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It is hoped that the information is pleasing to Yahweh Jesus and effective in helping people experience well-being and true freedom. Jesus said to those Jews who had believed Him: i>If you abide in my word, you really are my disciples; and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free./i> - John 8:31,32 /center>/p> br> div classrow> div classcol-sm-4> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item list-group-item-info>big>b>Jesus, Spirituality, and the Bible/b>/big>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefChristian/How-to-be-saved.html>How to be Saved/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefChristian/Read-Bible.html>Tips on Reading the Bible/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefChristian/How_Why_Read_Study_Bible.ppt>How and Why to Read and Study the Bible (PowerPoint)/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefNT>New Testament Enjoyment Tools/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefOT>Old Testament Enjoyment Tools/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefNT/Majority-text/Majority_text.htm>Why the Majority Greek Text Is Superior to the Westcott-Hort-Nestle Text/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefTheology>Basic Christian 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/ul> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item list-group-item-info>big>b>Science and Technology/b>/big>/li> li classlist-group-item>a href>Is Convenient Technology Your Enemy?/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefTechnology/Blockchain-bait-and-switch.html>Blockchain Bait and Switch/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefTechnology/Social-media-mind-control.html>Social Media Mind Control/a>/li> /ul> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item list-group-item-info>big>b>Situational Awareness (USA)/b>/big>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefProphecy/Sodom-America.html>Understanding the Times in Sodom America/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefProphecy/Bro-Bob-2007-1.html>Brother Bobs Visionbr>of the Global Economic Crash/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Grey-terror.html>Grey terror: Has it started in the USA?/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefMoney/Investing-Today/Facing-Perilous-Times.htm>Facing Perilous Times/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Mainstream-news.htm>Why Nobody Should Trust the US Mainstream News/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a href>911 and the Luciferean Agenda/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/US-Civil-War-2.ppt>The Coming Civil War in the US (PowerPoint)/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/un-peacekeepers-in-us.html>UN Peacekeepers Prepositioned in the US/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Russia-Attack-US.htm>The Coming Russian Attack on America/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefProphecy/Dreams-regarding-America.html>Visions and Dreams Regarding America/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- /.col-sm-4 --> div classcol-sm-4> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item list-group-item-info>big>b>Situational Awareness (General)/b>/big>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefUfology>UFOs, Aliens and Alien Abductions/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefUfology/Aliens_and_Fallen_angels.ppt>Aliens and Fallen Angels (PowerPoint)/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/How-to-acquire-good-info-sources.html>How to Acquire Good Information Sources/a>/li> /ul> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item list-group-item-info>big>b>Conspiracy Analysis/b>/big>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefChristian/Jesus-conspiratorial-worldview.html>Jesus Conspiratorial Worldview/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Conspiracy.htm>Why Thinking People Should Consider the Validity and Implications of Selected Conspiracy Theories/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/False-flags.ppt>False Flag Operations (PowerPoint)/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefProphecy/NWO.html>New World Order Information/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Bank_trick.htm>How Some Rich Bankers Tricked the American People and Gained Control of the Worlds Economic, Political, Legal and Educational Systems/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Silent-Weapons.htm>Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>a hrefArticles/Conspiracy-analyst-prayer.html>Psalm 64: A Conspiracy Analysts Prayer for Divine Protection/a>/li> li classlist-group-item>small>The whole world is under the power of the devil and his agents (1 John 5:19), so why would anyone think that the worlds governments and major institutions are not infiltrated and being used by the devil today? And why would anyone think that the devils agents are going to provide an affidavit every time they conspire to do evil? Its time for people to face reality and use their God-given brains to understand how bad the situation is now./small>/li> /ul> /div>!-- /.col-sm-4 --> /div>!-- /.row --> div classalert alert-info rolealert> p>In the information age, not all information is of equal importance, and not all information sources are reliable. This web site is intended to provide information that is helpful, not widely known today and hopefully mostly true. It aims to help people know Jesus and follow Him so they can experience His love, joy and peace and protection, overcome the works of the devil in their lives, understand the times we live in and prepare for eternity. Nobody has ever been 100% true except Jesus Christ, our creator and the Savior of the world./p> p>If would like to ask a question, make a suggestion, point out something that appears to be inaccurate, or support the work to maintain and update this website, please a>Feedback/a>./p> /div> /div>!-- /container -->!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript --> !-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> script src>/script> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js>/script> script srcjs/docs.min.js>/script> !-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug --> script srcjs/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js>/script> /body>/html>
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