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content/a> header classsite-header idmasthead aria-labelSite itemtype itemscope> div classinside-header grid-container grid-parent> div classsite-logo> a href relhome> img classheader-image is-logo-image altStamp By Stamp Creations src /> /a> /div> /div> /header> nav classmain-navigation sub-menu-right idsite-navigation aria-labelPrimary itemtype itemscope> div classinside-navigation grid-container grid-parent> form methodget classsearch-form navigation-search action> input typesearch classsearch-field value names titleSearch /> /form> div classmobile-bar-items> span classsearch-item> a aria-labelOpen Search Bar href#> /a> /span> /div> button classmenu-toggle aria-controlsprimary-menu aria-expandedfalse> span classmobile-menu>Menu/span> /button> div idprimary-menu classmain-nav>ul idmenu-main-menu class menu sf-menu>li idmenu-item-7748 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7748>a href>Become A Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator/a>/li>li idmenu-item-7861 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7861>a href>Stamp By Stamp (To Go!)/a>/li>li idmenu-item-7747 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7747>a href>About Me/a>/li>li classsearch-item menu-item-align-right>a aria-labelOpen Search Bar href#>/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /nav> div classsite grid-container container hfeed grid-parent idpage> div classsite-content idcontent> div classcontent-area grid-parent mobile-grid-100 grid-70 tablet-grid-70 idprimary> main classsite-main idmain> article idpost-10233 classpost-10233 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-3d-projects tag-diy-kit tag-halloween no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Are You A Halloween Fan?!!/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-08-07T07:26:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>August 7, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img fetchpriorityhigh decodingasync width1024 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10234 stylewidth:402px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1200w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>Are you a Halloween fan? Then you’re going to want this fun new kit from Stampin’ Up!. Yep, everything you need to make this house, along with the tree and fence are included in the kit. The only things you will need to supply will be a hot glue gun and some battery-operated candles to make the windows glow./p>p>You can view the details about the strong>a href>Haunted Home Kit/a>/strong> as well as order it in my online store ./p>p>Be sure to check out the video below to see how easy this kit is to put together. Stampin’ Up! kits are only available while supplies last so order yours today! /p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>3D Projects/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY Kit/a>, a href reltag>Halloween/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10212 classpost-10212 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Pretty In Pink/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-05-08T06:44:18-06:00 itempropdatePublished>May 8, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10213 stylewidth:740px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Pink. I love the color pink. When I first heard the names of the new In-Colors the name Pretty In Pink sounded quite familiar. Since I’ve been a demonstrator for 20 years it should. Pretty in Pink used to be a regular Stampin’ Up! color! No wonder it sounded familiar. I believe this is the first time that Stampin’ Up! has brought back a retired color (other than In-Colors)./p>p>Pretty In Pink is the exact same color now as it was way back when. It’s a lovely soft pink. In this first photo you can see how it compares to some of the other Stampin’ Up! pinks./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10214 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo it’s compared with some of the other Stampin’ Up! colors. I like it with most of the other colors except Calypso Coral and Pumpkin Pie. What do you think?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10215 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The last photo shows the color combinations from Stampin’ Up!’s Color Coach. My least favorite combination is the middle one with Lemon Lolly and Petal Pink. My favorite combination is the last one with Coastal Cabana and Lost Lagoon. /p>p>Are you excited that Stampin’ Up! has brought back Pretty in Pink? I am! It’s the perfect addition to their color family…and it’s PINK! Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10202 classpost-10202 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Summer Splash/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-05-01T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>May 1, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10203 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This week in our Journey With Color I will be talking about Summer Splash. The name says it all. When I look at this color, or even just say the name, I can picture myself sitting by a pool or on the beach in the tropics with an umbrella drink. (Why would I be in the tropics without an umbrella drink! Ha!) There’s also a soft warm breeze and plenty of shade. What do you imagine when you see this color or say the name?/p>p>Summer Splash is a beautiful soft blue green just a little deeper than Stampin’ Up!’s current Coastal Cabana. In the photo above you can see how it compares with some of the other blues in Stampin’ Up!’s color collection. I like it best with the blues that have a little green in them./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10204 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This second photo compares Summer Splash with other Stampin’ Up! colors. It looks pretty good with most of them. I’m not sure which colors I like it with best. How about you?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10205 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This last photo is the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! artists came up with. What do you think of them? The middle combination caught my eye first but that’s probably because it has my favorite color, Melon Mambo, in it. When I took another look, I really liked the last combination with Crumb Cake and Pretty Peacock. It’s so striking! Which combination is your favorite?/p>p>I hope you’re enjoying our Journey With Color. Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10197 classpost-10197 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-make-it-mine category-make-it-mine-monday tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-make-it-mine-monday tag-stampin-up-cards-2 no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Making-It-Mine Monday: Summer Splash and Spotlight on Nature/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-29T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 29, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>It’s been a while since I’ve done a Make-It-Mine Monday post, and I’ve missed it. I love getting inspiration from other people’s projects and Make-It-Mine Monday is the perfect way to showcase that!/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width797 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10198 stylewidth:439px;height:auto srcset 797w, 233w, 117w, 768w, 1132w sizesauto, (max-width: 797px) 100vw, 797px />/figure>/div>p>I try to write an email newsletter every week which I send out on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. I try to share a project each week. /p>p>(If you you’d like to be on my email list to receive my newsletter as well as other emails, please sign up in the box to the right of this post or in the pop up box when it appears.) /p>p>In last week’s newsletter I shared this card that I made at Stampin’ Up!’s On Stage event in March. I had explained how it was a very nice card, but it just wasn’t me. The combination of colors isn’t me and the design itself isn’t really me. The card did inspire me though./p>p>/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width743 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10200 stylewidth:436px;height:auto srcset 743w, 218w, 109w, 768w, 1115w, 1451w sizesauto, (max-width: 743px) 100vw, 743px />/figure>/div>p>It inspired me so much that I had to make it mine! Nothing against Stampin’ Up! designers, but I do like my card better. Their card was way outside of my comfort zone. The Stampin’ Up! designer used the new Spotlight in Nature (#163579 $23) which will be in the 2024-2025 Annual Catalog and since I had that stamp set I used it on my card too. For my card I decided to stick with a single color and white. To choose a color I started with the designer paper that I used on the layer behind the flowers. I used the new Unbounded Bounty Beauty Designer Series Paper (#163372 $12.50) which you can find on page 55 of the new catalog or in my online store starting on Wednesday. The color I used is the new 2024-2026 In-Color, Summer Splash. So pretty!/p>p>The angled pieces that the flowers are on aren’t something that I would usually use on a card but I did find the technique intriguing, so I decided to give it another shot. It’s not hard to line up the two images after stamping them, the hard part is stamping them and making sure that the two pieces will fit on the layer underneath them./p>p>I could have heat embossed the sentiment in white on a piece Summer Splash cardstock but I think my layered sentiment works a little better on this card. /p>p>As I mentioned above, I love being inspired by other people’s work. It’s nice to have a starting point and go from there. Give it a try! Take my card and make it your own by changing a little something about the card or a lot. The choice is yours! Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Make It Mine/a>, a href relcategory tag>Make it Mine Monday/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Make it Mine Monday/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10191 classpost-10191 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Shy Shamrock/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-24T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 24, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10192 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Shy Shamrock is a beautiful, soft green. It reminds me a little of the past In-Color Just Jade. Here in the first photo, you can see how Shy Shamrock compares to a few of Stampin’ Up!’s other greens. It works best with greens that have a bit more blue in them like Shaded Spruce. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10193 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo you can see how Shy Shamrock works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I know it works perfectly with the other 2024-2026 In-Colors which are more on the pastel side but when looking at this chart I think I like it best with the darker, brighter colors like Pretty Peacock, Night of Navy and Melon Mambo./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10194 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>br>br>p classMsoNormal>This last picture shows that color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has shared in their Color Coach. I can see myself using any of these combinations. The first one is probably my favorite because of the brighter colors (and Melon Mambo is one of my favorite colors!). Which of the combinations is your favorite?/p>/p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!br>br>/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10187 classpost-10187 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Peach Pie and Petunia Pop Color Combos/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-17T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 17, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>Last year in my Journey With Color when I shared new colors with you I included color combinations from Stampin’ Up!’s Color Coach. I completely missed those color combinations with the new In-Colors Peach Fuzz and Petunia Pop that I shared with you the past two weeks. Now I need to catch up! /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10188 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Check out these fun combinations with Peach Fuzz. I can’t decide which one is my favorite. The first combination with the two bright greens catches my eye, but if I were designing a project, I think I would go for the third combination with Calypso Coral and Misty Moonlight. I would call it the “safe” combination for people like me who are a bit “color shy”./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10189 stylewidth:741px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>What do you think about these combinations for Petunia Pop? Once again I am going to go with choice #3. Not only does the combination catch my eye but it’s the one I’d most likely use on a card. Although, option #1 is nice too. The more I look at them though, the middle one says “flowers” to me. You have the pink petals, the yellow center and the green leaves. I guess with these combinations it all comes down to what you are stamping with the colors. /p>p>I love seeing the different color combinations that Stampin’ Up! comes up with. They definitely help me see “outside the box”. /p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10181 classpost-10181 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Petunia Pop/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-10T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 10, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10182 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Yesterday in my newsletter, I shared a card with you, and I used this new color, Petunia Pop. All the new 2024-2026 In-Colors are pretty, but Petunia Pop is definitely my favorite. Is it pink? Is it purple? I had a hard time deciding so I compared it to both color families here in this first photo. /p>p>I store my ink pads and cardstock by color group (pinks, reds, blues, etc.). It was a difficult decision, but I finally decided that Petunia Pop belonged in the purple family. Do you agree?/p>p>In the photo below you can see how Petunia Pop looks with some of Stampin’ Up!’s other colors. Of the combinations I’ve shared, I think my favorites are when Petunia Pop is paired with Pretty Peacock, Navy Blue, Bubble Bath and Fresh Freesia. From this comparison chart you can see that it has a lot of blue in it as it works well with other colors with a lot of blue./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10183 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10175 classpost-10175 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Peach Pie/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-03T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 3, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10176 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>When Stampin’ Up! comes up with their new In-Colors each year they not only look for colors that will coordinate with current Stampin’ Up! colors, they also try to choose relevant colors that will be popular in today’s world. Did you know that the 2024 Pantone Color of the Year is called Peach Fuzz? Stampin’ Up! got it right when they added Peach Pie to this year’s In-Colors./p>p>Stampin’ Up! has had a number of peach colors in past line-ups include Peach Parfait and Peekaboo Peach, as well as similar colors like Grapefruit Grove and Crisp Canteloupe. As you can see from the attached color comparison, Peach Pie is very similar to Peekaboo Peach, just a bit lighter. It works really well with the current Stampin’ Up! colors. A lighter orange color was definitely needed. Peach Pie will be fun to work with./p>p>In the photo below you can see how Peach Pie works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I think it will go well with most any of the blues and greens, although I like it best with the darker shades. Personally, I don’t like it with any of the yellows or reds but I sure someone else with use it with some of those colors and it will be gorgeous. Which colors do you like Peach Pie best with?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10177 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10165 classpost-10165 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: The 2024-2026 In-Colors/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-03-27T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>March 27, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height314 src alt classwp-image-10166 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1442w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>I’m so excited to get back to our Journey With Color. This week I want to introduce you to Stampin’ Up!’s new 2024-2026 In-Colors! These five colors are all soft and pastel-like. They would fit perfectly in Stampin’ Up!’s Subtle family of colors. They are beautiful! /p>p>Below you will find a brief description of each color. I will go into more details about these colors in the upcoming weeks./p>p>strong>Peach Pie/strong> is a nice soft orange/peach color./p>p>strong>Petunia Pop/strong> is a beautiful pinkish purple./p>p>strong>Pretty in Pink/strong> is a lovely “baby pink” color./p>p>strong>Shy Shamrock/strong> is a soft, lighter green./p>p>strong>Summer Splash/strong> is a light blue in the turquoise family./p>p>These are all great additions to Stampin’ Up!’s color spectrum. I can’t wait to play with them!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10141 classpost-10141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-techniques tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-stampin-up-cards-2 no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Five Cards, One Design: Working Smarter, Not Harder/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-23T20:01:00-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 23, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>We all should really work smarter, not harder in whatever we do. Life is too short to do otherwise. Why “reinvent the wheel” when you can just change things up a little. In today’s blog post I want to show you how I made 5 similar, yet different cards with one design./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width706 height1024 src altBee My Valentine Card #1 classwp-image-10142 stylewidth:301px;height:auto srcset 706w, 207w, 103w, 768w, 809w sizesauto, (max-width: 706px) 100vw, 706px />/figure>/div>p>This is the card I started with. It’s one we’re making in class this week. (Actually, I got the idea from a friend, but we won’t go into that. 😊) It’s an easy Valentine card made using the strong>a href>Bee My Valentine Bundle/a>/strong> and the coordinating strong>a href>Bee Mine Designer Series Paper/a>/strong>. Such fun products! These little bees are adorable!/p>p>In the second photo, you can see all five of the cards I made. Once I got started, I could barely stop. I wanted to see how many different designs I could come up with. Alas, life got in the way, and I had to move on to other things that needed to get done./p>p>The two cards in the first column look the same, but if you look closely, you can see that the bottom one is a gate fold card that opens in the middle. The two cards in the middle column are similar. They look alike, but the bottom one is a gate fold card. /p>p>I have five cards from one main design. I’ve worked smarter, not harder! What a great idea! I need to do this more often! How about you? Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height785 src altBee My Valentine 5 Cards classwp-image-10143 stylewidth:532px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1536w, 1565w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Techniques/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10135 classpost-10135 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-tips tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-stampin-up-cards-2 tag-tips no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>A Die Tip With Translucent Florals/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-16T07:45:04-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 16, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height824 src alt classwp-image-10136 stylewidth:390px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1405w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>My mother-in-law’s birthday is today and I chose the a href>strong>Translucent Florals stamp set/strong>/a> and the coordinating a href>strong>Delightful Florals Designer Series Paper/strong>/a> to make her card. There is also a strong>a href>set of dies/a>/strong> that coordinates with them. These three items are Online Exclusives found only in my online store. My favorite item of these coordinating products is the designer paper so that is what I chose for the focal point of my card. I fussy cut this floral image from the paper. So pretty! /p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height962 src alt classwp-image-10137 stylewidth:291px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1098w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>I knew that I was going to mount the fussy-cut image on white so I wasn’t too worried that there may have been a little white around the edges. I did have to get my X-acto knife out to cut out the small area by the stem of the small flower/p>p>The Berry Burst card front is stamped with the larger floral image from the stamp set with the same color ink and the strip of Pretty Peacock cardstock is stamped with the foliage image in the Pretty Peacock ink. Stamping cardstock with the same color image gives a nice subtle background design./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width969 height860 src alt classwp-image-10138 stylewidth:290px;height:auto srcset 969w, 300w, 150w, 768w sizesauto, (max-width: 969px) 100vw, 969px />/figure>/div>p>One of the dies (the sixth largest) from the Deckled Circles die set was the perfect size for the floral image and the card. After die-cutting it, it seemed a bit boring, so I needed to figure out how to add a little something to it. I tried drawing a dotted circle just inside the die-cut edge, but my drawing skills were a bit lacking. I tried to find something circular that I could draw around but came up empty. Then I had an epiphany. I could simply draw around the inside of the Deckled Circle die! I placed the die on my cardstock and using sticky notes, I was able to keep the die in place. The sticky notes need to be moved as you draw around the circle. You can either draw the circle before you die-cut it or draw it after as long as you keep the sticky notes in place. I will definitely be trying this technique with other dies./p>p>The Berry Burst card front is stamped with the larger floral image from the stamp set with the same color ink and the strip of Pretty Peacock cardstock is stamped with the foliage image in the Pretty Peacock ink. Stamping cardstock with the same color image gives a nice subtle background design./p>p>Sentiments used on both the inside and the outside of the card are from the Sentimental Park stamp set. There is a birthday sentiment in the Translucent Florals stamp set but it was a little too large. Sometimes you need to look through your stash for just the right item./p>p>Happy Birthday to my MIL! I hope you all have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Tips/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>, a href reltag>Tips/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10131 classpost-10131 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Today is the Day!/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-04T06:47:58-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 4, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width755 height485 src alt classwp-image-10130 stylewidth:396px;height:auto srcset 755w, 300w, 150w sizesauto, (max-width: 755px) 100vw, 755px />/figure>/div>p>Today is a big day! It’s Sale-a-bration Time at Stampin’ Up! What a wonderful time of the year for a paper crafter! Sale-a-bration is a way to earn FREE products from Stampin’ Up!! There are three different ways to earn FREE products./p>p>#1. strong>SHOP!/strong> Choose a FREE Sale-A-Bration product from the Sale-a-bration brochure (p. 4–15) with every $50 or $100 you spend (before tax and shipping). You can place your order from me directly or shop in a href>strong>my online store/strong>/a>strong>. /strong>There are items at the $50 level and there are a few items at the $100 level. You can view the Sale-a-bration Brochure strong>a href>here/a>/strong>./p>p>#2. strong>HOST!/strong> Host a qualifying party and select an additional $30 in FREE products (p. 18)! Host a party with sales of at least $300 to earn this benefit. A personal order of at least $300 also qualifies for this benefit./p>p>#3. strong>JOIN! /strong>I’m really excited about this benefit. Once again, you have a couple of different options when you decide to join my team of SASsy Stampers and the Stampin’ Up! family. /p>p>“Join Stampin’ Up! as an independent demonstrator and help others discover the joy that comes with creativity! When you join during Sale-A-Bration, you can build your Starter Kit by choosing $125 of products for only $99 (includes shipping). Plus, you’ll get to choose one of the two FREE bonus options shown on p. 17.”/p>p>strong>Option 1/strong> – STAMPIN’ GLASS MAT STUDIO (RETAIL VALUE: $60) free! (See Photo Below) GLASS MAT 17″ x 14″ (43.2 x 35.6 cm). 5 mm thick. Heavy-duty, safety-tempered glass crafting mat with raised nonslip rubber feet. Features a white background printed with a gray grid. Heat and scratch resistant. Wipes clean with water or alcohol. SILICONE MAT 8-3/8″ x 6″ (21.3 x 15.2 cm). Nonslip, multiuse mat. Waterproof and heat resistant. Features 4 palette squares for custom color mixing. White. CLEANING CLOTH 8-1/4″ x 8-1/4″ (21 x 21 cm). Reusable cleaning cloth makes chemical-free cleaning easy: just add water and wipe. Durable, thick, lint-free. Dark gray./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height592 src alt classwp-image-10132 stylewidth:498px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1468w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />figcaption classwp-element-caption>Glass Mat Studio/figcaption>/figure>p>strong>Option 2/strong> – Your choice of an additional $30 in FREE products to add to your Starter Kit./p>p>Sale-a-bration is such an exciting time! I hope you take advantage of these opportunities to earn free products from Stampin’ Up!. Please contact me with any questions you may have!/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width636 height496 src altStampin Up! January - April 2024 Mini Catalog classwp-image-10129 stylewidth:476px;height:auto srcset 636w, 300w, 150w sizesauto, (max-width: 636px) 100vw, 636px />/figure>/div>p>Today is also the day that Stampin’ Up!’s new January – April 2024 Mini Catalog goes live! Woo Hoo! More new products!/p>p>Click strong>a href>here/a>/strong> to view this amazing new mini catalog!/p>p>I hope you enjoy these two new publications! Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10126 classpost-10126 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Happy New Year/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-03T13:48:55-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 3, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width712 height720 src alt classwp-image-10127 stylewidth:402px;height:auto srcset 712w, 297w, 148w sizesauto, (max-width: 712px) 100vw, 712px />/figure>/div>p>Happy 2024! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here on my blog. Sorry I’ve been away so long. It’s a new year now and the perfect time to get back to posting. I hope you’ll continue to check back and read my posts. /p>p>I wish you all a new year filled with peace, happiness and joy!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10071 classpost-10071 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Bubble Bath/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2023-09-06T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>September 6, 2023/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>I saved the best for last! At least in my opinion. 😊/p>p>Bubble Bath. It’s pink! Last but not least, I am going to share the final new color that Stampin’ Up! added to their color spectrum this year. Bubble Bath is that soft, light pink that we have been waiting for. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10072 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In the first photo, you can see how it compares to the other softer pinks in the Stampin’ Up! spectrum. You can also see how perfectly it goes with Fresh Freesia. These two colors work perfectly together./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10073 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The second photo shows Bubble Bath with other Stampin’ Up! colors. It’s a soft, muted color like Lemon Lolly so it works well with most of the colors./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10074 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>I like all of the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has come up with in their Color Coach. It’s hard to choose a favorite. If I did have to choose, I think I would go with the first combination with Pretty Peacock and Pool Party. So pretty!/p>p>I hope you’ve enjoyed the past few months of our Journey With Color as I’ve introduced you to the colors that Stampin’ Up! has added to their color spectrum this year. Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10066 classpost-10066 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Lemon Lolly/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2023-08-30T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>August 30, 2023/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>Lemon Lolly is the color we’re going to talk about in today’s Journey With Color. What a beautiful soft yellow color! I hate to say it, but in my opinion, I’m glad Stampin’ Up! retired So Saffron and replaced it with this lovely yellow. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10067 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The first photo here shows Lemon Lolly with the other two Stampin’ Up! yellows as well as with So Saffron which it replaced. It’s a good addition. This lighter, softer yellow was needed/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10068 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo you can see how Lemon Lolly works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I think I like it best with the blues but it does look nice with most of the other colors./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10069 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Lastly you can see the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has come up with in their Color Coach. All three of these combinations are nice but my eye is first drawn to the last combination with the purples./p>p>I’m excited to start using this lovely new color. How about you? Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article> nav idnav-below classpaging-navigation aria-labelArchive Page> div classnav-previous> span classprev titlePrevious>a href >Older posts/a>/span> /div> div classnav-links>span aria-currentpage classpage-numbers current>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>103/a>a classnext page-numbers href>Next span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a>/div> /nav> /main> /div> div classwidget-area sidebar is-right-sidebar grid-30 tablet-grid-30 grid-parent idright-sidebar> div classinside-right-sidebar> aside idcustom_html-2 classwidget_text widget inner-padding widget_custom_html>div classtextwidget 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content/a> header classsite-header idmasthead aria-labelSite itemtype itemscope> div classinside-header grid-container grid-parent> div classsite-logo> a href relhome> img classheader-image is-logo-image altStamp By Stamp Creations src /> /a> /div> /div> /header> nav classmain-navigation sub-menu-right idsite-navigation aria-labelPrimary itemtype itemscope> div classinside-navigation grid-container grid-parent> form methodget classsearch-form navigation-search action> input typesearch classsearch-field value names titleSearch /> /form> div classmobile-bar-items> span classsearch-item> a aria-labelOpen Search Bar href#> /a> /span> /div> button classmenu-toggle aria-controlsprimary-menu aria-expandedfalse> span classmobile-menu>Menu/span> /button> div idprimary-menu classmain-nav>ul idmenu-main-menu class menu sf-menu>li idmenu-item-7748 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7748>a href>Become A Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator/a>/li>li idmenu-item-7861 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7861>a href>Stamp By Stamp (To Go!)/a>/li>li idmenu-item-7747 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-7747>a href>About Me/a>/li>li classsearch-item menu-item-align-right>a aria-labelOpen Search Bar href#>/a>/li>/ul>/div> /div> /nav> div classsite grid-container container hfeed grid-parent idpage> div classsite-content idcontent> div classcontent-area grid-parent mobile-grid-100 grid-70 tablet-grid-70 idprimary> main classsite-main idmain> article idpost-10233 classpost-10233 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-3d-projects tag-diy-kit tag-halloween no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Are You A Halloween Fan?!!/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-08-07T07:26:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>August 7, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img fetchpriorityhigh decodingasync width1024 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10234 stylewidth:402px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1200w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>Are you a Halloween fan? Then you’re going to want this fun new kit from Stampin’ Up!. Yep, everything you need to make this house, along with the tree and fence are included in the kit. The only things you will need to supply will be a hot glue gun and some battery-operated candles to make the windows glow./p>p>You can view the details about the strong>a href>Haunted Home Kit/a>/strong> as well as order it in my online store ./p>p>Be sure to check out the video below to see how easy this kit is to put together. Stampin’ Up! kits are only available while supplies last so order yours today! /p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>3D Projects/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY Kit/a>, a href reltag>Halloween/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10212 classpost-10212 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Pretty In Pink/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-05-08T06:44:18-06:00 itempropdatePublished>May 8, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10213 stylewidth:740px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Pink. I love the color pink. When I first heard the names of the new In-Colors the name Pretty In Pink sounded quite familiar. Since I’ve been a demonstrator for 20 years it should. Pretty in Pink used to be a regular Stampin’ Up! color! No wonder it sounded familiar. I believe this is the first time that Stampin’ Up! has brought back a retired color (other than In-Colors)./p>p>Pretty In Pink is the exact same color now as it was way back when. It’s a lovely soft pink. In this first photo you can see how it compares to some of the other Stampin’ Up! pinks./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10214 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo it’s compared with some of the other Stampin’ Up! colors. I like it with most of the other colors except Calypso Coral and Pumpkin Pie. What do you think?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10215 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The last photo shows the color combinations from Stampin’ Up!’s Color Coach. My least favorite combination is the middle one with Lemon Lolly and Petal Pink. My favorite combination is the last one with Coastal Cabana and Lost Lagoon. /p>p>Are you excited that Stampin’ Up! has brought back Pretty in Pink? I am! It’s the perfect addition to their color family…and it’s PINK! Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10202 classpost-10202 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Summer Splash/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-05-01T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>May 1, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10203 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This week in our Journey With Color I will be talking about Summer Splash. The name says it all. When I look at this color, or even just say the name, I can picture myself sitting by a pool or on the beach in the tropics with an umbrella drink. (Why would I be in the tropics without an umbrella drink! Ha!) There’s also a soft warm breeze and plenty of shade. What do you imagine when you see this color or say the name?/p>p>Summer Splash is a beautiful soft blue green just a little deeper than Stampin’ Up!’s current Coastal Cabana. In the photo above you can see how it compares with some of the other blues in Stampin’ Up!’s color collection. I like it best with the blues that have a little green in them./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10204 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This second photo compares Summer Splash with other Stampin’ Up! colors. It looks pretty good with most of them. I’m not sure which colors I like it with best. How about you?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10205 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>This last photo is the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! artists came up with. What do you think of them? The middle combination caught my eye first but that’s probably because it has my favorite color, Melon Mambo, in it. When I took another look, I really liked the last combination with Crumb Cake and Pretty Peacock. It’s so striking! Which combination is your favorite?/p>p>I hope you’re enjoying our Journey With Color. Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10197 classpost-10197 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-make-it-mine category-make-it-mine-monday tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-make-it-mine-monday tag-stampin-up-cards-2 no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Making-It-Mine Monday: Summer Splash and Spotlight on Nature/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-29T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 29, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>It’s been a while since I’ve done a Make-It-Mine Monday post, and I’ve missed it. I love getting inspiration from other people’s projects and Make-It-Mine Monday is the perfect way to showcase that!/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width797 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10198 stylewidth:439px;height:auto srcset 797w, 233w, 117w, 768w, 1132w sizesauto, (max-width: 797px) 100vw, 797px />/figure>/div>p>I try to write an email newsletter every week which I send out on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. I try to share a project each week. /p>p>(If you you’d like to be on my email list to receive my newsletter as well as other emails, please sign up in the box to the right of this post or in the pop up box when it appears.) /p>p>In last week’s newsletter I shared this card that I made at Stampin’ Up!’s On Stage event in March. I had explained how it was a very nice card, but it just wasn’t me. The combination of colors isn’t me and the design itself isn’t really me. The card did inspire me though./p>p>/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width743 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10200 stylewidth:436px;height:auto srcset 743w, 218w, 109w, 768w, 1115w, 1451w sizesauto, (max-width: 743px) 100vw, 743px />/figure>/div>p>It inspired me so much that I had to make it mine! Nothing against Stampin’ Up! designers, but I do like my card better. Their card was way outside of my comfort zone. The Stampin’ Up! designer used the new Spotlight in Nature (#163579 $23) which will be in the 2024-2025 Annual Catalog and since I had that stamp set I used it on my card too. For my card I decided to stick with a single color and white. To choose a color I started with the designer paper that I used on the layer behind the flowers. I used the new Unbounded Bounty Beauty Designer Series Paper (#163372 $12.50) which you can find on page 55 of the new catalog or in my online store starting on Wednesday. The color I used is the new 2024-2026 In-Color, Summer Splash. So pretty!/p>p>The angled pieces that the flowers are on aren’t something that I would usually use on a card but I did find the technique intriguing, so I decided to give it another shot. It’s not hard to line up the two images after stamping them, the hard part is stamping them and making sure that the two pieces will fit on the layer underneath them./p>p>I could have heat embossed the sentiment in white on a piece Summer Splash cardstock but I think my layered sentiment works a little better on this card. /p>p>As I mentioned above, I love being inspired by other people’s work. It’s nice to have a starting point and go from there. Give it a try! Take my card and make it your own by changing a little something about the card or a lot. The choice is yours! Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Make It Mine/a>, a href relcategory tag>Make it Mine Monday/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Make it Mine Monday/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10191 classpost-10191 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Shy Shamrock/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-24T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 24, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10192 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Shy Shamrock is a beautiful, soft green. It reminds me a little of the past In-Color Just Jade. Here in the first photo, you can see how Shy Shamrock compares to a few of Stampin’ Up!’s other greens. It works best with greens that have a bit more blue in them like Shaded Spruce. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10193 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo you can see how Shy Shamrock works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I know it works perfectly with the other 2024-2026 In-Colors which are more on the pastel side but when looking at this chart I think I like it best with the darker, brighter colors like Pretty Peacock, Night of Navy and Melon Mambo./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10194 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>br>br>p classMsoNormal>This last picture shows that color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has shared in their Color Coach. I can see myself using any of these combinations. The first one is probably my favorite because of the brighter colors (and Melon Mambo is one of my favorite colors!). Which of the combinations is your favorite?/p>/p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!br>br>/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10187 classpost-10187 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Peach Pie and Petunia Pop Color Combos/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-17T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 17, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>Last year in my Journey With Color when I shared new colors with you I included color combinations from Stampin’ Up!’s Color Coach. I completely missed those color combinations with the new In-Colors Peach Fuzz and Petunia Pop that I shared with you the past two weeks. Now I need to catch up! /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10188 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Check out these fun combinations with Peach Fuzz. I can’t decide which one is my favorite. The first combination with the two bright greens catches my eye, but if I were designing a project, I think I would go for the third combination with Calypso Coral and Misty Moonlight. I would call it the “safe” combination for people like me who are a bit “color shy”./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10189 stylewidth:741px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>What do you think about these combinations for Petunia Pop? Once again I am going to go with choice #3. Not only does the combination catch my eye but it’s the one I’d most likely use on a card. Although, option #1 is nice too. The more I look at them though, the middle one says “flowers” to me. You have the pink petals, the yellow center and the green leaves. I guess with these combinations it all comes down to what you are stamping with the colors. /p>p>I love seeing the different color combinations that Stampin’ Up! comes up with. They definitely help me see “outside the box”. /p>p>Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10181 classpost-10181 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Petunia Pop/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-10T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 10, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10182 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Yesterday in my newsletter, I shared a card with you, and I used this new color, Petunia Pop. All the new 2024-2026 In-Colors are pretty, but Petunia Pop is definitely my favorite. Is it pink? Is it purple? I had a hard time deciding so I compared it to both color families here in this first photo. /p>p>I store my ink pads and cardstock by color group (pinks, reds, blues, etc.). It was a difficult decision, but I finally decided that Petunia Pop belonged in the purple family. Do you agree?/p>p>In the photo below you can see how Petunia Pop looks with some of Stampin’ Up!’s other colors. Of the combinations I’ve shared, I think my favorites are when Petunia Pop is paired with Pretty Peacock, Navy Blue, Bubble Bath and Fresh Freesia. From this comparison chart you can see that it has a lot of blue in it as it works well with other colors with a lot of blue./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10183 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10175 classpost-10175 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Peach Pie/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-04-03T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>April 3, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10176 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>When Stampin’ Up! comes up with their new In-Colors each year they not only look for colors that will coordinate with current Stampin’ Up! colors, they also try to choose relevant colors that will be popular in today’s world. Did you know that the 2024 Pantone Color of the Year is called Peach Fuzz? Stampin’ Up! got it right when they added Peach Pie to this year’s In-Colors./p>p>Stampin’ Up! has had a number of peach colors in past line-ups include Peach Parfait and Peekaboo Peach, as well as similar colors like Grapefruit Grove and Crisp Canteloupe. As you can see from the attached color comparison, Peach Pie is very similar to Peekaboo Peach, just a bit lighter. It works really well with the current Stampin’ Up! colors. A lighter orange color was definitely needed. Peach Pie will be fun to work with./p>p>In the photo below you can see how Peach Pie works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I think it will go well with most any of the blues and greens, although I like it best with the darker shades. Personally, I don’t like it with any of the yellows or reds but I sure someone else with use it with some of those colors and it will be gorgeous. Which colors do you like Peach Pie best with?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10177 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10165 classpost-10165 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color tag-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: The 2024-2026 In-Colors/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-03-27T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>March 27, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height314 src alt classwp-image-10166 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1442w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>I’m so excited to get back to our Journey With Color. This week I want to introduce you to Stampin’ Up!’s new 2024-2026 In-Colors! These five colors are all soft and pastel-like. They would fit perfectly in Stampin’ Up!’s Subtle family of colors. They are beautiful! /p>p>Below you will find a brief description of each color. I will go into more details about these colors in the upcoming weeks./p>p>strong>Peach Pie/strong> is a nice soft orange/peach color./p>p>strong>Petunia Pop/strong> is a beautiful pinkish purple./p>p>strong>Pretty in Pink/strong> is a lovely “baby pink” color./p>p>strong>Shy Shamrock/strong> is a soft, lighter green./p>p>strong>Summer Splash/strong> is a light blue in the turquoise family./p>p>These are all great additions to Stampin’ Up!’s color spectrum. I can’t wait to play with them!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10141 classpost-10141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-techniques tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-stampin-up-cards-2 no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Five Cards, One Design: Working Smarter, Not Harder/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-23T20:01:00-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 23, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>We all should really work smarter, not harder in whatever we do. Life is too short to do otherwise. Why “reinvent the wheel” when you can just change things up a little. In today’s blog post I want to show you how I made 5 similar, yet different cards with one design./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width706 height1024 src altBee My Valentine Card #1 classwp-image-10142 stylewidth:301px;height:auto srcset 706w, 207w, 103w, 768w, 809w sizesauto, (max-width: 706px) 100vw, 706px />/figure>/div>p>This is the card I started with. It’s one we’re making in class this week. (Actually, I got the idea from a friend, but we won’t go into that. 😊) It’s an easy Valentine card made using the strong>a href>Bee My Valentine Bundle/a>/strong> and the coordinating strong>a href>Bee Mine Designer Series Paper/a>/strong>. Such fun products! These little bees are adorable!/p>p>In the second photo, you can see all five of the cards I made. Once I got started, I could barely stop. I wanted to see how many different designs I could come up with. Alas, life got in the way, and I had to move on to other things that needed to get done./p>p>The two cards in the first column look the same, but if you look closely, you can see that the bottom one is a gate fold card that opens in the middle. The two cards in the middle column are similar. They look alike, but the bottom one is a gate fold card. /p>p>I have five cards from one main design. I’ve worked smarter, not harder! What a great idea! I need to do this more often! How about you? Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height785 src altBee My Valentine 5 Cards classwp-image-10143 stylewidth:532px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1536w, 1565w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Techniques/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10135 classpost-10135 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards category-tips tag-diy-cards tag-handmade-cards tag-stampin-up-cards-2 tag-tips no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>A Die Tip With Translucent Florals/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-16T07:45:04-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 16, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height824 src alt classwp-image-10136 stylewidth:390px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1405w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>My mother-in-law’s birthday is today and I chose the a href>strong>Translucent Florals stamp set/strong>/a> and the coordinating a href>strong>Delightful Florals Designer Series Paper/strong>/a> to make her card. There is also a strong>a href>set of dies/a>/strong> that coordinates with them. These three items are Online Exclusives found only in my online store. My favorite item of these coordinating products is the designer paper so that is what I chose for the focal point of my card. I fussy cut this floral image from the paper. So pretty! /p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height962 src alt classwp-image-10137 stylewidth:291px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1098w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>/div>p>I knew that I was going to mount the fussy-cut image on white so I wasn’t too worried that there may have been a little white around the edges. I did have to get my X-acto knife out to cut out the small area by the stem of the small flower/p>p>The Berry Burst card front is stamped with the larger floral image from the stamp set with the same color ink and the strip of Pretty Peacock cardstock is stamped with the foliage image in the Pretty Peacock ink. Stamping cardstock with the same color image gives a nice subtle background design./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width969 height860 src alt classwp-image-10138 stylewidth:290px;height:auto srcset 969w, 300w, 150w, 768w sizesauto, (max-width: 969px) 100vw, 969px />/figure>/div>p>One of the dies (the sixth largest) from the Deckled Circles die set was the perfect size for the floral image and the card. After die-cutting it, it seemed a bit boring, so I needed to figure out how to add a little something to it. I tried drawing a dotted circle just inside the die-cut edge, but my drawing skills were a bit lacking. I tried to find something circular that I could draw around but came up empty. Then I had an epiphany. I could simply draw around the inside of the Deckled Circle die! I placed the die on my cardstock and using sticky notes, I was able to keep the die in place. The sticky notes need to be moved as you draw around the circle. You can either draw the circle before you die-cut it or draw it after as long as you keep the sticky notes in place. I will definitely be trying this technique with other dies./p>p>The Berry Burst card front is stamped with the larger floral image from the stamp set with the same color ink and the strip of Pretty Peacock cardstock is stamped with the foliage image in the Pretty Peacock ink. Stamping cardstock with the same color image gives a nice subtle background design./p>p>Sentiments used on both the inside and the outside of the card are from the Sentimental Park stamp set. There is a birthday sentiment in the Translucent Florals stamp set but it was a little too large. Sometimes you need to look through your stash for just the right item./p>p>Happy Birthday to my MIL! I hope you all have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>, a href relcategory tag>Tips/a>/span> span classtags-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Tags /span>a href reltag>DIY cards/a>, a href reltag>handmade cards/a>, a href reltag>Stampin up cards/a>, a href reltag>Tips/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10131 classpost-10131 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Today is the Day!/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-04T06:47:58-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 4, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width755 height485 src alt classwp-image-10130 stylewidth:396px;height:auto srcset 755w, 300w, 150w sizesauto, (max-width: 755px) 100vw, 755px />/figure>/div>p>Today is a big day! It’s Sale-a-bration Time at Stampin’ Up! What a wonderful time of the year for a paper crafter! Sale-a-bration is a way to earn FREE products from Stampin’ Up!! There are three different ways to earn FREE products./p>p>#1. strong>SHOP!/strong> Choose a FREE Sale-A-Bration product from the Sale-a-bration brochure (p. 4–15) with every $50 or $100 you spend (before tax and shipping). You can place your order from me directly or shop in a href>strong>my online store/strong>/a>strong>. /strong>There are items at the $50 level and there are a few items at the $100 level. You can view the Sale-a-bration Brochure strong>a href>here/a>/strong>./p>p>#2. strong>HOST!/strong> Host a qualifying party and select an additional $30 in FREE products (p. 18)! Host a party with sales of at least $300 to earn this benefit. A personal order of at least $300 also qualifies for this benefit./p>p>#3. strong>JOIN! /strong>I’m really excited about this benefit. Once again, you have a couple of different options when you decide to join my team of SASsy Stampers and the Stampin’ Up! family. /p>p>“Join Stampin’ Up! as an independent demonstrator and help others discover the joy that comes with creativity! When you join during Sale-A-Bration, you can build your Starter Kit by choosing $125 of products for only $99 (includes shipping). Plus, you’ll get to choose one of the two FREE bonus options shown on p. 17.”/p>p>strong>Option 1/strong> – STAMPIN’ GLASS MAT STUDIO (RETAIL VALUE: $60) free! (See Photo Below) GLASS MAT 17″ x 14″ (43.2 x 35.6 cm). 5 mm thick. Heavy-duty, safety-tempered glass crafting mat with raised nonslip rubber feet. Features a white background printed with a gray grid. Heat and scratch resistant. Wipes clean with water or alcohol. SILICONE MAT 8-3/8″ x 6″ (21.3 x 15.2 cm). Nonslip, multiuse mat. Waterproof and heat resistant. Features 4 palette squares for custom color mixing. White. CLEANING CLOTH 8-1/4″ x 8-1/4″ (21 x 21 cm). Reusable cleaning cloth makes chemical-free cleaning easy: just add water and wipe. Durable, thick, lint-free. Dark gray./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height592 src alt classwp-image-10132 stylewidth:498px;height:auto srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1468w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />figcaption classwp-element-caption>Glass Mat Studio/figcaption>/figure>p>strong>Option 2/strong> – Your choice of an additional $30 in FREE products to add to your Starter Kit./p>p>Sale-a-bration is such an exciting time! I hope you take advantage of these opportunities to earn free products from Stampin’ Up!. Please contact me with any questions you may have!/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width636 height496 src altStampin Up! January - April 2024 Mini Catalog classwp-image-10129 stylewidth:476px;height:auto srcset 636w, 300w, 150w sizesauto, (max-width: 636px) 100vw, 636px />/figure>/div>p>Today is also the day that Stampin’ Up!’s new January – April 2024 Mini Catalog goes live! Woo Hoo! More new products!/p>p>Click strong>a href>here/a>/strong> to view this amazing new mini catalog!/p>p>I hope you enjoy these two new publications! Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10126 classpost-10126 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cards no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Happy New Year/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2024-01-03T13:48:55-07:00 itempropdatePublished>January 3, 2024/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-full is-resized>img loadinglazy decodingasync width712 height720 src alt classwp-image-10127 stylewidth:402px;height:auto srcset 712w, 297w, 148w sizesauto, (max-width: 712px) 100vw, 712px />/figure>/div>p>Happy 2024! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here on my blog. Sorry I’ve been away so long. It’s a new year now and the perfect time to get back to posting. I hope you’ll continue to check back and read my posts. /p>p>I wish you all a new year filled with peace, happiness and joy!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Cards/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10071 classpost-10071 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Bubble Bath/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2023-09-06T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>September 6, 2023/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>I saved the best for last! At least in my opinion. 😊/p>p>Bubble Bath. It’s pink! Last but not least, I am going to share the final new color that Stampin’ Up! added to their color spectrum this year. Bubble Bath is that soft, light pink that we have been waiting for. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10072 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In the first photo, you can see how it compares to the other softer pinks in the Stampin’ Up! spectrum. You can also see how perfectly it goes with Fresh Freesia. These two colors work perfectly together./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10073 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The second photo shows Bubble Bath with other Stampin’ Up! colors. It’s a soft, muted color like Lemon Lolly so it works well with most of the colors./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10074 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>I like all of the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has come up with in their Color Coach. It’s hard to choose a favorite. If I did have to choose, I think I would go with the first combination with Pretty Peacock and Pool Party. So pretty!/p>p>I hope you’ve enjoyed the past few months of our Journey With Color as I’ve introduced you to the colors that Stampin’ Up! has added to their color spectrum this year. Have a great day! Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article>article idpost-10066 classpost-10066 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-journey-with-color no-featured-image-padding itemtype itemscope> div classinside-article> header classentry-header aria-labelContent> h2 classentry-title itempropheadline>a href relbookmark>Journey With Color: Lemon Lolly/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classposted-on>time classentry-date published datetime2023-08-30T08:00:00-06:00 itempropdatePublished>August 30, 2023/time>/span> span classbyline>by span classauthor vcard itempropauthor itemtype itemscope>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Cindy relauthor itempropurl>span classauthor-name itempropname>Cindy/span>/a>/span>/span> /div> /header> div classentry-content itemproptext> p>Lemon Lolly is the color we’re going to talk about in today’s Journey With Color. What a beautiful soft yellow color! I hate to say it, but in my opinion, I’m glad Stampin’ Up! retired So Saffron and replaced it with this lovely yellow. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10067 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>The first photo here shows Lemon Lolly with the other two Stampin’ Up! yellows as well as with So Saffron which it replaced. It’s a good addition. This lighter, softer yellow was needed/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10068 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>In this second photo you can see how Lemon Lolly works with other Stampin’ Up! colors. I think I like it best with the blues but it does look nice with most of the other colors./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy decodingasync width1024 height512 src alt classwp-image-10069 srcset 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1500w sizesauto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>Lastly you can see the color combinations that Stampin’ Up! has come up with in their Color Coach. All three of these combinations are nice but my eye is first drawn to the last combination with the purples./p>p>I’m excited to start using this lovely new color. How about you? Have a great day. Take care and Happy Stamping!/p> /div> footer classentry-meta aria-labelEntry meta> span classcat-links>span classscreen-reader-text>Categories /span>a href relcategory tag>Journey With Color/a>/span> /footer> /div>/article> nav idnav-below classpaging-navigation aria-labelArchive Page> div classnav-previous> span classprev titlePrevious>a href >Older posts/a>/span> /div> div classnav-links>span aria-currentpage classpage-numbers current>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>1/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>2/a>span classpage-numbers dots>…/span>a classpage-numbers href>span classscreen-reader-text>Page/span>103/a>a classnext page-numbers href>Next span aria-hiddentrue>→/span>/a>/div> /nav> /main> /div> div classwidget-area sidebar is-right-sidebar grid-30 tablet-grid-30 grid-parent idright-sidebar> div classinside-right-sidebar> aside idcustom_html-2 classwidget_text widget inner-padding widget_custom_html>div classtextwidget 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