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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.25.1Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:01:02 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 169Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.25.1/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.25.1Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Powered-By: PHP/8.2.8Cache-Control: no-cache, privateDate: Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:01:02 GMTSet-Cookie: XSRF-TOKENeyJpdiI6IlpRRFBPZlQwYTNmbDRHb1ArYnhCWWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOEtFaWVPOWVCcmJ1cFdtZ0V1TXppNERWcVhVdVdTc0FTdlpVc2hkSmNjdGRhYUFSemRwaUkweTNzZCs3RUtDN3E4bXg4UXhmOXNJdGMzT1B4WmFoWkNJL0MwemU4RGo1WmtPaDBPdyt0L1F6RGNscGM0UDVyRE5FNmx6ZVlDekgiLCJtYWMiOiJiMmY0ZTNjOTk1OWQwMzBhNWQ4MjkwNjNiOWFkOWViNzRlZTc4MjFmOWNiZmU1NDA4MjFkYTExMjdiODgwOTc0IiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expiresMon, 24-Feb-2025 05:01:02 GMT; Max-Age864000; path/; samesitelaxSet-Cookie: laravel_sessioneyJpdiI6Ijg5SVM3N3liK0ZNYlF5a2NGdXJ4eXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiYmE2QXBIZ1h2Nm0zL090TGxuWE1pdVQwSUtKZWNMOWs1dnlnTEowdStiZWlMYlIxK2tWU3hqS1E2NG5JSVRwZzc5Y3hoR1Z4dm1RR1RvU1N1VHFTa0NmekVsMWNreHVZOXJYMTRFTUcvZDMyYTlPbkZrUGNjYng5bXRVeUVwVDgiLCJtYWMiOiJiYjlmMDkxMDM1Nzk2YzkyMTFkOTNjNGU0M2Y5ZGQwZmU3MzdmY2FjYjBmYzBhOWY3YTkxZDdjYWFjODE1YzYxIiwidGFnIjoiIn0%3D; expiresMon, 24-Feb-2025 05:01:02 GMT; Max-Age864000; path/; httponly; samesitelax !doctype html>html> head> meta charsetUTF-8> title>Single Sikhs UK/title> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta namemobile-web-app-capable contentyes> meta namedescription content> meta namekeywords content> meta nameauthor content> meta nameog:title propertyog:title content> meta propertyog:description content> meta propertyog:image content> meta namerobots contentindex, follow> link relshortcut icon typeimage/png hrefimages/favicon.png> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/mystyle.css relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/VanillaToasts/vanillatoasts.css> link relstylesheet href> script src data-pace-options{ ajax: true }>/script> script srcjs/jquery.min.js>/script> style typetext/css> label.error { color: #a94442; } /style> !-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-J0P7H5HE30); /script> /head> body> div idmain> div classregister_area> div classcontainer> div classrow > div classcol-12> div classrow regdiv> div classcol-md-6 regtxt> h1>Welcome to SingleSikhs UK/h1> p classsmtxt>Ready to embark on a journey of love, faith, and companionship? 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