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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 10770Connection: keep-aliveX-WS-RateLimit-Limit: 1000X-WS-RateLimit-Remaining: 999Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 16:37:27 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 18 Oct 2019 09:56:25 GMTETag: 2a12-5952c58de35b4Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>link relSHORTCUT ICON href/favicon.ico />link href titleK E N typeapplication/rss+xml relalternate/>link href titleK E N typeapplication/atom+xml relalternate/>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />title>K E N/title>meta content4MCqRLVlZ0AKeVSMJGDzz52JDlha5CdcRPr+xJzt5iI nameverify-v1/>meta contentKen is an independant graphic design practice based in Cardiff, Wales. namedescription/>meta contentken, graphic design, concept design, concept, design, graphic, letterforms, creative, type, typography, logo, logos, logo design, branding, publishing, editorial, cardiff, Cardiff, Wales, south west, bristol, namekeywords/>style typetext/css>!--body { margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; background-image: url(); background-repeat: no-repeat;}-->/style>style typetext/css>!--a:link { color: #555555;}a:visited { color: #555555;}a:hover { color: #555555;}a:active { color: #555555;}-->/style>link hreftype.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link hrefmain.css relstylesheet typetext/css />script>function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features);}/script>style typetext/css>!--body,td,th { font-family: Lucida Grande;}.style1 {font-size: 9px}-->/style> script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-XXXXX-X); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();/script>/head>body>div classtype idtitle>strong>Ken/strong>br /> Design & Art Directionbr />/div>div idnav-1> a href# classtype-nav onclickMM_openBrWindow(logo.html,,width473,height337)>Logos/a>a href#00 classtype-nav>br /> Dead to the World/a>span classtype-nav>a href#01>br /> Welsh National Opera/a>br /> a href#02>Shift/a>br /> a href#03>20 seconds of Havoc/a>a href#04>br /> A&P/a>br /> a href#05>Cardiff Bay Arts Trust/a>br /> a href#06>Winding House/a>br /> a href#07>Cardiff Design Festival/a>br /> a href#08>Type Experiments/a>a href#09>br /> André Bernard/a>br /> a href#10>RWCMD/a>a href#11>br /> Symmetry/a>br />a href# onclickMM_openBrWindow(logo.html,,width473,height337)>/a>/span>/div>div classtype-nav idnav-2>a hrefabout.html>About/a>br /> a hrefcontact.html>Contact/a>br />a hrefsketch.html target_blank>Sketch Book/a>br />/div>div idlink-0>span classlink-1>a name00 id012>/a>/span>/div>div idwork-0>img srcimages/sleeping man2.jpg width340 height456 />/div>div iddsc-0>span classtype-dsc>Drawings undertaken for Dead to the World a starting point br /> for an ongoing project./span>br /> br /> a href# classtype-nav>back/a>/div>div classlink-1 idlink-1>a name01 id01>/a>/div>div classwork-1 idwork-1>img srcimages/WNO01.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/WNO02.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/WNO03.jpg width473 height337 />/div>div classdsc-1 iddsc-1>span classtype-dsc>Opera Live is the annual magazine for the Welsh National Opera. The 44 page publication is yearly, which is sent to /> a href target_blank>br />/a>/span>span classtype-nav>a href target_blank>>/span>br /> a href#09>/a>a href# classtype-nav>back/a>/div>div classlink-2 idlink-2>a name02 id02>/a>/div>div classwork-2 idwork-2>img srcimages/shift_01.png width473 height337 /> img srcimages/shift_002.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/shift_003.jpg width473 height337 />/div>div classdsc-1 iddsc-2>span classtype-dsc>Selected winning logo for Shift, Japan-based e-zine. Shift called for public entries for the Shift Logo Design. A Total of 485 works were gathered from 40 /> a href#>br /> /a>/span>span classtype-nav>a href target_blank>>/span>span classdsc-2>br /> a href# classtype-nav>back/a>/span>/div>div classlink-2 idlink-3>a name03 id03>/a>/div>div classwork-2 idwork-3>img srcimages/havoc1.jpg width431 height313 /> img srcimages/havoc3.jpg width431 height313 /> img srcimages/havoc5.jpg width431 height313 />/div>div iddsc-3>span classtype-dsc>Havoc, a 20 second experimental animation exploring different elements within a restricted area, and there uncontrolled interaction between one /> br /> /span>span classtype-nav>a href# target_self>back/a>br /> /span>/div>div classlink-4 idlink-4>a name04 id04>/a>/div>div classwork-4 idwork-4>span classwork-2>img srcimages/ap3.png alt width473 height337 />/span>/div>div classtype-dsc iddsc-4>A&P, light and shadow type /> a href# target_self>br /> back/a>/div>div classlink-5 idlink-5>a name05 id05>/a>/div>div classwork-5 idwork-5>img srcimages/cbat1-5.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/cbat3-5.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/cbat2-5.jpg width473 height337 />/div>div classtype-dsc iddsc-5>Promotional material for Cardiff Bay Arts Trust - Another New Babylon Urban Legacies II Conference, which examines Constant Nieuwenhuys’ Situationist /> a href target_self>br />/a>span classtype-nav>a href target_blank>>a href>.uk/a>/span>span classdsc-7>span classdsc-1>br />a href# classtype-nav>back/a>/span>/span>/div>div classlink-6 idlink-6>a name06 id06>/a>/div>div classwork-6 idwork-6>span classwork-7>img srcimages/winding.jpg alt width558 height278 />/span>/div>div classdsc-6 iddsc-6>span classtype-dsc>Logo development for the Winding house A museum dedicated to exploring the history, heritage and culture of Caerphilly County Borough within a landmark /> br /> /span>span classtype-nav>a href# target_self>back/a>/span>span classdsc-1>br /> /span>/div>div classlink-7 idlink-7>a name07 id07>/a>/div>div classwork-7 idwork-7>span classwork-6>img srcimages/cdf2-5.jpg alt width473 height337 />/span>span classwork-6> img srcimages/cdf1-5.jpg alt width473 height337 />/span>/div>div classdsc-7 iddsc-7>span classtype-dsc>Logo design and promotional material for Cardiff Design Festival, the annual event celebrates the creative design talent in /> a href# target_self>br /> /a>/span>span classtype-nav>a href target_blank>>/span>span classdsc-1>br /> a href# classtype-nav>back/a>a href# target_self>span classlinkstyle>br /> /span>/a>/span>/div>div classlink-8 idlink-8>a name08 id08>/a>/div>div classwork-8 idwork-8>img srcimages/type_1.jpg width474 height337 /> img srcimages/type_2.jpg width473 height337 /> img srcimages/type_3.jpg width474 height337 />/div>div classdsc-8 iddsc-8>span classtype-dsc>Selected typographic experiments, exploring line, light and /> a href# target_self>br /> /a>/span>span classtype-nav>a href# target_self>back/a>/span>/div>div classlink-9 idlink-9>a name09 id09>/a>/div>div classwork-9 idwork-9>span classwork-7>img srcimages/bernard.jpg width237 height278 />/span>/div>div classdsc-9 iddsc-9>span classtype-dsc>Logo design for Andre Bernardbr /> a href# target_self>br /> /a>/span>span classtype-nav>a href# target_self>back/a>/span>/div>div classlink-10 idlink-10>a name10 id10>/a>/div>div classwork-10 idwork-10>img srcimages/RWCM01.jpg width411 height308 /> img srcimages/RWCM02.jpg width411 height308 /> img srcimages/RWCM03.jpg width411 height308 />/div>div classdsc-10 iddsc-10>span classtype-dsc>Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. A New Vision for the Future, is a 12 page brochure announcing the exciting redevelopment, of its existing site on Cardiffs North /> br /> /span>span classtype-nav>a href target_blank>>/span>span classtype-dsc>span classdsc-7>span classdsc-1>br /> a href# classtype-nav>back/a>/span>/span>/span>/div>div classlink-11 idlink-11>a name11 id11>/a>/div>div classwork-11 idwork-11>img src/images/k.jpg width527 height314 />/div>div classtype-dsc iddsc-11>Self-initiated project exploring symmetry in /> br />a href# classtype-nav>Back/a>/div>div classtype-dsc idend> Copyright © 2008 Ken Graphic Design/div>div classhello idhello>img srcimages/ken_bau_b.png width374 height185 />/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-4096617-2);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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