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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 13:00:00 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 162Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 13:00:01 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 37534Connection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingLast-Modified: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 07:38:49 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingETag: 67a85b89-929eX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-onlyReferrer-Policy: same-originalt-svc: h3:443; ma86400Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen classfoodappi>head> !-- Required Meta Tags --> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, shrink-to-fitno> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> title>Shopperzz - PWA eCommerce CMS with POS & WhatsApp Ordering | Inventory Management /title> link relicon hrefassets/img/favicon/favicon.png /> link relstylesheet hrefassets/fonts/text/roboto.css> link relstylesheet hrefassets/lib/slickslider/slick.min.css> link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/app.css> link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/core.css> link relstylesheet hrefassets/css/custom.css>/head>body classis-theme-core> div classpageloader>/div> div classinfraloader is-active>/div> div idbacktotop>a href#>/a>/div> !-- HERO PART START --> div classhero product-hero is-default is-bold data-page-themenight> nav classnavbar navbar-wrapper navbar-default navbar-fade is-transparent> div classcontainer> !-- Brand --> div classnavbar-brand> a classnavbar-item href#> img classfoodappi-logo srcassets/img/logo/shopperzz-logo.png altlogo> /a> !-- Responsive toggle --> div classcustom-burger data-target> a id classresponsive-btn hrefjavascript:void(0);> span classmenu-toggle> span classicon-box-toggle> span classrotate> i classicon-line-top>/i> i classicon-line-center>/i> i classicon-line-bottom>/i> /span> /span> /span> /a> /div> !-- /Responsive toggle --> /div> !-- Navbar menu --> div classnavbar-menu> !-- Navbar Start --> div classnavbar-end> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#>Home/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#reseller>Reseller/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#about>About/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#features>Features/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#getaways>Getaways/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#pricing>Pricing/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#installation>Installation/a> a classnavbar-item is-slide href#support>Support/a> /div> !-- Navbar end --> div classnavbar-end> !-- Signup button --> div classnavbar-item> a href target_blank classbutton button-cta btn-outlined is-bold btn-align primary-btn rounded-lg raised> Buy Now /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /nav> !-- Hero image --> div idmain-hero classhero-body> div classcontainer has-text-centered> div classcolumns ini-hero-content> div classcolumn is-5 has-text-left> h1 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-2 ini-banner-title> PWA eCommerce CMS with POS & WhatsApp Ordering | Inventory Management /h1> h2 classsubtitle is-5 body-color ini-banner-descrip> Introducing Shopperzz, an Innovative eCommerce and Business Management Solution featuring a Progressive Web Application (PWA) Interface. This Platform enables Administrators to Receive Orders via WhatsApp, Manage Point-of-Sale (POS) Transactions, and Handle Inventory Management for Multi-Branch Retail Businesses. /h2> div classini-banner-btns> a target_blank hrefshopperzz-pwa.html classprimary pwa-demo>use PWA demo/a> a target_blank href classblue>Admin panel/a> /div> /div> div classcolumn is-7> figure classimage blob-figure> img srcassets/img/features/hero.png althero /> /figure> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- HERO PART END --> !-- RESELLER PART START --> div idreseller classsection is-medium> div classcontainer> h2 classreseller_heading>Join Our Reseller Program: Grow Your Business With Us!/h2> div classreseller_plan> div> div classimg_content> img src./assets/img/reseller/01.png altgroup_image> /div> div classtext_content> h3>Resell our product as a Partner/h3> p>Unlock new business opportunities with the Shopperz Reseller Program. Enjoy exclusive benefits, competitive pricing, and dedicated support as you grow your business./p> a target_blank href>button classbook_btn>img classicon src./assets/img/reseller/icon.png alticon> Book a Meeting/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- RESELLER PART END --> !-- ABOUT PART START --> div idabout classsection is-medium has-background-image is-cover data-backgroundassets/img/shapes/circles-square.png stylebackground-image: url(assets/img/shapes/circles-square.png)> div classcontainer> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5>Progressive Web Application (PWA)/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Shopperzz is Developed using a Progressive Web Application (PWA) and Single-Page Application (SPA) Model. This eCommerce Platform Offers a Comprehensive Resource for Customers Looking to Explore the Latest Collections, Trendy Styles, and Exclusive Promotions. The Website is User-Friendly and Easy to Navigate, Providing a Wealth of Information and Making it a Valuable Resource for Your Customers. /span> /h3> /div> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/pwa.png altpwa /> /div> /div> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/whatsapp.png altabout /> /div> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5>WhatsApp Ordering/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Integration with WhatsApp Allows Customers to Browse the Site and Place Orders Directly through the WhatsApp Messaging App, Enhancing Convenience and Accessibility. /span> /h3> /div> /div> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5>Powerful Point of Sale (POS) System/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Efficiently Manage In-Store Transactions with Our Robust POS System, Streamlining the Checkout Process and Enhancing Customer Satisfaction. /span> /h3> /div> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/pos.png altpos /> /div> /div> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/install.png altinstall /> /div> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5>Easy Install and Launch: /h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Get Your Online Store Up and Running Quickly with a Hassle-Free Installation Process. Our User-Friendly Setup Wizard and Documentation Make Launching Your eCommerce Platform a Breeze, Allowing You to Focus on Growing Your Business Rather Than Dealing with Complex Installation Procedures. /span> /h3> /div> /div> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5>User-Friendly Interface /h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Enjoy a Seamless and Intuitive User Experience with a Thoughtfully Designed Interface that Ensures Easy Navigation and Accessibility. /span> /h3> /div> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/user-friendly.png altUser-Friendly /> /div> /div> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-7> img srcassets/img/features/order_tracking.png altOrder Tracking /> /div> div classcolumn is-5> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5> Order Tracking and Notifications/h2> h3 classsubtitle is-5 body-color line-base ini-about-descrip> span> Keep Your Customers Informed at Every Step by Providing Real-Time Order Tracking and Notifications. Enhance Transparency and Build Trust with Seamless Updates. /span> /h3> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- ABOUT PART END --> !-- FEATURE PART START --> div idfeatures classsection is-medium section-feature-grey> div classcontainer> h2 classtitle main-title dark-text text-bold is-3 mb-5 has-text-centered>Modules to Automate Shopperzz Application /h2> nav classini-feature-navs column-3> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-screen-desktop color-primary>/i>span>Progressive Web Apps Features/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-bubbles color-primary>/i>span>WhatsApp Ordering/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-layers color-primary>/i>span>Multiple Outlet Options/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-lock-open color-primary>/i>span>Unlimited Role & Permission/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-puzzle color-primary>/i>span>Advance Point of Sale/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-basket-loaded color-primary>/i>span>Advanced Inventory/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-credit-card color-primary>/i>span>Easy Payment System/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-tag color-primary>/i>span>Coupon & Voucher Functionality/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-basket-loaded color-primary>/i>span>Product Variations & Attributes/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-map color-primary>/i>span>Multi Language Supported/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-wallet color-primary>/i>span>Multiple Payment Gateway/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-envelope-open color-primary>/i>span>Multiple SMS Gateway/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-paper-plane color-primary>/i>span>POS & Online Order/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-flag color-primary>/i>span>Unlimited Page Builder/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-bubble color-primary>/i>span>Push Notification/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-rocket color-primary>/i>span>Cookies and Social Analytics/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-grid color-primary>/i>span>Powerful Admin Panel/span>/a> a href# classdark-text>i classsl sl-icon-chart color-primary>/i>span>Rich Analytics & Reports/span>/a> /nav> /div> /div> !-- FEATURE PART END --> !-- GETWAY PART START --> div idgetaways> div idpayment classsection is-medium> div classcontainer> h2 classtitle main-title has-text-centered dark-text text-bold>Payment Gateways/h2> nav classini-logos-nav> img srcassets/img/payments/paypal.png altpaypal> img srcassets/img/payments/stripe.png altstripe> img srcassets/img/payments/paystack.png altpaystack> img srcassets/img/payments/bkash.png altbkash> img srcassets/img/payments/cashfree.png altcashfree> img srcassets/img/payments/flutterwave.png altflutterwave> img srcassets/img/payments/mercadopago.png altmercado pago> img srcassets/img/payments/mollie.png altmollie> img srcassets/img/payments/paytm.png altpaytm> img srcassets/img/payments/razorpay.png altrazorpay> img srcassets/img/payments/senangpay.png altsenangpay> img srcassets/img/payments/sslcommerz.png altssl commerz> img srcassets/img/payments/skrill.png altSkrill Payment Gateway Integrated> img srcassets/img/payments/payfast.png altPayFast Payment Gateway Integrated> img srcassets/img/payments/phonepe.png altPhonepe Payment Gateway Integrated> /nav> /div> /div> div idsms classsection is-small mb-80> div classcontainer> h2 classtitle main-title has-text-centered dark-text text-bold>SMS Gateways/h2> nav classini-logos-nav> img srcassets/img/sms/01.png alttwilio> img srcassets/img/sms/06.png alttwilio> img srcassets/img/sms/nexmo.png altnexmo> img srcassets/img/sms/msg91.png altmsg91> img srcassets/img/sms/clickatell.png altclickatell> img srcassets/img/sms/BULKSMSBD.COM.png altbulksmsbd> img srcassets/img/sms/5.png alt2factor> img srcassets/img/sms/07.png alttelesign> /nav> /div> /div> /div> !-- GETWAY PART END --> !-- PRICING PART START --> div idpricing classsection is-medium section-feature-grey> div classcontainer> div classsection-title-wrapper> h2 classtitle section-title has-text-centered dark-text text-bold> Pricing Plans /h2> /div> div classcontent-wrapper> div classclassic-pricing> div classpricing-table ini-card-group> !-- Pricing Plan --> div classpricing-plan m-3 is-mobile is-success> div classplan-header>Regular license/div> div classplan-price> span classplan-price-amount>span classplan-price-currency>$/span>39/span> /div> div classplan-items> div classplan-item>License validity: b>Lifetime/b>/div> div classplan-item>Permitted for b>1 domain/b>/div> div classplan-item>b>125+/b> Premium features/div> div classplan-item>Lifetime free update/div> div classplan-item>b>For personal use/b>/div> div classplan-item>---/div> div classplan-item>---/div> div classplan-item>---/div> div classplan-item>---/div> /div> div classplan-footer> a href target_blank classbutton btn-align raised is-fullwidth line-lg> Buy Now /a> /div> /div> !-- Pricing Plan --> div classpricing-plan m-3 is-mobile is-info> div classplan-header>Extended license/div> div classplan-price> span classplan-price-amount>span classplan-price-currency>$/span>199/span> /div> div classplan-items> div classplan-item>License validity: b>Lifetime/b>/div> div classplan-item>Permitted for b>1 domain/b>/div> div classplan-item>b>125+/b> Premium features/div> div classplan-item>Lifetime free update/div> div classplan-item>b>For commercial use/b>/div> div classplan-item>One-time free installation/div> div classplan-item>Can charge end-users/div> div classplan-item>---/div> div classplan-item>---/div> /div> div classplan-footer> a href target_blank classbutton btn-align raised is-fullwidth line-lg> Buy Now /a> /div> /div> !-- Pricing Plan --> div classpricing-plan m-3 is-mobile is-warning> div classplan-header>Reseller license/div> div classplan-price> span classplan-price-amount>.../span> /div> div classplan-items> div classplan-item>License validity: b>Lifetime/b>/div> div classplan-item>Permitted for b>multiple domain/b>/div> div classplan-item>b>125+/b> Premium features/div> div classplan-item>Lifetime free update/div> div classplan-item>b>For commercial use/b>/div> div classplan-item>One-time free installation/div> div classplan-item>Can charge end-users/div> div classplan-item>All addons included/div> div classplan-item>Rebranding/white label/div> /div> div classplan-footer> a href target_blank classbutton btn-align raised is-fullwidth line-lg> Contact Us /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- PRICING PART END --> !-- INSTALL PART START --> div idinstallation classsection is-medium> div classcontainer> div classsection-title-wrapper> h2 classtitle main-title has-text-centered dark-text text-bold> Installation Plans /h2> /div> div classcontent-wrapper> div classheader-pricing> div classcolumns is-vcentered> div classcolumn is-12> div classcolumns ini-card-group> div classcolumn is-4> !-- Pricing table --> div classflex-card header-pricing-card primary hover-inset> h3 classplan-name>Starter/h3> div classpricing-card-body> div classplan-price per-month animated preFadeInUp fadeInUp> small>$/small> 99/- small>/small> /div> ul classplan-features> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup Admin and Branch panel on your hosting./span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup SMTP Mail configuration/span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup OTP configuration/span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text> b>Note: All Resources are Provided by Customer/b> /span>/li> /ul> div classpt-30> a target_blank href classbutton fw-medium button-cta btn-align rounded raised primary-btn mb-20>Contact Us/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcolumn is-4> !-- Pricing table --> div classflex-card header-pricing-card primary hover-inset> h3 classplan-name>Standard/h3> div classpricing-card-body> div classplan-price per-month animated preFadeInUp fadeInUp> small>$/small> 149/- small>/small> /div> ul classplan-features> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup Admin and Branch panel on your hosting./span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup SMTP Mail configuration/span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup OTP configuration/span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Setup Payment & SMS gateways./span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>Configure Push notification/span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text>b>Note: All Resources are Provided by Customer /b> /span>/li> /ul> div classpt-30> a target_blank href classbutton fw-medium button-cta btn-align rounded raised primary-btn mb-20>Contact Us/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcolumn is-4> !-- Pricing table --> div classflex-card header-pricing-card primary hover-inset> h3 classplan-name>Professional/h3> div classpricing-card-body> div classplan-price per-month animated preFadeInUp fadeInUp> small>$/small> 249/- small>/small> /div> ul class plan-features> li>span class feature-count-text>Setup Admin and Branch panel on your hosting./span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Customize Site Name, Logo, Package Name, Splash Screen, etc. /span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Setup SMTP Mail configuration/span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Setup OTP configuration/span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Setup Payment & SMS gateways./span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Configure Push notification/span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text>Translate all application to your local language./span>/li> li>span class feature-count-text> One revision before project handover. /span>/li> li>span classfeature-count-text> b>Note: All Resources are Provided by Customer /b> /span>/li> /ul> div classpt-30> a target_blank href classbutton fw-medium button-cta btn-align rounded raised primary-btn mb-20>Contact Us/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- INSTALL PART END --> !-- SUPPORT PART START --> div idsupport classsection section-primary no-padding-bottom> div classcontainer> div classcolumns is-vcentered> !-- CTA content --> div classcolumn is-4 is-offset-1> div classminimal-feature> h2 classtitle is-5 minimal-title bold-text light-text no-margin> Create Support Ticket /h2> div classfeature-content light-text> Leave unecessary pressure behind, everything is made simple so you can focus on your work. Try our Free plan and discover all our features. /div> div classpt-20 pb-20> a target_blank href classbutton button-cta btn-outlined is-bold light-btn rounded>Get started for support/a> /div> /div> /div> !-- City illustration --> div classcolumn is-5 is-offset-2> div classcity-container> img srcassets/img/city.svg altcity> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- SUPPORT PART END --> !-- FOOTER PART START --> footer iddark-footer classfooter footer-dark> div classcontainer> div classcolumns> div classcolumn> div classfooter-column> div classfooter-logo> img classfoodappi-logo srcassets/img/logo/logo-light.png altlogo> /div> div classfooter-header> nav classlevel is-mobile> div classlevel-left level-social> a target_blank href classlevel-item>span classicon>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/span>/a> a target_blank href classlevel-item>span classicon>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/span>/a> a target_blank href classlevel-item>span classicon>i classfa fa-youtube>/i>/span>/a> a target_blank href classlevel-item>span classicon>i classfa fa-linkedin>/i>/span>/a> /div> /nav> /div> div classcopyright> span classmoto light-text>All Rights Reserved by i classfa fa-heart color-red>/i> a target_blank classcompany_name href>iNiLabs/a> /span> /div> /div> /div> div classcolumn> div classfooter-column> div classfooter-header> h3>Company/h3> /div> ul classlink-list> li>a target_blank href>About Us/a>/li> li>a target_blank href>Testimonials/a>/li> li>a target_blank href>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcolumn> div classfooter-column> div classfooter-header> h3>Resources/h3> /div> ul classlink-list> li>a target_blank href>Refund Policy/a>/li> li>a target_blank href>Privacy Policy/a>/li> li>a target_blank href>Support Policy/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classcolumn> div classfooter-column> div classfooter-header> h3>Our Products/h3> /div> ul classlink-list ini-product-list> li>a href>FoodKing/a>/li> li>a href>FoodScan/a>/li> li>a href>ShopKing/a>/li> li>a href>PosKing/a>/li> li>a href>iSchool/a>/li> li>a href>FoodBank/a>/li> li>a href>iTest/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer> !-- FOOTER PART END --> script srcassets/lib/jquery.min.js>/script> script srcassets/lib/slickslider/slick.min.js>/script> script srcassets/lib/slickslider/slick.init.js>/script> script srcassets/js/app.js>/script> script srcassets/js/core.js>/script>/body>/html>
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