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c1-5h,click>Home/a>/li>li data-uxListItem rolemenuitem classx-el x-el-li c1-1 c1-2 c1-53 c1-s c1-5b c1-2e c1-b c1-c c1-60 c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavMoreMenuLink target data-pagec20c18ef-2df5-4fe3-a312-9ce0748e6fa0 data-edit-interactivetrue aria-labelledbymore-60868 href/e-book data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-3p c1-61 c1-39 c1-b c1-2t c1-5c c1-5m c1-3n c1-5d c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>E-BOOK/a>/li>li data-uxListItem rolemenuitem classx-el x-el-li c1-1 c1-2 c1-53 c1-s c1-5b c1-2e c1-b c1-c c1-60 c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavMoreMenuLink target data-pageb3d51954-f4a2-43f3-af79-5c36821b2801 data-edit-interactivetrue aria-labelledbymore-60868 href/quick-tips data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-3p c1-61 c1-39 c1-b c1-2t c1-5c c1-5m c1-3n c1-5d c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>Quick tips/a>/li>li data-uxListItem 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data-scaler-idscaler-tagline-container-60887 aria-hiddentrue data-typographyHeadingAlpha classx-el x-el-span c1-37 c1-38 c1-7n c1-7o c1-7e c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-61 c1-7f c1-24 c1-4p c1-57 c1-x c1-3u c1-7p c1-z c1-7g c1-3d c1-7h c1-3f c1-7i c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m>The Central Coast Guide to Green and Healthy Living!/span>span roleheading aria-levelNaN data-uxscaler data-sizelarge data-scaler-idscaler-tagline-container-60887 aria-hiddentrue data-typographyHeadingAlpha classx-el x-el-span c1-37 c1-38 c1-7n c1-7o c1-7e c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-61 c1-7f c1-24 c1-4p c1-57 c1-x c1-3u c1-7p c1-z c1-3e c1-3d c1-7h c1-3f c1-7i c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>The Central Coast Guide to Green and Healthy Living!/span>/div>/div>div stylemax-width:100%;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center>div stylemax-width:100%>a data-ux-btnprimary data-uxButtonPrimary data-aidHEADER_CTA_BTN href/e-book target,click data-pagec20c18ef-2df5-4fe3-a312-9ce0748e6fa0 data-typographyButtonAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-3u c1-24 c1-2n c1-7q c1-7r c1-2d c1-36 c1-35 c1-2k c1-2m c1-2l c1-o c1-56 c1-7s c1-7t c1-7u c1-7v c1-47 c1-7w c1-7x c1-l c1-b c1-3f c1-17 c1-5c c1-7y c1-7z c1-80 c1-81 c1-82 c1-83 c1-84 c1-85 c1-86 c1-87 c1-88 c1-89 c1-8a c1-8b c1-8c c1-8d c1-8e c1-8f c1-8g c1-8h c1-8i c1-8j c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h>View our E-Book /a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div id107891cf-48d6-4dc3-8d3a-9f137f4d59bb classwidget widget-shop-featured-category widget-shop-featured-category-featured-category-1>div data-uxWidget roleregion id107891cf-48d6-4dc3-8d3a-9f137f4d59bb classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-3 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-3 c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-m c1-n c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-b c1-c c1-6m c1-d c1-6n c1-e c1-6o c1-f c1-6p c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 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c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-a2 c1-q c1-s c1-t c1-r c1-x c1-4 c1-a3 c1-v c1-2d c1-36 c1-a4 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div description c1-1 c1-2 c1-9z c1-8x c1-22 c1-23 c1-2y c1-9i c1-o c1-a5 c1-a6 c1-l c1-b c1-c c1-9t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>p data-uxTextMajor data-aidFEAT_CAT_DESC_RND0 data-typographyBodyBeta classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-s c1-a7 c1-b c1-a1 c1-3e c1-5m c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>We've got just the right gift!/p>/div>/div>div roleimg data-aidFEAT_CAT_IMAGE_RND0 aria-labelMother Earth... Don't Forget to Call Her! data-uxBackground classx-el x-el-div image c1-1 c1-2 c1-17 c1-a8 c1-a9 c1-w c1-4 c1-9w c1-14 c1-15 c1-16 c1-b c1-c c1-aa c1-ab c1-ac c1-ad c1-ae c1-af c1-ag c1-ah c1-ai c1-aj c1-ak c1-al c1-am c1-an c1-ao c1-ap c1-aq c1-ar c1-as c1-at c1-au c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-b c1-c c1-8z c1-90 c1-91 c1-92 c1-d c1-93 c1-94 c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-o c1-2n c1-2k c1-5b c1-95 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-96 c1-97 c1-98 c1-99 c1-9a c1-9b c1-9c c1-9d c1-9e c1-9f c1-9g c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-x c1-4 c1-w c1-9h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock id107891cf-48d6-4dc3-8d3a-9f137f4d59bb-1-bootstrap-container classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-w c1-9h c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxLink data-aidCAT_CARD_LINK_RND_1 target,click data-page1fb63b5a-a448-42a8-8d6a-613f102edbe6 href/mother-earth-journal data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-2i c1-2j c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-5b c1-2n c1-w c1-4 c1-9i c1-b c1-3v c1-c c1-2u c1-3n c1-2w c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>#/a>/div>/div>div data-uxGroup classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-70 c1-2h c1-9j c1-1x c1-2d c1-36 c1-35 c1-1y c1-9k c1-o c1-l c1-b c1-c c1-9l c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-6a c1-4 c1-w c1-o c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div gradient c1-1 c1-2 c1-9m c1-4 c1-9n c1-9i c1-x c1-9o c1-z c1-9p c1-9q c1-7t c1-9r c1-7u c1-9s c1-b c1-c c1-9t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div dim c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-70 c1-2h c1-9j c1-1x c1-2d c1-36 c1-x c1-w c1-4 c1-9u c1-20 c1-21 c1-9v c1-9w c1-9x c1-l c1-9y c1-9z c1-23 c1-8x c1-22 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>h2 roleheading aria-level2 data-uxHeadingMajor data-aidFEAT_CAT_TITLE_RND1 data-typographyHeadingAlpha classx-el x-el-h2 title c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-a0 c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-s c1-9z c1-8x c1-22 c1-23 c1-3d c1-a1 c1-7g c1-3f c1-7j c1-7k c1-7l c1-7m>Mother Earth/h2>/div>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-a2 c1-q c1-s c1-t c1-r c1-x c1-4 c1-a3 c1-v c1-2d c1-36 c1-a4 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div description c1-1 c1-2 c1-9z c1-8x c1-22 c1-23 c1-2y c1-9i c1-o c1-a5 c1-a6 c1-l c1-b c1-c c1-9t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>p data-uxTextMajor data-aidFEAT_CAT_DESC_RND1 data-typographyBodyBeta classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-s c1-a7 c1-b c1-a1 c1-3e c1-5m c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>Don't Forget to Call Her!/p>/div>/div>div roleimg data-aidFEAT_CAT_IMAGE_RND1 data-uxBackground classx-el x-el-div image c1-1 c1-2 c1-17 c1-a8 c1-a9 c1-w c1-4 c1-9w c1-14 c1-15 c1-16 c1-b c1-c c1-av c1-aw c1-ax c1-ay c1-az c1-b0 c1-b1 c1-b2 c1-b3 c1-b4 c1-b5 c1-b6 c1-b7 c1-b8 c1-b9 c1-ba c1-bb c1-bc c1-bd c1-be c1-bf c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div idf8cd0bde-ff5e-45c5-b9ee-3298184e5c63 classwidget widget-about widget-about-about-6>div data-uxWidget roleregion idf8cd0bde-ff5e-45c5-b9ee-3298184e5c63 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-3 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-3 c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-m c1-n c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-b c1-c c1-6m c1-d c1-6n c1-e c1-6o c1-f c1-6p c1-g>div data-uxContentCards classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-35 c1-2o c1-bg c1-t c1-r c1-b c1-c c1-bh c1-bi c1-bj c1-bk c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-8k c1-8l c1-8m c1-q c1-8n c1-8o c1-8p c1-b c1-c c1-8q c1-8r c1-8s c1-8t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-3y c1-8y c1-v c1-bl c1-bg c1-b c1-c c1-bm c1-bn c1-8z c1-bo c1-bp c1-bq c1-d c1-br c1-bs c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentCard index0 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-o c1-v c1-1x c1-2d c1-35 c1-2o c1-4 c1-bt c1-bu c1-bv c1-w c1-bw c1-bx c1-by c1-bz c1-c0 c1-6u c1-c1 c1-c2 c1-70 c1-b c1-c c1-bh c1-bi c1-c3 c1-c4 c1-d c1-c5 c1-c6 c1-c7 c1-c8 c1-c9 c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-ca c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-o c1-cb c1-b c1-c c1-4g c1-d c1-cc c1-e c1-f c1-g>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED0 data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-s c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cg c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-6g c1-ci c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cj c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>/div>div data-uxContentOverlayCardText data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED0 data-typographyBodyBeta classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-q c1-s c1-70 c1-17 c1-b c1-53 c1-3e c1-5m c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span classx-el x-el-span c1-co c1-cp c1-b c1-3e c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>California Certified Green Business - The Central Coast Guide to Green and Healthy Living! Its the first seasonal (4 editions per year) local publication to offer sustainability tips plus resources for an earth friendly lifestyle. /span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-3y c1-8y c1-v c1-bl c1-bg c1-b c1-c c1-bm c1-bn c1-8z c1-bo c1-bp c1-bq c1-d c1-br c1-bs c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentCard index1 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-o c1-v c1-1x c1-2d c1-35 c1-2o c1-4 c1-bt c1-bu c1-bv c1-w c1-bw c1-bx c1-by c1-bz c1-c0 c1-6u c1-c1 c1-c2 c1-70 c1-b c1-c c1-bh c1-bi c1-c3 c1-c4 c1-d c1-c5 c1-c6 c1-c7 c1-c8 c1-c9 c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-ca c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-o c1-cb c1-b c1-c c1-4g c1-d c1-cc c1-e c1-f c1-g>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED1 data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-s c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cg c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>We Truly Care/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-6g c1-ci c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cj c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>/div>div data-uxContentOverlayCardText data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED1 data-typographyBodyBeta classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-q c1-s c1-70 c1-17 c1-b c1-53 c1-3e c1-5m c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span classx-el x-el-span c1-co c1-cp c1-b c1-3e c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>This publication is addressing a major concern of the local and global community/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-3y c1-8y c1-v c1-bl c1-bg c1-b c1-c c1-bm c1-bn c1-8z c1-bo c1-bp c1-bq c1-d c1-br c1-bs c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContentCard index2 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-o c1-v c1-1x c1-2d c1-35 c1-2o c1-4 c1-bt c1-bu c1-bv c1-w c1-bw c1-bx c1-by c1-bz c1-c0 c1-6u c1-c1 c1-cq c1-70 c1-b c1-c c1-bh c1-bi c1-c3 c1-c4 c1-d c1-cr c1-c6 c1-cs c1-c8 c1-ct c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-ca c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxBlock classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-4 c1-o c1-cb c1-b c1-c c1-4g c1-d c1-cc c1-e c1-f c1-g>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-aidABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED2 data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-s c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cg c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>Our mission/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-6g c1-ci c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>25,000 Readers/h3>h3 roleheading aria-level3 data-uxContentOverlayCardHeading data-typographyHeadingGamma classx-el x-el-h3 c1-37 c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-57 c1-x c1-ce c1-y c1-3d c1-cf c1-6f c1-3f c1-cj c1-6g c1-6h c1-6i c1-6j>Our mission/h3>/div>div data-uxContentOverlayCardText data-aidABOUT_DESCRIPTION_RENDERED2 data-typographyBodyBeta classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-q c1-s c1-70 c1-17 c1-b c1-53 c1-3e c1-5m c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span classx-el x-el-span c1-co c1-cp c1-b c1-3e c1-3g c1-3h c1-3i c1-3j>Bringing people together to make a sustainable difference/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div id8f4652fe-19be-443d-83fd-17d107a10a29 classwidget widget-social widget-social-social-1>div data-uxWidget roleregion id8f4652fe-19be-443d-83fd-17d107a10a29 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-3 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d 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rolelink aria-haspopuptrue data-uxLink target_blank href data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-2i c1-2j c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-3k c1-2n c1-b c1-3v c1-eh c1-2u c1-3n c1-2w c1-ei c1-ej c1-ek c1-el,click>Terms of Service/a> apply./p>/div>/form>/div>/div>/div>/div>div data-uxGrid data-aidCONTACT_INFO_CONTAINER_REND classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-8k c1-8l c1-8m c1-q c1-8n c1-8o c1-8p c1-em c1-35 c1-b c1-c c1-8q c1-8r c1-8s c1-8t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-di c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-q c1-r c1-s c1-t c1-40 c1-b c1-c c1-dj c1-dk c1-dl c1-8z c1-90 c1-91 c1-92 c1-d c1-dm c1-dn c1-do c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-8k c1-8l c1-8m c1-q c1-8n c1-8o c1-8p c1-b c1-c c1-8q c1-8r c1-8s c1-8t c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell data-aidCONTACT_SECTION_INFO_REND classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-2d c1-36 c1-35 c1-b c1-c c1-8z c1-90 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aria-level4 data-uxContentHeading data-aidCONTACT_INFO_BIZ_NAME_REND data-typographyHeadingDelta classx-el x-el-h4 c1-5a c1-38 c1-2l c1-2m c1-cd c1-t c1-r c1-q c1-ch c1-b c1-2t c1-c c1-5m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Solstice Green Directory/h4>p data-uxContentText data-aidCONTACT_INFO_ADDRESS_REND data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-ch c1-7f c1-b c1-53 c1-c c1-5m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>4251 S Higuera StSuite 800San Luis Obispo, CA 93401US/p>p data-uxContentText data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-ch c1-b c1-53 c1-c c1-5m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxLink data-aidCONTACT_INFO_EMAIL_REND data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-2i c1-2j c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-3k c1-2n c1-b c1-3v c1-c c1-2u c1-3n c1-2w c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g,click>>/p>/div>div data-uxGridCell data-aidCONTACT_SECTION_HOURS_REND classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-8w c1-8x c1-8y c1-2d c1-36 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c1-g>805.473.5064/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>div id8a2f552d-1efd-44f1-9e3d-d76305b40779 classwidget widget-footer widget-footer-footer-4>div data-uxWidget rolecontentinfo id8a2f552d-1efd-44f1-9e3d-d76305b40779 classx-el x-el-div x-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-73 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g c1-1 c1-2 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div> section data-uxSection classx-el x-el-section c1-1 c1-2 c1-73 c1-i c1-j c1-b c1-c c1-m c1-n c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-b c1-c c1-6m c1-d c1-6n c1-e c1-6o c1-f c1-6p c1-g>div data-uxLayout classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-35 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-8x c1-b c1-c c1-fg c1-6m c1-d c1-6n c1-e c1-6o c1-f c1-6p c1-g>div data-uxContainer classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-20 c1-21 c1-22 c1-23 c1-24 c1-35 c1-fh c1-fi c1-b c1-c c1-6m c1-d c1-6n c1-e c1-6o c1-f c1-6p c1-g>ul data-uxNavFooter classx-el x-el-ul c1-1 c1-2 c1-fj c1-3w c1-3x c1-3y c1-3z c1-q c1-r c1-s c1-t c1-40 c1-b c1-c c1-3r c1-fk c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>li styledisplay:inline-block>a rel rolebutton aria-haspopupmenu data-uxNavFooterLink data-pageb0bc8108-e69e-462a-9ad3-601a596c52fd target data-aidFOOTER_PAGE_LINK_0_RENDERED data-edit-interactivetrue href/ data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-7t c1-7u c1-9s c1-9r c1-b c1-ee c1-5c c1-5m c1-fl c1-fm c1-fn c1-fo c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>Home/a>/li>li styledisplay:inline-block>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavFooterLink data-pagec20c18ef-2df5-4fe3-a312-9ce0748e6fa0 target data-aidFOOTER_PAGE_LINK_1_RENDERED data-edit-interactivetrue href/e-book data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-7t c1-7u c1-9s c1-9r c1-b c1-ee c1-5c c1-5m c1-fl c1-fm c1-fn c1-fo c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>E-BOOK/a>/li>li styledisplay:inline-block>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavFooterLink data-pageb3d51954-f4a2-43f3-af79-5c36821b2801 target data-aidFOOTER_PAGE_LINK_2_RENDERED data-edit-interactivetrue href/quick-tips data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-7t c1-7u c1-9s c1-9r c1-b c1-ee c1-5c c1-5m c1-fl c1-fm c1-fn c1-fo c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>Quick tips/a>/li>li styledisplay:inline-block>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxNavFooterLink data-page10de33b4-e689-4592-bb7b-7e57d19642b2 target data-aidFOOTER_PAGE_LINK_3_RENDERED data-edit-interactivetrue href/recipes data-typographyNavAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-5a c1-38 c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-2y c1-2n c1-7t c1-7u c1-9s c1-9r c1-b c1-ee c1-5c c1-5m c1-fl c1-fm c1-fn c1-fo c1-5e c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>recipes/a>/li>/ul>/div>p data-uxFooterText data-aidFOOTER_BUSINESS_NAME_RENDERED data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-fp c1-3f c1-b c1-ee c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>Solstice Green Directory/p>p data-uxFooterText data-aidFOOTER_ADDRESS_RENDERED data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-fp c1-7f c1-b c1-ee c1-c c1-5m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>4251 S Higuera StSuite 800San Luis Obispo, CA 93401US/p>p data-uxFooterText data-aidFOOTER_PHONE_RENDERED data-typographyBodyAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-s c1-b c1-ee c1-c c1-5m c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>a rel rolelink aria-haspopupfalse data-uxLink hreftel:8054735064 data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-2i c1-2j c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-3k c1-2n c1-b c1-7h c1-c c1-2u c1-fl c1-fq c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g,click>805.473.5064/a>/p>/div>div data-uxGrid classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-v c1-8k c1-8l c1-8m c1-q c1-r c1-s c1-t c1-2d c1-35 c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-3x c1-3y c1-3z c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-fr c1-fs c1-e c1-f c1-g>div data-uxFooterDetails data-aidFOOTER_COPYRIGHT_RENDERED data-typographyDetailsAlpha classx-el c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-q c1-s c1-b c1-ft c1-5c c1-5m c1-5e c1-fu c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h x-rt>p stylemargin:0>span>Copyright © 2024 Solstice Green Directory - All Rights Reserved./span>/p>/div>/div>div data-uxGridCell classx-el x-el-div c1-1 c1-2 c1-8k c1-70 c1-8u c1-8v c1-24 c1-3w c1-3x c1-3y c1-3z c1-b c1-c c1-d c1-fr c1-fs c1-e c1-f c1-g>p data-uxFooterDetails data-aidFOOTER_POWERED_BY_RENDERED data-typographyDetailsAlpha classx-el x-el-p c1-1 c1-2 c1-2l c1-2m c1-39 c1-3p c1-s c1-b c1-ft c1-5c c1-5m c1-5e c1-fv c1-4w c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h>span>Powered by a relnofollow noopener rolelink aria-haspopuptrue data-uxLink target_blank data-aidFOOTER_POWERED_BY_RENDERED_LINK href data-typographyLinkAlpha classx-el x-el-a c1-2i c1-2j c1-2k c1-2l c1-2m c1-3k c1-2n c1-3p c1-b c1-7h c1-5c c1-2u c1-fl c1-fq c1-5e c1-fv c1-4w c1-5f c1-5g c1-5h,click>GoDaddy/a> Website Builder/span>/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>script src// crossorigin>/script>script src// 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