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div idnavigation classsite-nav> div classsite-nav-inner> div classcontainer> header idmasthead classsite-header rolebanner> h1 classsite-title display-logo>a href titleMy Shopping World relhome>img altMy Shopping World src />/a>/h1>p classsite-subtitle>Inside The Mind Of A Shopaholic/p>h2 classsite-description>I am a self-confessed shopaholic. I love shopping and through my blog I want to share some of my experiences strolling through shopping malls with you. You know, their are many bargains out there... You just have to go out and find them... :)/h2> /header> div idmain-sidebar classwidget-area rolecomplementary> aside ida2a_follow_widget-2 classwidget widget_a2a_follow_widget>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_follow addtoany_list>a classa2a_button_facebook href titleFacebook relnoopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter href titleTwitter relnoopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_instagram href titleInstagram relnoopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_pinterest href titlePinterest relnoopener target_blank>/a>/div>/aside>aside idnav_menu-2 classwidget widget_nav_menu>div classmenu-menu1-container>ul idmenu-menu1 classmenu>li idmenu-item-19 classmenu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-19>a href aria-currentpage>Home/a>/li>li idmenu-item-20 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-20>a href>Hello/a>/li>li idmenu-item-21 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-21>a href>Message Me/a>/li>li idmenu-item-22 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-22>a href>Privacy Policy/a>/li>li idmenu-item-23 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-23>a href>Terms of Use/a>/li>/ul>/div>/aside>aside idmedia_image-6 classwidget widget_media_image>a href>img width300 height600 src classimage wp-image-233 attachment-full size-full altCuban Cigars at Cigar Box Shop loadinglazy stylemax-width: 100%; height: auto; srcset 300w, 150w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/aside>aside idmedia_image-12 classwidget widget_media_image>a href>img width300 height600 src classimage wp-image-240 attachment-full size-full altHospital Bed Rental loadinglazy stylemax-width: 100%; height: auto; srcset 300w, 150w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/aside>aside idmedia_image-16 classwidget widget_media_image>a href>img width300 height600 src classimage wp-image-244 attachment-full size-full altHow to clean coloured contact lenses loadinglazy stylemax-width: 100%; height: auto; srcset 300w, 150w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/aside>aside idblock-3 classwidget widget_block widget_media_image>figure classwp-block-image size-full>a href>img loadinglazy width300 height600 src alt classwp-image-336 srcset 300w, 150w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/a>/figure>/aside>/div> /div> /div> /div> div idactions classsite-actions clearfix> div classaction show-site-nav> i classicon-reorder>/i> /div> div classclearfix actions> div classaction search> form action classaction searchform> input typetext placeholderSearch ids names classsearch-query> label fors>/label> /form> /div> a classback-top action href#page>i classicon-chevron-up>/i>/a> div classaction socials> i classicon-link active-socials>/i> ul classunstyled list-socials clearfix stylewidth: 200px;> li classsocial>a href#>i classicon-facebook>/i>/a>/li> li classsocial>a href#>i classicon-twitter>/i>/a>/li> li classsocial>a href#>i classicon-google-plus>/i>/a>/li> li classsocial>a href#>i classicon-youtube>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div idmain classsite-main> div classsite-main-inner> div classcontainer clearfix> div idprimary classcontent-area> div classprimary-inner> div idcontent classsite-content content-list rolemain> article idpost-380 classpost-380 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Upgrade Your Smoking Accessories Now/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:52 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2025-01-13T04:52:36+00:00>January 13, 2025/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height853 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image althow to use boveda humidor bag loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Enhancing your smoking experience starts with having the right tools and accessories that complement and elevate your moments of relaxation. a href>Learning how to use Boveda humidor bag is essential/a> for maintaining the freshness and quality of your cigars, ensuring they provide the best flavour and experience. For those with larger collections, a href>a humidor cabinet offers an ideal storage solution,/a> combining practicality with aesthetic appeal. These accessories are vital for preserving your smoking essentials, making every session more enjoyable and luxurious./p>p>Smoking accessories are more than just tools—they’re a way to personalize and enhance your experience. Whether you’re a casual smoker or a passionate collector, the right accessories ensure convenience, better preservation, and a touch of sophistication. From keeping your cigars fresh to adding style to your routine, these items can turn a simple habit into a refined ritual./p>p>A humidor is a must-have for cigar enthusiasts, as these storage devices maintain the perfect humidity levels to keep cigars fresh and flavorful. Humidors come in various sizes, from trim travel options to larger, elegant cabinets that double as display pieces. For those managing extensive collections, investing in a high-quality humidor cabinet ensures cigars remain pristine while adding a stylish focal point to your space. Equally important is a cigar cutter, which provides a clean, precise cut crucial for an optimal draw and flavour. Available in guillotine, punch, and V-cut styles, upgrading to a premium cutter ensures consistency and ease./p>p>Lighters are another essential tool, as standard options may suffice in a pinch, but cigar lighters are designed for an even, efficient burn. Torch lighters, in particular, are valued for their precision and wind resistance, making them a reliable choice. For short-term storage or travel, Boveda humidor bags offer a practical solution. Learning how to use the Boveda humidor bag is simple—place your cigars inside with the Boveda pack, which automatically regulates humidity./p>p>On top of that, an ashtray is a staple accessory, and upgrading to a stylish or uniquely designed one can elevate the ambience. Modern ashtray options range from minimalist glass designs to elaborate, artistic pieces that double as conversation starters. These accessories collectively enhance the smoking experience, ensuring it is enjoyable and refined./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height200 src althumidor cabinet classwp-image-382 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1279w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p>Upgrading your smoking accessories offers numerous advantages, including enhanced flavour and freshness. Proper storage and tools ensure that cigars maintain their intended flavour and aroma, with well-humidified cigars burning evenly and delivering a more decadent experience than dried-out ones. High-quality accessories like lighters, cutters, and humidors also provide convenience and efficiency, saving time and effort while making smoking sessions smoother and more enjoyable./p>p>Beyond functionality, luxury smoking accessories add a touch of elegance to your space, showcasing your appreciation for quality. These items reflect your style and elevate your environment. Also, proper tools and storage protect your cigars from damage, ensuring that even rare or expensive items retain their value and usability over time, preserving your collection for years./p>p>Selecting the perfect accessories depends on your preferences, habits, and budget. Consider these tips:/p>ol type1>li>strong>Determine Your Needs/strong>: A compact humidor or Boveda bag may suffice if you smoke occasionally. A larger cabinet is a better investment for frequent smokers or collectors./li>li>strong>Quality Over Quantity/strong>: Opt for durable, reliable accessories made from premium materials to ensure longevity and performance./li>li>strong>Personal Style/strong>: Choose designs and finishes that align with your aesthetic, whether minimalist, vintage, or modern./li>li>strong>Seek Expert Advice/strong>: Visit specialty stores or consult experienced smokers for recommendations on trusted brands and products./li>/ol>p>Upgrading your smoking accessories is only part of the equation—proper maintenance is equally crucial. For example:/p>ul>li>Regularly check and refill the humidity levels in your humidor or Boveda humidor bag./li>li>Clean your cigar cutter and lighter to prevent residue buildup from affecting performance./li>li>Periodically organize your collection in your humidor cabinet to ensure even air circulation./li>/ul>p>By taking care of your accessories, you’ll extend their lifespan and enhance their functionality./p>p>Smoking accessories are continually evolving, with new trends and innovations emerging to enhance the experience. Some popular trends include:/p>ul>li>strong>Sustainable Materials/strong>: Accessories made from eco-friendly or recycled materials are gaining popularity./li>li>strong>Smart Humidors/strong>: Advanced humidors equipped with digital monitoring systems make it easier to track humidity levels and conditions remotely./li>li>strong>Customizable Designs/strong>: Many brands now offer personalized lighters, ashtrays, and humidors, allowing smokers to add a unique touch to their tools./li>li>strong>Compact Solutions/strong>: As more smokers seek portability, compact tools like travel humidors and small ashtrays are in demand./li>/ul>p>Upgrading your smoking accessories is a worthwhile investment that enhances the quality, convenience, and enjoyment of your smoking experience. These accessories protect your cigars and add a layer of sophistication to your routine. With various options, it’s easy to find accessories matching your style and needs. Whether you’re a casual smoker or a dedicated collector, elevating your tools transforms a simple activity into a refined hobby that can be enjoyed for years./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleUpgrade Your Smoking Accessories Now>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-376 classpost-376 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Explore the World of Classic Card Games/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title2:39 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2025-01-13T02:39:14+00:00>January 13, 2025/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1279 height854 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altwarhammer 40k loadinglazy srcset 1279w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1279px) 100vw, 1279px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Playing card games with friends is one of the simplest yet most rewarding ways to bond and have fun. Immersing yourself in the a href classexternal relnofollow>strategic depth of Magic: The Gathering cards are/a> a fantastic way to engage with others while testing your skills. For those who love immersive themes, the card a href classexternal relnofollow>games inspired by Warhammer 40k bring thrilling/a> narratives and intense competition. Staying updated with the latest trends and expansions ensures you remain competitive and enjoy fresh experiences in this evolving hobby. From nostalgic classics to modern innovations, card games have something for everyone./p>p>Classic card games have captivated players for generations. From Go Fish’s simplicity to Bridge’s strategic brilliance, these games have a universal charm. They are easy to learn, require minimal equipment, and can be adapted to fit almost any setting, making them a versatile choice for gatherings. Part of their appeal lies in their ability to bring people together. Whether it’s a family game night, a friendly competition, or a tournament, card games create a shared experience that strengthens relationships. Besides, they challenge the mind, promoting critical thinking, memory, and problem-solving skills./p>p>Some card games have stood the test of time, attracting players of all ages. Poker, synonymous with skill and strategy, has been a staple in casinos and homes, with popular variants like Texas Hold ’em and Omaha offering endless possibilities for bluffing and strategizing. Bridge, often regarded as the ultimate test of wits, is a partnership game requiring cooperation and strategy, making it a favourite among serious card players who enjoy a challenge. Solitaire provides solo players with a relaxing yet engaging experience, with digital versions making this classic card game accessible anywhere. Meanwhile, Rummy, simple yet addictive, is perfect for casual gatherings, thanks to its straightforward rules and fast-paced gameplay./p>p>While traditional games hold their charm, modern card games have expanded the horizons of this pastime. Modern games have redefined card games, blending storytelling, strategy, and collectibility elements./p>ul>li>strong>Magic: The Gathering (MTG)/strong>: Launched in 1993, MTG has become a phenomenon, captivating millions of players worldwide. This collectible card game blends strategic gameplay with a fantasy narrative. Players build decks from a vast pool of cards, each offering unique abilities and synergies, creating endless possibilities for customization./li>li>strong>Warhammer 40k Card Games/strong>: This specific game’s universe has also inspired engaging card games. These games bring Warhammer’s dark, futuristic setting to life, offering fans a new way to immerse themselves in the lore while competing against friends./li>/ul>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height200 src altmagic the gathering cards classwp-image-378 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1279w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p>Card games constantly evolve, with new expansions, formats, and trends emerging regularly. To stay in the loop, join online forums, social media groups, and local clubs dedicated to your favourite games, where you can share strategies, discuss new releases, and connect with like-minded players. Attending events such as tournaments, conventions, and casual meetups is another excellent way to test your skills, discover new decks, and stay informed about the latest trends. /p>p>Following official channels for your favourite games ensures you don’t miss important updates—Wizards of the Coast, for example, regularly announces new MTG expansions. At the same time, Games Workshop keeps fans informed about Warhammer releases. Also, experimenting with new formats, such as MTG draft formats or Warhammer card game cooperative campaigns, keeps the experience fresh and exciting./p>p>Card games offer more than just entertainment; they also provide numerous benefits. Strategy games like Bridge and MTG challenge your brain, improving memory, decision-making, and analytical skills. Playing with friends or joining a community fosters social interaction, strengthening relationships and creating connections. Immersing yourself in a game also serves as a welcome escape from daily stressors, offering valuable stress relief. Card games also teach patience, planning, and adaptability—skills that prove beneficial both in the game and everyday life./p>p>Collecting cards is an integral part of many modern card games, adding an exciting dimension to the hobby. Whether finding rare MTG cards or expanding your Warhammer deck, building a collection allows you to personalize your experience. Start small, focusing on cards that align with your playstyle, and gradually expand as you discover what works best for you./p>p>If you’re new to card games, here are some tips for getting started. Begin with simple, easy-to-learn classics like Uno or Rummy to familiarize yourself with basic card mechanics. Take the time to thoroughly understand the rules, as many games require strategic thinking and careful planning. Most communities are kind and willing to assist new players, so don’t be afraid to ask more seasoned players for advice. It’s also good to remember that, like any skill, card game improvement takes practice, so play often to hone your strategies and build confidence./p>p>The world of classic card games is vast and endlessly enjoyable, offering something for every type of player. Whether you’re drawn to the timeless appeal of games like Bridge or Poker or the modern innovations of Magic: The Gathering cards and Warhammer 40k, there’s always a new way to challenge yourself and have fun. So gather your friends, shuffle the deck, and dive into this captivating world of strategy, skill, and camaraderie./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleExplore the World of Classic Card Games>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-372 classpost-372 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How to Trade Pokémon Cards Like a Pro/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by contributor>contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title12:23 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-27T00:23:27+00:00>November 27, 2024/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1279 height883 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alttrading card store loadinglazy srcset 1279w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1279px) 100vw, 1279px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Trading Pokémon cards is one of the most exciting aspects of being part of the Pokémon card community. Whether you’re building your dream deck, hunting for rare collectibles, or simply looking to swap duplicates, knowing how to trade effectively can make all the difference. For collectors and players alike, mastering the art of trading ensures fair deals, strengthens community ties, and keeps the hobby fun. Here’s a guide to trading Pokémon cards like a pro, with insights every Pokémon enthusiast and trading card store visitor should know./p>ol type1>li>Know Your Cards’ Value/li>/ol>p>Before making any trade, it’s crucial to understand the a href classexternal relnofollow>value of your Pokémon cards/a>. The market for Pokémon cards fluctuates, with some cards becoming more desirable due to rarity, playability, or even nostalgia. Key factors that affect a card’s value include:/p>ul>li>Rarity: Cards marked as Rare, Ultra Rare, Secret Rare, or Promo are typically more valuable./li>li>Condition: Mint or near-mint cards fetch higher trade values than those with wear or damage./li>li>Popularity: Cards featuring fan-favourite Pokémon or characters often command premium value./li>/ul>p>To determine your cards’ worth, research recent sales on platforms like eBay or consult the price guides from trading card stores or Pokémon card databases. This knowledge ensures you negotiate pretty and confidently./p>p>2. Build Relationships with Your Local Trading Card Store/p>p>Trading card stores are the heart of the Pokémon card community. These stores often host trading events, tournaments, and meet-ups, providing the perfect environment to connect with other collectors. Here’s why trading at your local store is beneficial:/p>ul>li>Trustworthy Environment: a href classexternal relnofollow>Trading card stores attract enthusiasts/a> who are knowledgeable and fair./li>li>Expert Advice: Staff members can offer guidance on trade values or help mediate deals./li>li>Inventory Access: Stores may allow trades involving their inventory, giving you access to cards you’ve been searching for./li>/ul>p>If you don’t already frequent a trading card store, look for one with a welcoming community and regular Pokémon events./p>p>3. Understand Trade Etiquette/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height200 src altpokemon cards classwp-image-374 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1280w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p>Successful Pokémon card trading relies on mutual respect and clear communication. Here are a few essential etiquette tips:/p>ul>li>Be Transparent: Always disclose the condition of your cards. Honesty builds trust and avoids misunderstandings./li>li>Respect Declines: Not every trade will work out. If someone doesn’t accept your offer, remain polite and move on./li>li>Stay Open-Minded: If a trade doesn’t meet your immediate goal, consider its potential future value./li>/ul>p>Trading is more than just exchanging cards—it’s about building connections and enjoying the shared love of Pokémon cards./p>p>4. Focus on What You Need/p>p>Trading Pokémon cards can be overwhelming, especially when faced with extensive collections. To avoid impulsive decisions, set clear goals before trading. Ask yourself:/p>ul>li>Are you building a specific deck for gameplay?/li>li>Are you seeking cards to complete a collection or set?/li>li>Are you trading for long-term value, such as rare or vintage cards?/li>/ul>p>Having a clear purpose ensures you leave each trade with cards that genuinely matter to you./p>p>5. Learn to Negotiate Fairly/p>p>Negotiation is a vital skill in trading Pokémon cards. It’s essential to balance fairness and getting what you want./p>ul>li>Start with Equal Value: Begin negotiations with cards of similar value, then adjust based on preferences./li>li>Bundle Lower-Value Cards: If there’s a slight difference in card values, offer a few extra commons or uncommons to sweeten the deal./li>li>Be Flexible: Sometimes, letting go of a card you don’t use can lead to a trade that significantly benefits your collection or deck./li>/ul>p>Good negotiation leaves both parties satisfied, fostering goodwill for future trades./p>p>6. Avoid Common Trading Pitfalls/p>p>Even seasoned collectors can fall into traps when trading Pokémon cards. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:/p>ul>li>Overvaluing Sentimental Cards: While your favourite card may hold personal value, its market worth may not reflect that./li>li>Rushing into Trades: Quick trades often lead to regret./li>li>Ignoring Counterfeits: Always check for authenticity, especially when trading high-value cards. Fake Pokémon cards can look convincing but lack the real deal’s craftsmanship and feel./li>/ul>p>If you’re unsure, consult staff at your local trading card store—they can help identify fakes and protect your collection./p>p>7. Embrace Online Trading Communities/p>p>While trading in-person at a trading card store is ideal, online platforms expand your options. Websites, forums, and social media groups dedicated to Pokémon cards can connect you with collectors worldwide. However, when trading online, take these precautions:/p>ul>li>Use platforms with buyer/seller protections, like eBay or TCGPlayer./li>li>Request clear photos of the cards being traded./li>li>Always trade with reputable members or through intermediaries./li>/ul>p>Online trading broadens your opportunities while introducing new challenges, so approach it cautiously./p>p>8. Stay Updated on Pokémon Trends/p>p>The Pokémon card market evolves constantly. New expansions, reprints, and competitive tournaments can shift card values overnight. Staying informed about these trends ensures you don’t undervalue your cards or miss opportunities. Regularly visit trading card stores, read Pokémon card blogs, and follow social media updates to remain in the loop./p>p>Trading Pokémon cards is a skill that blends strategy, knowledge, and social interaction. By understanding card values, practising trade etiquette, and utilising your local trading card store’s resources, you can ensure that every trade benefits your collection and strengthens your ties to the Pokémon community./p>p>So, the next time you sit down to trade, remember: it’s not just about the cards—the connections, memories, and shared passion that make Pokémon such an enduring phenomenon./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow to Trade Pokémon Cards Like a Pro>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-367 classpost-367 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Upgrade Your Look with Billiard Gear/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title11:11 pm relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2024-11-20T23:11:30+00:00>November 20, 2024/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1279 height853 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altbilliard tables Melbourne loadinglazy srcset 1279w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1279px) 100vw, 1279px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Playing billiards is more than just a game; it’s an art form where style and skill meet at the table. Whether perfecting your stance or lining up your next shot, the right gear can elevate your experience. Start by pairing functionality with fashion—a href>a pool cue holder keeps your cue/a> organized and adds professionalism to your setup. Meanwhile, sporting attire a href>inspired by Melbourne streetwear is the/a> optimum way to look stylish while playing billiards, blending casual comfort with a modern edge. For example, visiting venues a href>featuring billiard tables in Melbourne offers/a> the perfect opportunity to showcase your outfit, especially if you’ve a href>explored Australian streetwear online for a/a> unique ensemble that speaks to your personality./p>p>Quality gear can significantly impact your billiard performance and overall experience. Essentials like pool cues, chalk, and racks ensure you play with precision. However, investing in accessories such as cue holders and gloves enhances your setup. A sleek holder, for example, keeps your equipment safe and gives your game area a clean, organized look. These small details add a layer of sophistication to your play style, making you appear more professional and polished. Beyond functionality, the gear you choose also reflects your personality. Customizable options for cue cases or chalk holders allow you to bring a personal touch to your setup, ensuring that your equipment resonates with your aesthetic./p>p>Regarding billiards, your outfit is vital in creating a confident and stylish impression. The freedom to move comfortably is critical, but so is standing out in the crowd. Think of relaxed fits, breathable fabrics, and trendy designs that let you focus on the game while turning heads. Pairing your gear with clothing sourced from Australian streetwear online can add versatility to your look. Famous pieces such as oversized tees, tailored joggers, and minimalistic sneakers balance effortless style and practicality, ensuring you’re ready to play while looking your best./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height200 src altmelbourne streetwear classwp-image-369 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1279w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p>Billiard accessories are not just about utility; they can be bold style statements. High-quality gloves, embellished cue sticks, and custom-designed chalk cases can add a personal touch to your overall aesthetic. For example:/p>ul>li>strong>Cue Cases/strong>: Opt for a sleek leather case with intricate patterns to store your cue stick in style./li>li>strong>Gloves/strong>: Consider gloves in contrasting colours or patterns for a striking visual effect./li>li>strong>Cue Tips/strong>: While functional, coloured cue tips or personalized engravings can set your gear apart./li>/ul>p>Integrating these accessories with a carefully chosen outfit will elevate your presence at the table./p>p>Imagine walking into a billiard hall featuring some of Melbourne’s finest billiard tables. The perfect blend of attire and gear boosts your confidence and helps you make a memorable impression. Whether it’s a friendly match or a competitive game, being well-equipped and stylish shows your dedication to the sport. The key is to keep things cohesive. Match your outfit to the tone of the venue and your gear. If you play in a formal setting, darker tones or minimalist designs work best. Use striking designs or whimsical patterns for informal get-togethers./p>p>While billiards is undoubtedly about precision and strategy, the game’s social aspect is equally important. People notice the details—your stance, gear, and clothing. Paying attention to these elements improves how others perceive you and boosts your self-esteem. The trend of combining fashion and billiards is growing, with many players drawing inspiration from urban culture. Melbourne streetwear has been at the forefront of this evolution, making it easier to find outfits that balance casual and stylish./p>p>For players in Australia, high-quality billiard accessories and fashionable outfits are available. Online stores specializing in Australian streetwear offer a range of clothing suitable for casual players and professionals. Similarly, local retailers often carry billiard-specific accessories, ensuring that players have access to premium products. Shopping online for billiard gear also offers the advantage of customization, allowing you to create an entirely unique look. There are endless ways to personalize your setup, from custom cue sticks to embroidered shirts./p>p>To truly upgrade your look with billiard gear, remember the following:/p>ol type1>li>strong>Invest in Quality Accessories/strong>: A durable pool cue holder, a stylish cue case, and personalized gear can help create a professional image./li>li>strong>Choose Versatile Apparel/strong>: Incorporate streetwear elements like fitted joggers and bold sneakers that are comfortable yet fashionable./li>li>strong>Pay Attention to Details/strong>: From cue tip colours to glove designs, the small details matter./li>li>strong>Coordinate Your Look/strong>: Match your outfit with your gear for a cohesive and polished appearance./li>/ol>p>By blending functional gear with stylish apparel, you can turn heads and improve your confidence on and off the table. Whether you’re a casual player or a serious competitor, the right look can make all the difference. Upgrading your look with billiard gear isn’t just about appearances—it reflects your passion for the game and your commitment to excellence. From the polished sophistication of a well-placed pool cue holder to the trendsetting vibe of Melbourne streetwear, every choice adds to your identity as a player. So next time you step up to the table, ensure your look is as sharp as your aim./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleUpgrade Your Look with Billiard Gear>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-362 classpost-362 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Exploring Benefits of Folding Bicycles/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by contributor>contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title6:38 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2024-08-29T06:38:42+00:00>August 29, 2024/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height848 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altfolding bicycle loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p> In today’s fast-paced world, where urbanization and environmental consciousness are rising, the need for efficient, portable, and eco-friendly transportation has never been greater. This innovative mode of transportation is revolutionizing how people navigate cities, commute to work, and even embark on outdoor adventures. Let’s dive into the benefits of folding bicycles and explore why they are essential to urban life./p>p> The Convenience of Portability/p>p>One of the most significant advantages of a folding bicycle is its portability. Unlike traditional bikes, which can be cumbersome and challenging to store, a collapsible motorcycle can be easily folded into a compact size. This feature is particularly beneficial for city dwellers with limited storage space or those living in apartments. When folded, these bikes can fit into small spaces like closets, under desks, or even in the trunk of a car. This portability also makes folding bicycles ideal for commuters who need to combine cycling with other forms of transportation, such as buses, trains, or subways./p>p>For those who travel frequently, a folding bicycle is a game-changer. Whether catching a flight, taking a road trip, or hopping on a train, a collapsible bike can be packed away in a suitcase or carried as luggage, making it easy to bring your transportation wherever you go. This convenience allows travellers to explore new destinations without relying on rental bikes or public transportation, offering freedom and flexibility that traditional bicycles cannot match./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height185 src altcollapsible bike classwp-image-364 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1280w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p> Ideal for Urban Commuting/p>p>A folding bicycle can significantly enhance the daily commute in densely populated cities, where traffic congestion and parking challenges are expected. Cyclists can ride their collapsible bike to the nearest transit station, fold it, and carry it on board without worrying about parking or securing the bike. Once they reach their destination, they can quickly unfold the bike and continue their journey, seamlessly integrating cycling with public transportation./p>p>This convenience also extends to workplaces. Many offices need more secure bike parking, which can deter people from cycling to work. With a folding bicycle, employees can fold their bikes and store them under their desks or in a corner, eliminating the need for outdoor bike racks and reducing the risk of theft. Additionally, some companies offer incentives for employees who cycle to work, such as shower facilities and secure storage, making the folding bicycle an even more attractive option for the eco-conscious commuter./p>p> Eco-Friendly Transportation/p>p>As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, more people are considering sustainable transportation options. Cycling is already known for its low environmental impact, but a folding bicycle takes this a step further by encouraging more people to incorporate cycling into their daily routines. Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, decrease air pollution, and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable urban environment by choosing a collapsible bike over a car or motorbike./p>p>Moreover, folding bicycles are often made with durable, lightweight materials like aluminium or carbon fibre, enhancing their portability and reducing the overall environmental impact of production. Some manufacturers are even exploring using recycled materials to construct folding bikes, further enhancing their green credentials./p>p> Versatility for Outdoor Adventures/p>p>While folding bicycles are often associated with urban commuting, their versatility makes them suitable for a variety of outdoor adventures as well. Whether planning a weekend camping trip, a scenic ride through the countryside, or a multi-day cycling tour, a href>a collapsible bike can be your trusty companion/a>. Many folding bicycles are designed with durability and performance in mind, featuring robust frames, multi-speed gears, and rugged tyres that can handle different terrains./p>p>For outdoor enthusiasts, the ability to fold and carry a bike opens up new possibilities for exploration. Imagine hiking up a mountain trail with your folding bicycle in tow, only to unfold it at the top and enjoy a thrilling ride down. Or consider the convenience of packing a collapsible bike for a camping trip, allowing you to explore nearby trails and roads without needing a separate vehicle. This versatility makes the folding bicycle a practical choice for those who value adventure and convenience./p>p> Cost-Effective and Low Maintenance/p>p>In addition to their convenience and versatility, a href>folding bicycles are also cost-effective/a>. Owning a collapsible bike reduces the need for costly parking permits, fuel, and vehicle maintenance. Additionally, because folding bicycles are typically stored indoors, they are less exposed to the elements, which can extend their lifespan and reduce the frequency of repairs./p>p>Folding bicycles are also known for their low maintenance requirements. Their simple design and high-quality components mean fewer moving parts to wear out or break. Regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the chain, checking tyre pressure, and adjusting the brakes, are straightforward and can often be done at home, reducing ownership costs./p>p>The folding bicycle is more than just a convenient mode of transportation; it represents a shift towards a more sustainable, flexible, and active lifestyle. Whether navigating busy city streets, embarking on an outdoor adventure, or simply looking for a practical commute, a collapsible bike offers a unique combination of portability, performance, and eco-friendliness./p>p>As urban areas continue to grow and environmental concerns take centre stage, the demand for folding bicycles will likely increase. By embracing this innovative form of cycling, individuals can enjoy the freedom of on-the-go transportation while contributing to a healthier, more sustainable world./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleExploring Benefits of Folding Bicycles>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-340 classpost-340 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Unique Blends and Limited Edition Roasts in Melbourne/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by lana>lana/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title2:58 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2024-06-15T02:58:11+00:00>June 15, 2024/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1000 height788 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altcoffee beans loadinglazy srcset 1000w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>In Melbourne, coffee isn’t just a drink – it’s a way of life. The city celebrates top-quality coffee beans and the inventive spirit of local roasters, offering an array of unique blends and special roasts. Through delivery services, coffee lovers can easily savour the best brews Melbourne offers right in the comfort of their homes./p>h2>The Essence of Unique Blends/h2>p>Melbourne is all about its excellent coffee blends. They mix up beans from different places to make some incredible flavours. The roasters in Melbourne are pros at this and have blends for every taste. One of the best is the “Melbourne Signature Blend”, which throws together beans from Ethiopia, Brazil, and Colombia. It’s got the zingy Ethiopian taste, the nutty vibe of Brazilian beans, and the bold kick of Colombian beans. It’s a real adventure in every cup. a href>And the best part is, you can get these coffee beans delivered all over Melbourne/a>!/p>h2>The Allure of Limited Edition Roasts/h2>p>Limited edition coffee roasts are a big deal in Melbourne. These unique roasts are made to celebrate events, seasons, or collaborations. They’re usually made in small batches, making them super popular with coffee lovers. Take the “Winter Solstice Roast,” for example. It’s a limited-time offer with roasted beans from Papua New Guinea to bring out warm, spicy flavours, perfect for the colder months. Sometimes, Melbourne’s coffee community teams up with famous international roasters to create one-of-a-kind roasts that show off their skills and imagination./p>h2>Sourcing and Sustainability/h2>p>Experience the enchantment involved in creating distinctive blends and exclusive roasts—it all commences with the selection of the highest-quality coffee beans! Melbourne’s enthusiastic roasters are committed to ethical and sustainable methods, guaranteeing exceptional excellence while supporting coffee producers. They establish direct trade connections, offer fair rates, and promote sustainable farming techniques./p>p>Their dedication to sustainability goes even further – when it comes to packaging and transportation, Melbourne’s delivery services are setting the standard. They utilize environmentally friendly packaging and even provide carbon-neutral shipping options, reflecting the city’s dedication to environmental accountability. Join the movement for a delectable coffee with a mindful approach!/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height236 src alt classwp-image-342 srcset 300w, 768w, 1000w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>h2>Tasting Notes and Flavour Profiles/h2>p>Melbourne has an incredible variety of coffee blends – from unique ones to limited-edition roasts. If you’re into coffee, you’ll find something you love: the floral Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, the chocolatey Brazilian Cerrado, or the bold Kenyan AA. Thanks to Melbourne’s delivery services, the best part is that you can easily order and enjoy these diverse coffee beans without leaving your crib./p>h2>The Role of Roasters and Baristas/h2>p>Creating excellent new coffee blends and unique roasts is a team effort between the roasters and baristas. The roasters carefully pick and roast the beans to bring out their best traits, while baristas adjust the brewing process to extract the most flavour. This teamwork means that every cup of coffee offers a truly memorable experience./p>p>Melbourne is packed with top-notch roasters and baristas passionate about their work. You can see their commitment to quality and innovation in every blend and roast they make. When people support local roasters using Melbourne coffee bean delivery services, they help keep the coffee culture thriving and enjoy the tasty results of the experts’ hard work./p>h2>Accessibility and Convenience/h2>p>The coffee bean delivery trend in Melbourne is making it easier to get unique blends and limited-edition roasts. These services let you order coffee beans online with all the details about each product, like where they’re from, how they taste, and the best way to brew them. You can subscribe to get your favourite blends regularly or try out new ones. With home delivery, coffee lovers can savour Melbourne’s best coffee without going to different cafes or roasters. This makes unique and high-quality coffee more accessible to a broader audience and helps people even more appreciate the art of making coffee./p>p>Melbourne’s coffee scene shows the city’s dedication to quality, innovation, and sustainability. The unique blends and special roasts made by local roasters highlight the best of what the coffee world has to offer. a href>With coffee beans Melbourne delivery services, getting these fantastic coffees is easy./a> Explore many options, from seasonal roasts to carefully crafted blends. It’s a great way for coffee lovers to embark on a journey of taste and discovery, all from the comfort of home. Whether you’re a die-hard coffee fan or just starting, Melbourne’s unique blends and limited-edition roasts offer an excellent and inspiring experience./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleA Beginner's Guide to Resting Coffee width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleUnique Blends and Limited Edition Roasts in Melbourne>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-321 classpost-321 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How to Taste the True Essence of Coffee Origins/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by lana>lana/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title12:53 pm relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2023-12-21T12:53:09+00:00>December 21, 2023/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width2560 height1707 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altbuy single origin coffee loadinglazy srcset 2560w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w sizes(max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>For centuries, coffee, often called the “nectar of the gods,” has captivated people’s senses worldwide. From its humble beginnings as a cherished Ethiopian crop to the global phenomenon it is today, coffee has a rich history deeply intertwined with its geographical origins. Suppose you’re eager to explore the world of coffee at its most authentic. In that case, a href>it’s time to buy single origin coffee and embark on a flavour journey/a> that celebrates the essence of each coffee-producing region. In this guide, we’ll delve into the art of tasting the true nature of coffee origins, using the Rocket Espresso Appartamento as our brewing canvas./p>p>strong>Understanding Single Origin Coffee/strong>/p>p>As the name suggests, single origin coffee is sourced from a single geographical location, typically a specific region or even a single coffee farm. This coffee is celebrated for its distinct flavours and characteristics, which are influenced by the unique terroir of the growing area. When you buy single origin coffee, you’re not just purchasing a beverage; you’re embarking on a voyage of taste that allows you to explore the nuances of different coffee origins./p>p>strong>Selecting the Right Single Origin Coffee/strong>/p>p>Start by choosing the right single origin beans to begin your journey into coffee origins. When selecting coffee, consider the growing region, altitude, processing method, and flavour profile. Each origin offers something unique:/p>ul>li>Ethiopian coffee is known for its vibrant floral and fruity notes./li>li>Colombian coffee often features a well-balanced flavour profile with mild acidity./li>li>Kenyan coffee is celebrated for its bright acidity and berry-like flavours./li>li>Sumatran coffee boasts earthy and herbal notes, often with a whole body./li>/ul>p>Once you’ve chosen your preferred origin, it’s time to brew your coffee./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-medium>img loadinglazy width300 height220 src alt classwp-image-323 srcset 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/figure>/div>p>strong>The Rocket Espresso Appartamento: Your Brewing Companion/strong>/p>p>Brewing single origin coffee requires precision and control, and the choice of brewing equipment can significantly impact the final cup. a href>The Rocket Espresso Appartamento is popular among coffee enthusiasts for its performance and design/a>./p>p>strong>Brewing Steps with the Rocket Espresso Appartamento/strong>/p>ol>li>strong>Freshly Grind Your Coffee:/strong> To taste the essence of coffee origins, start with freshly roasted coffee beans and grind them just before brewing. The grind size should match your chosen brewing method (e.g., espresso, pour-over, French press)./li>li>strong>Dose and Distribution:/strong> Ensure consistent dosing of coffee grounds into your portafilter and distribute them evenly to ensure uniform extraction./li>li>strong>Precise Water Temperature:/strong> The Rocket Espresso Appartamento allows you to control water temperature precisely. A water temperature of around 200°F (93°C) is ideal for most single origin coffees./li>li>strong>Proper Extraction Time:/strong> Pay attention to the extraction time. Espresso usually extracts best when given a duration of 25 to 30 seconds. Adjust your grind size to achieve this timing./li>li>strong>Tasting Notes:/strong> Once brewed, take a moment to savour the aromas and flavours of your single origin coffee. Note the nuances that make it unique. Is it Ethiopian coffee’s floral notes or a Kenyan brew’s fruity acidity?/li>/ol>p>strong>Tasting the Essence of Coffee Origins/strong>/p>p>When tasting single origin coffee, focus on the following aspects:/p>ol>li>strong>Aroma:/strong> Inhale deeply to capture the coffee’s aroma. Different origins will have distinct scent profiles, from floral to spicy to fruity./li>li>strong>Flavour:/strong> Take a sip and let the coffee coat your palate. Pay attention to the flavour notes that emerge. Is it citrusy, nutty, chocolatey, or something entirely unexpected?/li>li>strong>Body:/strong> Consider the coffee’s body or mouthfeel. Is it light and tea-like, or has a full and creamy texture?/li>li>strong>Acidity:/strong> Evaluate the acidity level. Some origins exhibit bright and zesty acidity, while others are more mellow and balanced./li>li>strong>Aftertaste:/strong> Notice the lingering aftertaste. A quality single origin coffee will leave a pleasant and memorable finish./li>li>strong>Overall Impression:/strong> Sum up your tasting experience by reflecting on the coffee’s overall impression. Does it showcase the essence of its origin?/li>/ol>p>strong>Exploring the World, One Cup at a Time/strong>/p>p>As you continue your journey into the world of single origin coffee, consider experimenting with various origins and brewing methods to expand your palate. Each cup offers a new adventure, allowing you to explore the rich tapestry of flavours that the world’s coffee-producing regions have to offer./p>p>Remember that tasting the essence of coffee origins is not just about the coffee itself; it’s about the stories, cultures, and landscapes shaping each cup. So, when you buy single origin coffee and brew it with care using equipment like the Rocket Espresso Appartamento, you’re not just sipping a beverage—you’re embarking on a journey of discovery that connects you with the roots of this extraordinary elixir./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleA Beginners Guide to Coffee Tasting width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow to Taste the True Essence of Coffee Origins>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-250 classpost-250 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging tag-colored-contacts tag-coloured-contact-lenses tag-coloured-contacts tag-coloured-halloween-contacts tag-halloween-contacts tag-scary-contact-lenses> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Spooky Fancy Dress Ideas/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:54 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2021-03-24T04:54:43+00:00>March 24, 2021/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height853 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altSpooky Fancy Dress Ideas - ghost costume - scary coloured lenses loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Dressing up is always fun, but it becomes really interesting when you have to dress up for Halloween and give yourself a spooky look. Following are a few spooky and ghostly looks to try on your next Halloween party./p>p>strong>Gothic Halloween Look For Women/strong>/p>p>Gothic style is the source of inspiration for fans of original Halloween disguise. Using simple clothing to create retro dresses, the Gothic look is bound to be accompanied by proper makeup, giving people a sense of disguise. Just don’t forget the lipstick and black nail polish. To top it off, a href>scary contact lenses might elevate/a> the look and take it to the next level./p>p>strong>Children’s Spooky Look: Simple Ghost Halloween Look/strong>/p>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignleft size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy src altChildrens Spooky Look: Simple Ghost Halloween Look - Spooky Fancy Dress Ideas classwp-image-251 width360 height238/>/figure>/div>p>In recent years, vampires and undead have been some of the most popular horror characters on the night of October 31st. However, with the return of ghost movies, there is no better costume for kids than to drape a white sheet over them and cut out some eyes and there is a simple and easy spooky look for children./p>p>strong>Evil Queen/strong>/p>p>The evil queen is the villain in Grimm’s fairy tale “Snow White”. The queen is Snow White’s stepmother and plans to kill the princess with a poisoned apple. The role is very popular and is portrayed in the film by talented actresses Charlize Theron and Julia Roberts./p>p>strong>Captain Jack Sparrow/strong>/p>p>Do you like to dress up as a pirate? These are some of the pirate costume options in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean.”/p>p>Captain Jack Sparrow seems to have some “cuckoo” in his head, but when we dress like pirates, he is our first choice. You will need brown pants, a white top with a brown vest, a red handkerchief, and many beads to match the outfit. You also need long brown boots and a pirate hat to complete the costume./p>p>strong>Gretel And Hansel/strong>/p>p>Hansel and Gretel are twin siblings in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. Hansel and Gretel are known for subtly defeating evil blind witches to save themselves and other children trapped in the gingerbread house. For brothers and sisters, this is a great spooky concept./p>p>strong>A Spooky Batman Look/strong>/p>p>Batman is DC Comics’ favorite superhero all the time. Use the black cloth to make a simple a href classexternal relnofollow>Batman/a> costume at home. All you need to do is a cloak and a mask. Combine it with a black one-piece suit or black leggings and T-shirt. Put a yellow belt with a bat logo on it and get ready for the spooky Batman look./p>p>strong>Scary Clown/strong>/p>p>Joker is Batman’s nemesis in comics. His face is like a clown, wearing a purple suit. If you have a top coat at home, it is very easy to make this look work, and the result is this scary clown look that gives a perfect look of spookiness without going overboard. Some Joker make-up and some a href>coloured contacts/a> to finish the look can make you the talk to the party. You sure are to bag the best Halloween costume prizes with this look./p>p>strong>Harry Potter/strong>/p>p>At a fancy dress party, there is nothing better than showing up in a Harry Potter costume. Children like to dress up like good guides in the novel series Harry Potter (JK Rowling). Wear round-frame glasses, a sharp stick or stick, and a long black coat, and you can turn your child into Harry Potter. This not only gives you an interesting look but also, you can add more spookiness with simple makeup like the scar./p>p>The original appearance of the Halloween party does not require much investment. Sometimes, the originality of the disguise may be due to our experimental desire! Are you ready to paint your skin with unusual paint colors, such as blue or orange? In this case, you can become Smurfette or Marge Simpson!/p>p>Experiment with these looks for your Fancy dress/Halloween and be the center of attraction!/p>figure>iframe loadinglazy width640 height360 src allowfullscreen>/iframe>/figure>p>/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleSpooky Fancy Dress Ideas>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-246 classpost-246 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Do Not Wear Contacts When Swimming/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title12:46 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2021-03-04T00:46:22+00:00>March 4, 2021/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height960 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altDo Not Swim While Wearing Contacts loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Swimming is a physical activity most enjoyed using the five senses: eyes, ears, mouth, touch, taste. The feel of the water to the skin and the body in total, the calmness you hear as you get submerged into the body of water, the smell of salt and fresh water and the silence you automatically submit to as you dip in this different world. /p>p>With that much to see underwater, it would tempt one whose vision is compromised to put on contact lenses to have a better view. But there are considerations you may need to know before deciding on doing so. Here is why you should not wear contacts when swimming./p>h3>strong>Take Note/strong>/h3>p>You should keep in mind that strong>a href classexternal relnofollow>exposure of contact lenses to water/a>/strong> could be dangerous, in general, due to its nature of reabsorbing water. More so, if it gets exposed to it for prolonged periods. When this happens, harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, amoeba and different kinds of pathogens, may get trapped. /p>p>Microorganisms in swimming pools are at a minimum because of the solution they use to clean it. But there are soft lenses which remain porous, making it easy for the pathogens to adhere to the lenses. Therefore, into your eyes./p>p>On the other hand, natural waters are detrimental to an array of microorganisms that could lead to numerous reactions and eye-damaging conditions./p>p>Even the simple shower may serve as the vehicle for Acanthamoeba, a kind of amoeba that one may find in tap water or water from the well. It is the culprit for serious eye infections such as Acanthamoeba Keratitis, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy width1024 height682 src alt classwp-image-248 srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1280w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>h3>strong>The Rabbit Hole/strong>/h3>p>Knowing not what risks are at stake is falling into a trap. Did you strong>a href>know that while coloured contact lenses can come with a prescription/a>/strong>, usually are emphasized of contraindications, over-the-counter ones or online purchases should come with a set of instructions. Do not ignore the most common conditions should these symptoms occur:/p>ol type1>li>Eye infections – come with cardinal signs that might get you convinced to shrug off. Itchy eyes are usually the very first symptom one would feel when there’s something wrong. Before touching it, be cautious and check your eyes for redness, swelling, and discharge. Extreme reactions include pain, blurred vision, irritability and sensitivity to light, which leads to teary eyes. An early diagnosis stops a permanent loss of eyesight./li>li>Eye irritation – Truth be told, contact lenses could adhere to your eyes in a wrong way if it sticks to it rather than latch on it. Ideally, you want to avoid eye irritations as people might think you strong>a href>are wearing vampire contacts when in fact/a>/strong> you have a red eye infection./li>li>Corneal Abrasion – also known as a “scratch” may heal itself as the corneal if the scratch is shallow. With a 10 per cent coverage of the entire cornea, the corneal epithelium cells have an impressive ability to regenerate itself in seven days. But if the scratch would pass the epithelial surface, that is when it needs medical attention. A feeling of irritability would be the initial symptom so, do not ignore as it catches your attention, since the earlier it gets diagnosed, the earlier it gets repaired./li>li>Dry Eye Syndrome – happens, exponentially, when swimming in chlorinated water. As the contact lens find it challenging to attach smoothly, it could lead to eye ulcers or corneal damage as mentioned above./li>/ol>h3>strong>Be Vigilant/strong>/h3>p>Understanding these simple facts would help you dodge the bullet of having threatening eye infections. Contact lenses, corrective or aesthetic, should be able to serve its purpose. That would only be possible if the wearer is vigilant enough to study dos and don’ts on top of the contraindications and take them seriously./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleHOW TO PUT IN CONTACTS FOR BEGINNERS! (VERY Beginner Friendly) width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleDo Not Wear Contacts When Swimming>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-223 classpost-223 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How To Build A Display Case/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:34 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2020-02-24T04:34:56+00:00>February 24, 2020/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height720 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altdisplay DIY loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Archiving a collection of your possessions in secure display cases is important. However, building a display case like glass shelves for trophies, silverware, and jewellery requires a process. Different types of materials are involved, but acrylic and wooden display cases are commonly made by manufacturers. If you get a wooden display, you want to ensure it’s been coated with a layer of traditional decking oil for longevity. You can also make DIY display cases if you understand basic design concepts. Usually, home decor enthusiasts use different elements that reflect their personality when making display cases. These are some ways of making durable display cases for your collections./p>p>strong>What is a Display Case?/strong>/p>p>Put simply, a display case is a box, just like your bedroom wardrobe or kitchen shelf, but it has a transparent exterior cover that showcases every item inside it. Usually, a clear glass (plexiglass) hangs on the wooden panels and doors for people to see what the display case contains. Apart from the many installation processes, you must also be careful when fixing the glass on a wood display case./p>p>strong>Choosing Different Materials for Your Display Case/strong>/p>p>Some of the materials for building a display case include a hammer, glass sheets, timer, nail sets, sandpaper (100 grit), plywood, and paints. Other items include door handles, light bulbs (optional), glass panels, wood glue, table saw, a high quality interior furniture stain and a measuring tape. In addition, you will need to wear personal protective equipment when building a display box. After getting all the items that you need for the display case, ensure that you know the right measurements before cutting them./p>p>strong>What is the Process?/strong>/p>p>For the glass component, regular window glass is suitable because it’s cost-effect. Unlike the regular glass that causes serious injuries when it shatters, the tempered glass is safe. However, tempered glass is a more expensive alternative for your display case, and they are ordered to size when you buy them./p>p>Don’t forget to consider the area’s dimension where your display case will stay. This dimension will help to sketch a suitable pattern for the display box. The basic processes are having a sketch of the wood display case, and writing the dimensions in inches. The width, depth, and length of your display case should have extra inches. /p>p>Normally, square and rectangle dimensions are used for constructing wood display cases. You’ll have to use strong wood materials for the base of your cabinet. After selecting the wood for the display case, mark the dimensions with a pen or chalk. Cut the materials into pieces, and according to your specifications./p>p>You’ll need some nail sets to hold the pieces of wooden boards, and panels after cutting them with the hand saw. When the base of your display case is 10 inches, use 9-inch wood for the panels. Also, you’ll need 1-by-1-inch boards as dividers to hold the items that will be inside the display case. After getting all the cut-to-size wood, apply some coats with a paintbrush and allow them to dry. The initial coat will not be enough; so, you can apply a second coat and allow it to dry again./p>p>Install glass panels carefully after attaching these frames to the boards with nails or screws. Also, wearing a pair of hang a href classexternal relnofollow>gloves can protect you from injuries/a> during the installation process. Secure the glass panels with some bead of silicone adhesive or wood glue, and allow to dry./p>p>Since the glass panel allows anyone to see inside the shelves of your display case, adding a light fixture isn’t a bad idea. Naturally, lights provide illumination for people to appreciate what the transparent glass covers. Also, attaching the frame edges to the base of your display case with nails can hold the whole structure firmly. After attaching all the components; simply screw the handles to your display case, and it’s ready for use./p>pre classwp-block-preformatted>/pre>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow To Build A Display Case>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-217 classpost-217 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Equipment to prevent falls/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title3:27 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2020-02-14T03:27:10+00:00>February 14, 2020/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width2048 height1365 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 2048w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w sizes(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Falls are a significant concern for the elderly population. strong>a href classexternal relnofollow>Most aged pensioners over the age of 65 years will have at least one fall each year/a>/strong>, most often in their own home. Family and aged care facilities must do what they can to prevent falls from occurring in the first place. Falls can result in severe and life-threatening injuries for the aged population from sprains, cuts, bruises, and broken bones. Often the elderly who have experienced a fall will have a loss of confidence, independence and mobility as they become worried they may suffer another fall./p>p>Here are a few pieces of equipment that can beused at home or in facilities to help prevent falls and lower the impact offalls:/p>h3>strong>Drive tri-fold bedside mat/strong>/h3>p>The bedside fall mat provides extra protection for the elderly in case they fall out of bed. Falling onto the bed mat will lower the impact on the hip, therefore, preventing harsh injuries of the hip and pelvic bones./p>p>You can explain to the elderly it is important to call for help when they need to get in and out of bed. Some aged seniors will refuse to admit they need help and will attempt it themselves. Those who have dementia will forget the warnings and will get up unassisted. strong>a href>Bed sensors can be helpful in this instance/a>/strong>. The fall mats are made of high-density foam that has a waterproof cover, so cleaning and disinfecting can be made easy. The mat can fold up into three sections so it can be stored in the cupboard or under the bed. There is a non-skid bottom to ensure the mat doesn’t slip around./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classaligncenter size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy src alt classwp-image-219 width376 height250 srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 376px) 100vw, 376px />/figure>/div>h3>strong>Posey falls prevention socks/strong>/h3>p>Shoes happen to be the safest foot protection.Still, quite often they are heavy, and the elderly prefer to wear socks wheninside their home or the care facility. The posey fall socks are comfortableand offer a level of safety. The posey socks will keep feet warm and cosy whilegiving plenty of traction on slippery surfaces when walking. The socks aresuitable for those who have trouble getting in and out of bed, making them lesslikely to slip and fall. The socks are made with high-quality terry cloth withnon-skid treads both underneath and on the top. The socks are stretchy and caneven be worn by those who have larger calves and ankles./p>h3>strong>Grab bars/strong>/h3>p>Having grab bars is essential to help preventfalls. The bars can be installed in the shower, bathtub, toilet or near steps.The grab bars are made out of steel with a textured surface to allow for abetter grip. Grip bars come in different sizes to meet the individual needs.Grab bars can provide much-needed support without taking up too much room. Thebars are only screwed in so they can be uninstalled when they are no longerneeded. /p>p>Having different aids to prevent falls can give the elderly more confidence in their home or the care facility and offer more independence. You can contact the local aid shop in your area to see what else is available that is suited to your elderly loved one to help prevent falls and slips. Depending on the circumstances, most can be installed for you at a cheap rate. Some aids can also be hired out if you only need them for a short time./p>h3>Other Equipment/h3>p>Other strong>a href>equipment that could prove useful include pressure relief cushions/a>/strong>, walking sticks to improve stability and other types of mobility aids. It is important to invest in equipment that will improve the quality of life for the elderly as well as provide peace of mind for family members. /p>figure classwp-block-embed-youtube wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titlePreventing Falls in the Elderly width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleEquipment to prevent falls>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-214 classpost-214 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Natural Oils For Better Nails/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:11 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2020-02-10T04:11:50+00:00>February 10, 2020/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width2048 height1365 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altoils for your nails loadinglazy srcset 2048w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w sizes(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>When it comes to strong and thick nails you, want them to not only look good but feel good too. Every woman knows that having a href>fancy gel nails increases our confidence/a>. That’s why we tend to feel bad about ourselves when we have poor looking nails. When your hands are being exposed to chemicals while washing dishes or dry winter weather, it can cause nails to become brittle and thin. Essential oils can aid in strengthening your nails and helping them return to their original, healthy condition. It is easy to get lost in your busy life and end up neglecting your fingernails. You might a href>visit your local blow wave bar every week/a> – but how often do you go for a manicure? Even if you are a biter or just simply ignore your nails, then it can do your nails some good to start a beauty routine and add some essential oils./p>p>There are several ways that you can use essential oils in order to make your nails stronger and thicker. There are even some easy and simple recipes that you can try that are great for hydrating the hands and nourishing the nails./p>p>strong>Best Essential Oils for Nails/strong>/p>p>The best types of essential oils for your nails and hands are Carrot seed, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Roman chamomile, Balsam of Peru. The best oils to use for carrier oils are Borage, Grapeseed, Almond, Jojoba, Apricot Kernel and Avocado./p>p>The best oil overall for your nails is Myrrh. You just need to massage two drops into your cuticles and nails a few times a week. You shouldn’t do this anymore than a few times a week as it can turn your nails yellow. Ensure you don’t use your nails as tools. People have been known to use their nails for things like undoing a screw, but that’s never a good idea./p>p>It is a good idea, however, to keep some good quality moisturiser in your home. Keep it by the sink and use it after you have washed the dishes or after you have been cleaning. If you are a href classexternal relnofollow>using harsh chemicals/a>, ensure that you wear gloves in order to protect your nails and cuticles. Gloves are also important to be wearing when you are outside gardening. There are several types available like nitrile or latex and fabric gloves. When it comes to your cuticles never cut them. You can gently push them back when you are washing your hands. They work well to keep the bacteria out and when you cut them, they are opened up and are at risk of developing an infection./p>p>Your nails are quite porous, and we often get busy and forget to keep our nails hydrated. Ensure you are drinking plenty of water and using moisturisers. Using paraffin wax treatments are a good idea to soften and moisturise your cuticles and nails. The wax is often mixed with different oils and natural substances like Aloe./p>p>strong>The application is the key/strong>/p>p>No matter what type of oil you are going with, how you apply it is very important. Massage a few drops into your cuticles in an upward direction over the whole surface of the nail. You should apply the oil to the cuticle as well as the nail. This will aid in new growth underneath. If you have the time you can soak your nails for 15 minutes a day then apply the oil over the nails and cuticles./p>p>strong>Results Aren’t Immediate/strong>/p>p>Your nails may feel better and you will eventually see new growth, but you need to know it will take time and the results will vary between each person. It can take a few months of sticking to a regular routine in order to see results./p>pre classwp-block-preformatted>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/pre>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleNatural Oils For Better Nails>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-209 classpost-209 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Is it better to hire or invest in cranes/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title12:25 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2020-01-23T00:25:47+00:00>January 23, 2020/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width640 height421 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>There is nothing like seeing impressive cranes at work on a construction site. strong>a href>Cranes are essential for transporting materials /a>/strong>to the next level of the structure or different locations within the job site. Cranes are costly whether hiring or buying but sometimes jobs cannot be completed without one./p>h2>strong>The types of cranes/strong>/h2>h3>strong>Mobile cranes/strong>/h3>p>A mobile crane is a self-propelled piece ofmachinery that can move things around on your construction site. It comes witha boom attached directly to the crane carriage, which can be deployed fast,making it one of the most significant advantages to using a crane./p>p>You can hire mobile cranes of any size, fromthe smallest that will fit into a small truck to the biggest ones that make therest look like kids’ toys. Mobile cranes can handle the heaviest of loads./p>h3>strong>Tower cranes/strong>/h3>p>Tower cranes are stationary. Where the cranesare assembled is where they will stay. Tower cranes have a vertical mast with ahorizontal load jib sitting at the top. These cranes are used to erect ahigh-rise project. Tower cranes can be useful in all construction environments;they can be used in civil infrastructure and many rural building projects.Tower cranes are used for low-rise residential and commercial structures./p>h2>strong>Should you rent or buy?/strong>/h2>p>Deciding whether to buy or hire a crane will depend on your company’s state. If you are expanding the company, you strong>a href classexternal relnofollow>may have plenty of projects with the capital to buy a crane. /a>/strong>If you don’t have the capital, or you aren’t sure how many workloads you are going to be doing over the long term, then it may be better for you to rent./p>div classwp-block-image>figure classaligncenter size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy src alt classwp-image-210 width334 height222 srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 334px) 100vw, 334px />/figure>/div>p>If you only need a crane for under ten years,then renting will save you money over a short period. If you have plenty oflarge projects and have signed a few contracts, you should think about whetherbuying a used or new crane is a better investment./p>h2>strong>If you are thinking about buying, then hereare a few tips:/strong>/h2>ul>li>Commit to proper service and maintenance; this can help to resell down the track/li>li>Only buy from reputable dealers/li>li>If you are buying second-hand, look for something that is around five to ten years old/li>/ul>p>A well-maintained crane can last you over 25 years. There are still cranes operating that are 40 years old. Crane hiring companies will often provide you with tower cranes. If you do not have many jobs that you need a crane for, you should hire instead. If you require a specialty crane, you are best to rent as these types of cranes are rarely used and more expensive to buy than the tower and mobile cranes. The cost of service and maintenance is often combined with the rental price; this will depend on the individual company. You may need to pay extra fees for the erection and takedown. You can lease cranes from just one day to several months. If you need several cranes, you can hire as many as you need, all from one company. It pays to get a few quotes to ensure you are getting the best price available to you./p>p>strong>a href>Crane hire companies are an excellent option as they guarantee that an experienced crane operator/a>/strong> with highly skilled capabilities and knowledge will oversee a project. This is a great option as you can hire a range of different cranes with ease and you do not have to worry about problems such as maintenance of the crane or costs if the crane unexpectedly malfunctions of breaks. /p>figure classwp-block-embed-youtube wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleConcrete Bridge Model || Miniature Construction || Creative Channel width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleIs it better to hire or invest in cranes>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-204 classpost-204 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How Commercial Property Sales Works/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title3:11 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2019-12-21T03:11:58+00:00>December 21, 2019/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height851 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altretail value loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>A building or property that is used for business activities is known as a commercial property. It can also be referred to as real estate property. Buildings, house businesses and large residential areas fall under this category. It also includes land that is sought after or profitable. There are specific financial, tax treatment and laws that apply to the commercial property sector. Having someone manage the tenants of these buildings is a a href>service called commercial property management/a>./p>p>Shopping malls, trading buildings, grocery stores, offices, manufacturing companies are other examples of properties that fall under the “commercial” umbrella. Housing schemes are also an important part of the residential-commercial area. /p>p>strong>How do the sales work?/strong>/p>p>A negotiator or the a href>retail property agent starts the process/a> by determining the value of the property. They do this by investigating a set of elements and preparing a report based on their findings. The agent then finds the location and the value of the commercial area and identifies its profitability and shortcomings. Buyers can then find the property online and show their interest in it! Usually, that ends with them sending a letter of intent to the senior acquisition executives before they decide whether to purchase the property and process the sale agreement. Once the agreement is done and dusted between the seller and the buyer, we have something called ASP. Keep in mind that a property cannot contain more than one ASP. After the agreement is finalised, the company usually has a time limit of thirty days to ensure the affair is done properly. During these 30 days, the retail value team has to investigate the characteristics of the property to ensure there are no harmful elements that can affect the profitability of the property. In addition, they have to fix the final selling price of the property. The main aim of the acquisition team is to gather as much detail as possible. This information includes the insurance policies, rent roll, existing retailer contracts and city permits. For further information collection, such as the environmental reports, appraisal and the traffic count, the valuation team usually hires a third party organisation. Once the acquisition team is done with their investigations, the reports are given to potential buyers, so they can analyze it before making the final decision about whether to purchase the property. The tenants are then notified of the change of ownership, transferring vendors, the asset of the management team in the closing processes of the deal. /p>p>The commercial property sector is one of the best (traditional) investments when it comes to making a profit in the long run. The cost of commercial properties, including the search for new tenants, is much higher than in the residential real estate business. Here’s why: to decide residential property value, the investor keeps in mind some emotional factors. However, when doing the same job for the commercial property sector, the investor will look look more at the income statement and the current leases to evaluate the value of the property. /p>p>If someone wants to buy a commercial property, then they have to be careful. A single decision can prove very fruitful, but on the other hand, it can also a href classexternal relnofollow>cause you substantial financial losses/a>. A person may know everything about the market value of the property, but it is better to seek assistance and advice of a professional property adviser (as he does all the necessary measures to find out whether it will prove profitable for you or not). They also have more experience in the field. Make sure you take a piece of expert advice before you buy even a tiny piece of land. br>/p>figure classwp-block-embed-youtube wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleTips for Selling Your Commercial Property width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow Commercial Property Sales Works>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-193 classpost-193 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Retail Interior Design Tips/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title2:54 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2019-12-05T02:54:27+00:00>December 5, 2019/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width2048 height1363 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 2048w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w sizes(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>strong>a href classexternal relnofollow>One of the many things that may attract a consumer/a>/strong> to go inside a retail store is its layout. When a shopper feels relaxed, they are more likely to make a purchase. Businessmen and women know this. That’s why they invest time and effort in looking for professionals who can help them make quantitative sales in all aspects. But for those who are just starting up, they may need interior design tips just like the following./p>h3>Establish your brand name by incorporating or associating it with a theme/h3>p>A great example of this would be if you were selling Palladium boots, you would execute the store’s décor to be rustic in nature, with maybe even a cowboy-style theme. It comes across as rough and rugged with its earthy colours. Interpreting this, it means the product is sturdy, durable, and of good quality. This is how retail interior design can complement products and create added value perception for customers./p>h3>Lead the consumer down a well-thought-out path/h3>div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large is-resized>img loadinglazy src alt classwp-image-196 width250 height166 srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 250px) 100vw, 250px />/figure>/div>p>You may arrange your goods from the cheapest to the priciest in a linear fashion. When you shop, you will notice that everything that is on SALE is put outside, which is a marketing strategy in itself. This is to lure you into the shop, which in turn will expose you to all products. As you check out the “cheap” items, you take a peek at the entire shop, and you may see unique pieces or grand looking products. You make your way inside, forgetting what you had convinced yourself to take a look at in the first place. By then, as a consumer, you’re hooked and torn between buying what you want and what’s on sale./p>h3>Use your product’s colour accents/h3>p>strong>a href>Interior decorators recognise that colour accents tantalise a consumer’s vision./a>/strong> This is another way of attracting their senses by allowing products to be seen in a different light. Arrange your products according to tones. This helps various pieces stand out. There are also colour schemes that make the retail store appear wider or more spacious. Familiarise yourself with such arrangements and rest assured that you’re guaranteed a sale. /p>h3>Use mirrors to make your space look bigger/h3>p>Mirrors are essential in creating the strong>a href>illusion of space in retail interior design/a>/strong>. There’s something about space that makes a consumer feel free to make choices. They walk freely and even if there’s a lot of traffic, having mirrored pillars in your retail store makes consumers feel that it’s spacious enough to look around and to try some pieces. Having a shiny walkway may be perceived as quite impressive. This instantly grades goods more trustworthy because of the cleanliness your store exudes. Lastly, a spacious-looking retail store encourages people to try on clothes, even if some of the prices may be beyond their means. /p>h3>Play some music for your customers/h3>p>Believe it or not, music gives life to your retail store. Have some subtle background music playing according to the products you are offering. If you are selling blazers, suits and corporate attire choose classical music. If you are selling youthful clothes, opt for pop music. If what you are selling is aimed at kids, it’s time for that Baby Shark kids playlist. Music can attract customers; that’s why it’s a good idea to have something playing in the background while they shop. This sets them up to be in a good mood right away. By creating an overall relaxed and happy environment for shopping, consumers will have a more positive outlook towards a store or brand. Make sure this music is not too overpowering and that all music is censored and not offensive./p>figure classwp-block-embed-youtube wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleWhat Does an Interior Designer Actually Do? | ARTiculations width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleRetail Interior Design Tips>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-188 classpost-188 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How to Survive and Succeed in Retail/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title3:06 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2019-11-28T03:06:24+00:00>November 28, 2019/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1280 height853 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altHow to Survive and Succeed in Retail loadinglazy srcset 1280w, 300w, 1024w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Without competition in business, retailers might not be relevant in their respective industries. Every niche business needs to offer value to customers and improve satisfaction. While many retailers understand this fact, they still struggle to overcome the challenges of success. As an advisor to retail giants and small businesses, building a recognisable brand can help you to remain competitive./p>p>Regardless of unfavourable market policies, retail store owners stay on top of their game. We shall analyse some retail business concerns and how to turn them into success./p>p>strong>Add Value in Your Niche Business/strong>/p>p>Entrepreneurs in emerging markets don’t often reinvent products. Instead, they add new features to existing products. One of the easiest ways of failing in business is to ‘swim with the sharks.’ Naturally, bigger retail stores often saturate marketplaces with their products and services. By carving space from the coverage, you can attract clients that like to do things differently. /p>p>When your startup retail business commences, it’s essential to customise your niche. Since other retailers have been in business before you, it’s an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Introducing value-added services is a strategy that can distinguish your business. Even during business failures, there are new opportunities. Use Coastal Living as a great example of finding your niche. They offer interior design services as well as products, but specifically coastal interior design. Again, this is an example of finding your niche./p>p>strong>Enhance Your Business Operations/strong>/p>p>The difference between traditional and modern business methods in the introduction of technology. Usually, e-commerce giants like a href classexternal relnofollow>Alibaba /a>and a href classexternal relnofollow>Amazon /a>invest in the latest technologies. Without optimising their business operations, it will be difficult to compete globally. /p>p>Cloud computing and digital marketing tools give retailers more access to potential buyers. Also, smart retail store owners have strong online social media presence and online distribution channels. With technology, you can offer on-demand services and strengthen the company’s brand./p>p>strong>Track Your Performance/strong>/p>p>The strength of retail operations depends on their rates of conversion. With metric tools, you can track your agility and conversion rates. The results help retailers to know whether they are competitive enough in their business niches. Also, metric tools for performance provide real-time data. /p>p>It might be useful in measuring the number of new sales, projects, the number of resources required in implementing them. Additionally, smart retailers can make projections of their returns on investment (ROI), and evaluate customers’ patronage./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>img loadinglazy width1024 height683 src altHow to Survive and Succeed in Retail classwp-image-190 srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1280w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/figure>p>strong>Strengthen Your Brand’s Identity/strong>/p>p>Consumers are loyal to brands that offer more value for their money. Like investors, clients often patronise retailers with strong brand identities that create their products. It’s the power behind every recognisable brand that leads to business success. /p>p>Usually, big retailers use digital distribution channels to increase the value of their brand. Many years ago, traditional distribution platforms used newspapers and billboard advertisements. However, brand strategists can use the internet to target different demographics of consumers in the 21st century. /p>p>To attract consumers from competitors, offer them personalisation service, and they will identify with your brand seamlessly. Also, your business will succeed when it optimises its speed of delivery and offers cost-effective products./p>p>strong>Increase Your Customers’ Engagement/strong>/p>p>When consumers lack confidence in your retail product, they will move their loyalty to competitors. A retailer can succeed in business by developing a culture of engaging with customers. Hire and train customer service employees to study your customers. /p>p>These professionals can create sales points and build interactive communities to engage potential and existing clients. Usually, customer engagement strategies involve both the collection of marketing data and studies of the consumer’s behaviour. To survive in business, your retail store can implement a 24-7 helpdesk for customers./p>p>strong>Implement A Fast Supply Chain/strong>/p>p>Logistics is vital in the purchase and delivery of retail products. Online shoppers expect their goods to be delivered quickly. They could pay more for reducing the time it takes to deliver these products. So, retailers can take advantage of this expectation by implementing fast logistics processes./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>iframe loadinglazy titleThe Future of Retail | Doug Stephens | #BoFVOICES 2017 width620 height349 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/figure>p>/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow to Survive and Succeed in Retail>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-129 classpost-129 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Tips For Business Owners Buying Property/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title12:05 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2018-05-02T00:05:36+00:00>May 2, 2018/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altbright lights city loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>a href classexternal relnofollow>Business owners/a> are already under the pump all the time due to everyday pressures and business demands, however many of them don’t realise that they would be a great candidate for building a rewarding a href classexternal relnofollow>property portfolio/a>. It is time to start shopping around, entrepreneurs are well-known for pouring their hard-earned bucks back in their businesses, but they don’t always realise that the property market presents some great opportunity to make some gains and benefit the business. A property portfolio can provide extra cash flow, reduce your tax liability and also be borrowed against if occasions call for this. Many smart business owners are able to create additional wealth with an investment property that is another source income that is separate from their core business. In the following article, we look at the few things business owners need to look at when taking the plunge into the real estate investment industry./p>p>strong>Know your objectives/strong>/p>p>Every investor would have different goals and desires as well as resources to spend. Whether your aim is long-term future capital growth or possibly a side additional revenue stream, there are ways to maximise your goals. It is quite common to be able to achieve one of the objectives, but challenging and rare to achieve both./p>p>Those whose cash flow is a little tight may look for a cash-generating property using a greater rental yield, such as an inner-city apartment. However, if cash flow is not an issue you could shoot for the bigger prize of capital growth by choosing a property with a greater land />High-quality family houses are usually more pricey than apartments and units and may generate lower rental income, however, the long-term capital growth may be greater. Invest in a top business advisor to break down the capabilities of your business to see what you will be able to purchase with current resources./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-136 size-medium src alt width300 height199 srcset 300w, 768w, 940w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>Consider your available time commitments/strong>/p>p>Most company owners are pressed for time. While those with a passion for renovations and real estate in their own spare time might attempt to raise their capital gain by purchasing a property that needs some DIY work, but many busy business owners will want something less involved easier to maintain./p>p>A comprehensive inspection from a specialist can highlight maintenance issues you may not have considered. You will want to know whether the house is old and requires rewiring or has things such as early-stage rot from the floorboards or a damaging pest problem. If you plan to reside in the house, is it a lengthy commute from where your business is? Does this have a high maintenance garden which will whittle away at your leisure time? If you are planning to rent out the property, it is a good idea to acquire the help of an experienced property manager to take care of collecting rent, bookkeeping and maintenance inspections./p>p>strong>Enjoy the full benefits/strong>/p>p>If you are living in the house as an owner-occupier, you may enjoy an exemption from capital gains tax when you sell your own home and can find it easier to get a mortgage approved. You may even be able to access the First Home Owner Grant./p>p>But chances are as a business operator, investment properties will supply a larger tax advantage. You may have the ability to secure an interest-only loan may make the property easier to hold long duration, and claim a range of allowable expenses on investment properties like interest, maintenance, and rates. Negative gearing is especially beneficial for reducing tax liability. Make certain that you get the full advantages of depreciation./p>p>strong>Get the timing right/strong>/p>p>Dips or shocks to land valuation do occur and, while great property pops back and recovers, you simply get the advantage if you’re able to continue to maintain the advantage long term. Successful property investors need an element of boldness and risk-taking but also have realistic expectations and be mindful of the sustainability of long-term gains. Business owners looking to invest should consider their current and future cash flow to understand the investment requirements./p>p>Timing the industry well may bring forward the day when you begin to enjoy a massive equity return, that brings flexibility and freedom. Keeping an eye on economic cycles may be able to counteract the effect of cyclical movements and make the most of downturns when costs are lower. It is all about planning and getting adequate strategic business advice according to your industry and demand swings./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-135 size-medium src alt width300 height200 srcset 300w, 768w, 940w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>Do your research/strong>/p>p>There are many resources available now for real estate research which may place you in a much better position to negotiate with the agent or seller. Online property sales services may tell you a home’s earnings history and provide you a record of comparable properties in the region and what they sold for. Is the median price at the suburb you’re thinking about climbing, flat-lining or falling? How has it weathered downturns like the fiscal crisis? Is the variety of houses available in the region falling or rising? Look at who is in the rental market for the area and what their requirements are if there is a surplus of apartments already in the area then it may be difficult to find a tenant. span stylefont-weight: 400>Perhaps you could look into a href classexternal relnofollow>buying a retail property or commercial property/a> /span>span stylefont-weight: 400>to attract other business tenants? /span>Don’t forget to consider ongoing running costs and overheads of having an investment property, these included council rates, body corporate fees and management fees. Business owners who are organised and switched on will have no problem balancing property and a business, however, there is no room for sloppiness or laziness. Property investment is like another job on top of everything else./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleTips For Business Owners Buying Property>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-117 classpost-117 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>How to Shop for Business Clothing/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title1:24 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2018-03-21T01:24:01+00:00>March 21, 2018/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altlady in business clothing loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>You just acquired your first job. Congratulations! Now you only have to determine what to wear. One glance in your cupboard sends a moderate wave of fear through your spine. Who understood dressing just professionally for work may be so hard? Nevertheless, it’s fine. You are an adult. You may purchase work clothes. Even the best business coaches say that clothing is important and that it is very simple to look put together. Having the right clothes as well as looking and feeling professional can increase worker productivity so time to get shopping!/p>p>strong>Start Looking For Quality and Fit/strong>/p>p>When you consider it, wearing clothing to work does not call for many drastic actions. You will need something to go on the top of your body and on the bottom half of your body. For men, this means a top and a pair of trousers. For women, it also signifies a shirt and a pair of trousers, or a dress, or a skirt or a jumper and so forth./p>p>What we’re trying to convey is that we get this particular type of dread that crops up once you walk into a shop and suddenly forget how to wear clothing. So remember: You are here for bottoms and tops. And you do not need much a href classexternal relnofollow>to construct a great result/a>. You wish to possess enough items so you can rotate them into your current wardrobe smoothly without feeling as if you are running out of clothing by the middle of the week. Realistically, we are talking a few tops and possibly two pairs of trousers here./p>p>Prior to getting into specific recommendations, there are a few general guidelines. We advise people to search for substances which are somewhat thicker and higher quality. It is a whole lot easier to look professional using something which’s some kind of substance that innately has a great deal of construction. Spend the money on something which fits right and you feel excellent in if it does not fit correctly, simply spend the cash and make it tailored after. Cheap tops could be made to appear expensive if you simply cover the $15 to $20 to have them customised./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-120 size-medium src alt width300 height188 srcset 300w, 768w, 940w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>Get A Blazer, Don’t Stress Over Shirts/strong>/p>p>With that out of the way let us begin with the top-half. It might be a bit pricey, however, the blazer is a necessity. Finding an excellent blazer is your best move, you can set it on anything, and when everything else isn’t quite as fine, you’ve got this one really ordered piece which may fool everybody. For guys, a great blazer can create a not-so-great shirt seem fine. You may use it with a tie if you would like to appear fancy, or using a flannel to provide off approachable vibes. For ladies, a blazer is much more versatile. It is possible to put on a blazer up to three times weekly, one day it is with a skirt and floral top, next day it is with pants, and later another day it is using a dress./p>p>Shirts, strangely enough, are in which you do not really need to worry too much. For females at the least, this is where you can cheap out just a bit, it is a whole lot easier for girls to purchase cheap tops since you might or might not be needing something over it. In terms of men, there is less wiggle room. Ensure the match is great and the material is caliber, sleeves are frequently a dead giveaway. If the sleeves do not match then that is an indication that something is ill-fitting./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-121 size-medium src alt width300 height200 srcset 300w, 768w, 940w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>Try On a lot of Pants/strong>/p>p>If you are starting out, it’s suggested somewhere between two to four pairs of great “work” trousers for both women and men. Nothing too crazy, something that is neutral in tone, and, fits you. In regards to guys, this can be pretty straightforward. Most work trousers will fit your ordinary man, only be certain they’re made out of a thicker cloth. They will not wrinkle as easily and appear more expensive. These may be jeans, slacks or chinos, but we hope you could select a pair of trousers which are “work”. Predictably, if you are a woman you may have to do a bit more work to discover a nice pair of trousers. I advise that you visit a department store and try on numerous pairs of trousers until you really feel as though you’re going to get some winners./p>p>strong>Shop Smart And Wash Right/strong>/p>p>Now, you’re probably reading this and wondering just how much you are likely to have to spend to appear presentable. The thing is, even if you are smart about where and when you buy, you won’t need to shell out as much as you might believe. You shouldn’t ever be required to pay full price for anything. The retail calendar is fragmented surely there are some sorts of sales and discounts going on all year round. There is a really good possibility that anything which you would like you can find on sale. Shopping for business clothing is like a href classexternal relnofollow>building a property portfolio you must look for the best prices/a> and work up from the basics./p>p>When you have purchased all of your fine clothes, ensure you take good care of those. For that, you ought to have a look at our guide on how to do laundry but in summary, do not just toss everything in the laundry. Just adhere to the mentioned instructions. There is no reason things which are created out of quality materials should not endure a very long time provided that you take care of those. That is the last step. Follow these guidelines and a href classexternal relnofollow>you will become the successful investor/a> in a great looking wardrobe a href classexternal relnofollow>you have proudly developed/a> yourself!/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleHow to Shop for Business Clothing>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-110 classpost-110 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Shopping For Furniture Online/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:54 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2018-03-15T04:54:18+00:00>March 15, 2018/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height843 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altfurniture in penthouse loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>It requires time to locate high-quality furniture for the most value on the internet, but these ideas may help you make good purchasing choices whether you’re a href classexternal relnofollow>looking for banquette seating for your home/a> or a glass showcase to display art./p>p>strong>Selecting a Furniture Website/strong>/p>p>The World Wide Web functions as an open market, rather than all Internet retailers are reliable or dependable. Purchase furniture online from popular, protected websites to secure your financial details. This also cuts the probability of problems once you finish your purchases. Just take some opportunity to find out more about the website, and also the furniture you intend to purchase, to be certain to have the best bargain./p>p>strong>1. Read About Pagebr />/strong>br />Start your study by reading the organisations about page. The better internet retailers supply details about their businesses, such as background and information regarding their client support and satisfaction guarantees. The site’s about page must also have a contact number or address. Respectable companies constantly provide ways for organisations to get them offline./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-113 size-medium src alt width300 height217 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>2. Start looking for Store Reviews/strong>/p>p>Several sites make it possible for users to post testimonials for retailers. As it’s possible to chalk one or 2 poor reviews up to particular awful encounters, many bad reviews or some very low position may signal issues with the corporation. You might even get furniture on Amazon, which permits you to navigate hundreds of online retailers and goods. When you surf for furniture on Amazon, you can search using the greatest average user inspection to come across the highest-rated products. You may even browse through the research results to see more detailed reviews about the furniture and the retailers./p>p>strong>3. Check the Return Policy/strong>/p>p>Websites ought to have apparent return policies. If a site charges clients a re-stocking fee, has a complex return process or does not allow returns in any way, do not conduct business together. Search for sites using elastic return policies. Shops should provide customers ample time to return goods. Many shops give customers at least 30 days, however, a few provide 45 or even 60 days to return things. Additionally, examine the site’s re-stocking and transport charges. The very best return policies provide free return shipping, or the choice to return goods to a physical shop./p>p>strong>4. Shipping Prices/strong>/p>p>Most shops list their transport coverage in their FAQ webpages. Thoroughly examine a shop’s shipping policies before purchasing a href classexternal relnofollow>furniture/a> on the site. Various stores use different transport companies, such as FedEx or UPS, and give different shipping and handling prices. Some shops hike up the price of transport or charge a handling fee to counteract the decreased prices they supply their furniture. Do not purchase any furniture without assessing the transport and handling fees./p>p>strong>5. Locate a Shop That Fits With Your Design Tastes/strong>/p>p>Some online retailers, such as Amazon, provide many products from other retailers that cover the entire spectrum of a href classexternal relnofollow>decorating fashions including custom designed furniture/a>. But most online shops carry items which reflect the site’s devotion to a specific style. For Instance, some stores specialise in contemporary, green-friendly furniture. These shops carry sleeker furniture using minimal layout components and modern-looking house decor pieces. Other shops carry more conventional or timeless bits and also have product offerings which talk more to the purchaser using a conventional sense of style./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-114 size-medium src alt width300 height200 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>6. Shop in Stores That Provide Fantastic Choice/strong>/p>p>Discover exactly what you want to supply your house by shopping at an internet store that provides a broad assortment of furniture choices. Some retailers concentrate on hand-painted, small furniture pieces, along with other shops just sell furniture. You’ve got a better prospect of finding whatever you want if you shop in a website that provides furniture for every room of the home./p>p>strong>7. Shops with Brick and Mortar Locatio/strong>strong>ns/strong>/p>p>Many internet stores have brick and mortar places where you are able to search for furniture. Opting to purchase furnishings from a shop with a physical place lets you examine the pieces you need before you purchase. Additionally, purchasing from sites with brick and mortar shops can eliminate shipping prices. Many sites with brick and mortar shops enable you to purchase things on the internet, then send them to the shop free of the pickup, rather than paying shipping costs to ship the furniture into your residence, you can immediately pick up that table case you have been wanting./p>p>strong>8. Shop from Secure Websites/strong>/p>p>Simply buy furniture out of protected websites to decrease the threat of identity theft. As soon as you begin the checkout process, you need to observe details that point to the website is protected. Examine the URL for your webpage. If you purchase furniture from a safe website, the URL changes to start with https rather than HTTP, indicating the website is secure. You may notice a lock icon somewhere on the base of the webpage; this is also an index of site security. Double-click the lock to examine details regarding the site’s security measures./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleShopping For Furniture Online>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-104 classpost-104 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Shopping Website Essentials/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title3:58 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2018-03-08T03:58:12+00:00>March 8, 2018/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altshopping website credit card loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Thus, you’re all set to take your company to another level and start your own online store. Great! But have you wondered what your a href classexternal relnofollow>e-commerce/a> website needs to genuinely turn gains? An internet store is much more than simply very good product images and a checkout feature, you also need to consider the experience you are giving your clients. Internet shopping is an aggressive area, so what exactly does it take to construct a fantastic online shop? Below is a few essential must-haves to make your store a success and make shopping a breeze for your customers a href classexternal relnofollow>whether you sell unique tree furniture/a> or are a href classexternal relnofollow>providing tree removal services for your area/a>./p>p>strong>1. Fantastic Experience for Mobile Shoppers/strong>/p>p>An increasing number of individuals are buying from mobile devices instead of out of PCs and notebooks, so making sure that your e-commerce site is cellular friendly is essential. Mobile’s rising market share means your online store ought to have a cellular first approach to guarantee you’re receiving conversions regardless of what device. A web design agency can assist you in creating a mobile version of your site, the crucial components are:/p>ul>li>Make sure your checkout cart works easily on cellular/li>li>Make Certain the phone navigation is easy to utilize/li>li>Maintain your cellular version clean, easy with clear links and phone friendly actions buttons/li>li>Check outside, webpage navigation and ‘next’ buttons Have Sufficient space so fingers/thumbs may tap them readily/li>li>Good cellular versions of your pictures, such as pictures for the retina screenimg loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-105 size-medium src alt width300 height169 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/li>/ul>p>strong>2. Straightforward Checkout Procedure/strong>/p>p>The greatest conversion killer for your online shop is possibly your checkout procedure. You might easily be losing a large number of consumers in case your process is badly designed or planned. Striking a balance between great performance, usability and building confidence is crucial to offering a fantastic checkout experience./p>ul>li>Have an Enormous transparent ‘checkout’ button/li>li>Do not present unexpected prices at checkout/li>li>Optimise your site for loading time, make sure it is quickly (especially on cellular)/li>li>Create editing the cart contents simple/li>li>Display shipping prices clearly/li>li>Show pictures of the products in the cart/li>li>Screen security logos/li>li>Maintain your checkout easy and tidy, less clutter will be much better/li>li>Make calling support simple/li>/ul>p>strong>3. Guest Check Outs/strong>/p>p>Never ending registration forms may increase the probability of your clients abandoning a buy at checkout thus give clients the choice to check out for a guest instead of register an account. Online shoppers are eager to create their purchases quickly and can easily be diverted, so help them (and you) reach their target by providing them a much faster choice to check out as a guest user./p>p>strong>4. Excellent Product Images/strong>/p>p>Item photography might be the single most important characteristic of your e-commerce website. This is exactly what helps your consumer get interested in a product and is often the first encounter of your goods, so make it count./p>p>It goes without saying but make sure your pictures are high quality with great lightingbr />provide your clients the choice to view the merchandise in circumstance or used so that they could relate to the experience of using your product, add a gallery of pictures to show all facets of this product, let clients view a bigger version of this photo using a zoom function./p>p>Capture the imagination of your clients and be creative with your descriptions, and tell the story of your product and how it can help your client. Can it save time, cash, make them more effective or keep them secure? Appeal to your client’s psychological needs and show them the advantages of your product and how it can make their life simpler./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-106 size-medium src alt width300 height199 srcset 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1129w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>5. Have a Clear Returns Policy/strong>/p>p>The very first portion of a decent returns policy would be to attempt and stop the return. People today return their merchandise when they are disappointed so compose clear and accurate product descriptions. Nevertheless having a well structured and easy to discover returns policy can really help your client make the choice to purchase since they feel confident they could find a refund or swap readily if there is a problem./p>p>strong>6. Detailed Product Descriptions/strong>/p>p>This may seem obvious, but clear and precise descriptions of your goods are significant to help buyers make the choice to buy. Your descriptions behave like your shop’s sales staff so that it ought to be enlightening and the ideal tone to your goal. Include an FAQ’s section also to help alleviate any doubts regarding your goods./p>p>Include info about:/p>ul>li>Clothes size/li>li>Feel and visual look/li>li>Substances or cloth used for your goods/li>li>Guarantees/li>li>Colors/li>/ul>p>strong>7. Simple Design and Intuitive Navigation/strong>/p>p>Get clear about your store categories and the way you are online shop is organised. Poorly structured websites do not work well and fight to convert. The target is to make your website design simple for the clients to find what they’re searching for. Work with your web designer and your staff to understand how your goods ought to be categorised./p>p>Make certain your navigation is intuitive using labeling which makes sense for the clients. Occasionally how your organization labels something might not appeal to, or be confusing to your clients./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleShopping Website Essentials>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-98 classpost-98 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Beauty Shopping Tips and Tricks/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:02 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2018-01-03T04:02:19+00:00>January 3, 2018/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altshopping centre loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>Beauty counters can be intimidating, but is there anything greater than picking a new lipstick or mascara? We don’t think so, and these days, thinking about the quantity of places (both on and offline) you can search for beauty products, there is nothing you cannot buy. Whether you are searching for a new nail polish, you are still looking for your ideal foundation match or you will need to discover a face wash, which will clean your skin, it is highly unlikely that you won’t find something which works. It is finding that exact item, though, that may be tough./p>p>To help you navigate the vast and sometimes, overwhelming, waters of searching for beauty products, we are sharing 10 tips for shopping like a pro. Continue reading below!/p>ol>li>strong>Use the wisdom of salespeople/strong>/li>/ol>p>Most salespeople are well trained in regards to the products in the cosmetics counter, and they are there to assist you. Ask their opinion about which lip colour you should try, or perhaps what foundation they found worked better./p>ol start2>li>strong>Bring a friend/strong>/li>/ol>p>Always bring a buddy while searching for beauty products, and make sure they are honest. Going solo means you won’t have the ability to hear if a colour looks great on you, or if a thing is virtually far too expensive for your budget. Your very best friend’s input will guarantee you are getting the best products for the money./p>ol start3>li>strong>Use your smartphone while at the shop/strong>/li>/ol>p>First, use your phone to look up product reviews on the thing in question. Odds are, you will find out fairly quickly how great (or terrible) a product is while taking a look at online reviews. Second, search the item online to determine if you’re able to get a lower price elsewhere. Many sites offer free delivery, and in case you’re able to get something for a lower price but see it at the shop, you will get more bang for your buck./p>ol start4>li>strong>Search Pinterest/strong>/li>/ol>p>Granted, you probably ended up at the makeup counter as a result of something you saw on Pinterest to start with, but do a great conventional keyword search on the societal site for appropriate colour representation in real life. Often, individuals will ditch what a lipstick looks like while they are wearing it, instead of just seeing what a product looks like from the tube./p>ol start5>li>strong>Know your fixing labels/strong>/li>/ol>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-56 size-medium src altfresh food store, basketball apparel,shopping width300 height200 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />Especially on skin care products, know what includes certain ingredients. By way of instance, if you have dry skin, then you should run in the opposite direction of benzoyl peroxide, which can lead to excessive dryness, but works wonders for acne. If you are unsure of what to stay away from, u>visit a few beauty services/u> or beauty clinic to gain some advice on what not to buy./p>ol start6>li>strong>Subscribe to benefits programs/strong>/li>/ol>p>Many companies have rewards programs, like Sephora’s Insider program that rewards you on a point system based on purchases. If you are going to be shopping makeup counters regularly, do not miss out on the benefits! Additionally, often times they will provide you sneak peeks of merchandise and send samples, which means you’ll have the ability to try items before purchasing the full size./p>ol start7>li>strong>Request samples/strong>/li>/ol>p>Whether it is from the shop itself directly from the makeup a href classexternal relnofollow>business/a>, if you call and request samples, some businesses are delighted to send them along. Obtaining a free sample before committing to a purchase is the best way to wet your feet before you spend a massive chunk of change on an exfoliator, which you are allergic to./p>ol start8>li>strong>Know your undertones/strong>/li>/ol>p>If you have got warm undertones (yellow, golden or peach), your base ought to be yellow or peach based. If you have cool undertones (red or blue), your base ought to be neutral or pink-based./p>ol start9>li>strong>Proceed without wearing makeup/strong>/li>/ol>p>Brave the world and head to the shop without wearing makeup so you can test products out in the counter. Testing out of the goods in store makes the choice to purchase much, much simpler. Be certain you’re using different applicators for everything to prevent bacteria./p>ol start10>li>strong>Know when to splurge and when to save/strong>/li>/ol>p>There are certain products, which can be bought at the pharmacy, u>such as acne treatment/u> or sanitary products, and then there are the others that need to be splurged on. The products may differ depending on what is most valuable to you (if you wear base religiously but only wear lipstick once per month, foundation needs to be your quality item), but understand what you are willing to spend before stepping foot in the store./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleBeauty Shopping Tips and Tricks>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-93 classpost-93 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>The 10 Best Homewares Stores in Sydney/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title9:57 pm relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-12-18T21:57:55+00:00>December 18, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height683 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altsydney city loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>If you have just moved to Australia and now consider yourself a Sydneysider, start to feel at home with these 10 of the best homewares stores in Sydney./p>p>We scoured the city seeking purveyors of pretty things for your home to suit different styles and budgets./p>h2>Great Daneimg loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-94 size-medium src alt width300 height200 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/h2>p>The real deal when it comes to a href classexternal relnofollow>Scandi/a> style, Good Dane stocks a few of the premier brands in Scandinavian furniture. Believe Hans Wegner, Finn Juhl, Arne Jacobsen and much more in an emporium of expertly curated furniture, accessories, lighting and fabrics./p>h2>Zaffero/h2>p>Lighting with a handmade, industrial border shares space with classic one-piece trinkets and some of the most intricate beach style furniture Australia has on offer. The majority of the lights are designed in Sydney and handmade in India using solid aluminum, brass, hand-blown glass, salvaged wood, silks and other interesting materials./p>h2>Citta Design/h2>p>The New Zealand-based brand provides fresh, relaxed homewares with an international flavour. Each seasonal collection is inspired by textures and colours from a different area of the world. Latest stop: Mali. The contemporary furniture range will not date any time soon — and will not break the bank, which is why a href>a lot of interior designers in Sydney opt for contemporary style/a>./p>h2>Koskela/h2>p>Stunning sustainability is a hallmark of the furniture and homewares in Koskela, housed in a huge former industrial area in Rosebery. The brand has serious ecological and social credit, cooperating with Native American weavers from Arnhem Land, by way of instance, to generate drop-dead gorgeous lampshades./p>h2>Papaya/h2>p>With its neutral colour palettes and earthy textures, Papaya is a silent achiever among the chain shop crowd. You’ll discover shimmering hand-hammered Egyptian lights, lace-cut metal outside stools and fine ceramic bottles one of its wares. There are kitchen items, toys and fashion accessories also. Papaya has arguably a href>some of the best interior styling Sydney has seen/a> as far as a chain design store./p>h2>Alfresco Emporium/h2>p>Receive a hit of Hamptons style without leaving Sydney at this northern shore hub of coastal cool. The shop showcases coastal beach furniture, homewares and kitchen accessories, including a vast array of rattan furniture. There is also a cafe, play area for the children, lounge area for those grown-ups, and fresh flowers to go./p>h2>Table Tonic/h2>p>Promising international paintings for the contemporary bohemian, Table Tonic has an 4clectic and wallet-friendly choice of fabrics, soft furnishings and jewellery from far-flung places. Think handmade Moroccan leather pouffes, feather juju hats from a href classexternal relnofollow>Cameroon/a> and organic cotton beach towels out of Tunisia./p>h2>Le Forge/h2>p>Inspired by France, made for Australia. Tucked away in the backyard of Camperdown, Le Forge specialises in galvanised steel furniture for inside and out. There is also an intriguing choice of European architectural accessories, homewares and enjoyable statement pieces from far-flung places. Anyone for a rustic barber’s chair?/p>h2>The Country Trader/h2>p>An Aladdin’s cave of decoration, The Country Trader has a mind-boggling collection of classic and new homewares, furniture, artworks and curios in addition to posh-meets-rustic bits from the Ralph Lauren Home Collection. Locate 18th-century Italian serpentine-fronted chests of drawers, tequila bottles shaped like flamenco dancers and much, much more in the 2000-square-metre space./p>h2>Becker Minty/h2>p>Fashion to your own wardrobe … and your dwelling. Becker Minty provides furniture, Home decor and light alongside men’s and women’s fashion, accessories and perfume in a fashionable boutique in the heart of Potts Point. Brands include AERIN, Blainey North and Akar p Nissim./p>p styletext-align: left;>iframe loadinglazy src width640 height360 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleThe 10 Best Homewares Stores in Sydney>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-85 classpost-85 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Kitchen Décor Shopping Tips/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title1:05 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-11-14T01:05:19+00:00>November 14, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altkitchen decor loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>A kitchen is a focal point in any home. It is where memories are made. Eying a child’s first drawing, opening a perfect report card, or making an engagement statement often happen in the bustling home kitchen. It’s not surprising that a viable, gratifying kitchen is one of a house’s top-selling attractions and a pleasure for all who visit it which is why there are is a a href classexternal relnofollow>wave of home extension builders and design aimed/a> at revolutionising the kitchen area./p>p>To accommodate the flow of family members and friends, a fantastic design is indispensable. As I am sure most layout junkies do, I follow designers on Instagram. I need to tell the truth, it is sometimes a love-hate relationship, for example, when I’m drooling over an insanely gorgeous toilet, and then I snap back into the reality of this mauve faux-tile that lives in my real bathroom. I have really begun to appreciate the styling aspect of a home however with all the fancy kitchen appliances you need to a href classexternal relnofollow>maintain appliance repair service for/a> optimal functioning. One of those is my kitchen. I spend more time than I want to acknowledge scrolling through kitchen vignettes, and I’ve found some tricks of the trade. So, today I’m sharing my top kitchen styling suggestions./p>p>strong>em>Show Off Your Charcuterie + Cheese Boards/em>/strong>/p>p>Cutting and serving boards are totally trendy at the moment, and you may find beautiful marble and wood varieties at just about any store offering kitchenware. Odds are, you already have two or one. So, rather than leaving them in the cupboard, place them on display. Twist them to add architectural interest to a counter, or hang them to break up a a href classexternal relnofollow>monochromatic/a> backsplash./p>p>strong>em>Let Those Leaves Trail/em>/strong>/p>p>Houseplants with monitoring leaves seem fantastic, situated on open kitchen shelves. If you’re in the market for a brand new plant, then consider a philodendron variety, as they are typically easy to grow. Set your leafy beauty on top of your highest shelf, and prepare for a few killer #shelfies./p>p>strong>em>Hang Flatware + Cutlery on the Wall/em>/strong>/p>p>Dress up a vacant backsplash with silverware or cutlery. A magnetic knife rack is going to do just fine for knives, while attaching hooks or even a washi tape and string combo to display your favourite flatware./p>p>strong>em>Mix Matte Black with Earth Tones/em>/strong>/p>p>I’m loving the resurgence of earthy materials such as a href classexternal relnofollow>terra cotta/a>, particularly when paired with moody, matte blacks. The combo seems dynamite in a kitchen, and it’s easy to recreate with just some of the proper accessories./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-87 size-medium src alt width300 height198 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>em>If you have got it (a Wooden Spoon Collection), Flaunt It/em>/strong>/p>p>This one’s super-simple. Have you got plenty of wooden spoons crowding your utensil drawer? Toss them in a contemporary utensil holder onto your countertop, and you’ve got height and natural colour, all in a matter of 5 minutes./p>p>strong>em>Feed off Your Fruit/em>/strong>/p>p>Not literally, since then there will be no left for styling. In all seriousness, fruit is the best way to add a pop of colour for your space. It also can help to inspire further colour. Use your fruit bowl to direct your attachment selection./p>p>strong>em>Add Colourful Accessories to an All-White Setting/em>/strong>/p>p>All-white sinks are everywhere, and do not get me wrong they’re beautiful. But a bold splash of colour can go a long way if you’re styling a bright, white area. It’s as simple as looking through your cupboards and pulling out your preferred colourful vase or dish. By adding colour you are creating a space reflecting your personality./p>p>strong>em>Attempt a Hanging Plant/em>/strong>/p>p>In my quest to be a #plantlady, I’ve spent hours considering hanging planters (and eventually determined to DIY one). The instantaneous life a hanging plant brings to a distance is unmistakable. If you can’t really figure out exactly what your own kitchen is missing, it is probably a hanging plant./p>p>You don’t need to move house to have the kitchen you have always dreamed about. There are many options such as renovating or a href classexternal relnofollow>undertaking a home extension to achieve/a> the look you have always wanted. Below you will find four main basic kitchen designs:/p>ul>li>The galley shape with 2 walls of appliances squaring off reverse each other/li>li>The L-shape that locates the three major elements (sink, stove, and refrigerator) along two perpendicular walls forming a natural triangle/li>li>The U-shape that puts the components on three walls/li>li>The G-shape, (essentially seen as the U-shape with a fourth wall) is useful in providing space for more counter space, cabinetry, and appliances./li>/ul>p>For efficiency, consider the classic work triangle formula according to the way it coincides with the settings you choose. Two work areas, one for cooking with an oven, another for serving and draining, each with a sink, is also a popular strategy. Consider also if you need to a href classexternal relnofollow>undertake oven repair or dishwasher repair for/a> example, and how you would access these appliances. Remembering to be practical in your design approach as well./p>p>strong>Integrate Wood in Kitchen Cabinets/strong>/p>p>Rely on wood’s natural feel, appearance, and feel to make your room seem clean and bright. Kitchen decoration that welcomes guests and provides a sense of cosiness to the family is a vital component to any home where timber will provide the warmth that is saught after./p>p>strong>Clean and Neat/strong>/p>p>Creating ample storage, nevertheless giving your kitchen a spacious feel and look, could be challenging./p>p>strong>Stainless Steel Suggestions/strong>/p>p styletext-align: left;>Stainless steel is a very popular choice for appliances, however, you can find other techniques to incorporate it in the look of your kitchen./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleKitchen Décor Shopping Tips>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-79 classpost-79 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Are Tiny Pop-Ups the Future of Brick-and-Mortar?/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:27 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-10-06T04:27:39+00:00>October 6, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width640 height426 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>With an increasing number of consumers shopping on the internet, do a href classexternal relnofollow>brick-and-mortar shops/a> stand a chance? At least for a single pop-up store in New York City, the future of retail is all about embracing digital tendencies instead of resisting them. Mastercard and Marie Claire magazine have teamed up to make “The Next Big Thing” theory store, a pop-up shop in SoHo that provides the ease of online shopping to some physical storefront./p>p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-81 src alt width346 height230 srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 346px) 100vw, 346px />Industry insiders are not ignoring physical shops just yet. Stephane Wyper, senior vice president of Internet of Things partnerships and commercialization in Mastercard said she is a big believer in the physical shop and believes when you examine only pure quantity of revenue, you still find the vast majority of the occurring in a physical surroundings. For its own part, Mastercard is taking cues in the Internet world and making transacting as easy as possible./p>p>They consider resolving for one very crucial point of friction, and that’s how to lower the total amount of time that someone must wait and really go through the checkout procedure. Window-shopping is translated literally here, using a touchscreen display built to the shop window that enables users obtain their retail treatment fix any time daily. Passerbyers can navigate, choose and pay for clothing without stepping foot inside. Payment is made through an accompanying shop program that is powered by Mastercard./p>p>Indoors, fitting rooms also allow for cashless check out and payment through touchscreen mirrors under laminated timber frames made by Oak Labs. Technology is enabling brick-and-mortar shops to react quickly to ever-changing consumer preferences. Phillip Raub, co-founder of all b8ta, said in the Internet world you are able to track page views, click-throughs, but they could monitor thoughts, beliefs, live time and supply that real-time information analytics. The retail technician startup was a part of this concept store and also had several customer electronics on screen./p>p>Tech startup b8ta uses cameras to quantify foot traffic and time spent looking at merchandise. Tabletop tablets exhibit product information and advertising that sellers can change on the fly. Physical retailing Is most likely the #1 largest area of chance for brand merchandise and consciousness … the future is considering how you begin monetizing the distance and the services which you supply, along with the simple fact which you’re able to buy goods./p>p>Not to be left out is the social experience of purchasing. That is really a playground for shoppers. Nancy Berger, writer of Marie Claire, says that it truly brings together, in a social manner, intriguing shoppers so that they can experience this all together. And I believe that feeling of community is actually going to become a significant part this adventure./p>p>The pop-up shop runs till Oct. 12 and has hosted numerous occasions such as makeovers, food samplings and discussions about health and health. By bringing electronic advantage and know-how into a physical shop, organizers are embracing a 2.0 version of brick-and-mortar retail./p>p>Wyper explained that it is really down to a chance in a lot of ways, when you examine the Internet of Things and these connected apparatus, to actually leverage people, to actually re-evaluate what the physical shop may be./p>h4>And banking too!/h4>p>Pop-up stores are common in the retail industry but less so in the banking industry. But branches built from shipping containers that measure 160 square feet could be another phase in the banking industry’s development of retail shipping. Here is how banks are experimenting with these bite-sized division designs./p>p>Rumors surrounding the passing of bodily branches have left many financial institutions scrambling to get the ideal combination of delivery channels. Along with forecasts of smaller branch footprints in the long run, experts have highlighted the need to rethink the role branches will perform in the future./p>p>But what if you can just drop a mobile branch away in a href>high-traffic, populated urban crane hire areas/a> whenever you wanted? Imagine locals buzzing about your division, and offering suggestions on where it ought to be located next? Or in case you could place your branch where it was needed the most after a natural disaster?/p>p>From the new omni-channel world, could pop-up branches such as these be the answer banks and credit unions are looking for? You need to admit, there is something appealing about being able to quickly set up shop then trucking it to a new place once it has served its purpose./p>p>These micro-branch layouts – many created from transport containers but refurbished with glulam engineered timber products using a footprint measuring 160 square feet or less – are a cost effective means to scope out areas in which a more permanent branch place may be warranted. If one location is not getting the expected foot traffic or generating sufficient revenue, no big deal. It’s only one forklift away from being relocated./p>p>Many of these pop-up branches are designed to function as full-service branches. Believe it or not, a 20′ x 8′ container may home 24-hour ATMs, issue debit cards immediately, open new accounts, and manage loan applications. Consumers can get information on deposit and lending products by talking to a universal banking agent who’s prepared to assist with an iPad and a grin./p>p>And a pop-up micro-branch isn’t only more economical to build and operate, they can generally be ready to go within three months. How much cheaper? It is dependent upon its size and scope; it’s purpose and goals; the technology, equipment and accessories which are installed; and how frequently it requires to move. Logistics and transport are another consideration. Will a self-offloading trailer, forklift, a href>slab crane/a> or a href classexternal relnofollow>hydraulics system/a> be required? Maybe then you should consider permitting./p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleAre Tiny Pop-Ups the Future of Brick-and-Mortar?>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-62 classpost-62 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>New Gadgets Changing the Face of Retail/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title7:26 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-07-27T07:26:13+00:00>July 27, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altretail sign loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-63 size-medium src alt width300 height211 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />With the introduction of new technologies over the past few decades, the fast-paced retail sector has improved in leaps and bounds. But tech experts, including a number of talented Australians, have generated some new technologies which will change the face of retail in the coming months and years./p>p>After the Online Retailer Conference & Expo at Sydney on Wednesday, we rounded up a number of the exciting new creations presented and looked at how they are going to enhance your shopping experience through network security and performance management in Melbourne and Sydney. According to Alice Kuepper, the organiser of the expo, the future of shopping really is just around the corner, with a few of those technologies hitting the market in only a mere couple of months./p>h4>The Makeover Mirror/h4>p>For those who love to get their makeup done professionally, this is a complete game changer. Rather than trying to recreate your favorite look in your home, these mirrors record your make up artist’s every movement. These Makeover Mirrors, or ‘a href classexternal relnofollow>virtual mirrors/a>‘, quite literally record you with your makeup applied in-store before sending you a weblink video of the recording to use in your home that is also stored on a cloud management platform for later use./p>p>A luxury light system will also simulate natural sunlight to ensure your video is colour-corrected, while a flexible light temperature will recreate distinct light environments, so you look perfect on a sunny day, at the office or on a night out. You’ll also be delivered a database of all the goods you tried on. A brand new product for Australia, global merchant Neiman Marcus now hosts sixty virtual mirrors in its stores./p>h4>Online Fitting/h4>p>There is nothing worse than ordering a number of clothing on the internet, only to find that they do not come close to even matching. The smart people at Style Atlas understand this issue all too well, and have been working hard and consistently a href classexternal relnofollow>testing managed services/a> to establish a new tech solution for this problem. They’re the first in the world to design a solution which permits you to make a ‘bod-e-map’ – your own personal set of match related body dimensions – requiring just one full length picture along with your height and weight./p>p>Working with partner retailers, Style Atlas then requires the garment measurements from each single special style offered, before telling you that size will fit, according to your ‘bod-e-map’ and how the garment was created to fit. This creative invention is anticipated to fully start by the end of the year./p>h4>The Inspiration Corridor/h4>p>The tech-heads from Intelliscape will be launching their ‘Inspiration Corridor’ at the Online Retailer Conference & Expo this month. This amazing invention sees shoppers input a ‘corridor’ lined with big displays and fitted with a camera. The camera then builds a profile for you using your age, height and gender before displaying content that’s specially tailored to you. You can then select garments you prefer and the magic displays will show you the finished outfits – the ideal technology for the lazy shopper, mobile data capture technology is integrated into the Inspiration Corridor so you can ‘try on’ things you see out and about./p>h4>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-64 size-medium src alt width300 height200 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/h4>h4>Holograms/h4>p>While holograms are associated with high-tech displays and Sci-Fi movies, they will shortly be in a store near you. Recently, digital signage and displays will be installed in and around stores to show customers an almost-3D digital picture of products and advertising. Essentially, the a href classexternal relnofollow>holographic displays/a> will show clients different products and advertisements from several angles, allowing us to observe the front, sides and back./p>p>The group at Intelliscape have taken Holograms one step further and designed a holographic screen with a camera inside. This camera will capture your age and demographic before compiling the content to show you products applicable to you for the greatest personal shopping experience./p>h4>Blended Experience Shopping/h4>p>Brauz, an Australian startup, is currently working to make the world’s first ‘mixed experience’ market, bringing physical, electronic and digital shopping together. The Brauz Program, which is available soon, permits you to browse products presented to you according to your interests, likes, behaviors and phases of life – all enabled by an a href classexternal relnofollow>agile test management software/a>./p>p>Then, when you walk past a shop you will be given a notification to inform you that this shop actually stocks among the products that you have saved on your program. Or, even more impressively, if you’ve enjoyed a branded pair of black boots, you will get an alert if you walk past a shop stocking similar black boots./p>h4>Virtual Reality/h4>p>This technology allows you to store anywhere in the world and customise your designs in real time. Because of marketing and innovation agency Rh7thm and Augmented Reality/Virtual Truth pros MultiDimensionCorp, it will not be long until you are experiencing virtual reality shopping both in-store and at home./p>p>Partnering with Disrupt Sports in the 2017 Online Retailer Conference and Expo and various IT consultants in Melbourne and Sydney’s shopping districts, they’ve created a technology that lets you pop augmented reality glasses and make your own personalised surfboard design, all of the while experiencing it in VR prior to making the purchase./p>p styletext-align: left;>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleNew Gadgets Changing the Face of Retail>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-55 classpost-55 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>A Guide to Shopping in Melbourne/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title4:41 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-07-21T04:41:43+00:00>July 21, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width640 height426 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altfresh food store, basketball apparel,shopping loadinglazy srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>From the Major, iconic branded stores to unique, independent boutiques, shopping Arcades and unique laneways, Melbourne is genuinely a shopaholic’s dream — and if you want a fast energy boost perk you back up during you intense shopping spree (it is entirely exercise), there’s not any lack of adorable coffee shops and trendy suburbian eateries where you can a href classexternal relnofollow>grab a prepared meal in Hawthorn/a>; with its little designer stores to the CBD, with its world renowned franchises and clever little alley way eats!/p>p>strong>Brand Outlets/strong>/p>p>u>Bridge Road Richmond/u>/p>p>Bridge Road Richmond is your very best bet if you’re searching for designer bargains. Anthea Crawford, Zu, Witchery, Table Eight, Sportsgirl, Review and much more — with lots of bars and eateries nearby to catch a quick-bite, to relax, refuel and continue shopping the entire day./p>p>u>Smith Street, Collingwood/u>/p>p>For cricket, hockey, footy, tennis or a href>basketball apparel or other sportswear/a>, Smith Street in Collingwood is the greatest outlet destination. Here you’ll find big sporting brands like; Nike, Converse, Adidas, Champion, Brooks, New Balance, and Russell Athletics to list a couple./p>p>Smith Street is also your go-to location for all adventure and outdoor clothing with Kathmandu, Mountain Design and Timberland each taking a space in the lively precinct./p>p>strong>Melbourne markets/strong>/p>p>u>Rose Street Market: 60 Rose Street, Fitzroy –Open 11am to 5pm Saturdays and Sundays/u>/p>p>Soak up the urban vibe at the Rose Street Markets, with everything from art, photography, clothing, jewelry and homewares, located just off Brunswick Street not far from Bell City’s doorstep. Hint: The brothers behind Fitzroy’s Rose Street Artists’ Market have opened an adjoining cafe; Young Bloods Diner, complete with a breathtaking rooftop view./p>p>u>Camberwell Market: Station Street, Camberwell — Open 7am to 1pm every Sunday/u>/p>p>One of the most popular Sunday markets for junk hunters and treasure collectors alike due to the fact you’re very likely to locate all kinds of stuff such as household products, clothing, toys, books, and more at the Camberwell Market./p>p>u>Queen Victoria Market: Corner of Victoria and Queen Street, Melbourne — Open from 9am Tuesdays, and Thursday to Sunday/u>/p>p>Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere at the largest open-air market this side of the hemisphere. a href classexternal relnofollow>The historic Queen Victoria Market/a>, also known affectionately as ‘Vic Market’ or ‘Queen Vic’. With over 150 stalls of international street food, vintage fashion, homewares, wine bars and activities for the kids, the iconic Queen Victoria Market is a shopping spot not to miss on your next Melbourne holiday. For locals it provides a great alternative to supermarket chains and rivals even the a href classexternal relnofollow>most organic fresh food store/a> with a huge range of produce to meet anyone’s needs./p>p>strong>Designer fashion/strong>/p>p>u>Collins Street, Melbourne CBD/u>/p>p>Label lovers flock to Melbourne to find one-off-pieces by high-fashion designers like Prada, Comme des Garcons, Dolce & Gabbana and Jean Paul Gaultier — most of which you’ll locate at the Paris end of Collins Street./p>p>u>Chapel Street, South Yarra/u>/p>p>There’s so much to love about Chapel Street, the vibrant/p>p>Culture, bars, restaurants and countless clothing stores. While you’ll see cruisy local hipsters donning causal wear like thongs, a href>shorts and basketball shirts/a>, several notable designer stores along this vibrant strip include Sass & Bide, Le Louvre, Alice McCall and Manning Cartel — to name a couple./p>p>strong>Laneways and arcades/strong>/p>p>Al fresco eateries, coffee shops and cosy bars all nestle/p>p>Side-by-side in street-art covered laneways throughout our beautiful city, every one/p>p>of Melbourne’s arcades has a special character and charm:/p>p>u>Centre Place and Degraves Street/u>/p>p>Immerse yourself into a Melbourne postcard scene at Centre Place; where you are able to cross the cobblestones with a new pair of heels or kicks (if you prefer) from Sole Devotion on Degraves Street./p>p>u>The Block Arcade/u>/p>p>Connecting Collins to Little Collins and Elizabeth Streets, Melbourne’s Block Arcade is one of our oldest shopping precincts, built in 1891 the stunning mosaic-tile flooring, glass canopies and carved stone walls will take your breath away (while you do a little shopping)./p>p>strong>Vintage finds/strong>/p>p>Home to Melbourne’s broadest Assortment of vintage a href classexternal relnofollow>pre-loved items such as women’s shoes and clothes/a>, a href classexternal relnofollow>the northern suburbs/a> is the best place to discover a particular gift or keepsake. Simply, choose a simple stroll along High Street Northcote, Brunswick Street, Smith Street Collingwood or Gertrude Street Fitzroy to discover a fantastic choice of quirky antique shops. Among our favourites is Clara Fox where you’ll get a collection of Grace Kelly inspired dresses, silky Audrey Hepburn style gloves, a href classexternal relnofollow>dressy women’s pumps and a lot more/a>./p>p>strong>Independent boutiques/strong>/p>p>While We love global brands, it is our Australian Independent designers that actually do stand above the rest. If you concur, go to Dot.COMME on Swanston Street, E.E.S or Left Fashion at Fitzroy, Eastern Market, Capela at Carlton, Godwin Charli at South Yarra or even Akira on Bourke Street in Melbourne’s CBD to pick up the Great Melbourne outfit./p>p>iframe loadinglazy src width640 height360 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleA Guide to Shopping in Melbourne>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-50 classpost-50 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Good News for Wine Lovers in Melbourne/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title5:33 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-07-20T05:33:45+00:00>July 20, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altwine lovers in melbourne loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>If you’re like me you love sitting down in front of the TV on a Saturday night with a massive blanket, one of a href classexternal relnofollow>your favourite take home meals/a> and a good bottle of wine… or two… or three. Okay the cats out, I really love wine!/p>p>Recently there’s been several good pieces of news if you’re a wine lover like me and living or staying in Melbourne!/p>p>Starting with…/p>p>strong>Double Gold Awarded Wine only $6/strong>/p>p>At Only $6 it’s Significantly Less than one-hundredth the Price of a famed 2012 Penfolds Grange./p>p>However, an unassuming, private-label wine marketed through Coles Supermarkets has enraged, and probably embarrassed, Australian and international powerhouse manufacturers to bring home a highly prestigous “double gold” medal./p>p>It is enough to make wine snobs shout in their pricey Riedel Eyeglasses, the wine is good enough to be served at a span data-sheets-value{"1":2,"2":"museum art and design"} data-sheets-userformat{"2":703,"3":null,0,"4":null,2,16776960,"5":{"1":{"1":2,"2":0,"5":null,2,0},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}},"6":{"1":{"1":2,"2":0,"5":null,2,0},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}},"7":{"1":{"1":2,"2":0,"5":null,2,0},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}},"8":{"1":{"1":2,"2":0,"5":null,2,0},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}},"10":2,"12":0}>museum art and design/span> exhibition, and the effect indicates the rising strength and caliber of supermarket private-label wines which were formerly viewed as hardly drinkable./p>p>While I have preferred a href classexternal relnofollow>regions like wine from Yarra Valley/a>, I must admit I am loving the cheapies at the moment. For too long we’ve worried too much about label and price; not taste. It’s good to see the wine world becoming less snobby!/p>p>Additionally, the success against the chances echoes last year’s shock win by A 5-dollar bottle of Coles wine which has been selected by a panel of candidates — such as pioneering Australian winemaker Wolf Blass — by a field of 10,000 to be called the best wine below $20 a bottle./p>p>This wine, Coles’s Big & Tasty Shiraz 2015, instantly Sold out when information of this decoration given to it by a href classexternal relnofollow>powerful wine sector magazine Winestate/a> became known./p>p>The grocery store has done it again. A 6-dollar cabernet Sauvignon sold solely by Liquorland, First Choice and Vintage Cellars; the spirits banner collections possessed by Coles, has won high honours in the prestigious Melbourne International Wine Contest, beating a field of global competitions./p>p>The MIWC judging panel was unanimous in evaluation, the St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 was deserving of a gold trophy — a rare consensus on quality that’s marked with the award of “double stone” status./p>p>Wines exclusive to Liquorland won an Additional eight awards in the Series, including one gold, two silver and five bronze awards./p>p>Head of Coles wine sourcing Bob Paulinski, that ran US Giant Wal-Mart’s spirits division, stated Liquorland was thrilled with the hottest accolades for its series’s portfolio of exclusive wines./p>p>Paulinski stated, “We’ve worked really hard with our winemaking suppliers for years to create a portfolio of amazing quality wines that over-deliver for our customers and a win like this shows that our exclusive wine brands can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best in the market, and is a testament to the incredible work our suppliers do in making these wines.”/p>p>Within the past few years supermarket giants like Coles, Woolworths And a href classexternal relnofollow>German discounter Aldi/a> are pouring more funds and investment to sourcing and producing quality wines to market under their own branding, as private-label offers to shoppers which are typically very economical and will sell for as little as $5./p>p>Aldi specifically has gained a massive following because of its range Of all private-label beers, wines and spirits. A number of these wines have won awards and are gaining the attention of shoppers./p>p>While I’m extremely happy and won’t complain about cheap good wine, I am concerned that the new private label brands from large supermarket chains could provide some threat to the entire wine experience./p>p>I love the entire wine experience that can be offered by vintages, vineyards and cellar doors in famous regions across the world. If the supermarkets continue to dominate this space will I still be able to head to the Yarra Valley for a weekend; have a day of boozey wine-tasting from renowned labels, crash way too late in a cozy little cottage and then cure my throbbing head the next day at a a href classexternal relnofollow>hang-over curing breakfast restaurant?/a>/p>p>But onto good news story two!/p>p>img loadinglazy classalignright wp-image-52 size-medium src alttake home meals,alcohol,breakfast restaurant width300 height200 srcset 300w, 640w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>strong>Deliveroo is now Delivering Alcohol/strong>/p>p>Recently Deliveroo began delivering alcohol. That’s right, you can get a serving of your a href classexternal relnofollow>favorite drink from that restaurant in South Yarra/a> even if you live an hour away in Brunswick! Deliveroo will send alcohol in 30 minutes or less, Monday through Sunday, between 12pm and 11pm./p>p>The brand-new alcohol-only support in Melbourne is the very first for Deliveroo in Australia, although the business says other towns will come./p>p>Now You Can have wine, spirits and beer delivered to your House from Blackhearts & Sparrows, the Grosvenor Hotel, Melbourne Wine Store, Fitzroy Social, The Shaw Davey Slum and much more. The limitation per order is just one slab (24 x 375ml containers) of beer or premixed spirits or six bottles of wine or one bottle of spirits (750ml)./p>p>The future is now people! And it promises cheap wine without the hassle of going to the store to collect it. Embrace it and love it, but keep in mind there could be some unexpected downsides to all these changes… time will tell/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleGood News for Wine Lovers in Melbourne>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-44 classpost-44 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Where to Shop in Sydney This July/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title6:46 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-07-17T06:46:39+00:00>July 17, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width640 height379 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>The winter chill has set in this week, making it the perfect time to add some warmer staples to your wardrobe. It is the end of the school holidays and end of year, so there are a lot of warehouse sales going around, which a href classexternal relnofollow>you could organise same day home delivery for/a>. Plus if you believe monogramming has attained its style summit, think again. Sydney brand Alt.Armour is another go-to for many things bespoke./p>h2>Warehouse Sale Guide/h2>p>Synonymous with the Australian fashion trends for decades, a href classexternal relnofollow>Leona Edmiston/a> is holding their annual two-day warehouse sale with a minimum of 60 percent off all stock. Find Leona’s classic feminine prints in the kind of vintage finds, samples, dresses from $30, kids wear from $20, $40 handbags and jewellery a href classexternal relnofollow>and $50 women’s shoes/a>./p>p> /p>p>Australian brand Maurie & Eve are bringing their warehouse sale to Sydney for a couple of days with as much as 70 per cent off fall and winter ’17 stock, in addition to selected samples. Combining femininity with practicality, expect to see their signature silhouettes, colours and structures./p>p>If you do not mind a sale with a mystery location, then the Designer Forum warehouse sale is one to keep on your radar this weekend. The sale will comprise of 80 percent off women’s, men’s and children’s clothes, stocking the likes of Camilla, a href classexternal relnofollow>Zimmermann/a>, Bec & Bridge and Bassike. The sale location is top secret until Thursday, so keep your eye on the brands’ social pages for updates./p>p>Hansel & Gretel is holding a pop-up sale with previous season samples and collections on offer. Known for masculine shapes with female sensibilities and neutral tones, this is the best opportunity to grab some pieces that will take you from the workplace to date night./p>p>Mark your diaries, next week Paddington will once again play host to the cult designer clearance event, Big Fashion Sale. There will be around 80 percent off on 20 local and worldwide luxury brands, such as clothing, jewellery, a href classexternal relnofollow>men’s and women’s shoes and handbags/a>. Designers to keep an eye out for include Lanvin, Christopher Kane, Stella McCartney, Alexander Wang, Studio Elke, rag & bone and a lot more./p>p>Online boutique Esther has 80 percent off on apparel essentials in their end of financial year sale. The sale includes winter clothes and accessories from Finders Keepers, Blessed Are the Meek, Jetset Diaries, Grace and Hart and more, in addition to home decor and gifts, Esther also offer a a href classexternal relnofollow>same day online delivery service on all full priced and sale products/a>./p>h2>Just Launched/h2>p>From the early 1900s, you can envision the humble bra appeared quite different, meanwhile the sports bra was still some 60 years from being devised. Berlei, that is now synonymous with the sport bra in Australia, is celebrating its 100th birthday with a series of special edition styles designed by Sydney-based screen-printing artist Kate Banazi. The four designs feature colours and patterns which Banazi says evoke qualities of power and movement./p>p>The London-born artist has collaborated with Dion Lee and Qantas However, this assignment introduced parameters unique to lingerie layout. “It’s a very small space. You’re utilising maybe 20 centimetres square,” she said. She enjoyed the challenge and the comparison of designing within more commercial boundaries than her own work./p>h2>Alt.Armour/h2>p>At the same manner as millennial pink is shaping up to be the colour of 2017 (sorry Greenery, you did not stand a chance, the monogramming trend does not appear to be moving anywhere. Sure it looks like everything under the sun, a href classexternal relnofollow>from our pyjamas to women’s sneakers/a>, today bears our initials, who doesn’t want to invest in a small bespoke piece?/p>p>While most of the monogramming on offer thus far has been quite minimalistic, the creative’s behind the blog and e commerce store Eating up with the Hannashians and Joshua Joynes of Cosmopolitan magazine have banded together to present a new offering from the Australian industry. Observing the current “hardware trend”, Alt. Armour provide industrial-inspired pebbled leather cross body bags, a thick string and flexible soft leather strap, with bespoke heavy-metal lettering bolted on the front. They are practical and chic enough to become your go-to accessory for work and brunch. a href classexternal relnofollow>The bag will match your ankle boots/a>, iPhone, wallet and essentials and contains slots for cards./p>p>The brand is currently offering silver letter bags from $149.00-$209.00. . The #altarmy plan to launch more “unique and edgy” accessories will come in gold./p>h2>#inthecart/h2>p>Grey is usually synonymous with the gloomy weather conditions of winter, but It’s going to brighten up – and get more chic – with fashion house Dior using it as one of the basic colours of the Paris Haute Couture collection. Following the exploration of blue at the ready-to-wear autumn/winter collection, designer Maria Grazia Chiuri paid tribute to the colour’s association with lavish fashion throughout the 40s and 50s. Sheer gowns and tailoring brought to life the many shades of gray, developing a statement. Grey also set the tone for the Valentino and Zuhair Murad collections, providing luxurious materials like velvet and tulle, embellishments, decorative textures and shapes a canvas to glow./p>p>Grey is a sensible hue to invest in for the seasons to come, ideal for both formal and casual looks./p>p styletext-align: left;>iframe loadinglazy src width640 height360 frameborder0 allowfullscreenallowfullscreen>/iframe>/p>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleWhere to Shop in Sydney This July>a classa2a_button_facebook external href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter external href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_email external href titleEmail relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share external href relnofollow>/a>/div>/div> /div>/article>article idpost-26 classpost-26 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-blogging> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark>Best Tips For Online Shoppers/a>/h2> div classentry-meta>span classbyline>By span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by Contributor>Contributor/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a href relcategory tag>Blogging/a>/span>span classsep>span classpost-format>i classicon-file-text>/i>/span>/span>span classposted-on>a href title7:35 am relbookmark>i classicon-calendar-empty>/i> time classentry-date published datetime2017-07-13T07:35:17+00:00>July 13, 2017/time>/a>/span>/div> /header> div classentry-thumbnail>a href relbookmark>img width1024 height682 src classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altonline shoppers loadinglazy srcset 1024w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/div> div classentry-content> p>img loadinglazy classalignleft wp-image-29 size-medium src alt width300 height194 srcset 300w, 620w sizes(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px />/p>p>There are some very important things to consider when you are going to shop online for whatever it is you need. In order to avoid getting ripped off and get exactly what you want, you will need to follow some important rules that could end up saving you a lot of money and keeping all of your personal and financial information private. Anyone who for example goes online to shop for luxury lingerie should check to see if the website is secure. Typically you will see an “s” after the “http” in the URL bar at the top of your browser. This indicates that the website is most likely a safe place to shop so you can go ahead and provide all of the necessary financial information in order to make the purchase./p>p>You should also carefully look over the privacy policy created by the owners of the website, just so you can be clear on any and all problems that may come up. It is extremely important to read and agree to all of the conditions and terms that are listed, because with most online shopping websites, you will be required to read and agree to all of the terms. While most people do not do this because of the fact that it is rather time-consuming, you should at least skim through to see what the policy consists of./p>p>The more you know about the website you are shopping on the better. If at all possible you should try and see what you can find with regards to user reviews and comments on the website you are thinking about buying from. This will give you a good idea as to whether or not it is a trustworthy place to shop on. The last thing you want is to waste your money on an item from a website that is going to take your money and give you nothing in return./p>p>Sometimes certain website use the “cookies” or browser history of its shoppers to gather information on them for marketing purposes. If you want to avoid spam in your inbox and even spyware, you might want to consider deleting or clearing your cookies after you are done shopping on a particular website. This could end up saving you quite a bit of grief, so make sure to take care of that after you are done purchasing your item./p>p>Always remember that when it comes to the safest way to shop online, a credit card is always best. You might even want to consider getting a Paypal account, because an increasing number of places are accepting these online. They are essentially debit cards which you draw money from in a virtual bank account. Although there are certain drawbacks such as not being able to take money out of an ATM without paying a fee or transferring funds to an actual bank account, it can come in handy if you are a frequent online shopper. 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