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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 21:49:12 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 4055Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:30:03 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-C html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 4.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>title>larry hart web design/title>script languageJavaScript fptypedynamicanimation>!--function dynAnimation() {}function clickSwapImg() {}//-->/script>script languageJavaScript1.2 fptypedynamicanimation srcanimate.js>/script>bgsound srcWebsites/splash/Sweep2.mp3 loop0>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone>/head>body onloaddynAnimation()>p aligncenter> p languageJavascript1.2 idfpAnimflyBottomRightFP1 styleLEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; POSITION: relative! important; TOP: 0px aligncenter dynamicanimationfpAnimflyBottomRightFP1 startL10 initLeft711 initTop477 endLeft0 endTop0>span styleletter-spacing: 3pt>font color#0066FF size2>larryhart web design/font>/span>/p>p aligncenter>map nameFPMap0>area hrefWebsites/splash/RS.htm ALTview my current resume shapepolygon coords156, 1, 214, 0, 213, 10, 159, 11, 156, 12 target_blank>area hrefWebsites/Gorllia/index.html ALTThis is a Gorllia Photo Site shapepolygon coords179, 54, 312, 53, 317, 167, 286, 157, 283, 118, 194, 117, 195, 91, 179, 86>area hrefWebsites/Geocity/index.htm ALTMy Wyoming Family Site shapepolygon coords80, 62, 188, 91, 187, 114, 178, 114, 179, 169, 165, 168, 146, 174, 132, 181, 119, 191, 79, 192, 80, 200>area hrefWebsites/Posters/index.html ALTMy Chicago Theater Poster Site shapepolygon coords187, 123, 280, 122, 282, 258, 218, 258, 226, 232, 225, 211, 219, 191, 206, 179, 187, 169>area hrefWebsites/Cool/index.htm ALTLeo Burnetts Audio Recording Studios shapecircle coords169, 225, 50>area hrefindex.htm shaperect coords69, 280, 321, 296>/map>img border0 srcWebsites/splash/Navigator_sA.gif usemap#FPMap0 width377 height299> br>/p>p styleleft: 0px; top: 0px aligncenter startL10 initLeft0 initTop18 endLeft0 endTop0>a href target_blank>img border0 srcDSC00023b.jpg altclick to view masks width115 height86>/a>br>f
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 21:49:12 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 4055Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:30:03 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-C html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 4.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>title>larry hart web design/title>script languageJavaScript fptypedynamicanimation>!--function dynAnimation() {}function clickSwapImg() {}//-->/script>script languageJavaScript1.2 fptypedynamicanimation srcanimate.js>/script>bgsound srcWebsites/splash/Sweep2.mp3 loop0>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone>/head>body onloaddynAnimation()>p aligncenter> p languageJavascript1.2 idfpAnimflyBottomRightFP1 styleLEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; POSITION: relative! important; TOP: 0px aligncenter dynamicanimationfpAnimflyBottomRightFP1 startL10 initLeft711 initTop477 endLeft0 endTop0>span styleletter-spacing: 3pt>font color#0066FF size2>larryhart web design/font>/span>/p>p aligncenter>map nameFPMap0>area hrefWebsites/splash/RS.htm ALTview my current resume shapepolygon coords156, 1, 214, 0, 213, 10, 159, 11, 156, 12 target_blank>area hrefWebsites/Gorllia/index.html ALTThis is a Gorllia Photo Site shapepolygon coords179, 54, 312, 53, 317, 167, 286, 157, 283, 118, 194, 117, 195, 91, 179, 86>area hrefWebsites/Geocity/index.htm ALTMy Wyoming Family Site shapepolygon coords80, 62, 188, 91, 187, 114, 178, 114, 179, 169, 165, 168, 146, 174, 132, 181, 119, 191, 79, 192, 80, 200>area hrefWebsites/Posters/index.html ALTMy Chicago Theater Poster Site shapepolygon coords187, 123, 280, 122, 282, 258, 218, 258, 226, 232, 225, 211, 219, 191, 206, 179, 187, 169>area hrefWebsites/Cool/index.htm ALTLeo Burnetts Audio Recording Studios shapecircle coords169, 225, 50>area hrefindex.htm shaperect coords69, 280, 321, 296>/map>img border0 srcWebsites/splash/Navigator_sA.gif usemap#FPMap0 width377 height299> br>/p>p styleleft: 0px; top: 0px aligncenter startL10 initLeft0 initTop18 endLeft0 endTop0>a href target_blank>img border0 srcDSC00023b.jpg altclick to view masks width115 height86>/a>br>f
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