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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100x-powered-by: PHP/8.0.30content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8content-length: 4309date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:10:53 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE HTML>html>head>title>Still Mountain Center/title>meta charsetUTF-8>link relstylesheet TYPEtext/css href>meta contentinitial-scale1.0, widthdevice-width nameviewport>/head>body>div idcontainer classclear styletext-align:center> div idheader> img src altStill Mountain Arts Center />br />br />span classlogo1>S/span>span classlogo2>TILL/span> span classlogo1>M/span>span classlogo2>OUNTAIN/span> span classlogo1>C/span>span classlogo2>ENTER/span>br />br />br /> /div> div idmenu classhomepage> script src>/script>span classtopmenu>MENU span classactiveindicator>+/span>/span>div idmain classtriggernormal> ul classul> li classtrigger>a hrefindex.php classmenulabel>Home/a>/li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>About Us/a> ul> li>a hrefwho.php>Who we are/a>br /> a hrefhistory.php>History/a>br /> a hrefhow.php>How to participate/a>br /> a hrefachieve.php>Achievements/a>br /> a hrefarticles.php>Articles/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>Events/a> ul> li>a hrefevents.php>See all/a>br /> a hrefdinners.php>Fall celebration dinner/a>br /> a hrefsculpture.php>Sculpture garden party/a>br /> a hrefkiln.php>Anagama kiln firing/a>br /> a hrefnews.php>Newsletters/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>Ongoing Projects/a> ul> li>a hrefsculpture.php>Sculpture garden/a>br /> a hrefbarn.php>The barn/a>br /> a hrefinternships.php>Internships/a>br /> a hrefchildren.php>Childrens programs/a>br /> a hrefprofessional-workshops.php>Professional workshops/a>br /> a hrefretreat.php>Retreat cabin/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a hrefcontact.php classmenulabel>Contact/a> /li> li classtrigger>a hrefresources.php classmenulabel>Links/a> /li> /ul>/div>script>$(.topmenu).click(function () { $(#main).toggle(); var bVisible $(#main).is(:visible); $(this).find(.activeindicator).text(bVisible ? -: +); $(#main .trigger).toggleClass(clickable, bVisible);});$(#main .trigger).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass(clickable)) { $(#main .trigger ul).hide(); $(this).find(ul).toggle(); }});/script> /div> div idcolumn-parent> div idcontent classhomepage> p> Still Mountain Center is a nonprofit arts organization based in the beautiful and secluded woods of Kent, CT. Our mission is to support and celebrate artistic exchange among peoples locally and globally by providing opportunities for cross-cultural appreciation, collaboration and innovation in the arts./p> p> Our longstanding exchange with Asia is the artistic and spiritual heart of SMC. Our Japanese wood-fired kiln and our exhibition, meditation and workshop barn are the hearth for a community of people who make art an integral part of their lives./p> p>Artists, musicians, collectors, gallery owners, crafts people and people from the general public seeking inspiration and creative retreat gather here to share in the work and play of art. /p> div idfooter> p>copyright 2025, still mountain center, all rights reserved/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : https://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-103029-40);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100x-powered-by: PHP/8.0.30content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8content-length: 4309date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:10:54 GMTserver: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE HTML>html>head>title>Still Mountain Center/title>meta charsetUTF-8>link relstylesheet TYPEtext/css href>meta contentinitial-scale1.0, widthdevice-width nameviewport>/head>body>div idcontainer classclear styletext-align:center> div idheader> img src altStill Mountain Arts Center />br />br />span classlogo1>S/span>span classlogo2>TILL/span> span classlogo1>M/span>span classlogo2>OUNTAIN/span> span classlogo1>C/span>span classlogo2>ENTER/span>br />br />br /> /div> div idmenu classhomepage> script src>/script>span classtopmenu>MENU span classactiveindicator>+/span>/span>div idmain classtriggernormal> ul classul> li classtrigger>a hrefindex.php classmenulabel>Home/a>/li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>About Us/a> ul> li>a hrefwho.php>Who we are/a>br /> a hrefhistory.php>History/a>br /> a hrefhow.php>How to participate/a>br /> a hrefachieve.php>Achievements/a>br /> a hrefarticles.php>Articles/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>Events/a> ul> li>a hrefevents.php>See all/a>br /> a hrefdinners.php>Fall celebration dinner/a>br /> a hrefsculpture.php>Sculpture garden party/a>br /> a hrefkiln.php>Anagama kiln firing/a>br /> a hrefnews.php>Newsletters/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a href# classmenulabel>Ongoing Projects/a> ul> li>a hrefsculpture.php>Sculpture garden/a>br /> a hrefbarn.php>The barn/a>br /> a hrefinternships.php>Internships/a>br /> a hrefchildren.php>Childrens programs/a>br /> a hrefprofessional-workshops.php>Professional workshops/a>br /> a hrefretreat.php>Retreat cabin/a>/li> /ul> /li> li classtrigger>a hrefcontact.php classmenulabel>Contact/a> /li> li classtrigger>a hrefresources.php classmenulabel>Links/a> /li> /ul>/div>script>$(.topmenu).click(function () { $(#main).toggle(); var bVisible $(#main).is(:visible); $(this).find(.activeindicator).text(bVisible ? -: +); $(#main .trigger).toggleClass(clickable, bVisible);});$(#main .trigger).click(function () { if ($(this).hasClass(clickable)) { $(#main .trigger ul).hide(); $(this).find(ul).toggle(); }});/script> /div> div idcolumn-parent> div idcontent classhomepage> p> Still Mountain Center is a nonprofit arts organization based in the beautiful and secluded woods of Kent, CT. Our mission is to support and celebrate artistic exchange among peoples locally and globally by providing opportunities for cross-cultural appreciation, collaboration and innovation in the arts./p> p> Our longstanding exchange with Asia is the artistic and spiritual heart of SMC. Our Japanese wood-fired kiln and our exhibition, meditation and workshop barn are the hearth for a community of people who make art an integral part of their lives./p> p>Artists, musicians, collectors, gallery owners, crafts people and people from the general public seeking inspiration and creative retreat gather here to share in the work and play of art. /p> div idfooter> p>copyright 2025, still mountain center, all rights reserved/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : https://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-103029-40);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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