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It should be an expression of oneself. To this end, our designs encompass both elegance and functionality and are appealing to the eye and enrich the soul./p>p classtext-left mt-4>a href#approach classbtn btn-outline-primary>NEXT: Approach/a>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> section idapproach>div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-primary text- vh-100 style > div classcontainer mt-0 mb-0 pt-5 pb-5 vh-100 > div classrow vh-100 align-items-center justify-content-center > div classcol-md-8 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > h2 classtext-white>Approach/h2>p classtext-white>Solstice Design prioritizes listening and communication. We form true partnerships with every client. This approach allows us to provide design solutions that meet each individual customer’s aesthetics, ideas and budgetary needs. By combining our exceptional planning and project management abilities with our stellar facilitation skills, Solstice Design enables clients to see the possibilities of sophisticated home design and decor in a concise, unintimidating light./p>p classtext-left mt-4>a data-udiumb://document/7e2d674a7e82471bb97b8dd7a4c486ff href/design-services titleDesign Services classbtn btn-outline-white btn-round>NEXT PAGE: Design Services/a>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /section> /div> footer class> div >div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-secondary-dark text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-3 pb-0 > div classrow justify-content-start > div classcol-md-3 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > ul classwidget-social-links >li>a aria-labelFacebook Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-facebook-square>/i>/a> /li> li>a aria-labelHozz Page target_blank href>i aria-hiddentrue classfa fa-houzz hidden-xs>/i>/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div >div classoutermost astrip stripGridManual stripGrid2Cell bg-secondary-dark text- style > div classcontainer-fluid mt-0 mb-0 pt-2 pb-3 > div classrow justify-content-center > div classcol-md-3 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > p>©2020 Solstice Design/p> /div> div classcol-md-6 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > p styletext-align: center;>80 Wild Pasture Road • span>Kensington, NH 03833/span>/p> /div> div classcol-md-3 bg- pt-0 pb-0 style > p styletext-align: right;>Hand-Crafted by a relnoopener href target_blank titleFlylight Media Portsmouth NH>Flylight Media/a>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /footer> /div> script>var observer lozad(.lazy, { threshold: .1, enableAutoReload: !0, load: function (e) { e.src e.getAttribute(data-src), e.onload function () { } } }); var backgroundObserver lozad(.lazybg, { threshold: .1 }); observer.observe(); backgroundObserver.observe();/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src typetext/javascript >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> script src >/script> /body>/html>
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