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Your individual beliefs and your joint beliefs. Now the intensity of a belief is extremely important.../p> p classemp>And, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe...IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL BEGIN TO DETERIORATE AT 22, then so you shall./p> p classemp>And, if you believe that you are poor, and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you. Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience./p> p classemp>It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control whether those events are psychological events or physical ones, in your terms./p> p classemp>As I have told you, there is little difference if you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your early infancy or by past lives over which equally you feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.” i>Seth/i>/p> /div> /td> td width30% valigntop bgcolor#ffe9aa alignleft> center> a href classfree-audio target_blank>img srcSS_OFFER/FreeAudio.jpg altSpecial Offer - Free Audio - Introduction To Seth width196 height125 border0>/a>/center> p>/p> table border0 cellpadding6 cellspacing0 width212> tr> td width100%> div alignleft> h3>Heres what leaders in the field of human potential say about Seth:/h3> /div> center> p> Hover mouse over text to stop /p> /center> p> script languageJavaScript1.2>!--/*Cross browser Marquee II- © Dynamic Drive ( full source code, 100s more DHTML scripts, and TOS, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.comCredit MUST stay intact*///Specify the marquees width (in pixels)var marqueewidth185px//Specify the marquees heightvar marqueeheight260px//Specify the marquees marquee speed (larger is faster 1-10)var marqueespeed1//Pause marquee onMouseover (0no. 1yes)?var pauseit1//Specify the marquees content//Keep all content on ONE line, and backslash any single quotations (ie: that\s great):var marqueecontentp>"I would like to see the Seth books as required reading for anyone on their spiritual pathway. The amazing in-depth information in the Seth books is as relevant today as it was in the early 70s when Jane Roberts first channeled this material."br> - b>Louise Hay,/b> author of b>i>You can Heal Your Life/i>/b>/p>p>"The Seth books present an alternate map of reality with a new diagram of the psyche useful to all explorers of consciousness."br> - b>Deepak Chopra MD,/b> author of b>i>Ageless Body, Timeless Mind/i>/b>/p>p>"Seth was one of my first metaphysical teachers. br> He remains a constant source of knowledge and inspiration in my life."br> - b>Marianne Williamson,/b> author of b>i>A Return to Love/i>/b>/p>p>"i>The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book/i> had an important influence on my life and work. br> Seth\s teachings provided one of the initial inspirations for writing i>Creative Visualization/i>."br> - b>Shakti Gawain,/b> author of b>i>Creative Visualization/i>/b>/p>p>"I count Jane Robert\s brilliant book, i>The Nature of Personal Reality/i> as a spiritual classic and one of the influential books in my life. As I closed the last page, I looked up at a new world - boundless and filled with possibility."br> - b>Dan Millman,/b> author of b>i>The Way of the Peaceful Warrior/i>/b>/p>p>Re: i>The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book/i> br> "Quite simply one of the best books I\ve ever read"br> - b>Richard Bach,/b> author of b>i>Jonathan Livingston Seagull/i>/b>/p>p>"The Seth Books were of great benefit to me on my spiritual journey and helped me to see another way of looking at the world."br> - b>Gerald G Jampolsky MD,/b> author of b>i>Love is Letting Go of Fear/i>/b>/p>p>"As you read Seth\s words, you will gain more than just new ideas. br> Seth\s energy comes through every page, energy that expands your consciousness and changes your thoughts about the nature of reality."br> - b>Sanaya Roman,/b> author of b>i>Living with Joy/i>/b>/p>p>"...without exaggeration, Jane Roberts should be recognized as one of the major religious innovators in Western society after World War> Given her pivotal role in creating the foundations of a comprehensive belief system now widely diffused through Western popular culture, she has been surprising neglected by scholars of Western esotericism and of new religious> A major critical monograph is long overdue." br> - b>i>Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism/i> -edited by Wouter Hanegraaff/b>/p>////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE////////////marqueespeed(document.all)? marqueespeed : Math.max(1, marqueespeed-1) //slow speed down by 1 for NSvar copyspeedmarqueespeedvar pausespeed(pauseit0)? copyspeed: 0var iedomdocument.all||document.getElementByIdvar actualheightvar cross_marquee, ns_marqueefunction populate(){if (iedom){cross_marqueedocument.getElementById? document.getElementById(iemarquee) :}else if (document.layers){ns_marqueedocument.ns_marquee.document.ns_marquee2ns_marquee.topparseInt(marqueeheight)+8ns_marquee.document.write(marqueecontent)ns_marquee.document.close()actualheightns_marquee.document.height}lefttimesetInterval(scrollmarquee(),20)}window.onloadpopulatefunction scrollmarquee(){if (iedom){if (parseInt(>(actualheight*(-1)+8))}else if (document.layers){if (>(actualheight*(-1)+8))}}if (iedom||document.layers){with (document){if (iedom){write(div styleposition:relative;width:+marqueewidth+;height:+marqueeheight+;overflow:hidden onMouseovercopyspeedpausespeed onMouseoutcopyspeedmarqueespeed>)write(div idiemarquee styleposition:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;>)write(/div>/div>)}else if (document.layers){write(ilayer width+marqueewidth+ height+marqueeheight+ namens_marquee>)write(layer namens_marquee2 width+marqueewidth+ height+marqueeheight+ left0 top0 onMouseovercopyspeedpausespeed onMouseoutcopyspeedmarqueespeed>/layer>)write(/ilayer>)}}}// --> /script> !-- END SETH TESTIMONIALS -->/p> center> p> a hreftestimonials.html>Click to read in a separate page /a>/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#ffe9aa aligncenter valignbottom> center> !-- PHOTO OF JANE AT BOOKCASE-->img width168 height425 srcPHOTOS/JaneBookcaseColor2.jpg>/center> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> !-- BEGIN SETH TEACHINGS --> table border0 cellpadding4 cellspacing0 width702 bgcolorwhite> tr height40> td alignleft valigntop bgcolor#ccddff colspan2 height40> center> h1>SETH’S TEACHINGS:/h1> /center> /td> /tr> tr height143> td width177 height143 bgcolor#330066> div alignleft> a namepurpose>/a> h2>WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF EXISTENCE?/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height143 alignleft valigntop> div alignleft> Seth- "The human race is a stage though which various forms of consciousness travel. p>Before you can be allowed into systems of reality that are more extensive and open, you must first learn to handle energy; and see, through physical materialization, the concrete result of thought and emotion.”/p> p>"In more advanced systems, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action... Therefore, the lessons must be taught and learned well. The responsibility for creation must be clearly understood.”/p> p>a hrefq_purpose_of_life.html>Click here to read more about the purpose of existence... /a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height265> td width177 height265 bgcolor#cd5c5c> div alignleft> a namecreate_reality>/a> h2>SETH ON “YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY”/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height265 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#fae6db> div alignleft> Seth- “Events are not things that happen to you. They are materialized experiences formed by you, according to your expectations and beliefs.” p>“If you are in poor health, you can remedy it. If your personal relationships are unsatisfactory, you can change them for the better. If you are in poverty, you can instead find yourself surrounded by abundance...”/p> p>“This does not mean that effort is not required, and determination. It does mean that you are not powerless to change events; and that each of you, regardless of your position, status, circumstances or physical condition, is in control of your own personal experience.”/p> p>“If you do not like your experience, then you must change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations.”/p> p>“You need to learn the power of thought and emotion... Once you realize that your thoughts form reality, then you are no longer a slave to events. You simply have to learn the methods.” (b>from the 1/5/71 Class Session/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_create_reality.html>Click here to listen to font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIPS/font> and read more about how you create your own reality.../a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height248> td width177 height248 bgcolor#708600> div alignleft> a nameafterdeath>/a> h2>WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH?/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height248 alignleft valigntop> div alignleft> Seth- “(After death) you will find yourself in another form, an image that will appear physical to you to a large degree, as long as you do not try to manipulate within the physical system with it.” (b>From the book: SETH SPEAKS/b>) p>“For those of you who are lazy I can offer no hope: Death will not bring you an eternal resting place. You may rest, if this is your wish, for a while. Not only must you use your abilities after death, however; but you must face up to yourself for those that you did not use during your previous existence.” (b>From the book: SETH SPEAKS/b>)/p> p>“You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will. It is much easier if your theories fit reality; but if they do not, you will not change the nature of reincarnation one iota.” (b>From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL/b>)/p> p>“When I tell you that you lived, for example, in 1836, I say this because it makes sense to you now. You live all of your reincarnations at once, but you find this difficult to understand.” (b>From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_after_death.html>Click here to read more about what happens after death... /a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height111> td width177 height111 bgcolor#9999ff> div alignleft> a namewar>/a> h2>SETH ON WAR AND VIOLENCE:/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height111 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#e6e6fa> div alignleft> Seth- “There is never any justification for violence, for hatred, for murder. Those who indulge in violence for whatever reason are themselves changed, and the purity of their purpose adulterated.” p>(b>From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_war_violence.html>Click here to listen to a font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIP/font> and read more of Seths views on war and violence.../a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height139> td width177 height139 bgcolor#993366> div alignleft> a nameillness>/a> h2>SETH ON ILLNESS AND SUFFERING:/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height139 alignleft valigntop> div alignleft> Seth- “Illness and suffering are not thrust upon you by God, or by All That Is (Seths Term for God), or by an outside agency. They are by-products of the learning process, created by you, in themselves quite neutral... p>Illness and suffering are the results of the misdirection of creative energy. Suffering is not good for the soul unless it teaches you how to not suffer. That is its purpose.”/p> p>(b>From the book: SETH SPEAKS/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_suffering.html>Click here to listen to a font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIP/font> and read more about illness and suffering.../a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height100> td width177 bgcolor#333399 height100> div alignleft> a namegod>/a> h2>SETH ON RELIGION, GOD, andbr> ALL THAT IS:/h2> /div> /td> td width509 alignleft valigntop bgcolor#ccddff height100> div alignleft> Seth- “For you find ALL THAT IS through the understanding, the joy, the compassion and the experience of your own individuality. p>You are a portion of what god is and that God wants to be you.”/p> p>(b>From Seth CD/Tape #28, January 22, 1974/b>)/p> /div> div alignleft> p>a hrefq_god_religion.html>Click here to listen to a font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIP/font> and read more of Seths views on religion and ALL THAT IS.../a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height141> td width177 height141 bgcolor#a0522d> div alignleft> a namesoul>/a> h2>SETH ON YOUR ETERNAL SOUL: (your INNER SELF, your ENTITY)/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height141 alignleft valigntop> div alignleft> Seth- “Now, you ARE your entity (your soul). You are its materialization in space and time as you understand it. There is no division between your entity and what you are... p>You are your entity growing through the seasons. The entity is not some soul, completed, perfect, done, and you a product. You are a living portion of the tree of your entity. You experience newly in your own dimension, and therefore enrich your entity as it constantly enriches you, for your source springs from it. But you are one, and there is no division.”/p> p>(b>From THE SETH AUDIO COLLECTION, Tape 26/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_eternal_soul.html>Click here to listen to a font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIP/font> and read more about your eternal soul... /a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height90> td width177 height90 bgcolor#ff7f50> div alignleft> a nametime_space>/a> h2>SETH ON TIME AND SPACE AS CAMOUFLAGE:/h2> /div> /td> td height90 valigntop bgcolor#ffddaa width509> div alignleft> Seth- “As I have said before, time as you think of it does not exist.” p>(b>From the book: SETH SPEAKS/b>)/p> p>a hrefq_time_space.html>Click here to read more about time and space... /a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height90> td width177 height90 bgcolor#708600> div alignleft> a namewealth>/a> h2>SETH ON WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE:/h2> /div> /td> td width509 height90 alignleft valigntop> div alignleft> Seth- “Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. Now you must realize that this is true or the rest of what I am saying will indeed sound like Pollyanna nonsense. p>a hrefq_wealth_abundance.html>Click here to listen to a font size4>SETH AUDIO CLIP/font> and read more about wealth and abundance... /a>/p> p> a href#top>return to top of page /a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> !-- BEGIN WHICH BOOKS SHOULD I READ FIRST? --> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width702 bgcolorwhite> tr height36> td colspan2 bgcolor#ccddff height36> center> a nameSeth_books>/a> p classgetstarted>HOW DO I GET STARTED? WHICH BOOKS SHOULD I READ FIRST?/p> /center> /td> /tr> tr height40> td colspan2 height40> div alignleft> font size4>span classemp>The Seth books were designed to be read in the order of their creation, with each book building on the material presented in earlier books. The first book to read is: b>SETH SPEAKS/b> by Jane Roberts - Seth’s first book/span>/font>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td width183>a href target_blank>img height264 width175 srcBOOK_images/SethSpeaksBK.jpg border0>/a>/td> td valigntop> div alignleft> h1>SPECIAL OFFER !/h1> h3>50% off: SETH SPEAKS by Jane Roberts/h3> p>Message from b>Rick Stack/b>, student of Jane Roberts and Seth,br> and President of b>New Awareness Network Inc./b>/p> ul> p>“We believe that Seth’s teachings are so important that we will purchase SETH SPEAKS from the publisher and pass our ENTIRE 50% bookseller discount on to you.”/p> /ul> h4>Normal Price is $18.95 Special Offer Price is font color#cc0000 size4>$9.47/font> (plus shipping)/h4> p>a href target_blank>Click here for book description and SPECIAL DISCOUNT PAGE/a>/p> p>a href#top>Return to top of page/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> a nameaudio>/a>!-- BEGIN SETH AUDIO COLLECTION --> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width702 bgcolorwhite> tr height43> td colspan2 bgcolor#ccddff height43> center> h1>THE SETH AUDIO COLLECTION/h1> /center> /td> /tr> tr height43> td colspan2 aligncenter width725 height43>br> br> a hreffree_audio.html target_blank>img srcSS_OFFER/SethSpeaksOffer_03.gif altSpecial Offer - Free CD - Introduction To Seth - Click here to receive the Free Seth CD height100 width550 border0>/a>br> br> br> /td> /tr> tr height187> td height187 width208> div alignleft> a href target_blank>img height187 width208 srcPHOTOS/SethAudioCollectn.jpg border0>/a>/div> /td> td width517 height187> div alignleft> h4>Original Recordings of Seth Speaking through the late Jane Roberts, author of international bestsellers b>SETH SPEAKS/b> and b>THE NATURE OF PERSONAL REALITY/b>./h4> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> div alignleft> Seth- “As I have told you before, in a manner of speaking you are given the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs become reality. What you believe is, and becomes real in your experience. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply.” p>“In basic terms, civilization is dependent upon the spontaneity and fulfillment of the individual. Your civilization is in sad straits. Not because you have allowed spontaneity or fulfillment to individuals, but because you have denied it, and because your institutions are based upon that premise.”/p> h3>b>VOLUME I - SIX AUDIO CASSETTES or CDs PLUS TRANSCRIPTSbr> CONTAINS:/b>/h3> p>font size4>b>Cassette/CD 1 YOUR UNLIMITED POWER/b>/font>br> You create your own reality - How to free yourself from limitations and create the life that you want. How your beliefs, thoughts and emotions form your experience. Examining and changing beliefs, Abundance as our natural state. Creating abundance in every area of your life./p> p>font size4>b>Cassette/CD 2 TUNING INTO PROBABLE REALITIES/b>/font>br> Parallel (Probable) Universes, Seth presents a powerful Exercise for pulling specific, fulfilling “probable” realities into your life. The limitless and infinite dimensions of the self. The Present as The Point of Power - An exercise for changing the past as well as the future. Creating your own paradise/p> p>font size4>b>Cassette/CD 3 LOVE AND HATE - UNDERSTANDING YOUR EMOTIONS/b>/font>br> The importance of trusting your emotions. All emotions come from love - How hate will lead you back to love, if you allow it to. Flowing around doubts and going with your being. Trusting your own authority. Honoring your bodybr> Seth on : schools, enlightenment, not fearing "negative thoughts, vulnerability, and overcoming depression./p> p>font size4>b>Cassette/CD 4 ABANDONING YOURSELF TO YOUR SPONTANEOUS BEING/b>/font>br> If its not fun, stop doing it! , Fulfillment through Spontaneity. , Mistrust of the self as the cause of war and other world problems. Feeling the vitality and joy of your being. Refusing to be cowed by the past./p> p>font size4>b>Cassette/CD 5 DREAM REALITY AND OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES/b>/font>br> The oneness of dreaming and waking reality. The validity of dream reality. Connecting with your inner> Creating physical events in the dream state. How to remember more dreams. Overcoming fears of the Out of Body Experience./p> p>font size4>b>Cassette /CD 6 REINCARNATION, SIMULTANEOUS TIME AND THE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SELF/b>/font>br> How past, present and future selves exist simultaneously in the spacious present. The interchange of ideas and information between reincarnational selves. The inherent freedom and independence of each self, the erroneous interpretation of “Karma”. The wisdom of your "Creaturehood", the spirituality of the flesh. The Entity, the Greater Self which encompasses all of your reincarnational selves./p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height40> td colspan2 bgcolor#ffe9aa height40> div alignleft> a href target_blank> Click here to purchase font size4>AUDIO CASSETTES or CDs/font> online. Or call 516-869-9108./a> a href#top>Return to top of page /a>/div> /td> /tr> /table> a namebooks>/a>!-- BEGIN SETH BOOK COLLECTION --> !--br> b> Click Banner for more Info:/b>br>--> !--a href target_blank>img src border0>/a>br>--> !--a href target_blank>img src alt height80 width600 border0>/a>br> br> a href target_blank>img src alt height80 width600 border0>/a>br>--> br> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width702 bgcolorwhite> tr height40> td bgcolor#ccddff height40> center> h1>THE SETH BOOK COLLECTION/h1> /center> /td> /tr> tr> td> center> table border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing4 width700> tr height264> td width153 height264 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>Seth Speaks/p> p>In his first and most popular book, Seth discusses the eternal validity of the soul and presents his very unique and original view of physical and non-physical reality. Topics include: what to expect after death, how to glimpse into past lives, ways to contact friends and relatives who have died, dreams and out-of-body experiences, lost civilizations, and much more./p> p>Special Offer: 50% off !/p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Seth Speaks, 50% off/a>/p> /div> /td> td width175 height264>a href target_blank>img height264 width175 srcBOOK_images/SethSpeaks.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width175 height264>a href target_blank>img height264 width175 srcBOOK_images/NatPersReality.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width153 height264 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>The Nature of Personal Reality/p> p>Considered to be Seths “greatest” work, this book is quite simply the best manual ever written on the art of consciously creating your own reality./p> p>Seth explains how thoughts, emotions and beliefs provide the tools for individuals to truly take charge of their minds and their lives./p> p>a href target_blank>Buy The Nature of Personal Reality/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height264> td width153 height264 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>The Unknown Reality,br> Volume One/p> p>This two volume set introduced the concept of probable realities, the metaphysical counterpart of the parallel universe theory in Quantum Physics./p> p>It is one of the most important and complex concepts in the Seth material, explaining the mechanics involved in materialization of events into our daily lives./p> p>font color#336666>(continued on right)/font>/p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Unknown...Volume 1/a>/p> /div> /td> td width175 height264>a href target_blank>img height265 width175 srcBOOK_images/UnknReality1.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width175 height264>a href target_blank>img height265 width175 srcBOOK_images/UnknReality2.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width153 height264 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>The Unknown Reality,br> Volume Two/p> p>According to this theory there are other probable versions of history that exist in alternate dimensions./p> p>These versions are as real as ours, and each individual has probable selves that exist in these "parallel" universes./p> p>According to Seth, the exploration of the unknown mechanics and dimensions of our being is the next step in our evolutionary development./p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Unknown...Volume 2/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height266> td width153 height266 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>Nature of the Psyche/p> p>One of the most brilliant, insightful and revealing descriptions of the human psyche written in this century. It includes explanations of the true basis of homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality and revelations on the tremendous impact of sex roles on every aspect of human behavior./p> p>This book also explores the nature of dreams and contains exercises designed to expand normal consciousness./p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Nature of Psyche/a>/p> /div> /td> td width175 height266>a href target_blank>img height267 width175 srcBOOK_images/NaturePsyche.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width175 height266>a href target_blank>img height264 width175 srcBOOK_images/MassEvents.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width153 height266 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>Mass Events/p> p>Seth discusses how each individuals power to create their reality merges with others “to form mass reactions such as the overthrow of governments, the birth of a new religions, earthquakes, wars, and epidemics, as well as art and technology.”/p> p>Seth pinpoints the unconscious (and often negative) beliefs pervading science and religion, medicine and mythology./p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Mass Events/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height272> td width153 height272 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume One/p> p>This two volume book was the last of the Seth books to be published. In these books, Seth continues his explanation of how the physical world is an ongoing self-creation./p> p>Seth explains the link between reincarnation and genetics, showing how the human species keeps within its genetic bank millions of characteristics that might be needed in variousbr> font color#336666>(continued at right)/font>/p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Dreams...Volume 1/a>/p> /div> /td> td width175 height272>a href target_blank>img height268 width175 srcBOOK_images/DreamsEvolutn1.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width175 height272>a href target_blank>img height268 width175 srcBOOK_images/DreamsEvolutn2.jpg border0>/a>/td> td width153 height272 valigntop> div alignleft> p classbooknames>Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume Two/p> p>contingencies, and how the soul employs both physical "handicaps" and advantages as springboards for further achievement./p> p>He charts the roles that individual reason and imagination play in group destinies. In this work Seth also introduces his “Magical approach” to life: a joyful and uplifting vision of how our abilities and capacities can be developed to their highest./p> p>a href target_blank>Buy Dreams...Volume 2/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /center> /td> /tr> tr height40> td bgcolor#ffe9aa height40> div alignleft> a href target_blank> Click here for font size4>ADDITIONAL BOOKS and CDs/font> by Seth and Jane Roberts. Or call 516-869-9108./a> p>a href target_blank> /a>a href#top>Return to top of page/a>/p> /div> /td> /tr> tr height20> td height20> div alignleft> All content on this website: Copyright 2005 by New Awareness Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Web design by a href classplain>Shere Chamness/a>/div> /td> /tr> /table> /center> script typetext/javascript> $(document).ready(function() { $(.free-audio).click(function(e) { ga(send, { hitType: event, eventCategory: Free Audio View, eventAction: Click, eventLabel: Free Audio }); }); }); /script> /body>/html>
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