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title-light>Nothing is permanent, except change.../h2> h2 classslide-title title-light>Everything in this universe is an unfinished painting.../h2> p>a classslider btn btn-primary href#>Our Services/a>a classslider btn btn-border href#>Contact Us/a>/p> /div> !-- Col end--> /div> !-- Slider content end--> /div> !-- Container end--> /div> !-- Carousel item 1 end--> div classcarousel-item stylebackground-image:url(images/slider/bg2.jpg);> div classcontainer> div classslider-content text-center> div classcol-md-12> h3 classslide-sub-title>Spiritual understandings and the different perspectives of Bhakthi./h3> p>a classslider btn btn-primary href#>Our Services/a>a classslider btn btn-border href#>Contact Us/a>/p> /div> !-- Col end--> /div> !-- Slider content end--> /div> !-- Container end--> /div> !-- Carousel item 1 end--> div classcarousel-item stylebackground-image:url(images/slider/bg3.jpg);> div classcontainer> div classslider-content text-right> div classcol-md-12> h2 classslide-title title-light>Your future is created/h2> h3 classslide-sub-title>We care about your br/>Future/h3> p>a classslider btn btn-primary href#>Our Services/a>a classslider btn btn-border href#>Contact Us/a>/p> /div> !-- Col end--> /div> !-- Slider content end--> /div> !-- Container end--> /div> !-- Carousel item 1 end--> /div> !-- Carousel inner end--> !-- Controllers-->a classleft carousel-control carousel-control-prev href#main-slide data-slideprev>span>i classfa fa-angle-left>/i>/span>/a> a classright carousel-control carousel-control-next href#main-slide data-slidenext>span>i classfa fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> !-- Carousel end--> section idabout-us classabout-us> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-sm-12>div classbg-updates>strong>Latest News & Events:/strong> a href target_blank>span classfa fa-youtube fa-lg>/span> Click here for strong>MY LATEST FUTURE PROGRAMME UPDATE/strong>/a>strong> /strong>/div>/div> /div> br> div classrow> div classcol-lg-9 styleoverflow:auto; height:1560px;> h2 classcolumn-title title-small>span>About us/span>Nothing is permanent, except>Everything in this universe is an unfinished painting.../h2> p>Let us go back to the safest place in the entire universe…. into our mothers womb. All that you See, Hear, Taste, Smell and Touch is not the Truth. Turn about into your own self...... /p>p>The heart has the reason which reason does not know. /p>p>Come on dear Mithras, silently join the Biggest Peaceful spiritual Revolution. It is a great Celebration, a joyous moment of liberation. /p>p>Thousands are blessed with the Traditional Mega Vibrated dry and wet Personal Touch initiations. /p>ul classts-list> li>Dont call it Shaktipath /li> li>Dont announce it is Kundalini/li> li>Dont propagate what is happening/li> li>Just feel the throbbing heart and the pulsations /li>/ul>p>Inaugurate amazing change inside and outside your own-self. From the day one of the initiation, the all-powerful Chitkala of the Goddess mother Chitrambika responds to the Mahashyamanthakachanneling. The Ultra-K mega liquid light energy flows downwards towards your Brahma Randhra, the crown charka, channelled through the Secret KesharaSoothra, under the able guidance of the Ascended Masters, connected by the rishis, revealed by Agasthya, perfected by his many disciples, passing through the lineage. /p>p>It is an age old Vedic and Yogic secret to channelise the all-powerful Surya energies. The omnipotent powerhouse of the universe is the Sun God. /p>p>JambuDweepa, the most prominent among the seven regions of the creation, holds the Mount Meru, in its centre. /p>p>On the ultimate upper point is the splendid kingdom of Brahma. Much above the Brahmaraiya preserved by Lord Krishna is the Mahashyamanataka of the RaviMandap which receives the rays of the Sun and showers the Mega Vibrated Light Energy, the Ultra-K mega beam which has the power to penetrate into the seven under world regions Atala, Vitala, Sutala, TalaTala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala. /p>p>The invocation of the Sun for achieving the desired purposes and for the enlightenment are the various forms of Suryopasana. /p>p>Shyamanthaka Vidya is the highest form of education to achieve this ParamYatra. One who reaches this ultimate stage is called a KesharaMitra. In the Threthayug, RishiAgasthya imparted the sacred AdithyaHrudyam to Lord ShriRama and Lakshmana, along with the Bala, Atibala, ShyamanthakaAstraPrayog by many rishis guided by Vishwamitra. In the 18thcentury ShyamantakaSadhaks were many. /p>p>Sadguru Adithya Poorna Nanda, born in 1832, known as Nandu Baba acquired the supreme powers from several rishis, and yogis. At a young age of eleven years, Babajis mother tied the holy Bandhan, the Kankan, to his wrist and was very much moved to see Lord Panduranga in taken over by MittuMahajan Yogi and BapuDayasagar Maharaj which was later passed over to Shri Shri MudduKrishnanand Swamji, our ascended master. /p>p>Previously Arkavidya was used in higher dimensions, by the ascended master. It is simply impossible to enter into the Arka Orbit unless the ascension process begins. If taught and practiced in the original form it could take twelve years to learn, but by the grace of God and the Poojya Gurudev, it is simplified, easy to learn and made available to every spiritual monger. /p>p>Yes, this is the call for the Ultra-K Mega healing power into your fingertips and your activated looks! /p> /div> !-- Col end--> div classcol-lg-3> img classimg-fluid srcimages/vspt.jpg alt>br> img classimg-fluid srcimages/right-image.png alt> /div> !-- Col end--> /div> !-- Main row end--> /div> /section>section classmain-container no-padding idmain-container> div classts-services ts-service-pattern idts-services> div classcontainer> div classrow text-center> div classcol-md-12> h2 classsection-title>span>Our Services/span>What We Do/h2> /div> /div> !-- Title row end--> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Hook System/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service1 end--> /div> !-- Col 1 end--> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Mooshika Petika/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service2 end--> /div> !-- Col 2 end--> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Shyamanthaka Vidya/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service3 end--> /div> !-- Col 3 end--> /div> !-- Content 1 row end--> div classgap-60>/div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Ashwamedhini Antaryoga/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service4 end--> /div> !-- Col 4 end--> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Kumbha Ganapathi/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service5 end--> /div> !-- Col 5 end--> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-12> div classts-service-box> div classts-service-content> span classts-service-icon> i classfa fa-sun-o>/i> /span> h3 classservice-title>Shampaa/h3> p>When Manthra, Mudra, Tanthra, Dishti, Nistha and Sankalpa on to the intended zone at a single stretch, the miracle healing occurs.../p> p>a classlink-more href#>Read More i classicon icon-right-arrow2>/i>/a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Service6 end--> /div> !-- Col 6 end--> /div> !-- Content Row 2 end--> /div> !-- Container end--> /div> /section> section classts-facts-area solid-bg no-padding idts-facts-area stylepadding-bottom:150x;> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12> div classintro-video> img classimg-fluid srcimages/intro-video.jpg alt> a classpopup href> div classvideo-icon>i classicon icon-play>/i>/div> /a> /div> !-- Intro video end--> /div> !-- Col end--> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 ts-padding text-lg-left text-center> h2 classcolumn-title>35 Years of Experience/h2> ul classts-list> li>Spiritual understandings and the different perspectives of Bhakthi./li> li>Powerful timings to achieve grace and success./li> li>Driving the evil vibrations, Negative forces, Evil spells, Envious looks./li> li>Capturing unlimited goals, Boosting the inner energy, Self-esteem and performance levels by most powerful manthras, Secret mudras, Drawing AgniShakthi by saralhavan, Self-command and Sthenic techniques./li> /ul> div classgap-20>/div> !-- Row End --> /div> !-- Content Row 2 end--> /div> !-- Col end--> /div> !-- Container end--> /section> !-- Fun fact end--> section classquote-area bg-overlay overlay-color idquote-area> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 qutoe-form-inner-left> div classquote_form> h2 classcolumn-title title-white>span>We are always ready/span> Request a call back/h2> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6> div 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My son pursuing his ninth class studies had joined Arkavidya and his concentration power seems to have increased very well. He is now-a-days scoring well and also is more incline towards education than wasting time for petty things./p> /span> div classquote-item-footer> div classquote-item-info> p classquote-author>Smt. Vasundhara Chandrasekhar/p>span classquote-subtext>Hyderabad/span> /div> /div> /div> !-- Quote item end--> /div> !-- Item 1 end--> div classitem> div classquote-item quote-square>span classquote-text>My skin problem is solved and my relationship with my in-laws is smooth and fine. I was always in frustration and fear. After Arkavidya my life style changed completely. I shall also learn Shyamantaka Vidya. I bow down to Gurumithra V.S.P. Tenneti guru./span> div classquote-item-footer> div classquote-item-info> h3 classquote-author>V. 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