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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:38:15 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:55:45 GMTETag: 11880-5b2017118593fAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 71808Content-Type: text/html html>head>meta nameauthor contentElio Corti>meta namedescription contentgenetica del pollo dalle origini>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 4.0>meta namekeywords contentevoluzione, dinosauri, uccelli, gallus, pollo, genetica, Bill Plant, Ulisse Aldrovandi>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta namerobots contentall>title>Genetica del Pollo/title>bgsound srcmusica%20e%20suoni/A%20Claudia%20-%20base%20musicale.wav loop1>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone>/head>body bgcolor#000000 link#000000 vlink#000000 alink#000000>p ALIGNleft stylemargin-bottom: -4>strong>font color#00FF00>marquee stylebackground-color: rgb(0,0,0); color: #00FF00; font-size: 12 pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0 bgcolor#000000 border0 width950 height20 scrollamount4 scrolldelay30>Un trattato in 3 volumi in cui trovi anche ciò che non cerchi! - A Chicken Genetics treatise in 3 volumes in which youll also find what you are not looking for!/marquee>/font>/strong>br>/p>table border0 width100%> tr> td width50%>p ALIGNleft stylemargin-left: 0; margin-top: 4>b>span styleline-height: normal; letter-spacing: normal>font faceArial color#0080FF size4> Elio CORTI/font>/span>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft stylemargin-top: -8>b>font faceArial color#FF0000 size4> /font>font faceArial color#FF0000 size6>Summa Gallicana/font>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft>b>font faceArial color#FFFF00 size2> /font>font faceArial color#FFFF00 size3> Divo Alberto Teutonicobr> atque Gallinaceo generi dicata/font>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft>font faceArchitecture color#00FFFF>strong>big> big>8 milioni di anni fa/big>/big>br> /strong>/font>font faceAmazone BT color#00FF40>big>big> strong>big>La Genetica del Pollo/big>/strong>/big>/big>/font>/p> p ALIGNleft> a hrefVolume1/primo_volume.htm>img srcbottoni/primo.gif altI.gif (1196 byte) width91 height21>/a> a hrefVolume2/secondo_volume.htm>img srcbottoni/secondo.gif altII.gif (1200 byte) width91 height21>/a>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:38:16 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:55:45 GMTETag: 11880-5b2017118593fAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 71808Content-Type: text/html html>head>meta nameauthor contentElio Corti>meta namedescription contentgenetica del pollo dalle origini>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 4.0>meta namekeywords contentevoluzione, dinosauri, uccelli, gallus, pollo, genetica, Bill Plant, Ulisse Aldrovandi>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta namerobots contentall>title>Genetica del Pollo/title>bgsound srcmusica%20e%20suoni/A%20Claudia%20-%20base%20musicale.wav loop1>meta nameMicrosoft Border contentnone>/head>body bgcolor#000000 link#000000 vlink#000000 alink#000000>p ALIGNleft stylemargin-bottom: -4>strong>font color#00FF00>marquee stylebackground-color: rgb(0,0,0); color: #00FF00; font-size: 12 pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0 bgcolor#000000 border0 width950 height20 scrollamount4 scrolldelay30>Un trattato in 3 volumi in cui trovi anche ciò che non cerchi! - A Chicken Genetics treatise in 3 volumes in which youll also find what you are not looking for!/marquee>/font>/strong>br>/p>table border0 width100%> tr> td width50%>p ALIGNleft stylemargin-left: 0; margin-top: 4>b>span styleline-height: normal; letter-spacing: normal>font faceArial color#0080FF size4> Elio CORTI/font>/span>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft stylemargin-top: -8>b>font faceArial color#FF0000 size4> /font>font faceArial color#FF0000 size6>Summa Gallicana/font>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft>b>font faceArial color#FFFF00 size2> /font>font faceArial color#FFFF00 size3> Divo Alberto Teutonicobr> atque Gallinaceo generi dicata/font>/b>/p> p ALIGNleft>font faceArchitecture color#00FFFF>strong>big> big>8 milioni di anni fa/big>/big>br> /strong>/font>font faceAmazone BT color#00FF40>big>big> strong>big>La Genetica del Pollo/big>/strong>/big>/big>/font>/p> p ALIGNleft> a hrefVolume1/primo_volume.htm>img srcbottoni/primo.gif altI.gif (1196 byte) width91 height21>/a> a hrefVolume2/secondo_volume.htm>img srcbottoni/secondo.gif altII.gif (1200 byte) width91 height21>/a>
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