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17 72 23 106 45 252 6 41 18 114 26 161 7 47 16 146 20 220 3 74 7 140 10 147 3 9 132 12 604 12 554 0 601 -1 607 -17z m-3329 -2043 c1 -459 0 -841 -3 -848 -7 -19 -26 -4 -143 110 -175 172 -293 299 -403 438 -65 81 -223 312 -270 393 -19 32 -42 71 -51 85 -34 55 -151 283 -193 376 -35 79 -31 97 25 114 90 27 186 53 250 67 36 8 85 18 110 24 102 23 210 42 300 53 52 6 120 14 150 18 30 4 93 7 140 6 l85 -1 3 -835z m592 829 c41 -5 125 -16 185 -24 154 -21 431 -77 464 -94 11 -6 30 -11 43 -12 13 0 55 -11 93 -23 68 -22 70 -24 68 -54 -2 -17 -11 -48 -21 -69 -87 -178 -166 -331 -178 -344 -8 -8 -14 -20 -14 -25 0 -5 -15 -32 -32 -60 -49 -76 -55 -85 -84 -134 -15 -25 -55 -83 -88 -129 -34 -46 -68 -93 -76 -105 -99 -142 -557 -625 -579 -611 -12 7 -16 1677 -4 1688 10 10 137 8 223 -4z m-2011 -315 c12 -15 21 -31 21 -36 0 -19 158 -345 171 -353 5 -4 9 -12 9 -20 0 -7 16 -37 35 -66 19 -30 35 -57 35 -61 0 -5 16 -31 35 -58 19 -27 35 -52 35 -54 0 -21 322 -463 365 -501 6 -5 31 -35 56 -65 24 -30 49 -59 56 -63 20 -12 16 -47 -4 -47 -31 1 -154 36 -258 75 -38 14 -83 30 -100 35 -16 6 -46 17 -65 26 -19 8 -48 22 -65 29 -223 100 -352 174 -575 330 -158 110 -482 404 -493 446 -6 24 1 32 59 61 28 15 78 41 110 59 32 17 106 56 164 87 121 63 229 121 315 168 33 18 63 33 67 34 4 0 16 -12 27 -26z m3309 -17 c31 -18 82 -45 112 -61 68 -35 187 -98 455 -242 36 -19 61 -39 63 -51 2 -13 -36 -57 -120 -140 -235 -232 -457 -397 -730 -542 -31 -17 -65 -35 -75 -40 -28 -16 -183 -86 -233 -105 -25 -10 -56 -23 -70 -28 -14 -6 -79 -28 -144 -50 -130 -42 -206 -57 -206 -40 0 6 40 57 88 114 82 96 195 238 252 318 49 69 172 256 191 290 11 19 28 49 39 65 49 76 250 478 250 500 0 16 34 45 52 45 11 0 45 -15 76 -33z>/path> /g> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> hr iddesktop-school-navbar-hr/> !-- Seasons links, Photos link, Watch link, Calendar link, and More link --> div idschool-menu classd-flex align-items-center> div idschool-menu-items classd-flex align-items-center w-100> div idfall-teams-button classdesktop-seasons-button d-flex align-items-center> h3 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12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS BASKETBALL /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-girls-basketball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554860/girls/basketball/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classwinter-girls-basketball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554859/girls/basketball/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-debate-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> DEBATE /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-debate-go-back classwinter-debate-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> DEBATE /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-debate-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554889/debate/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-forensics-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> FORENSICS /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-forensics-go-back classwinter-forensics-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> FORENSICS /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-forensics-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554893/forensics/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-girls-gymnastics-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS GYMNASTICS /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-girls-gymnastics-go-back classwinter-girls-gymnastics-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS GYMNASTICS /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-girls-gymnastics-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554881/girls/gymnastics/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-boys-indoor-track-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS INDOOR TRACK /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-boys-indoor-track-go-back classwinter-boys-indoor-track-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS INDOOR TRACK /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-boys-indoor-track-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554890/boys/indoor-track/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classwinter-boys-indoor-track-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4995788/boys/indoor-track/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-girls-indoor-track-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS INDOOR TRACK /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-girls-indoor-track-go-back classwinter-girls-indoor-track-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS INDOOR TRACK /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-girls-indoor-track-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554891/girls/indoor-track/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-scholastic-bowl-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> SCHOLASTIC BOWL /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-scholastic-bowl-go-back classwinter-scholastic-bowl-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> SCHOLASTIC BOWL /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-scholastic-bowl-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554861/scholastic-bowl/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-sideline-cheer-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> SIDELINE CHEER /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-sideline-cheer-go-back classwinter-sideline-cheer-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> SIDELINE CHEER /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-sideline-cheer-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554892/sideline-cheer/varsity-winter tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity Winter /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-boys-swim--dive-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS SWIM & DIVE /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-boys-swim--dive-go-back classwinter-boys-swim--dive-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS SWIM & DIVE /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-boys-swim--dive-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554867/boys/swim-dive/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-girls-swim--dive-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS SWIM & DIVE /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-girls-swim--dive-go-back classwinter-girls-swim--dive-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS SWIM & DIVE /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-girls-swim--dive-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554865/girls/swim-dive/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-boys-wrestling-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS WRESTLING /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-boys-wrestling-go-back classwinter-boys-wrestling-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS WRESTLING /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-boys-wrestling-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/5025324/boys/wrestling/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-girls-wrestling-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS WRESTLING /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-girls-wrestling-go-back classwinter-girls-wrestling-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS WRESTLING /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-girls-wrestling-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/5031335/girls/wrestling/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idwinter-wrestling-program-mobile classwinter-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> WRESTLING /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idwinter-wrestling-go-back classwinter-wrestling-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> WRESTLING /h3> /div> /li> li classwinter-wrestling-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554863/wrestling/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-season-mobile classseason-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 idspring-season-mobile-h3 classfloat-left> spring /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-program-menu w-100> li idspring-go-back classspring-program-item-mobile go-back display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3>spring/h3> /div> /li> li idspring-baseball-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BASEBALL /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-baseball-go-back classspring-baseball-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BASEBALL /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-baseball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554854/baseball/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classspring-baseball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554855/baseball/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-debate-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> DEBATE /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-debate-go-back classspring-debate-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> DEBATE /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-debate-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4675964/debate/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-boys-outdoor-track-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS OUTDOOR TRACK /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-boys-outdoor-track-go-back classspring-boys-outdoor-track-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS OUTDOOR TRACK /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-boys-outdoor-track-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554887/boys/outdoor-track/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-girls-outdoor-track-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS OUTDOOR TRACK /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-girls-outdoor-track-go-back classspring-girls-outdoor-track-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS OUTDOOR TRACK /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-girls-outdoor-track-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554886/girls/outdoor-track/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-boys-soccer-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS SOCCER /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-boys-soccer-go-back classspring-boys-soccer-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> BOYS SOCCER /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-boys-soccer-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554844/boys/soccer/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classspring-boys-soccer-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554884/boys/soccer/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-girls-soccer-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS SOCCER /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-girls-soccer-go-back classspring-girls-soccer-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> GIRLS SOCCER /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-girls-soccer-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554845/girls/soccer/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classspring-girls-soccer-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554888/girls/soccer/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-softball-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classgo-to-next-menu w-100> h3 classfloat-left> SOFTBALL /h3> svg classfloat-right xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> /div> ul classmobile-team-menu w-100> li idspring-softball-go-back classspring-softball-team-item-mobile go-back align-items-center none border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> div classd-flex align-item-center> svg xmlns viewBox0 0 20 20> path dM9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757 6.586 4.343 8z>/path> /svg> h3 classfloat-left> SOFTBALL /h3> /div> /li> li classspring-softball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554846/softball/varsity tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> Varsity /h3> /a> /li> li classspring-softball-team-item-mobile display-none align-items-center border-bottom border-dark tabindex0> a href/teams/4554847/softball/jv tabindex-1> h3 classml-2 font-medium> JV /h3> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li idspring-boys-tennis-program-mobile classspring-program-item-mobile display-none align-items-center 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classtext-decoration-none>h3>COED FOOTBALL/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4932387/coed/football/varsity> p>Varsity/p> /a> a href/teams/4938264/coed/football/junior-varsity> p>Junior Varsity/p> /a> a href/teams/4938262/coed/football/8th-grade> p>8th Grade/p> /a> /div> /div> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>FOOTBALL/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4554851/football/varsity> p>Varsity/p> /a> a href/teams/4554850/football/jv> p>JV/p> /a> a href/teams/4554882/football/ms> p>MS/p> /a> /div> /div> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>GOLF/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4554876/golf/varsity> p>Varsity/p> /a> a href/teams/4554856/golf/jv> p>JV/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classdesktop-program-row d-flex> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> 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flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>SCHOLASTIC BOWL/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4554861/scholastic-bowl/varsity> p>Varsity/p> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classdesktop-program-row d-flex> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>SIDELINE CHEER/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4554892/sideline-cheer/varsity-winter> p>Varsity Winter/p> /a> /div> /div> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>BOYS SWIM & DIVE/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a href/teams/4554867/boys/swim-dive/varsity> p>Varsity/p> /a> /div> /div> div classposition-relative flex-column col-3> div classteam-list> a hrefjavascript:void(0) classtext-decoration-none>h3>GIRLS SWIM & DIVE/h3>/a> hr rolepresentation aria-hiddentrue/> a 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btn-header> i classmaterial-icons>view_module/i> /button> /div> /header> div classsection-body> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2025-01-27T13:03:26+00:00>Jan 27/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 27 – Feb 02 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Jan 27 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Harrisonburg High School, Rocktown High School, Broadway High School Harrisonburg, Broadway, Rocktown High School 5:30 pm | Harrisonburg High School Jan 28 Boys Varsity Basketball at East Rockingham High School East Rockingham Eagles vs Spotswood Trailblazers 5:30 pm | East Rockingham High School Buy tickets Jan 28 Girls Varsity/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 20 – Jan 26> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2025-01-20T13:19:59+00:00>Jan 20/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 20 – Jan 26 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Jan 21 Girls Varsity Basketball vs. William Monroe High School Spotswood Trailblazers vs William Monroe Dragons 5:30 pm | Spotswood High School Buy tickets Jan 21 Boys Varsity Basketball vs. William Monroe High School Spotswood Trailblazers vs William Monroe Dragons 5:30 pm | Spotswood High School Buy tickets Jan 21 Boys JV Basketball at William/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 13 – Jan 19> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2025-01-13T13:51:29+00:00>Jan 13/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 13 – Jan 19 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Jan 13 Varsity Scholastic Bowl vs. Broadway High School, East Rockingham High School, William Monroe High School Broadway, East Rockingham, William Monroe 5:30 pm | Spotswood High School Jan 13 Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Riverbend High School Spotswood Trailblazers vs Riverbend Bears 5:30 pm | Spotswood High School Buy tickets Jan 13 Varsity Scholastic Bowl/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 06 – Jan 12> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2025-01-06T13:21:23+00:00>Jan 6/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Jan 06 – Jan 12 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Jan 06 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Broadway High School, Rocktown High School, Harrisonburg High School Harrisonburg, Broadway, Rocktown High School – Harrisonburg, Broadway, Rocktown High School 5:30 pm | Harrisonburg High School Jan 06 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Harrisonburg High School, Rocktown High School, Broadway High School Harrisonburg, Broadway, Rocktown High School 5:30 pm |/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 30 – Jan 05> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-12-30T12:50:02+00:00>Dec 30/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 30 – Jan 05 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Dec 30 Boys Varsity Basketball vs. E.C. Glass High School E.C. Glass 6:30 pm | Spotswood High School videocam Watch live Dec 30 Girls Varsity Basketball vs. E.C. Glass High School E.C. Glass 8:00 pm | Spotswood High School videocam Watch live Jan 02 Boys JV Basketball vs. East Rockingham High School East Rockingham 1:00/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 23 – Dec 29> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-12-23T12:43:48+00:00>Dec 23/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 23 – Dec 29 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Dec 27 Girls JV Basketball vs. Tba TBA TBA | Spotswood High School Dec 27 Boys JV Basketball at Tba TBA TBA | Wilson Memorial High School Dec 27 Varsity Wrestling at Glenvar High School, Heritage High School, Brookville High School, East Rockingham High School, Rustburg High School, William Byrd High School, Pulaski County High/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 16 – Dec 22> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-12-16T12:31:17+00:00>Dec 16/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 16 – Dec 22 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Dec 16 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Rockbridge County High School, Broadway High School, Turner Ashby High School Rockbridge County, Broadway, Turner Ashby – Rockbridge County, Broadway, Turner Ashby 5:30 pm | Rockbridge County High School Dec 16 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Broadway High School, Rockbridge County High School, Turner Ashby High School Rockbridge County, Broadway,/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 09 – Dec 15> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-12-09T13:28:13+00:00>Dec 9/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 09 – Dec 15 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Dec 09 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at Harrisonburg High School, Rocktown High School, William Monroe High School Harrisonburg, Rocktown High School, William Monroe – Harrisonburg, Rocktown High School, William Monroe 5:30 pm | Harrisonburg HS Dec 09 Varsity Scholastic Bowl at William Monroe High School, Harrisonburg High School, Rocktown High School, Rockbridge County High School Harrisonburg,/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 02 – Dec 08> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-12-02T13:01:21+00:00>Dec 2/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Dec 02 – Dec 08 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Dec 02 Girls JV Basketball vs. Lord Botetourt High School Spotswood Trailblazers vs Lord Botetourt Cavaliers 5:30 pm | Spotswood High School videocam Watch live Buy tickets Dec 02 Varsity Scholastic Bowl vs. Harrisonburg High School, Turner Ashby High School, East Rockingham High School East Rockingham, Harrisonburg, Turner Ashby – East Rockingham, Harrisonburg, Turner Ashby/p>/div>/div>/article> article data-vnn-news-feed-itemtrue classnews-feed-item> div classmedia-left> div classfeatured-thumbnail-target> img classimg-seo featured-thumbnail-outlet stylebackground: url( 50% 0% / cover no-repeat rgba(0,0,0,.87); src altAll Teams Schedule: Week of Nov 25 – Dec 01> /div> /div>div classarticle-body> h2 classtitle-2> small classarticle-meta display-4> span>Trailblazers News/span> span classdot>·/span> time classupdated time datetime2024-11-25T12:42:26+00:00>Nov 25/time> /small> a href classarticle-title jquery-dot-ellipsis> All Teams Schedule: Week of Nov 25 – Dec 01 /a>/h2> div classarticle-summary jquery-dot-ellipsis> p>Nov 25 Girls Varsity Basketball at Handley High School 5:30 pm videocam Watch live Nov 26 Girls JV Basketball at Handley High School John Handley 6:00 pm | John Handley High School Nov 26 Girls Varsity Basketball at Handley High School John Handley 7:30 pm | John Handley High School Nov 27 Boys JV/p>/div>/div>/article> /div> nav aria-labelNews feed page navigation> ul classpagination justify-content-center> li classpage-item disabled> a classpage-link with-icon href> i classmaterial-icons aria-hiddentrue>first_page/i> span classsr-only>First Page/span> /a> /li> li classpage-item disabled> a classpage-link with-icon href> i classmaterial-icons aria-hiddentrue>chevron_left/i> span classsr-only>Previous Page/span> /a> /li> li classpage-item page-index active> a classpage-link href>1/a> /li> li classpage-item page-index> a classpage-link href>2/a> /li> li classpage-item page-index> a classpage-link href>3/a> /li> li classpage-item page-index> a classpage-link href>4/a> /li> li classpage-item page-index> a classpage-link href>5/a> /li> li classpage-item page-ellipsis 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L54.082963,21.0222222 L55.8785185,16.5451852 L54.2548148,16.5451852 L56.8237037,10.1807407 L56.88,10.1807407 L59.9822222,21.0222222 L65.9466667,21.0222222 L71.6592593,7.1437037 L73.2296296,7.1437037 L74.9837037,2.80296296 L67.6859259,2.80296296 L65.9348148,7.1437037 L67.4518519,7.1437037 L67.4518519,7.1437037 L67.4518519,7.1437037 L67.4518519,7.1437037 Z M76.082963,3.25925926 L74.3288889,7.6 L74.0325926,8.34074074 L72.4562963,8.34074074 L67.042963,21.4755556 L66.7466667,22.2103704 L59.0903704,22.2103704 L58.8444444,21.3511111 L57.3362963,16.0888889 L56.9777778,16.9777778 L55.1822222,21.4577778 L54.8859259,22.2014815 L44.9037037,22.2014815 L45.5555556,20.5748148 L47.3511111,16.0948148 L47.6474074,15.3511111 L49.2474074,15.3511111 L52.0888889,8.32 L50.4888889,8.32 L51.1466667,6.69037037 L52.9007407,2.37037037 L53.197037,1.62962963 L63.4577778,1.62962963 L63.7037037,2.47111111 L64.8888889,6.53925926 L66.5896296,2.37037037 L66.8859259,1.62962963 L76.7407407,1.62962963 L76.082963,3.25925926 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