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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 03:12:26 GMTServer: ApacheTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> title>Super Geeks/title> !-- META TAGS --> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0, user-scalableno/> meta namedescription contentsuper geeks for software solutions and social media marketing> meta namekeywords contentweb design, web development, desktop application development, mobile application development, e-marketing, social media, hosting, branding, management systems, project management > !-- FAVICON --> link relicon typeimage/png hrefimages/favicon.png /> !-- CSS FILES --> link hrefcss/normalize.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/animate.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/font-awesome.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/nerveslider.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/tooltipster.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/scrollbar.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/lightgallery.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/colors.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link hrefcss/media.css relstylesheet typetext/css> !-- loader FILES --> link relstylesheet hrefcss/normalize-loader.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/main-loader.css> script srcjs/vendor/modernizr-2.6.2.min.js>/script> !--if lt IE 9> script typetext/javascript srcjs/html5.js>/script> !endif--> !-- GOOGLE MAP --> script typetext/javascript src>/script> !-- NOSCRIPT --> noscript> link hrefcss/nojs.css relstylesheet typetext/css> /noscript>/head>body> !-- LOADING ANIMATION --> div idloader-wrapper> div idloader>/div> div classloader-section section-left>/div> div classloader-section section-right>/div> /div> !-- MAIN MENU --> div idcv-menu> nav idcv-main-menu> ul> !-- SIDEBAR MENU ICON --> li>a href# classcv-menu-button fa fa-bars>Menu/a> /li> !-- PAGE 1 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li cv-active data-id1 data-slughome>a href#home classfa fa-home tooltip-menu titleHOME>Home/a> /li> !-- PAGE 2 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id2 data-slugflash>a href#flash classfa fa-pencil-square-o tooltip-menu titleFlash>Flash/a> /li> !-- PAGE 3 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id3 data-slugWolverine>a href#Wolverine classfa fa-code tooltip-menu titleWolverine>Wolverine/a> /li> !-- PAGE 4 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id4 data-slugBatman>a href#Batman classfa fa-android tooltip-menu titleBatman>Batman/a> /li> !-- PAGE 5 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id5 data-slugspiderman>a href#spiderman classfa fa-shopping-cart tooltip-menu titleSpider Man>Spider Man/a> /li> !-- PAGE 6 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id6 data-slughulk>a href#hulk classfa fa-pie-chart tooltip-menu titleHulk>Hulk/a> /li> !-- PAGE 7 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id7 data-slugironman>a href#ironman classfa fa-line-chart tooltip-menu titleIron Man>Iron Man/a> /li> !-- PAGE 8 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id8 data-slugdaredeviel>a href#daredeviel classfa fa-h-square tooltip-menu titleDaredeviel>Daredeviel/a> /li> !-- PAGE 9 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id9 data-slugdeadbool>a href#deadbool classfa fa-object-group tooltip-menu titleDeadpool>Deadpool/a> /li> !-- PAGE 10 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id10 data-slugprojects>a href#projects classfa fa-picture-o tooltip-menu titleprojects>Projects/a> /li> !-- PAGE 11 LINK --> li classlinks-to-floor-li data-id11 data-slugcontact>a href#contact classfa fa-send tooltip-menu titleCONTACT>Contact Us/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div> !-- LEFT SLIDER --> div classcv-left-slider> div idcv-left-slider> !-- 1. SLIDE --> div> img srcimages/photos/img.jpg alt> /div> !-- 2. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img3.jpg alt> !-- 3. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/wolverine.jpg alt> !-- 4. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-batman.jpg alt> !-- 5. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/spiderman.jpg alt> !-- 6. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-hulk.jpg alt> !-- 7. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-ironman.jpg alt> !-- 8. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-daredeviel.jpg alt> !-- 9. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-deadbool.jpg alt> !-- 10. SLIDE --> img srcimages/photos/img-projects.jpg alt> !-- 11. SLIDE --> div> !-- GOOGLE MAP --> div classgoogle-map-container> div idgoogle-map>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- PAGES --> div idascensorBuilding> !-- PAGE 1 --> section classfloor floor-1> div idhome-image> !-- SOCIAL ICONS --> div idcv-home-social-bar-container> nav idcv-home-social-bar> ul> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-facebook-f tooltip-social titleFACEBOOK>Facebook/a> /li> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-twitter tooltip-social titleTWITTER>Twitter/a> /li> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-behance tooltip-social titleBehance>Behance/a> /li> li> a href classfa fa-linkedin tooltip-social titleLINKEDIN>Linkedin/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 2 --> section classfloor floor-2> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img3-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Flash - Web Design/h2> p>Hi There ! Let Me Introduce Myself As If I Need An Introduction But Anyway Im THE FLASH GEEK. I Design WebSites Super Fast With An Ultimate Cool Look That Suits Your Identity Very Well and Thats a Super Power Youd Need To Get Your Company/Personal Website Up And Running As Fast As Possible. Below Is a List Of My Super Powers Lets Have a Look .. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>HTML5/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CSS3/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>jQuery/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>javascript/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>Bootstrap/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Wordpress/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Photoshop/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Illustrator/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>As You Have Seen Up There at My Super Powers List I Know My Tools Very Well I Can Build You a Super Website In No Time With The Absolute Latest Front-End Technologies./p> p>Familiar With Responsive Design ! Its Okay If Youre Not. Responsive Design Means That Your Website Will Look Good On All Devices (Desktops, Tablets, and Phones) And As Im Very CSS3 Powerful Thats Exactly What Ill Provide .. Take That Batman !/p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-paint-brush>Web Design/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WEB DESIGN/h4> p>Regarding My Speed, Im an Artist. Im Capable Of Providing Your Company/Personal Identity With The Best Looking WebSite Design In No Time, Speed Comes In Handy In That Field Too./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-wordpress>WordPress/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WORDPRESS/h4> p>WordPress Is One Of The CMS Based Softwares. CMS Stands For Content Management System Not Sure What That Is ! Dont Worry Wolverine Will Clear That Out. I Also Design For Drupal, Jumla and More ../p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-eye>Responsiveness/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>RESPONSIVENESS/h4> p>Responsive Design Means That Your Website Will Look Good On All Devices (Desktops, Tablets, and Phones) And As Im Very CSS3 Powerful Thats Exactly What Ill Provide .. Take That Batman !/p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-cube>Animations/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>ANIMATIONS/h4> p>My Very Most Enjoyable Super Power Is Animations Of Elements In a Web Page. Ill Let Your Website Visitors Enjoy Their Visit With Animations Along Side With You Too ./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 3 --> section classfloor floor-3> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-iron-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Wolverine - Web Development/h2> p>OK Lets Get This Thing Over with, The Name Is WOLVERINE. I Develop Web Applications. OfCourse You Want To Know Why Youd Deal With Me ! Because I Get The Job Done. Ive Been Around For A Long Time and Have Seen A LOT, So Whatever System You Want No Matter How Big Its WONT SURPRISE ME !/p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PHP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>ASP.NET/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MYSQL/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SQL SERVER/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>LARAVEL/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CODEIGNITER/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So after reading my super powers list if you have a technical background then you know what im capable of if not no worries it basically means that im an ace in every web development field and aspect./p> p>So if youre looking for a web developer to build your personal , corporate , e-commerce or whatever web app on the market you know whom to call./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-cog>Custom CMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Customized CMS/h4> p>CMS basically means that as a website owner you can modify your websites content without any need for technical details or checking back with the developer./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-wordpress>WordPress Plugins/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WordPress Plugins/h4> p>Wordpress is a free CMS which you can do plenty of stuff with but what if you desire to do a specific functionality on your wordpress site ! thats the plugins role which i write./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-credit-card>E-Commerce/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>E-Commerce/h4> p>E-Commerce web applications is a popular solutions to sell your products online and make a lot of money if you want to build your e-commerce web app then youve come to the right place./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-copyright>Corporate/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Corporate/h4> p>Big corporates and companies need a website that reflects their vision not only that but a dynamic content management too if thats whats youre looking for then im your hero./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 4 --> section classfloor floor-4> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-batman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Batman - Mobile Apps/h2> p>Its Not Important Who Im Underneath But What I Do That Defines Me, But Just To Be Clear Im BATMAN and I Develop Mobile APPS For Every Platform That Exists ( Android - IOS - Windows Phone - BlackBerry and MORE .. ). I Have a Vision Of a Corporate Connected World Where Every Company and Small Business Info Is Reachable With Just a Tab On a Mobile Phone. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE ANDROID - JAVA/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE IOS - C/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE IOS - SWIFT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE WINDOWS PHONE - C#/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CROSSPLATFORM DEVELOPMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>HTML5/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CSS3/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>JAVASCRIPT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PHONEGAP/CORDOVA API/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>The customers in today’s world are on the move and they’re using mobile application platforms to get there, so making sure that your company/business has its own mobile app for them to reach is vital ./p> p>Making sure that your company/business exists on every mobile platform is also vital and thats what i provide Batman style./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-paint-brush>Android/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Android/h4> p>The android platform is the most viral mobile operating system today, having an app for your company/business that runs on android is a must./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-apple>IOS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>IOS/h4> p>IOS is considered the second most common mobile platform today, having an app for your company/business that runs on IOS is also a must./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-windows>Windows Phone/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Windows Phone/h4> p>Windows phone os might not have the same market share as those first two OS, but has its loyal users and with low price mobiles that run on windows phone targeting those specific users makes it also a must ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-firefox>FireFox/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>FireFox/h4> p>Firefox is one of the most upcoming and promising mobile platform on the market today , experts says that by 2017 firefox OS will dominate the market share , so hurry up and get your firefox app today./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 4 --> section classfloor floor-5> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-spiderman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Spider Man - E-Marketing/h2> p>With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, Uncle Ben Taught Me That and I Carry It With Me In Every Field I Go .. E-Marketing too As E-marketing and Social Media Have Become The Most Powerful Communication Tool Theres In Our World Right Now, So With Integrity, Out Of The Box Techniques and Hard Work I Promise E-Marketing and Social Media Identity Reflection As You visioned It and MORE .. Oh I Forgot Introducing Myself Im The Spider-Geek./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MARKETING TOOLS ( HOOTSUITE - BUFFER - .. )/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SEO/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>EMAIL MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CONTENT MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PAID SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>ANALYSIS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MOBILE MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So you must be wondering now what e-marketing and social marketing would do for my business .. a lot actually to be elaborated in a few words but heres some benefits your business would get/p> p>Increased Brand Recognition - Improved brand loyalty - More Opportunities for customers to Convert and deal with your business - Getting your content to the exact audience thats most likely would buy your product or deal with your business AND MORE ../p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-facebook-official>Facebook/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Facebook/h4> p>Facebook is considered the biggest social media platform on the market today also considered the most effective to get to your targeted audience./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-twitter>Twitter/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Twitter/h4> p>Twitter has millions of users and more people are joining it every day, which makes it one of the best places to look for potential customers for your business./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-instagram>Instagram/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Instagram/h4> p>Instagram is creating a space for itself as one of the most used social media platforms today. With the number of users crossing the 300 million mark in a short span./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-envelope>Bulk SMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Bulk SMS/h4> p>Bulk SMS is one of the most vital methods used for getting your business / company message right to your potential clients mobile phone./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 6 --> section classfloor floor-6> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-hulk-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Hulk - Project Management/h2> p>HULK SMASH ! .. No Im Not Always a HULK Smashing Things Just Only When People Get On My Nerves. Most Of The Time Im A Super Smart Geek. I Manage Large Projects and Innovative Ideas and I Aim For Success and I Always Reach It Because If I Didnt Then Nobody Is Save , So If You Have The Next Big Idea/Project and Want To Reach For Success Then Im Your Guy. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MULTITASKING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LEADERSHIP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>COMMUNICATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>DETAIL ORIENTATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>PROBLEM SOLVING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>TECHNICAL SKILLS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>RISK MANAGMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>RESOURCE ALLOCATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Not sure yet what i have to offer ! I offer an expert knowledge of software development in general whether its web , desktop , mobile development ./p> p>So if you have an idea that you think is the next high rewarding idea and want to execute it im the one to call./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-lightbulb-o>Innovative Ideas/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Innovative Ideas/h4> p>Great ideas doesnt know the term of specific , you can have the next big web application like facebook without any knowledge of coding ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-line-chart>Financial Assessment/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Financial Assessment/h4> p>Budget is a critical aspect of your project as by only spending on the most necessary expenses one can achieve the most profit and gains./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-book>Intellectual/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Intellectual/h4> p>General knowledge is a vital must in a project manager , whatever you want to acquire im the answer./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-users>Public Relations/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Public Relations/h4> p>People skills is a skill on its own that enables you to have human resource accessibility which is also a vital ingredient to the formula of success ./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-7> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-ironman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Iron Man - Management Systems/h2> p>So They Want Me To Introduce Myself .. A Genius Playboy Billionaire Philanthropist Is That Introduction Enough ! Just Kidding, The Genius Part Is True Though. Im The Iron Geek, I Build Management Systems Starting With Small Business Management Systems To Big Complex Corporate Management Systems. Quiet Simply You Name It, I Do It, Told You Genius ./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>CRM SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>INVENTORY & WAREHOUSE SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>FINANCE & ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MEDICAL/HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Whither you manage a small business or a large one we all need a point of sales software to keep track of all your transactions measuring your profit and dealing with the financial matters./p> p>You may also need a system to notify you with which product or service is working with your audience / customers and wich is not that and more im willing to help you with./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-credit-card>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/h4> p>Point of sales systems handles your financial aspect of the business and deals with the numbers and transactions providing you with daily to annual reports./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-institution>SCHOOLS SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>SCHOOLS SYSTEMS/h4> p>A school is a big form of an institution that would need a management system that keeps track of all its students ,parents ,teachers and staff also keeping track of the student results and school fees and more./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-heartbeat>MEDICAL SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>MEDICAL SYSTEMS/h4> p>Keeping track of hundreds of patients daily and tens of doctors and staff members and departments is not an easy task to do manually thats where im a benefit in such case ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-users>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/h4> p>If you are a large institution that has hundreds maybe thousands of employees then having a system that manages your employees payroll is must./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-8> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-daredevil-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>DareDeviel - Hosting/h2> p>Hi There ! Im The DareDevil Geek, I Manage Hosting With The SuperGeeks League. You May Think What A Blind Guy Is Doing As A Hosting Manager ! .I Have A Very Heightened Senses That Everyday Objects That Seem Liveless To You Like Lets Say SERVERS Becomes Very Much Alive To Me. In Short Words I Get Servers ! ./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>DOMAIN HUNTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>DEDICATED HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SHARED HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>RESELLER HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>VPS SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>EMAIL HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So if you have a domain that you need but its not available or you just want a .com or .net domain or even a local domain like .eg then im your hero to call ./p> p>I offer hosting services as well with the best up to date linux control panel, if you want a reseller , a VPS or just an e-mail hosting im the one./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-globe>Domain Hunting/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Domain Hunting/h4> p>Starting a new business website is process normally starts with a domain registration the problem is what if the domain that suits your establishment is not available thats a job for me./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-upload>Hosting Services/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Hosting Services/h4> p>That process continues to the task of purchasing a hosting space , with my great prices and great packages you wont have to worry about that step anymore , i guarantee hight level of security ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-file-code-o>RESELLER SERVICES/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>RESELLER SERVICES/h4> p>If what youre looking for is a reseller that has much space and control panel that allows you to divide that space to sell later or just host your multiple websites on im here ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-envelope>E-Mail Hosting/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>E-Mail Hosting/h4> p>If you just want a host space for your e-mail account you have come to the right place./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-9> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-deadbool-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Deadpool - Branding/h2> p>So They Want Me To Introduce Myself With No Gun In Sight, Can You Believe It ! Me Deadpool !. They Also Assigned Me With The Task Of BRANDING - Witch Means Taking a Business (Personal - Local - National - International) and Transform It Into a Well Known Brand Thats Known By The Weight Of Its Name More Than What It Does /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND MANAGEMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND DEVELOPMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MARKETING ACTIVIRY IMPLEMENTATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND PERFORMANCE ANALYTICS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LONG TERM BRANDING STRATEGY/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LEADERSHIP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Every business owner has a blurred image of how his audience is perceiving his brand , a brand analysis which i provide gives you a clear image of hows your brand is being perceived on the market ./p> p>The second part of the process is that brand image is not what youve envisioned for your business and thats whre the brand development part is needed ./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-area-chart>Brand Analytics/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Analytics/h4> p>Having a clear vision of how is your brand is being perceived is an advantage keeping track of brand performance through time is also an advantage./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-bullhorn>Brand Development/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Development/h4> p>Humanizing your brand gives your audience a chance to interact with your brand products or services and getting their feedback allowing you to learn what works and what doesnt./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-dashboard>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/h4> p>A successful brand must be in the state of competing despite its size whither its competing locally , nationally or internationally so a brand competitiveness assessment is a must ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-rocket>Brand Management/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Management/h4> p>I also offer the service of brand management which basically means a full package and 24 hours support./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- SLIDE 10 --> section classfloor floor-10> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-projects-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>PORTFOLIO/h2> !-- PORTFOLIO FILTERS --> div classclear>/div> !-- PORTFOLIO GRID --> ul idcv-portfolio classcvgrid> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id38 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img src alt /> /a> figcaption> div 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SLIDE --> div> !-- GOOGLE MAP --> div classgoogle-map-container> div idgoogle-map>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- PAGES --> div idascensorBuilding> !-- PAGE 1 --> section classfloor floor-1> div idhome-image> !-- SOCIAL ICONS --> div idcv-home-social-bar-container> nav idcv-home-social-bar> ul> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-facebook-f tooltip-social titleFACEBOOK>Facebook/a> /li> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-twitter tooltip-social titleTWITTER>Twitter/a> /li> li> a href target_blank classfa fa-behance tooltip-social titleBehance>Behance/a> /li> li> a href classfa fa-linkedin tooltip-social titleLINKEDIN>Linkedin/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 2 --> section classfloor floor-2> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img3-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Flash - Web Design/h2> p>Hi There ! Let Me Introduce Myself As If I Need An Introduction But Anyway Im THE FLASH GEEK. I Design WebSites Super Fast With An Ultimate Cool Look That Suits Your Identity Very Well and Thats a Super Power Youd Need To Get Your Company/Personal Website Up And Running As Fast As Possible. Below Is a List Of My Super Powers Lets Have a Look .. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>HTML5/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CSS3/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>jQuery/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>javascript/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>Bootstrap/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Wordpress/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Photoshop/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>Illustrator/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>As You Have Seen Up There at My Super Powers List I Know My Tools Very Well I Can Build You a Super Website In No Time With The Absolute Latest Front-End Technologies./p> p>Familiar With Responsive Design ! Its Okay If Youre Not. Responsive Design Means That Your Website Will Look Good On All Devices (Desktops, Tablets, and Phones) And As Im Very CSS3 Powerful Thats Exactly What Ill Provide .. Take That Batman !/p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-paint-brush>Web Design/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WEB DESIGN/h4> p>Regarding My Speed, Im an Artist. Im Capable Of Providing Your Company/Personal Identity With The Best Looking WebSite Design In No Time, Speed Comes In Handy In That Field Too./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-wordpress>WordPress/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WORDPRESS/h4> p>WordPress Is One Of The CMS Based Softwares. CMS Stands For Content Management System Not Sure What That Is ! Dont Worry Wolverine Will Clear That Out. I Also Design For Drupal, Jumla and More ../p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-eye>Responsiveness/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>RESPONSIVENESS/h4> p>Responsive Design Means That Your Website Will Look Good On All Devices (Desktops, Tablets, and Phones) And As Im Very CSS3 Powerful Thats Exactly What Ill Provide .. Take That Batman !/p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-cube>Animations/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>ANIMATIONS/h4> p>My Very Most Enjoyable Super Power Is Animations Of Elements In a Web Page. Ill Let Your Website Visitors Enjoy Their Visit With Animations Along Side With You Too ./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 3 --> section classfloor floor-3> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-iron-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Wolverine - Web Development/h2> p>OK Lets Get This Thing Over with, The Name Is WOLVERINE. I Develop Web Applications. OfCourse You Want To Know Why Youd Deal With Me ! Because I Get The Job Done. Ive Been Around For A Long Time and Have Seen A LOT, So Whatever System You Want No Matter How Big Its WONT SURPRISE ME !/p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PHP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>ASP.NET/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MYSQL/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SQL SERVER/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>LARAVEL/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CODEIGNITER/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So after reading my super powers list if you have a technical background then you know what im capable of if not no worries it basically means that im an ace in every web development field and aspect./p> p>So if youre looking for a web developer to build your personal , corporate , e-commerce or whatever web app on the market you know whom to call./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-cog>Custom CMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Customized CMS/h4> p>CMS basically means that as a website owner you can modify your websites content without any need for technical details or checking back with the developer./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-wordpress>WordPress Plugins/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>WordPress Plugins/h4> p>Wordpress is a free CMS which you can do plenty of stuff with but what if you desire to do a specific functionality on your wordpress site ! thats the plugins role which i write./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-credit-card>E-Commerce/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>E-Commerce/h4> p>E-Commerce web applications is a popular solutions to sell your products online and make a lot of money if you want to build your e-commerce web app then youve come to the right place./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-copyright>Corporate/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Corporate/h4> p>Big corporates and companies need a website that reflects their vision not only that but a dynamic content management too if thats whats youre looking for then im your hero./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 4 --> section classfloor floor-4> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-batman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Batman - Mobile Apps/h2> p>Its Not Important Who Im Underneath But What I Do That Defines Me, But Just To Be Clear Im BATMAN and I Develop Mobile APPS For Every Platform That Exists ( Android - IOS - Windows Phone - BlackBerry and MORE .. ). I Have a Vision Of a Corporate Connected World Where Every Company and Small Business Info Is Reachable With Just a Tab On a Mobile Phone. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE ANDROID - JAVA/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE IOS - C/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE IOS - SWIFT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>NATIVE WINDOWS PHONE - C#/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CROSSPLATFORM DEVELOPMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>HTML5/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CSS3/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>JAVASCRIPT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PHONEGAP/CORDOVA API/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>The customers in today’s world are on the move and they’re using mobile application platforms to get there, so making sure that your company/business has its own mobile app for them to reach is vital ./p> p>Making sure that your company/business exists on every mobile platform is also vital and thats what i provide Batman style./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-paint-brush>Android/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Android/h4> p>The android platform is the most viral mobile operating system today, having an app for your company/business that runs on android is a must./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-apple>IOS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>IOS/h4> p>IOS is considered the second most common mobile platform today, having an app for your company/business that runs on IOS is also a must./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-windows>Windows Phone/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Windows Phone/h4> p>Windows phone os might not have the same market share as those first two OS, but has its loyal users and with low price mobiles that run on windows phone targeting those specific users makes it also a must ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-firefox>FireFox/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>FireFox/h4> p>Firefox is one of the most upcoming and promising mobile platform on the market today , experts says that by 2017 firefox OS will dominate the market share , so hurry up and get your firefox app today./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 4 --> section classfloor floor-5> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-spiderman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Spider Man - E-Marketing/h2> p>With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, Uncle Ben Taught Me That and I Carry It With Me In Every Field I Go .. E-Marketing too As E-marketing and Social Media Have Become The Most Powerful Communication Tool Theres In Our World Right Now, So With Integrity, Out Of The Box Techniques and Hard Work I Promise E-Marketing and Social Media Identity Reflection As You visioned It and MORE .. Oh I Forgot Introducing Myself Im The Spider-Geek./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MARKETING TOOLS ( HOOTSUITE - BUFFER - .. )/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SEO/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>EMAIL MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>CONTENT MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>PAID SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>ANALYSIS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MOBILE MARKETING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So you must be wondering now what e-marketing and social marketing would do for my business .. a lot actually to be elaborated in a few words but heres some benefits your business would get/p> p>Increased Brand Recognition - Improved brand loyalty - More Opportunities for customers to Convert and deal with your business - Getting your content to the exact audience thats most likely would buy your product or deal with your business AND MORE ../p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-facebook-official>Facebook/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Facebook/h4> p>Facebook is considered the biggest social media platform on the market today also considered the most effective to get to your targeted audience./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-twitter>Twitter/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Twitter/h4> p>Twitter has millions of users and more people are joining it every day, which makes it one of the best places to look for potential customers for your business./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-instagram>Instagram/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Instagram/h4> p>Instagram is creating a space for itself as one of the most used social media platforms today. With the number of users crossing the 300 million mark in a short span./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-envelope>Bulk SMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Bulk SMS/h4> p>Bulk SMS is one of the most vital methods used for getting your business / company message right to your potential clients mobile phone./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- PAGE 6 --> section classfloor floor-6> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-hulk-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Hulk - Project Management/h2> p>HULK SMASH ! .. No Im Not Always a HULK Smashing Things Just Only When People Get On My Nerves. Most Of The Time Im A Super Smart Geek. I Manage Large Projects and Innovative Ideas and I Aim For Success and I Always Reach It Because If I Didnt Then Nobody Is Save , So If You Have The Next Big Idea/Project and Want To Reach For Success Then Im Your Guy. /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MULTITASKING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LEADERSHIP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>COMMUNICATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>DETAIL ORIENTATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>PROBLEM SOLVING/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>TECHNICAL SKILLS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>RISK MANAGMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>RESOURCE ALLOCATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Not sure yet what i have to offer ! I offer an expert knowledge of software development in general whether its web , desktop , mobile development ./p> p>So if you have an idea that you think is the next high rewarding idea and want to execute it im the one to call./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-lightbulb-o>Innovative Ideas/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Innovative Ideas/h4> p>Great ideas doesnt know the term of specific , you can have the next big web application like facebook without any knowledge of coding ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-line-chart>Financial Assessment/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Financial Assessment/h4> p>Budget is a critical aspect of your project as by only spending on the most necessary expenses one can achieve the most profit and gains./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-book>Intellectual/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Intellectual/h4> p>General knowledge is a vital must in a project manager , whatever you want to acquire im the answer./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-users>Public Relations/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Public Relations/h4> p>People skills is a skill on its own that enables you to have human resource accessibility which is also a vital ingredient to the formula of success ./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-7> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-ironman-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Iron Man - Management Systems/h2> p>So They Want Me To Introduce Myself .. A Genius Playboy Billionaire Philanthropist Is That Introduction Enough ! Just Kidding, The Genius Part Is True Though. Im The Iron Geek, I Build Management Systems Starting With Small Business Management Systems To Big Complex Corporate Management Systems. Quiet Simply You Name It, I Do It, Told You Genius ./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>CRM SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>INVENTORY & WAREHOUSE SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>FINANCE & ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>MEDICAL/HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Whither you manage a small business or a large one we all need a point of sales software to keep track of all your transactions measuring your profit and dealing with the financial matters./p> p>You may also need a system to notify you with which product or service is working with your audience / customers and wich is not that and more im willing to help you with./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-credit-card>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS/h4> p>Point of sales systems handles your financial aspect of the business and deals with the numbers and transactions providing you with daily to annual reports./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-institution>SCHOOLS SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>SCHOOLS SYSTEMS/h4> p>A school is a big form of an institution that would need a management system that keeps track of all its students ,parents ,teachers and staff also keeping track of the student results and school fees and more./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-heartbeat>MEDICAL SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>MEDICAL SYSTEMS/h4> p>Keeping track of hundreds of patients daily and tens of doctors and staff members and departments is not an easy task to do manually thats where im a benefit in such case ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-users>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>HR PAYROLL SYSTEMS/h4> p>If you are a large institution that has hundreds maybe thousands of employees then having a system that manages your employees payroll is must./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-8> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-daredevil-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>DareDeviel - Hosting/h2> p>Hi There ! Im The DareDevil Geek, I Manage Hosting With The SuperGeeks League. You May Think What A Blind Guy Is Doing As A Hosting Manager ! .I Have A Very Heightened Senses That Everyday Objects That Seem Liveless To You Like Lets Say SERVERS Becomes Very Much Alive To Me. In Short Words I Get Servers ! ./p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>DOMAIN HUNTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>DEDICATED HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>SHARED HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>RESELLER HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>VPS SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>EMAIL HOSTING SERVICES/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>So if you have a domain that you need but its not available or you just want a .com or .net domain or even a local domain like .eg then im your hero to call ./p> p>I offer hosting services as well with the best up to date linux control panel, if you want a reseller , a VPS or just an e-mail hosting im the one./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-globe>Domain Hunting/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Domain Hunting/h4> p>Starting a new business website is process normally starts with a domain registration the problem is what if the domain that suits your establishment is not available thats a job for me./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-upload>Hosting Services/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Hosting Services/h4> p>That process continues to the task of purchasing a hosting space , with my great prices and great packages you wont have to worry about that step anymore , i guarantee hight level of security ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-file-code-o>RESELLER SERVICES/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>RESELLER SERVICES/h4> p>If what youre looking for is a reseller that has much space and control panel that allows you to divide that space to sell later or just host your multiple websites on im here ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-envelope>E-Mail Hosting/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>E-Mail Hosting/h4> p>If you just want a host space for your e-mail account you have come to the right place./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> section classfloor floor-9> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-deadbool-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>Deadpool - Branding/h2> p>So They Want Me To Introduce Myself With No Gun In Sight, Can You Believe It ! Me Deadpool !. They Also Assigned Me With The Task Of BRANDING - Witch Means Taking a Business (Personal - Local - National - International) and Transform It Into a Well Known Brand Thats Known By The Weight Of Its Name More Than What It Does /p> !-- TABLE --> h4 >Super Powers/h4> div classskills> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND MANAGEMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND DEVELOPMENT/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>MARKETING ACTIVIRY IMPLEMENTATION/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent95%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND PERFORMANCE ANALYTICS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>95%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent90%> div classskillbar-title>span>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>90%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LONG TERM BRANDING STRATEGY/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> div classskillbar data-percent100%> div classskillbar-title>span>LEADERSHIP/span> /div> div classskillbar-bar>/div> div classskill-bar-percent>100%/div> /div> br> !-- End Skill Bars --> /div> p>Every business owner has a blurred image of how his audience is perceiving his brand , a brand analysis which i provide gives you a clear image of hows your brand is being perceived on the market ./p> p>The second part of the process is that brand image is not what youve envisioned for your business and thats whre the brand development part is needed ./p> a href#contact classcv-button primary go-to-floor data-id11 data-slugcontact>Need Me ! .. Let Me Help You/a> hr/> h2 classborder>WHAT CAN I DO/h2> div classcv-main-icon-container> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-area-chart>Brand Analytics/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Analytics/h4> p>Having a clear vision of how is your brand is being perceived is an advantage keeping track of brand performance through time is also an advantage./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-bullhorn>Brand Development/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Development/h4> p>Humanizing your brand gives your audience a chance to interact with your brand products or services and getting their feedback allowing you to learn what works and what doesnt./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-dashboard>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>BRAND COMPETITIVENESS/h4> p>A successful brand must be in the state of competing despite its size whither its competing locally , nationally or internationally so a brand competitiveness assessment is a must ./p> /div> /div> !-- ICON BLOCK --> div classcv-icon-block> div classcv-icon-container> a href# classfa fa-rocket>Brand Management/a> /div> div classcv-icon-text> h4>Brand Management/h4> p>I also offer the service of brand management which basically means a full package and 24 hours support./p> /div> /div> /div> hr/> /div> /section> !-- SLIDE 10 --> section classfloor floor-10> !-- THIS IMAGE WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON MOBILE MODE ( 1024PX AND BELOW ) --> div classimg-mobile-only> img srcimages/photos/img-projects-small.jpg alt /> /div> !-- PAGE CONTENT --> div classcv-page-content> h2 classborder>PORTFOLIO/h2> !-- PORTFOLIO FILTERS --> div classclear>/div> !-- PORTFOLIO GRID --> ul idcv-portfolio classcvgrid> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id38 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img src alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id37 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcasd alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>asd/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id36 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img src1 alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>1/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id35 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img src alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id34 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/SHIELD/P.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Shield Egypt/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id33 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/dleel/6.png alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Dleel Egypt/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id32 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/starhouse/p.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Star House/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id31 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/farok/p.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>El-Farouk Labs/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id30 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/SHAMS-PENU/P.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Shams Group/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id29 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/concrete/p.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Concrete/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id28 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/TAWFIK/P.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Eltawfik-Yarns Factory/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id27 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/alwanplast/p.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>ALWAN Accounting System/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id26 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/future/p.jpg alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Future Project/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id25 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/nour/logo.png alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>Nour-Elislam/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id24 classcvgrid-link target_blank> img srcdashboard/upload/uploads/10th/logo.png alt /> /a> figcaption> div classcvgrid-title>10THCITY NEWS/div> /figcaption> /figure> /li> li> figure> a hrefportfolio_single.php?id17 classcvgrid-link 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