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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 22:47:24 GMTServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: W3 Total Cache/2.7.0Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 22:47:25 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingTra !DOCTYPE html>html classno-js langen-US>head>meta charsetUTF-8>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0>link relpingback href>meta namerobots contentindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1 /> !-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v22.8 - --> title>Shannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher Poet, Fabulist, Memoir Writer/title> meta namedescription contentShannon writes about belonging, resilience, wonder, and the ecstatic. Words and the natural world have always been, her way back home. /> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:locale contenten_US /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyog:title contentShannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher Poet, Fabulist, Memoir Writer /> meta propertyog:description contentShannon's work centers on themes of belonging, resilience, wonder, and the ecstatic. New collections coming in 2022. /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:site_name contentShannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher /> meta propertyarticle:modified_time content2024-04-25T17:24:25+00:00 /> meta propertyog:image content /> meta propertyog:image:width content940 /> meta propertyog:image:height content788 /> meta propertyog:image:type contentimage/png /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image /> meta nametwitter:title contentEvery poem is a love letter. And these letters are for you. /> meta nametwitter:description contentInfinite Sea of Stars is an ode to love and human resilience. A map of deep scars and faint laugh lines. Instilling an unwavering sense of hope into those who decide to dive soul-first into this mystical journey in book form. /> meta nametwitter:image content /> script typeappl
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 22:47:25 GMTServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: W3 Total Cache/2.7.0Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 22:47:25 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingTra !DOCTYPE html>html classno-js langen-US>head>meta charsetUTF-8>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0>link relpingback href>meta namerobots contentindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1 /> !-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v22.8 - --> title>Shannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher Poet, Fabulist, Memoir Writer/title> meta namedescription contentShannon writes about belonging, resilience, wonder, and the ecstatic. Words and the natural world have always been, her way back home. /> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:locale contenten_US /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite /> meta propertyog:title contentShannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher Poet, Fabulist, Memoir Writer /> meta propertyog:description contentShannon's work centers on themes of belonging, resilience, wonder, and the ecstatic. New collections coming in 2022. /> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:site_name contentShannon Crossman Writer & Wordcatcher /> meta propertyarticle:modified_time content2024-04-25T17:24:25+00:00 /> meta propertyog:image content /> meta propertyog:image:width content940 /> meta propertyog:image:height content788 /> meta propertyog:image:type contentimage/png /> meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image /> meta nametwitter:title contentEvery poem is a love letter. And these letters are for you. /> meta nametwitter:description contentInfinite Sea of Stars is an ode to love and human resilience. A map of deep scars and faint laugh lines. Instilling an unwavering sense of hope into those who decide to dive soul-first into this mystical journey in book form. /> meta nametwitter:image content /> script typeap
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