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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.20.1Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 23:48:15 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Powered-By: PHP/7.2.34Vary: accept, content-typeLink:>; rel>; relshortlink !DOCTYPE html>html langen-US>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, user-scalableno, initial-scale1.0, minimum-scale1.0, maximum-scale1.0>link relprofile href />link relpingback href />meta namerobots contentindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1 />!-- Jetpack Site Verification Tags -->meta namegoogle-site-verification contentTu4dlynhZ1E1x1sHg3jWlVtui0DvSzV3aildm_82tXc /> !-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v23.9 - --> title>Storage Gaga - Going Ga-ga over storage networking technologies …./title> meta namedescription contentGoing Ga-ga over storage networking technologies …. /> link relcanonical href /> link relnext href /> meta propertyog:locale contenten_US /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyog:title contentStorage Gaga /> meta propertyog:description contentGoing Ga-ga over storage networking technologies …. /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:site_name contentStorage Gaga /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image /> script typeapplication/ld+json classyoast-schema-graph>{@context:,@graph:{@type:CollectionPage,@id:,url:,name:Storage Gaga - Going Ga-ga over storage networking technologies ….,isPartOf:{@id:},about:{@id:},description:Going Ga-ga over storage networking technologies ….,breadcrumb:{@id:},inLanguage:en-US},{@type:BreadcrumbList,@id:,itemListElement:{@type:ListItem,position:1,name:Home}},{@type:WebSite,@id:,url:,name:Storage Gaga,description:Going Ga-ga over storage networking technologies ….,publisher:{@id:},potentialAction:{@type:SearchAction,target:{@type:EntryPoint,urlTemplate:{search_term_string}},query-input:{@type:PropertyValueSpecification,valueRequired:true,valueName:search_term_string}},inLanguage:en-US},{@type:Person,Organization,@id:,name:cfheoh,image:{@type:ImageObject,inLanguage:en-US,@id:,url:,contentUrl:,width:1365,height:2048,caption:cfheoh},logo:{@id:},description:I am a technology blogger with 30 years of IT experience. 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category-digital-transformation category-filesystems category-hadoop-clusters category-high-performance-computing category-lustre category-machine-learning category-mellanox category-mellanox-technologies category-minio category-nvidia category-object-storage category-parallel-nfs category-performance-benchmark category-performance-caching category-rdma category-scale-out-architecture category-storage-optimization tag-ai-data-pipeline tag-ai-factory tag-ai-training tag-anand-babu-periasamy tag-data-factory tag-ddn-exascaler tag-ddn-hot-nodes tag-floating-point-operations tag-flops tag-genai tag-generative-ai tag-gpu tag-gpudirect-storage tag-graphics-processing-unit tag-jensen-huang tag-large-language-model tag-llm tag-lustre-persistent-client-cache tag-ncp tag-nvidia-cloud-partner tag-parallel-filesystem> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to AI and the Data Factory relbookmark> AI and the Data Factory /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-11-19T06:13:21+08:00> a href title6:13 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>November 19, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 6:13 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-11-19T06:13:21+08:00>November 19, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Algorithm/a>, a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Appliance/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Composable Infrastructure/a>, a href reltag>Data/a>, a href reltag>Data Direct Networks/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Privacy/a>, a href reltag>Data Protection/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>DDN/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Digital Transformation/a>, a href reltag>Filesystems/a>, a href reltag>Hadoop Clusters/a>, a href reltag>High Performance Computing/a>, a href reltag>Lustre/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>Mellanox/a>, a href reltag>Mellanox Technologies/a>, a href reltag>Minio/a>, a href reltag>nVidia/a>, a href reltag>Object Storage/a>, a href reltag>Parallel NFS/a>, a href reltag>Performance Benchmark/a>, a href reltag>Performance Caching/a>, a href reltag>RDMA/a>, a href reltag>Scale-out architecture/a>, a href reltag>Storage Optimization/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>When I first heard of the word “AI Factory”, the world was blaring a href>Jensen Huang/a>‘s a href>keynote at NVIDIA GTC24/a>. I thought those were cool words, since he mentioned about the raw material of water going into the factory to produce electricity. The analogy was spot on for the AI we are building./p>p>As I engage with many a href>DDN/a> partners and end users in the region, week in, week out, the “AI Factory” word keeps popping into conversations. Yet, many still do not know how to go about building this “AI Factory”. They only know they need to buy GPUs, lots of them. These companies’ AI ambitions are unabated. And a href>IDC/a> predicts that a href>worldwide spending on AI will double by 2028/a>, and yet, the a href>ROI (returns on investment) remains elusive/a>./p>p>At the ground level, based on many conversations so far, the common theme is, the steps to begin building the a href>AI Factory/a> are ambiguous and fuzzy to most. I like to share my views from a data storage point of view. Hence, my take on the strong>Data Factory for AI/strong>./p>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>Are you AI-ready?/strong>/span>/h4>p>We have to have a plan but before we take the first step, we must look at where we are standing at the present moment. We know that to train AI, the proverbial step is, we strong>need lots of data/strong>. Deep Learning (DL) works with Large Language Models (LLMs), and Generative AI (GenAI), needs tons of data./p>p>If the company knows where they are, they will know which phase is next. So, in the AI Maturity Model (I simplified the diagram below), where is your company now? strong>Are you AI-ready/strong>?/p>div idattachment_8071 stylewidth: 610px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 fetchpriorityhigh decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-8071 classwp-image-8071 src alt width600 height195 srcset 942w, 300w, 768w, 150w, 250w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-8071 classwp-caption-text>Simplified AI Maturity Model/p>/div>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>Get the Data Strategy Right/strong>/span>/h4>p>In a href>his interview with CRN/a>, MinIO’s CEO AB Periasamy quoted “For generative AI, they realized that buying more GPUs without a coherent data strategy meant GPUs are going to idle out”. I was struck by his wisdom about strong>having a coherent data strategy/strong> because that is absolutely true. This is my starting point. Having the strong>Right Data Strategy/strong>./p>p>In the AI world, from a data storage guy, data is the fuel. Data is the raw material that Jensen alluded to, if it was obvious. We have heard this anecdotal quote many times before, even before the AI phenomenon took over. strong>AI is data-driven/strong>. Data is vital for the ROI of AI projects. And thus, we must strong>look from the point of the data/strong> to make the AI Factory successful./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-8049 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-8049 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-8049 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>AI data pipeline/a>, a href reltag>AI Factory/a>, a href reltag>AI training/a>, a href reltag>Anand Babu Periasamy/a>, a href reltag>Data Factory/a>, a href reltag>DDN Exascaler/a>, a href reltag>DDN Hot Nodes/a>, a href reltag>Floating Point Operations/a>, a href reltag>FLOPS/a>, a href reltag>GenAI/a>, a href reltag>generative AI/a>, a href reltag>GPU/a>, a href reltag>GPUDirect Storage/a>, a href reltag>graphics processing unit/a>, a href reltag>Jensen Huang/a>, a href reltag>large language model/a>, a href reltag>LLM/a>, a href reltag>Lustre Persistent Client Cache/a>, a href reltag>NCP/a>, a href reltag>NVIDIA Cloud Partner/a>, a href reltag>parallel filesystem/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-8049 --> article idpost-8030 classpost-8030 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-analytics category-api category-artificial-intelligence category-backup category-business-continuity category-cohesity category-commvault category-data category-data-archiving category-data-availability category-data-corruption category-data-governance category-data-management category-data-privacy category-data-protection category-data-security category-disaster-recovery category-druva category-object-storage category-rubrik category-security-2 category-veeam tag-ai-powered-data-security tag-co-pilot tag-cyber-resilience tag-digital-operational-resiliency-act tag-dora tag-gdpr tag-genai tag-generative-ai tag-it-governance tag-last-line-of-defence tag-nis2 tag-nis2-directive tag-nist tag-nist-cybersecurity-framework tag-ransomware-recovery-warranty tag-risk-management> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to What next after Cyber Resiliency? relbookmark> What next after Cyber Resiliency? /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-10-28T07:00:16+08:00> a href title7:00 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>October 28, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:00 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-10-27T17:10:42+08:00>October 27, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Backup/a>, a href reltag>Business Continuity/a>, a href reltag>Cohesity/a>, a href reltag>Commvault/a>, a href reltag>Data/a>, a href reltag>Data Archiving/a>, a href reltag>Data Availability/a>, a href reltag>Data Corruption/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Privacy/a>, a href reltag>Data Protection/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>Disaster Recovery/a>, a href reltag>Druva/a>, a href reltag>Object Storage/a>, a href reltag>Rubrik/a>, a href reltag>Security/a>, a href reltag>Veeam/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>There was a time some years ago when some storage vendors, especially the object storage ones, started calling themselves the “last line of defence”. And even further back, when the purpose-built backup appliances (PBBAs) first appeared, a very smart friend of mine commented that they shouldn’t call it “backup appliance”, but rather they should call it “restore appliance”. That was because the data restoration part, or to be more relevant in today’s context, data recovery is the key to a crucial line of defence against cybersecurity threats to data, especially ransomware. We have a saying in the industry. “em>Hundreds of good backups are not as good as one good restore./em>” Of course, this data restoration part has become more sophisticated in the data recovery processes./p>p>In recent years, we also seen the amalgamation of both data protection species – the backup/restore side and the cybersecurity side – giving rise to the term and the proliferation of strong>Cyber Resilience/strong>./p>div idattachment_8033 stylewidth: 610px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-8033 classwp-image-8033 src alt width600 height315 srcset 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 150w, 250w sizes(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-8033 classwp-caption-text>Dialing Cyber Resilience (Picture from>/div>p>I have no qualms or lack of confidence of the cyber resilience technologies. I am pretty sure they can do the job extremely well, so much so, that some give million dollars guarantees if ever their solution failed. a href>Druva announced their Data Resiliency Guarantee of USD$10 million/a> and a href>Rubrik/a> has their a href>Ransomware Recovery Warranty/a>./p>p>Of course, these warranties and guarantees come with terms and conditions, and caveats and not everyone is besotted by these big numbers’ payout. My friend, a href>Andrew Martin/a>, wrote a a href>tongue-in-cheek piece last year about Rubrik’s warranty guarantee/a> in his a href>Data Storage Asia blog/a> last year, which discussed whether it was Rubrik’s genuineness or spuriousness that might win or lose customers’ affections. You should read his blog to decide./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-8030 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-8030 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-8030 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>AI-powered data security/a>, a href reltag>Co-pilot/a>, a href reltag>cyber resilience/a>, a href reltag>Digital Operational Resiliency Act/a>, a href reltag>DORA/a>, a href reltag>GDPR/a>, a href reltag>GenAI/a>, a href reltag>generative AI/a>, a href reltag>IT governance/a>, a href reltag>last line of defence/a>, a href reltag>NIS2/a>, a href reltag>NIS2 Directive/a>, a href reltag>NIST/a>, a href reltag>NIST Cybersecurity Framework/a>, a href reltag>ransomware recovery warranty/a>, a href reltag>Risk management/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-8030 --> article idpost-8007 classpost-8007 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-100gigabit-ethernet category-algorithm category-analytics category-api category-appliance category-artificial-intelligence category-big-data category-cloud category-clusters category-containers category-ddn category-deep-learning category-fibre-channel category-filesystems category-flash category-high-performance-computing category-infiniband category-lustre category-machine-learning category-mellanox category-mellanox-technologies category-nutanix category-nvme category-parallel-nfs category-performance-benchmark category-performance-caching category-pnfs category-rdma category-scale-out-architecture category-storage-optimization tag-accelerated-data-path tag-bounce-buffer tag-cpu-bypass tag-ddn-exascaler tag-exascaler-hot-nodes tag-gpudirect-storage tag-lpcc tag-lustre-persistent-client-cache tag-nvidia-magnum-io tag-nvme-over-fabric tag-nvme-over-tcp tag-rdma-over-converged-ethernet tag-rocev2 tag-supercomputing tag-top500> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI relbookmark> Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-09-16T07:30:39+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>September 16, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-09-16T15:36:44+08:00>September 16, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>100Gigabit Ethernet/a>, a href reltag>Algorithm/a>, a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Appliance/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Big Data/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Containers/a>, a href reltag>DDN/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Fibre Channel/a>, a href reltag>Filesystems/a>, a href reltag>Flash/a>, a href reltag>High Performance Computing/a>, a href reltag>Infiniband/a>, a href reltag>Lustre/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>Mellanox/a>, a href reltag>Mellanox Technologies/a>, a href reltag>Nutanix/a>, a href reltag>NVMe/a>, a href reltag>Parallel NFS/a>, a href reltag>Performance Benchmark/a>, a href reltag>Performance Caching/a>, a href reltag>pNFS/a>, a href reltag>RDMA/a>, a href reltag>Scale-out architecture/a>, a href reltag>Storage Optimization/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>It has been 2 months into my new role at a href>DDN/a> as a Solutions Architect. With many revolving doors around me, I have been trying to find the essence, the strong>critical cog of the data infrastructure/strong> that supports the accelerated computing of the Nvidia GPU clusters. The more I read and engage, a pattern emerged. I found that cog in the strong>supercharged data paths/strong> between the storage infrastructure systems and the GPU clusters. I will share more./p>p>To set the context, let me start with a wonderful article I read in a href>> back in July 2024. It was titled “a href>Storage: The unsung hero of AI deployments/a>“. It was music to my ears because as a long-time practitioner in the storage technology industry, it is time the strong>storage industry gets its credit it deserves/strong>./p>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>What is the data path?/strong>/span>/h4>p>To put it simply, a strong>Data Path/strong>, from a storage context, is the communication route taken by the data bits between the compute system’s processing and program memory and the storage subsystem. The links and the established sessions can be within the system components such as the PCIe bus or external to the system through the shared networking infrastructure./p>div idattachment_8013 stylewidth: 640px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-8013 classwp-image-8013 src alt width630 height351 srcset 647w, 300w, 150w, 250w sizes(max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-8013 classwp-caption-text>High speed accelerated data paths/p>/div>p>In the world of accelerated computing such as AI and HPC, there are additional, more advanced technologies to create even faster delivery of the data bits. This is the accelerated data paths between the compute nodes and the storage subsystems. Following on, I share a few of these technologies that are lesser used in the enterprise storage segment./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-8007 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-8007 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-8007 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>accelerated data path/a>, a href reltag>bounce buffer/a>, a href reltag>CPU bypass/a>, a href reltag>DDN Exascaler/a>, a href reltag>Exascaler Hot Nodes/a>, a href reltag>GPUDirect Storage/a>, a href reltag>LPCC/a>, a href reltag>Lustre Persistent Client Cache/a>, a href reltag>Nvidia Magnum IO/a>, a href reltag>NVMe over Fabric/a>, a href reltag>NVMe over TCP/a>, a href reltag>RDMA over Converged Ethernet/a>, a href reltag>ROCEv2/a>, a href reltag>supercomputing/a>, a href reltag>Top500/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-8007 --> article idpost-7992 classpost-7992 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-algorithm category-analytics category-api category-artificial-intelligence category-big-data category-cloud category-data-availability category-data-governance category-data-management category-data-privacy category-data-security category-deep-learning category-digital-transformation tag-ai tag-cybersecurity tag-cybersecurity-framework-2-0 tag-dark-data tag-data-compliance tag-data-lifecycle tag-data-pipeline tag-nist tag-ransomware tag-regulatory-requirements> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Nurturing Data Governance for Cybersecurity and AI relbookmark> Nurturing Data Governance for Cybersecurity and AI /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-08-27T18:00:39+08:00> a href title6:00 pm relbookmark>span classentry-date>August 27, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 6:00 pm/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-08-27T18:19:26+08:00>August 27, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Algorithm/a>, a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Big Data/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Data Availability/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Privacy/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Digital Transformation/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>2 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Towards the middle of the 2000s, I started getting my exposure in strong>Data Governance/strong>. This began as I was studying and practising to be certified as an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) circa 2002-2003. My understanding of the value of data and databases in the storage world, now better known as data infrastructure, grew and expanded quickly. I never gotten my OCP certification because I ran out of money investing in the 5 required classes that included PL/SQL, DBA Admin I and II, and Performance Tuning. My son, a href>Jeffrey/a> was born in 2002, and money was tight./p>p>The sentiment of data governance of most organizations I have engaged with at that time, and over the next course of almost 18 years or so, pre-Covid, the strong>practice of data governance was to comply to some regulatory requirements. /strong>/p>p>All that is changing. Early 2024, a href>NIST/a> released the a href>second version of their Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)/a>. a href>CSF 2.0/a> placed Data Governance in the center of the previous 5 pillars of CSF 1.1. The diagram below shows the difference between the versions./p>div idattachment_7995 stylewidth: 510px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7995 classwp-image-7995 src alt width500 height238 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 150w, 250w, 1346w sizesauto, (max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7995 classwp-caption-text>High level change of Cybersecurity Framework 1.1 to 2.0./p>/div>p>Ripples like this in my data management radar are significant, noticeable and important to me. I blogged about it in my April 2024 blog “a href>NIST CSF 2.0 brings Data Governance into the Light/a>“./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7992 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7992 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7992 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>AI/a>, a href reltag>cybersecurity/a>, a href reltag>Cybersecurity Framework 2.0/a>, a href reltag>Dark Data/a>, a href reltag>data compliance/a>, a href reltag>data lifecycle/a>, a href reltag>data pipeline/a>, a href reltag>NIST/a>, a href reltag>ransomware/a>, a href reltag>Regulatory requirements/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7992 --> article idpost-7957 classpost-7957 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-api category-appliance category-artificial-intelligence category-beegfs category-big-data category-cloud category-clusters category-data-direct-networks category-ddn category-deep-learning category-digital-transformation category-elastifile category-filesystems category-flash category-high-performance-computing category-infiniband category-ixsystems category-lustre category-machine-learning category-mapreduce category-nas category-netapp category-nfs category-nvidia category-nvme category-object-storage category-parallel-nfs category-performance-benchmark category-performance-caching category-rdma category-scale-out-architecture category-software-defined-storage-2 category-solid-state-devices category-storage-optimization category-thinkparq category-wekaio tag-accelerated-computing tag-ai tag-ai400x2-turbo tag-cost-benefit-risk tag-dgx-h100 tag-exascaler tag-filer tag-high-speed-storage tag-hpc tag-open-source-storage tag-sfa tag-storage-appliance tag-storage-fusion-architecture tag-supercomputing> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to The All-Important Storage Appliance Mindset for HPC and AI projects relbookmark> The All-Important Storage Appliance Mindset for HPC and AI projects /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-07-22T07:30:06+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>July 22, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-11-17T23:21:09+08:00>November 17, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Appliance/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>BeeGFS/a>, a href reltag>Big Data/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Data Direct Networks/a>, a href reltag>DDN/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Digital Transformation/a>, a href reltag>Elastifile/a>, a href reltag>Filesystems/a>, a href reltag>Flash/a>, a href reltag>High Performance Computing/a>, a href reltag>Infiniband/a>, a href reltag>iXsystems/a>, a href reltag>Lustre/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>MapReduce/a>, a href reltag>NAS/a>, a href reltag>NetApp/a>, a href reltag>NFS/a>, a href reltag>nVidia/a>, a href reltag>NVMe/a>, a href reltag>Object Storage/a>, a href reltag>Parallel NFS/a>, a href reltag>Performance Benchmark/a>, a href reltag>Performance Caching/a>, a href reltag>RDMA/a>, a href reltag>Scale-out architecture/a>, a href reltag>Software Defined Storage/a>, a href reltag>Solid State Devices/a>, a href reltag>Storage Optimization/a>, a href reltag>ThinkParq/a>, a href reltag>WekaIO/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>I am strong believer of using the right tool to do the job right. I have said this before 2 years ago, in my blog “a href>Stating the case for a Storage Appliance approach/a>“. It was written when I was previously working for an open source storage company. And I am an advocate of the a href>strong>crafter versus assembler/strong>/a> mindset, especially in the enterprise and high- performance storage technology segments./p>p>I have joined a href>DDN./a> Even with DDN that strong>same mindset does not change a bit/strong>. I have been saying all along that the strong>storage appliance model/strong> should always be the mindset for the businesses’ peace-of-mind./p>p>My view of the storage appliance model began almost 25 years. I came into NAS systems world via Sun Microsystems®. Sun was famous for running NFS servers on general Sun Solaris servers. NFS services on Unix systems. Back then, I remember arguing with one of the Sun distributors about the tenets of running NFS over 100Mbit/sec Ethernet on Sun servers. I was drinking Sun’s Kool-Aid big time./p>p>When I joined Network Appliance® (now NetApp®) in 2000, my worldview of putting software on general purpose servers changed. Network Appliance®, had one product family, the FAS700 (720, 740, 760) family. All NetApp® did was to serve NFS services in the beginning. They were em>the/em> NAS filers and nothing else./p>p>I was completed sold on the strong>appliance way/strong> with NetApp®. Firstly, it was my very first time knowing such network storage services could be provisioned with an appliance concept. This was different from Sun. I was used to managing NFS exports on a Sun SPARCstation 20 to Unix clients in the network./p>p>Secondly, my mindset began to shape that “you have to have the strong>right tool to the job correctly and extremely well/strong>“. Well, the toaster toasts bread very well and nothing else. And the fridge (an analogy used by Dave Hitz, I think) does what it does very well too. That is what the appliance does. You definitely cannot grill a steak with a bread toaster, just like you can’t run an excellent, ultra-high performance storage services to serve the demanding AI and HPC applications on a general server platform. You strong>have to have a storage appliance solution for High-Speed Storage/strong>./p>p>That little Network Appliance® toaster award given out to exemplary employees stood vividly in my mind. The NetApp® tagline back then was “Fast, Simple, Reliable”. That solidifies my mindset for the high-speed storage in AI and HPC projects in present times./p>div idattachment_7970 stylewidth: 560px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7970 classwp-image-7970 src alt width550 height332 srcset 1026w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 150w, 248w sizesauto, (max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7970 classwp-caption-text>DDN AI400X2 Turbo Appliance/p>/div>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>a href#costsbenefitsrisks>Costs Benefits and Risks/a>/strong>/span>/h4>p>I like to think about what the end users are thinking about. There are investments costs involved, and along with it, risks to the investments as well as their benefits. Let’s just simplify and lump them into strong>Cost-Benefits-Risk/strong> analysis triangle. These variables come into play in the decision making of AI and HPC projects./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7957 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7957 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7957 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>accelerated computing/a>, a href reltag>AI/a>, a href reltag>AI400X2 Turbo/a>, a href reltag>cost benefit risk/a>, a href reltag>DGX H100/a>, a href reltag>Exascaler/a>, a href reltag>Filer/a>, a href reltag>high speed storage/a>, a href reltag>HPC/a>, a href reltag>open source storage/a>, a href reltag>SFA/a>, a href reltag>storage appliance/a>, a href reltag>Storage Fusion Architecture/a>, a href reltag>supercomputing/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7957 --> article idpost-7938 classpost-7938 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-algorithm category-analytics category-api category-artificial-intelligence category-big-data category-cloud category-clusters category-composable-infrastructure category-compression category-containers category-data-fabric category-data-governance category-data-management category-data-security category-deduplication category-deduplication-2 category-deep-learning category-digital-transformation category-ediscovery category-ibm category-ilm category-irods category-machine-learning category-scaleflux category-solid-state-devices tag-ai-inference tag-ai-training tag-chatgpt tag-computational-storage-device tag-computational-storage-engine tag-computational-storage-functions tag-data-at-source tag-data-enrichment tag-data-governance tag-data-ingestion tag-data-taxonomy tag-edge-to-core-to-cloud tag-elt tag-etl tag-event-driven-architecture tag-generative-ai tag-large-language-model tag-llm tag-open-data-format tag-open-file-format tag-open-table-format> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Preliminary Data Taxonomy at ingestion. An opportunity for Computational Storage relbookmark> Preliminary Data Taxonomy at ingestion. An opportunity for Computational Storage /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-06-03T08:18:49+08:00> a href title8:18 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>June 3, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 8:18 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-06-03T08:07:45+08:00>June 3, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Algorithm/a>, a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>API/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Big Data/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Composable Infrastructure/a>, a href reltag>compression/a>, a href reltag>Containers/a>, a href reltag>Data Fabric/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>deduplication/a>, a href reltag>Deduplication/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Digital Transformation/a>, a href reltag>eDiscovery/a>, a href reltag>IBM/a>, a href reltag>ILM/a>, a href reltag>iRODS/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>Scaleflux/a>, a href reltag>Solid State Devices/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>a href>Data governance/a> has been on my mind a lot lately. With all the incessant talks and hype about Artificial Intelligence, the a href>true value of AI comes from good data/a>. Therefore, it is vital for any organization embarking on their AI journey to have good quality data. And the journey of the lifecycle of data in an organization starts at the a href>point of ingestion/a>, the data source of how data is either created, acquired to be presented up into the processing workflow and data pipelines for AI training and onwards to AI applications./p>p>In biology, a href>taxonomy/a> is the scientific study and practice of naming, defining and classifying biological organisms based on shared characteristics./p>p>And so, begins my argument of meshing these 3 topics together – strong>data ingestion/strong>, strong>data taxonomy/strong> and with strong>a href>Computational Storage/a>/strong>. Here goes my storage punditry./p>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>Data Taxonomy in post-injection /strong>/span>/h4>p>I see that data, any data, has to arrive at a repository first before they are given meaning, context, specifications. These requirements are different from file permissions, ownerships, em>ctime/em> and em>atime/em> timestamps, the content of the ingested data stream are made to fit into the mould of the repository the data is written to. Metadata about the content of the data gives the data meaning, context and most importantly, value as it is used within the data lifecycle. However, the metadata tagging, and preparing the data in the ETL (extract load transform) or the ELT (extract load transform) process are strong>only applied post-ingestion/strong>. This strong>data preparation phase/strong>, in which data is enriched with content metadata, tagging, taxonomy and classification, is expensive, in term of resources, time and currency./p>div idattachment_7940 stylewidth: 590px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7940 classwp-image-7940 src alt width580 height305 srcset 1012w, 300w, 768w, 150w, 250w sizesauto, (max-width: 580px) 100vw, 580px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7940 classwp-caption-text>Elements of a modern event-driven architecture including data ingestion (Credit: Qlik)/p>/div>p>Even in the burgeoning times of open table formats (Apache Iceberg, HUDI, Deltalake, et al), open big data file formats (Avro, Parquet) and open data formats (CSV, XML, JSON, the format specifications with added context and meanings are added in and augmented post-injection./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7938 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7938 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7938 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>AI inference/a>, a href reltag>AI training/a>, a href reltag>chatGPT/a>, a href reltag>computational storage device/a>, a href reltag>computational storage engine/a>, a href reltag>computational storage functions/a>, a href reltag>data at source/a>, a href reltag>data enrichment/a>, a href reltag>data governance/a>, a href reltag>data ingestion/a>, a href reltag>data taxonomy/a>, a href reltag>edge to core to cloud/a>, a href reltag>ELT/a>, a href reltag>ETL/a>, a href reltag>event driven architecture/a>, a href reltag>generative AI/a>, a href reltag>large language model/a>, a href reltag>LLM/a>, a href reltag>open data format/a>, a href reltag>open file format/a>, a href reltag>open table format/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7938 --> article idpost-7893 classpost-7893 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-appliance category-cloud category-clusters category-containers category-disks category-docker category-filesystems category-freenas category-ixsystems category-kubernetes category-linux category-machine-learning category-minio category-object-storage category-openzfs category-raid category-truenas category-virtualization tag-cloud-native tag-dataset tag-distributed-architecture tag-expansion-notation tag-minio-logging tag-multimode-deployment tag-open-source tag-postgres tag-s3-protocol tag-tls-certificate tag-truenas-catalogs tag-truenas-core tag-truenas-scale tag-volume> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Deploying a MinIO SNMD Object Storage Server in TrueNAS SCALE relbookmark> Deploying a MinIO SNMD Object Storage Server in TrueNAS SCALE /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-05-27T07:30:21+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>May 27, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-05-27T11:30:03+08:00>May 27, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Appliance/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Containers/a>, a href reltag>Disks/a>, a href reltag>Docker/a>, a href reltag>Filesystems/a>, a href reltag>FreeNAS/a>, a href reltag>iXsystems/a>, a href reltag>Kubernetes/a>, a href reltag>Linux/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>Minio/a>, a href reltag>Object Storage/a>, a href reltag>OpenZFS/a>, a href reltag>RAID/a>, a href reltag>TrueNAS/a>, a href reltag>Virtualization/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>3 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p> Preamble This deployment of a href>MinIO/a> a href>SNMD (single node multi drive)/a> object storage server on a href>TrueNAS® SCALE 24.04/a> (codename “Dragonfish”) is experimental. I am just deploying this in my home lab for the fun of it. Do not deploy in any production environment./p>p>I have been contemplating this for quite a while. Which MinIO deployment mode on TrueNAS® SCALE should I work on? For one, there are 3 modes – Standalone, SNMD (Single Node Multi Drives) and MNMD (Multi Node Multi Drives). Of course, the ideal lab experiment is MNMD deployment, the MinIO cluster, and I am still experimenting this on my meagre lab resources./p>p>In the end, I decided to implement SNMD since this is, most likely, deployed on top of a TrueNAS® SCALE storage appliance instead an x-86 bare-metal or in a Kubernetes cluster on Linux systems. Incidentally, the concept of MNMD on top of TrueNAS® SCALE is “Kubernetes cluster”-like albeit a different container platform. At the same time, if this is deployed in a TrueNAS® SCALE Enterprise, a dual-controller TrueNAS® storage appliance, it will take care of the “MinIO nodes” availability in its active-passive HA architecture of the appliance. Otherwise, it can be a a href>full MinIO cluster/a> spread and distributed across several TrueNAS storage appliances (minimum 4 nodes in a 2+2 a href>erasure set/a>) in an MNMD deployment scheme./p>p>Ideally, the MNMD deployment should look like this:/p>div idattachment_7902 stylewidth: 635px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7902 classwp-image-7902 src alt width625 height352 srcset 1600w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 150w, 250w sizesauto, (max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7902 classwp-caption-text>MinIO distributed multi-node cluster architecture (credit: MinIO)/p>/div>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7893 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7893 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7893 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>cloud native/a>, a href reltag>dataset/a>, a href reltag>distributed architecture/a>, a href reltag>expansion notation/a>, a href reltag>MinIO logging/a>, a href reltag>multimode deployment/a>, a href reltag>open source/a>, a href reltag>Postgres/a>, a href reltag>S3 protocol/a>, a href reltag>TLS certificate/a>, a href reltag>TrueNAS Catalogs/a>, a href reltag>truenas core/a>, a href reltag>truenas scale/a>, a href reltag>Volume/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7893 --> article idpost-7884 classpost-7884 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-analytics category-appliance category-artificial-intelligence category-backup category-business-continuity category-cloud category-commvault category-data category-data-archiving category-data-availability category-data-corruption category-data-governance category-data-management category-data-protection category-data-security category-disaster-recovery category-futurum-group category-object-storage category-raid category-reliability category-security-2 category-tape-storage category-tech-field-day category-veeam category-veritas tag-3-2-1 tag-3-2-1-1-0 tag-airgapped tag-backup-restore tag-catalogic-software-guardmode tag-cyber-resilience tag-cyber-threat-landscape tag-data-protection-strategy tag-immutable-backup tag-recovery-point-objectives tag-recovery-time-objectives tag-rpo tag-rto> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Making Immutability the key factor in a Resilient Data Protection strategy relbookmark> Making Immutability the key factor in a Resilient Data Protection strategy /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-05-20T07:30:11+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>May 20, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-05-19T11:40:05+08:00>May 19, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>Appliance/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Backup/a>, a href reltag>Business Continuity/a>, a href reltag>Cloud/a>, a href reltag>Commvault/a>, a href reltag>Data/a>, a href reltag>Data Archiving/a>, a href reltag>Data Availability/a>, a href reltag>Data Corruption/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Protection/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>Disaster Recovery/a>, a href reltag>Futurum Group/a>, a href reltag>Object Storage/a>, a href reltag>RAID/a>, a href reltag>Reliability/a>, a href reltag>Security/a>, a href reltag>Tape storage/a>, a href reltag>Tech Field Day/a>, a href reltag>Veeam/a>, a href reltag>Veritas/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>We often hear “strong>Cyber Resilience/strong>” word thrown around these days. Every backup vendor has a cybersecurity play nowadays. Many have morphed into cyber resilience warrior vendors, and there is a great amount of validation in terms of Cyber Resilience in a data protection world. em>Don’t believe me/em>?/p>p>Check out this a href>Tech Field Day/a> podcast video from a month ago, where my friends, a href>Tom Hollingsworth/a> and a href>Max Mortillaro/a> discussed the topic meticulously with a href>Krista Macomber/a>, who has just become the Research Director for Cybersecurity at a href>The Futurum Group/a> (em>Congrats, Krista!/em>)./p>p>center>iframe loadinglazy titleYouTube video player src width560 height315 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>Cyber Resilience, as well articulated in the video, is not old wine in a new bottle. The data protection landscape has changed significantly since the emergence of cyber threats and ransomware that it warrants the coining of the Cyber Resilience terminology./p>p>But I want to talk about one very important cog in the data protection strategy, of which cyber resilience is part of. That is strong>Immutability/strong>, because it is super important to always considerstrong> immutable backups/strong> as part of that strategy./p>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>It is no longer 3-2-1 anymore, Toto. /strong>/span>/h4>p>When it comes to backup, I always start with a href>strong>3-2-1 backup rule/strong>/a>. 3 copies of the data; 2 different media; 1 offsite. This rule has been ingrained in me since the day I entered the industry over 3 decades ago. It is still the most important opening line for a data protection specialist or a solution architect. 3-2-1 is the table stakes./p>p>Yet, over the years, the cybersecurity threat landscape has moved closer and closer to the data protection, backup and recovery realm. This is now a merged super-segment pangea called cyber resilience. With it, the conversation from the a href>3-2-1 backup rule/a> in these last few years is now evolving into something like a href>strong>3-2-1-1-0 backup rule/strong>/a>, a modern take of the 3-2-1 backup rule. Let’s take a look at the 3-2-1-1-0 rule (simplified by me)./p>div idattachment_7886 stylewidth: 635px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7886 classwp-image-7886 src alt width625 height179 srcset 2392w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 150w, 250w, 1600w sizesauto, (max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7886 classwp-caption-text>The 3-2-1-1-0 Backup rule (Credit:>/div>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7884 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7884 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7884 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>3-2-1/a>, a href reltag>3-2-1-1-0/a>, a href reltag>airgapped/a>, a href reltag>backup restore/a>, a href reltag>Catalogic Software Guardmode/a>, a href reltag>cyber resilience/a>, a href reltag>cyber threat landscape/a>, a href reltag>data protection strategy/a>, a href reltag>immutable backup/a>, a href reltag>recovery point objectives/a>, a href reltag>recovery time objectives/a>, a href reltag>RPO/a>, a href reltag>RTO/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7884 --> article idpost-7867 classpost-7867 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-100gigabit-ethernet category-azure-netapp-files category-cifs category-clusters category-filesystems category-freenas category-gluster category-high-performance-computing category-huawei category-ixsystems category-linux category-microsoft category-microsoft-azure category-nas category-netapp category-nfs category-nfs-2 category-pnfs category-pure-storage category-ryuusi category-smb category-software-defined-storage-2 category-storage-optimization category-truenas category-vmware tag-client-server-architecture tag-distributed-nfs tag-microsoft-windows tag-nas-client tag-nas-performance-multiplexing tag-nfs-ganesha tag-nfs-nconnect tag-receive-side-scaling-rss-nic tag-samba tag-scale-out-smb-cluster tag-smb-cluster tag-smb-multichannel-3-0 tag-tcp-connection> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Enhancing NAS client resiliency and performance with SMB Multichannel and NFS nconnect relbookmark> Enhancing NAS client resiliency and performance with SMB Multichannel and NFS nconnect /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-05-13T07:30:03+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>May 13, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-05-11T13:41:17+08:00>May 11, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>100Gigabit Ethernet/a>, a href reltag>Azure NetApp Files/a>, a href reltag>CIFS/a>, a href reltag>Clusters/a>, a href reltag>Filesystems/a>, a href reltag>FreeNAS/a>, a href reltag>Gluster/a>, a href reltag>High Performance Computing/a>, a href reltag>Huawei/a>, a href reltag>iXsystems/a>, a href reltag>Linux/a>, a href reltag>Microsoft/a>, a href reltag>Microsoft Azure/a>, a href reltag>NAS/a>, a href reltag>NetApp/a>, a href reltag>NFS/a>, a href reltag>NFS+/a>, a href reltag>pNFS/a>, a href reltag>Pure Storage/a>, a href reltag>Ryuusi/a>, a href reltag>SMB/a>, a href reltag>Software Defined Storage/a>, a href reltag>Storage Optimization/a>, a href reltag>TrueNAS/a>, a href reltag>VMware/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>2 Comments/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>NAS (network attached storage) is obviously the file-level workhorse for shared resources in the network of any organization.strong> a href>SMB (server message block)/a>/strong> for Windows environments and strong>a href>NFS (network file system)/a>/strong> for Linux platforms are the 2 most prominent protocols that rule the NAS world. Of course we have SMB implementations in the form of a href>Samba/a> and a href>others/a> in non-Windows, Linux and NFS implementations in Windows as well./p>p>As the versions of both network file sharing protocols iterated, present versions of SMB v3.x and NFS v4.x (NFS v3 on the supported Linux kernel version) on the client-side have evolved well. Both now have enhanced resiliency and performance improvement features. And there is an underlying similarity of both implementations. This blog looks at the client-side architectures of both./p>h4>span styletext-decoration: underline;>strong>One TCP connection/strong>/span>/h4>p>NAS is a strong>client-server architecture/strong>. Over the network, NAS clients (SMB or NFS) access their corresponding NAS server(s) – SMB or NFS server(s) – through the TCP/IP network./p>div idattachment_7869 stylewidth: 410px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7869 classwp-image-7869 src alt width400 height364 srcset 848w, 300w, 768w, 150w, 165w sizesauto, (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7869 classwp-caption-text>NAS client-server architecture (Credit:>/div>p>One very important key starting point to note is the use of strong>one TCP connection per NAS client to the NAS server relationship/strong>. For both SMB and NFS, there is just one TCP link between client and the server even if there are several SMB mapped shares or NFS mount points respectively on the clients./p>p>For a long time, this one TCP connection is sufficient for the NAS traffic. But as the network file accesses grow, this connection becomes both a single point of failure as well as a performance bottleneck./p>h4> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/h4>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7867 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7867 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7867 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>client-server architecture/a>, a href reltag>Distributed NFS/a>, a href reltag>Microsoft Windows/a>, a href reltag>NAS client/a>, a href reltag>NAS performance multiplexing/a>, a href reltag>NFS Ganesha/a>, a href reltag>NFS nconnect/a>, a href reltag>Receive Side Scaling RSS NIC/a>, a href reltag>Samba/a>, a href reltag>Scale-out SMB cluster/a>, a href reltag>SMB Cluster/a>, a href reltag>SMB Multichannel 3.0/a>, a href reltag>TCP connection/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7867 --> article idpost-7853 classpost-7853 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-algorithm category-analytics category-artificial-intelligence category-big-data category-data category-data-governance category-data-management category-data-privacy category-data-protection category-data-security category-deep-learning category-digital-transformation category-dmtf category-ediscovery category-machine-learning category-nvidia tag-ai-hallucination tag-chatgpt tag-data-responsibilty tag-data-trust tag-malaysia-personal-data-protection-act tag-pdpa tag-responsible-ai> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePermalink to Data Trust and Data Responsibility. Where we should be at before responsible AI. relbookmark> Data Trust and Data Responsibility. Where we should be at before responsible AI. /a> /h2> div classentry-meta> span classauthor vcard > By a classurl fn n relauthor href titleView all posts by cfheoh>cfheoh/a> span classbl_sep>|/span>/span> time classonDate date published datetime2024-05-06T07:30:29+08:00> a href title7:30 am relbookmark>span classentry-date>May 6, 2024/span> span classentry-time> - 7:30 am/span>/a> /time>span classbl_sep>|/span>time classupdated datetime2024-04-30T15:32:30+08:00>April 30, 2024/time> span classbl_categ> a href reltag>Algorithm/a>, a href reltag>Analytics/a>, a href reltag>Artificial Intelligence/a>, a href reltag>Big Data/a>, a href reltag>Data/a>, a href reltag>Data Governance/a>, a href reltag>Data Management/a>, a href reltag>Data Privacy/a>, a href reltag>Data Protection/a>, a href reltag>Data Security/a>, a href reltag>Deep Learning/a>, a href reltag>Digital Transformation/a>, a href reltag>DMTF/a>, a href reltag>eDiscovery/a>, a href reltag>Machine Learning/a>, a href reltag>nVidia/a> /span> div classcomments-link> a href>Leave a comment/a> /div> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Last week, there was a a href>press release/a> by a href>Qlik™/a>, informing of a sponsored a href>TechTarget®/a>‘s a href>Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)/a> about the state of a href>responsible AI/a> practices across industries. The study highlighted critical gaps in the approach to responsible AI, ethical AI practices and AI regulatory compliances. From the study, Qlik™ emphasizes on having a strong>solid data foundation/strong>. To get to that bedrock foundation, we must trust the data and we must be responsible for the kinds of data that built that foundation. Hence, strong>Data Trust/strong> and strong>Data Responsibility/strong>./p>p>There is an AI boom right now. Last year alone, the AI machine and its hype a href>added in USD$2.4 trillion market cap to US tech companies/a>. 5 months into 2024, AI is still supernova hot. And many are very much fixated to the infallible fables and tales of AI’s pompous splendour. It is this blind faith that I see many users and vendors alike sidestepping the realities of AI in the present state as it is./p>p>AI is not always responsible. Then it begs the question, “em>Are we really working with a responsible set of AI applications and ecosystems/em>“?/p>div idattachment_7857 stylewidth: 660px classwp-caption aligncenter>a href>img data-recalc-dims1 loadinglazy decodingasync aria-describedbycaption-attachment-7857 classsize-full wp-image-7857 src alt width650 height366 srcset 650w, 300w, 150w, 250w sizesauto, (max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px />/a>p idcaption-attachment-7857 classwp-caption-text>Responsible AI. Are we there yet?/p>/div>p>a href>AI still hallucinates/a>, unfortunately. The lack of transparency of AI applications coming to a conclusion and a recommended decision is not always known. What if you had a conversation with a href>ChatGPT/a> and it says that you are dead. Well, that was exactly what happened when a href>Tom’s Guide/a> writer, Tony Polanco, a href>found out from ChatGPT that he passed away in September 2021/a>./p>p> a href classcontinue-reading-link> Continue reading span classmeta-nav>→ /span>/a>/p>div classsharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled>div classrobots-nocontent sd-block sd-social sd-social-icon-text sd-sharing>h3 classsd-title>Share this:/h3>div classsd-content>ul>li classshare-facebook>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-facebook-7853 classshare-facebook sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Facebook >span>Facebook/span>/a>/li>li classshare-linkedin>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-linkedin-7853 classshare-linkedin sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on LinkedIn >span>LinkedIn/span>/a>/li>li classshare-twitter>a relnofollow noopener noreferrer data-sharedsharing-twitter-7853 classshare-twitter sd-button share-icon href target_blank titleClick to share on Twitter >span>Twitter/span>/a>/li>li classshare-end>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta2> span classbl_tagg>Tagged a href reltag>AI hallucination/a>, a href reltag>chatGPT/a>, a href reltag>data responsibilty/a>, a href reltag>data trust/a>, a href reltag>Malaysia Personal Data Protection Act/a>, a href reltag>PDPA/a>, a href reltag>responsible AI/a>/span> /footer>!-- #entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post-7853 --> div classpagination_container>nav classpagination>span classcurrent>1/span>a href classinactive >2/a>a href classinactive >3/a>a href>›/a>a href>»/a>/nav>/div> /div>!-- #content --> div idprimary classwidget-area rolecomplementary> ul classxoxo> li idsearch-2 classwidget-container widget_search>form methodget idsearchform action> label> span classscreen-reader-text>Search for:/span> input typesearch classs placeholderSearch value names /> /label> button typesubmit classsearchsubmit>span classscreen-reader-text>Search/span>OK/button>/form>/li> li idrecent-posts-2 classwidget-container widget_recent_entries> h3 classwidget-title>Recent Posts/h3> ul> li> a href>AI and the Data Factory/a> /li> li> a href>What next after Cyber Resiliency?/a> /li> li> a href>Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI/a> /li> li> a href>Nurturing Data Governance for Cybersecurity and AI/a> /li> li> a href>The All-Important Storage Appliance Mindset for HPC and AI projects/a> /li> /ul> /li>li classwidget-container stora-widget>h3 classwidget-title>Sponsored Ads/h3>a href aria-labelfreenas_e-book_ad>img src alt width220 height280 />/a>/li>li idcustom_html-6 classwidget_text widget-container widget_custom_html>h3 classwidget-title>Google Adsense/h3>div classtextwidget custom-html-widget>script async src//>/script>!-- Top -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-1762187066078321 data-ad-slot7693895332 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>/li>li idrecent-comments-2 classwidget-container widget_recent_comments>h3 classwidget-title>Recent Comments/h3>ul idrecentcomments>li classrecentcomments>span classcomment-author-link>cfheoh/span> on a href>Nurturing Data Governance for Cybersecurity and AI/a>/li>li classrecentcomments>span classcomment-author-link>a href classurl relugc external nofollow>Random Short Take #97 |>/span> on a href>Nurturing Data Governance for Cybersecurity and AI/a>/li>li classrecentcomments>span classcomment-author-link>a href classurl relugc external nofollow>Infrastructure advancements reshaping the AI and data landscape - SiliconANGLE/a>/span> on a href>AI is pushing storage and data management harder than ever/a>/li>li classrecentcomments>span classcomment-author-link>Michael/span> on a href>Deploying a MinIO SNMD Object Storage Server in TrueNAS SCALE/a>/li>li classrecentcomments>span classcomment-author-link>cfheoh/span> on a href>Deploying a MinIO SNMD Object Storage Server in TrueNAS SCALE/a>/li>/ul>/li> /ul> ul classxoxo> li idcustom_html-4 classwidget_text widget-container widget_custom_html>h3 classwidget-title>Google Adsense/h3>div classtextwidget custom-html-widget>script async src//>/script>!-- Bottom -->ins classadsbygoogle styledisplay:block data-ad-clientca-pub-1762187066078321 data-ad-slot8979180554 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>/li> /ul> /div>!-- #primary .widget-area --> /section>!-- #container --> div styleclear:both;>/div> /div> !-- #forbottom --> /div>!-- #main --> footer idfooter rolecontentinfo> div idcolophon> /div>!-- #colophon --> div idfooter2> div idsite-copyright> /div> div styletext-align:center;clear:both;padding-top:4px; 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