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-0.301599C1.54974 7.61604 -5.20598 10.6941 0.561923 25.7176C6.32982 40.7411 30.4117 40.2534 36.5096 23.4688C40.8382 9.4249 44.1317 11.3607 59.9217 -3.48002Z strokewhite stroke-opacity0.8 stroke-width0.45545>/path> path dM53.9312 -3.62551C64.8485 -13.8881 56.1634 -26.5967 44.2967 -27.6991C36.2479 -28.5573 35.0971 -37.4771 27.3128 -38.8732C16.0984 -40.8823 18.6099 -29.4803 6.46025 -29.9643C-6.41563 -30.25 -17.4549 -8.2914 -6.13973 -0.729709C4.20998 6.20573 -1.87734 9.08416 3.35142 21.4832C8.58018 33.8823 28.3699 33.7085 34.0564 19.3959C37.7208 8.2155 40.766 8.65828 53.9312 -3.62551Z strokewhite stroke-opacity0.8 stroke-width0.45545>/path> path dM47.9308 -3.75625C56.2679 -11.5212 50.1316 -22.8157 40.4872 -23.5664C33.5343 -24.1529 31.9327 -31.3252 25.7803 -32.428C15.7689 -34.2204 17.8894 -25.699 8.25487 -25.6023C-2.19664 -25.2823 -12.125 -7.80084 -2.08924 -1.14306C6.8604 4.81018 1.44147 7.48901 6.13108 17.2637C10.8207 27.0383 26.3183 27.1784 31.5933 15.3377C34.5936 7.02083 37.3904 5.97062 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