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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmlcontent-length: 707date: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:56:54 GMTserver: LiteSpeedlocation: User-Agent !DOCTYPE html>html styleheight:100%>head>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno />title> 301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body stylecolor: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;>div styleheight:auto; min-height:100%; > div styletext-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;> h1 stylemargin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;>301/h1>h2 stylemargin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;>Moved Permanently/h2>p>The document has been permanently moved./p>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100cache-control: public, max-age30expires: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:57:25 GMTcontent-type: text/htmllast-modified: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 08:22:02 GMTaccept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 18420date: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 19:56:55 GMTserver: LiteSpeedvary: User-Agent !doctype html>!-- snapbackup v6.7.0 ~~ ~~ GPL-3.0 License -->!-- - - - - - - - - -->!-- Snap Backup -->!-- -->!-- - - - - - - - - -->html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namerobots contentindex, follow> meta namedescription contentThe one-click backup utility - Snap Backup - The one-click backup utility> meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-title contentSnap Backup> meta namegoogle-site-verification contentud5xLLtUoThVgnKndF7or9eGz1j77lyXiz__So5GMXc> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image> meta nametwitter:title contentSnap Backup> meta nametwitter:description contentThe one-click backup utility> meta propertyog:title contentSnap Backup - The one-click backup utility> meta propertyog:description contentThe one-click backup utility> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:image:alt contentLogo> title>Snap Backup • The one-click backup utility/title> link relicon hrefgraphics/bookmark.5c01be31.png> link relapple-touch-icon hrefgraphics/mobile-home-screen.4a961f5e.png> link relpreconnect href> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet href> link relstylesheet hrefstyle.897e8723.css> script defer src>/script> script defer src>/script> script defer src>/script> script defer srcapp.min.00ee6426.js>/script>/head>body>nav classhamburger-menu> a classhamburger href#>☰/a> aside> ul> li data-menugateway> a href.>Home/a>/li> li data-menupreview> a href./screen>Preview/a>/li> li data-menudownload> a href./download>Download/a>/li> li data-menufaq> a href./faq>Answers/a>/li> li data-menutranslate>a href./translate>Translate/a>/li> li data-menuabout> a href./about>About/a>/li> /ul> /aside>/nav>header> div classarch>div>/div>/div> h1>Snap Backup/h1> aside> a href> img srcgraphics/snap-backup-icon.cc8a50d2.png altlogo> /a> /aside> a idfork-me href>Fork me on GitHub/a>/header>main data-menugateway> section> p> Snap Backupsup>®/sup> is i>The one-click backup utility/i> that makes it simple to protect your important work. /p> figure> button data-hrefdownload>i data-icondownload>/i>Download/button> figcaption> a hrefsnap-backup-user-guide.html classexternal-site>User Guide/a> /figcaption> /figure> h2>Protecting your data should be easy/h2> p> Snap Backup is open source (a href>GPLv3/a>) and free for all to use and modify. /p> h3>Supported languages:/h3> aside classsimple> figure> figcaption>The one-click backup utility/figcaption> a hrefscreen>img srcgraphics/screenshots/mac.ee2d1f60.png altscreenshot>/a> /figure> /aside> p> Albanian (Shqip) img srcgraphics/flags/language-sq.2a996dba.png altsq>br>Dutch (Nederlands) img srcgraphics/flags/language-nl.14a24a9e.png altnl>br>English img srcgraphics/flags/language-en.042f2ca8.png alten>br>Esperanto img srcgraphics/flags/language-eo.79c40fa2.png alteo>br>German (Deutsch) img srcgraphics/flags/language-de.75297b13.png altde>br>Indonesian (Bahasa) img srcgraphics/flags/language-id.e951d17d.png altid>br>Italian (Italiano) img srcgraphics/flags/language-it.8ff51b4f.png altit>br>Korean (한국어) img srcgraphics/flags/language-ko.75a92f18.png altko>br>Portuguese (Português) img srcgraphics/flags/language-pt.e95bf168.png altpt>br>Romanian (Română) img srcgraphics/flags/language-ro.c8c63aa8.png altro>br>Russian (Русский) img srcgraphics/flags/language-ru.14b426c8.png altru>br>Spanish (Español) img srcgraphics/flags/language-es.c3a4e175.png altes>br>Slovene (Slovenščina) img srcgraphics/flags/language-sl.728e10e8.png altsl>br> /p> h3>Snap Backup:/h3> ul> li>A single click to perform a backup/li> li>Configurable settings/li> li>Runs on macOS, Linux, Unix, and Windows/li> li>Supports multiple languages/li> /ul> p> The first time you run Snap Backup, you configure where your data files reside and where to create backup files. Snap Backup will also copy your backup to an archive location, such as a USB flash drive (memory stick), external hard drive, or a href classexternal-site>cloud backup/a>. Snap Backup automatically puts the current date in the backup file name, alleviating you from the tedious task of renaming your backup file every time you backup. The backup file is a single compressed zip file that can be read by standard zip programs such as gzip, 7-Zip, The Unarchiver, and Macs built-in Archive Utility. /p> /section> section> h2>News/h2> div> div classnews> div> cite>December 11, 2024/cite> p>Snap Backup release 6.7.0 improves the Italian translation thanks to a href>WVam/a>./p> /div> div> cite>February 4, 2024/cite> p>Snap Backup release 6.6.0 supports Apple silicon (M1, M2, and M3)./p> /div> div> cite>September 30, 2022/cite> p>Snap Backup release 6.5.0 autosaves your settings./p> /div> div> cite>August 5, 2017/cite> p>Snap Backup release 6.2.0 improves the show largest files option./p> /div> div> cite>August 16, 2015/cite> p>Snap Backup 6.0.0 is released with support for larger backup files./p> /div>/div>!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->div classreveal-button data-revealmore-news>More news.../div>div classreveal-target data-revealmore-news>!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> div> cite>January 26, 2014/cite> p>The new code repository has been created on a href>GitHub/a> i data-brandgithub-alt data-href>/i>. /p> /div> div> cite>January 27, 2013/cite> p>Domain registration for i>> is now with a href classexternal-site>Namecheap/a>./p> /div> div> cite>March 28, 2012/cite> p>Snap Backup + Dropbox a href classexternal-site>Free Cloud Backup/a>/p> /div> div> cite>April 23, 2011/cite> p>Albanian is now included in version 5.6 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Vahidin Qerimi/a>./p> /div> div> cite>January 2, 2011/cite> p>Romanian is now included in version 5.5 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Dany/a>./p> /div> div> cite>October 27, 2010/cite> p>Version 5.4 has a performance improvement to launch quicker./p> /div> div> cite>April 18, 2010/cite> p>Indonesian is now included in version 5.3 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Andy Saksono/a>./p> /div> div> cite>January 2, 2010/cite> p>Version 5.2 adds a feature to report on the largest files in the backup./p> /div> div> cite>June 2, 2009/cite> p>Version 5.1 adds a feature to check for updates./p> /div> div> cite>May 6, 2009/cite> p>Version 5.0 adds export and import for user settings./p> /div> div> cite>September 10, 2008/cite> p>Slovene (Slovenian) is now included in version 4.5 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Sašo Topolovec/a>./p> /div> div> cite>April 12, 2007/cite> p>Snap Backup is now open source under the GNU General Public License. The project del>is/del> i>was/i> hosted on Google Code./p> /div> div> cite>June 9, 2006/cite> p>a href classexternal-site>Korean/a> is now included in version 4.4./p> /div> div> cite>May 7, 2006/cite> p>Portuguese is now included in version 4.3 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Antonio de Rezende, Jr./a>/p> /div> div> cite>April 23, 2006/cite> p>Spanish is now included in version 4.2 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Angel Herráez/a>./p> /div> div> cite>January 18, 2006/cite> p>Dutch is now included in version 4.1 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Oscar Laurens Schrover/a>./p> /div> div> cite>December 1, 2005/cite> p>Version 3.8 adds support for selectable user interface skins./p> /div> div> cite>September 22, 2005/cite> p>Version 3.6 adds a command-line option and support for Esperanto by a href classexternal-site>Suzanne Bolduc/a>./p> /div> div> cite>September 2, 2005/cite> p>With version 3.4, the filter feature now supports folder names in addition to file names./p> /div> div> cite>July 5, 2005/cite> p>German is now included in version 3.3 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Pascál Bihler/a> and a href classexternal-site>Carlos Maltzahn/a>./p> /div> div> cite>June 17, 2005/cite> p>Italian is now included in version 3.2 thanks to a href classexternal-site>Giorgio Ponza/a>./p> /div> div> cite>June 1, 2005/cite> p>Version 3.1 adds filters for increased control over exactly which files to backup./p> /div> div> cite>May 9, 2005/cite> p>Version 3.0 adds multiple profile support for saving different backup settings./p> /div>/div> /div> /section> section> h2>Take control/h2> p> System administrators have backup procedures for their company servers, databases, and network files. Individual computer users, on the other hand, are usually left to fend for themselves. Snap Backup is the simple answer for individual users, in the corporation or at home, who want to protect their valuable data. /p> /section> section> h2>For everyone/h2> aside classsimple> a href classexternal-site> img srcgraphics/logo-java.4d31d96d.png stylewidth: 150px; altjava>/a> /aside> p> Snap Backup is written in Java Swing and designed to run on any computer with Java. The project is a href>open source/a> and internationalized (meaning we just need to translate the words to support new languages). Check out the a hreftranslate>translation/a> page if you want to help translate Snap Backup into your favorite language. /p> /section> section> h2>Random/h2> p idsocial-buttons>/p> div> div> i>Ive used Snap Backup for some years, so simple! can I donate some $$$/i>br> —>br> !-- , February 2, 2019 --> i>Your Snapbackup application is very nice./i>br> —>br> !-- , February 27, 2015 --> i>Love the program, simple, doesnt overwrite existing backups./i>br> —>br> !-- , February 6, 2015 --> i>very good efforts, easy to use, compact, very impressive work thanks for keeping it OS/i>br> —>br> !-- , January 28, 2010 --> i>truly amazing product! thanks a million for making my backup routines so incredibly easy :)/i>br> —>br> !-- , January 28, 2010 --> i>Excelent Software!!! it make backups easy and fast.../i>br> —>br> !-- , November 6, 2010 --> i>very good ,excellent utility i have everseen for backup/i>br> —>br> !-- , April 12, 2009 --> i>nice software. simple and java based/i>br> —>br> !-- , March 31, 2009 --> i>very nice backup tool, thanks a lot./i>br> —>br> !-- , December 1, 2008 --> i>thank you for the very good backup tool./i>br> —>br> !-- , July 6, 2008 --> i>I just used snap for the first time last week. I had been using winzip for backups for years. Im totaly hooked and like your product! I hope you are well and thank you!/i>br> —>br> !-- , June 10, 2008 --> i>Have found the program very useful. I suspect may other people have / will too. Do you guys have a Pay Pal Account where we mortals can make donations./i>br> —>br> !-- , June 1, 2008 --> i>snapbackup is a wonderful utility/i>br> —>br> !-- , May 19, 2008 --> i>that is a greate app for backup/i>br> —>br> !-- , March 3, 2008 -->/div>!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->div classreveal-button data-revealmore-comments>More.../div>div classreveal-target data-revealmore-comments>!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> i>Snap Backup is exactly that, what I need. Simply and useful :-) Thanks for this Program./i>br> —>br> !-- , November 28, 2007 --> i>Just wanted to comment that Snap Backup works well under OS/2, which is an old operating system however still in use and has JAVA v 1.42./i>br> —>br> !-- , July 3, 2007 --> i>what a good app, well done!/i>br> —>br> !-- , June 9, 2007 --> i>bigthx 4 d great app/i>br> —>br> !-- , October 20, 2006 --> i>Great product, and so easy to use. I have tried numerous backup utilities (paying ones), and have abandoned using them due to complexity. Hard to believe its free, so thanks again. Will certainly recommend to others./i>br> —>br> !-- , April 4, 2006 --> i>Thanks for this great utility!/i>br> —>br> !-- , April 2, 2006 --> i>I recently downloaded Snap Backup and began using it. I like it... a nice simple, user freindly application. Thanks./i>br> —>br> !-- , February 18, 2006 --> i>Thanx for this cool platform independent backup solution that is very easy to handle on both Linux and Windows boxes! Exactly what Ive been looking for./i>br> —>br> !-- , December 12, 2005 --> i>Love it! Clean and easy. Thanks!/i>br> —>br> !-- , November 28, 2005 --> i>Very clear interface!/i>br> —>br> !-- , October 25, 2005 --> i>Great software!/i>br> —>br> !-- , October 15, 2005 --> i>Excellent utility - thanks./i>br> —>br> !-- , August 21, 2005 --> i>I love your backup program, thanks for building it.../i>br> —>br> !-- , September 13, 2004 --> i>Thanks for a nice program.../i>br> —> !-- , November 23, 2003 -->/div> /div> /section> section> h2>More Information/h2> p> If you have a question, check out the a hreffaq>FAQ/a> or create a new a href>issue/a>. /p> /section>/main>footer> div> div classexternal-site> a rellicense href data-licensecc-by-sa> i data-brandcreative-commons>/i> /a> /div> p classplain> a href>>br> Snap Backupsup>®/sup> is a registered trademark of a href>Center Key/a>br> Java is a registered trademark of Oraclebr> Other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners /p> /div>/footer>/body>/html>
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