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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:23:21 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 307Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:23:21 GMTServer: ApacheX-Matomo-Request-Id: 185d9Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidateX-Frame-Options: sameoriginReferrer-Policy: same-originContent-Security-Policy: default-src self unsafe-inline unsafe-eval; img-src self unsafe-inline unsafe-eval data:;Set-Cookie: MATOMO_SESSID3a40ea57517ad0334af8434d9f85c4ce; path/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSiteLaxUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html>html idng-app ng-apppiwikApp> head> meta charsetutf-8> title>Sign in - Matomo/title> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEEDGE,chrome1/> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1.0/> meta namegenerator contentMatomo - free/libre analytics platform/> meta namedescription contentfree/libre analytics platform/> meta nameapple-itunes-app contentapp-id737216887 /> meta namegoogle contentnotranslate> meta namerobots contentnoindex,nofollow> link relshortcut icon hrefplugins/CoreHome/images/favicon.png/> link relicon typeimage/png sizes256x256 hrefplugins/CoreHome/images/applogo_256.png/> link relmask-icon hrefplugins/CoreHome/images/applePinnedTab.svg color#3450A3> meta nametheme-color content#3450A3> script typetext/javascript> var piwik {}; piwik.token_auth anonymous; piwik.piwik_url; piwik.cacheBuster 7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323; piwik.numbers { patternNumber: #,##0.###, patternPercent: #,##0%, patternCurrency: ¤#,##0.00, symbolPlus: +, symbolMinus: -, symbolPercent: %, symbolGroup: ,, symbolDecimal: . }; piwik.relativePluginWebDirs {}; piwik.userLogin anonymous; piwik.currentDateString ; piwik.hasSuperUserAccess 0; piwik.userCapabilities ; piwik.config {}; piwik.config {action_url_category_delimiter:\/,action_title_category_delimiter:,are_ads_enabled:true,autocomplete_min_sites:5,datatable_export_range_as_day:rss,datatable_row_limits:5,10,25,50,100,250,500,-1,enable_general_settings_admin:true,enable_plugins_admin:true}; Object.freeze(piwik.config); // disallow accidental changes piwik.shouldPropagateTokenAuth false; piwik.hasServerDetectedHttps true; piwik.transitionsMaxPeriodAllowed allpiwik.languageName English; piwik.visitorLogEnabled true; piwik.visitorProfileEnabled true; piwik.visitorLogActionsToDisplayCollapsed 3; /script> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetCss&cb6dd87a18dd7f38f6bab34cc05e1274a4 /> script typetext/javascript>var translations {CorePluginsAdmin_NoZipFileSelected:Please select a ZIP file.,CorePluginsAdmin_FileExceedsUploadLimit:The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.,CorePluginsAdmin_NoPluginSettings:No plugin settings that can be configured,CoreAdminHome_PluginSettingsIntro:Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:,CoreAdminHome_PluginSettingsSaveSuccess:Plugin settings updated.,General_Save:Save,CoreAdminHome_ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly:You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.,CoreAdminHome_ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution:To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s,CoreAdminHome_SettingsSaveSuccess:Settings updated.,UserCountryMap_None:None,Actions_ColumnPageURL:Page URL,General_Date:Date,General_Measurable:Measurable,General_Action:Action,General_Delete:Delete,General_Id:Id,CoreHome_ClickToSeeFullInformation:Click to see the full information,CoreAdminHome_LearnMore:Learn more,CoreAdminHome_ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures:Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?,CoreAdminHome_ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure:Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?,CoreAdminHome_DeleteAllFailures:Delete all failures,CoreAdminHome_NTrackingFailures:%s tracking failures,CoreAdminHome_Problem:Problem,CoreAdminHome_Solution:Solution,CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailures:Tracking failures,CoreAdminHome_TrackingFailuresIntroduction:This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.,CoreAdminHome_TrackingURL:Tracking URL,CoreAdminHome_NoKnownFailures:There are no known tracking failures.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead:Make sure this code is on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail:Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.,SitesManager_InstallationGuides:Installation Guides,CoreAdminHome_ArchivingSettings:Archiving settings,General_AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser:Archive reports when viewed from the browser,General_ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery:Archive reports at most every X seconds,General_SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault:For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.,General_ArchivingTriggerDescription:Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.,General_ArchivingTriggerSegment:Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.,General_SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation:See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.,General_MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo:For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).,General_RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports:This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today),General_ArchivingInlineHelp:For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.,General_NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron:When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.,General_ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour:Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.,General_IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften:Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.,CoreAdminHome_BrandingSettings:Branding settings,CoreAdminHome_CustomLogoHelpText:You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.,CoreAdminHome_UseCustomLogo:Use a custom logo,CoreAdminHome_LogoUpload:Select a Logo to upload,CoreAdminHome_FaviconUpload:Select a Favicon to upload,CoreAdminHome_LogoUploadHelp:Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.,CoreAdminHome_LogoUploadFailed:The uploaded file couldnt be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.,CoreAdminHome_FileUploadDisabled:Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.,CoreAdminHome_LogoNotWriteableInstruction:To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.,General_GiveUsYourFeedback:Give us Feedback!,CoreAdminHome_CustomLogoFeedbackInfo:If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.,CoreAdminHome_EmailServerSettings:Email server settings,General_UseSMTPServerForEmail:Use SMTP server for e-mail,General_SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer:Select \Yes\ if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function,General_SmtpServerAddress:SMTP server address,General_SmtpPort:SMTP Port,General_OptionalSmtpPort:Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.,General_AuthenticationMethodSmtp:Authentication method for SMTP,General_OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet:Only used if a username\/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.,General_SmtpUsername:SMTP username,General_OnlyEnterIfRequired:Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.,General_SmtpPassword:SMTP password,General_SmtpFromAddress:SMTP from address,General_SmtpFromEmailHelp:The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain \%1$s\.br>If sending mails doesnt work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.,General_SmtpFromName:SMTP from name,General_NameShownInTheSenderColumn:The name shown in the sender column,General_SmtpEncryption:SMTP encryption,General_EncryptedSmtpTransport:Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.,General_OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword:Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.,General_WarningPasswordStored:%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.,CoreAdminHome_ImageTracking:Image Tracking,CoreAdminHome_TrackAGoal:Track a goal,CoreAdminHome_WithOptionalRevenue:with optional revenue,CoreAdminHome_ImageTrackingLink:Image Tracking Link,CoreAdminHome_ImageTrackingIntro1:When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.,CoreAdminHome_ImageTrackingIntro2:Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If youre using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.,CoreAdminHome_ImageTrackingIntro3:For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.,CoreAdminHome_JavaScriptTracking:JavaScript Tracking,CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro1:You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.,CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro2:Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.,CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro3b:If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the <\/head> tag which is often defined in a header.php, header.tpl or similar template file.,General_JsTrackingTag:JavaScript Tracking Code,SitesManager_EmailInstructionsButton:Email these instructions,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_MergeSubdomains:Track visitors across all subdomains of,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1:So if someone visits the About page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as blog \/ About. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain:Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc:So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as \Outlink\.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_MergeAliases:In the \Outlinks\ report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_TrackNoScript:Track users with JavaScript disabled,Mobile_Advanced:Advanced,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars:Track custom variables for this visitor,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc:For example, with variable name \Type\ and value \Customer\.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CrossDomain:By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browsers first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your websites alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains:Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking:Enables cross domain linking,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc:So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled:Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack:Enable client side DoNotTrack detection,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_DisableCookies:Disable all tracking cookies,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc:Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam:Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name & keyword,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CampaignNameParam:Campaign Name parameter,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam:Campaign Keyword parameter,SitesManager_EmailInstructionsSubject:Matomo Analytics Tracking Code,SitesManager_JsTrackingTagHelp:Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages,CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro3a:In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.),CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro4:If you dont want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.,CoreAdminHome_JSTrackingIntro5:If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.,General_Options:Options,General_Value:Value,Actions_ColumnPageName:Page Name,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc:So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.,CoreAdminHome_JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc:Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s,CoreAdminHome_SinglePageApplicationDescription:If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.,CoreAdminHome_SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody:User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.,CoreAdminHome_SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody:User (login: %s) declined the invitation.,General_Export:Export,General_InvalidDateRange:Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again,General_Loading:Loading...,General_Show:show,General_Remove:Remove,General_Hide:hide,General_Website:Website,General_Pagination:%1$s\u2013%2$s of %3$s,General_RowsToDisplay:Rows to display,Intl_Year_Short:yr.,General_MultiSitesSummary:All Websites,General_SearchNoResults:No results,CoreHome_ChooseX:Choose %1$s,CoreHome_YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion:You are using the latest version of Matomo!,CoreHome_IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation:Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows,CoreHome_ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation:All rows are shown %s Exclude low population,CoreHome_DataTableIncludeAggregateRows:Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them,CoreHome_DataTableExcludeAggregateRows:Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them,CoreHome_DataTableCombineDimensions:Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined,CoreHome_DataTableShowDimensions:Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately,CoreHome_Default:default,CoreHome_FormatMetrics:Format metrics,CoreHome_ShowExportUrl:Show Export URL,CoreHome_HideExportUrl:Hide Export URL,CoreHome_FlattenDataTable:The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat,CoreHome_UnFlattenDataTable:The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical,CoreHome_ExternalHelp:Help (opens in new tab),CoreHome_ClickToEditX:Click to edit %s,CoreHome_Menu:Menu,CoreHome_AddTotalsRowDataTable:The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row,CoreHome_RemoveTotalsRowDataTable:The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row,CoreHome_PeriodHasOnlyRawData:It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see whats happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.,SitesManager_NotFound:No websites found for,Annotations_ViewAndAddAnnotations:View and add annotations for %s...,General_RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle:Open Row Evolution,General_RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip:See how the metrics for this row changed over time,Annotations_IconDesc:View notes for this date range.,Annotations_IconDescHideNotes:Hide notes for this date range.,Annotations_HideAnnotationsFor:Hide annotations for %s...,General_LoadingPopover:Loading %s...,General_LoadingPopoverFor:Loading %s for,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_1:Jan,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_2:Feb,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_3:Mar,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_4:Apr,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_5:May,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_6:Jun,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_7:Jul,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_8:Aug,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_9:Sep,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_10:Oct,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_11:Nov,Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_12:Dec,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_1:January,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_2:February,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_3:March,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_4:April,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_5:May,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_6:June,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_7:July,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_8:August,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_9:September,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_10:October,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_11:November,Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_12:December,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_1:Mon,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_2:Tue,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_3:Wed,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_4:Thu,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_5:Fri,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_6:Sat,Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_7:Sun,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_1:Monday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_2:Tuesday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_3:Wednesday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_4:Thursday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_5:Friday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_6:Saturday,Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_7:Sunday,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_1:Mo,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_2:Tu,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_3:We,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_4:Th,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_5:Fr,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_6:Sa,Intl_Day_Min_StandAlone_7:Su,Intl_PeriodDay:day,Intl_PeriodWeek:week,Intl_PeriodMonth:month,Intl_PeriodYear:year,General_DateRangeInPeriodList:date range,General_And:and,General_All:All,General_Search:Search,General_Clear:Clear,General_MoreDetails:More Details,General_Help:Help,General_HelpReport:Click to display help info about this report,General_Name:Name,General_Yes:Yes,General_No:No,General_Edit:Edit,General_Default:Default,General_LoadingData:Loading data...,General_Error:Error,General_ErrorRequest:Oops\u2026 there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.,General_ErrorRequestFaqLink:See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.,General_Warning:Warning,General_YourChangesHaveBeenSaved:Your changes have been saved.,General_LearnMore:%1$slearn more%2$s,General_ChooseDate:Choose date, currently selected date is: %s,General_ReadThisToLearnMore:%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s,CoreHome_UndoPivotBySubtable:This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot,CoreHome_PivotBySubtable:This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s,CoreHome_NoSuchPage:This page does not exist,CoreHome_QuickAccessTitle:Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press f to search.,CoreHome_Segments:Segments,CoreHome_MenuEntries:Menu entries,SitesManager_Sites:Websites,CoreHome_MainNavigation:Main navigation,CoreHome_ChangeCurrentWebsite:Choose a website, currently selected website: %s,General_CreatedByUser:created by %s,General_DateRangeFromTo:From %1$s to %2$s,General_DateRangeFrom:From,General_DateRangeTo:To,General_DoubleClickToChangePeriod:Double click to apply this period.,General_Apply:Apply,General_Period:Period,General_CompareTo:Compare to:,CoreHome_DateInvalid:The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.,CoreHome_EnterZenMode:Enter Zen mode (hide the menus),CoreHome_ExitZenMode:Exit Zen mode (show the menus),CoreHome_ShortcutZenMode:for Zen mode,CoreHome_ShortcutSegmentSelector:to open Segment selector,CoreHome_ShortcutWebsiteSelector:to open Website selector,CoreHome_ShortcutCalendar:to open calendar (d stands for Date),CoreHome_ShortcutSearch:to open the search (f stands for Find),CoreHome_ShortcutHelp:to show this help,CoreHome_ShortcutRefresh:to refresh the content,CoreHome_StandardReport:Standard report,CoreHome_ReportWithMetadata:Report with metadata,CoreHome_ReportType:Report type,CoreHome_RowLimit:Row limit,CoreHome_ExportFormat:Export format,CoreHome_ExportTooltip:Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin -> Security -> Token Auths.,CoreHome_ExportTooltipWithLink:Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$sAdmin -> Security -> Auths Tokens%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.,CoreHome_FlattenReport:Flatten report,CoreHome_CustomLimit:Custom limit,CoreHome_ExpandSubtables:Expand subtables,CoreHome_HomeShortcut:Home,CoreHome_PageUpShortcutDescription:to get to the top of the page,CoreHome_EndShortcut:End,CoreHome_PageDownShortcutDescription:to get to the bottom of the page,CoreHome_MacPageUp:Fn + Left arrow,CoreHome_MacPageDown:Fn + Right arrow,CoreHome_SearchOnMatomo:Search %1$s on,General_ComputedMetricMax:Max %s,General_XComparedToY:%1$s compared to %2$s,General_ComparisonCardTooltip1:%1$s on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).,General_ComparisonCardTooltip2:The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.,General_Comparisons:Comparisons,General_ClickToRemoveComp:Click to remove this comparison.,General_Custom:Custom,General_PreviousPeriod:Previous Period,General_PreviousYear:Previous Year,CoreHome_ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix:How does the \%1$s > %2$s\ reporting page help me?,CoreHome_TechDeprecationWarning:Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s,CoreHome_StartDate:Start Date,CoreHome_EndDate:End Date,CoreHome_DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled:Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.,General_MetricsToPlot:Metrics to plot,General_MetricToPlot:Metric to plot,General_RecordsToPlot:Records to plot,General_SaveImageOnYourComputer:To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select \Save Image As...\,General_ExportAsImage:Export as Image,General_NoDataForGraph:No data for this graph.,General_EvolutionSummaryGeneric:%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s,General_IncompletePeriod:Incomplete Period,Widgetize_OpenInNewWindow:Open in a new window,Dashboard_LoadingWidget:Loading widget, please wait...,Widgetize_TooHighAccessLevel:This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s,Widgetize_SelectAReport:Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:,Widgetize_Reports:Widgetize reports,Widgetize_Intro:With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard\u2026 in one click.,Widgetize_DisplayDashboardInIframe:You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, \today\, or \yesterday\. The period parameter can be set to \day\, \week\, \month\, or\n \year\. The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as languagefr. For example, for idSite1 and dateyesterday, you can write:,Widgetize_DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites:You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s),Widgetize_ViewableAnonymously:If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the view permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. br \/>Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you dont necessarily have to allow anonymous to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret code>token_auth\/code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.,Widgetize_EmbedIframe:› Embed Iframe,Widgetize_DirectLink:› Direct Link,General_TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle:Open Transitions,General_TransitionsRowActionTooltip:See what visitors did before and after viewing this page,Actions_PageUrls:Page URLs,Actions_WidgetPageTitles:Page Titles,Transitions_NumPageviews:%s pageviews,Transitions_Transitions:Transitions,CoreHome_ThereIsNoDataForThisReport:There is no data for this report.,General_Others:Others,Actions_ActionType:Action Type,Transitions_TopX:Top %s labels,Transitions_AvailableInOtherReports:Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:,Actions_SubmenuPageTitles:Page titles,Actions_SubmenuPagesEntry:Entry pages,Actions_SubmenuPagesExit:Exit pages,Transitions_AvailableInOtherReports2:Simply hover a row in any of these reports and click on the transition icon %s to launch it.,Dashboard_AddPreviewedWidget:Click to add widget to the dashboard,Dashboard_WidgetPreview:Widget preview,Dashboard_Maximise:Maximise,Dashboard_Minimise:Minimise,Dashboard_WidgetNotFound:Widget not found,Dashboard_DashboardCopied:Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.,Dashboard_Dashboard:Dashboard,Dashboard_RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible:The default dashboard cannot be removed,General_Close:Close,General_HelpResources:Help resources,General_Refresh:Refresh,General_ColumnNbVisits:Visits,General_ColumnPageviews:Pageviews,General_ColumnRevenue:Revenue,General_TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue:(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue),General_AllWebsitesDashboard:All Websites dashboard,General_NVisits:%s visits,MultiSites_Evolution:Evolution,SitesManager_AddSite:Add a new website,General_Next:Next,General_Previous:Previous,General_GoTo:Go to %s,Dashboard_DashboardOf:Dashboard of %s,Actions_SubmenuSitesearch:Site Search,MultiSites_LoadingWebsites:Loading websites,General_ClickToSearch:Click to search,General_NeedMoreHelp:Need more help?,General_Faq:FAQ,Feedback_CommunityHelp:Community Help,Feedback_ProfessionalHelp:Professional Help,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonIncomplete:The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonProportional:When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s\n (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonDay:%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonWeek:%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonMonth:%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s,MultiSites_EvolutionComparisonYear:%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s,General_Required2:Required,Referrers_CampaignSource:Campaign Source,Referrers_CampaignSourceHelp:Used to track the source of the campaign such as newsletter for your email marketing, affiliate, or the name of the website displaying your ads.,Referrers_CampaignContent:Campaign content,Referrers_CampaignContentHelp:This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.,Referrers_CampaignMedium:Campaign Medium,Referrers_CampaignMediumHelp:Used to describe the marketing activity, for example PPC for a pay-per-click campaign, or SEM for a paid search ads, or review to track a product review on an affiliate site.,Referrers_CampaignGroup:Campaign Group,Referrers_CampaignGroupHelp:This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.,Referrers_CampaignPlacement:Campaign Placement,Referrers_CampaignPlacementHelp:Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.,Referrers_CampaignId:Campaign ID,Referrers_CampaignIdHelp:This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.,Referrers_CampaignPageUrlHelp:The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example http:\/\/\/offer.html.,Referrers_CampaignNameHelp:Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example Email-SummerDeals or PaidAds-SummerDeals.,Referrers_CampaignKeywordHelp:If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.,Referrers_URLCampaignBuilderResult:Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:,Referrers_GenerateUrl:Generate URL,Goals_Optional:(optional),Goals_AddGoal:Add Goal,Goals_AddNewGoal:Add a new Goal,Goals_UpdateGoal:Update Goal,Goals_DeleteGoalConfirm:Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?,Goals_Ecommerce:Ecommerce,Goals_TimeInMinutes:Time in Minutes,Goals_Pattern:Pattern,Goals_ClickToViewThisGoal:Click to view this goal.,Goals_ManageGoals:Manage Goals,Goals_GoalName:Goal Name,Goals_GoalIsTriggeredWhen:Goal is triggered when,Goals_ThereIsNoGoalToManage:There is no goal to manage for website %s,Goals_ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction:Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal(),Goals_VisitUrl:Visit a given URL (page or group of pages),Goals_ClickOutlink:Click on a Link to an external website,Goals_SendEvent:Send an event,Goals_GoalIsTriggered:Goal is triggered,Goals_WhereThe:where the,Goals_URL:URL,Goals_Contains:contains %s,Goals_IsExactly:is exactly %s,Goals_MatchesExpression:matches the expression %s,Goals_AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit:Allow multiple conversions per visit,Goals_HelpOneConversionPerVisit:If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.,Goals_DefaultRevenueHelp:For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.,Goals_DefaultRevenueLabel:Goal default revenue,Goals_GoalRevenue:Goal Revenue,Goals_Filename:filename,Goals_ExternalWebsiteUrl:external website URL,Goals_VisitDuration:visit duration is,Goals_AtLeastMinutes:at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.,Goals_VisitPageTitle:Visit a given Page Title,Intl_NMinutes:%s minutes,Goals_PageTitle:Page Title,Goals_UseEventValueAsRevenue:Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.,Goals_EventValueAsRevenueHelp:If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversions revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.,Goals_EventValueAsRevenueHelp2:Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).,Events_EventCategory:Event Category,Goals_WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore:The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript trackGoal method (%1$slearn more%2$s),Goals_LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation:Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.,Goals_EcommerceReports:Ecommerce Reports,SitesManager_WebsitesManagement:Websites Management,Goals_CaseSensitive:Case sensitive match,Goals_Download:Download a file,Events_EventAction:Event Action,Events_EventName:Event Name,Goals_YouCanEnableEcommerceReports:You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.,Goals_CategoryTextGeneral_Actions:Pages,General_ForExampleShort:eg.,General_Description:Description,General_OperationGreaterThan:Greater than,General_OrCancel:or %1$s Cancel %2$s,General_InfoFor:Info for %s,General_NotInstalled:Not Installed,General_Installed:Installed,General_Broken:Broken,UserCountry_CurrentLocationIntro:According to this provider, your current location is,UserCountry_CannotLocalizeLocalIP:IP address %s is a local address and cannot be geolocated.,UserCountry_NoProviders:There are currently no additional geolocation providers available. Matomo recommends using the %1$sdbip%2$s databases, but this requires activating the GeoIp2 plugin. (Alternatively you can install a third party plugin that provides its own geolocation functionality from the marketplace.),General_Disabled:Disabled,GeoIp2_FatalErrorDuringDownload:A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.,GeoIp2_SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP:Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases,General_Done:Done,General_Continue:Continue,GeoIp2_ISPRequiresProviderPlugin:Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.,GeoIp2_UpdaterWasLastRun:The updater was last run on %s.,GeoIp2_UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun:It is not scheduled to run in the future.,GeoIp2_GeoIPUpdaterIntro:Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases,GeoIp2_IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP:I want to download the free DBIP database...,General_GetStarted:Get started,GeoIp2_GeoIPDatabases:GeoIP Databases,GeoIp2_NotManagingGeoIPDBs:Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.,GeoIp2_IPurchasedGeoIPDBs:I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.,UserCountry_GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote:Note: the DBIP databases are free and can be downloaded automatically, but geolocation results (specifically city results) are not as accurate as MaxMinds. MaxMind, however, requires that you create an account even for the free database. If you want to use MaxMinds geolocation database, you can start the process %1$shere%2$s,GeoIp2_GeoIPUpdaterInstructions:Enter the download links for your databases below. If youve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.,GeoIp2_GeoLiteCityLink:If youre using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s,UserCountry_MaxMindLinkExplanation:If you are using MaxMinds geolocation databases and you do not already know how to generate your download URL, %1$sclick here to learn how%2$s.,GeoIp2_LocationDatabase:Location Database,Actions_ColumnDownloadURL:Download URL,GeoIp2_LocationDatabaseHint:A location database is either a country, region or city database.,GeoIp2_ISPDatabase:ISP Database,GeoIp2_DownloadNewDatabasesEvery:Update databases every,GeoIp2_CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating:It seems like youre storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.,GeoIp2_UpdaterHasNotBeenRun:The updater has never been run.,GeoIp2_UpdaterScheduledForNextRun:It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.,GeoIp2_UpdaterWillRunNext:It is next scheduled to run on %s.,GeoIp2_DownloadingDb:Downloading %s,Feedback_ThankYouHeart:Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s,Feedback_ThankYouForSpreading:Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web,Feedback_RateFeatureTitle:Do you like the %s feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.,Feedback_RateFeatureThankYouTitle:Thank you for rating %s!,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike:What do you like most about this feature?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature:What do you like most about %1$s?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra:Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable:Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy:Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful:Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike:How can we improve this feature?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature:How can we improve %1$s?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra:Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs:Were sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didnt work.,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing:Which features are you missing?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed:Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?,Feedback_RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier:Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?,Feedback_RateFeatureOtherReason:Other reason,Feedback_SendFeedback:Send Feedback,Feedback_RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation:Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.,Feedback_RateFeatureUsefulInfo:Useful information,Feedback_RateFeatureEasyToUse:Easy to use,Feedback_RateFeatureConfigurable:Configurable,Feedback_RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures:Add missing features,Feedback_RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier:Make it easier to use,Feedback_RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp:Improve speed,Feedback_RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs:Fix bugs,Feedback_ReviewMatomoTitle:Like Matomo?,Feedback_PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo:We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.,Feedback_RemindMeLater:Remind me later,Feedback_NeverAskMeAgain:Never ask me again,Feedback_WontShowAgain:We wont show this message again.,Feedback_AppreciateFeedback:We really appreciate your feedback,Feedback_Policy:Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomos Privacy Policy%2$s.,General_Ok:Ok,General_Cancel:Cancel,Feedback_Question0:What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?,Feedback_Question1:What is the one thing you\u2019d like to see improved in Matomo and why?,Feedback_Question2:What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?,Feedback_Question3:What is your main goal for using Matomo?,Feedback_Question4:What is your main concern about Matomo?,Feedback_FeedbackTitle:Please help us improve Matomo,Feedback_FeedbackSubtitle:Heres your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. br\/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s,Feedback_ThankYourForFeedback:We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.,Feedback_ThankYou:Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!,Feedback_MessageBodyValidationError:The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).,TwoFactorAuth_WarningChangingConfiguredDevice:You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device. This will invalidate any previously configured device.,TwoFactorAuth_SetupIntroFollowSteps:Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:,TwoFactorAuth_StepX:Step %s,TwoFactorAuth_RecoveryCodes:Recovery codes,TwoFactorAuth_RecoveryCodesExplanation:You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes, for example when you dont have your mobile device with you.,TwoFactorAuth_RecoveryCodesSecurity:Please treat your recovery codes with the same level of security as you would your password!,TwoFactorAuth_RecoveryCodesAllUsed:All recovery codes have been used, it is highly recommended you regenerate your recovery codes.,General_Download:Download,General_Print:Print,General_Copy:Copy,TwoFactorAuth_SetupBackupRecoveryCodes:Please backup your recovery codes using one of the above methods before continuing the two-factor authentication setup.,TwoFactorAuth_SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1:Install an authenticator app, for example:,General_Or:or,TwoFactorAuth_ConfirmSetup:Confirm setup,TwoFactorAuth_VerifyAuthCodeIntro:Please enter the six-digit code from your authenticator app below to confirm you have successfully set up on your device.,TwoFactorAuth_AuthenticationCode:Authentication code,TwoFactorAuth_VerifyAuthCodeHelp:Please enter the six-digit code that has been generated on your mobile device after scanning the bar code.,General_Confirm:Confirm,TwoFactorAuth_SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2:Next, open the app and scan the below bar code with the two-factor authentication app on your phone. If you can\u2019t scan the barcode, %1$senter this code%2$s instead.,TwoFactorAuth_SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice:Setup authenticator on your device,General_PleaseTryAgain:Please try again,General_Username:Username,General_Password:Password,UsersManager_DeleteConfirm:Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?,UsersManager_ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess:Do you really want to grant %s Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.,UsersManager_ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess:Do you really want to remove Super User access from %s? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.,UsersManager_ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess:%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.,UsersManager_ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready:This user has access to this website already.,UsersManager_ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail:Please enter a username or email address.,UsersManager_GiveUserAccess:Give %1$s %2$s access for %3$s.,UsersManager_PrivAdmin:Admin,UsersManager_PrivView:View,UsersManager_RemoveUserAccess:Remove access for %1$s for %2$s.,UsersManager_ConfirmWithPassword:Please enter your password to confirm this change.,UsersManager_YourCurrentPassword:Your current password,UsersManager_UserHasPermission:%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.,UsersManager_UserHasNoPermission:%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s,UsersManager_PrivNone:No access,UsersManager_ManageUsers:Manage Users,UsersManager_ManageUsersDesc:Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.,UsersManager_ManageUsersAdminDesc:Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have \admin\ permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.,Mobile_NavigationBack:Back,UsersManager_AddExistingUser:Add an existing user,UsersManager_EnterUsernameOrEmail:Enter a username or email address,UsersManager_NoAccessWarning:This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.,UsersManager_BulkActions:Bulk Actions,UsersManager_SetPermission:Set Permission,UsersManager_RolesHelp:Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.,UsersManager_Role:Role,UsersManager_2FA:2FA,UsersManager_UsesTwoFactorAuthentication:Uses two-factor authentication,General_Actions:Actions,UsersManager_TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected:The %1$s displayed websites are selected.,UsersManager_ClickToSelectAll:Click to select all %1$s.,UsersManager_AllWebsitesAreSelected:All %1$s websites are selected.,UsersManager_ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites:Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.,UsersManager_DeletePermConfirmSingle:Are you sure you want to remove %1$ss access to %2$s?,UsersManager_DeletePermConfirmMultiple:Are you sure you want to remove %1$ss access the %2$s selected websites?,UsersManager_ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle:Are you sure you want to change %1$ss role to %2$s to %3$s?,UsersManager_ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple:Are you sure you want to change %1$ss role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?,UsersManager_BasicInformation:Basic Information,UsersManager_Permissions:Permissions,UsersManager_RemovePermissions:Remove Permissions,UsersManager_FirstSiteInlineHelp:It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the Permissions tab that will appear on the left.,UsersManager_SuperUsersPermissionsNotice:Super users have admin access to all websites, so theres no need to manage their permissions per website.,UsersManager_SuperUserIntro1:Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.,UsersManager_SuperUserIntro2:Please use this feature carefully.,UsersManager_HasSuperUserAccess:Has Superuser Access,UsersManager_AreYouSure:Are you sure?,UsersManager_RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm:Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.,UsersManager_AddSuperuserAccessConfirm:Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.,UsersManager_UserSearch:User search,UsersManager_DeleteUsers:Delete Users,UsersManager_FilterByAccess:Filter by access,UsersManager_Username:Username,UsersManager_RoleFor:Role for,UsersManager_TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected:The %1$s displayed users are selected.,UsersManager_AllUsersAreSelected:All %1$s users are selected.,UsersManager_ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers:Click to select the %1$s displayed users.,UsersManager_DeleteUserConfirmSingle:Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?,UsersManager_DeleteUserConfirmMultiple:Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?,UsersManager_DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle:Are you sure you want to change %1$ss role to %2$s for %3$s?,UsersManager_DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple:Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users role to %2$s for %3$s?,UsersManager_ResetTwoFactorAuthentication:Reset two-factor authentication,UsersManager_ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo:If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.,UsersManager_TwoFactorAuthentication:Two-factor authentication,UsersManager_InviteNewUser:Invite a new user,UsersManager_EditUser:Edit user,UsersManager_InviteUser:Invite user,UsersManager_SaveBasicInfo:Save Basic Info,UsersManager_Email:Email,UsersManager_LastSeen:Last seen,UsersManager_SuperUserAccess:Superuser Access,UsersManager_AreYouSureChangeDetails:Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?,UsersManager_AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning:Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this websites data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.,General_Add:Add,General_Note:Note,UsersManager_FilterByWebsite:Filter by website,UsersManager_GiveAccessToAll:Give this user access to All Websites,UsersManager_OrManageIndividually:Or manage this users access to each website individually,UsersManager_ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm:Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?,UsersManager_ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2:Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.,UsersManager_CapabilitiesHelp:Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.,UsersManager_Capabilities:Capabilities,UsersManager_AreYouSureAddCapability:Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?,UsersManager_AreYouSureRemoveCapability:Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?,UsersManager_IncludedInUsersRole:Included in this users role.,UsersManager_NewsletterSignupFailureMessage:Whoops, something went wrong. We werent able to sign you up for the newsletter.,UsersManager_NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage:Super, youre all signed up! Well be in touch soon.,UsersManager_FirstWebsitePermission:First website permission,UsersManager_YourUsernameCannotBeChanged:Your username cannot be changed.,General_Language:Language,LanguagesManager_AboutPiwikTranslations:About Matomo translations,General_TimeFormat:Time format,UsersManager_ReportToLoadByDefault:Report to load by default,UsersManager_ReportDateToLoadByDefault:Report date to load by default,UsersManager_NewsletterSignupTitle:Newsletter Signup,UsersManager_NewsletterSignupMessage:Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomos Privacy Policy page%2$s.,UsersManager_WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess:When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see,UsersManager_ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault:For anonymous users, report date to load by default,UsersManager_InviteSuccessNotification:The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.,UsersManager_ResendInviteConfirmSingle:Are you sure you want to resend invitation to %1$s?,UsersManager_Status:Status,UsersManager_Active:Active,UsersManager_Pending:Pending,UsersManager_Expired:Invite expired,UsersManager_Decline:Invite declined,UsersManager_ResendInviteSuccess:Success! The invite has been resent to user %s,UsersManager_InviteSuccess:Success! The invite has been sent.,UsersManager_InviteDayLeft:Expires in %s days,UsersManager_FilterByStatus:Filter by status,UsersManager_ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved:Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.,General_PaginationWithoutTotal:%1$s\u2013%2$s,SitesManager_OnlyOneSiteAtTime:You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.,SitesManager_DeleteConfirm:Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?,SitesManager_Urls:URLs,SitesManager_ExcludedIps:Excluded IPs,SitesManager_ExcludedParameters:Excluded Parameters,SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgents:Excluded User Agents,SitesManager_Timezone:Time zone,SitesManager_Currency:Currency,SitesManager_ShowTrackingTag:View Tracking code,SitesManager_AliasUrlHelp:It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers > Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without www as Matomo automatically considers both.,SitesManager_OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed:Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.,SitesManager_OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp:When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.,SitesManager_OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples:The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are http:\/\/\/path and http:\/\/, tracking requests for http:\/\/\/otherpath or http:\/\/ are ignored.,SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsLong:Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs,SitesManager_HelpExcludedIpAddresses:Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s,SitesManager_ListOfQueryParametersToExclude:Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.,SitesManager_PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters:Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).,SitesManager_GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1:Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.,SitesManager_GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc:If the visitors user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.,SitesManager_GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2:You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.,SitesManager_GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3:Regular expressions such as %s are supported.,SitesManager_WebsiteUpdated:Website updated,SitesManager_WebsiteCreated:Website created,SitesManager_MainDescription:Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.,SitesManager_YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites:You currently have access to %s websites.,SitesManager_SuperUserAccessCan:A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.,SitesManager_EnableSiteSearch:Site Search tracking enabled,SitesManager_DisableSiteSearch:Do not track Site Search,SitesManager_SearchUseDefault:Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters,SitesManager_SiteSearchUse:You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your websites internal search engine.,SitesManager_SearchKeywordLabel:Query parameter,SitesManager_SearchCategoryLabel:Category parameter,SitesManager_YourCurrentIpAddressIs:Your current IP address is %s,SitesManager_SearchKeywordParametersDesc:Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.,SitesManager_SearchCategoryParametersDesc:You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.,SitesManager_CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals:The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.,SitesManager_ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward:Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.,SitesManager_AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound:Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.,SitesManager_UTCTimeIs:UTC time is %s.,SitesManager_EnableEcommerce:Ecommerce enabled,SitesManager_NotAnEcommerceSite:Not an Ecommerce site,SitesManager_EcommerceHelp:When enabled, the \Goals\ report will have a new \Ecommerce\ section.,SitesManager_PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics:Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking & reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.,SitesManager_GlobalWebsitesSettings:Global websites settings,SitesManager_GlobalListExcludedIps:Global list of Excluded IPs,SitesManager_ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites:The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.,SitesManager_GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters:Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude,SitesManager_ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites:The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.,SitesManager_GlobalListExcludedUserAgents:Global list of user agents to exclude,SitesManager_KeepURLFragments:Page URL fragments tracking,SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsHelp:If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s,SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsHelp2:You can also override this setting for individual websites above.,SitesManager_TrackingSiteSearch:Tracking Internal Site Search,SitesManager_SearchParametersNote:Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.,SitesManager_SearchParametersNote2:To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.,SitesManager_SearchCategoryDesc:Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.,SitesManager_DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites:Default Time zone for new websites,SitesManager_SelectDefaultTimezone:You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.,SitesManager_DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites:Default Currency for new websites,SitesManager_SelectDefaultCurrency:You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.,SitesManager_AddMeasurable:Add a new measurable,SitesManager_XManagement:Manage %s,SitesManager_ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline:What would you like to measure?,SitesManager_Type:Type,General_Measurables:Measurables,SitesManager_DeleteSiteExplanation:Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.,SitesManager_SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication:Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App,SitesManager_SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription:For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.,ScheduledReports_ReportSent:Report sent,ScheduledReports_ReportUpdated:Report updated,ScheduledReports_ReportHourWithUTC:%s oclock UTC,ScheduledReports_EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod:Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s,ScheduledReports_EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN:Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s,ScheduledReports_EmailSchedule:Email Schedule,ScheduledReports_ReportFormat:Report Format,ScheduledReports_SendReportTo:Send report to,ScheduledReports_MustBeLoggedIn:You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.,Login_LogIn:Sign in,ScheduledReports_ThereIsNoReportToManage:There is no report to manage for website %s,ScheduledReports_SegmentDeleted:Segment deleted,ScheduledReports_NoRecipients:This report has no recipients,ScheduledReports_SendReportNow:Send Report now,ScheduledReports_CreateAndScheduleReport:Create and Schedule a report,ScheduledReports_DescriptionOnFirstPage:The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.,SegmentEditor_ChooseASegment:Choose a segment,ScheduledReports_WeeklyScheduleHelp:Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.,ScheduledReports_MonthlyScheduleHelp:Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.,ScheduledReports_ReportPeriod:Report Period,ScheduledReports_ReportPeriodHelp:The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.,ScheduledReports_ReportPeriodHelp2:You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is day, you will get information for the last day, every week.,ScheduledReports_ReportHour:Send report at %s oclock,ScheduledReports_ReportType:Send report via,ScheduledReports_AggregateReportsFormat:Display options,ScheduledReports_EvolutionGraph:Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values,ScheduledReports_ReportsIncluded:Statistics included,ScheduledReports_ReportIncludeNWebsites:The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).,SegmentEditor_LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime:Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...,ScheduledReports_Segment_Help:You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the \%3$s\ box, then \%4$s\.,SegmentEditor_AddNewSegment:Add new segment,ScheduledReports_SentToMe:Send to me,ScheduledReports_AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails:Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):,UserCountryMap_Unlocated:b>%1$s\/b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldnt be geo located.,UserCountryMap_WithUnknownRegion:%s with unknown region,UserCountryMap_WithUnknownCity:%s with unknown city,General_UserId:User ID,Live_VisitorProfile:Visitor profile,Live_ClickToViewAllActions:Click to view all actions of this group in detail,Live_NoMoreVisits:There are no more visits for this visitor.,Live_ShowMap:show map,Live_HideMap:hide map,Live_PageRefreshed:Number of times this page was viewed \/ refreshed in a row.,Live_RowActionTooltipTitle:Open segmented Visits Log,Live_RowActionTooltipDefault:Show Visits Log segmented by this row,Live_RowActionTooltipWithDimension:Show Visits Log segmented by this %s,Live_SegmentedVisitorLogTitle:Visits Log showing visits where %1$s is \%2$s\,General_Segment:Segment,Live_ClickToSeeAllContents:Click to see each content interaction\/impression,CoreAdminHome_OptOutExplanation:Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.,CoreAdminHome_OptOutExplanationIntro:This code will display an iFrame containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the iFrame.,General_ClickHere:Click here for more information.,General_DailyReports:Daily reports,General_Details:Details,General_MonthlyReports:Monthly reports,General_RangeReports:Custom date ranges,General_Recommended:Recommended,General_Visit:Visit,General_VisitId:Visit ID,General_VisitorID:Visitor ID,General_VisitorIP:Visitor IP,General_WeeklyReports:Weekly reports,General_YearlyReports:Yearly reports,Intl_PeriodDays:days,Intl_PeriodMonths:months,Live_ViewVisitorProfile:View visitor profile,PrivacyManager_AddUserIdToSearch:Click to add this userID to the search,PrivacyManager_AddVisitorIPToSearch:Click to add this visitorIP to the search,PrivacyManager_AddVisitorIdToSearch:Click to add this visitorID to the search,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeDataConfirm:Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeDataNow:Anonymize past data for the selected site and time,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeIp:Anonymize IP,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeIpDescription:Select \Yes\ if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeIpHelp:This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeIpInlineHelp:Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws\/guidelines.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription:Select how many bytes of the visitors IPs should be masked.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeLocation:Anonymize Location,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeLocationHelp:This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeOrderIdNote:Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeProcessInfo:This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeReferrer:Anonymize Referrer,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeReferrerNote:Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeRowDataFrom:Anonymize all raw data starting from:,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeRowDataTo:Anonymize all raw data up to:,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeSites:Anonymize the data of this site(s),PrivacyManager_AnonymizeUserId:Replace User ID with a pseudonym,PrivacyManager_AnonymizeUserIdHelp:When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash\/>br\/>em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).\/em>,PrivacyManager_BackgroundColor:Background Color,PrivacyManager_DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo:When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the \Country\ report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.,PrivacyManager_DeleteDataInterval:Delete old data every,PrivacyManager_DeleteLogsOlderThan:Delete logs older than,PrivacyManager_DeleteRawDataInfo:The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information wont be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports wont become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.,PrivacyManager_DeleteReportsInfo2:If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.,PrivacyManager_DeleteReportsInfo3:If you have also enabled \%s\, then the reports data youre deleting will be permanently lost.,PrivacyManager_DeleteReportsOlderThan:Delete reports older than,PrivacyManager_DeleteSchedulingSettings:Schedule old data deletion,PrivacyManager_DeleteSelectedVisits:Delete selected visits,PrivacyManager_DeleteVisitsConfirm:Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.,PrivacyManager_DeletionFromMatomoOnly:Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.,PrivacyManager_DoNotTrack_Description:Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.,PrivacyManager_ExportSelectedVisits:Export selected visits,PrivacyManager_ExportingNote:In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.,PrivacyManager_FindDataSubjectsBy:Find data subjects by,PrivacyManager_FontColor:Font Color,PrivacyManager_FontFamily:Font Family,PrivacyManager_FontSize:Font Size,PrivacyManager_ForceCookielessTracking:Force tracking without cookies,PrivacyManager_ForceCookielessTrackingDescription:Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers wont use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.,PrivacyManager_ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2:Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods wont enable cookies.,PrivacyManager_ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable:The JS tracker file \%1$s\ is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.,PrivacyManager_GdprTools:GDPR Tools,PrivacyManager_GdprToolsOverviewHint:In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.,PrivacyManager_GdprToolsPageIntro1:This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.,PrivacyManager_GdprToolsPageIntro2:Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:,PrivacyManager_GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight:the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),,PrivacyManager_GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight:the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).,PrivacyManager_GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote:Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.,PrivacyManager_GetPurgeEstimate:Get purge estimate,PrivacyManager_KeepBasicMetrics:Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.),PrivacyManager_KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo:When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators wont be deleted.,PrivacyManager_KeepDataFor:Keep all data for,PrivacyManager_KeepReportSegments:For kept data above, also keep segmented reports,PrivacyManager_LastAction:Last action,PrivacyManager_LastDelete:Last deletion was on,PrivacyManager_LeastDaysInput:Please specify a number of days greater than %s.,PrivacyManager_LeastMonthsInput:Please specify a number of months greater than %s.,PrivacyManager_MatchingDataSubjects:Matching data subjects,PrivacyManager_NextDelete:Next scheduled deletion in,PrivacyManager_NoDataSubjectsFound:No data subjects found,PrivacyManager_OptOutCustomize:Customize the Opt-out iframe,PrivacyManager_OptOutHtmlCode:HTML code to embed on your website,PrivacyManager_OptOutPreview:Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website,PrivacyManager_PseudonymizeUserId:Replace User ID with a pseudonym,PrivacyManager_PseudonymizeUserIdNote:When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.,PrivacyManager_PseudonymizeUserIdNote2:Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).,PrivacyManager_PurgeNow:Purge DB Now,PrivacyManager_ReportsDataSavedEstimate:Database size,PrivacyManager_ResultIncludesAllVisits:The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.,PrivacyManager_ResultTruncated:More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.,PrivacyManager_SearchForDataSubject:Search for a data subject,PrivacyManager_SelectWebsite:Select a website,PrivacyManager_UnsetActionColumns:Unset action columns,PrivacyManager_UnsetActionColumnsHelp:This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.,PrivacyManager_UnsetVisitColumns:Unset visit columns,PrivacyManager_UnsetVisitColumnsHelp:This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope conversion, then this column will be deleted as well,PrivacyManager_UseAnonymizeIp:Anonymize Visitors IP addresses,PrivacyManager_UseAnonymizeOrderId:Anonymize Order ID,PrivacyManager_UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment:Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.,PrivacyManager_UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote:Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitors metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select No, then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.,PrivacyManager_UseDeleteLog:Regularly delete old raw data from the database,PrivacyManager_UseDeleteReports:Regularly delete old reports from the database,PrivacyManager_VisitsMatchedCriteria:These visits match the selected criteria.,PrivacyManager_VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted:Visits were successfully deleted,PrivacyManager_VisitsSuccessfullyExported:Visits were successfully exported,UsersManager_AllWebsites:All websites,PrivacyManager_FindMatchingDataSubjects:Find matching data subjects,Intl_Today:Today,MobileMessaging_Settings_InvalidActivationCode:Code entered was not valid, please try again.,MobileMessaging_Settings_PhoneActivated:Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.,MobileMessaging_Settings_SMSProvider:SMS Provider,MobileMessaging_Settings_PleaseSignUp:To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.,MobileMessaging_Settings_CredentialInvalid:Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.,MobileMessaging_Settings_CredentialProvided:Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!,MobileMessaging_Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount:You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.,MobileMessaging_UserKey:Userkey,MobileMessaging_Settings_APIKey:API Key,MobileMessaging_Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential:Allow users to manage their own SMS provider,MobileMessaging_Settings_SelectCountry:Select country,MobileMessaging_Settings_CountryCode:Country Code,MobileMessaging_Settings_PhoneNumber:Phone Number,MobileMessaging_Settings_EnterActivationCode:Enter activation code,MobileMessaging_Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add:Add a new Phone Number,MobileMessaging_Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou:The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.,MobileMessaging_Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help:Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.,MobileMessaging_Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help:If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.,MobileMessaging_Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers:Manage Phone Numbers,MobileMessaging_Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent:We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click \Validate\.,MobileMessaging_Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber:Validate,MobileMessaging_MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers:Please activate at least one phone number by accessing,MobileMessaging_MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers:You can add more phone numbers by accessing,MobileMessaging_MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink:the Mobile Messaging settings page,MobileMessaging_PhoneNumbers:Phone Numbers,General_OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle:Open Page Overlay,General_OverlayRowActionTooltip:See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab),SegmentEditor_CustomSegment:Custom Segment,SegmentEditor_VisibleToSuperUser:Visible to you because you have Super User access,SegmentEditor_SharedWithYou:Shared with you,SegmentEditor_CurrentlySelectedSegment:Currently selected segment: %s,SegmentEditor_OperatorAND:AND,SegmentEditor_OperatorOR:OR,SegmentEditor_AddANDorORCondition:Add %s condition,SegmentEditor_DefaultAllVisits:All visits,General_OperationEquals:Equals,General_OperationNotEquals:Not Equals,General_OperationAtMost:At most,General_OperationAtLeast:At least,General_OperationLessThan:Less than,General_OperationIs:Is,General_OperationIsNot:Is not,General_OperationContains:Contains,General_OperationDoesNotContain:Does not contain,General_OperationStartsWith:Starts with,General_OperationEndsWith:Ends with,General_Unknown:Unknown,SegmentEditor_ThisSegmentIsCompared:This segment is currently compared.,SegmentEditor_ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared:This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.,SegmentEditor_CompareThisSegment:Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.,Live_VisitsLog:Visits Log,CoreHome_PeriodRange:Range,Marketplace_LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess:License key successfully activated!,Marketplace_LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess:License key successfully deleted.,Marketplace_Show:Show,Marketplace_Sort:Sort,General_Plugins:Plugins,Marketplace_PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro:If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.,Marketplace_PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro:A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.,Marketplace_RemoveLicenseKey:Remove license key,Marketplace_ViewSubscriptions:View subscriptions,Marketplace_InstallPurchasedPlugins:Install purchased plugins,Marketplace_InstallAllPurchasedPlugins:Install all purchased plugins at once,Marketplace_InstallThesePlugins:This will install and activate the following plugins:,Marketplace_InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction:Install and activate %d purchased plugins,Marketplace_ConfirmRemoveLicense:Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.,Marketplace_PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess:In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.,Marketplace_LicenseKeyIsValidShort:License key is valid!,Marketplace_LicenseKey:License key,CoreUpdater_UpdateTitle:Update,Marketplace_ActivateLicenseKey:Activate,PagePerformance_RowActionTitle:Open page performance report,PagePerformance_RowActionDescription:Show page performance report for this row,PagePerformance_PagePerformanceTitle:Page performance for page with %1$s \%2$s\,General_Total:Total,CorePluginsAdmin_Active:Active,CustomDimensions_CustomDimensions:Custom Dimensions,CustomDimensions_CustomDimensionsIntro:By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for %3$s.,CustomDimensions_CustomDimensionsIntroNext:Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.,CustomDimensions_ScopeDescriptionVisit:Custom Dimensions in scope Visit can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.,CustomDimensions_ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo:If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.,CustomDimensions_ScopeDescriptionAction:Custom Dimensions in scope Action can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).,CustomDimensions_ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo:Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.,CustomDimensions_IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle:Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions,CustomDimensions_IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong:Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.,CustomDimensions_HowToCreateCustomDimension:To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:,CustomDimensions_HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions:If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.,CustomDimensions_ExampleCreateCustomDimensions:For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:,CustomDimensions_HowToTrackManuallyTitle:Tracking a value for this dimension manually,CustomDimensions_HowToTrackManuallyViaJs:To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:,CustomDimensions_HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails:For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s,CustomDimensions_HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp:To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:,CustomDimensions_HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp:To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter dimension followed by the Custom Dimension Id:,CustomDimensions_Extractions:Extractions,CustomDimensions_ExtractionsHelp:This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don\u2019t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use \/news\/ instead of \\\/news\\\/.,CustomDimensions_ExtractValue:Extract value,CustomDimensions_ExampleValue:dimensionValue,CustomDimensions_NoCustomDimensionConfigured:No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.,CustomDimensions_ConfigureNewDimension:Configure a new dimension,CustomDimensions_ConfigureDimension:Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s,CustomDimensions_XofYLeft:%1$s of %2$s dimensions left,CustomDimensions_CannotBeDeleted:A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.,CustomDimensions_PageUrlParam:Page URL Parameter,CustomDimensions_NameAllowedCharacters:Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.,CustomDimensions_NameIsRequired:A name is required.,CustomDimensions_NameIsTooLong:Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.,CustomDimensions_ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist:Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.,CustomDimensions_ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive:Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.,CustomDimensions_DimensionCreated:Custom Dimension created,CustomDimensions_DimensionUpdated:Custom Dimension updated,CustomDimensions_ColumnUniqueActions:Unique Actions,CustomDimensions_ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension:Avg. Time On Dimension,CustomDimensions_CustomDimensionId:Custom Dimensions (Id %d),General_Update:Update,General_Create:Create,CustomDimensions_UrlQueryStringParameter:url query string parameter,CustomVariables_CustomVariables:Custom Variables,CustomVariables_ManageDescription:This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website %s. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.,CustomVariables_ScopeX:Scope %s,CustomVariables_Index:Index,CustomVariables_Usages:Usages,CustomVariables_Unused:Unused,CustomVariables_CreateNewSlot:Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots,CustomVariables_UsageDetails:%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.,CustomVariables_CurrentAvailableCustomVariables:Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.,CustomVariables_ToCreateCustomVarExecute:To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:,CustomVariables_CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime:Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.,CustomVariables_SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime:Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.,General_TrackingScopeVisit:Visit,General_TrackingScopePage:Page};if (typeof(piwik_translations) undefined) { var piwik_translations new Object; }for(var i in translations) { piwik_translationsi translationsi;} /script>script typetext/javascript srcindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetCoreJs&cb7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323>/script>script typetext/javascript srcindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetNonCoreJs&cb7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323>/script>script typetext/javascript srcindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetUmdJs&chunk0&cb7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323 defer>/script>script typetext/javascript srcindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetUmdJs&chunk1&cb7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323 defer>/script>script typetext/javascript srcindex.php?moduleProxy&actiongetUmdJs&chunk2&cb7737f53a3be8e7cdbc090a86f7619323 defer>/script>link relmanifest hrefplugins/CoreHome/javascripts/manifest.json crossoriginuse-credentials> /head> body idloginPage ng-appapp class> script typetext/javascript> $(function () { $(body).css(display, none); if (self top) { var theBody document.getElementsByTagName(body)0; block; } else { top.location self.location; } }); /script> div idnotificationContainer> /div> nav> div classnav-wrapper> span idlogo classlogo brand-logo center> a href tabindex-1 titleMatomo # free/libre analytics platform > img src tabindex3 altMatomo classdefault-piwik-logo /> /a> /span> /div> /nav> section classloginSection row> div classcol s12 m6 push-m3 l4 push-l4> div classcontentForm loginForm> div classcard> div classcard-content> h2 classcard-title >Sign in/h2> div classmessage_container> /div> form action?moduleLogin namelogin_form idlogin_form methodpost ng-non-bindable> div classrow> div classcol s12 input-field> input typetext nameform_login placeholder idlogin_form_login classinput value size20 autocorrectoff autocapitalizenone tabindex10 autofocusautofocus/> label forlogin_form_login>i classicon-user icon>/i> Username or Email/label> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol s12 input-field> input typehidden nameform_nonce idlogin_form_nonce valueb01bc8dc70cf7d5414d09d25de58d71d/> input typehidden nameform_redirect idlogin_form_redirect value/> input typepassword placeholder nameform_password idlogin_form_password classinput value size20 autocorrectoff autocapitalizenone tabindex20 /> label forlogin_form_password>i classicon-locked icon>/i> Password/label> /div> /div> div classrow actions> div classcol s12> label> input nameform_rememberme typecheckbox idlogin_form_rememberme value1 tabindex90 /> span>Remember Me/span> /label> input classsubmit btn idlogin_form_submit typesubmit valueSign in tabindex100/> /div> /div> /form> p idnav> a idlogin_form_nav href# titleLost your password?>Lost your password?/a> /p> /div>/div> /div> div classcontentForm resetForm styledisplay:none;> div classcard> div classcard-content> h2 classcard-title >Change your password/h2> div classmessage_container> /div> form idreset_form methodpost ng-non-bindable> div classrow> div classcol s12 input-field> input typehidden nameform_nonce idreset_form_nonce valueb01bc8dc70cf7d5414d09d25de58d71d/> input typetext placeholder nameform_login idreset_form_login classinput value size20 autocorrectoff autocapitalizenone tabindex10/> label forreset_form_login>i classicon-user icon>/i> Username or Email/label> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol s12 input-field> input typepassword placeholder nameform_password idreset_form_password classinput value size20 autocorrectoff autocapitalizenone tabindex20 autocompleteoff/> label forreset_form_password>i classicon-locked icon>/i> New password/label> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol s12 input-field> input typepassword placeholder nameform_password_bis idreset_form_password_bis classinput value autocorrectoff autocapitalizenone size20 tabindex30 autocompleteoff/> label forreset_form_password_bis>i classicon-locked icon>/i> New password (repeat)/label> /div> /div> div classrow actions> div classcol s12> input classsubmit btn idreset_form_submit typesubmit valueChange password tabindex100/> span classloadingPiwik styledisplay:none;> img altLoading srcplugins/Morpheus/images/loading-blue.gif/> /span> /div> /div> input typehidden namemodule valueLogin/> input typehidden nameaction valueresetPassword/> /form> p idnav> a idreset_form_nav href# titleBack>Cancel/a> a idalternate_reset_nav href# styledisplay:none; titleSign in>Sign in/a> /p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /section> div idpageFooter> /div> div idbottomAd stylefont-size: 2px;> /div>script typetext/javascript> window.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function () { if (undefined (typeof hasBlockedContent) || hasBlockedContent ! 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