.ue_back.value); a.uet && a.uet(be); a.onLdEnd && (window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener(load, a.onLdEnd, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent(onload, a.onLdEnd)); a.ueh && a.ueh(0, window, load, a.onLd, 1); a.ue && a.ue.tag && (a.ue_furl ? (b a.ue_furl.replace(/\./g, -), a.ue.tag(b)) : a.ue.tag(nofls)) })(ue_csm); (function (g, h) { function d(a, d) { var b {}; if (!e || !f) try { var c h.sessionStorage; c ? a && (undefined ! typeof d ? c.setItem(a, d) : b.val c.getItem(a)) : f 1 } catch (g) { e 1 } e && (b.e 1); return b } var b g.ue || {}, a , f, e, c, a d(csmtid); f ? a NA : a.e ? a ET : (a a.val, a || (a b.oid || NI, d(csmtid, a)), c d(b.oid), c.e || (c.val c.val || 0, d(b.oid, c.val + 1)), b.ssw d); b.tabid a })(ue_csm, ue_csm.window); (function (a) { var e { rc: 1, hob: 1, hoe: 1, ntd: 1, rd_: 1, _rd: 1 }; function typeof window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener(pageshow, function (b) { if (b && b.persisted && (b +new Date, b { clickTime: b - 1, pageVisible: b }, object typeof b && object typeof a.ue.markers && object typeof a.ue && function typeof a.uex)) { if (function typeof a.uet) { for (var c in a.ue.markers) !a.ue.markers.hasOwnProperty(c) || c in e || a.uet(c, void 0, void 0, b.pageVisible); a.uet(tc, void 0, void 0, b.clickTime); a.uet(ty, void 0, void 0, b.clickTime + 2) } (c document.ue_backdetect) && c.ue_back && (a.ue.bfini +c.ue_back.value + 1); a.ue.isBFonMshop !0; a.ue.isBFCache !0; a.ue.t0 b.clickTime; a.ue.viz visible:0; function typeof a.ue.tag && (a.ue.tag(cacheSourceMemory), a.ue.tag(history-navigation-page-cache)); c ue_csm.csa && ue_csm.csa(SPA); var d ue_csm.csa && ue_csm.csa(PageTiming); c && d && (c(newPage, { transitionType: history-navigation-page-cache }, { keepPageAttributes: !0 }), d(mark, transitionStart, b.clickTime)); function typeof a.uex && a.uex(ld, void 0, void 0, a.ue.t.ld); delete a.ue.isBFonMshop; delete a.ue.isBFCache } }) })(ue_csm); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (e, f) { var a e.ue || {}, b a._wlo, d; if (a.ssw) { d a.ssw(CSM_previousURL).val; var c f.location, b b ? b : c && c.href ? c.href.split(#)0 : void 0; c (b || ) a.ssw(CSM_previousURL).val; !c && b && a.ssw(CSM_previousURL, b); d c ? reload : d ? intrapage-transition : first-view } else d unknown; a._nt d }, NavTypeModule)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (c, a) { function g(a) { (e) { d.tag(csm-feature- + + : + e); d.isl && c.uex(at) }) } if (a.addEventListener) for (var d c.ue || {}, f { name: touch-enabled, run: function (b) { var e function () { a.removeEventListener(touchstart, c, !0); a.removeEventListener(mousemove, d, !0) }, c function () { b(true); e() }, d function () { b(false); e() }; a.addEventListener(touchstart, c, !0); a.addEventListener(mousemove, d, !0) } }, b 0; b f.length; b++)g(fb) }, csm-features)(ue_csm, window); (function (a, e) { function d(a) { b && b(recordCounter, a.c, a.v) } var c e.images, b a.csa && a.csa(Metrics, { producerId: csa }); c && c.length && a.ue.count(totalImages, c.length); && b && (, d) })(ue_csm, document); (function (b) { function c() { var d ; a.log && a.log.isStub && a.log.replay(function (a) { e(d, a) }); a.clog && a.clog.isStub && a.clog.replay(function (a) { e(d, a) }); d.length && (a._flhs + 1, n(d), p(d)) } function g() { a.log && a.log.isStub && (a.onflush && a.onflush.replay && a.onflush.replay(function (a) { a0() }), a.onunload && a.onunload.replay && a.onunload.replay(function (a) { a0() }), c()) } function e(d, b) { var c b1, f b0, e {}; a._lpnc (a._lpnc || 0) + 1; ec f; d.push(e) } function n(b) { q && (a._lpn.csm (a._lpn.csm || 0) + 1, b.push({ csm: { k: chk, f: a._flhs, l: a._lpn, s: inln } })) } function p(a) { if (h) a k(a), b.navigator.sendBeacon(l, a); else { a k(a); var c new bf;, l, !0); c.setRequestHeader && c.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/plain); c.send(a) } } function k(a) { return JSON.stringify({ rid: b.ue_id, sid: b.ue_sid, mid: b.ue_mid, mkt: b.ue_mkt, sn: b.ue_sn, reqs: a }) } var f XMLHttpRequest, q 1 b.ue_ddq, a b.ue, r bf && withCredentials in new bf, h b.navigator && b.navigator.sendBeacon, l // + b.ue_furl + /1/batch/1/OE/, m b.ue_fci_ft || 5E3; a && (r || h) && (a._flhs a._flhs || 0, a._lpn a._lpn || {}, a.attach && (a.attach(beforeunload, a.exec(g, fcli-bfu)), a.attach(pagehide, a.exec(g, fcli-ph))), m && b.setTimeout(a.exec(c, fcli-t), m), a._ffci a.exec(c)) })(window); (function (k, c) { function l(a, b) { return a.filter(function (a) { return a.initiatorType b }) } function f(a, c) { if (b.ta) { var g b.ta - b._t0, e c.filter(function (a) { return 0 ! a.responseEnd && m(a) g }), f l(e, script), h l(e, link), k l(e, img), n (a) { return }).filter(function (a, b, c) { return a && c.lastIndexOf(a) b }), q e.filter(function (a) { return a.duration p }), s g - Math.max.apply(null, r | 0; af a && (b._afjs f.length); return a + : + ed, fd, hd, kd, nd, qd, s.join(-) } } function m(a) { return a.responseEnd - (b._t0 - c.timing.navigationStart) } function n() { var a ch(resource), d f(cf, a), g f(af, a), a f(ld, a); delete b._rt; b._ld b.t.ld - b._t0; b._art && b._art(); return d, g, a.join(_) } var p 20, r 50, d length, b k.ue, h getEntriesByType; b._rre m; b._rt c && c.timing && ch && n })(ue_csm, window.performance); (function (c, d) { var b c.ue, a d.navigator; b && b.tag && a && (a a.connection || a.mozConnection || a.webkitConnection) && a.type && b.tag(netInfo: + a.type) })(ue_csm, window); (function (c, d) { function h(a, b) { for (var c , d 0; d a.length; d++) { var e ad, f b.encode(e); if (ek) { var g b.metaSep, e ek, l b.metaPairSep, h , m void 0; for (m in e) e.hasOwnProperty(m) && h.push(m + + em); e h.join(l); f + g + e } c.push(f) } return c.join(b.resourceSep) } function s(a) { var b ak ak || {}; bt || (bt c.ue_mid); bu || (bu c.ue_sid); bf || (bf c.ue_id); b.csm 1; a // + c.ue_furl + /1/ + av + /1/OP/ + aw + / + ax + / + h(a, y); if (n) try {, a) } catch (g) { c.ue.sbf 1, (new Image).src a } else (new Image).src a } function q() { g && g.isStub && g.replay(function (a, b, c) { a a0; b ak ak || {}; bf bf || c; s(a) }); l.impression s; g null } if (!(1 c.ueinit)) { var k metadata, x impressionType, v foresterChannel, w programGroup, t marketplaceId, u session, f requestId, p navigator, l c.ue || {}, n dp && dp.sendBeacon, r function (a, b, c, d) { return { encode: d, resourceSep: a, metaSep: b, metaPairSep: c } }, y r(, ?, &, function (a) { return h(a.impressionData, z) }), z r(/, :, ,, function (a) { return a.featureName + : + h(a.resources, A) }), A r(,, @, |, function (a) { return }), g l.impression; n ? q() : (l.attach(load, q), l.attach(beforeunload, q)); try { d.P && d.P.register && d.P.register(impression-client, function () { }) } catch (B) { c.ueLogError(B, { logLevel: WARN }) } } })(ue_csm, window); var ue_pty Detail; var ue_spty Kindle_HW; var ue_pti B0BF75VM4T; var ue_adb 4; var ue_adb_rtla 1; ue_csm.ue.exec(function (y, a) { function t() { if (d && f) { var a; a: { try { a d.getItem(g); break a } catch (c) { } a void 0 } if (a) return b a, !0 } return !1 } function u() { if (a.fetch) fetch(m).then(function (a) { if (!a.ok) throw Error(a.statusText); return a.text ? a.text() : null }).then(function (b) { b ? (-1 b.indexOf(window.ue_adb_chk 1) && (a.ue_adb_chk 1), n()) : h() })catch(h); else e.uels(m, { onerror: h, onload: n }) } function h() { b k; l(); if (f) try { d.setItem(g, b) } catch (a) { } } function n() { b 1 a.ue_adb_chk ? p : k; l(); if (f) try { d.setItem(g, b) } catch (c) { } } function q() { a.ue_adb_rtla && c && 0 && !1 r && (c.elh null, ueLogError({ m: Hit Info, fromOnError: 1 }, { logLevel: INFO, adb: b }), r !0) } function l() { e.tag(b); e.isl && a.uex && uex(at, b); s && s.updateCsmHit(adb, b); c && 0 ? q() : a.ue_adb_rtla && c && (c.elh q) } function v() { return b } if (a.ue_adb) { a.ue_fadb a.ue_fadb || 10; var e a.ue, k adblk_yes, p adblk_no, m, b adblk_unk, d; a: { try { d a.localStorage; break a } catch (z) { } d void 0 } var g csm:adb, c a.ue_err, s e.cookie, f void 0 ! a.localStorage, w Math.random() > 1 - 1 / a.ue_fadb, r !1, x t(); w || !x ? u() : l(); a.ue_isAdb v; a.ue_isAdb.unk adblk_unk; p; a.ue_isAdb.yes k } }, adb)(document, window); (function (c, l, m) { function h(a) { if (a) try { if ( return //*@id + + ; var b, d 1, e; for (e a.previousSibling; e; e e.previousSibling)e.nodeName a.nodeName && (d + 1); b d; var c a.nodeName; 1 ! b && (c + + b + ); a.parentNode && (c h(a.parentNode) + / + c); return c } catch (f) { return DETACHED } } function f(a) { if (a && a.getAttribute) return a.getAttribute(k) ? a.getAttribute(k) : f(a.parentElement) } var k data-cel-widget, g !1, d ; (c.ue || {}).isBF function () { try { var a JSON.parse(localStoragecsm-bf || ), b 0 a.indexOf(c.ue_id); a.unshift(c.ue_id); a a.slice(0, 20); localStoragecsm-bf JSON.stringify(a); return b } catch (d) { return !1 } }(); c.ue_utils { getXPath: h, getFirstAscendingWidget: function (a, b) { c.ue_cel && c.ue_fem ? !0 g ? b(f(a)) : d.push({ element: a, callback: b }) : b() }, notifyWidgetsLabeled: function () { if (!1 g) { g !0; for (var a f, b 0; b d.length; b++)if (db.hasOwnProperty(callback) && db.hasOwnProperty(element)) { var c db.callback, e db.element; function typeof c && function typeof a && c(a(e)) } d null } }, extractStringValue: function (a) { if (string typeof a) return a } } })(ue_csm, window, document); (function (a) { a.ue_cel || (a.ue_cel function () { function m(a, r) { r ? r.r u : r { r: u, c: 1 }; D || (!ue_csm.ue_sclog && r.clog && b.clog ? b.clog(a, r.ns || s, r) : r.glog && b.glog ? b.glog(a, r.ns || s, r) : b.log(a, r.ns || s, r)) } function n(a, b) { function typeof p && p(log, { schemaId: t + .RdCSI.1, eventType: a, clientData: b }, { ent: { page: requestId } }) } function c() { var a q.length; if (0 a) { for (var r , c 0; c a; c++) { var d qc.api; d.ready() ? (d.on({ ts: b.d, ns: s }), g.push(qc), m({ k: mso, n:, t: b.d() })) : r.push(qc) } q r } } function f() { if (!f.executed) { for (var a 0; a g.length; a++) &&{ ts: b.d, ns: s }); B(); m({ k: eod, t0: b.t0, t: b.d() }, { c: 1, il: 1 }); f.executed 1; for (a 0; a g.length; a++)q.push(ga); g ; d(v); d(A) } } function B(a) { m({ k: hrt, t: b.d() }, { c: 1, il: 1, n: a }); y Math.min(w, e * y); z() } function z() { d(A); A k(function () { B(!0) }, y) } function x() { f.executed || B() } var l a.window, k l.setTimeout, d l.clearTimeout, e 1.5, w l.ue_cel_max_hrt || 3E4, t robotdetection, q , g , s a.ue_cel_ns || cel, v, A, b a.ue, F a.uet, C a.uex, u b.rid, D a.ue_dsbl_cel, h l.csa, p, y l.ue_cel_hrt_int || 3E3, E l.requestAnimationFrame || function (a) { a() }; h && (p h(Events, { producerId: t })); if (b.isBF) m({ k: bft, t: b.d() }); else { function typeof F && F(bb, csmCELLSframework, { wb: 1 }); k(c, 0); b.onunload(f); if (b.onflush) b.onflush(x); v k(f, 6E5); z(); function typeof C && C(ld, csmCELLSframework, { wb: 1 }); return { registerModule: function (a, r) { q.push({ name: a, api: r }); m({ k: mrg, n: a, t: b.d() }); c() }, reset: function (a) { m({ k: rst, t0: b.t0, t: b.d() }); q q.concat(g); g ; for (var r q.length, e 0; e r; e++), qe.api.reset(); u a || b.rid; c(); d(v); v k(f, 6E5); f.executed 0 }, timeout: function (a, b) { return k(function () { E(function () { f.executed || a() }) }, b) }, log: m, csaEventLog: n, off: f } } }()) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_pdm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_pdm function () { function m() { try { var b d.screen; if (b) { var c { w: b.width, aw: b.availWidth, h: b.height, ah: b.availHeight, cd: b.colorDepth, pd: b.pixelDepth }; g && g.w c.w && g.h c.h && && g.ah c.ah && g.pd c.pd && || (g c, g.t t(), g.k sci, F(g), D && h(sci, { h: (g.h || 0) + })) } var k e.body || {}, f e.documentElement || {}, n { w: Math.max(k.scrollWidth || 0, k.offsetWidth || 0, f.clientWidth || 0, f.scrollWidth || 0, f.offsetWidth || 0), h: Math.max(k.scrollHeight || 0, k.offsetHeight || 0, f.clientHeight || 0, f.scrollHeight || 0, f.offsetHeight || 0) }; s && s.w n.w && s.h n.h || (s n, s.t t(), s.k doi, F(s)); w a.ue_cel.timeout(m, q); A + 1 } catch (p) { d.ueLogError && ueLogError(p, { attribution: csm-cel-page-module, logLevel: WARN }) } } function n() { x(ebl, default, !1) } function c() { x(efo, default, !0) } function f() { x(ebl, app, !1) } function B() { x(efo, app, !0) } function z() { d.setTimeout(function () { eE ? x(ebl, pageviz, !1) : x(efo, pageviz, !0) }, 0) } function x(a, b, c) { v ! c && (F({ k: a, t: t(), s: b }, { ff: !0 c ? 0 : 1 }), D && h(a, { t: (t() || 0) + , s: b })); v c } function l() { b.attach && (p && b.attach(y, z, e), G && P.when(mash).execute(function (a) { a && a.addEventListener && (a.addEventListener(appPause, f), a.addEventListener(appResume, B)) }), b.attach(blur, n, d), b.attach(focus, c, d)) } function k() { b.detach && (p && b.detach(y, z, e), G && P.when(mash).execute(function (a) { a && a.removeEventListener && (a.removeEventListener(appPause, f), a.removeEventListener(appResume, B)) }), b.detach(blur, n, d), b.detach(focus, c, d)) } var d a.window, e a.document, w, t, q, g, s, v null, A 0, b a.ue, F a.ue_cel.log, C a.uet, u a.uex, D d.csa, h a.ue_cel.csaEventLog, p !!b.pageViz, y p && b.pageViz.event, E p && b.pageViz.propHid, G d.P && d.P.when; function typeof C && C(bb, csmCELLSpdm, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (a) { q a.timespan || 500; t a.ts; l(); a d.location; F({ k: pmd, o: a.origin, p: a.pathname, t: t() }); m(); function typeof u && u(ld, csmCELLSpdm, { wb: 1 }) }, off: function (a) { clearTimeout(w); k(); b.count && b.count(cel.PDM.TotalExecutions, A) }, ready: function () { return e.body && a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { g s null } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(page module, a.ue_pdm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_vpm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_vpm function () { function m() { var a z(), b { w: k.innerWidth, h: k.innerHeight, x: k.pageXOffset, y: k.pageYOffset }; c && c.w b.w && c.h b.h && c.x b.x && c.y b.y || (b.t a, b.k vpi, c b, e(c, { clog: 1 }), s && v(vpi, { t: (c.t || 0) + , h: (c.h || 0) + , y: (c.y || 0) + , w: (c.w || 0) + , x: (c.x || 0) + })); f 0; x z() - a; l + 1 } function n() { f || (f a.ue_cel.timeout(m, B)) } var c, f, B, z, x 0, l 0, k a.window, d a.ue, e a.ue_cel.log, w a.uet, t a.uex, q d.attach, g d.detach, s k.csa, v a.ue_cel.csaEventLog; function typeof w && w(bb, csmCELLSvpm, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (a) { z a.ts; B a.timespan || 100; m(); q && (q(scroll, n), q(resize, n)); function typeof t && t(ld, csmCELLSvpm, { wb: 1 }) }, off: function (a) { clearTimeout(f); g && (g(scroll, n), g(resize, n)); d.count && (d.count(cel.VPI.TotalExecutions, l), d.count(cel.VPI.TotalExecutionTime, x), d.count(cel.VPI.AverageExecutionTime, x / l)) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { c void 0 }, getVpi: function () { return c } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(viewport module, a.ue_vpm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { if (!a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils) { var m a.ue || {}, n a.window, c n.document; !m.isBF && !a.ue_fem && c.querySelector && n.getComputedStyle && .forEach && (a.ue_fem function () { function f(a, b) { return a > b ? 3 > a - b : 3 > b - a } function B(a, b) { var c n.pageXOffset, d n.pageYOffset, k; a: { try { if (a) { var e a.getBoundingClientRect(), g, m 0 a.offsetWidth && 0 a.offsetHeight; c: { for (var h a.parentNode, p e.left || 0, w || 0, q e.width || 0, s e.height || 0; h && h ! document.body;) { var l; d: { try { var r void 0; if (h) var t h.getBoundingClientRect(), r { x: t.left || 0, y: || 0, w: t.width || 0, h: t.height || 0 }; else r void 0; l r; break d } catch (I) { } l void 0 } var u window.getComputedStyle(h), v hidden u.overflow, x v || hidden u.overflowX, y v || hidden u.overflowY, z w + s - 1 l.y + 1 || w + 1 > l.y + l.h - 1; if ((p + q - 1 l.x + 1 || p + 1 > l.x + l.w - 1) && x || z && y) { g !0; break c } h h.parentNode } g !1 } k { x: e.left + c || 0, y: + d || 0, w: e.width || 0, h: e.height || 0, d: (m || g) | 0 } } else k void 0; break a } catch (J) { } k void 0 } if (k && !a.cel_b) a.cel_b k, D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), w: a.cel_b.w, h: a.cel_b.h, d: a.cel_b.d, x: a.cel_b.x, y: a.cel_b.y, t: b, k: ewi, cl: a.className }, { clog: 1 }); else { if (c k) c a.cel_b, d k, c d.d c.d && 1 d.d ? !1 : !(f(c.x, d.x) && f(c.y, d.y) && f(c.w, d.w) && f(c.h, d.h) && c.d d.d); c && (a.cel_b k, D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), w: a.cel_b.w, h: a.cel_b.h, d: a.cel_b.d, x: a.cel_b.x, y: a.cel_b.y, t: b, k: ewi }, { clog: 1 })) } } function z(d, e) { var f; f d.c ? c.getElementsByClassName(d.c) : ? c.getElementById( : c.querySelectorAll(d.s); d.w ; for (var g 0; g f.length; g++) { var h fg; if (h) { if (!h.getAttribute(A)) { var l h.getAttribute(cel_widget_id) || (d.id_gen || u)(h, g) ||; h.setAttribute(A, l) } d.w.push(h); k(Q, h, e) } } !1 C && (F++, F b.length && (C !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled())) } function x(a, b) { h.contains(a) || D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), t: b, k: ewd }, { clog: 1 }) } function l(a) { K.length && ue_cel.timeout(function () { if (s) { for (var b R(), c !1; R() - b g && !c;) { for (c S; 0 c-- && 0 K.length;) { var d K.shift(); Td.type(d.elem, d.time) } c 0 K.length } U++; l(a) } }, 0) } function k(a, b, c) { K.push({ type: a, elem: b, time: c }) } function d(a, c) { for (var d 0; d b.length; d++)for (var e bd.w || , h 0; h e.length; h++)k(a, eh, c) } function e() { M || (M a.ue_cel.timeout(function () { M null; var c v(); d(W, c); for (var e 0; e b.length; e++)k(X, be, c); 0 b.length && !1 C && (C !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled()); l(c) }, q)) } function w() { M || N || (N a.ue_cel.timeout(function () { N null; var a v(); d(Q, a); l(a) }, q)) } function t() { return y && E && h && h.contains && h.getBoundingClientRect && v } var q 50, g 4.5, s !1, v, A data-cel-widget, b , F 0, C !1, u function () { }, D a.ue_cel.log, h, p, y, E, G n.MutationObserver || n.WebKitMutationObserver || n.MozMutationObserver, r !!G, H, I, O DOMAttrModified, L DOMNodeInserted, J DOMNodeRemoved, N, M, K , U 0, S null, W removedWidget, X updateWidgets, Q processWidget, T, V n.performance || {}, R && function () { return } || function () { return }; function typeof uet && uet(bb, csmCELLSfem, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (d) { function k() { if (t()) { T { removedWidget: x, updateWidgets: z, processWidget: B }; if (r) { var a { attributes: !0, subtree: !0 }; H new G(w); I new G(e); H.observe(h, a); I.observe(h, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }); I.observe(p, a) } else, O, w),, L, e),, J, e),, L, w),, J, w); e() } } h c.body; p c.head; y h.addEventListener; E h.removeEventListener; v d.ts; b a.cel_widgets || ; S || 5; m.deffered ? k() : m.attach && m.attach(load, k); function typeof uex && uex(ld, csmCELLSfem, { wb: 1 }); s !0 }, off: function () { t() && (I && (I.disconnect(), I null), H && (H.disconnect(), H null),, O, w),, L, e),, J, e),, L, w),, J, w)); m.count && m.count(cel.widgets.batchesProcessed, U); s !1 }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { b a.cel_widgets || } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel.registerModule(features module, a.ue_fem)) } })(ue_csm); (function (a) { !a.ue_mcm && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils && !a.ue.isBF && (a.ue_mcm function () { function m(a, d) { var e a.srcElement || || {}, f { k: n, w: (d || {}).ow || (B.body || {}).scrollWidth, h: (d || {}).oh || (B.body || {}).scrollHeight, t: (d || {}).ots || c(), x: a.pageX, y: a.pageY, p: l.getXPath(e), n: e.nodeName }; z && function typeof && a.timeStamp && (f.dt (d || {}).odt || - a.timeStamp, f.dt parseFloat(f.dt.toFixed(2))); a.button && (f.b a.button); e.href && (f.r l.extractStringValue(e.href)); && (f.i; e.className && e.className.split && (f.c e.className.split(/\s+/)); x(f, { c: 1 }) } var n mcm, c, f a.window, B f.document, z f.performance, x a.ue_cel.log, l a.ue_utils; return { on: function (k) { c k.ts; a.ue_cel_stub && a.ue_cel_stub.replayModule(n, m); f.addEventListener && f.addEventListener(mousedown, m, !0) }, off: function (a) { f.addEventListener && f.removeEventListener(mousedown, m, !0) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(mouse click module, a.ue_mcm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_mmm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_mmm function (m) { function n(a, b) { var c { x: a.pageX || a.x || 0, y: a.pageY || a.y || 0, t: l() }; !b && p && (c.t - p.t B || c.x p.x && c.y p.y) || (p c, u.push(c)) } function c() { if (u.length) { F; for (var a 0; a u.length; a++) { var c ua, d a; y uh; E c; var e void 0; if (!(e 2 > d)) { e void 0; a: if (ud.t - ud - 1.t > f) e 0; else { for (e h + 1; e d; e++) { var g y, k E, l ue; G (k.x - g.x) * (g.y - l.y) - (g.x - l.x) * (k.y - g.y); if (G * G / ((k.x - g.x) * (k.x - g.x) + (k.y - g.y) * (k.y - g.y)) > z) { e 0; break a } } e 1 } e !e } (r e) ? h d - 1 : D.pop(); D.push(c) } C - F; s Math.min(s, C); v Math.max(v, C); A (A * b + C) / (b + 1); b + 1; q({ k: x, e: D, min: Math.floor(1E3 * s), max: Math.floor(1E3 * v), avg: Math.floor(1E3 * A) }, { c: 1 }); u ; D ; h 0 } } var f 100, B 20, z 25, x mmm1, l, k, d a.window, e d.document, w d.setInterval, t a.ue, q a.ue_cel.log, g, s 1E3, v 0, A 0, b 0, F, C, u , D , h 0, p, y, E, G, r, H m && && m || && Date || { now: function () { return (new Date).getTime() } }; return { on: function (a) { l a.ts; k a.ns; t.attach && t.attach(mousemove, n, e); g w(c, 3E3) }, off: function (a) { k && (p && n(p, !0), c()); clearInterval(g); t.detach && t.detach(mousemove, n, e) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { u ; D ; h 0; p null } } }(window.performance), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(mouse move module, a.ue_mmm)) })(ue_csm); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, c) { var e function () { }, f function () { return { send: function (b, d) { if (d && b) { var a; if (c.XDomainRequest) a new XDomainRequest, a.onerror e, a.ontimeout e, a.onprogress e, a.onload e, a.timeout 0; else if (c.XMLHttpRequest) { if (a new XMLHttpRequest, !(withCredentials in a)) throw ; } else a void 0; if (!a) throw ;, b, !0); a.setRequestHeader && a.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/plain); a.send(d) } }, isSupported: !0 } }(), g function () { return { send: function (c, d) { if (c && d) if (navigator.sendBeacon(c, d)) b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw && b.ue.ssw(eelsts, scs); else throw ; }, isSupported: !!navigator.sendBeacon && !(c.cordova && c.cordova.platformId && ios c.cordova.platformId) } }(); b.ue._ajx f; b.ue._sBcn g }, Transportation-clients)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, k) { function B() { for (var a 0; a arguments.length; a++) { var c argumentsa; try { var g; if (c.isSupported) { var f u.buildPayload(l, e); g c.send(K, f) } else throw dummyException; return g } catch (d) { } } a { m: All supported clients failed, attribution: CSMSushiClient_TRANSPORTATION_FAIL, f: sushi-client.js, logLevel: ERROR }; C(a, k.ue_err_chan || jserr); b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(a) } function m() { if (e.length) { for (var a 0; a n.length; a++)na(); B(d._sBcn || {}, d._ajx || {}); e ; h {}; l {}; v w r x 0 } } function L() { var a new Date, c function (a) { return 10 > a ? 0 + a : a }; return Date.prototype.toISOString ? a.toISOString() : a.getUTCFullYear() + - + c(a.getUTCMonth() + 1) + - + c(a.getUTCDate()) + T + c(a.getUTCHours()) + : + c(a.getUTCMinutes()) + : + c(a.getUTCSeconds()) + . + String((a.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1E3).toFixed(3)).slice(2, 5) + Z } function y(a) { try { return JSON.stringify(a) } catch (c) { } return null } function D(a, c, g, f) { var q !1; f f || {}; s++; if (s E) { var p { m: Max number of Sushi Logs exceeded, f: sushi-client.js, logLevel: ERROR, attribution: CSMSushiClient_MAX_CALLS }; C(p, k.ue_err_chan || jserr); b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(p) } if (p !(s > E)) (p a && -1 a.constructor.toString().indexOf(Object) && c && -1 c.constructor.toString().indexOf(String) && g && -1 g.constructor.toString().indexOf(String)) || M++; p && (d.count && d.count(Event: + g, 1), a.producerId a.producerId || c, a.schemaId a.schemaId || g, a.timestamp L(), c ? : +new Date, g Math.random().toString().substring(2, 12), a.messageId b.ue_id + - + c + - + g, f && !f.ssd && (a.sessionId a.sessionId || b.ue_sid, a.requestId a.requestId || b.ue_id, a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId || b.ue_mid), (c y(a)) ? (c c.length, (e.length N || r + c > O) && m(), r + c, a { data: u.compressEvent(a) }, e.push(a), (f || {}).n ? 0 F ? m() : v || (v k.setTimeout(m, F)) : w || (w k.setTimeout(m, P)), q !0) : q !1); !q && b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid JS Nexus API call); return q } function G() { if (!H) { for (var a 0; a z.length; a++)za(); for (a 0; a n.length; a++)na(); e.length && (b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw && (a y({ dct: l, evt: e }), b.ue.ssw(eeldata, a), b.ue.ssw(eelsts, unk)), B(d._sBcn || {})); H !0 } } function I(a) { z.push(a) } function J(a) { n.push(a) } var E 1E3, N 499, O 524288, t function () { }, d b.ue || {}, C d.log || t, Q b.uex || t; (b.uet || t)(bb, ue_sushi_v1, { wb: 1 }); var K b.ue_surl ||, R messageId, timestamp, A #, e , h {}, l {}, r 0, x 0, M 0, s 0, z , n , H !1, v, w, F void 0 b.ue_hpsi ? 1E3 : b.ue_hpsi, P void 0 b.ue_lpsi ? 1E4 : b.ue_lpsi, u function () { function a(a) { ha A + x++; lha a; return ha } function c(b) { if (!(b instanceof Function)) { if (b instanceof Array) { for (var f , d b.length, e 0; e d; e++)fe c(be); return f } if (b instanceof Object) { f {}; for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (fhd ? hd : a(d) -1 R.indexOf(d) ? c(bd) : bd); return f } return string typeof b && (b.length > (A + x).length || b.charAt(0) A) ? hb ? hb : a(b) : b } } return { compressEvent: c, buildPayload: function () { return y({ cs: { dct: l }, events: e }) } } }(); (function () { if (d.event && d.event.isStub) { if (b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw) { var a b.ue.ssw(eelsts).val; if (a && unk a && (a b.ue.ssw(eeldata).val)) { var c; a: { try { c JSON.parse(a); break a } catch (g) { } c null } c && c.evt instanceof Array && c.dct instanceof Object && (e c.evt, l c.dct, e && l && (m(), b.ue.ssw(eeldata, {}), b.ue.ssw(eelsts, scs))) } } d.event.replay(function (a) { a3 a3 || {}; a3.n 1; D.apply(this, a) }); d.onSushiUnload.replay(function (a) { I(a0) }); d.onSushiFlush.replay(function (a) { J(a0) }) } })(); d.attach(beforeunload, G); d.attach(pagehide, G); d._cmps u; d.event D; d.event.reset function () { s 0 }; d.onSushiUnload I; d.onSushiFlush J; try { k.P && k.P.register && k.P.register(sushi-client, t) } catch (S) { b.ueLogError(S, { logLevel: WARN }) } Q(ld, ue_sushi_v1, { wb: 1 }) }, Nxs-JS-Client)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue_unrt 1500; (function (d, b, t) { function u(a, g) { var c a.srcElement || || {}, b { k: v, t: g.t, dt: g.dt, x: a.pageX, y: a.pageY, p: e.getXPath(c), n: c.nodeName }; a.button && (b.b a.button); c.type && (b.ty c.type); c.href && (b.r e.extractStringValue(c.href)); && (b.i; c.className && c.className.split && (b.c c.className.split(/\s+/)); h + 1; e.getFirstAscendingWidget(c, function (a) { b.wd a; d.ue.log(b, r) }) } function w(a) { if (!x(a.srcElement || { m + 1; n !0; var g f d.ue.d(), c; p && function typeof && a.timeStamp && (c - a.timeStamp, c parseFloat(c.toFixed(2))); s b.setTimeout(function () { u(a, { t: g, dt: c }) }, y) } } function z(a) { if (a) { var b a.filter(A); a.length ! b.length && (q !0, k d.ue.d(), n && q && (k && f && d.ue.log({ k: B, t: f, m: Math.abs(k - f) }, r), l(), q !1, k 0)) } } function A(a) { if (!a) return !1; var b characterData a.type ? :; if (!b || !b.hasAttributes || !b.attributes) return !1; var c { class: gw-clock gw-clock-aria s-item-container-height-auto feed-carousel using-mouse kfs-inner-container.split( ), id: dealClock, deal_expiry_timer, timer, role: timer }, d !1; Object.keys(c).forEach(function (a) { var e b.attributesa ? b.attributesa.value : ; (ca || ).forEach(function (a) { -1 ! e.indexOf(a) && (d !0) }) }); return d } function x(a) { if (!a) return !1; var b (e.extractStringValue(a.nodeName) || ).toLowerCase(), c (e.extractStringValue(a.type) || ).toLowerCase(), d (e.extractStringValue(a.href) || ).toLowerCase(); a (e.extractStringValue( || ).toLowerCase(); var f checkbox color date datetime-local email file month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week.split( ); if (-1 ! select, textarea, html.indexOf(b) || input b && -1 ! f.indexOf(c) || a b && -1 ! d.indexOf(http) || -1 ! sitbreaderrightpageturner, sitbreaderleftpageturner, sitbreaderpagecontainer.indexOf(a)) return !0 } function l() { n !1; f 0; b.clearTimeout(s) } function C() { b.ue.onunload(function () { ue.count(armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violations, h); ue.count(armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violationRate, h / m * 100 || 0) }) } if (b.MutationObserver && b.addEventListener && Object.keys && d && d.ue && d.ue.log && d.ue_unrt && d.ue_utils) { var y d.ue_unrt, r cel, v unr_mcm, B res_mcm, p b.performance, e d.ue_utils, n !1, f 0, s 0, q !1, k 0, h 0, m 0; b.addEventListener && (b.addEventListener(mousedown, w, !0), b.addEventListener(beforeunload, l, !0), b.addEventListener(visibilitychange, l, !0), b.addEventListener(pagehide, l, !0)); b.ue && b.ue.event && b.ue.onSushiUnload && b.ue.onunload && C(); (new MutationObserver(z)).observe(t, { childList: !0, attributes: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 }) } })(ue_csm, window, document); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (g, e) { if (e.ue_err) { var f ; e.ue_err.errorHandlers || (e.ue_err.errorHandlers ); e.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({ name: fctx, handler: function (a) { if (!a.logLevel || FATAL a.logLevel) if (f g.getElementsByTagName(html)0.innerHTML) { var b f.indexOf(var ue_t0ue_t0||+new Date();); if (-1 ! b) { var b f.substr(0, b).split(String.fromCharCode(10)), d Math.max(b.length - 10 - 1, 0), b b.slice(d, b.length - 1); a.fcsmln d + b.length + 1; a.cinfo a.cinfo || {}; for (var c 0; c b.length; c++)a.cinfod + c + 1 + bc } b f.split(String.fromCharCode(10)); a.cinfo a.cinfo || {}; if (!(a.f || void 0 a.l || a.l in a.cinfo)) for (c +a.l - 1, d Math.max(c - 5, 0), c Math.min(c + 5, b.length - 1); d c; d++)a.cinfod + 1 + bd } } }) } }, fatals-context)(document, window); (function (m, b) { function c(k) { function f(a) { a && string typeof a && (a (a a.match(/^(?:https?:)?\/\/(.*?)(\/|$)/i)) && 1 a.length ? a1 : null, a && a && (number typeof ea ? ea++ : ea 1)) } function d(a) { var e 10, d +new Date; a && a.timeRemaining ? e a.timeRemaining() : a { timeRemaining: function () { return Math.max(0, e - (+new Date - d)) } }; for (var c b.performance.getEntries(), k e; g c.length && k > n;) && f(, g++, k a.timeRemaining(); g > c.length ? h(!0) : l() } function h(a) { if (!a) { a m.scripts; var c; if (a) for (var d 0; d a.length; d++)(c ad.getAttribute(src)) && undefined ! c && f(c) } 0 Object.keys(e).length && (p && ue_csm.ue && ue_csm.ue.event && (a { domains: e, pageType: b.ue_pty || null, subPageType: b.ue_spty || null, pageTypeId: b.ue_pti || null }, ue_csm.ue_sjslob && (a.lob ue_csm.ue_lob || 0), ue_csm.ue.event(a, csm, csm.CrossOriginDomains.2)), b.ue_ext e) } function l() { !0 k ? d() : b.requestIdleCallback ? b.requestIdleCallback(d) : b.requestAnimationFrame ? b.requestAnimationFrame(d) : b.setTimeout(d, 100) } function c() { if (b.performance && b.performance.getEntries) { var a b.performance.getEntries(); !a || 0 > a.length ? h(!1) : l() } else h(!1) } var e b.ue_ext || {}; b.ue_ext || c(); return e } function q() { setTimeout(c, r) } var s b.ue_dserr || !1, p !0, n 1, r 2E3, g 0; b.ue_err && s && (b.ue_err.errorHandlers || (b.ue_err.errorHandlers ), b.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({ name: ext, handler: function (b) { if (!b.logLevel || FATAL b.logLevel) { var f c(!0), d , h; for (h in f) { var f h, g f.match(/amazon(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}$/i); g && 1 g.length || -1 ! f.indexOf( || -1 ! f.indexOf( || -1 ! f.indexOf( || d.push(h) } b.ext d } } })); b.ue && b.ue.isl ? c() : b.ue && ue.attach && ue.attach(load, q) })(document, window); var ue_wtc_c 3; ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, e) { function l() { for (var a 0; a f.length; a++)a: for (var d s.replace(A, fa) + gfa + t, c arguments, b 0; b c.length; b++)try { cb.send(d); break a } catch (e) { } g {}; f ; n 0; k p } function u() { B ? l(q) : l(C, q) } function v(a, m, c) { r++; if (r > w) d.count && 1 r - w && (d.count(WeblabTriggerThresholdReached, 1), b.ue_int && console.error(Number of max call reached. Data will no longer be send)); else { var h c || {}; h && -1 h.constructor.toString().indexOf(D) && a && -1 a.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) && m && -1 m.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) ? (h b.ue_id, c && c.rid && (h c.rid), c h, a encodeURIComponent(,wl + a + / + m), 2E3 > a.length + p ? (2E3 k + a.length && u(), void 0 gc && (gc , f.push(c)), gc + a, k + a.length, n || (n e.setTimeout(u, E))) : b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid API call. The input provided is over 2000 chars.)) : d.count && (d.count(WeblabTriggerImproperAPICall, 1), b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid API call. The input provided does not match the API protocol i.e ue.trigger(String, String, Object).)) } } function F() { d.trigger && d.trigger.isStub && d.trigger.replay(function (a) { v.apply(this, a) }) } function y() { z || (f.length && l(q), z !0) } var t :1234, s // + b.ue_furl + /1/remote-weblab-triggers/1/OE/ + b.ue_mid + : + b.ue_sid + :PLCHLDR_RID$s:wl-client-id%3DCSMTriger, A PLCHLDR_RID, E b.wtt || 1E4, p s.length + t.length, w b.mwtc || 2E3, G 1 e.ue_wtc_c, B 3 e.ue_wtc_c, H e.XMLHttpRequest && withCredentials in new e.XMLHttpRequest, x String, D Object, d b.ue, g {}, f , k p, n, z !1, r 0, C function () { return { send: function (a) { if (H) { var b new e.XMLHttpRequest;, a, !0); G && (b.withCredentials !0); b.send() } else throw ; } } }(), q function () { return { send: function (a) { (new Image).src a } } }(); e.encodeURIComponent && (d.attach && (d.attach(beforeunload, y), d.attach(pagehide, y)), F(), d.trigger v) }, client-wbl-trg)(ue_csm, window); (function (k, d, h) { function f(a, c, b) { a && a.indexOf && 0 a.indexOf(http) && 0 ! a.indexOf(https) && l(s, c, a, b) } function g(a, c, b) { a && a.indexOf && (location.href.split(#)0 ! a && null ! a && undefined ! typeof a || l(t, c, a, b)) } function l(a, c, b, e) { mb || (e u && e ? n(e) : N/A, d.ueLogError && d.ueLogError({ message: a + c + : + b, logLevel: v, stack: N/A }, { attribution: e }), mb 1, p++) } function e(a, c) { if (a && c) for (var b 0; b a.length; b++)try { c(ab) } catch (d) { } } function q() { return d.performance && d.performance.getEntriesByType ? d.performance.getEntriesByType(resource) : } function n(a) { if ( return //*@id + + ; var c; c 1; var b; for (b a.previousSibling; b; b b.previousSibling)b.nodeName a.nodeName && (c + 1); b a.nodeName; 1 ! c && (b + + c + ); a.parentNode && (b n(a.parentNode) + / + b); return b } function w() { var a h.images; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { var b a.getAttribute(src); f(b, img, a); g(b, img, a) }) } function x() { var a h.scripts; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { var b a.getAttribute(src); f(b, script, a); g(b, script, a) }) } function y() { var a h.styleSheets; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { if (a a.ownerNode) { var b a.getAttribute(href); f(b, style, a); g(b, style, a) } }) } function z() { if (A) { var a q(); e(a, function (a) { f(, a.initiatorType) }) } } function B() { e(q(), function (a) { g(, a.initiatorType) }) } function r() { var a; a d.location && d.location.protocol ? d.location.protocol : void 0; https: a && (z(), w(), x(), y(), B(), p C && setTimeout(r, D)) } var s CSM Insecure content detected , t CSM Ajax request to same page detected , v WARN, m {}, p 0, D k.ue_nsip || 1E3, C 5, A 1 k.ue_urt, u !0; ue_csm.ue_disableNonSecure || (d.performance && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(300), r()) })(ue_csm, window, document); var ue_aa_a ; if (ue.trigger && (ue_aa_a C || ue_aa_a T1)) { ue.trigger(UEDATA_AA_SERVERSIDE_ASSIGNMENT_CLIENTSIDE_TRIGGER_190249, ue_aa_a); } (function (f, b) { function g() { try { b.PerformanceObserver && function typeof b.PerformanceObserver && (a new b.PerformanceObserver(function (b) { c(b.getEntries()) }), a.observe(d)) } catch (h) { k() } } function m() { for (var h d.entryTypes, a 0; a h.length; a++)c(b.performance.getEntriesByType(ha)) } function c(a) { if (a && Array.isArray(a)) { for (var c 0, e 0; e a.length; e++) { var d l.indexOf(; if (-1 ! d) { var g Math.round(b.performance.timing.navigationStart + ae.startTime); f.uet(nd, void 0, void 0, g); c++ } } l.length c && k() } } function k() { a && a.disconnect && function typeof a.disconnect && a.disconnect() } if (function typeof f.uet && b.performance && object typeof b.performance && b.performance.getEntriesByType && function typeof b.performance.getEntriesByType && b.performance.timing && object typeof b.performance.timing && number typeof b.performance.timing.navigationStart) { var d { entryTypes: paint }, l first-paint, first-contentful-paint, n fp, fcp, a; try { m(), g() } catch (p) { f.ueLogError(p, { logLevel: ERROR, attribution: performanceMetrics }) } } })(ue_csm, window); if (window.csa) { csa(Events)(setEntity, { page: { pageType: Detail, subPageType: Kindle_HW, pageTypeId: B0BF75VM4T } }); } csa.plugin(function (c) { var m transitionStart, n pageVisible, e PageTiming, t visibilitychange, s $latency.visible, i, r (i.performance || {}).timing, a navigationStart, unloadEventStart, unloadEventEnd, redirectStart, redirectEnd, fetchStart, domainLookupStart, domainLookupEnd, connectStart, connectEnd, secureConnectionStart, requestStart, responseStart, responseEnd, domLoading, domInteractive, domContentLoadedEventStart, domContentLoadedEventEnd, domComplete, loadEventStart, loadEventEnd, u c.config, o i.Math, l o.max, g o.floor, d i.document || {}, f (r || {}).navigationStart, v f, p 0, S null; if (i.Object.keys && .forEach && !uKillSwitch. + e) { if (!r || null f || f 0 || void 0 f) return c.error(Invalid navigation timing data: + f); S new E({ schemaId: ns>.PageLatency.6, producerId: csa }), boolean ! typeof d.hidden && string ! typeof d.visibilityState || !d.removeEventListener ? c.emit(s) : b() ? (c.emit(s), I(n, f)) : c.on(d, t, function e() { b() && (v c.time(), d.removeEventListener(t, e), I(m, v), I(n, v), c.emit(s)) }), c.once($unload, h), c.once($load, h), c.on($pageTransition, function () { v c.time() }), c.register(e, { mark: I, instance: function (e) { return new E(e) } }) } function E(e) { var i, r null, a e.ent || { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId }, o e.logger || c(Events, { producerId: e.producerId, lob: u.lob || 0 }); if (!e || !e.producerId || !e.schemaId) return c.error(The producer id and schema Id must be defined for PageLatencyInstance.); function d() { return i || v } function n() { r c.UUID() } this.mark function (n, t) { if (null ! n) return t t || c.time(), n m && (i t), c.once(s, function () { o(log, { messageId: r, __merge: function (e) { e.markersn function (e, n) { return l(0, n - (e || v)) }(d(), t), e.markerTimestampsn g(t) }, markers: {}, markerTimestamps: {}, navigationStartTimestamp: d() ? new Date(d()).toISOString() : null, schemaId: e.schemaId }, { ent: a }) }), t }, n(), c.on($beforePageTransition, n) } function I(e, n) { e m && (v n); var t S.mark(e, n); c.emit($timing: + e, t) } function h() { if (!p) { for (var e 0; e a.length; e++)rae && I(ae, rae); p 1 } } function b() { return !d.hidden || visible d.visibilityState } }); csa.plugin(function (u) { var f, c, l length, a parentElement, t target, i getEntriesByName, e perf, n null, r _csa_flt, o _csa_llt, s previousSibling, d visuallyLoaded, g client, h offset, m scroll, p Width, v Height, y g + p, E g + v, S h + p, b h + v, x m + p, O m + v, _ _osrc, w _elt, L _eid, T 10, I 5, N 15, k 100, B, H u.timeout, W B.Math, Y W.max, C W.floor, F W.ceil, M B.document || {}, R M.body || {}, V M.documentElement || {}, $ B.performance || {}, P ($.timing || {}).navigationStart, X, D Object.values || (u.types || {}).ovl, J u(PageTiming), j u(SpeedIndexBuffers), q , Q , U , z , A , G , K .1, Z .1, ee 0, ne 0, te !0, ie 0, re 0, oe 1 u.configSpeedIndex.ForceReplay, ae 0, fe 1, ue 0, ce {}, le , se 0, de { buffered: 1 }; function ge(e) { || u.emit($csmTag: + e, 0, de) } function he() { for (var e X(), n 0; f;) { if (0 ! fl) { if (!1 ! f.h(f0) && f.shift(), n++, !oe && n % T 0 && X() - e > I) break } else f f.n } ee 0, f && (ee || (!0 M.hidden ? (oe 1, he()) : u.timeout(he, 0))) } function me(e, n, t, i, r) { ue C(e), q n, Q t, U i, G r; var o M.createTreeWalker(M.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, null), a { w: B.innerWidth, h: B.innerHeight, x: B.pageXOffset, y: B.pageYOffset }; M.bodyw e, z.push({ w: o, vp: a }), A.push({ img: M.images, iter: 0 }), q.h pe, (q.n Q).h ve, (Q.n U).h ye, (U.n z).h Ee, (z.n A).h Se, (A.n G).h be, f q, he() } function pe(e) { e.m.forEach(function (e) { for (var n e; n && (e n || !nr || !no);)nr || (nr er), no || (no eo), nw nr - P, n ns }) } function ve(e) { e.m.forEach(function (e) { var n et; _ in n || (n_ e.oldValue) }) } function ye(n) { n.m.forEach(function (e) { etw n.t - P }) } function Ee(e) { for (var n, t e.vp, i e.w, r T; (n i.nextNode()) && 0 r;) { r - 1; var o (na || {}).nodeName; SCRIPT ! o && STYLE ! o && NOSCRIPT ! o && BODY ! o && 0 ! (n.nodeValue || ).trim()l && Le(na, xe(n), t) } return !n } function Se(e) { for (var n { w: B.innerWidth, h: B.innerHeight, x: B.pageXOffset, y: B.pageYOffset }, t T; e.iter e.imgl && 0 t;) { var i, r e.imge.iter, o we(r), a o && xe(o) || xe(r); o ? (ow a, i _e(o.querySelector(aria-posinset1 img) || r) || a, r o) : i _e(r) || a, re && c i && (i a), Le(r, i, n), e.iter + 1, t - 1 } return e.imgl e.iter } function be(e) { var n , i 0, r 0, o ne, t B.innerHeight || Y(RO || 0, Rb || 0, VE || 0, VO || 0, Vb || 0), a C(e.y / k), f F((e.y + t) / k); le.slice(a, f).forEach(function (e) { (e.elems || ).forEach(function (e) { in n || ( {}), in || (i + ( e).a) }) }), ge(startVL), D(n).forEach(function (e) { D(e).forEach(function (e) { var n 1 - r / i, t Y(, o); se + n * (t - o), o t, function (e, n) { var t; for (; K 1 && K - .01 e;)Te(d + (t (100 * K).toFixed(0)),, 50 ! t && 90 ! t || u(Content, { target: n.e })(mark, d + t, P + F( || 0)), K + Z }((r + e.a) / i, e) }) }), ge(endVL), ne e.t - P, Gl 1 && (Te(speedIndex, se), Te(d + 0, ue)), te && (te !1, Te(atfSpeedIndex, se)) } function xe(e) { for (var n ea, t N; n && 0 t;) { if (nw || 0 nw) return Y(nw, ue); n n.parentElement, t - 1 } } function Oe(e, n) { if (e) { if (!e.indexOf(data:)) return xe(n); var t $i(e) || ; if (0 tl) return Y(F(t0.responseEnd || 0), ue) } } function _e(e) { return Oe(e_, e) || Oe(e.currentSrc, e) || Oe(e.src, e) } function we(e) { for (var n 10, t e.parentElement; t && 0 n;) { if (t.classList && t.classList.contains(a-carousel-viewport)) return t; t t.parentElement, n - 1 } return null } function Le(e, n, t) { if ((n || 0 n) && !eL) { var i e.getBoundingClientRect(), r i.width * i.height, o t.w || Y(Rx || 0, RS || 0, Vy || 0, Vx || 0, VS || 0) || i.right, a i.width / 2, f fe++; if (0 ! r && !(a i.right - o || i.right a)) { for (var u { e: e, lt: n, a: r, id: f }, c C(( + t.y) / k), l F(( + t.y + i.height) / k), s c; s l; s++)s in le || (les { elems: , lt: 0 }), les.elems.push(u); eL f } } } function Te(e, n) { J(mark, e, P + F((cee n) || 0)) } function Ie(e) { ae || (ge(browserQuite + e), j(getBuffers, me), ae 1) } P && D && $i ? (ge(e + Yes), j(registerListener, function () { re && (clearTimeout(ie), ie H(Ie.bind(n, Mut), 2500)) }), u.once($unload, function () { oe 1, Ie(Ud) }), u.once($load, function () { re 1, c X() - P, ie H(Ie.bind(n, Ld), 2500) }), u.once($timing:functional, Ie.bind(n, Fn)), j(replayModuleIsLive), u.register(SpeedIndex, { getMarkers: function (e) { e && e(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ce))) } })) : ge(e + No) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var m !!e.configLCP.elementDedup, t !1, n e(PageTiming), r, a; function i() { return a.timing.navigationStart } function o() { t || function (o) { var l new r(function (e) { var t e.getEntries(); if (0 ! t.length) { var n tt.length - 1; if (m && ! && n.element && IMG n.element.tagName) { for (var r {}, a t0, i 0; i t.length; i++) in r || ( ! && ( !0), a.startTime ti.startTime && (a ti)); n a } l.disconnect(), o({ startTime: n.startTime, renderTime: n.renderTime, loadTime: n.loadTime }) } }); try { l.observe({ type: largest-contentful-paint, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } }(function (e) { e && (t !0, n(mark, largestContentfulPaint, Math.floor(e.startTime + i())), e.renderTime && n(mark, largestContentfulPaint.render, Math.floor(e.renderTime + i())), e.loadTime && n(mark, largestContentfulPaint.load, Math.floor(e.loadTime + i()))) }) } r && a && a.timing && (e.once($unload, o), e.once($load, o), e.register(LargestContentfulPaint, {})) }); csa.plugin(function (r) { var e r(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), n; n && (n new n(function (r) { var t r.getEntries(); if (0 t.length || !t0.processingStart || !t0.startTime) return; !function (r) { r r || 0, n.disconnect(), 0 r ? e(recordMetric, firstInputDelay, r) : e(recordMetric, firstInputDelay.invalid, 1) }(t0.processingStart - t0.startTime) }), function () { try { n.observe({ type: first-input, buffered: !0 }) } catch (r) { } }()) }); csa.plugin(function (d) { var e Metrics, g d.config, f 0; function r(i) { var c, t, e i.producerId, r i.logger, o r || d(Events, { producerId: e, lob: g.lob || 0 }), s (i || {}).dimensions || {}, u {}, n -1; if (!e && !r) return d.error(Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined); function a() { n ! f && (c d.UUID(), t d.UUID(), u {}, n f) } this.recordMetric function (r, n) { var e i.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; e.debugMetric i.debugMetric, a(), o(log, { messageId: c, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.Metric.4, metrics: {}, dimensions: s, __merge: function (e) { e.metricsr n } }, e) }, this.recordCounter function (r, e) { var n i.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; if (string ! typeof r || number ! typeof e || !isFinite(e)) return d.error(Invalid type given for counter name or counter value: + r + / + e); a(), r in u || (ur {}); var c ur; f in c || (c.f e), c.c (c.c || 0) + 1, c.s (c.s || 0) + e, c.l e, o(log, { messageId: t, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.InternalCounters.3, c: {}, __merge: function (e) { r in e.c || ( {}), c.fs || (c.fs 1, c.f), 1 c.c && ( c.s, c.l, c.c) } }, n) } } gKillSwitch. + e || (new r({ producerId: csa }).recordMetric(baselineMetricEvent, 1), d.on($beforePageTransition, function () { f++ }), d.register(e, { instance: function (e) { return new r(e || {}) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (s) { var n s.config, r ( || {}).timing, c (r || {}).navigationStart || s.time(), g 0; function e() { g + 1 } function i(i) { i i || {}; var o s.UUID(), t g, r i.producerId, e i.logger, a e || s(Events, { producerId: r, lob: n.lob || 0 }); if (!r && !e) return s.error(Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined); this.mark function (e, r) { var n (void 0 r ? s.time() : r) - c; t ! g && (t g, o s.UUID()), a(log, { messageId: o, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.Timer.1, markers: {}, __merge: function (r) { r.markerse n } }, i.logOptions) } } r && (e(), s.on($beforePageTransition, e), s.register(Timers, { instance: function (r) { return new i(r || {}) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (t) { var e takeRecords, i disconnect, n function, o t(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), c t(PageTiming), a, u t.timeout, r t.on, f a.PerformanceObserver, m 0, l !1, s 0, d a.performance, h a.document, v null, y !1, g t.blank; function p() { l || (l !0, clearTimeout(v), typeof fe n && fe(), typeof fi n && fi(), o(recordMetric, documentCumulativeLayoutShift, m), c(mark, cumulativeLayoutShiftLastTimestamp, Math.floor(s + d.timing.navigationStart))) } f && d && d.timing && h && (f new f(function (t) { v && clearTimeout(v); t.getEntries().forEach(function (t) { t.hadRecentInput || (m + t.value, s t.startTime && (s t.startTime)) }), v u(p, 5e3) }), function () { try { f.observe({ type: layout-shift, buffered: !0 }), v u(p, 5e3) } catch (t) { } }(), g r(h, click, function (t) { y || (y !0, o(recordMetric, documentCumulativeLayoutShiftToFirstInput, m), g()) }), r(h, visibilitychange, function () { hidden h.visibilityState && p() }), t.once($unload, p)) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var t, n, r n.PerformanceObserver, c e(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), o 0, i 0, a -1, l n.Math, f l.max, u l.ceil; if (r) { t new r(function (e) { e.getEntries().forEach(function (e) { var t e.duration; o + t, i + t, a f(t, a) }) }); try { t.observe({ type: longtask, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } t new r(function (e) { 0 e.getEntries().length && (i 0, a -1) }); try { t.observe({ type: largest-contentful-paint, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } e.on($unload, g), e.on($beforePageTransition, g) } function g() { c(recordMetric, totalBlockingTime, u(i || 0)), c(recordMetric, totalBlockingTimeInclLCP, u(o || 0)), c(recordMetric, maxBlockingTime, u(a || 0)), i o 0, a -1 } }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var e CacheDetection, r csa-ctoken-, c, t o.deleteStored, n o.config, i ne + .RequestID, a ne + .Callback, s, u s.document || {}, d s.Date, l o(Events), f o(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: n.lob || 0 }); function p(e) { try { var c u.cookie.match(RegExp((^| ) + e + (^;+))); return c && c2.trim() } catch (e) { } } nKillSwitch. + e || (function () { var e function () { var e p(cdn-rid); if (e) return { r: e, s: cdn } }() || function () { if ( + i)) return { r: o.UUID().toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, ).slice(0, 20), s: device } }() || {}, c e.r, n e.s; if (!!c) { var t p(session-id); !function (e, c, n, t) { l(setEntity, { page: { pageSource: cache, requestId: e, cacheRequestId: i, cacheSource: t }, session: { id: n } }) }(c, 0, t, n), device n && f(log, { schemaId: ns>.CacheImpression.2 }, { ent: all }), a && a(c, t, n) } }(), c(r + i, + 36e5), o.once($load, function () { var n; t(function (e, c) { return 0 e.indexOf(r) && parseInt(c) n }) })) }); csa.plugin(function (u) { var i, t Content, e MutationObserver, n addedNodes, a querySelectorAll, f matches, r getAttributeNames, o getAttribute, s dataset, c widget, l producerId, d slotId, h iSlotId, g { ent: { element: 1, page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }, p 5, m u.configt + .BubbleUp.SearchDepth || 35, y u.configt + .SearchPage || 0, v csaC, b v + Id, E logRender, w {}, I u.config, O It + .Selectors || , C It + .WhitelistedAttributes || { href: 1, class: 1 }, N It + .EnableContentEntities, S IKillSwitch.ContentRendered, k, A k.document || {}, U A.documentElement, L k.HTMLElement, R {}, _ , j function (t, e, n, i) { var o this, r u(Events, { producerId: t || csa, lob: I.lob || 0 }); e.type e.type || c,, o.l r, o.e e, o.el n, o.rt i, o.dlo g, o.op W(n, csaOp), o.log function (t, e) { r(log, t, e || g) }, o.entities function (t) { t(e) }, && r(setEntity, { element: e }) }, x j.prototype; function D(t) { var e (t t || {}).element, n; return e ? function (t, e) { var n; n t instanceof L ? K(t) || Y(el, t, z, u.time()) : || H(el, 0, t, u.time()); return n }(e, t) : n ? M(n) : u.error(No element or target argument provided.) } function M(t) { var e function (t) { var e null, n 0; for (; t && n m;) { if (n++, P(t, b)) { e t; break } t t.parentElement } return e }(t); return e ? K(e) : new j(csa, { id: null }, null, u.time()) } function P(t, e) { if (t && t.dataset) return t.datasete } function T(t, e, n) { _.push({ n: n, e: t, t: e }), B() } function q() { for (var t u.time(), e 0; 0 _.length;) { var n _.shift(); if (wn.n(n.e, n.t), ++e % 10 0 && u.time() - t > p) break } i 0, _.length && B() } function B() { i i || u.raf(q) } function X(t, e, n) { return { n: t, e: e, t: n } } function Y(t, e, n, i) { var o u.UUID(), r { id: o }, c M(e); return esb o, n(r, e), c && && (r.parentId, H(t, e, r, i) } function $(t) { return isNaN(t) ? null : Math.round(t) } function H(t, e, n, i) { N && (n.schemaId ns>.ContentEntity.2), || u.UUID(); var o new j(t, n, e, i); return function (t) { return !S && ((t.op || {}).hasOwnProperty(E) || y) }(o) && function (t, e) { var n {}, i u.exec($); t.el && (n t.el.getBoundingClientRect()), t.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentRender.3, timestamp: e, width: i(n.width), height: i(n.height), positionX: i(n.left + k.pageXOffset), positionY: i( + k.pageYOffset) }) }(o, i), u.emit($content.register, o), o } function K(t) { return R(ts || {})b } function W(n, i) { var o {}; return r in (n n || {}) && Object.keys(ns).forEach(function (t) { if (!t.indexOf(i) && i.length t.length) { var e function (t) { return (t0 || ).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1) }(t.slice(i.length)); oe nst } }), o } function z(t, e) { r in e && (function (t, e) { var n W(t, v); Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) { et nt }) }(e, t), d in t && (th td), function (e, n) { (er() || ).forEach(function (t) { t in C && (nt eo(t)) }) }(e, t)) } U && Aa && ke && (O.push({ selector: *data-csa-c-type, entity: z }), O.push({ selector: .celwidget, entity: function (t, e) { z(t, e), td td || eo(cel_widget_id) ||, t.legacyId eo(cel_widget_id) ||, t.type t.type || c } }), w1 function (t, e) { t.forEach(function (t) { tn && tn.constructor && NodeList &&, function (t) { _.unshift(X(2, t, e)) }) }) }, w2 function (r, c) { a in r && f in r && O.forEach(function (t) { for (var e t.selector, n rf(e), i ra(e), o i.length - 1; 0 o; o--)_.unshift(X(3, { e: io, s: t }, c)); n && _.unshift(X(3, { e: r, s: t }, c)) }) }, w3 function (t, e) { var n t.e; K(n) || Y(csa, n, t.s.entity, e) }, w4 function () { u.register(t, { instance: D }) }, new ke(function (t) { T(t, u.time(), 1) }).observe(U, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), T(U, u.time(), 2), T(null, u.time(), 4), u.on($content.export, function (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { xt et }) })) }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var i, t ContentImpressions, e KillSwitch., n IntersectionObserver, r getAttribute, s dataset, c intersectionRatio, a csaCId, m 1e3, l, f o.config, u fe + t, v fe + t + .ContentViews, g ((l.performance || {}).timing || {}).navigationStart || o.time(), d {}; function h(t) { t && (t.v 1, function (t) { t.vt o.time(), t.el.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentView.4, timeToViewed: t.vt - t.el.rt, pageFirstPaintToElementViewed: t.vt - g }) }(t)) } function I(t) { t && ! && (t.i o.time() - > m, function (t) { o.time(), t.el.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentImpressed.3, timeToImpressed: - t.el.rt, pageFirstPaintToElementImpressed: - g }) }(t)) } !u && ln && (i new ln(function (t) { var n o.time(); t.forEach(function (t) { var e function (t) { if (t && tr) return dtsa }(; if (e) { o.emit($content.intersection, { meta: e.el, t: n, e: t }); var i t.intersectionRect; t.isIntersecting && 0 i.width && 0 i.height && (v || e.v || h(e), .5 tc && ! && ( n, e.timer o.timeout(function () { I(e) }, m))), tc .5 && ! && e.timer && (l.clearTimeout(e.timer), 0, e.timer 0) } }) }, { threshold: 0, .5, .99 }), o.on($content.register, function (t) { var e t.el; e && ( { el: t, v: 0, i: 0, is: 0, vt: 0, it: 0 }, i.observe(e)) })) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { e.configKillSwitch.ContentLatency || e.emit($content.export, { mark: function (t, n) { var o this; o.t || (o.t e(Timers, { logger: o.l, schemaId: ns>.ContentLatency.4, logOptions: o.dlo })), o.t(mark, t, n) } }) }); csa.plugin(function (t) { function n(i, e, o) { var c {}; function r(t, n, e) { t in c && o n - ct.s && (function (n, e, i) { if (!p) return; E(function (t) { T(n, t), t.wne a((t.wne || 0) + i) }) }(t, i, n - ct.d), ct.d n), e || delete ct } this.update function (t, n) { n.isIntersecting && e n.intersectionRatio ? function (t, n) { t in c || (ct { s: n, d: n }) }(t, u()) : r(t, u()) }, this.stopAll function (t) { var n u(); for (var e in c) r(e, n, t) }, this.reset function () { var t u(); for (var n in c) cn.s t, cn.d t } } var e t.config, u t.time, i ContentInteractionsSummary, o ei + .FlushInterval || 5e3, c ei + .FlushBackoff || 1.5, r, s t.on, a Math.floor, f (r.document || {}).documentElement || {}, l ((r.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart || t.time(), d o, m 0, p !0, v t.UUID(), g t(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: e.lob || 0 }), w new n(it0, 0, 0), I new n(it50, .5, 1e3), h new n(it100, .99, 0), b {}, A {}; function $() { w.stopAll(!0), I.stopAll(!0), h.stopAll(!0), S() } function C() { w.reset(), I.reset(), h.reset(), S() } function S() { d && (clearTimeout(m), m t.timeout($, d), d * c) } function U(n) { E(function (t) { T(n, t), ( || 0) + 1 }) } function E(t) { g(log, { messageId: v, schemaId: ns>.ContentInteractionsSummary.2, w: {}, __merge: t }, { ent: { page: requestId } }) } function T(t, n) { t in n.w || (n.wt {}) } eKillSwitch. + i || (s($content.intersection, function (t) { if (t && t.meta && t.e) { var n; if (n in b) { var e t.e.boundingClientRect || {}; e.width 5 || e.height 5 || (w.update(n, t.e), I.update(n, t.e), h.update(n, t.e), !t.e.isIntersecting || n in A || (An 1, function (n, e) { E(function (t) { T(n, t), t.wn.ttfv a(e) }) }(n, u() - l))) } } }), s($content.register, function (t) { (t.e || {}).slotId && ( {}, function (e) { E(function (t) { var n; T(n, t), t.wn.sid (e.e || {}).slotId, t.wn.cid (e.e || {}).contentId }) }(t)) }), s($beforePageTransition, function () { $(), C(), v t.UUID(), S() }), s($beforeunload, function () { w.stopAll(), I.stopAll(), h.stopAll(), d null }), s($visible, function (t) { t ? C() : ($(), clearTimeout(m)), p t }, { buffered: 1 }), s(f, click, function (t) { for (var n, e 25; n && 0 e;) { var i (n.dataset || {}).csaCId; i && U(i), n n.parentElement, e - 1 } }, { capture: !0, passive: !0 }), S()) }); csa.plugin(function (d) { var t, o, i normal, c reload, e history, s new-tab, n ajax, r 1, a 2, u lastActive, l lastInteraction, p used, f csa-tabbed-browsing, y visibilityState, g page, v experience, b request, m { back-memory-cache: 1, tab-switch: 1, history-navigation-page-cache: 1 }, I TabbedBrowsing, T ns>. + I + .4, h visible, w, x d.config, S d(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: x.lob || 0 }), q w.location || {}, P w.document, z w.JSON, E ((w.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type, $, k d.on, A d.storageSupport(), C !1, O {}, j {}, B {}, J {}, K {}, N !1, R !1, D !1, F 0; function G(i) { try { return z.parse($(f, void 0, { session: i }) || {}) || {} } catch (i) { d.error(Could not parse storage value for key + f + : + i) } return {} } function H(i, e) { $(f, z.stringify(e || {}), { session: i }) } function L(i) { var e j.tid ||, t Ou || {}; t.tid e && (, t.ent K), J { pid:, tid: e, ent: K, lastInteraction: jl || {}, initialized: !0 }, B { lastActive: t, lastInteraction: Ol || {}, time: d.time() } } function M(i) { var e i s, t P.referrer, n !(t && t.length) || !~t.indexOf(q.origin || ), r e && n, a { type: i, toTabId: J.tid, toPageId:, transitTime: d.time() - O.time || null }; r || function (i, e, t) { var n i c, r e ? Ou || {} : j, a Ol || {}, d jl || {}, o e ? a : d; t.fromTabId r.tid, t.fromPageId; var s r.ent || {}; s.rid && (t.fromRequestId s.rid || null), s.ety && (t.fromExperienceType s.ety || null), s.esty && (t.fromExperienceSubType s.esty || null), n || ! || op || (t.interactionId || null, o.sid && (t.interactionSlotId o.sid || null), && (ap !0), && (dp !0)) }(i, e, a), S(log, { navigation: a, schemaId: T }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } function Q(i) { D function (i) { return i && i in m }(i.transitionType), function () { O G(!1), j G(!0); var i Ol, e jl, t !1, n !1; i && e && && ip ! ep && (t !ip, n !ep, ep ip !0, t && H(!1, O), n && H(!0, j)) }(), L(i), N !0, function (i) { var e, t; e V(), t W(), (e || t) && L(i) }(i), F 1 } function U() { C && !D ? M(n) : (C !0, M(E a || D ? e : E r ? j.initialized ? c : s : j.initialized ? i : s)) } function V() { var i t, e {}; return !!(N && i && i.e && i.w) && (i.w(entities, function (i) { e i || {} }), jl { id: i.e.messageId, sid: e.slotId, used: !(Ol { id: i.e.messageId, sid: e.slotId, used: !1 }) }, !(t null)) } function W() { var i !1; if (R Py h, N) { var e Ou || {}; i function (i, e, t, n) { var r !1, a iu; return R ? a && a.tid J.tid && ah && t || (iu { visible: !0, pid: t, tid: e, ent: n }, r !0) : a && a.tid J.tid && ah && (r !(ah !1)), r }(O, j.tid || e.tid || J.tid, || ||, j.ent || e.ent || J.ent) } return i } xKillSwitch. + I || A.local && A.session && z && P && y in P && (o function () { try { return w.self ! } catch (i) { return !0 } }(), k($entities.set, function (i) { if (!o && i) { var e (ib || {}).id || (ig || {}).requestId, t (iv || {}).experienceType || (ig || {}).pageType, n (iv || {}).experienceSubType || (ig || {}).subPageType, r !K.rid && e || !K.ety && t || !K.esty && n; if (K.rid K.rid || e, K.ety K.ety || t, K.esty K.esty || n, r && F) { var a Ou || {}; a.tid j.tid && (a.ent K, H(!1, O)), j.ent K, H(!0, j) } } }, { buffered: 1 }), k($pageChange, function (i) { o || (Q(i), U(), H(!1, B), H(!0, J), j J, O B) }, { buffered: 1 }), k($content.interaction, function (i) { t i, V() && (H(!1, O), H(!0, j)) }), k(P, visibilitychange, function () { !o && W() && H(!1, O) }, { capture: !1, passive: !0 })) }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e c(Metrics, { producerId: csa }); c.on(, pageshow, function (c) { c && c.persisted && e(recordMetric, bfCache, 1) }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var e, t, i, o, r, a, c, u, f, s, l, d, p, g, m, v, h, b, y hasFocus, S $app., T avail, $ client, w document, I inner, P offset, D screen, C scroll, E Width, F Height, O T + E, q T + F, x $ + E, z $ + F, H I + E, K I + F, M P + E, W P + F, X C + E, Y C + F, j up, k down, A none, B 20, G n.config, J GKillSwitch.PageInteractionsSummary, L n(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: G.lob || 0 }), N 1, Q || {}, R n.time, U n.on, V n.once, Z Qw || {}, _ QD || {}, nn Q.Math || {}, en nn.abs, tn nn.max, on nn.ceil, rn ((Q.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart, an function () { return Zy() }, cn 1, un 100, fn {}, sn 1, ln 0, dn 0, pn k, gn A; function mn() { c t o r e, i d 0, a u f s l 0, pn k, gn A, dn ln 0, yn(), bn() } function vn() { rn && !o && (c on((o p) - rn), sn 1) } function hn() { var n m - i; (!t || t && t p) && (n && (++a, sn dn 1), i m, n), function () { if (gn d m ? k : j, pn ! gn) { var n en(m - d); B n && (++l, ln && !dn && ++a, pn gn, sn ln 1, d m, dn 0) } else dn 0, d m }(), t p + un } function bn() { u on(tn(u, m + b)), g && (f on(tn(f, g + h))), sn 1 } function yn() { p R(), g en(Q.pageXOffset || 0), m tn(Q.pageYOffset || 0, 0), v 0 g || 0 m, h QH || 0, b QK || 0 } function Sn() { yn(), vn(), hn(), bn() } function Tn() { if (r) { var n on(R() - r); s + n, r e, sn 0 n } } function $n() { r r || R() } function wn(n, e, t, i) { en + E on(t || 0), en + F on(i || 0) } function In(n) { var e n fn, t an(); if (t || sn) { if (!e) { if (!N) return; N 0, t && Tn() } var i function () { var n {}, e Z.documentElement || {}, t Z.body || {}; return wn(availableScreen, n, _O, _q), wn(w, n, tn(tX || 0, tM || 0, ex || 0, eX || 0, eM || 0), tn(tY || 0, tW || 0, ez || 0, eY || 0, eW || 0)), wn(D, n, _.width, _.height), wn(viewport, n, QH, QK), n }(), o function () { var n { scrollCounts: a, reachedDepth: u, horizontalScrollDistance: f, dwellTime: s, vScrollDirChanges: l }; return number typeof c && (n.clientTimeToFirstScroll c), n }(); e ? sn 0 : (mn(), rn R(), t && (r rn)), L(log, { activity: o, dimensions: i, schemaId: ns>.PageInteractionsSummary.3 }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } } function Pn() { Tn(), In(fn) } function Dn(n, e) { return function () { cn e, n() } } function Cn() { an function () { return cn }, cn && !r && (r R()) } function ! typeof Zy || J || (mn(), v && vn(), U(Q, C, Sn, { passive: !0 }), U(Q, blur, Pn), U(Q, focus, Dn($n, 1)), V(S + android, Cn), V(S + ios, Cn), U(S + pause, Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + resume, Dn($n, 1)), U(S + resign, Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + active, Dn($n, 1)), an() && (r rn || R()), V($beforeunload, In), U($beforeunload, In), U($document.hidden, Pn), U($beforePageTransition, In), U($afterPageTransition, function () { sn N 1 })) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var o, n, r Navigator, a ns>. + r + .5, i, c e.config, d i.navigator || {}, t d.connection || {}, l i.Math.round, u e(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: c.lob || 0 }); function v() { o { network: { downlink: void 0, downlinkMax: void 0, rtt: void 0, type: void 0, effectiveType: void 0, saveData: void 0 }, language: void 0, doNotTrack: void 0, hardwareConcurrency: void 0, deviceMemory: void 0, cookieEnabled: void 0, webdriver: void 0 }, w(), o.language d.language || null, o.doNotTrack function () { switch (d.doNotTrack) { case 1: return enabled; case 0: return disabled; case unspecified: return d.doNotTrack; default: return null } }(), o.hardwareConcurrency hardwareConcurrency in d ? l(d.hardwareConcurrency || 0) : null, o.deviceMemory deviceMemory in d ? l(d.deviceMemory || 0) : null, o.cookieEnabled cookieEnabled in d ? d.cookieEnabled : null, o.webdriver webdriver in d ? d.webdriver : null } function k() { u(log, { network: (n {}, Object.keys( (e) { ne o.networke + }), n), language: o.language, doNotTrack: o.doNotTrack, hardwareConcurrency: o.hardwareConcurrency, deviceMemory: o.deviceMemory, cookieEnabled: o.cookieEnabled, webdriver: o.webdriver, schemaId: a }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } function w() { !function (n) { Object.keys( (e) { o.networke ne }) }({ downlink: downlink in t ? l(t.downlink || 0) : null, downlinkMax: downlinkMax in t ? l(t.downlinkMax || 0) : null, rtt: rtt in t ? (t.rtt || 0).toFixed() : null, type: t.type || null, effectiveType: t.effectiveType || null, saveData: saveData in t ? t.saveData : null }) } function f() { w(), k() } function y() { v(), k() } cKillSwitch. + r || (v(), k(), e.on($afterPageTransition, y), e.on(t, change, f)) }); if (window.ue && window.ue.uels) { ue.uels(; } ue.exec(function (d, c) { function g(e, c) { e && ue.tag(e + c); return !!e } function n() { for (var e RegExp(^https://(.*\.(images|ssl-images|media)-amazon\.com| + c.location.hostname + )/images/, i), d {}, h 0, k c.performance.getEntriesByType(resource), l !1, b, a, m, f 0; f k.length; f++)if (a kf, 0 a.transferSize && a.transferSize > a.encodedBodySize && (b e.exec(String( && 3 b.length) { a: { b a.serverTiming || ; for (a 0; a b.length; a++)if (provider { b ba.description; break a } b void 0 } b && (l || (l g(b, _cdn_fr)), a db (db || 0) + 1, a > h && (m b, h a)) } g(m, _cdn_mp) } d.ue && function typeof d.ue.tag && c.performance && c.location && n() }, cdnTagging)(ue_csm, window); } (n > { var A; n.RXVM function (r) { var i n(1, function (n) { h(n) }, 2, function (n) { h(n) }, 3, h, 4, function (n) { var r h(n), t h(n), n h(n); b(n) || (nt r) }, 10, function (n) { n.u.o.push(h(n)) }, 12, function (n) { for (var r F(n); 0 r--;)n.v.push(S(n)) }, 30, function (n) { return !h(n) }, 42, function () { }, 43, function (n) { for (var r F(n); 0 r--;)n.u.t.push(n.l.pop()) }, 45, a(!0), 44, a(!1), 48, v(0, y), 49, v(1, y), 50, v(2, y), 51, v(-1, y), 52, v(0, _), 53, v(1, _), 54, v(2, _), 55, v(-1, _), 58, function (n) { p(n, x(n)) }, 59, l(!0), 60, l(!1), 64, function (n) { var r x(n), t w(n, n.u._); return p(n, r), t }, 65, function (n) { var r F(n), t x(n), u w(n, n.u._); u, p(n, t) }), o { 40: function (n, r) { return __rx_cls in n ? n.__rx_cls r.__rx_ref : n instanceof r } }, t (o20 Math.pow, s(16, +), s(17, -), s(18, *), s(19, /), s(21, %), s(22, &), s(23, |), s(24, ^), s(25, ), s(26, >>), s(27, >>>), s(28, &&), s(29, ||), s(31, >), s(33, >), s(32, ), s(34, ), s(35, ), s(36, ), s(37, !), s(38, !), s(39, in ), n(10, A, 11, null, 14, !0, 15, !1)), u n(1, function (n) { return n.h }, 17, F, 18, function (n) { n m(n) | m(n) 8 | m(n) 16 | m(n) 24; return n 2147483647 n ? -4294967295 + n - 1 : n }, 19, function (n) { for (var r , t 0; t 4; t++)r.push(m(n)); return new Float32Array(new Uint8Array(r).buffer)0 }, 12, S, 13, function (n) { return n.vF(n) }, 20, function () { return }, 21, function (n) { for (var r F(n), t ; 0 r--;)t.unshift(h(n)); return t }, 22, function () { return {} }, 23, function (n) { for (var r F(n) / 2, t {}; 0 r--;) { var u h(n); th(n) u } return t }, 32, function (n) { return n.u.tF(n) }, 33, function (n) { return n.i0.tF(n) }, 48, function (n) { var r h(n), n h(n); return b(n) ? n : (function typeof (r nr) && (r.__rx_this n), r) }, 51, function (n) { var r h(n), t 0; return b(r) ? r : function () { return { value: rt, done: !(t++ r.length) } } }, 50, function (n) { return n.u.o.pop() }, 52, function (n) { return typeof h(n) }); function e(n) { for (; (r n).u && r.u._ r.p.length;) { r m(n); n.h f(r, n) } var r } function f(n, r) { var t, u; return n in o ? (t h(r), u h(r), on(u, t)) : n in i ? in(r) : void k(e2: + n + : + r.u._) } function c(n, r) { return { m: n, _: n, t: , o: , F: r } } function n(n) { for (var r {}, t 0; t n.length; t + 2)rnt nt + 1; return r } function a(i) { return function (n) { var r i ? h(n) : A, t n.i.pop(), u A, u t.F ? t.t0 : r; return n.l , n.u - 1, d(n, n.u.m), u } } function v(u, i) { return function (n) { var r h(n), t u; for (-1 u && (t F(n)); 0 t--;)n.l.push(h(n)); if (n.h A, r) return i(r, n) } } function l(u) { return function (n) { var r h(n), t x(n); (u && r || !r && !u) && p(n, t) } } function s(u, i) { ou function (n, r) { var t Function(a, b, return a + i + b); return (ou t)(n, r) } } function _(n, r) { var t; if (n.__rx_ref && n.S r) { var u c(n.__rx_ref, !0); u.t.push({ __rx_cls: n.__rx_ref }), r.i.push(u), r.u u, d(r, u.m) } else if (function typeof n) { u r.l.reverse().splice(0), u Function.prototype.bind.apply(n, null.concat(u)); try { t new u, r.l } catch (n) { } } else k(e5: + n + : + r.u._); return t } function y(n, r) { var t; if (n.__rx_ref && n.S r) { var u c(n.__rx_ref); u.t.push(n.__rx_this || this), r.i.push(u), r.u u, d(r, u.m) } else if (function typeof n) { u r.l.reverse().splice(0); try { t n.apply(n.__rx_this || this, u), r.l } catch (n) { } } else k(e4: + n); return t } function h(n) { var r m(n); return 0 (128 & r) ? f(127 & r, n) : r in t ? tr : r in u ? ur(n) : void k(e3: + r) } function w(t, u) { var n g(function () { var n c(u), r n.t; return r.push(this), r.push.apply(r, arguments), t.i.push(n), t.u n, d(t, n.m), e(t), t.h }); return n.__rx_ref u, n.S t, n } function b(n) { return (n A || null n) && (r && k(e10 + n), 1) } function d(n, r) { n.g r % 127 + 37 } function p(n, r) { n.u._ + r } function m(n) { return ^ n.g } function x(n) { n m(n) | m(n) 8; return n 32767 n ? -65535 + n - 1 : n } function F(n) { for (var r, t 0, u 0, i n.u._; t + (127 & (r n.pi + u ^ n.g)) * Math.pow(2, 7 * u), u + 1, 0 (128 & r);); return p(n, u), t } function S(n) { for (var r F(n), t ; 0 r--;)t + String.fromCharCode(m(n)); return t } function g(n) { return function () { try { return n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (n) { k(n) } } } function k(n) { if (r) throw Error(n) } this.execute g(function (n, r) { var t, u; return 82 ! n0 && 88 ! n1 ? k(e1) : (n n, t 3, (u c(0)).t0 (r r) || {}, u._ t, d(r { p: n, h: 0, i: u, u: u, l: , v: , g: 0 }, 0), e(t r), t) }) } })(undefined typeof window ? global : window); (n > { for (var i undefined typeof window ? n : window, t 0, n addEventListener, f ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/.split(), u , r i.rx || {}, o r.c || {}, e o.rxp || /rd/uedata, a || 5e3, c {}, d {}, w , v 0, x 0; x f.length; x++)ufx x; function y(n, r) { return function () { try { return n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (n) { h(n.message || n, n) } } } function h(n, r) { n ( + (n || )).substring(0, 100), w.push(t), w.push(n.length); for (var i 0; i n.length; i++)w.push(n.charCodeAt(i)); if (o.DEBUG) throw r || n; U() } function l(n, r) { r y(r), n in d || (dn ), dn.push(r), n in c && r() } function s(n, r) { n in c || (cn r, (dn || ).forEach(function (n) { n(r) })) } function m(n) { for (var r 0, i 0, t , o 0; o n.length; o + 1)for (i + 8, r r 8 | no; 6 i;)t + fr >> i - 6, r & 255 >> 8 - (i - 6); return 0 i && (t + fr 6 - i), t } function A(n) { for (var r 0, i 0, t , o 0; o n.length && ! no; o + 1)for (i + 6, r r 6 | uno; 8 i;)t.push(r >> i - 8), r & 255 >> 8 - (i - 8); return new Uint8Array(t) } function U() { !v && 0 a && (setTimeout(y(g), a), v 1) } function g() { if ((v 0) w.length) return ; rx.ep(w, p), w } function p(n) { n m(new Uint8Array(n)); n e + ?rid + rx.rid + &sid + rx.sid + &rx + n; (new Image).src n } function b(n) { s(load, n) } function E(n) { b(n), s(unload, n), g() } (i.rx r).err h, r.r y(l), r.e y(s), r.exec y, r.p y(function (n, r) { s(rxm: + n, r), w.push(255 & n), w w.concat(r), U() }), r.ex64 y(function (r, n) { l(n || init, function () { var n; i.RXVM && (n A(r), i.$RX || (i.$RX new i.RXVM), $RX.execute(n, i)) }) }), r.e64 y(m), r.d64 y(A), r.erc4 y(function () { var n rx.ep4(w); return rx.rid + # + m(new Uint8Array(n)) }), s(init, {}), n in i && (in(load, y(b)), in(beforeunload, y(E)), in(pagehide, y(E))) })(window); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(UlgBKSAhQUpLQCBTRElQQCBDSUpKVydXXSFAXUBGJCQVKSFoRFFNBSVkJ5gleVNTUGJeVD43PDUmOnJTU1FDUlNWYXJTYnJWU1dTU1RiX1NyV272XWJfUnJXWFJTUcJyVHJRaI2tU1XPQ1LBclByUVNaQ1JTW2FyU2JyW1NYU1NUYl9Tclhu9l1iX1JyWEJSU1rCxkNQw3JVclRyWmiLrWNiXlYhIyAmc1PBclByWlNZU2NiX1BzU3JQREOtrVFTWFNjYl9Qc1NyVURDra1RU1hTY2JfUHNTcllEQ62tUVNYU1FHUWBgYH9TZCZlJb+VpbWWtJWVlpW5gZIChWuVpIWWtJYOhZykhZa0lgKFa5WkhZW0lg6FnKSFlbSWAoVrlaSFlLSWDoWcpIWUtJYUFSghFSgmBSUFJy8kIRcpJ1ZEFSgmBSUUFSghFSgmBSUFJi8kIRcpJlZERxUoJgUl, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(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, load); /* ◬ */ /script> /div> noscript> img height1 width1 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden; src//$uedatas:%2Frd%2Fuedata%3Fnoscript%26id%3D90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88:0 alt /> /noscript> /div>/body>/html>
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0 : d.ue_t0) }; e.stub function (b, a) { if (!ba) { var c ; ba function () { c.push(, e.d(), d.ue_id) }; ba.replay function (b) { for (var a; a c.shift();)b(a0, a1, a2) }; ba.isStub 1 } }; e.exec function (b, a) { return function () { try { return b.apply(this, arguments) } catch (c) { ueLogError(c, { attribution: a || undefined, logLevel: WARN }) } } } })(ue_csm); var ue_err_chan jserr-rw; (function (d, e) { function h(f, b) { if (!( > a.mxe) && f) { a.ter.push(f); b b || {}; var c f.logLevel || b.logLevel; c && c ! k && c ! m && c ! n && c ! p ||; c && c ! k || a.ecf++; b.pageURL + (e.location ? e.location.href : ); b.logLevel c; b.attribution f.attribution || b.attribution; a.erl.push({ ex: f, info: b }) } } function l(a, b, c, e, g) { d.ueLogError({ m: a, f: b, l: c, c: + e, err: g, fromOnError: 1, args: arguments }, g ? { attribution: g.attribution, logLevel: g.logLevel } : void 0); return !1 } var k FATAL, m ERROR, n WARN, p DOWNGRADED, a { ec: 0, ecf: 0, pec: 0, ts: 0, erl: , ter: , buffer: , mxe: 50, startTimer: function () { a.ts++; setInterval(function () { d.ue && a.pec && d.uex(at); a.pec }, 1E4) } }; l.skipTrace 1; h.skipTrace 1; h.isStub 1; d.ueLogError h; d.ue_err a; e.onerror l })(ue_csm, window); var ue_id 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, ue_url /rd/uedata, ue_navtiming 1, ue_mid A39IBJ37TRP1C6, ue_sid 356-1077062-4831846, ue_sn, ue_furl, ue_surl, ue_int 0, ue_fcsn 1, ue_urt 3, ue_rpl_ns cel-rpl, ue_ddq 1, ue_fpf //$uedatas:, ue_sbuimp 1, ue_ibft 0, ue_sswmts 0, ue_jsmtf 0, ue_fnt 0, ue_lpsi 6000, ue_no_counters 1, ue_lob 1, ue_sjslob 0, ue_dsbl_cel 1, ue_swi 1; var ue_viz function () { (function (b, f, d) { function g() { return (!(p in d) || 0 dp) && (!(q in d) || 0 dq) } function h(c) { if (b.ue.viz.length w && !r) { var a c.type; c c.originalEvent; /^focus./.test(a) && c && (c.toElement || c.fromElement || c.relatedTarget) || (a g() ? fs || (blur a || focusout a ? t : u) : t, b.ue.viz.push(a + : + (+new Date - b.ue.t0)), a u && (b.ue.isl && x(at), r 1)) } } for (var r 0, x b.uex, a, k, l, s, v , webkit, o, ms, moz, e 0, m 1, u visible, t hidden, p innerWidth, q innerHeight, w 20, n 0; n v.length && !e; n++)if (a vn, k (a ? a + H : h) + idden, e boolean typeof fk) l a + visibilitychange, s (a ? a + V : v) + isibilityState; h({}); e && f.addEventListener(l, h, 0); m g() ? 1 : 0; d.addEventListener(resize, function () { var a g() ? 1 : 0; m ! a && (m a, h({})) }, { passive: !0 }); b.ue && e && (b.ue.pageViz { event: l, propHid: k }) })(ue_csm, ue_csm.document, ue_csm.window) }; (function (d, h, N) { function H(a) { return a && a.replace && a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ) } function u(a) { return undefined typeof a } function B(a, b) { for (var c in b) bv(c) && (ac bc) } function I(a) { try { var b N.cookie.match(RegExp((^| ) + a + (^;+))); if (b) return b2.trim() } catch (c) { } } function O(k, b, c) { var q (x || {}).type; if (device ! c || 2 ! q && 1 ! q) k && (d.ue_id a.rid k, w && (w w.replace(/((.*?:){2})(\w+)/, function (a, b) { return b + k })), D && (e(id, D, k), D 0)), b && (w && (w w.replace(/(.*?:)(\w|-)+/, function (a, c) { return c + b })), d.ue_sid b), c && a.tag(page-source: + c), d.ue_fpf w } function P() { var a {}; return function (b) { b && (ab 1); b ; for (var c in a) av(c) && b.push(c); return b } } function y(d, b, c, q) { q q || +new E; var g, m; if (b || u(c)) { if (d) for (m in g b ? e(t, b) || e(t, b, {}) : a.t, gd q, c) cv(m) && e(m, b, cm); return q } } function e(d, b, c) { var e b && b ! ? : a; e || (e {}); id d && c && (Q 1); return ed c || ed } function R(d, b, c, e, g) { c on + c; var m bc; function typeof m ? d && (a.hd m) : m function () { }; bc function (a) { g ? (e(a), m(a)) : (m(a), e(a)) }; bc && (bc.isUeh 1) } function S(k, b, c, q) { function p(b, c) { var d b, f 0, g {}, m, h; c ? (d.push(m1), gc 1) : g; for (h in g) if (gv(h)) { var q e(wb, h), p e(t, h) || {}, n e(t0, h) || a.t0, l; if (c || 2 q) { q q ? f++ : ; d.push(sc + q + + h); for (l in p) u(pl) || null pl || d.push(l + q + + (pl - n)); d.push(t + q + + pk); if (e(ctb, h) || e(wb, h)) m 1 } } !J && m && d.push(ctb1); return d.join(&) } function m(b, c, f, e, g) { if (b) { var k d.ue_err; d.ue_url && !e && !g && b && 0 b.length && (e new Image, a.iel.push(e), e.src b, a.count && a.count(postbackImageSize, b.length)); w ? (g h.encodeURIComponent) && b && (e new Image, b + d.ue_fpf + g(b) + : + (+new E - d.ue_t0), a.iel.push(e), e.src b) : a.log && (a.log(b, uedata, { n: 1 }), a.ielf.push(b)); k && !k.ts && k.startTimer(); a.b && (k a.b, a.b , m(k, c, f, 1)) } } function A(b) { var c x ? x.type : F, d 2 c || a.isBFonMshop, c c && !d, f a.bfini; if (!Q || a.isBFCache) f && 1 f && (b + &bfform1, c || (a.isBFT f - 1)), d && (b + &bfnt1, a.isBFT a.isBFT || 1), a.ssw && a.isBFT && (a.isBFonMshop && (a.isNRBF 0), u(a.isNRBF) && (d a.ssw(a.oid), d.e || u(d.val) || (a.isNRBF 1 d.val ? 0 : 1)), u(a.isNRBF) || (b + &nrbf + a.isNRBF)), a.isBFT && !a.isNRBF && (b + &bft + a.isBFT); return b } if (!a.paused && (b || u(c))) { for (var l in c) cv(l) && e(l, b, cl); a.isBFonMshop || y(pc, b, c); l ld k && b && e(wb, b); var s e(id, b) ||; l || s a.oid || (D b, ba(s, (e(t, b) || {}).tc || +e(t0, b), +e(t0, b))); var s e(id, b) ||, t e(id2, b), f a.url + ? + k + &v + a.v + &id + s, J e(ctb, b) || e(wb, b), z; J && (f + &ctb + J); t && (f + &id2 + t); 1 d.ueinit && (f + &ic + d.ueinit); if (!(ld ! k && ul ! k || b && b ! s)) { if (ld k) { try { hK && hK.isUeh && (hK null) } catch (I) { } if ( for (t 0; t L.length; t++)T(G, Lt); (t N.ue_backdetect) && t.ue_back && t.ue_back.value++; d._uess && (z d._uess()); a.isl 1 } a._bf && (f + &bf + a._bf()); d.ue_navtiming && g && (e(ctb, s, 1), a.isBFonMshop || y(tc, F, F, M)); !C || a.isBFonMshop || U || (g && B(a.t, { na_: g.navigationStart, ul_: g.unloadEventStart, _ul: g.unloadEventEnd, rd_: g.redirectStart, _rd: g.redirectEnd, fe_: g.fetchStart, lk_: g.domainLookupStart, _lk: g.domainLookupEnd, co_: g.connectStart, _co: g.connectEnd, sc_: g.secureConnectionStart, rq_: g.requestStart, rs_: g.responseStart, _rs: g.responseEnd, dl_: g.domLoading, di_: g.domInteractive, de_: g.domContentLoadedEventStart, _de: g.domContentLoadedEventEnd, _dc: g.domComplete, ld_: g.loadEventStart, _ld: g.loadEventEnd, ntd: (function ! typeof || u(M) ? 0 : new E(M + - new E) + a.t0 }), x && B(a.t, { ty: x.type + a.t0, rc: x.redirectCount + a.t0 }), U 1); a.isBFonMshop || B(a.t, { hob: d.ue_hob, hoe: d.ue_hoe }); a.ifr && (f + &ifr1) } y(k, b, c, q); var r, n; l || b && b ! s || ca(b); (c d.ue_mbl) && c.cnt && !l && (f + c.cnt()); l ? e(wb, b, 2) : ld k && (a.lid H(s)); for (r in if (1 e(wb, r)) break; if (l) { if (a.s) return; f p(f, null) } else c p(f, null), c ! f && (c A(c), a.b c), z && (f + z), f p(f, b ||; f A(f); if (a.b || l) for (r in 2 e(wb, r) && delete a.scr; z 0; a._rt && (f + &rt + a._rt()); c h.csa; if (!l && c) for (n in r e(t, b) || {}, c c(PageTiming), r) rv(n) && c(mark, dan || n, rn); l || (a.s 0, (n d.ue_err) && 0 && n.pec && (n.pec, f + &ec + + &ecf + n.ecf), z e(ctb, b), ld ! k || b || a.markers ? a.markers && a.isl && !l && b && B(a.markers, e(t, b)) : (a.markers {}, B(a.markers, e(t, b))), e(t, b, {})); a.tag && a.tag().length && (f + &csmtags + a.tag().join(|), a.tag P()); n a.viz || ; (r n.length) && (f + &viz + n.splice(0, r).join(|)); u(d.ue_pty) || (f + &pty + d.ue_pty + &spty + d.ue_spty + &pti + d.ue_pti); a.tabid && (f + &tid + a.tabid); a.aftb && (f + &aftb1); !a._ui || b && b ! s || (f + a._ui()); f + &lob + (d.ue_lob || 0); a.a f; m(f, k, z, l, b && string typeof b && -1 ! b.indexOf(csa:)) } } function ca(a) { var b h.ue_csm_markers || {}, c; for (c in b) bv(c) && y(c, a, F, bc) } function A(a, b, c) { c c || h; if (cV) cV(a, b, !1); else if (cW) cW(on + a, b) } function T(a, b, c) { c c || h; if (cX) cX(a, b, !1); else if (cY) cY(on + a, b) } function Z() { function a() { d.onUl() } function b(a) { return function () { ca || (ca 1, S(a)) } } var c {}, e, g; d.onLd b(ld); d.onLdEnd b(ld); d.onUl b(ul); e { stop: b(os) }; ? (A(G, a), L.push(a)) : eG d.onUl; for (g in e) ev(g) && R(0, h, g, eg); d.ue_viz && ue_viz(); A(load, d.onLd); y(ue) } function ba(e, b, c) { var g d.ue_mbl, p h.csa, m p && p(SPA), p p && p(PageTiming); g && g.ajax && g.ajax(b, c); m && p && (m(newPage, { requestId: e, transitionType: soft }), p(mark, transitionStart, b)); a.tag(ajax-transition) } d.ueinit (d.ueinit || 0) + 1; var a d.ue d.ue || {}; a.t0 h.aPageStart || d.ue_t0; d.ue_id; a.url d.ue_url; a.rid d.ue_id; a.a ; a.b ; a.h {}; a.s 1; a.t {}; {}; a.iel ; a.ielf ; a.viz ; a.v 0.300369.0; a.paused !1; var v hasOwnProperty, G beforeunload, K on + G, V addEventListener, X removeEventListener, W attachEvent, Y detachEvent, da { cf: criticalFeature, af: aboveTheFold, fn: functional, fp: firstPaint, fcp: firstContentfulPaint, bb: bodyBegin, be: bodyEnd, ld: loaded }, E h.Date, C h.performance || h.webkitPerformance, g (C || {}).timing, x (C || {}).navigation, M (g || {}).navigationStart, w d.ue_fpf, Q 0, U 0, L , D 0, F; a.oid H(; a.lid H(; a._t0 a.t0; a.tag P(); a.ifr ! h.self || h.frameElement ? 1 : 0; a.markers null; a.attach A; a.detach T; if (000-0000000-8675309 d.ue_sid) { var $ I(cdn-rid), aa I(session-id); $ && aa && O($, aa, cdn) } d.uei Z; d.ueh R; d.ues e; d.uet y; d.uex S; a.reset O; a.pause function (d) { a.paused d }; Z() })(ue_csm, ue_csm.window, ue_csm.document); ue.stub(ue, event); ue.stub(ue, onSushiUnload); ue.stub(ue, onSushiFlush); ue.stub(ue, log); ue.stub(ue, onunload); ue.stub(ue, onflush); (function (b) { function g() { var a { requestId: b.ue_id || rid, server: b.ue_sn || sn, obfuscatedMarketplaceId: b.ue_mid || mid }; b.ue_sjslob && (a.lob b.ue_lob || 0); return a } var a b.ue, h 1 b.ue_no_counters; {}; {}; ; a.count function (b, f, c) { var e {}, d, g c && 0 c.c; e.counter b; e.value f; e.t a.d(); c && c.scope && (d || {}, e.scope c.scope); if (void 0 f) return db; db f; d 0; c && && (d 1); h || (ue_csm.ue_sclog || !a.clog || 0 ! d || g ? a.log && a.log(e, csmcount, { c: 1, bf: d }) : a.clog(e, csmcount, { bf: d }));{ c: b, v: f }) }; a.count(baselineCounter2, 1); a && a.event && (a.event(g(), csm, csm.CSMBaselineEvent.4), a.count(nexusBaselineCounter, 1, { bf: 1 })) })(ue_csm); var ue_hoe +new Date(); } window.ueinit window.ue_ihb; /script> !-- 6 --> script>window.ue && ue.count && ue.count(CSMLibrarySize, 10178)/script> !-- sp:end-feature:csm:head-open-part2 --> !-- sp:feature:aui-assets --> link relstylesheet href|01e5ncglxyL.css,01lF2n-pPaL.css,519YvOBDG8L.css,31uBZQYbDJL.css,11hEAfyy4tL.css,01qPl4hxayL.css,01pOTCa2wPL.css,413Vvv3GONL.css,11TIuySqr6L.css,01Rw4F+QU6L.css,11vYg+mVuGL.css,01J3raiFJrL.css,01IdKcBuAdL.css,01dRHIoUjnL.css,21lFcV0hmCL.css,01W0RNXC6mL.css,51nYRMITMLL.css,01XPHJk60-L.css,11wvSzGn6tL.css,01ANX9Vx1mL.css,01cvE3JoRWL.css,21qiQ1rOUAL.css,11wazUu-8nL.css,21RWaJb6t+L.css,11yLJpkAxFL.css,216LjtW6ADL.css,01CFUgsA-YL.css,313tC6rl1gL.css,116t+WD27UL.css,11yEzLYDg2L.css,113QjYEJj-L.css,11BdrZWOJpL.css,01r-hR9jMmL.css,01X+Gu6WK9L.css,21ZVss5T32L.css,114W6O7j2oL.css,01LzHhtXxxL.css,21zi3R-XjNL.css,115pt6oW+ZL.css,11hvENnYNUL.css,11Qek6G6pNL.css,01890+Vwk8L.css,01bDiPuBD6L.css,01cbS3UK11L.css,21F85am0yFL.css,016mfgi+D2L.css,01WslS8q5ML.css,21zhgeMzYSL.css,016Sx2kF1+L.css_.css?AUIClients/AmazonUI#not-trident /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href|11Y+5x+kkTL.js,51cR93oXsVL.js,11yKORv-GTL.js,11GgN1+C7hL.js,01+z+uIeJ-L.js,01VRMV3FBdL.js,21u+kGQyRqL.js,012FVc3131L.js,11aD5q6kNBL.js,11rRjDLdAVL.js,51LgVZTDoFL.js,11nAhXzgUmL.js,119kvzYmMJL.js,1110g-SvlBL.js,11npBNHo-jL.js,21eKR4hvwNL.js,0190vxtlzcL.js,51P8J4TsllL.js,01JYHc2oIlL.js,31nfKXylf6L.js,01ktRCtOqKL.js,01ASnt2lbqL.js,11bEz2VIYrL.js,31o2NGTXThL.js,01rpauTep4L.js,31lTOzOlAqL.js,01tvglXfQOL.js,11Rf82oewsL.js,014gnDeJDsL.js,01A2fK8tgRL.js_.js?AUIClients/AmazonUI /> link relpreload asscript crossoriginanonymous href /> script> (function (b, a, c, d) { if ((b b.AmazonUIPageJS || b.P) && b.when && b.register) { c ; for (a a.currentScript; a; a a.parentElement) && c.push(; return b.log(A copy of P has already been loaded on this page., FATAL, c.join( )) } })(window, document, Date); (function (a, b, c, d) { use strict; a._pSetI function () { return null } })(window, document, Date); (function (d, I, K, L) { use strict; d._sw function () { var p; return function (w, g, u, B, h, C, q, k, x, y) { p || (p !0, y.execute(RetailPageServiceWorker, function () { function z(a, b) { e.controller && a ? (a { feature: retail_service_worker_messaging, command: a }, b && ( b), e.controller.postMessage(a)) : a && h(sw:sw_message_no_ctrl, 1) } function p(a) { var b; if (b && retail_service_worker_messaging b.feature && b.command && { var c; a d.ue; var f d.ueLogError; switch (b.command) { case log_counter: a && k(a.count) && && a.count(, 0 c.value ? 0 : c.value || 1); break; case log_tag: a && k(a.tag) && c.tag && (a.tag(c.tag), b d.uex, a.isl && k(b) && b(at)); break; case log_error: f && k(f) && c.message && f({ message: c.message, logLevel: c.level || ERROR, attribution: c.attribution || RetailServiceWorker }); break; case log_weblab_trigger: if (!c.weblab || !c.treatment) break; a && k(a.trigger) ? a.trigger(c.weblab, c.treatment) : (h(sw:wt:miss), h(sw:wt:miss: + c.weblab + : + c.treatment)); break; default: h(sw:unsupported_message_command, 1) } } } function v(a, b) { return sw: + (b || ) + : + a + : } function D(a, b) { e.register(/service-worker.js).then(function () { h(a + success) }).catch(function (c) { y.logError(c, AUI SW Failed to + b + service worker: , ERROR, RetailPageServiceWorker); h(a + failure) }) } function E() { l.forEach(function (a) { q(a) }) } function n(a) { return a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && } function F(a, b, c) { if (b) if (b.mshop && n(a)) a v(c, mshop_and), b b.mshop.action, l.push(a + supported), b(a, c); else if (b.browser) { a u(/Chrome/i) && !u(/Edge/i) && !u(/OPR/i) && !a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && !u(new RegExp(B + bwv + B + b)); var f b.browser; b v(c, browser); a ? (a f.action, l.push(b + supported), a(b, c)) : l.push(b + unsupported) } } function G(a, b, c) { a && l.push(v(register, c) + unsupported); b && l.push(v(unregister, c) + unsupported); E() } try { var e navigator.serviceWorker } catch (a) { q(sw:nav_err) } (function () { if (e) { var a function () { z(page_loaded, { rid: d.ue_id, mid: d.ue_mid, pty: d.ue_pty, sid: d.ue_sid, spty: d.ue_spty, furl: d.ue_furl }) }; x(e, message, p); z(client_messaging_ready); y.when(load).execute(a); x(e, controllerchange, function () { z(client_messaging_ready); complete I.readyState && a() }) } })(); var l , m function (a, b) { var c d.uex, f d.uet; a g(:, aui, sw, a); ld b && k(c) ? c(ld, a, { wb: 1 }) : k(f) && f(b, a, { wb: 1 }) }, J function (a, b, c) { function f(a) { b && k(b.failure) && b.failure(a) } function H() { l setTimeout(function () { q(g(:, sw: + r, t.TIMED_OUT)); f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.TIMED_OUT, done: !1 }); m(r, ld) }, c || 4E3) } var t { NO_CONTROLLER: no_ctrl, TIMED_OUT: timed_out, UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER: unsupported_browser, UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE: unexpected_response }, r g(:, a.feature, a.command), l, n !0; if (MessageChannel in d && e && controller in e) if (e.controller) { var p new MessageChannel; p.port1.onmessage function (c) { (c && c.feature a.feature && c.command a.command ? (n && (m(r, cf), n !1), m(r, af), clearTimeout(l), c.done || H(), c.ok ? b && k(b.success) && b.success(c) : f(c), c.done && m(r, ld)) : h(g(:, sw: + r, t.UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE), 1) }; H(); m(r, bb); e.controller.postMessage(a, p.port2) } else q(g(:, sw: + a.feature, t.NO_CONTROLLER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.NO_CONTROLLER, done: !0 }); else q(g(:, sw: + a.feature, t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER, done: !0 }) }; (function () { e ? (m(ctrl_changed, bb), e.addEventListener(controllerchange, function () { q(sw:ctrl_changed); m(ctrl_changed, ld) })) : h(g(:, sw:ctrl_changed, sw_unsupp), 1) })(); (function () { var a function () { m(b, ld); var a d.uex; J({ feature: page_proxy, command: request_feature_tags }, { success: function (b) { b; Array.isArray(b) && b.forEach(function (a) { string typeof a ? q(g(:, sw:ppft, a)) : h(g(:, sw:ppft, invalid_tag), 1) }); h(g(:, sw:ppft, success), 1); C && C.isl && k(a) && a(at) }, failure: function (a) { h(g(:, sw:ppft, error: + (a.statusCode || ppft_error)), 1) } }) }; if (requestIdleCallback in d) { var b g(:, ppft, callback_ricb); d.requestIdleCallback(a, { timeout: 1E3 }) } else b g(:, ppft, callback_timeout), setTimeout(a, 0); m(b, bb) })(); var A { reg: {}, unreg: {} }; A.reg.mshop { action: D }; A.reg.browser { action: D }; (function (a) { var b a.reg, c a.unreg; e && e.getRegistrations ? (w.when(A).execute(function (b) { if ((a.reg.mshop || a.unreg.mshop) && function typeof n && n(b)) { var f a.reg.mshop ? T1 : C, e d.ue; e && e.trigger ? e.trigger(MSHOP_SW_CLIENT_446196, f) : h(sw:mshop:wt:failed) } F(b, c, unregister) }), x(d, load, function () { w.when(A).execute(function (a) { F(a, b, register); E() }) })) : (G(b && b.browser, c && c.browser, browser), w.when(A).execute(function (a) { function typeof n && n(a) && G(b && b.mshop, c && c.mshop, mshop_and) })) })(A) })) } }() })(window, document, Date); (function (b, a, J, C) { use strict; b._pd function () { var c, v; return function (D, e, g, h, d, E, w, F, G) { function x(b) { try { return b() } catch (K) { return !1 } } function p(c) { return b.matchMedia ? b.matchMedia(c) : { matches: !1 } } function k() { if (l) { var y || c.tablet ? q.matches && m.matches : m.matches; if (z ! y) { var a { w: b.innerWidth || d.clientWidth, h: b.innerHeight || d.clientHeight }; if (17 Math.abs(r.w - a.w) || 50 Math.abs(r.h - a.h)) r a, (z y) ? h(d, a-ws) : d.className w(d, a-ws) } } } function H(b) { (l b C ? !l : !!b) && k() } function I() { return l } if (!v) { v !0; var t function () { var b O, ms, Moz, Webkit, c a.createElement(div); return { testGradients: function () { return !0 }, test: function (a) { var d a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1); a (b.join(d + ) + d + + a).split( ); for (d a.length; d--;)if ( c.stylead) return !0; return !1 }, testTransform3d: function () { return !0 } } }(); g d.className; var A /(^| )a-mobile( |$)/.test(g), B /(^| )a-tablet( |$)/.test(g); c { audio: function () { return !!a.createElement(audio).canPlayType }, video: function () { return !!a.createElement(video).canPlayType }, canvas: function () { return !!a.createElement(canvas).getContext }, svg: function () { return !!a.createElementNS && !!a.createElementNS(, svg).createSVGRect }, offline: function () { return navigator.hasOwnProperty && navigator.hasOwnProperty(onLine) && navigator.onLine }, dragDrop: function () { return draggable in a.createElement(span) }, geolocation: function () { return !!navigator.geolocation }, history: function () { return !(!b.history || !b.history.pushState) }, webworker: function () { return !!b.Worker }, autofocus: function () { return autofocus in a.createElement(input) }, inputPlaceholder: function () { return placeholder in a.createElement(input) }, textareaPlaceholder: function () { return placeholder in a.createElement(textarea) }, localStorage: function () { return localStorage in b && null ! b.localStorage }, orientation: function () { return orientation in b }, touch: function () { return ontouchend in a }, gradients: function () { return t.testGradients() }, hires: function () { var a b.devicePixelRatio && 1.5 b.devicePixelRatio || b.matchMedia && b.matchMedia((min-resolution:144dpi)).matches; F(hiRes + (A ? Mobile : B ? Tablet : Desktop), a ? 1 : 0); return a }, transform3d: function () { return t.testTransform3d() }, touchScrolling: function () { return e(/Windowshop|android|OS (5-9|1-90-9+)(_0-9{1,2})+ like Mac OS X|SOFTWARE(5-9|1-90-9+)(.0-9{1,2})+.*DEVICEiPhone|Chrome|Silk|Firefox|Trident.+?; Touch/i) }, ios: function () { return e(/OS 1-90-9*(_0-9*)+ like Mac OS X/i) && !e(/trident|Edge/i) }, android: function () { return e(/android.(1-9|L-Z)/i) && !e(/trident|Edge/i) }, mobile: function () { return A }, tablet: function () { return B }, rtl: function () { return rtl d.dir } }; for (var f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && (cf x(cf)); for (var u textShadow textStroke boxShadow borderRadius borderImage opacity transform transition.split( ), n 0; n u.length; n++)cun x(function () { return t.test(un) }); var l !0, r { w: 0, h: 0 }, q p((orientation:landscape)), m || c.tablet ? p((min-width:451px)) : p((min-width:1250px)); q.addListener && q.addListener(k); m.addListener && m.addListener(k); var z; k(); d.className w(d, a-no-js); h(d, a-js); !e(/OS 1-8(_0-9*)+ like Mac OS X/i) || b.navigator.standalone || e(/safari/i) || h(d, a-ember); g ; for (f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && cf && g.push(a- + f.replace(/(A-Z)/g, function (a) { return - + a.toLowerCase() })); h(d, g.join( )); d.setAttribute(data-aui-build-date, G); D.register(p-detect, function () { return { capabilities: c, localStorage: c.localStorage && E, toggleResponsiveGrid: H, responsiveGridEnabled: I } }); return c || {} } } }() })(window, document, Date); (function (g, l, E, F) { function G(a) { n && n.tag && n.tag(p(:, aui, a)) } function m(a, b) { n && n.count && n.count(aui: + a, 0 b ? 0 : b || (n.count(aui: + a) || 0) + 1) } function H(a) { try { return a.test(navigator.userAgent) } catch (b) { return !1 } } function I(a) { return function typeof a } function u(a, b, d) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent(on + b, d) } function p(a, b, d, e) { b b && d ? b + a + d : b || d; return e ? p(a, b, e) : b } function y(a, b, d) { try { Object.defineProperty(a, b, { value: d, writable: !1 }) } catch (e) { ab d } return d } function R(a, b) { a.className S(a, b) + + b } function S(a, b) { return ( + a.className + ).split( + b + ).join( ).replace(/^ | $/g, ) } function J(a) { (a || ).forEach(function (a) { a in z || (za 1, J(Ta)) }) } function ha(a, b, d) { var e a.length, f e, c function () { f-- || ((d && z.hasOwnProperty(d) ? A : K).push(b), L || (q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), L !0)) }; for (c(); e--;)Uae ? c() : (vae vae || ).push(c) } function ia(a, b, d, e, f) { var c l.createElement(a ? script : link); u(c, error, e); f && u(c, load, f); a ? (c.type text/javascript, c.async !0, d && /AUIClients|images/I/.test(b) && c.setAttribute(crossorigin, anonymous), c.src b) : (c.rel stylesheet, c.href b); l.getElementsByTagName(head)0.appendChild(c) } function V(a, b) { return function (d, e) { function f() { ia(b, d, c, function (b) { M ? m(resource_unload) : c ? (c !1, m(resource_retry), f()) : (m(resource_error), a.log(Asset failed to load: + d)); b && b.stopPropagation ? b.stopPropagation() : g.event && (g.event.cancelBubble !0) }, e) } if (Wd) return !1; Wd !0; m(resource_count); var c !0; return !f() } } function ja(a, b, d) { for (var e { name: a, guard: function (c) { return b.guardFatal(a, c) }, guardTime: function (a) { return b.guardTime(a) }, logError: function (c, d, e) { b.logError(c, d, e, a) } }, f , c 0; c d.length; c++)C.hasOwnProperty(dc) && (fc N.hasOwnProperty(dc) ? Ndc(Cdc, e) : Cdc); return f } function w(a, b, d, e, f) { return function (c, k) { function n() { var a null; e ? a k : I(k) && (q.start r(), a k.apply(g, ja(c, h, l)), q.end r()); if (b) { Cc a; a c; for (Ua !0; (va || ).length;)va.shift()(); delete va } q.done !0 } var h f || this; I(c) && (k c, c F); b && (c c ? c.replace(X, ) : __NONAME__, O.hasOwnProperty(c) && h.error(p(, reregistered by , p( by , c + already registered, Oc), h.attribution), c), Oc h.attribution); for (var l Tc , m 0; m a.length; m++)lm am.replace(X, ); var q xc || anon + ++ka { depend: l, registered: r(), namespace: h.namespace }; c && z.hasOwnProperty(c) && J(l); d ? n() : ha(l, h.guardFatal(c, n), c); return { decorate: function (a) { Nc h.guardFatal(c, a) } } } } function Y(a) { return function () { var b; return { execute: w(b, !1, a, !1, this), register: w(b, !0, a, !1, this) } } } function P(a, b) { return function (d, e) { e || (e d, d F); var f this.attribution; return function () { h.push(b || { attribution: f, name: d, logLevel: a }); var c e.apply(this, arguments); h.pop(); return c } } } function D(a, b) { this.load { js: V(this, !0), css: V(this) }; y(this, namespace, b); y(this, attribution, a) } function Z() { l.body ? k.trigger(a-bodyBegin) : setTimeout(Z, 20) } use strict; var t || function () { return +new E }, r function (a) { return a && ? : t }(g.performance), la r(), z {}, T {}, n g.ue; G(); G(aui_build_date:3.24.9-2024-10-31); var aa { getItem: function (a) { try { return g.localStorage.getItem(a) } catch (b) { } }, setItem: function (a, b) { try { return g.localStorage.setItem(a, b) } catch (d) { } } }, q g._pSetI(), K , A , L !1, ma navigator.scheduling && function typeof navigator.scheduling.isInputPending; var B function () { for (var a q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), b t(); A.length || K.length;)if ((A.length ? A : K).shift()(), q && ma) { if (150 t() - b && !navigator.scheduling.isInputPending() || 50 t() - b && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending()) return } else if (50 t() - b) return; q ? q.clear(a) : clearTimeout(a); L !1 }; var U {}, v {}, W {}, M !1; u(g, beforeunload, function () { M !0; setTimeout(function () { M !1 }, 1E4) }); var X /^prv:/, O {}, C {}, N {}, x {}, ka 0, ba String.fromCharCode(92), h , ca !0, da g.onerror; g.onerror function (a, b, d, e, f) { f && object typeof f || (f Error(a, b, d), f.columnNumber e, f.stack b || d || e ? p(ba, f.message, at + p(:, b, d, e)) : F); var c h.pop() || {}; f.attribution p(:, f.attribution || c.attribution,; f.logLevel c.logLevel; f.attribution && console && console.log && console.log(f.logLevel || ERROR, a, thrown by, f.attribution.join( )); h ; da && (c, c4 f, da.apply(g, c)) }; D.prototype { logError: function (a, b, d, e) { b { message: b, logLevel: d || ERROR, attribution: p(:, this.attribution, e) }; if (g.ueLogError) return g.ueLogError(a || b, a ? b : null), !0; console && console.error && (console.log(b), console.error(a)); return !1 }, error: function (a, b, d, e) { a Error(p(:, e, a, d)); a.attribution p(:, this.attribution, b); throw a; }, guardError: P(), guardFatal: P(FATAL), guardCurrent: function (a) { var b hh.length - 1; return b ? P(b.logLevel, b).call(this, a) : a }, guardTime: function (a) { var b hh.length - 1, d b &&; return d && d in x ? function () { var b r(), f a.apply(this, arguments); xd.async (xd.async || 0) + r() - b; return f } : a }, log: function (a, b, d) { return this.logError(null, a, b, d) }, declare: w(, !0, !0, !0), register: w(, !0), execute: w(), AUI_BUILD_DATE: 3.24.9-2024-10-31, when: Y(), now: Y(!0), trigger: function (a, b, d) { var e t(); this.declare(a, { data: b, pageElapsedTime: e - (g.aPageStart || NaN), triggerTime: e }); d && d.instrument && Q.when(prv:a-logTrigger).execute(function (b) { b(a) }) }, handleTriggers: function () { this.log(handleTriggers deprecated) }, attributeErrors: function (a) { return new D(a) }, _namespace: function (a, b) { return new D(a, b) }, setPriority: function (a) { ca ? (ca !1, J(a)) : this.log(setPriority only accept the first call.) } }; var k y(g, AmazonUIPageJS, new D); var Q k._namespace(PageJS, AmazonUI); Q.declare(prv:p-debug, x); k.declare(p-recorder-events, ); k.declare(p-recorder-stop, function () { }); y(g, P, k); Z(); if (l.addEventListener) { var ea; l.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, ea function () { k.trigger(a-domready); l.removeEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, ea, !1) }, !1) } var fa l.documentElement, na g._pd(k, H, u, R, fa, aa, S, m, 3.24.9-2024-10-31); H(/UCBrowser/i) || na.localStorage && R(fa, aa.getItem(a-font-class)); k.declare(a-event-revised-handling, !1); g._sw(Q, p, H, ba, m, n, G, I, u, k); k.declare(a-fix-event-off, !1); m(pagejs:pkgExecTime, r() - la) })(window, document, Date); (function (b) { function q(a, e, d) { function g(a, b, c) { var f Array(e.length); ~l && (fl {}); ~m && (fm c); for (c 0; c n.length; c++) { var g nc, h ac; fg h } for (c 0; c p.length; c++)g pc, h bc, fg h; a d.apply(null, f); return ~l ? fl : a } string ! typeof a && b.P.error(C001); -1 a.indexOf(@) && -1 a.indexOf(/) && (-1 a.indexOf(es3) || -1 a.indexOf(evergreen)) && (a a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf(/))); if (!ra) { ra !0; d || (d e, e ); a a.split(:, 2); var c a1 ? a0 : void 0, f (a1 || a0).replace(/@capability\//, @c/), k c ? b.P._namespace(c) : b.P, t !f.lastIndexOf(@c/, 0), u !f.lastIndexOf(@m/, 0), n ; a ; var p , v , m -1, l -1; for (c 0; c e.length; c++) { var h ec; module h && k.error(C002); exports h ? l c : require h ? m c : h.lastIndexOf(@p/, 0) ? h.lastIndexOf(@c/, 0) && h.lastIndexOf(@m/, 0) ? (n.push(c), a.push(mix: + h)) : (p.push(c), v.push(h)) : (n.push(c), a.push(h.substr(3))) } k.when.apply(k, a).register(mix: + f, function () { var a; return t || u || ~m || p.length ? { capabilities: v, cardModuleFactory: function (b, c) { b g(a, b, c); b.P k; return b }, require: ~m ? q : void 0 } : g(a, , function () { }) }); (t || u) && k.when(mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime, mix: + f).execute(function (a, b) { a.registerCapabilityModule(f, b) }); k.when(mix: + f).register(xcp: + f, function (a) { return a }); var q function (a, b, c) { try { var e -1 f.indexOf(/) ? f.split(/)0 : f, d a0, g d.lastIndexOf(./, 0) ? d : e + / + d.substr(2), h g.lastIndexOf(@p/, 0) ? mix: + g : g.substr(3); k.when(h).execute(function (a) { try { b(a) } catch (x) { c(x) } }) } catch (w) { c(w) } } } } use strict; var r {}; b.mix_d || ((b.Promise ? P : P.when(3p-promise)).register(@p/promise-is-ready, function (a) { b.Promise b.Promise || a }), (Array.prototype.includes ? P : P.when(a-polyfill)).register(@p/polyfill-is-ready, function () { }), b.mix_d function (a, b, d) { P.when(@p/promise-is-ready, @p/polyfill-is-ready).execute(@p/mix-d-deps, function () { q(a, b, d) }) }, b.xcp_d b.mix_d, P.when(mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime).execute(function (a) { P.declare(xcp:@xcp/runtime, a) })); b.mixTimeout || (b.mixTimeout function (a, e, d) { b.mixCardInitTimeouts || (b.mixCardInitTimeouts {}); b.mixCardInitTimeoutse && clearTimeout(b.mixCardInitTimeoutse); b.mixCardInitTimeoutse setTimeout(function () { P.log(Client-side initialization timeout, WARN, a) }, d) }); b.mix_csa_map b.mix_csa_map || {}; b.mix_csa_internal b.mix_csa_internal || function (a, e, d) { return b.mix_csa_mape b.mix_csa_mape || b.csa(a, d) }; b.mix_csa_internal_key b.mix_csa_internal_key || function (a, b) { for (var d , e 0; e b.length; e++) { var c be; void 0 ! ac && object ! typeof ac && (d + c + : + ac + ,) } if (!d) throw Error(bad mix-csa key gen.); return d }; b.mix_csa_event b.mix_csa_event || function (a) { try { var e b.mix_csa_internal_key(a, producerId) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, MIX C005, WARN, void 0), function () { } } try { return b.mix_csa_internal(Events, e, a) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, MIX C004, WARN, e), function () { } } }; b.mix_csa b.mix_csa || function (a, e) { try { e e || ; var d document.querySelectorAll(a); if (1 d.length) for (var g 0; g d.length; g++) { if (dg.querySelector(e)) { var c dg; break } } else 1 d.length && (c d0); if (!c) throw Error( ); return b.mix_csa_internal(Content, a, { element: c }) } catch (f) { return P.logError(f, MIX C004, WARN, a), function () { } } } })(window); (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).when(sp.load.js).execute(function () { (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js(; (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).load.js(|11Y+5x+kkTL.js,51cR93oXsVL.js,11yKORv-GTL.js,11GgN1+C7hL.js,01+z+uIeJ-L.js,01VRMV3FBdL.js,21u+kGQyRqL.js,012FVc3131L.js,11aD5q6kNBL.js,11rRjDLdAVL.js,51LgVZTDoFL.js,11nAhXzgUmL.js,119kvzYmMJL.js,1110g-SvlBL.js,11npBNHo-jL.js,21eKR4hvwNL.js,0190vxtlzcL.js,51P8J4TsllL.js,01JYHc2oIlL.js,31nfKXylf6L.js,01ktRCtOqKL.js,01ASnt2lbqL.js,11bEz2VIYrL.js,31o2NGTXThL.js,01rpauTep4L.js,31lTOzOlAqL.js,01tvglXfQOL.js,11Rf82oewsL.js,014gnDeJDsL.js,01A2fK8tgRL.js_.js?AUIClients/AmazonUI); (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? 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Tidak hanya slot saja, Newslot88 juga menyediakan tipe permainan lainnya yaitu casino, sportsbook, sabung ayam, togel dan tembak ikan. } },{ @type: Question, name: Apa saja keunggulan Newslot88 dibandingkan dengan situs Judi Online??, acceptedAnswer: { @type: Answer, text: Keunggulan dari Newslot88 berada di segi keamanan data member, pembagian maxwin setiap hari dan juga transaksi withdraw yang aman. }}}/script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: BreadcrumbList, itemListElement: { @type: ListItem, position: 1, name: Home, item: }, { @type: ListItem, position: 2, name: Newslot88, item: }, { @type: ListItem, position: 3, name: Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin } }/script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: Game, name: Newslot88, author: { @type: Person, name: mahjong ways 3 }, headline: Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin, description: Newslot88 situs slot online yang memberikan hasil kemenangan maxwin setiap harinya., keywords: Newslot88, rawit 128, Newslot88 login, rawit 128 login, agen judi bola, agen bola, agen judi, judi bola, image: /, url:, publisher: { @type: Organization, name: Newslot88 }, aggregateRating: { @type: AggregateRating, ratingValue: 89, bestRating: 100, worstRating: 0, ratingCount: 45698711 }, inLanguage: id-ID, datePublished: 2024-12-12T12:51:00.+07:00, dateModified: 2024-12-12T12:51:00.+07:00 } /script> script typeapplication/ld+json> { @context:, @type: SoftwareApplication, name: rtp, operatingSystem: ANDROID, applicationCategory: GameApplication, aggregateRating: { @type: AggregateRating, ratingValue: 5, ratingCount: 125.525 }, offers: { @type: Offer, price: 0.00, priceCurrency: IDR } } /script> /head>!-- sp:end-feature:head-close -->!-- sp:feature:start-body -->body classa-aui_72554-c a-aui_a11y_6_837773-t2 a-aui_amzn_img_959719-c a-aui_amzn_img_gate_959718-c a-aui_killswitch_csa_logger_372963-c a-aui_pci_risk_banner_210084-c a-aui_template_weblab_cache_333406-c a-aui_tnr_v2_180836-c a-bw_aui_cxc_alert_measurement_1074111-c> span hidden idtemplate-version>amzn-p4/span> div ida-page> script typea-state data-a-state{"key":"a-wlab-states"}>{AUI_AMZN_IMG_959719:C,AUI_A11Y_6_837773:T2,AUI_TNR_V2_180836:C,AUI_AMZN_IMG_GATE_959718:C,AUI_TEMPLATE_WEBLAB_CACHE_333406:C,BW_AUI_CXC_ALERT_MEASUREMENT_1074111:C,AUI_72554:C,AUI_KILLSWITCH_CSA_LOGGER_372963:C,AUI_PCI_RISK_BANNER_210084:C}/script> script>typeof uex function && uex(ld, portal-bb, { wb: 1 })/script>!-- sp:end-feature:start-body --> !-- sp:feature:csm:body-open --> script> !function () { function n(n, t) { var r i(n); return t && (r r(instance, t)), r } var r , c 0, i function (t) { return function () { var n c++; return r.push(t,, 0), n, { time: }), i(n) } }; n._s r, this.csa n }();; csa(Config, {}); if (window.csa) { csa(Config, { Application:, Events.Namespace: csa, ObfuscatedMarketplaceId: A39IBJ37TRP1C6, Events.SushiEndpoint:, CacheDetection.RequestID: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, CacheDetection.Callback: window.ue && ue.reset, LCP.elementDedup: 1, lob: 1 }); csa(Events)(setEntity, { page: { requestId: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, meaningful: interactive }, session: { id: 356-1077062-4831846 } }); } !function (r) { var e, i, o splice, u r.csa, f {}, c {}, a r.csa._s, s 0, l 0, g -1, h {}, v {}, d {}, n Object.keys, p function () { }; function t(n, t) { return u(n, t) } function m(n, t) { var r cn || {}; k(r, t), cn r, l++, S(U, 0) } function w(n, t, r) { var i !0; return t D(t), r && r.buffered && (i (dn || ).every(function (n) { return !1 ! t(n) })), i ? 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(I(n), a.length && g ! l && U()) : ao(s++, 0, n) }, U(), S(function () { S(O, f.SkipMissingPluginsTimeout || 5e3) }, 1) }(undefined ! typeof window ? window : global); csa.plugin(function (o) { var f addEventListener, e requestAnimationFrame, t o.exec, r, u o.on; o.raf function (n) { if (re) return re(t(n)) }, o.on function (n, e, t, r) { if (n && function typeof nf) { var i o.exec(t); return nf(e, i, r), function () { n.removeEventListener(e, i, r) } } return string typeof n ? u(n, e, t, r) : o.blank } }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var t, n, r {}, e localStorage, c sessionStorage, a local, i session, u o.exec; function s(e, t) { var n; try { rt !!(n o.globale), n n || {} } catch (e) { rt !(n {}) } return n } function f() { t t || s(e, a), n n || s(c, i) } function l(e) { return e && ei ? n : t } u(function (e, t, n) { f(); var o l(n); return e ? t ? void (oe t) : oe : Object.keys(o) }), o.storageSupport u(function () { return f(), r }), o.deleteStored u(function (e, t) { f(); var n l(t); if (function typeof e) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && e(o, no) && delete no; else delete ne }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { n.types { ovl: function (n) { var r ; if (n) for (var i in n) n.hasOwnProperty(i) && r.push(ni); return r } } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e c.config, n Errors; function r(n) { return function (e) { c(Metrics, { producerId: csa, dimensions: { message: e } })(recordMetric, n, 1) } } function o(r) { var o, t, l c(Events, { producerId: r.producerId, lob: e.lob || 0 }), i name, type, csm, adb, u { url: pageURL, file: f, line: l, column: c }; this.log function (e) { if (!function (e) { if (!e) return !0; for (var n in e) return !1; return !0 }(e)) { var n r.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; l(log, function (n) { return o c.UUID(), t { messageId: o, schemaId: r.schemaId || ns>.Error.6, errorMessage: n.m || null, attribution: n.attribution || null, logLevel: FATAL, url: null, file: null, line: null, column: null, stack: n.s || , context: n.cinfo || {}, metadata: {} }, n.logLevel && (t.logLevel + n.logLevel), i.forEach(function (e) { ne && (t.metadatae ne) }), INFO n.logLevel || Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { number ! typeof nue && string ! typeof nue || (te + nue) }), t }(e), n) } } } eKillSwitch. + n || c.register(n, { instance: function (e) { return new o(e || {}) }, logError: r(jsError), logWarn: r(jsWarn) }) }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var r, e, n, t, a, i function, u willDisappear, f $app., p $document., c focus, s blur, d active, l resign, $, b o.exec, m o.configTransport.AnonymizeRequests || !1, g o(Events), h $.location, v $.document || {}, y $.P || {}, P (($.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type, w o.on, k o.emit, E v.hidden, T {}; h && v && (w($, beforeunload, D), w($, pagehide, D), w(v, visibilitychange, R(p, function () { return v.visibilityState || unknown })), w(v, c, R(p + c)), w(v, s, R(p + s)), y.when && y.when(mash).execute(function (e) { e && (w(e, appPause, R(f + pause)), w(e, appResume, R(f + resume)), R(f + deviceready)(), $.cordova && $.cordova.platformId && R(f + cordova.platformId)(), w(v, d, R(f + d)), w(v, l, R(f + l))) }), e $.app || {}, n b(function () { k(f + willDisappear), D() }), a typeof (t eu) i, eu b(function () { n(), a && t() }), $.app || ($.app e), complete v.readyState ? A() : w($, load, A), E ? S() : x(), o.on($app.blur, S), o.on($app.focus, x), o.on($document.blur, S), o.on($document.focus, x), o.on($document.hidden, S), o.on($document.visible, x), o.register(SPA, { newPage: I }), I({ transitionType: { 0: hard, 1: refresh, 2: back-button }P || unknown })); function I(n, e) { var t !!r, a (e e || {}).keepPageAttributes; t && (k($beforePageTransition), k($pageTransition)), t && !a && g(removeEntity, page), r o.UUID(), a ? r : T { schemaId: ns>.PageEntity.2, id: r, url: m ? h.href.split(?)0 : h.href, server: h.hostname, path: h.pathname, referrer: m ? v.referrer.split(?)0 : v.referrer, title: v.title }, Object.keys(n || {}).forEach(function (e) { Te ne }), g(setEntity, { page: T }), k($pageChange, T, { buffered: 1 }), t && k($afterPageTransition) } function A() { k($load), k($ready), k($afterload) } function D() { k($ready), k($beforeunload), k($unload), k($afterunload) } function S() { E || (k($visible, !1, { buffered: 1 }), E !0) } function x() { E && (k($visible, !0, { buffered: 1 }), E !1) } function R(n, t) { return b(function () { var e typeof t i ? n + t() : n; k(e) }) } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e Events, n UNKNOWN, s id, a all, i messageId, o timestamp, u producerId, r application, f obfuscatedMarketplaceId, d entities, l schemaId, p version, v attributes, g ns>, b lob, t session, h c.config, m ( || {}).host, I he + .Namespace || csa_other, y h.Application || Other + (m ? : + m : ), O hTransport.AnonymizeRequests || !1, E c(Transport), U {}, A function (e, t) { Object.keys(e).forEach(t) }; function N(n, i, o) { A(i, function (e) { var t o a || (o || {})e; e in n || (ne { version: 1, id: ies || c.UUID() }), S(ne, ie, t) }) } function S(t, n, i) { A(n, function (e) { !function (e, t, n) { return string ! typeof t && e ! p ? c.error(Attribute is not of type string: + e) : !0 n || 1 n || (e s || !!~(n || ).indexOf(e)) }(e, ne, i) || (te ne) }) } function k(o, e, r) { A(e, function (e) { var t oe; if (tl) { var n {}, i {}; ns ts, nu tu || ru, nl tl, np tp++, nv i, w(n, r), S(i, t, 1), D(i), E(log, n) } }) } function w(e, t) { eo function (e) { return number typeof e && (e new Date(e).toISOString()), e || c.time(ISO) }(eo), ei ei || c.UUID(), er y, ef h.ObfuscatedMarketplaceId || n, el el.replace(g, I), t && tb && (eb tb) } function D(e) { delete ep, delete el, delete eu } function T(o) { var r {}; this.log function (e, t) { var n {}, i (t || {}).ent; return e ? string ! typeof el ? c.error(A valid schema id is required for the event) : (w(e, o), N(n, U, i), N(n, r, i), N(n, ed || {}, i), A(n, function (e) { D(ne) }), eu ou, ed n, t && tb && (eb tb), void E(log, e, t)) : c.error(The event cannot be undefined) }, this.setEntity function (e) { O && delete et, N(r, e, a), k(r, e, o) } } hKillSwitch. + e || c.register(e, { setEntity: function (e) { O && delete et, c.emit($entities.set, e, { buffered: 1 }), N(U, e, a), k(U, e, { producerId: csa, lob: hb || 0 }) }, removeEntity: function (e) { delete Ue }, instance: function (e) { return new T(e) } }) }); csa.plugin(function (s) { var c, g Transport, l post, f preflight, r csa.cajun., i store, a deleteStored, u sendBeacon, t __merge, e messageId, n .FlushInterval, o 0, d s.configg + .BufferSize || 2e3, h s.configg + .RetryDelay || 1500, p s.configg + .AnonymizeRequests || !1, v {}, y 0, m , E, R E.document, b s.timeout, k E.Object.keys, w s.configg + n || 5e3, I w, O s.configg + n + .BackoffFactor || 1, S s.configg + n + .BackoffLimit || 3e4, B 0; function T(n) { if (864e5 s.time() - +new Date(n.timestamp)) return s.warn(Event is too old: + n); y d && (ne in v || (vne n, y++), function typeof nt && nt(vne), !B && o && (B b(q, function () { var n I; return I Math.min(n * O, S), n }()))) } function q() { m.forEach(function (e) { var o ; k(v).forEach(function (n) { var t vn; e.accepts(t) && o.push(t) }), o.length && (e.chunks ? e.chunks(o).forEach(function (n) { D(e, n) }) : D(e, o)) }), v {}, B 0 } function D(t, e) { function o() { sa(r + n) } var n s.UUID(); si(r + n, JSON.stringify(e)), function (n, t, e) { var o E.navigator || {}, r E.cordova || {}; if (p) return 0; if (!ou || !nl) return 0; nf && r && ios r.platformId && !c && ((new Image).src nf().url, c 1); var i nl(t); if (!i.type && ou(i.url, i.body)) return e(), 1 }, function (n, t, e) { if (!nl) return 0; var o nl(t), r o.url, i o.body, c o.type, f new XMLHttpRequest, a 0; function u(n, t, e) {, n), f.withCredentials !p, e && f.setRequestHeader(Content-Type, e), f.send(t) } return f.onload function () { f.status 299 ? e() : s.configg + .XHRRetries && a 3 && b(function () { u(r, i, c) }, ++a * h) }, u(r, i, c), 1 }.some(function (n) { try { return n(t, e, o) } catch (n) { } }) } k && (s.once($afterload, function () { o 1, function (e) { (si() || ).forEach(function (n) { if (!n.indexOf(r)) try { var t si(n); sa(n), JSON.parse(t).forEach(e) } catch (n) { s.error(n) } }) }(T), s.on(R, visibilitychange, q, !1), q() }), s.once($afterunload, function () { o 1, q() }), s.on($afterPageTransition, function () { y 0, I w }), s.register(g, { log: T, register: function (n) { m.push(n) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var r n.configEvents.SushiEndpoint; n(Transport)(register, { accepts: function (n) { return n.schemaId }, post: function (n) { var t (n) { return { data: n } }); return { url: r, body: JSON.stringify({ events: t }) } }, preflight: function () { var n, t /\/\/(.*?)\//.exec(r); return t && t1 && (n https:// + t1 + /ping), { url: n } }, chunks: function (n) { for (var t ; 500 n.length;)t.push(n.splice(0, 500)); return t.push(n), t } }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var t, a, o, r, e n.config, i PageViews, d ei + .ImpressionMinimumTime || 1e3, s hidden, c innerHeight, l innerWidth, g renderedTo, f g + Viewed, m g + Meaningful, u g + Impressed, p 1, h 2, v 3, w 4, P 5, y loaded, I 7, b 8, T, S n.on, E n(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: e.lob || 0 }), K T.document, V {}, $ {}, M P, R eKillSwitch. + i, H eKillSwitch.PageRender, W eKillSwitch.PageImpressed; function j(e) { if (!VI) { if (Ve n.time(), e ! v && e ! y || (t t || Ve), t && M w) { if (a a || Ve, !R) (i {})m t - o, if a - o, k(PageView.5, i); r r || n.timeout(x, d) } var i; if (e ! P && e ! p && e ! h || (clearTimeout(r), r 0), e ! p && e ! h || H || k(PageRender.4, { transitionType: e p ? hard : soft }), e I && !W) (i {})m t - o, if a - o, iu Ve - o, k(PageImpressed.3, i) } } function k(e, i) { $e || (i.schemaId ns>. + e, E(log, i, { ent: all }), $e 1) } function q() { 0 Tc && 0 Tl ? (M b, n(Events)(setEntity, { page: { viewport: hidden-iframe } })) : M Ks ? P : w, j(M) } function x() { j(I), r 0 } function z() { var e o ? h : p; V {}, $ {}, a t 0, o n.time(), j(e), q() } function A() { var e K.readyState; interactive e && j(v), complete e && j(y) } K && void 0 ! Ks ? (z(), S(K, visibilitychange, q, !1), S(K, readystatechange, A, !1), S($afterPageTransition, z), S($timing:loaded, A), n.once($load, A)) : n.warn(Page visibility not supported) }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var s c.configInteractions.ParentChainLength || 35, e click, r touches, f timeStamp, o length, u pageX, g pageY, p pageXOffset, h pageYOffset, m 250, v 5, d 200, l .5, t { capture: !0, passive: !0 }, X, Y c.emit, n c.on, x X.Math.abs, a (X.document || {}).documentElement || {}, y { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }, N { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }; function b(t) { if ( return //*@id + + ; var e function (t) { var e, n 1; for (e t.previousSibling; e; e e.previousSibling)e.nodeName t.nodeName && (n + 1); return n }(t), n t.nodeName; return 1 ! e && (n + + e + ), t.parentNode && (n b(t.parentNode) + / + n), n } function I(t, e, n) { var a c(Content, { target: n }), i { schemaId: ns>.ContentInteraction.2, interaction: t, interactionData: e, messageId: c.UUID() }; if (n) { var r b(n); r && (i.attribution r); var o function (t) { for (var e t, n e.tagName, a !1, i t ? t.href : null, r 0; r s; r++) { if (!e || !e.parentElement) { a !0; break } n (e e.parentElement).tagName + / + n, i i || e.href } return a || (n .../ + n), { pc: n, hr: i } }(n); o.pc && (i.interactionData.parentChain o.pc), && (i.interactionData.href } a(log, i), Y($content.interaction, { e: i, w: a }) } function i(t) { I(e, { interactionX: + t.pageX, interactionY: + t.pageY }, } function C(t) { if (t && tr && 1 tro) { var e tr0; N y { e:, x: eu, y: eg, t: tf, sX: Xp, sY: Xh } } } function D(t) { if (t && tr && 1 tro && y && N) { var e tr0, n tf, a n - N.t, i { e:, x: eu, y: eg, t: n, sX: Xp, sY: Xh }; N i, d a && (y i) } } function E(t) { if (t) { var e x(y.x - N.x), n x(y.y - N.y), a x(y.sX - N.sX), i x(y.sY - N.sY), r tf - y.t; if (m 1e3 * e / r && v e || m 1e3 * n / r && v n) { var o n e; o && a && e * l a || !o && i && n * l i || I((o ? horizontal : vertical) + -swipe, { interactionX: + y.x, interactionY: + y.y, endX: + N.x, endY: + N.y }, y.e) } } } n(a, e, i, t), n(a, touchstart, C, t), n(a, touchmove, D, t), n(a, touchend, E, t) }); csa.plugin(function (r) { var a, o, t, c, e, n MutationObserver, f observe, u disconnect, i mutObs, l _csa_flt, b _csa_llt, m _csa_mr, d _csa_mi, v lastChild, p length, _ { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }, g 10, h 25, s 1e3, y 4, O, k O.document, w k.body || k.documentElement, I, L , B , M , Y 0, $ 0, x 0, A 1, C , D , E 0, F r.blank, N { buffered: 1 }, S 0; function T(e) { || r.emit($csmTag: + e, 0, N) } I && On ? (T(i + Yes), Y 0, o new On(j), (t new On(V))f(w, { attributes: !0, subtree: !0, attributeFilter: src, attributeOldValue: !0 }), F r.on(O, scroll, q, { passive: !0 }), r.once($ready, H), A && (G(), e r.interval(z, s)), r.register(SpeedIndexBuffers, { getBuffers: function (e) { e && (H(), q(), e(Y, C, L, B, M), o && ou(), t && tu(), F()) }, registerListener: function (e) { a e }, replayModuleIsLive: function () { r.timeout(H, 0) } })) : T(i + No); function V(e) { L.push({ t: I(), m: e }) } function j(e) { B.push({ t: I(), m: e }), S || T(i + Active), S x 1, a && a() } function q() { x && (M.push({ t: I(), y: $ }), $ O.pageYOffset, x 0) } function z() { var e I(); (!c || s e - c) && G() } function G() { for (var e w, t I(), n , u , i 0, s 0; e;)el ? ++i : (el t, n.push(e), s 1), up y && u.push(e), ed E, eb t, e ev; s && (i Dp && function (e) { for (var t e, n Dp; t n; t++) { var u Dt; if (u) { if (um) break; if (ud E) { um 1, of(u, _); break } } } }(i), D u, C.push({ t: t, m: n }), ++E, x s, a && a()), A && r.timeout(G, s ? g : h), c t } function H() { A && (A 0, e && O.clearInterval(e), e null, G(), of(w, _)) } }); var ue_csa_ss_tag false; csa.plugin(function (b) { var a, e a.uet, f a.uex, c a.ue, d a.Object, g 0, h { largestContentfulPaint: lcp, speedIndex: si, atfSpeedIndex: atfsi, visuallyLoaded50: vl50, visuallyLoaded90: vl90, visuallyLoaded100: vl100 }, l perfNo perfYes browserQuiteFn browserQuiteUd browserQuiteLd browserQuiteMut mutObsNo mutObsYes mutObsActive startVL endVL.split( ); b && e && f && d.keys && c && (b.once($ditched.beforemitigation, function () { g 1 }), d.keys(h).forEach(function (k) { b.on($timing: + k, function (b) { var a hk; if (c.isl || g) { var d csa: + a; e(a, d, void 0, b); f(at, d) } else e(a, void 0, void 0, b) }) }), a.ue_csa_ss_tag || l.forEach(function (a) { b.on($csmTag: + a, function () { c.tag && c.tag(a); (c.isl || g) && f(at, csa: + a) }, { buffered: 1 }) })) }); window.rx { rid: 90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88, sid: 356-1077062-4831846, c: { rxp: /rd/uedata } }; /script> script>window.ue && ue.count && ue.count(CSMLibrarySize, 16309)/script> !-- sp:end-feature:csm:body-open --> !-- sp:feature:nav-inline-js --> !-- NAVYAAN JS --> script typetext/javascript>!function (n) { function e(n, e) { return { m: n, a: function (n) { return }(e) } } document.createElement(header); var r function (n) { function u(n, r, u) { nu function () { a._replay.push(r.concat(e(u, arguments))) } } var a {}; return a._sourceName n, a._replay , a.getNow function (n, e) { return e }, a.when function () { var n e(when, arguments), r {}; return u(r, n, run), u(r, n, declare), u(r, n, publish), u(r, n, build), r.depends n, r.iff function () { var r n.concat(e(iff, arguments)), a {}; return u(a, r, run), u(a, r, declare), u(a, r, publish), u(a, r, build), a }, r }, u(a, , declare), u(a, , build), u(a, , publish), u(a, , importEvent), r._shims.push(a), a }; r._shims , n.$Nav || (n.$Nav r(rcx-nav)), n.$Nav.make || (n.$Nav.make r) }(window) /script> script typetext/javascript> $Nav.importEvent(navbarJS-beaconbelt); $Nav.declare(img.sprite, { png32:, png32-2x: }); $Nav.declare(img.timeline, { timeline-icon-2x: }); window._navbarSpriteUrl; $Nav.declare(img.pixel,; /script> img src styledisplay:none alt /> script typetext/javascript>var nav_t_after_preload_sprite + new Date();/script> script> (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? 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} /style> div idtitleSection classa-section a-spacing-none> h1 idtitle classa-size-large a-spacing-none> span idproductTitle classa-size-large product-title-word-break> Newslot88 : Slot Online 100% Maxwin /span> /h1> div idexpandTitleToggle classa-section a-spacing-none expand aok-hidden>/div> /div> /div> div idbylineInfo_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-namebylineInfo data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idbylineInfo data-csa-c-slot-idbylineInfo_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> !--This check is an indicator on whether to show the Premium Fashion brand logo byline regardless of weblab treatment--> div classa-section a-spacing-none> a idbylineInfo classa-link-normal href/Amazon/b/refbl_dp_s_web_7940963051?ieUTF8&node7940963051&field-lbr_brands_browse-binAmazon>Brand: Amazon/a> /div> /div> div idcmrsSummary_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-namecmrsSummary data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idcmrsSummary data-csa-c-slot-idcmrsSummary_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> /div> div idaverageCustomerReviews_feature_div classcelwidget data-feature-nameaverageCustomerReviews data-csa-c-typewidget data-csa-c-content-idaverageCustomerReviews data-csa-c-slot-idaverageCustomerReviews_feature_div data-csa-c-asinB0DG4WZZPV data-csa-c-is-in-initial-active-rowfalse> style typetext/css> /* * Fix for UDP-1061. 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altEcho Spot src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Spot/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Big vibrant sound in a compact smart alarm clock/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B085G63QHT> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B085G63QHT?refMarsFS_AUCC_lr> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Premium sound, smart hub and Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B07NQ7HNHY> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B07NQ7HNHY?refMarsFS_AUCC_oe> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Studio src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Studio/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Dolby Atmos technology adds space, clarity and depth/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card first-fs-card> div classfs-group-wrapper> span classa-size-base a-color-secondary fs-group-header a-text-bold>With Screens/span> /div> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09B2RL8CG> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09B2RL8CG?refMarsFS_AUCC_hyp> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 5 (3rd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 5 (3rd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Compact smart display with Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0BLS3H65Z> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0BLS3H65Z?refMarsFS_AUCC_ath> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 8 (3rd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 8 (3rd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>8 inches HD smart display with Alexa and 13 MP camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0BCR4YW51> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0BCR4YW51?refMarsFS_AUCC_eh> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img alt Echo Hub src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold> Echo Hub/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Smart home control panel with Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B084NTF5ZY> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B084NTF5ZY?refMarsFS_AUCC_ta> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 10 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 10/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>HD smart display with motion and Alexa/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B08MQNGX3W> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B08MQNGX3W?refMarsFS_AUCC_B08MQNGX3W> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Show 15 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Show 15/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Smart display with Alexa and Fire TV built in/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card first-fs-card> div classfs-group-wrapper> span classa-size-base a-color-secondary fs-group-header a-text-bold>Alexa on the go/span> /div> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09Y1GZR7T> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09Y1GZR7T?refMarsFS_AUCC_gw> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altEcho Auto (2nd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Echo Auto (2nd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Add Alexa to your car/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> /ol> /div> /div> div classa-carousel-col a-carousel-right>a classa-button a-button-image a-carousel-button a-carousel-goto-nextpage tabindex0 href#>span classa-button-inner>i classa-icon a-icon-next>span classa-icon-alt>Next page/span>/i>/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> span classa-end aok-hidden>/span> /div> /span> span classa-declarative data-actionmars-fs-hover data-csa-c-typewidget 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weeks of battery life/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CFPHSTDD> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CFPHSTDD?refMarsFS_KINDLE_sgse> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altAmazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (2024 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (2024 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>With wireless charging and auto-adjusting front light/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CZB5RHWX> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CZB5RHWX?refMarsFS_KINDLE_pc> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altKindle Scribe (2024 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Kindle Scribe (2024 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Redesigned display with uniform borders. Now write directly on books and documents./span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09BS5XWNS> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09BS5XWNS?refMarsFS_KINDLE_br> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altKindle Scribe (2022 release) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Kindle Scribe (2022 release)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>The first Kindle for reading and writing/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> /ol> /div> /div> div classa-carousel-col a-carousel-right>a classa-button a-button-image a-carousel-button a-carousel-goto-nextpage tabindex0 href#>span classa-button-inner>i classa-icon a-icon-next>span classa-icon-alt>Next page/span>/i>/span>/a>/div> /div> /div> span 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data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Battery Video Doorbell/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>1440p HD video doorbell with improved motion detection/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B09WZBPX7K> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B09WZBPX7K?refMarsFS_VICC_rvdw> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Battery Video Doorbell Plus src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Battery Video Doorbell Plus/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Head-to-Toe 1536p HD Video, motion detection & alerts/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li 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div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altBlink Mini 2 src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classfs-new-product-tag a-text-italic>NEW/span> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Blink Mini 2/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Indoor/outdoor smart security camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0B6GK4VTC> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0B6GK4VTC?refMarsFS_VICC_RINGINDC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Indoor Camera (2nd Gen) src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Indoor Camera (2nd Gen)/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Compact Plug-in indoor Security Camera/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0CG2TPLJV> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0CG2TPLJV?refMarsFS_VICC_PNTC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Pan-Tilt Indoor Camera src classfs-asin-images fs-images fs-image-lazy-loading data-a-hires /> /div> p classelement-name element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-secondary a-text-bold>Ring Pan-Tilt Indoor Camera/span> /p> p classelement-description element-data> span classa-size-small a-color-base>Find your perfect angle with 360° pan coverage/span> /p> p classelement-price element-data>/p> /a> /div> /li> li classa-carousel-card asin non-current fs-card> div classfs-link-wrapper idfs-card-B0C5QRZ47P> a classa-link-normal fs-links href/dp/B0C5QRZ47P?refMarsFS_VICC_STUC> div classimage-wrapper element-data> img altRing Stick Up Camera Battery src 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(x(csm.jumpStart.mtsDiff, k - c || 0), a(csm-rld-mts-gt)) : k && g ? a(csm-rld-mts-leq) : g ? k || a(csm-rld-mts-no-new) : a(csm-rld-mts-no-old) } f && f.timing && f.timing.navigationStart ? b.timing.transitionStart f.timing.navigationStart : delete b.timing.transitionStart } function v() { try { a.P.register(AMZNPerformance, function () { return b }) } catch (c) { } } function r() { if (!b) return ; ue_mbl.cnt null; var c b.timing, d b.transition, d mts, l(c.transitionStart), mps, l(c.processStart), mtt, d.type, mtst, d.subType, mtlt, d.launchType; a.ue && a.ue.tag && (c.fr_ovr && a.ue.tag(fr_ovr), c.fcp_ovr && a.ue.tag(fcp_ovr), d.push(fr_ovr, l(c.fr_ovr), fcp_ovr, l(c.fcp_ovr))); for (var c , e 0; e d.length; e + 2) { var f de, g de + 1; undefined ! typeof g && (c + & + f + + g) } return c } function l(a) { if (undefined ! typeof a && undefined ! typeof m) return a - m } function y(a, d) { b && (m d, b.timing.transitionStart a, b.transition.type view-transition, b.transition.subType ajax-transition, b.transition.launchType normal, ue_mbl.cnt r) } var e h.ue || {}, m h.ue_t0, q csm-last-mts, p 1 h.ue_sswmts, n, f a.performance, b; if (a.P && a.P.when && a.P.register) return 1 a.ue_fnt && (m a.aPageStart || h.ue_t0), a.P.when(CSMPlugin).execute(function (a) { a.buildAMZNPerformance && a.buildAMZNPerformance({ successCallback: s, failCallback: w }) }), { cnt: r, ajax: y } }, mobile-timing)(ue_csm, ue_csm.window); (function (d) { d._uess function () { var a ; screen && screen.width && screen.height && (a + &sw + screen.width + &sh + screen.height); var b function (a) { var b document.documentElementclient + a; return CSS1Compat document.compatMode && b || document.bodyclient + a || b }, c b(Width), b b(Height); c && b && (a + &vw + c + &vh + b); return a } })(ue_csm); (function (a) { function d(a) { c && c(log, a) } var b document.ue_backdetect, c a.csa && a.csa(Errors, { producerId: csa, logOptions: { ent: all } }); a.ue_err.buffer && c && (a.ue_err.buffer.forEach(d), a.ue_err.buffer.push d); b && b.ue_back && a.ue && (a.ue.bfini b.ue_back.value); a.uet && a.uet(be); a.onLdEnd && (window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener(load, a.onLdEnd, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent(onload, a.onLdEnd)); a.ueh && a.ueh(0, window, load, a.onLd, 1); a.ue && a.ue.tag && (a.ue_furl ? (b a.ue_furl.replace(/\./g, -), a.ue.tag(b)) : a.ue.tag(nofls)) })(ue_csm); (function (g, h) { function d(a, d) { var b {}; if (!e || !f) try { var c h.sessionStorage; c ? a && (undefined ! typeof d ? c.setItem(a, d) : b.val c.getItem(a)) : f 1 } catch (g) { e 1 } e && (b.e 1); return b } var b g.ue || {}, a , f, e, c, a d(csmtid); f ? a NA : a.e ? a ET : (a a.val, a || (a b.oid || NI, d(csmtid, a)), c d(b.oid), c.e || (c.val c.val || 0, d(b.oid, c.val + 1)), b.ssw d); b.tabid a })(ue_csm, ue_csm.window); (function (a) { var e { rc: 1, hob: 1, hoe: 1, ntd: 1, rd_: 1, _rd: 1 }; function typeof window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener(pageshow, function (b) { if (b && b.persisted && (b +new Date, b { clickTime: b - 1, pageVisible: b }, object typeof b && object typeof a.ue.markers && object typeof a.ue && function typeof a.uex)) { if (function typeof a.uet) { for (var c in a.ue.markers) !a.ue.markers.hasOwnProperty(c) || c in e || a.uet(c, void 0, void 0, b.pageVisible); a.uet(tc, void 0, void 0, b.clickTime); a.uet(ty, void 0, void 0, b.clickTime + 2) } (c document.ue_backdetect) && c.ue_back && (a.ue.bfini +c.ue_back.value + 1); a.ue.isBFonMshop !0; a.ue.isBFCache !0; a.ue.t0 b.clickTime; a.ue.viz visible:0; function typeof a.ue.tag && (a.ue.tag(cacheSourceMemory), a.ue.tag(history-navigation-page-cache)); c ue_csm.csa && ue_csm.csa(SPA); var d ue_csm.csa && ue_csm.csa(PageTiming); c && d && (c(newPage, { transitionType: history-navigation-page-cache }, { keepPageAttributes: !0 }), d(mark, transitionStart, b.clickTime)); function typeof a.uex && a.uex(ld, void 0, void 0, a.ue.t.ld); delete a.ue.isBFonMshop; delete a.ue.isBFCache } }) })(ue_csm); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (e, f) { var a e.ue || {}, b a._wlo, d; if (a.ssw) { d a.ssw(CSM_previousURL).val; var c f.location, b b ? b : c && c.href ? c.href.split(#)0 : void 0; c (b || ) a.ssw(CSM_previousURL).val; !c && b && a.ssw(CSM_previousURL, b); d c ? reload : d ? intrapage-transition : first-view } else d unknown; a._nt d }, NavTypeModule)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (c, a) { function g(a) { (e) { d.tag(csm-feature- + + : + e); d.isl && c.uex(at) }) } if (a.addEventListener) for (var d c.ue || {}, f { name: touch-enabled, run: function (b) { var e function () { a.removeEventListener(touchstart, c, !0); a.removeEventListener(mousemove, d, !0) }, c function () { b(true); e() }, d function () { b(false); e() }; a.addEventListener(touchstart, c, !0); a.addEventListener(mousemove, d, !0) } }, b 0; b f.length; b++)g(fb) }, csm-features)(ue_csm, window); (function (a, e) { function d(a) { b && b(recordCounter, a.c, a.v) } var c e.images, b a.csa && a.csa(Metrics, { producerId: csa }); c && c.length && a.ue.count(totalImages, c.length); && b && (, d) })(ue_csm, document); (function (b) { function c() { var d ; a.log && a.log.isStub && a.log.replay(function (a) { e(d, a) }); a.clog && a.clog.isStub && a.clog.replay(function (a) { e(d, a) }); d.length && (a._flhs + 1, n(d), p(d)) } function g() { a.log && a.log.isStub && (a.onflush && a.onflush.replay && a.onflush.replay(function (a) { a0() }), a.onunload && a.onunload.replay && a.onunload.replay(function (a) { a0() }), c()) } function e(d, b) { var c b1, f b0, e {}; a._lpnc (a._lpnc || 0) + 1; ec f; d.push(e) } function n(b) { q && (a._lpn.csm (a._lpn.csm || 0) + 1, b.push({ csm: { k: chk, f: a._flhs, l: a._lpn, s: inln } })) } function p(a) { if (h) a k(a), b.navigator.sendBeacon(l, a); else { a k(a); var c new bf;, l, !0); c.setRequestHeader && c.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/plain); c.send(a) } } function k(a) { return JSON.stringify({ rid: b.ue_id, sid: b.ue_sid, mid: b.ue_mid, mkt: b.ue_mkt, sn: b.ue_sn, reqs: a }) } var f XMLHttpRequest, q 1 b.ue_ddq, a b.ue, r bf && withCredentials in new bf, h b.navigator && b.navigator.sendBeacon, l // + b.ue_furl + /1/batch/1/OE/, m b.ue_fci_ft || 5E3; a && (r || h) && (a._flhs a._flhs || 0, a._lpn a._lpn || {}, a.attach && (a.attach(beforeunload, a.exec(g, fcli-bfu)), a.attach(pagehide, a.exec(g, fcli-ph))), m && b.setTimeout(a.exec(c, fcli-t), m), a._ffci a.exec(c)) })(window); (function (k, c) { function l(a, b) { return a.filter(function (a) { return a.initiatorType b }) } function f(a, c) { if (b.ta) { var g b.ta - b._t0, e c.filter(function (a) { return 0 ! a.responseEnd && m(a) g }), f l(e, script), h l(e, link), k l(e, img), n (a) { return }).filter(function (a, b, c) { return a && c.lastIndexOf(a) b }), q e.filter(function (a) { return a.duration p }), s g - Math.max.apply(null, r | 0; af a && (b._afjs f.length); return a + : + ed, fd, hd, kd, nd, qd, s.join(-) } } function m(a) { return a.responseEnd - (b._t0 - c.timing.navigationStart) } function n() { var a ch(resource), d f(cf, a), g f(af, a), a f(ld, a); delete b._rt; b._ld b.t.ld - b._t0; b._art && b._art(); return d, g, a.join(_) } var p 20, r 50, d length, b k.ue, h getEntriesByType; b._rre m; b._rt c && c.timing && ch && n })(ue_csm, window.performance); (function (c, d) { var b c.ue, a d.navigator; b && b.tag && a && (a a.connection || a.mozConnection || a.webkitConnection) && a.type && b.tag(netInfo: + a.type) })(ue_csm, window); (function (c, d) { function h(a, b) { for (var c , d 0; d a.length; d++) { var e ad, f b.encode(e); if (ek) { var g b.metaSep, e ek, l b.metaPairSep, h , m void 0; for (m in e) e.hasOwnProperty(m) && h.push(m + + em); e h.join(l); f + g + e } c.push(f) } return c.join(b.resourceSep) } function s(a) { var b ak ak || {}; bt || (bt c.ue_mid); bu || (bu c.ue_sid); bf || (bf c.ue_id); b.csm 1; a // + c.ue_furl + /1/ + av + /1/OP/ + aw + / + ax + / + h(a, y); if (n) try {, a) } catch (g) { c.ue.sbf 1, (new Image).src a } else (new Image).src a } function q() { g && g.isStub && g.replay(function (a, b, c) { a a0; b ak ak || {}; bf bf || c; s(a) }); l.impression s; g null } if (!(1 c.ueinit)) { var k metadata, x impressionType, v foresterChannel, w programGroup, t marketplaceId, u session, f requestId, p navigator, l c.ue || {}, n dp && dp.sendBeacon, r function (a, b, c, d) { return { encode: d, resourceSep: a, metaSep: b, metaPairSep: c } }, y r(, ?, &, function (a) { return h(a.impressionData, z) }), z r(/, :, ,, function (a) { return a.featureName + : + h(a.resources, A) }), A r(,, @, |, function (a) { return }), g l.impression; n ? q() : (l.attach(load, q), l.attach(beforeunload, q)); try { d.P && d.P.register && d.P.register(impression-client, function () { }) } catch (B) { c.ueLogError(B, { logLevel: WARN }) } } })(ue_csm, window); var ue_pty Detail; var ue_spty Kindle_HW; var ue_pti B0BF75VM4T; var ue_adb 4; var ue_adb_rtla 1; ue_csm.ue.exec(function (y, a) { function t() { if (d && f) { var a; a: { try { a d.getItem(g); break a } catch (c) { } a void 0 } if (a) return b a, !0 } return !1 } function u() { if (a.fetch) fetch(m).then(function (a) { if (!a.ok) throw Error(a.statusText); return a.text ? a.text() : null }).then(function (b) { b ? (-1 b.indexOf(window.ue_adb_chk 1) && (a.ue_adb_chk 1), n()) : h() })catch(h); else e.uels(m, { onerror: h, onload: n }) } function h() { b k; l(); if (f) try { d.setItem(g, b) } catch (a) { } } function n() { b 1 a.ue_adb_chk ? p : k; l(); if (f) try { d.setItem(g, b) } catch (c) { } } function q() { a.ue_adb_rtla && c && 0 && !1 r && (c.elh null, ueLogError({ m: Hit Info, fromOnError: 1 }, { logLevel: INFO, adb: b }), r !0) } function l() { e.tag(b); e.isl && a.uex && uex(at, b); s && s.updateCsmHit(adb, b); c && 0 ? q() : a.ue_adb_rtla && c && (c.elh q) } function v() { return b } if (a.ue_adb) { a.ue_fadb a.ue_fadb || 10; var e a.ue, k adblk_yes, p adblk_no, m, b adblk_unk, d; a: { try { d a.localStorage; break a } catch (z) { } d void 0 } var g csm:adb, c a.ue_err, s e.cookie, f void 0 ! a.localStorage, w Math.random() > 1 - 1 / a.ue_fadb, r !1, x t(); w || !x ? u() : l(); a.ue_isAdb v; a.ue_isAdb.unk adblk_unk; p; a.ue_isAdb.yes k } }, adb)(document, window); (function (c, l, m) { function h(a) { if (a) try { if ( return //*@id + + ; var b, d 1, e; for (e a.previousSibling; e; e e.previousSibling)e.nodeName a.nodeName && (d + 1); b d; var c a.nodeName; 1 ! b && (c + + b + ); a.parentNode && (c h(a.parentNode) + / + c); return c } catch (f) { return DETACHED } } function f(a) { if (a && a.getAttribute) return a.getAttribute(k) ? a.getAttribute(k) : f(a.parentElement) } var k data-cel-widget, g !1, d ; (c.ue || {}).isBF function () { try { var a JSON.parse(localStoragecsm-bf || ), b 0 a.indexOf(c.ue_id); a.unshift(c.ue_id); a a.slice(0, 20); localStoragecsm-bf JSON.stringify(a); return b } catch (d) { return !1 } }(); c.ue_utils { getXPath: h, getFirstAscendingWidget: function (a, b) { c.ue_cel && c.ue_fem ? !0 g ? b(f(a)) : d.push({ element: a, callback: b }) : b() }, notifyWidgetsLabeled: function () { if (!1 g) { g !0; for (var a f, b 0; b d.length; b++)if (db.hasOwnProperty(callback) && db.hasOwnProperty(element)) { var c db.callback, e db.element; function typeof c && function typeof a && c(a(e)) } d null } }, extractStringValue: function (a) { if (string typeof a) return a } } })(ue_csm, window, document); (function (a) { a.ue_cel || (a.ue_cel function () { function m(a, r) { r ? r.r u : r { r: u, c: 1 }; D || (!ue_csm.ue_sclog && r.clog && b.clog ? b.clog(a, r.ns || s, r) : r.glog && b.glog ? b.glog(a, r.ns || s, r) : b.log(a, r.ns || s, r)) } function n(a, b) { function typeof p && p(log, { schemaId: t + .RdCSI.1, eventType: a, clientData: b }, { ent: { page: requestId } }) } function c() { var a q.length; if (0 a) { for (var r , c 0; c a; c++) { var d qc.api; d.ready() ? (d.on({ ts: b.d, ns: s }), g.push(qc), m({ k: mso, n:, t: b.d() })) : r.push(qc) } q r } } function f() { if (!f.executed) { for (var a 0; a g.length; a++) &&{ ts: b.d, ns: s }); B(); m({ k: eod, t0: b.t0, t: b.d() }, { c: 1, il: 1 }); f.executed 1; for (a 0; a g.length; a++)q.push(ga); g ; d(v); d(A) } } function B(a) { m({ k: hrt, t: b.d() }, { c: 1, il: 1, n: a }); y Math.min(w, e * y); z() } function z() { d(A); A k(function () { B(!0) }, y) } function x() { f.executed || B() } var l a.window, k l.setTimeout, d l.clearTimeout, e 1.5, w l.ue_cel_max_hrt || 3E4, t robotdetection, q , g , s a.ue_cel_ns || cel, v, A, b a.ue, F a.uet, C a.uex, u b.rid, D a.ue_dsbl_cel, h l.csa, p, y l.ue_cel_hrt_int || 3E3, E l.requestAnimationFrame || function (a) { a() }; h && (p h(Events, { producerId: t })); if (b.isBF) m({ k: bft, t: b.d() }); else { function typeof F && F(bb, csmCELLSframework, { wb: 1 }); k(c, 0); b.onunload(f); if (b.onflush) b.onflush(x); v k(f, 6E5); z(); function typeof C && C(ld, csmCELLSframework, { wb: 1 }); return { registerModule: function (a, r) { q.push({ name: a, api: r }); m({ k: mrg, n: a, t: b.d() }); c() }, reset: function (a) { m({ k: rst, t0: b.t0, t: b.d() }); q q.concat(g); g ; for (var r q.length, e 0; e r; e++), qe.api.reset(); u a || b.rid; c(); d(v); v k(f, 6E5); f.executed 0 }, timeout: function (a, b) { return k(function () { E(function () { f.executed || a() }) }, b) }, log: m, csaEventLog: n, off: f } } }()) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_pdm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_pdm function () { function m() { try { var b d.screen; if (b) { var c { w: b.width, aw: b.availWidth, h: b.height, ah: b.availHeight, cd: b.colorDepth, pd: b.pixelDepth }; g && g.w c.w && g.h c.h && && g.ah c.ah && g.pd c.pd && || (g c, g.t t(), g.k sci, F(g), D && h(sci, { h: (g.h || 0) + })) } var k e.body || {}, f e.documentElement || {}, n { w: Math.max(k.scrollWidth || 0, k.offsetWidth || 0, f.clientWidth || 0, f.scrollWidth || 0, f.offsetWidth || 0), h: Math.max(k.scrollHeight || 0, k.offsetHeight || 0, f.clientHeight || 0, f.scrollHeight || 0, f.offsetHeight || 0) }; s && s.w n.w && s.h n.h || (s n, s.t t(), s.k doi, F(s)); w a.ue_cel.timeout(m, q); A + 1 } catch (p) { d.ueLogError && ueLogError(p, { attribution: csm-cel-page-module, logLevel: WARN }) } } function n() { x(ebl, default, !1) } function c() { x(efo, default, !0) } function f() { x(ebl, app, !1) } function B() { x(efo, app, !0) } function z() { d.setTimeout(function () { eE ? x(ebl, pageviz, !1) : x(efo, pageviz, !0) }, 0) } function x(a, b, c) { v ! c && (F({ k: a, t: t(), s: b }, { ff: !0 c ? 0 : 1 }), D && h(a, { t: (t() || 0) + , s: b })); v c } function l() { b.attach && (p && b.attach(y, z, e), G && P.when(mash).execute(function (a) { a && a.addEventListener && (a.addEventListener(appPause, f), a.addEventListener(appResume, B)) }), b.attach(blur, n, d), b.attach(focus, c, d)) } function k() { b.detach && (p && b.detach(y, z, e), G && P.when(mash).execute(function (a) { a && a.removeEventListener && (a.removeEventListener(appPause, f), a.removeEventListener(appResume, B)) }), b.detach(blur, n, d), b.detach(focus, c, d)) } var d a.window, e a.document, w, t, q, g, s, v null, A 0, b a.ue, F a.ue_cel.log, C a.uet, u a.uex, D d.csa, h a.ue_cel.csaEventLog, p !!b.pageViz, y p && b.pageViz.event, E p && b.pageViz.propHid, G d.P && d.P.when; function typeof C && C(bb, csmCELLSpdm, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (a) { q a.timespan || 500; t a.ts; l(); a d.location; F({ k: pmd, o: a.origin, p: a.pathname, t: t() }); m(); function typeof u && u(ld, csmCELLSpdm, { wb: 1 }) }, off: function (a) { clearTimeout(w); k(); b.count && b.count(cel.PDM.TotalExecutions, A) }, ready: function () { return e.body && a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { g s null } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(page module, a.ue_pdm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_vpm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_vpm function () { function m() { var a z(), b { w: k.innerWidth, h: k.innerHeight, x: k.pageXOffset, y: k.pageYOffset }; c && c.w b.w && c.h b.h && c.x b.x && c.y b.y || (b.t a, b.k vpi, c b, e(c, { clog: 1 }), s && v(vpi, { t: (c.t || 0) + , h: (c.h || 0) + , y: (c.y || 0) + , w: (c.w || 0) + , x: (c.x || 0) + })); f 0; x z() - a; l + 1 } function n() { f || (f a.ue_cel.timeout(m, B)) } var c, f, B, z, x 0, l 0, k a.window, d a.ue, e a.ue_cel.log, w a.uet, t a.uex, q d.attach, g d.detach, s k.csa, v a.ue_cel.csaEventLog; function typeof w && w(bb, csmCELLSvpm, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (a) { z a.ts; B a.timespan || 100; m(); q && (q(scroll, n), q(resize, n)); function typeof t && t(ld, csmCELLSvpm, { wb: 1 }) }, off: function (a) { clearTimeout(f); g && (g(scroll, n), g(resize, n)); d.count && (d.count(cel.VPI.TotalExecutions, l), d.count(cel.VPI.TotalExecutionTime, x), d.count(cel.VPI.AverageExecutionTime, x / l)) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { c void 0 }, getVpi: function () { return c } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(viewport module, a.ue_vpm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { if (!a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils) { var m a.ue || {}, n a.window, c n.document; !m.isBF && !a.ue_fem && c.querySelector && n.getComputedStyle && .forEach && (a.ue_fem function () { function f(a, b) { return a > b ? 3 > a - b : 3 > b - a } function B(a, b) { var c n.pageXOffset, d n.pageYOffset, k; a: { try { if (a) { var e a.getBoundingClientRect(), g, m 0 a.offsetWidth && 0 a.offsetHeight; c: { for (var h a.parentNode, p e.left || 0, w || 0, q e.width || 0, s e.height || 0; h && h ! document.body;) { var l; d: { try { var r void 0; if (h) var t h.getBoundingClientRect(), r { x: t.left || 0, y: || 0, w: t.width || 0, h: t.height || 0 }; else r void 0; l r; break d } catch (I) { } l void 0 } var u window.getComputedStyle(h), v hidden u.overflow, x v || hidden u.overflowX, y v || hidden u.overflowY, z w + s - 1 l.y + 1 || w + 1 > l.y + l.h - 1; if ((p + q - 1 l.x + 1 || p + 1 > l.x + l.w - 1) && x || z && y) { g !0; break c } h h.parentNode } g !1 } k { x: e.left + c || 0, y: + d || 0, w: e.width || 0, h: e.height || 0, d: (m || g) | 0 } } else k void 0; break a } catch (J) { } k void 0 } if (k && !a.cel_b) a.cel_b k, D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), w: a.cel_b.w, h: a.cel_b.h, d: a.cel_b.d, x: a.cel_b.x, y: a.cel_b.y, t: b, k: ewi, cl: a.className }, { clog: 1 }); else { if (c k) c a.cel_b, d k, c d.d c.d && 1 d.d ? !1 : !(f(c.x, d.x) && f(c.y, d.y) && f(c.w, d.w) && f(c.h, d.h) && c.d d.d); c && (a.cel_b k, D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), w: a.cel_b.w, h: a.cel_b.h, d: a.cel_b.d, x: a.cel_b.x, y: a.cel_b.y, t: b, k: ewi }, { clog: 1 })) } } function z(d, e) { var f; f d.c ? c.getElementsByClassName(d.c) : ? c.getElementById( : c.querySelectorAll(d.s); d.w ; for (var g 0; g f.length; g++) { var h fg; if (h) { if (!h.getAttribute(A)) { var l h.getAttribute(cel_widget_id) || (d.id_gen || u)(h, g) ||; h.setAttribute(A, l) } d.w.push(h); k(Q, h, e) } } !1 C && (F++, F b.length && (C !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled())) } function x(a, b) { h.contains(a) || D({ n: a.getAttribute(A), t: b, k: ewd }, { clog: 1 }) } function l(a) { K.length && ue_cel.timeout(function () { if (s) { for (var b R(), c !1; R() - b g && !c;) { for (c S; 0 c-- && 0 K.length;) { var d K.shift(); Td.type(d.elem, d.time) } c 0 K.length } U++; l(a) } }, 0) } function k(a, b, c) { K.push({ type: a, elem: b, time: c }) } function d(a, c) { for (var d 0; d b.length; d++)for (var e bd.w || , h 0; h e.length; h++)k(a, eh, c) } function e() { M || (M a.ue_cel.timeout(function () { M null; var c v(); d(W, c); for (var e 0; e b.length; e++)k(X, be, c); 0 b.length && !1 C && (C !0, a.ue_utils.notifyWidgetsLabeled()); l(c) }, q)) } function w() { M || N || (N a.ue_cel.timeout(function () { N null; var a v(); d(Q, a); l(a) }, q)) } function t() { return y && E && h && h.contains && h.getBoundingClientRect && v } var q 50, g 4.5, s !1, v, A data-cel-widget, b , F 0, C !1, u function () { }, D a.ue_cel.log, h, p, y, E, G n.MutationObserver || n.WebKitMutationObserver || n.MozMutationObserver, r !!G, H, I, O DOMAttrModified, L DOMNodeInserted, J DOMNodeRemoved, N, M, K , U 0, S null, W removedWidget, X updateWidgets, Q processWidget, T, V n.performance || {}, R && function () { return } || function () { return }; function typeof uet && uet(bb, csmCELLSfem, { wb: 1 }); return { on: function (d) { function k() { if (t()) { T { removedWidget: x, updateWidgets: z, processWidget: B }; if (r) { var a { attributes: !0, subtree: !0 }; H new G(w); I new G(e); H.observe(h, a); I.observe(h, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }); I.observe(p, a) } else, O, w),, L, e),, J, e),, L, w),, J, w); e() } } h c.body; p c.head; y h.addEventListener; E h.removeEventListener; v d.ts; b a.cel_widgets || ; S || 5; m.deffered ? k() : m.attach && m.attach(load, k); function typeof uex && uex(ld, csmCELLSfem, { wb: 1 }); s !0 }, off: function () { t() && (I && (I.disconnect(), I null), H && (H.disconnect(), H null),, O, w),, L, e),, J, e),, L, w),, J, w)); m.count && m.count(cel.widgets.batchesProcessed, U); s !1 }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { b a.cel_widgets || } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_fem && a.ue_cel.registerModule(features module, a.ue_fem)) } })(ue_csm); (function (a) { !a.ue_mcm && a.ue_cel && a.ue_utils && !a.ue.isBF && (a.ue_mcm function () { function m(a, d) { var e a.srcElement || || {}, f { k: n, w: (d || {}).ow || (B.body || {}).scrollWidth, h: (d || {}).oh || (B.body || {}).scrollHeight, t: (d || {}).ots || c(), x: a.pageX, y: a.pageY, p: l.getXPath(e), n: e.nodeName }; z && function typeof && a.timeStamp && (f.dt (d || {}).odt || - a.timeStamp, f.dt parseFloat(f.dt.toFixed(2))); a.button && (f.b a.button); e.href && (f.r l.extractStringValue(e.href)); && (f.i; e.className && e.className.split && (f.c e.className.split(/\s+/)); x(f, { c: 1 }) } var n mcm, c, f a.window, B f.document, z f.performance, x a.ue_cel.log, l a.ue_utils; return { on: function (k) { c k.ts; a.ue_cel_stub && a.ue_cel_stub.replayModule(n, m); f.addEventListener && f.addEventListener(mousedown, m, !0) }, off: function (a) { f.addEventListener && f.removeEventListener(mousedown, m, !0) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { } } }(), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(mouse click module, a.ue_mcm)) })(ue_csm); (function (a) { a.ue_mmm || !a.ue_cel || a.ue.isBF || (a.ue_mmm function (m) { function n(a, b) { var c { x: a.pageX || a.x || 0, y: a.pageY || a.y || 0, t: l() }; !b && p && (c.t - p.t B || c.x p.x && c.y p.y) || (p c, u.push(c)) } function c() { if (u.length) { F; for (var a 0; a u.length; a++) { var c ua, d a; y uh; E c; var e void 0; if (!(e 2 > d)) { e void 0; a: if (ud.t - ud - 1.t > f) e 0; else { for (e h + 1; e d; e++) { var g y, k E, l ue; G (k.x - g.x) * (g.y - l.y) - (g.x - l.x) * (k.y - g.y); if (G * G / ((k.x - g.x) * (k.x - g.x) + (k.y - g.y) * (k.y - g.y)) > z) { e 0; break a } } e 1 } e !e } (r e) ? h d - 1 : D.pop(); D.push(c) } C - F; s Math.min(s, C); v Math.max(v, C); A (A * b + C) / (b + 1); b + 1; q({ k: x, e: D, min: Math.floor(1E3 * s), max: Math.floor(1E3 * v), avg: Math.floor(1E3 * A) }, { c: 1 }); u ; D ; h 0 } } var f 100, B 20, z 25, x mmm1, l, k, d a.window, e d.document, w d.setInterval, t a.ue, q a.ue_cel.log, g, s 1E3, v 0, A 0, b 0, F, C, u , D , h 0, p, y, E, G, r, H m && && m || && Date || { now: function () { return (new Date).getTime() } }; return { on: function (a) { l a.ts; k a.ns; t.attach && t.attach(mousemove, n, e); g w(c, 3E3) }, off: function (a) { k && (p && n(p, !0), c()); clearInterval(g); t.detach && t.detach(mousemove, n, e) }, ready: function () { return a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.log }, reset: function () { u ; D ; h 0; p null } } }(window.performance), a.ue_cel && a.ue_cel.registerModule(mouse move module, a.ue_mmm)) })(ue_csm); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, c) { var e function () { }, f function () { return { send: function (b, d) { if (d && b) { var a; if (c.XDomainRequest) a new XDomainRequest, a.onerror e, a.ontimeout e, a.onprogress e, a.onload e, a.timeout 0; else if (c.XMLHttpRequest) { if (a new XMLHttpRequest, !(withCredentials in a)) throw ; } else a void 0; if (!a) throw ;, b, !0); a.setRequestHeader && a.setRequestHeader(Content-type, text/plain); a.send(d) } }, isSupported: !0 } }(), g function () { return { send: function (c, d) { if (c && d) if (navigator.sendBeacon(c, d)) b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw && b.ue.ssw(eelsts, scs); else throw ; }, isSupported: !!navigator.sendBeacon && !(c.cordova && c.cordova.platformId && ios c.cordova.platformId) } }(); b.ue._ajx f; b.ue._sBcn g }, Transportation-clients)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, k) { function B() { for (var a 0; a arguments.length; a++) { var c argumentsa; try { var g; if (c.isSupported) { var f u.buildPayload(l, e); g c.send(K, f) } else throw dummyException; return g } catch (d) { } } a { m: All supported clients failed, attribution: CSMSushiClient_TRANSPORTATION_FAIL, f: sushi-client.js, logLevel: ERROR }; C(a, k.ue_err_chan || jserr); b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(a) } function m() { if (e.length) { for (var a 0; a n.length; a++)na(); B(d._sBcn || {}, d._ajx || {}); e ; h {}; l {}; v w r x 0 } } function L() { var a new Date, c function (a) { return 10 > a ? 0 + a : a }; return Date.prototype.toISOString ? a.toISOString() : a.getUTCFullYear() + - + c(a.getUTCMonth() + 1) + - + c(a.getUTCDate()) + T + c(a.getUTCHours()) + : + c(a.getUTCMinutes()) + : + c(a.getUTCSeconds()) + . + String((a.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1E3).toFixed(3)).slice(2, 5) + Z } function y(a) { try { return JSON.stringify(a) } catch (c) { } return null } function D(a, c, g, f) { var q !1; f f || {}; s++; if (s E) { var p { m: Max number of Sushi Logs exceeded, f: sushi-client.js, logLevel: ERROR, attribution: CSMSushiClient_MAX_CALLS }; C(p, k.ue_err_chan || jserr); b.ue_err.buffer && b.ue_err.buffer.push(p) } if (p !(s > E)) (p a && -1 a.constructor.toString().indexOf(Object) && c && -1 c.constructor.toString().indexOf(String) && g && -1 g.constructor.toString().indexOf(String)) || M++; p && (d.count && d.count(Event: + g, 1), a.producerId a.producerId || c, a.schemaId a.schemaId || g, a.timestamp L(), c ? : +new Date, g Math.random().toString().substring(2, 12), a.messageId b.ue_id + - + c + - + g, f && !f.ssd && (a.sessionId a.sessionId || b.ue_sid, a.requestId a.requestId || b.ue_id, a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId a.obfuscatedMarketplaceId || b.ue_mid), (c y(a)) ? (c c.length, (e.length N || r + c > O) && m(), r + c, a { data: u.compressEvent(a) }, e.push(a), (f || {}).n ? 0 F ? m() : v || (v k.setTimeout(m, F)) : w || (w k.setTimeout(m, P)), q !0) : q !1); !q && b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid JS Nexus API call); return q } function G() { if (!H) { for (var a 0; a z.length; a++)za(); for (a 0; a n.length; a++)na(); e.length && (b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw && (a y({ dct: l, evt: e }), b.ue.ssw(eeldata, a), b.ue.ssw(eelsts, unk)), B(d._sBcn || {})); H !0 } } function I(a) { z.push(a) } function J(a) { n.push(a) } var E 1E3, N 499, O 524288, t function () { }, d b.ue || {}, C d.log || t, Q b.uex || t; (b.uet || t)(bb, ue_sushi_v1, { wb: 1 }); var K b.ue_surl ||, R messageId, timestamp, A #, e , h {}, l {}, r 0, x 0, M 0, s 0, z , n , H !1, v, w, F void 0 b.ue_hpsi ? 1E3 : b.ue_hpsi, P void 0 b.ue_lpsi ? 1E4 : b.ue_lpsi, u function () { function a(a) { ha A + x++; lha a; return ha } function c(b) { if (!(b instanceof Function)) { if (b instanceof Array) { for (var f , d b.length, e 0; e d; e++)fe c(be); return f } if (b instanceof Object) { f {}; for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (fhd ? hd : a(d) -1 R.indexOf(d) ? c(bd) : bd); return f } return string typeof b && (b.length > (A + x).length || b.charAt(0) A) ? hb ? hb : a(b) : b } } return { compressEvent: c, buildPayload: function () { return y({ cs: { dct: l }, events: e }) } } }(); (function () { if (d.event && d.event.isStub) { if (b.ue_sbuimp && b.ue && b.ue.ssw) { var a b.ue.ssw(eelsts).val; if (a && unk a && (a b.ue.ssw(eeldata).val)) { var c; a: { try { c JSON.parse(a); break a } catch (g) { } c null } c && c.evt instanceof Array && c.dct instanceof Object && (e c.evt, l c.dct, e && l && (m(), b.ue.ssw(eeldata, {}), b.ue.ssw(eelsts, scs))) } } d.event.replay(function (a) { a3 a3 || {}; a3.n 1; D.apply(this, a) }); d.onSushiUnload.replay(function (a) { I(a0) }); d.onSushiFlush.replay(function (a) { J(a0) }) } })(); d.attach(beforeunload, G); d.attach(pagehide, G); d._cmps u; d.event D; d.event.reset function () { s 0 }; d.onSushiUnload I; d.onSushiFlush J; try { k.P && k.P.register && k.P.register(sushi-client, t) } catch (S) { b.ueLogError(S, { logLevel: WARN }) } Q(ld, ue_sushi_v1, { wb: 1 }) }, Nxs-JS-Client)(ue_csm, window); ue_csm.ue_unrt 1500; (function (d, b, t) { function u(a, g) { var c a.srcElement || || {}, b { k: v, t: g.t, dt: g.dt, x: a.pageX, y: a.pageY, p: e.getXPath(c), n: c.nodeName }; a.button && (b.b a.button); c.type && (b.ty c.type); c.href && (b.r e.extractStringValue(c.href)); && (b.i; c.className && c.className.split && (b.c c.className.split(/\s+/)); h + 1; e.getFirstAscendingWidget(c, function (a) { b.wd a; d.ue.log(b, r) }) } function w(a) { if (!x(a.srcElement || { m + 1; n !0; var g f d.ue.d(), c; p && function typeof && a.timeStamp && (c - a.timeStamp, c parseFloat(c.toFixed(2))); s b.setTimeout(function () { u(a, { t: g, dt: c }) }, y) } } function z(a) { if (a) { var b a.filter(A); a.length ! b.length && (q !0, k d.ue.d(), n && q && (k && f && d.ue.log({ k: B, t: f, m: Math.abs(k - f) }, r), l(), q !1, k 0)) } } function A(a) { if (!a) return !1; var b characterData a.type ? :; if (!b || !b.hasAttributes || !b.attributes) return !1; var c { class: gw-clock gw-clock-aria s-item-container-height-auto feed-carousel using-mouse kfs-inner-container.split( ), id: dealClock, deal_expiry_timer, timer, role: timer }, d !1; Object.keys(c).forEach(function (a) { var e b.attributesa ? b.attributesa.value : ; (ca || ).forEach(function (a) { -1 ! e.indexOf(a) && (d !0) }) }); return d } function x(a) { if (!a) return !1; var b (e.extractStringValue(a.nodeName) || ).toLowerCase(), c (e.extractStringValue(a.type) || ).toLowerCase(), d (e.extractStringValue(a.href) || ).toLowerCase(); a (e.extractStringValue( || ).toLowerCase(); var f checkbox color date datetime-local email file month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week.split( ); if (-1 ! select, textarea, html.indexOf(b) || input b && -1 ! f.indexOf(c) || a b && -1 ! d.indexOf(http) || -1 ! sitbreaderrightpageturner, sitbreaderleftpageturner, sitbreaderpagecontainer.indexOf(a)) return !0 } function l() { n !1; f 0; b.clearTimeout(s) } function C() { b.ue.onunload(function () { ue.count(armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violations, h); ue.count(armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violationRate, h / m * 100 || 0) }) } if (b.MutationObserver && b.addEventListener && Object.keys && d && d.ue && d.ue.log && d.ue_unrt && d.ue_utils) { var y d.ue_unrt, r cel, v unr_mcm, B res_mcm, p b.performance, e d.ue_utils, n !1, f 0, s 0, q !1, k 0, h 0, m 0; b.addEventListener && (b.addEventListener(mousedown, w, !0), b.addEventListener(beforeunload, l, !0), b.addEventListener(visibilitychange, l, !0), b.addEventListener(pagehide, l, !0)); b.ue && b.ue.event && b.ue.onSushiUnload && b.ue.onunload && C(); (new MutationObserver(z)).observe(t, { childList: !0, attributes: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 }) } })(ue_csm, window, document); ue_csm.ue.exec(function (g, e) { if (e.ue_err) { var f ; e.ue_err.errorHandlers || (e.ue_err.errorHandlers ); e.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({ name: fctx, handler: function (a) { if (!a.logLevel || FATAL a.logLevel) if (f g.getElementsByTagName(html)0.innerHTML) { var b f.indexOf(var ue_t0ue_t0||+new Date();); if (-1 ! b) { var b f.substr(0, b).split(String.fromCharCode(10)), d Math.max(b.length - 10 - 1, 0), b b.slice(d, b.length - 1); a.fcsmln d + b.length + 1; a.cinfo a.cinfo || {}; for (var c 0; c b.length; c++)a.cinfod + c + 1 + bc } b f.split(String.fromCharCode(10)); a.cinfo a.cinfo || {}; if (!(a.f || void 0 a.l || a.l in a.cinfo)) for (c +a.l - 1, d Math.max(c - 5, 0), c Math.min(c + 5, b.length - 1); d c; d++)a.cinfod + 1 + bd } } }) } }, fatals-context)(document, window); (function (m, b) { function c(k) { function f(a) { a && string typeof a && (a (a a.match(/^(?:https?:)?\/\/(.*?)(\/|$)/i)) && 1 a.length ? a1 : null, a && a && (number typeof ea ? ea++ : ea 1)) } function d(a) { var e 10, d +new Date; a && a.timeRemaining ? e a.timeRemaining() : a { timeRemaining: function () { return Math.max(0, e - (+new Date - d)) } }; for (var c b.performance.getEntries(), k e; g c.length && k > n;) && f(, g++, k a.timeRemaining(); g > c.length ? h(!0) : l() } function h(a) { if (!a) { a m.scripts; var c; if (a) for (var d 0; d a.length; d++)(c ad.getAttribute(src)) && undefined ! c && f(c) } 0 Object.keys(e).length && (p && ue_csm.ue && ue_csm.ue.event && (a { domains: e, pageType: b.ue_pty || null, subPageType: b.ue_spty || null, pageTypeId: b.ue_pti || null }, ue_csm.ue_sjslob && (a.lob ue_csm.ue_lob || 0), ue_csm.ue.event(a, csm, csm.CrossOriginDomains.2)), b.ue_ext e) } function l() { !0 k ? d() : b.requestIdleCallback ? b.requestIdleCallback(d) : b.requestAnimationFrame ? b.requestAnimationFrame(d) : b.setTimeout(d, 100) } function c() { if (b.performance && b.performance.getEntries) { var a b.performance.getEntries(); !a || 0 > a.length ? h(!1) : l() } else h(!1) } var e b.ue_ext || {}; b.ue_ext || c(); return e } function q() { setTimeout(c, r) } var s b.ue_dserr || !1, p !0, n 1, r 2E3, g 0; b.ue_err && s && (b.ue_err.errorHandlers || (b.ue_err.errorHandlers ), b.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({ name: ext, handler: function (b) { if (!b.logLevel || FATAL b.logLevel) { var f c(!0), d , h; for (h in f) { var f h, g f.match(/amazon(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}$/i); g && 1 g.length || -1 ! f.indexOf( || -1 ! f.indexOf( || -1 ! f.indexOf( || d.push(h) } b.ext d } } })); b.ue && b.ue.isl ? c() : b.ue && ue.attach && ue.attach(load, q) })(document, window); var ue_wtc_c 3; ue_csm.ue.exec(function (b, e) { function l() { for (var a 0; a f.length; a++)a: for (var d s.replace(A, fa) + gfa + t, c arguments, b 0; b c.length; b++)try { cb.send(d); break a } catch (e) { } g {}; f ; n 0; k p } function u() { B ? l(q) : l(C, q) } function v(a, m, c) { r++; if (r > w) d.count && 1 r - w && (d.count(WeblabTriggerThresholdReached, 1), b.ue_int && console.error(Number of max call reached. Data will no longer be send)); else { var h c || {}; h && -1 h.constructor.toString().indexOf(D) && a && -1 a.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) && m && -1 m.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) ? (h b.ue_id, c && c.rid && (h c.rid), c h, a encodeURIComponent(,wl + a + / + m), 2E3 > a.length + p ? (2E3 k + a.length && u(), void 0 gc && (gc , f.push(c)), gc + a, k + a.length, n || (n e.setTimeout(u, E))) : b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid API call. The input provided is over 2000 chars.)) : d.count && (d.count(WeblabTriggerImproperAPICall, 1), b.ue_int && console.error(Invalid API call. The input provided does not match the API protocol i.e ue.trigger(String, String, Object).)) } } function F() { d.trigger && d.trigger.isStub && d.trigger.replay(function (a) { v.apply(this, a) }) } function y() { z || (f.length && l(q), z !0) } var t :1234, s // + b.ue_furl + /1/remote-weblab-triggers/1/OE/ + b.ue_mid + : + b.ue_sid + :PLCHLDR_RID$s:wl-client-id%3DCSMTriger, A PLCHLDR_RID, E b.wtt || 1E4, p s.length + t.length, w b.mwtc || 2E3, G 1 e.ue_wtc_c, B 3 e.ue_wtc_c, H e.XMLHttpRequest && withCredentials in new e.XMLHttpRequest, x String, D Object, d b.ue, g {}, f , k p, n, z !1, r 0, C function () { return { send: function (a) { if (H) { var b new e.XMLHttpRequest;, a, !0); G && (b.withCredentials !0); b.send() } else throw ; } } }(), q function () { return { send: function (a) { (new Image).src a } } }(); e.encodeURIComponent && (d.attach && (d.attach(beforeunload, y), d.attach(pagehide, y)), F(), d.trigger v) }, client-wbl-trg)(ue_csm, window); (function (k, d, h) { function f(a, c, b) { a && a.indexOf && 0 a.indexOf(http) && 0 ! a.indexOf(https) && l(s, c, a, b) } function g(a, c, b) { a && a.indexOf && (location.href.split(#)0 ! a && null ! a && undefined ! typeof a || l(t, c, a, b)) } function l(a, c, b, e) { mb || (e u && e ? n(e) : N/A, d.ueLogError && d.ueLogError({ message: a + c + : + b, logLevel: v, stack: N/A }, { attribution: e }), mb 1, p++) } function e(a, c) { if (a && c) for (var b 0; b a.length; b++)try { c(ab) } catch (d) { } } function q() { return d.performance && d.performance.getEntriesByType ? d.performance.getEntriesByType(resource) : } function n(a) { if ( return //*@id + + ; var c; c 1; var b; for (b a.previousSibling; b; b b.previousSibling)b.nodeName a.nodeName && (c + 1); b a.nodeName; 1 ! c && (b + + c + ); a.parentNode && (b n(a.parentNode) + / + b); return b } function w() { var a h.images; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { var b a.getAttribute(src); f(b, img, a); g(b, img, a) }) } function x() { var a h.scripts; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { var b a.getAttribute(src); f(b, script, a); g(b, script, a) }) } function y() { var a h.styleSheets; a && a.length && e(a, function (a) { if (a a.ownerNode) { var b a.getAttribute(href); f(b, style, a); g(b, style, a) } }) } function z() { if (A) { var a q(); e(a, function (a) { f(, a.initiatorType) }) } } function B() { e(q(), function (a) { g(, a.initiatorType) }) } function r() { var a; a d.location && d.location.protocol ? d.location.protocol : void 0; https: a && (z(), w(), x(), y(), B(), p C && setTimeout(r, D)) } var s CSM Insecure content detected , t CSM Ajax request to same page detected , v WARN, m {}, p 0, D k.ue_nsip || 1E3, C 5, A 1 k.ue_urt, u !0; ue_csm.ue_disableNonSecure || (d.performance && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(300), r()) })(ue_csm, window, document); var ue_aa_a ; if (ue.trigger && (ue_aa_a C || ue_aa_a T1)) { ue.trigger(UEDATA_AA_SERVERSIDE_ASSIGNMENT_CLIENTSIDE_TRIGGER_190249, ue_aa_a); } (function (f, b) { function g() { try { b.PerformanceObserver && function typeof b.PerformanceObserver && (a new b.PerformanceObserver(function (b) { c(b.getEntries()) }), a.observe(d)) } catch (h) { k() } } function m() { for (var h d.entryTypes, a 0; a h.length; a++)c(b.performance.getEntriesByType(ha)) } function c(a) { if (a && Array.isArray(a)) { for (var c 0, e 0; e a.length; e++) { var d l.indexOf(; if (-1 ! d) { var g Math.round(b.performance.timing.navigationStart + ae.startTime); f.uet(nd, void 0, void 0, g); c++ } } l.length c && k() } } function k() { a && a.disconnect && function typeof a.disconnect && a.disconnect() } if (function typeof f.uet && b.performance && object typeof b.performance && b.performance.getEntriesByType && function typeof b.performance.getEntriesByType && b.performance.timing && object typeof b.performance.timing && number typeof b.performance.timing.navigationStart) { var d { entryTypes: paint }, l first-paint, first-contentful-paint, n fp, fcp, a; try { m(), g() } catch (p) { f.ueLogError(p, { logLevel: ERROR, attribution: performanceMetrics }) } } })(ue_csm, window); if (window.csa) { csa(Events)(setEntity, { page: { pageType: Detail, subPageType: Kindle_HW, pageTypeId: B0BF75VM4T } }); } csa.plugin(function (c) { var m transitionStart, n pageVisible, e PageTiming, t visibilitychange, s $latency.visible, i, r (i.performance || {}).timing, a navigationStart, unloadEventStart, unloadEventEnd, redirectStart, redirectEnd, fetchStart, domainLookupStart, domainLookupEnd, connectStart, connectEnd, secureConnectionStart, requestStart, responseStart, responseEnd, domLoading, domInteractive, domContentLoadedEventStart, domContentLoadedEventEnd, domComplete, loadEventStart, loadEventEnd, u c.config, o i.Math, l o.max, g o.floor, d i.document || {}, f (r || {}).navigationStart, v f, p 0, S null; if (i.Object.keys && .forEach && !uKillSwitch. + e) { if (!r || null f || f 0 || void 0 f) return c.error(Invalid navigation timing data: + f); S new E({ schemaId: ns>.PageLatency.6, producerId: csa }), boolean ! typeof d.hidden && string ! typeof d.visibilityState || !d.removeEventListener ? c.emit(s) : b() ? (c.emit(s), I(n, f)) : c.on(d, t, function e() { b() && (v c.time(), d.removeEventListener(t, e), I(m, v), I(n, v), c.emit(s)) }), c.once($unload, h), c.once($load, h), c.on($pageTransition, function () { v c.time() }), c.register(e, { mark: I, instance: function (e) { return new E(e) } }) } function E(e) { var i, r null, a e.ent || { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId }, o e.logger || c(Events, { producerId: e.producerId, lob: u.lob || 0 }); if (!e || !e.producerId || !e.schemaId) return c.error(The producer id and schema Id must be defined for PageLatencyInstance.); function d() { return i || v } function n() { r c.UUID() } this.mark function (n, t) { if (null ! n) return t t || c.time(), n m && (i t), c.once(s, function () { o(log, { messageId: r, __merge: function (e) { e.markersn function (e, n) { return l(0, n - (e || v)) }(d(), t), e.markerTimestampsn g(t) }, markers: {}, markerTimestamps: {}, navigationStartTimestamp: d() ? new Date(d()).toISOString() : null, schemaId: e.schemaId }, { ent: a }) }), t }, n(), c.on($beforePageTransition, n) } function I(e, n) { e m && (v n); var t S.mark(e, n); c.emit($timing: + e, t) } function h() { if (!p) { for (var e 0; e a.length; e++)rae && I(ae, rae); p 1 } } function b() { return !d.hidden || visible d.visibilityState } }); csa.plugin(function (u) { var f, c, l length, a parentElement, t target, i getEntriesByName, e perf, n null, r _csa_flt, o _csa_llt, s previousSibling, d visuallyLoaded, g client, h offset, m scroll, p Width, v Height, y g + p, E g + v, S h + p, b h + v, x m + p, O m + v, _ _osrc, w _elt, L _eid, T 10, I 5, N 15, k 100, B, H u.timeout, W B.Math, Y W.max, C W.floor, F W.ceil, M B.document || {}, R M.body || {}, V M.documentElement || {}, $ B.performance || {}, P ($.timing || {}).navigationStart, X, D Object.values || (u.types || {}).ovl, J u(PageTiming), j u(SpeedIndexBuffers), q , Q , U , z , A , G , K .1, Z .1, ee 0, ne 0, te !0, ie 0, re 0, oe 1 u.configSpeedIndex.ForceReplay, ae 0, fe 1, ue 0, ce {}, le , se 0, de { buffered: 1 }; function ge(e) { || u.emit($csmTag: + e, 0, de) } function he() { for (var e X(), n 0; f;) { if (0 ! fl) { if (!1 ! f.h(f0) && f.shift(), n++, !oe && n % T 0 && X() - e > I) break } else f f.n } ee 0, f && (ee || (!0 M.hidden ? (oe 1, he()) : u.timeout(he, 0))) } function me(e, n, t, i, r) { ue C(e), q n, Q t, U i, G r; var o M.createTreeWalker(M.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, null), a { w: B.innerWidth, h: B.innerHeight, x: B.pageXOffset, y: B.pageYOffset }; M.bodyw e, z.push({ w: o, vp: a }), A.push({ img: M.images, iter: 0 }), q.h pe, (q.n Q).h ve, (Q.n U).h ye, (U.n z).h Ee, (z.n A).h Se, (A.n G).h be, f q, he() } function pe(e) { e.m.forEach(function (e) { for (var n e; n && (e n || !nr || !no);)nr || (nr er), no || (no eo), nw nr - P, n ns }) } function ve(e) { e.m.forEach(function (e) { var n et; _ in n || (n_ e.oldValue) }) } function ye(n) { n.m.forEach(function (e) { etw n.t - P }) } function Ee(e) { for (var n, t e.vp, i e.w, r T; (n i.nextNode()) && 0 r;) { r - 1; var o (na || {}).nodeName; SCRIPT ! o && STYLE ! o && NOSCRIPT ! o && BODY ! o && 0 ! (n.nodeValue || ).trim()l && Le(na, xe(n), t) } return !n } function Se(e) { for (var n { w: B.innerWidth, h: B.innerHeight, x: B.pageXOffset, y: B.pageYOffset }, t T; e.iter e.imgl && 0 t;) { var i, r e.imge.iter, o we(r), a o && xe(o) || xe(r); o ? (ow a, i _e(o.querySelector(aria-posinset1 img) || r) || a, r o) : i _e(r) || a, re && c i && (i a), Le(r, i, n), e.iter + 1, t - 1 } return e.imgl e.iter } function be(e) { var n , i 0, r 0, o ne, t B.innerHeight || Y(RO || 0, Rb || 0, VE || 0, VO || 0, Vb || 0), a C(e.y / k), f F((e.y + t) / k); le.slice(a, f).forEach(function (e) { (e.elems || ).forEach(function (e) { in n || ( {}), in || (i + ( e).a) }) }), ge(startVL), D(n).forEach(function (e) { D(e).forEach(function (e) { var n 1 - r / i, t Y(, o); se + n * (t - o), o t, function (e, n) { var t; for (; K 1 && K - .01 e;)Te(d + (t (100 * K).toFixed(0)),, 50 ! t && 90 ! t || u(Content, { target: n.e })(mark, d + t, P + F( || 0)), K + Z }((r + e.a) / i, e) }) }), ge(endVL), ne e.t - P, Gl 1 && (Te(speedIndex, se), Te(d + 0, ue)), te && (te !1, Te(atfSpeedIndex, se)) } function xe(e) { for (var n ea, t N; n && 0 t;) { if (nw || 0 nw) return Y(nw, ue); n n.parentElement, t - 1 } } function Oe(e, n) { if (e) { if (!e.indexOf(data:)) return xe(n); var t $i(e) || ; if (0 tl) return Y(F(t0.responseEnd || 0), ue) } } function _e(e) { return Oe(e_, e) || Oe(e.currentSrc, e) || Oe(e.src, e) } function we(e) { for (var n 10, t e.parentElement; t && 0 n;) { if (t.classList && t.classList.contains(a-carousel-viewport)) return t; t t.parentElement, n - 1 } return null } function Le(e, n, t) { if ((n || 0 n) && !eL) { var i e.getBoundingClientRect(), r i.width * i.height, o t.w || Y(Rx || 0, RS || 0, Vy || 0, Vx || 0, VS || 0) || i.right, a i.width / 2, f fe++; if (0 ! r && !(a i.right - o || i.right a)) { for (var u { e: e, lt: n, a: r, id: f }, c C(( + t.y) / k), l F(( + t.y + i.height) / k), s c; s l; s++)s in le || (les { elems: , lt: 0 }), les.elems.push(u); eL f } } } function Te(e, n) { J(mark, e, P + F((cee n) || 0)) } function Ie(e) { ae || (ge(browserQuite + e), j(getBuffers, me), ae 1) } P && D && $i ? (ge(e + Yes), j(registerListener, function () { re && (clearTimeout(ie), ie H(Ie.bind(n, Mut), 2500)) }), u.once($unload, function () { oe 1, Ie(Ud) }), u.once($load, function () { re 1, c X() - P, ie H(Ie.bind(n, Ld), 2500) }), u.once($timing:functional, Ie.bind(n, Fn)), j(replayModuleIsLive), u.register(SpeedIndex, { getMarkers: function (e) { e && e(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ce))) } })) : ge(e + No) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var m !!e.configLCP.elementDedup, t !1, n e(PageTiming), r, a; function i() { return a.timing.navigationStart } function o() { t || function (o) { var l new r(function (e) { var t e.getEntries(); if (0 ! t.length) { var n tt.length - 1; if (m && ! && n.element && IMG n.element.tagName) { for (var r {}, a t0, i 0; i t.length; i++) in r || ( ! && ( !0), a.startTime ti.startTime && (a ti)); n a } l.disconnect(), o({ startTime: n.startTime, renderTime: n.renderTime, loadTime: n.loadTime }) } }); try { l.observe({ type: largest-contentful-paint, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } }(function (e) { e && (t !0, n(mark, largestContentfulPaint, Math.floor(e.startTime + i())), e.renderTime && n(mark, largestContentfulPaint.render, Math.floor(e.renderTime + i())), e.loadTime && n(mark, largestContentfulPaint.load, Math.floor(e.loadTime + i()))) }) } r && a && a.timing && (e.once($unload, o), e.once($load, o), e.register(LargestContentfulPaint, {})) }); csa.plugin(function (r) { var e r(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), n; n && (n new n(function (r) { var t r.getEntries(); if (0 t.length || !t0.processingStart || !t0.startTime) return; !function (r) { r r || 0, n.disconnect(), 0 r ? e(recordMetric, firstInputDelay, r) : e(recordMetric, firstInputDelay.invalid, 1) }(t0.processingStart - t0.startTime) }), function () { try { n.observe({ type: first-input, buffered: !0 }) } catch (r) { } }()) }); csa.plugin(function (d) { var e Metrics, g d.config, f 0; function r(i) { var c, t, e i.producerId, r i.logger, o r || d(Events, { producerId: e, lob: g.lob || 0 }), s (i || {}).dimensions || {}, u {}, n -1; if (!e && !r) return d.error(Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined); function a() { n ! f && (c d.UUID(), t d.UUID(), u {}, n f) } this.recordMetric function (r, n) { var e i.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; e.debugMetric i.debugMetric, a(), o(log, { messageId: c, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.Metric.4, metrics: {}, dimensions: s, __merge: function (e) { e.metricsr n } }, e) }, this.recordCounter function (r, e) { var n i.logOptions || { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }; if (string ! typeof r || number ! typeof e || !isFinite(e)) return d.error(Invalid type given for counter name or counter value: + r + / + e); a(), r in u || (ur {}); var c ur; f in c || (c.f e), c.c (c.c || 0) + 1, c.s (c.s || 0) + e, c.l e, o(log, { messageId: t, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.InternalCounters.3, c: {}, __merge: function (e) { r in e.c || ( {}), c.fs || (c.fs 1, c.f), 1 c.c && ( c.s, c.l, c.c) } }, n) } } gKillSwitch. + e || (new r({ producerId: csa }).recordMetric(baselineMetricEvent, 1), d.on($beforePageTransition, function () { f++ }), d.register(e, { instance: function (e) { return new r(e || {}) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (s) { var n s.config, r ( || {}).timing, c (r || {}).navigationStart || s.time(), g 0; function e() { g + 1 } function i(i) { i i || {}; var o s.UUID(), t g, r i.producerId, e i.logger, a e || s(Events, { producerId: r, lob: n.lob || 0 }); if (!r && !e) return s.error(Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined); this.mark function (e, r) { var n (void 0 r ? s.time() : r) - c; t ! g && (t g, o s.UUID()), a(log, { messageId: o, schemaId: i.schemaId || ns>.Timer.1, markers: {}, __merge: function (r) { r.markerse n } }, i.logOptions) } } r && (e(), s.on($beforePageTransition, e), s.register(Timers, { instance: function (r) { return new i(r || {}) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (t) { var e takeRecords, i disconnect, n function, o t(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), c t(PageTiming), a, u t.timeout, r t.on, f a.PerformanceObserver, m 0, l !1, s 0, d a.performance, h a.document, v null, y !1, g t.blank; function p() { l || (l !0, clearTimeout(v), typeof fe n && fe(), typeof fi n && fi(), o(recordMetric, documentCumulativeLayoutShift, m), c(mark, cumulativeLayoutShiftLastTimestamp, Math.floor(s + d.timing.navigationStart))) } f && d && d.timing && h && (f new f(function (t) { v && clearTimeout(v); t.getEntries().forEach(function (t) { t.hadRecentInput || (m + t.value, s t.startTime && (s t.startTime)) }), v u(p, 5e3) }), function () { try { f.observe({ type: layout-shift, buffered: !0 }), v u(p, 5e3) } catch (t) { } }(), g r(h, click, function (t) { y || (y !0, o(recordMetric, documentCumulativeLayoutShiftToFirstInput, m), g()) }), r(h, visibilitychange, function () { hidden h.visibilityState && p() }), t.once($unload, p)) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var t, n, r n.PerformanceObserver, c e(Metrics, { producerId: csa }), o 0, i 0, a -1, l n.Math, f l.max, u l.ceil; if (r) { t new r(function (e) { e.getEntries().forEach(function (e) { var t e.duration; o + t, i + t, a f(t, a) }) }); try { t.observe({ type: longtask, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } t new r(function (e) { 0 e.getEntries().length && (i 0, a -1) }); try { t.observe({ type: largest-contentful-paint, buffered: !0 }) } catch (e) { } e.on($unload, g), e.on($beforePageTransition, g) } function g() { c(recordMetric, totalBlockingTime, u(i || 0)), c(recordMetric, totalBlockingTimeInclLCP, u(o || 0)), c(recordMetric, maxBlockingTime, u(a || 0)), i o 0, a -1 } }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var e CacheDetection, r csa-ctoken-, c, t o.deleteStored, n o.config, i ne + .RequestID, a ne + .Callback, s, u s.document || {}, d s.Date, l o(Events), f o(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: n.lob || 0 }); function p(e) { try { var c u.cookie.match(RegExp((^| ) + e + (^;+))); return c && c2.trim() } catch (e) { } } nKillSwitch. + e || (function () { var e function () { var e p(cdn-rid); if (e) return { r: e, s: cdn } }() || function () { if ( + i)) return { r: o.UUID().toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, ).slice(0, 20), s: device } }() || {}, c e.r, n e.s; if (!!c) { var t p(session-id); !function (e, c, n, t) { l(setEntity, { page: { pageSource: cache, requestId: e, cacheRequestId: i, cacheSource: t }, session: { id: n } }) }(c, 0, t, n), device n && f(log, { schemaId: ns>.CacheImpression.2 }, { ent: all }), a && a(c, t, n) } }(), c(r + i, + 36e5), o.once($load, function () { var n; t(function (e, c) { return 0 e.indexOf(r) && parseInt(c) n }) })) }); csa.plugin(function (u) { var i, t Content, e MutationObserver, n addedNodes, a querySelectorAll, f matches, r getAttributeNames, o getAttribute, s dataset, c widget, l producerId, d slotId, h iSlotId, g { ent: { element: 1, page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }, p 5, m u.configt + .BubbleUp.SearchDepth || 35, y u.configt + .SearchPage || 0, v csaC, b v + Id, E logRender, w {}, I u.config, O It + .Selectors || , C It + .WhitelistedAttributes || { href: 1, class: 1 }, N It + .EnableContentEntities, S IKillSwitch.ContentRendered, k, A k.document || {}, U A.documentElement, L k.HTMLElement, R {}, _ , j function (t, e, n, i) { var o this, r u(Events, { producerId: t || csa, lob: I.lob || 0 }); e.type e.type || c,, o.l r, o.e e, o.el n, o.rt i, o.dlo g, o.op W(n, csaOp), o.log function (t, e) { r(log, t, e || g) }, o.entities function (t) { t(e) }, && r(setEntity, { element: e }) }, x j.prototype; function D(t) { var e (t t || {}).element, n; return e ? function (t, e) { var n; n t instanceof L ? K(t) || Y(el, t, z, u.time()) : || H(el, 0, t, u.time()); return n }(e, t) : n ? M(n) : u.error(No element or target argument provided.) } function M(t) { var e function (t) { var e null, n 0; for (; t && n m;) { if (n++, P(t, b)) { e t; break } t t.parentElement } return e }(t); return e ? K(e) : new j(csa, { id: null }, null, u.time()) } function P(t, e) { if (t && t.dataset) return t.datasete } function T(t, e, n) { _.push({ n: n, e: t, t: e }), B() } function q() { for (var t u.time(), e 0; 0 _.length;) { var n _.shift(); if (wn.n(n.e, n.t), ++e % 10 0 && u.time() - t > p) break } i 0, _.length && B() } function B() { i i || u.raf(q) } function X(t, e, n) { return { n: t, e: e, t: n } } function Y(t, e, n, i) { var o u.UUID(), r { id: o }, c M(e); return esb o, n(r, e), c && && (r.parentId, H(t, e, r, i) } function $(t) { return isNaN(t) ? null : Math.round(t) } function H(t, e, n, i) { N && (n.schemaId ns>.ContentEntity.2), || u.UUID(); var o new j(t, n, e, i); return function (t) { return !S && ((t.op || {}).hasOwnProperty(E) || y) }(o) && function (t, e) { var n {}, i u.exec($); t.el && (n t.el.getBoundingClientRect()), t.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentRender.3, timestamp: e, width: i(n.width), height: i(n.height), positionX: i(n.left + k.pageXOffset), positionY: i( + k.pageYOffset) }) }(o, i), u.emit($content.register, o), o } function K(t) { return R(ts || {})b } function W(n, i) { var o {}; return r in (n n || {}) && Object.keys(ns).forEach(function (t) { if (!t.indexOf(i) && i.length t.length) { var e function (t) { return (t0 || ).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1) }(t.slice(i.length)); oe nst } }), o } function z(t, e) { r in e && (function (t, e) { var n W(t, v); Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) { et nt }) }(e, t), d in t && (th td), function (e, n) { (er() || ).forEach(function (t) { t in C && (nt eo(t)) }) }(e, t)) } U && Aa && ke && (O.push({ selector: *data-csa-c-type, entity: z }), O.push({ selector: .celwidget, entity: function (t, e) { z(t, e), td td || eo(cel_widget_id) ||, t.legacyId eo(cel_widget_id) ||, t.type t.type || c } }), w1 function (t, e) { t.forEach(function (t) { tn && tn.constructor && NodeList &&, function (t) { _.unshift(X(2, t, e)) }) }) }, w2 function (r, c) { a in r && f in r && O.forEach(function (t) { for (var e t.selector, n rf(e), i ra(e), o i.length - 1; 0 o; o--)_.unshift(X(3, { e: io, s: t }, c)); n && _.unshift(X(3, { e: r, s: t }, c)) }) }, w3 function (t, e) { var n t.e; K(n) || Y(csa, n, t.s.entity, e) }, w4 function () { u.register(t, { instance: D }) }, new ke(function (t) { T(t, u.time(), 1) }).observe(U, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), T(U, u.time(), 2), T(null, u.time(), 4), u.on($content.export, function (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { xt et }) })) }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var i, t ContentImpressions, e KillSwitch., n IntersectionObserver, r getAttribute, s dataset, c intersectionRatio, a csaCId, m 1e3, l, f o.config, u fe + t, v fe + t + .ContentViews, g ((l.performance || {}).timing || {}).navigationStart || o.time(), d {}; function h(t) { t && (t.v 1, function (t) { t.vt o.time(), t.el.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentView.4, timeToViewed: t.vt - t.el.rt, pageFirstPaintToElementViewed: t.vt - g }) }(t)) } function I(t) { t && ! && (t.i o.time() - > m, function (t) { o.time(), t.el.log({ schemaId: ns>.ContentImpressed.3, timeToImpressed: - t.el.rt, pageFirstPaintToElementImpressed: - g }) }(t)) } !u && ln && (i new ln(function (t) { var n o.time(); t.forEach(function (t) { var e function (t) { if (t && tr) return dtsa }(; if (e) { o.emit($content.intersection, { meta: e.el, t: n, e: t }); var i t.intersectionRect; t.isIntersecting && 0 i.width && 0 i.height && (v || e.v || h(e), .5 tc && ! && ( n, e.timer o.timeout(function () { I(e) }, m))), tc .5 && ! && e.timer && (l.clearTimeout(e.timer), 0, e.timer 0) } }) }, { threshold: 0, .5, .99 }), o.on($content.register, function (t) { var e t.el; e && ( { el: t, v: 0, i: 0, is: 0, vt: 0, it: 0 }, i.observe(e)) })) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { e.configKillSwitch.ContentLatency || e.emit($content.export, { mark: function (t, n) { var o this; o.t || (o.t e(Timers, { logger: o.l, schemaId: ns>.ContentLatency.4, logOptions: o.dlo })), o.t(mark, t, n) } }) }); csa.plugin(function (t) { function n(i, e, o) { var c {}; function r(t, n, e) { t in c && o n - ct.s && (function (n, e, i) { if (!p) return; E(function (t) { T(n, t), t.wne a((t.wne || 0) + i) }) }(t, i, n - ct.d), ct.d n), e || delete ct } this.update function (t, n) { n.isIntersecting && e n.intersectionRatio ? function (t, n) { t in c || (ct { s: n, d: n }) }(t, u()) : r(t, u()) }, this.stopAll function (t) { var n u(); for (var e in c) r(e, n, t) }, this.reset function () { var t u(); for (var n in c) cn.s t, cn.d t } } var e t.config, u t.time, i ContentInteractionsSummary, o ei + .FlushInterval || 5e3, c ei + .FlushBackoff || 1.5, r, s t.on, a Math.floor, f (r.document || {}).documentElement || {}, l ((r.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart || t.time(), d o, m 0, p !0, v t.UUID(), g t(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: e.lob || 0 }), w new n(it0, 0, 0), I new n(it50, .5, 1e3), h new n(it100, .99, 0), b {}, A {}; function $() { w.stopAll(!0), I.stopAll(!0), h.stopAll(!0), S() } function C() { w.reset(), I.reset(), h.reset(), S() } function S() { d && (clearTimeout(m), m t.timeout($, d), d * c) } function U(n) { E(function (t) { T(n, t), ( || 0) + 1 }) } function E(t) { g(log, { messageId: v, schemaId: ns>.ContentInteractionsSummary.2, w: {}, __merge: t }, { ent: { page: requestId } }) } function T(t, n) { t in n.w || (n.wt {}) } eKillSwitch. + i || (s($content.intersection, function (t) { if (t && t.meta && t.e) { var n; if (n in b) { var e t.e.boundingClientRect || {}; e.width 5 || e.height 5 || (w.update(n, t.e), I.update(n, t.e), h.update(n, t.e), !t.e.isIntersecting || n in A || (An 1, function (n, e) { E(function (t) { T(n, t), t.wn.ttfv a(e) }) }(n, u() - l))) } } }), s($content.register, function (t) { (t.e || {}).slotId && ( {}, function (e) { E(function (t) { var n; T(n, t), t.wn.sid (e.e || {}).slotId, t.wn.cid (e.e || {}).contentId }) }(t)) }), s($beforePageTransition, function () { $(), C(), v t.UUID(), S() }), s($beforeunload, function () { w.stopAll(), I.stopAll(), h.stopAll(), d null }), s($visible, function (t) { t ? C() : ($(), clearTimeout(m)), p t }, { buffered: 1 }), s(f, click, function (t) { for (var n, e 25; n && 0 e;) { var i (n.dataset || {}).csaCId; i && U(i), n n.parentElement, e - 1 } }, { capture: !0, passive: !0 }), S()) }); csa.plugin(function (d) { var t, o, i normal, c reload, e history, s new-tab, n ajax, r 1, a 2, u lastActive, l lastInteraction, p used, f csa-tabbed-browsing, y visibilityState, g page, v experience, b request, m { back-memory-cache: 1, tab-switch: 1, history-navigation-page-cache: 1 }, I TabbedBrowsing, T ns>. + I + .4, h visible, w, x d.config, S d(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: x.lob || 0 }), q w.location || {}, P w.document, z w.JSON, E ((w.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type, $, k d.on, A d.storageSupport(), C !1, O {}, j {}, B {}, J {}, K {}, N !1, R !1, D !1, F 0; function G(i) { try { return z.parse($(f, void 0, { session: i }) || {}) || {} } catch (i) { d.error(Could not parse storage value for key + f + : + i) } return {} } function H(i, e) { $(f, z.stringify(e || {}), { session: i }) } function L(i) { var e j.tid ||, t Ou || {}; t.tid e && (, t.ent K), J { pid:, tid: e, ent: K, lastInteraction: jl || {}, initialized: !0 }, B { lastActive: t, lastInteraction: Ol || {}, time: d.time() } } function M(i) { var e i s, t P.referrer, n !(t && t.length) || !~t.indexOf(q.origin || ), r e && n, a { type: i, toTabId: J.tid, toPageId:, transitTime: d.time() - O.time || null }; r || function (i, e, t) { var n i c, r e ? Ou || {} : j, a Ol || {}, d jl || {}, o e ? a : d; t.fromTabId r.tid, t.fromPageId; var s r.ent || {}; s.rid && (t.fromRequestId s.rid || null), s.ety && (t.fromExperienceType s.ety || null), s.esty && (t.fromExperienceSubType s.esty || null), n || ! || op || (t.interactionId || null, o.sid && (t.interactionSlotId o.sid || null), && (ap !0), && (dp !0)) }(i, e, a), S(log, { navigation: a, schemaId: T }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } function Q(i) { D function (i) { return i && i in m }(i.transitionType), function () { O G(!1), j G(!0); var i Ol, e jl, t !1, n !1; i && e && && ip ! ep && (t !ip, n !ep, ep ip !0, t && H(!1, O), n && H(!0, j)) }(), L(i), N !0, function (i) { var e, t; e V(), t W(), (e || t) && L(i) }(i), F 1 } function U() { C && !D ? M(n) : (C !0, M(E a || D ? e : E r ? j.initialized ? c : s : j.initialized ? i : s)) } function V() { var i t, e {}; return !!(N && i && i.e && i.w) && (i.w(entities, function (i) { e i || {} }), jl { id: i.e.messageId, sid: e.slotId, used: !(Ol { id: i.e.messageId, sid: e.slotId, used: !1 }) }, !(t null)) } function W() { var i !1; if (R Py h, N) { var e Ou || {}; i function (i, e, t, n) { var r !1, a iu; return R ? a && a.tid J.tid && ah && t || (iu { visible: !0, pid: t, tid: e, ent: n }, r !0) : a && a.tid J.tid && ah && (r !(ah !1)), r }(O, j.tid || e.tid || J.tid, || ||, j.ent || e.ent || J.ent) } return i } xKillSwitch. + I || A.local && A.session && z && P && y in P && (o function () { try { return w.self ! } catch (i) { return !0 } }(), k($entities.set, function (i) { if (!o && i) { var e (ib || {}).id || (ig || {}).requestId, t (iv || {}).experienceType || (ig || {}).pageType, n (iv || {}).experienceSubType || (ig || {}).subPageType, r !K.rid && e || !K.ety && t || !K.esty && n; if (K.rid K.rid || e, K.ety K.ety || t, K.esty K.esty || n, r && F) { var a Ou || {}; a.tid j.tid && (a.ent K, H(!1, O)), j.ent K, H(!0, j) } } }, { buffered: 1 }), k($pageChange, function (i) { o || (Q(i), U(), H(!1, B), H(!0, J), j J, O B) }, { buffered: 1 }), k($content.interaction, function (i) { t i, V() && (H(!1, O), H(!0, j)) }), k(P, visibilitychange, function () { !o && W() && H(!1, O) }, { capture: !1, passive: !0 })) }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e c(Metrics, { producerId: csa }); c.on(, pageshow, function (c) { c && c.persisted && e(recordMetric, bfCache, 1) }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var e, t, i, o, r, a, c, u, f, s, l, d, p, g, m, v, h, b, y hasFocus, S $app., T avail, $ client, w document, I inner, P offset, D screen, C scroll, E Width, F Height, O T + E, q T + F, x $ + E, z $ + F, H I + E, K I + F, M P + E, W P + F, X C + E, Y C + F, j up, k down, A none, B 20, G n.config, J GKillSwitch.PageInteractionsSummary, L n(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: G.lob || 0 }), N 1, Q || {}, R n.time, U n.on, V n.once, Z Qw || {}, _ QD || {}, nn Q.Math || {}, en nn.abs, tn nn.max, on nn.ceil, rn ((Q.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart, an function () { return Zy() }, cn 1, un 100, fn {}, sn 1, ln 0, dn 0, pn k, gn A; function mn() { c t o r e, i d 0, a u f s l 0, pn k, gn A, dn ln 0, yn(), bn() } function vn() { rn && !o && (c on((o p) - rn), sn 1) } function hn() { var n m - i; (!t || t && t p) && (n && (++a, sn dn 1), i m, n), function () { if (gn d m ? k : j, pn ! gn) { var n en(m - d); B n && (++l, ln && !dn && ++a, pn gn, sn ln 1, d m, dn 0) } else dn 0, d m }(), t p + un } function bn() { u on(tn(u, m + b)), g && (f on(tn(f, g + h))), sn 1 } function yn() { p R(), g en(Q.pageXOffset || 0), m tn(Q.pageYOffset || 0, 0), v 0 g || 0 m, h QH || 0, b QK || 0 } function Sn() { yn(), vn(), hn(), bn() } function Tn() { if (r) { var n on(R() - r); s + n, r e, sn 0 n } } function $n() { r r || R() } function wn(n, e, t, i) { en + E on(t || 0), en + F on(i || 0) } function In(n) { var e n fn, t an(); if (t || sn) { if (!e) { if (!N) return; N 0, t && Tn() } var i function () { var n {}, e Z.documentElement || {}, t Z.body || {}; return wn(availableScreen, n, _O, _q), wn(w, n, tn(tX || 0, tM || 0, ex || 0, eX || 0, eM || 0), tn(tY || 0, tW || 0, ez || 0, eY || 0, eW || 0)), wn(D, n, _.width, _.height), wn(viewport, n, QH, QK), n }(), o function () { var n { scrollCounts: a, reachedDepth: u, horizontalScrollDistance: f, dwellTime: s, vScrollDirChanges: l }; return number typeof c && (n.clientTimeToFirstScroll c), n }(); e ? sn 0 : (mn(), rn R(), t && (r rn)), L(log, { activity: o, dimensions: i, schemaId: ns>.PageInteractionsSummary.3 }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } } function Pn() { Tn(), In(fn) } function Dn(n, e) { return function () { cn e, n() } } function Cn() { an function () { return cn }, cn && !r && (r R()) } function ! typeof Zy || J || (mn(), v && vn(), U(Q, C, Sn, { passive: !0 }), U(Q, blur, Pn), U(Q, focus, Dn($n, 1)), V(S + android, Cn), V(S + ios, Cn), U(S + pause, Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + resume, Dn($n, 1)), U(S + resign, Dn(Pn, 0)), U(S + active, Dn($n, 1)), an() && (r rn || R()), V($beforeunload, In), U($beforeunload, In), U($document.hidden, Pn), U($beforePageTransition, In), U($afterPageTransition, function () { sn N 1 })) }); csa.plugin(function (e) { var o, n, r Navigator, a ns>. + r + .5, i, c e.config, d i.navigator || {}, t d.connection || {}, l i.Math.round, u e(Events, { producerId: csa, lob: c.lob || 0 }); function v() { o { network: { downlink: void 0, downlinkMax: void 0, rtt: void 0, type: void 0, effectiveType: void 0, saveData: void 0 }, language: void 0, doNotTrack: void 0, hardwareConcurrency: void 0, deviceMemory: void 0, cookieEnabled: void 0, webdriver: void 0 }, w(), o.language d.language || null, o.doNotTrack function () { switch (d.doNotTrack) { case 1: return enabled; case 0: return disabled; case unspecified: return d.doNotTrack; default: return null } }(), o.hardwareConcurrency hardwareConcurrency in d ? l(d.hardwareConcurrency || 0) : null, o.deviceMemory deviceMemory in d ? l(d.deviceMemory || 0) : null, o.cookieEnabled cookieEnabled in d ? d.cookieEnabled : null, o.webdriver webdriver in d ? d.webdriver : null } function k() { u(log, { network: (n {}, Object.keys( (e) { ne o.networke + }), n), language: o.language, doNotTrack: o.doNotTrack, hardwareConcurrency: o.hardwareConcurrency, deviceMemory: o.deviceMemory, cookieEnabled: o.cookieEnabled, webdriver: o.webdriver, schemaId: a }, { ent: { page: pageType, subPageType, requestId } }) } function w() { !function (n) { Object.keys( (e) { o.networke ne }) }({ downlink: downlink in t ? l(t.downlink || 0) : null, downlinkMax: downlinkMax in t ? l(t.downlinkMax || 0) : null, rtt: rtt in t ? (t.rtt || 0).toFixed() : null, type: t.type || null, effectiveType: t.effectiveType || null, saveData: saveData in t ? t.saveData : null }) } function f() { w(), k() } function y() { v(), k() } cKillSwitch. + r || (v(), k(), e.on($afterPageTransition, y), e.on(t, change, f)) }); if (window.ue && window.ue.uels) { ue.uels(; } ue.exec(function (d, c) { function g(e, c) { e && ue.tag(e + c); return !!e } function n() { for (var e RegExp(^https://(.*\.(images|ssl-images|media)-amazon\.com| + c.location.hostname + )/images/, i), d {}, h 0, k c.performance.getEntriesByType(resource), l !1, b, a, m, f 0; f k.length; f++)if (a kf, 0 a.transferSize && a.transferSize > a.encodedBodySize && (b e.exec(String( && 3 b.length) { a: { b a.serverTiming || ; for (a 0; a b.length; a++)if (provider { b ba.description; break a } b void 0 } b && (l || (l g(b, _cdn_fr)), a db (db || 0) + 1, a > h && (m b, h a)) } g(m, _cdn_mp) } d.ue && function typeof d.ue.tag && c.performance && c.location && n() }, cdnTagging)(ue_csm, window); } (n > { var A; n.RXVM function (r) { var i n(1, function (n) { h(n) }, 2, function (n) { h(n) }, 3, h, 4, function (n) { var r h(n), t h(n), n h(n); b(n) || (nt r) }, 10, function (n) { n.u.o.push(h(n)) }, 12, function (n) { for (var r F(n); 0 r--;)n.v.push(S(n)) }, 30, function (n) { return !h(n) }, 42, function () { }, 43, function (n) { for (var r F(n); 0 r--;)n.u.t.push(n.l.pop()) }, 45, a(!0), 44, a(!1), 48, v(0, y), 49, v(1, y), 50, v(2, y), 51, v(-1, y), 52, v(0, _), 53, v(1, _), 54, v(2, _), 55, v(-1, _), 58, function (n) { p(n, x(n)) }, 59, l(!0), 60, l(!1), 64, function (n) { var r x(n), t w(n, n.u._); return p(n, r), t }, 65, function (n) { var r F(n), t x(n), u w(n, n.u._); u, p(n, t) }), o { 40: function (n, r) { return __rx_cls in n ? n.__rx_cls r.__rx_ref : n instanceof r } }, t (o20 Math.pow, s(16, +), s(17, -), s(18, *), s(19, /), s(21, %), s(22, &), s(23, |), s(24, ^), s(25, ), s(26, >>), s(27, >>>), s(28, &&), s(29, ||), s(31, >), s(33, >), s(32, ), s(34, ), s(35, ), s(36, ), s(37, !), s(38, !), s(39, in ), n(10, A, 11, null, 14, !0, 15, !1)), u n(1, function (n) { return n.h }, 17, F, 18, function (n) { n m(n) | m(n) 8 | m(n) 16 | m(n) 24; return n 2147483647 n ? -4294967295 + n - 1 : n }, 19, function (n) { for (var r , t 0; t 4; t++)r.push(m(n)); return new Float32Array(new Uint8Array(r).buffer)0 }, 12, S, 13, function (n) { return n.vF(n) }, 20, function () { return }, 21, function (n) { for (var r F(n), t ; 0 r--;)t.unshift(h(n)); return t }, 22, function () { return {} }, 23, function (n) { for (var r F(n) / 2, t {}; 0 r--;) { var u h(n); th(n) u } return t }, 32, function (n) { return n.u.tF(n) }, 33, function (n) { return n.i0.tF(n) }, 48, function (n) { var r h(n), n h(n); return b(n) ? n : (function typeof (r nr) && (r.__rx_this n), r) }, 51, function (n) { var r h(n), t 0; return b(r) ? r : function () { return { value: rt, done: !(t++ r.length) } } }, 50, function (n) { return n.u.o.pop() }, 52, function (n) { return typeof h(n) }); function e(n) { for (; (r n).u && r.u._ r.p.length;) { r m(n); n.h f(r, n) } var r } function f(n, r) { var t, u; return n in o ? (t h(r), u h(r), on(u, t)) : n in i ? in(r) : void k(e2: + n + : + r.u._) } function c(n, r) { return { m: n, _: n, t: , o: , F: r } } function n(n) { for (var r {}, t 0; t n.length; t + 2)rnt nt + 1; return r } function a(i) { return function (n) { var r i ? h(n) : A, t n.i.pop(), u A, u t.F ? t.t0 : r; return n.l , n.u - 1, d(n, n.u.m), u } } function v(u, i) { return function (n) { var r h(n), t u; for (-1 u && (t F(n)); 0 t--;)n.l.push(h(n)); if (n.h A, r) return i(r, n) } } function l(u) { return function (n) { var r h(n), t x(n); (u && r || !r && !u) && p(n, t) } } function s(u, i) { ou function (n, r) { var t Function(a, b, return a + i + b); return (ou t)(n, r) } } function _(n, r) { var t; if (n.__rx_ref && n.S r) { var u c(n.__rx_ref, !0); u.t.push({ __rx_cls: n.__rx_ref }), r.i.push(u), r.u u, d(r, u.m) } else if (function typeof n) { u r.l.reverse().splice(0), u Function.prototype.bind.apply(n, null.concat(u)); try { t new u, r.l } catch (n) { } } else k(e5: + n + : + r.u._); return t } function y(n, r) { var t; if (n.__rx_ref && n.S r) { var u c(n.__rx_ref); u.t.push(n.__rx_this || this), r.i.push(u), r.u u, d(r, u.m) } else if (function typeof n) { u r.l.reverse().splice(0); try { t n.apply(n.__rx_this || this, u), r.l } catch (n) { } } else k(e4: + n); return t } function h(n) { var r m(n); return 0 (128 & r) ? f(127 & r, n) : r in t ? tr : r in u ? ur(n) : void k(e3: + r) } function w(t, u) { var n g(function () { var n c(u), r n.t; return r.push(this), r.push.apply(r, arguments), t.i.push(n), t.u n, d(t, n.m), e(t), t.h }); return n.__rx_ref u, n.S t, n } function b(n) { return (n A || null n) && (r && k(e10 + n), 1) } function d(n, r) { n.g r % 127 + 37 } function p(n, r) { n.u._ + r } function m(n) { return ^ n.g } function x(n) { n m(n) | m(n) 8; return n 32767 n ? -65535 + n - 1 : n } function F(n) { for (var r, t 0, u 0, i n.u._; t + (127 & (r n.pi + u ^ n.g)) * Math.pow(2, 7 * u), u + 1, 0 (128 & r);); return p(n, u), t } function S(n) { for (var r F(n), t ; 0 r--;)t + String.fromCharCode(m(n)); return t } function g(n) { return function () { try { return n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (n) { k(n) } } } function k(n) { if (r) throw Error(n) } this.execute g(function (n, r) { var t, u; return 82 ! n0 && 88 ! n1 ? k(e1) : (n n, t 3, (u c(0)).t0 (r r) || {}, u._ t, d(r { p: n, h: 0, i: u, u: u, l: , v: , g: 0 }, 0), e(t r), t) }) } })(undefined typeof window ? global : window); (n > { for (var i undefined typeof window ? n : window, t 0, n addEventListener, f ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/.split(), u , r i.rx || {}, o r.c || {}, e o.rxp || /rd/uedata, a || 5e3, c {}, d {}, w , v 0, x 0; x f.length; x++)ufx x; function y(n, r) { return function () { try { return n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (n) { h(n.message || n, n) } } } function h(n, r) { n ( + (n || )).substring(0, 100), w.push(t), w.push(n.length); for (var i 0; i n.length; i++)w.push(n.charCodeAt(i)); if (o.DEBUG) throw r || n; U() } function l(n, r) { r y(r), n in d || (dn ), dn.push(r), n in c && r() } function s(n, r) { n in c || (cn r, (dn || ).forEach(function (n) { n(r) })) } function m(n) { for (var r 0, i 0, t , o 0; o n.length; o + 1)for (i + 8, r r 8 | no; 6 i;)t + fr >> i - 6, r & 255 >> 8 - (i - 6); return 0 i && (t + fr 6 - i), t } function A(n) { for (var r 0, i 0, t , o 0; o n.length && ! no; o + 1)for (i + 6, r r 6 | uno; 8 i;)t.push(r >> i - 8), r & 255 >> 8 - (i - 8); return new Uint8Array(t) } function U() { !v && 0 a && (setTimeout(y(g), a), v 1) } function g() { if ((v 0) w.length) return ; rx.ep(w, p), w } function p(n) { n m(new Uint8Array(n)); n e + ?rid + rx.rid + &sid + rx.sid + &rx + n; (new Image).src n } function b(n) { s(load, n) } function E(n) { b(n), s(unload, n), g() } (i.rx r).err h, r.r y(l), r.e y(s), r.exec y, r.p y(function (n, r) { s(rxm: + n, r), w.push(255 & n), w w.concat(r), U() }), r.ex64 y(function (r, n) { l(n || init, function () { var n; i.RXVM && (n A(r), i.$RX || (i.$RX new i.RXVM), $RX.execute(n, i)) }) }), r.e64 y(m), r.d64 y(A), r.erc4 y(function () { var n rx.ep4(w); return rx.rid + # + m(new Uint8Array(n)) }), s(init, {}), n in i && (in(load, y(b)), in(beforeunload, y(E)), in(pagehide, y(E))) })(window); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(UlgBKSAhQUpLQCBTRElQQCBDSUpKVydXXSFAXUBGJCQVKSFoRFFNBSVkJ5gleVNTUGJeVD43PDUmOnJTU1FDUlNWYXJTYnJWU1dTU1RiX1NyV272XWJfUnJXWFJTUcJyVHJRaI2tU1XPQ1LBclByUVNaQ1JTW2FyU2JyW1NYU1NUYl9Tclhu9l1iX1JyWEJSU1rCxkNQw3JVclRyWmiLrWNiXlYhIyAmc1PBclByWlNZU2NiX1BzU3JQREOtrVFTWFNjYl9Qc1NyVURDra1RU1hTY2JfUHNTcllEQ62tUVNYU1FHUWBgYH9TZCZlJb+VpbWWtJWVlpW5gZIChWuVpIWWtJYOhZykhZa0lgKFa5WkhZW0lg6FnKSFlbSWAoVrlaSFlLSWDoWcpIWUtJYUFSghFSgmBSUFJy8kIRcpJ1ZEFSgmBSUUFSghFSgmBSUFJi8kIRcpJlZERxUoJgUl, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(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, load); rx.ex64(UlgBKSYjVkZXSklJJ1ddJFckJDQHJCc07SQkJjTaJCQhMiErKSJGRFVRUFdAKykiVURWVkxTQCQgFSkhaERRTQUlJCMrJC40JSQpMWQoOiVfRkV5ZRQRETADEBsBORwGARAbEAdUdXZUcVRyeHVZZCsAJbKanperqJSL6v319+793e799uzU8evs/fb96rmYm7mcuZ+VmLRkKg4laH7cY0RDQm5ARE1zck5BMSMgck9DY0JjTkNDQ3ByTkMyck9DY0JiQ2NDbmQ1iiVacEFBfXIfHgZBfXoBFAMXHgMcEB8SFFBxbHBBfXgFGBwUIgUQHAFRcHBzcHBy7GBxQX12AhIDHh0dKFBxTe3uUHPgUHlRc1B5eHFzeXtzeHtze3tN13tQeUdxQEF9chATAlB04FB4UXJwdXBAQX11EhQYHVB042CZduLgUHlRc1F1cHRwQEF9dQEEAhlQfVF0c3rhYHBQenN5UXNzeFFyTe5QclB6d3FBUH5BUH9dFBUpIUBdQEYVKCQFJQU1JCIkFxUoJxUoJAUlBSgpIUlKREEXFSgnFSgkBSUFKikjUEtJSkRB, load); /* ◬ */ /script> /div> noscript> img height1 width1 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden; src//$uedatas:%2Frd%2Fuedata%3Fnoscript%26id%3D90G9DFKSFRKCQZ4KHD88:0 alt /> /noscript> /div>/body>/html>
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