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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 21:19:54 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 162Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 21:19:55 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 14400Connection: keep-aliveExpires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidatePragma: no-cacheX-Powered-By: Caracal/0.1Set-Cookie: Caracal_SessionType1; path/Set-Cookie: Caracal_SessionIDon4a8o3v240nj079kl6qck3dme; path/Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Powered-By: PleskLin !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head>title>Sunflower/title>base href>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8>meta namerobots contentindex, follow>meta namegooglebot contentindex, follow>meta namerating contentgeneral>meta namedescription contentSunflower is intended to be an easy-to-use and powerful file manager that seamlessly integrates into the GNOME desktop environment (but not limited to) with support for plugins.>link relalternate href hreflangx-default>link relalternate href hreflangde>link relalternate href hreflangnl>link relalternate href hreflanguk>link relalternate href hreflangfr>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href>link typetext/css relstylesheet href>script typetext/javascript async src>/script>/head>body>header>a href classlogo>span>Sunflower/span>Twin-panel file manager/a>nav idmain>a href>Download/a>a href target_blank>Source code/a>a href target_blank>Translations/a>a href target_blank>Bugs/a>a href>Screenshots/a>a href!forum/sunflower-fm target_blank>Mailing list/a>a href>News/a>a href>Contact/a>/nav>nav idlanguage>a classen active href>English/a>a classde href>Deutsch/a>a classnl href>Vlaams/a>a classuk href>українська мов/a>a classfr href>français/a>/nav>/header>main>section idheadline>h1>Small and highly customizable twin-panel file manager for Linux/h1>p>It is intended to be an easy-to-use and powerful file manager that seamlessly integrates into the GNOME desktop environment (but not limited to)./p>a href classcall_to_action>span>Download/span>Current version: 0.5small>63/small>/a>/section>section idvideo>iframe idvideo_container classvideo width568 height310 seamless src allowfullscreen>/iframe>/section>div idnews>section classnews>h4 data-date04/25/2020 data-time18:48:08>New version coming in few days./h4>p>This news has been long overdue and I sincerely apologize for that. In following days I will release version 0.4 of Sunflower, which is based on GTK+ version 3.22./p>p>Program is still not where I want it to be, but I feel its stable enough for daily use and feedback/bug reports from the community will help speed up development. With this move I hope to return to old release schedule of frequent and iterative development and not wait couple of years for major update./p>p>Many things have been added and removed and most of the interface has been remade. Performance is significantly better, memory usage lower and over all I am very happy with the progress made since 0.3 version./p>a href>More/a>/section>section classnews>h4 data-date07/14/2019 data-time03:56:13>Progress on GTK3, Python3 and new version./h4>p>Ive been silent for far too long. For that I owe all of Sunflower users an apology. For a long time work has taken more of my free time than I care to admit. However, those of you who follow repositories probably noticed some increase in activity there recently. Issues have started getting resolved and with each commit we are nearing to the now long delayed 0.4 version./p>p>Move to GTK3 has been largely completed. I am taking this opportunity to improve user interface a bit since new version of GTK+ offers a lot more flexibility in providing simple interface without removing any functionality. Along the way, with the news of Python 2.x being supported until 2020, we took the opportunity to switch to Python 3.x which was painless for the most part. I have also created support for making a single Sunflower standalone executable. Not really a needed functionality but it might prove useful to people whose distribution is not yet supported and/or dont want to install something in system directories./p>p>Currently the biggest issue we are facing is with keyboard shortcuts and some copy/paste functionality as those seem to be broken upstream and reaching right people to report this is proving harder than I though./p>p>All in all, Sunflower is still here, still being developed. If youd wish to give a new version a go, Id appreciate that as bug reports are more than welcome and testing is really needed for this new version./p>a href>More/a>/section>section classnews>h4 data-date09/27/2017 data-time18:46:56>Back to full time development./h4>p>Sunflower is back on track with development and releases. It took a while for me to get my head back up from work but it happened./p>p>Context menus for tabs have already been redesigned to fit new user interface guidelines. Sessions tab has been refurbished as well./p>p>Priority right now is finishing GTK3 migration which is well under way. Today new location menu structure has been pushed. I plan on unifying bookmarks, mounts, history and other similar lists into single interface which simple and easy to use. After this menu is completed all that remains is breadcrumbs and then ironing out bugs. I can smell a release coming soon! Stay tuned!/p>a href>More/a>/section>/div>section idscreenshots>h2>Screenshots/h2>div classgallery>a href titleOperation dialog stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Operation dialog/a>a href titleMultiple rename tool stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Multiple rename tool/a>a href titleNew selection options stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>New selection options/a>a href titleTerminal tab with Vim stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Terminal tab with Vim/a>a href titleMain window stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Main window/a>a href titleTerminal tab stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Terminal tab/a>a href titleMain window stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Main window/a>a href titleBookmarks and mounts stylebackground-image: url(; classscreenshot>Bookmarks and mounts/a>/div>/section>section idfeatures>h2>Features/h2>ul>li>h3>Customizable/h3>Feature-packed configuration to help make the program your own./li>li>h3>Tabbed interface/h3>More flexibility in your daily operations through easy to use interface./li>li>h3>Sessions/h3>Set of tabs for every occasion./li>li>h3>Emblems/h3>Visually mark your files and directories for quick referrence./li>li>h3>Built-in terminal/h3>Quick access to command line interface through terminal tabs, VTE or external./li>li>h3>Multithreading/h3>Better multitasking with full multithreading support./li>li>h3>Python and GTK+/h3>Easily extensible with Python and GTK+./li>li>h3>Keyboard oriented/h3>Fully optimized for keyboard users./li>/ul>/section>/main>footer>svg version1.1 xmlns xmlns:xlink width128 height32 viewBox0 0 128 32 styledisplay: none;>defs>g idicon-github>path classpath1 dM15.999 0c-8.834 0-15.999 7.345-15.999 16.405 0 7.248 4.584 13.396 10.942 15.566 0.8 0.15 1.092-0.357 1.092-0.792 0-0.389-0.014-1.421-0.022-2.79-4.45 0.991-5.389-2.199-5.389-2.199-0.728-1.895-1.777-2.4-1.777-2.4-1.453-1.017 0.11-0.997 0.11-0.997 1.606 0.116 2.451 1.691 2.451 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