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Trust us to enhance your space with our expertise and commitment to sustainable design practices. /p> /div> /div> div classmy-5 mb-md-0 w-100 styledisplay: > a hreftel:+1 306-334-7877 classbtn btn-sm btn-primary px-3 d-block d-md-inline-block> Call +1 306-334-7877 /a> /div> /div> /div>/header>!-- Services -->section idservices-section classbg-section-dark px-3 py-5 > header classpy-2 border-bottom mb-4 styledisplay: none> div classql-editor p-4 idsitewide-header> /div> /header> !-- Heading Row--> div classpy-2 border-bottom mb-2 styledisplay: none> div classql-editor > /div> /div> div classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5 cards-container> div classcontainer-sm mb-5 text-center section-content> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-light text-uppercase fw-medium>Services/small> /div> div classmt-5> div classowl-carousel services-carousel> div classcard h-100 service-card gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srchardscape-design-240478.jpg?keyDofogA classimg-fluid rounded altHardscape Design> div classcard-body text-center> h5 classcard-title my-2 mb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize>Hardscape Design/h5> p classmy-2 px-3> Scapeint offers top-notch hardscape design services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of Canadian homeowners. Our team of skilled professionals work closely with clients to create beautiful and functional outdoor living space...... /p> a hrefhardscape-design.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary my-2 px-3> Learn More !-- use fillcurrentColor for svg --> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillcurrentColor viewBox0 0 21 20> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div>/div>div classcard h-100 service-card gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srcsite-analysis-240477.jpg?keyYsvQSN classimg-fluid rounded altSite Analysis> div classcard-body text-center> h5 classcard-title my-2 mb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize>Site Analysis/h5> p classmy-2 px-3> Scapeint offers an extensive site analysis service aimed at providing clients with comprehensive insights into the potential of their property. Our team of experts conducts thorough assessments of various factors such as soil quality, topography, dra...... /p> a hrefsite-analysis.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary my-2 px-3> Learn More !-- use fillcurrentColor for svg --> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillcurrentColor viewBox0 0 21 20> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div>/div>div classcard h-100 service-card gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srcplant-selection-240476.jpg?keywM3ZjF classimg-fluid rounded altPlant Selection> div classcard-body text-center> h5 classcard-title my-2 mb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize>Plant Selection/h5> p classmy-2 px-3> At Scapeint, we offer a specialized service in plant selection to help our clients enhance their outdoor spaces. Our team of experts take into consideration various factors such as climate, soil conditions, and sunlight exposure to recommend the best...... /p> a hrefplant-selection.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary my-2 px-3> Learn More !-- use fillcurrentColor for svg --> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillcurrentColor viewBox0 0 21 20> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div>/div>div classcard h-100 service-card gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srcirrigation-design-240475.jpg?key16DrKW classimg-fluid rounded altIrrigation Design> div classcard-body text-center> h5 classcard-title my-2 mb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize>Irrigation Design/h5> p classmy-2 px-3> Scapeint specializes in providing top-notch Irrigation Design services to help clients effectively manage their water resources for landscaping projects. With a team of experienced professionals, we offer tailored solutions to ensure optimal water di...... /p> a hrefirrigation-design.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary my-2 px-3> Learn More !-- use fillcurrentColor for svg --> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillcurrentColor viewBox0 0 21 20> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div>/div>div classcard h-100 service-card gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srclighting-design-240474.jpg?keyzDCzeq classimg-fluid rounded altLighting Design> div classcard-body text-center> h5 classcard-title my-2 mb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize>Lighting Design/h5> p classmy-2 px-3> Scapeint offers a comprehensive lighting design service that is tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. Our team of experienced designers work closely with you to understand your vision and create a customized lighting plan that enhance...... /p> a hreflighting-design.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary my-2 px-3> Learn More !-- use fillcurrentColor for svg --> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillcurrentColor viewBox0 0 21 20> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div> /div> div classmt-5 text-center> a hrefservices.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary d-block d-md-inline-block px-3> View All Services /a> /div> /div>/section>!-- Why Choose Us? -->section idfeatures-section classbg-section-light px-3 py-5> div classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5> div classcontainer-sm mb-5 text-center section-content> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-dark text-uppercase fw-medium>Features/small> h2 classtext-capitalize my-3> Why Choose Us? /h2> p> At Scapeint, a trusted landscape designer in Peterborough, we strive to exceed your expectations with our exceptional services. Our team is dedicated to creating breathtaking outdoor spaces that enhance the beauty and functionality of your property. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality workmanship, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Choose Scapeint for expert landscape design services that will transform your outdoor environment into a stunning oasis. /p> /div> div classrow row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 g-2 mt-5> div classcol> div classcard h-100 feature-card bg-transparent text-center rounded-4 border-0> div classcard-body py-md-5> div classbg-primary card-icon hstack justify-content-center mx-auto rounded-3> svg xmlns width32 height32 fillcurrentColor classbi bi-people viewBox0 0 576 512> path dM287.9 0c9.2 0 17.6 5.2 21.6 13.5l68.6 141.3 153.2 22.6c9 1.3 16.5 7.6 19.3 16.3s.5 18.1-5.9 24.5L433.6 328.4l26.2 155.6c1.5 9-2.2 18.1-9.7 23.5s-17.3 6-25.3 1.7l-137-73.2L151 509.1c-8.1 4.3-17.9 3.7-25.3-1.7s-11.2-14.5-9.7-23.5l26.2-155.6L31.1 218.2c-6.5-6.4-8.7-15.9-5.9-24.5s10.3-14.9 19.3-16.3l153.2-22.6L266.3 13.5C270.4 5.2 278.7 0 287.9 0zm0 79L235.4 187.2c-3.5 7.1-10.2 12.1-18.1 13.3L99 217.9 184.9 303c5.5 5.5 8.1 13.3 6.8 21L171.4 443.7l105.2-56.2c7.1-3.8 15.6-3.8 22.6 0l105.2 56.2L384.2 324.1c-1.3-7.7 1.2-15.5 6.8-21l85.9-85.1L358.6 200.5c-7.8-1.2-14.6-6.1-18.1-13.3L287.9 79z/> /svg> /div> h5 classcard-title mt-5 mb-4 fw-semibold text-capitalize> Unique Designs /h5> p classpx-3> Our landscape designer in Peterborough creates custom designs tailored to each clients unique vision and needs. /p> /div> /div>/div>div classcol> div classcard h-100 feature-card bg-transparent text-center rounded-4 border-0> div classcard-body py-md-5> div classbg-primary card-icon hstack justify-content-center mx-auto rounded-3> svg xmlns width32 height32 fillcurrentColor classbi bi-people viewBox0 0 576 512> path dM287.9 0c9.2 0 17.6 5.2 21.6 13.5l68.6 141.3 153.2 22.6c9 1.3 16.5 7.6 19.3 16.3s.5 18.1-5.9 24.5L433.6 328.4l26.2 155.6c1.5 9-2.2 18.1-9.7 23.5s-17.3 6-25.3 1.7l-137-73.2L151 509.1c-8.1 4.3-17.9 3.7-25.3-1.7s-11.2-14.5-9.7-23.5l26.2-155.6L31.1 218.2c-6.5-6.4-8.7-15.9-5.9-24.5s10.3-14.9 19.3-16.3l153.2-22.6L266.3 13.5C270.4 5.2 278.7 0 287.9 0zm0 79L235.4 187.2c-3.5 7.1-10.2 12.1-18.1 13.3L99 217.9 184.9 303c5.5 5.5 8.1 13.3 6.8 21L171.4 443.7l105.2-56.2c7.1-3.8 15.6-3.8 22.6 0l105.2 56.2L384.2 324.1c-1.3-7.7 1.2-15.5 6.8-21l85.9-85.1L358.6 200.5c-7.8-1.2-14.6-6.1-18.1-13.3L287.9 79z/> /svg> /div> h5 classcard-title mt-5 mb-4 fw-semibold text-capitalize> Experienced Team /h5> p classpx-3> Our team of experienced professionals brings years of expertise in landscape design, ensuring quality workmanship and stunning results. /p> /div> /div>/div>div classcol> div classcard h-100 feature-card bg-transparent text-center rounded-4 border-0> div classcard-body py-md-5> div classbg-primary card-icon hstack justify-content-center mx-auto rounded-3> svg xmlns width32 height32 fillcurrentColor classbi bi-people viewBox0 0 576 512> path dM287.9 0c9.2 0 17.6 5.2 21.6 13.5l68.6 141.3 153.2 22.6c9 1.3 16.5 7.6 19.3 16.3s.5 18.1-5.9 24.5L433.6 328.4l26.2 155.6c1.5 9-2.2 18.1-9.7 23.5s-17.3 6-25.3 1.7l-137-73.2L151 509.1c-8.1 4.3-17.9 3.7-25.3-1.7s-11.2-14.5-9.7-23.5l26.2-155.6L31.1 218.2c-6.5-6.4-8.7-15.9-5.9-24.5s10.3-14.9 19.3-16.3l153.2-22.6L266.3 13.5C270.4 5.2 278.7 0 287.9 0zm0 79L235.4 187.2c-3.5 7.1-10.2 12.1-18.1 13.3L99 217.9 184.9 303c5.5 5.5 8.1 13.3 6.8 21L171.4 443.7l105.2-56.2c7.1-3.8 15.6-3.8 22.6 0l105.2 56.2L384.2 324.1c-1.3-7.7 1.2-15.5 6.8-21l85.9-85.1L358.6 200.5c-7.8-1.2-14.6-6.1-18.1-13.3L287.9 79z/> /svg> /div> h5 classcard-title mt-5 mb-4 fw-semibold text-capitalize> Customer Satisfaction /h5> p classpx-3> We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, going above and beyond to exceed our clients expectations and create beautiful outdoor spaces they will love. /p> /div> /div>/div> /div>!-- div classmt-5 text-center styledisplay: inherit>-->!-- a href#quotation-section classbtn btn-sm btn-outline d-block d-md-inline-block px-3>Request a-->!-- Quote/a>-->!-- /div>--> /div>/section>!-- About Us -->section idabout-us-section classbg-section-dark p-md-5 styledisplay: > div classmy-md-5> div classpx-3 py-5 p-md-5 pt-md-0> div classrow g-3> div classcol-12 col-xl-7 section-content> div classtext-start mt-xl-5 mb-5> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-light text-uppercase fw-medium>About Us/small> h2 classtext-capitalize my-3> Expertise in creating sustainable and environmentally friendly outdoor spaces. /h2> p classmb-5> Welcome to Scapeint, your premier landscape designer in Peterborough. With a passion for creating outdoor spaces that harmonize nature and design, we take pride in transforming your outdoor area into a personalized sanctuary. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional service, attention to detail, and innovative solutions to bring your vision to life.At Scapeint, we believe that every outdoor space has the potential to be extraordinary. Whether you are looking to enhance your backyard, create a tranquil garden, or design a functional outdoor living area, our expertise in landscape design will help you achieve your goals. We are committed to exceeding your expectations and creating stunning outdoor environments that you will enjoy for years to come. Partner with Scapeint to elevate your outdoor experience and let us inspire you with our creative approach to landscaping. /p> div classd-flex flex-column gap-4 bullet-points> div classhstack gap-4> div> svg xmlns width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillcurrentColor> path dM15 22.75H9C3.57 22.75 1.25 20.43 1.25 15V9C1.25 3.57 3.57 1.25 9 1.25H15C20.43 1.25 22.75 3.57 22.75 9V15C22.75 20.43 20.43 22.75 15 22.75ZM9 2.75C4.39 2.75 2.75 4.39 2.75 9V15C2.75 19.61 4.39 21.25 9 21.25H15C19.61 21.25 21.25 19.61 21.25 15V9C21.25 4.39 19.61 2.75 15 2.75H9Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.7402 16.2802C10.5502 16.2802 10.3602 16.2102 10.2102 16.0602C9.92018 15.7702 9.92018 15.2902 10.2102 15.0002L13.2102 12.0002L10.2102 9.00016C9.92018 8.71016 9.92018 8.23016 10.2102 7.94016C10.5002 7.65016 10.9802 7.65016 11.2702 7.94016L14.8002 11.4702C15.0902 11.7602 15.0902 12.2402 14.8002 12.5302L11.2702 16.0602C11.1202 16.2102 10.9302 16.2802 10.7402 16.2802Z fillcurrentColor /> /svg> /div> div> We prioritize creating sustainable and environmentally friendly outdoor spaces in all our designs. /div> /div>div classhstack gap-4> div> svg xmlns width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillcurrentColor> path dM15 22.75H9C3.57 22.75 1.25 20.43 1.25 15V9C1.25 3.57 3.57 1.25 9 1.25H15C20.43 1.25 22.75 3.57 22.75 9V15C22.75 20.43 20.43 22.75 15 22.75ZM9 2.75C4.39 2.75 2.75 4.39 2.75 9V15C2.75 19.61 4.39 21.25 9 21.25H15C19.61 21.25 21.25 19.61 21.25 15V9C21.25 4.39 19.61 2.75 15 2.75H9Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.7402 16.2802C10.5502 16.2802 10.3602 16.2102 10.2102 16.0602C9.92018 15.7702 9.92018 15.2902 10.2102 15.0002L13.2102 12.0002L10.2102 9.00016C9.92018 8.71016 9.92018 8.23016 10.2102 7.94016C10.5002 7.65016 10.9802 7.65016 11.2702 7.94016L14.8002 11.4702C15.0902 11.7602 15.0902 12.2402 14.8002 12.5302L11.2702 16.0602C11.1202 16.2102 10.9302 16.2802 10.7402 16.2802Z fillcurrentColor /> /svg> /div> div> Our team excels in Hardscape, Site Analysis, Plant Selection, Irrigation, and Lighting Design to bring your vision to life. /div> /div>div classhstack gap-4> div> svg xmlns width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillcurrentColor> path dM15 22.75H9C3.57 22.75 1.25 20.43 1.25 15V9C1.25 3.57 3.57 1.25 9 1.25H15C20.43 1.25 22.75 3.57 22.75 9V15C22.75 20.43 20.43 22.75 15 22.75ZM9 2.75C4.39 2.75 2.75 4.39 2.75 9V15C2.75 19.61 4.39 21.25 9 21.25H15C19.61 21.25 21.25 19.61 21.25 15V9C21.25 4.39 19.61 2.75 15 2.75H9Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.7402 16.2802C10.5502 16.2802 10.3602 16.2102 10.2102 16.0602C9.92018 15.7702 9.92018 15.2902 10.2102 15.0002L13.2102 12.0002L10.2102 9.00016C9.92018 8.71016 9.92018 8.23016 10.2102 7.94016C10.5002 7.65016 10.9802 7.65016 11.2702 7.94016L14.8002 11.4702C15.0902 11.7602 15.0902 12.2402 14.8002 12.5302L11.2702 16.0602C11.1202 16.2102 10.9302 16.2802 10.7402 16.2802Z fillcurrentColor /> /svg> /div> div> We focus on understanding your needs and delivering personalized solutions tailored to exceed your expectations. /div> /div>div classhstack gap-4> div> svg xmlns width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillcurrentColor> path dM15 22.75H9C3.57 22.75 1.25 20.43 1.25 15V9C1.25 3.57 3.57 1.25 9 1.25H15C20.43 1.25 22.75 3.57 22.75 9V15C22.75 20.43 20.43 22.75 15 22.75ZM9 2.75C4.39 2.75 2.75 4.39 2.75 9V15C2.75 19.61 4.39 21.25 9 21.25H15C19.61 21.25 21.25 19.61 21.25 15V9C21.25 4.39 19.61 2.75 15 2.75H9Z fillcurrentColor /> path dM10.7402 16.2802C10.5502 16.2802 10.3602 16.2102 10.2102 16.0602C9.92018 15.7702 9.92018 15.2902 10.2102 15.0002L13.2102 12.0002L10.2102 9.00016C9.92018 8.71016 9.92018 8.23016 10.2102 7.94016C10.5002 7.65016 10.9802 7.65016 11.2702 7.94016L14.8002 11.4702C15.0902 11.7602 15.0902 12.2402 14.8002 12.5302L11.2702 16.0602C11.1202 16.2102 10.9302 16.2802 10.7402 16.2802Z fillcurrentColor /> /svg> /div> div> We are dedicated to enhancing the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces in Peterborough while respecting and preserving the natural environment. /div> /div> /div> div classmt-5> a hrefaboutus.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary px-3 d-block d-md-inline-block> Learn More svg width20 height20 viewBox0 0 20 20 fillcurrentColor xmlns> path dM12.8584 9.40825L9.32507 5.87492C9.24761 5.79681 9.15544 5.73481 9.05389 5.69251C8.95234 5.6502 8.84342 5.62842 8.73341 5.62842C8.6234 5.62842 8.51448 5.6502 8.41293 5.69251C8.31138 5.73481 8.21921 5.79681 8.14174 5.87492C7.98653 6.03105 7.89941 6.24226 7.89941 6.46242C7.89941 6.68257 7.98653 6.89378 8.14174 7.04992L11.0917 9.99992L8.14174 12.9499C7.98653 13.1061 7.89941 13.3173 7.89941 13.5374C7.89941 13.7576 7.98653 13.9688 8.14174 14.1249C8.21961 14.2022 8.31195 14.2633 8.41349 14.3047C8.51502 14.3462 8.62374 14.3672 8.73341 14.3666C8.84308 14.3672 8.9518 14.3462 9.05333 14.3047C9.15486 14.2633 9.24721 14.2022 9.32507 14.1249L12.8584 10.5916C12.9365 10.5141 12.9985 10.4219 13.0408 10.3204C13.0831 10.2188 13.1049 10.1099 13.1049 9.99992C13.1049 9.88991 13.0831 9.78099 13.0408 9.67944C12.9985 9.57789 12.9365 9.48572 12.8584 9.40825Z /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-12 col-xl-5 d-none d-lg-block text-center> div classcard h-100 border-0 rounded-4 bg-transparent> img srcabout_us.jpeg altAbout Us classrounded-4 w-100> /div> /div> div styledisplay: inherit> div classcol-12 bg-light rounded-4 position-relative mt-5 z-1 contact-us-banner> div classmx-2 position-relative> div classbg-light-subtle opacity-25 p-4 p-sm-5 position-absolute rounded-3 w-100> span> p classmb-1 d-sm-none> /p> /span> /div> /div> div styleheight:109px classalign-items-center bg-light d-flex justify-content-evenly position-relative p-2 p-sm-3 px-md-5 rounded> div> h6 classtext-capitalize fs-5 mb-0 d-none d-lg-block>Get in Touch with Us/h6> /div> div styledisplay: inherit>a hrefcontact.html classbtn btn-sm btn-outline text-capitalize>Contact us/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>!-- Working Hours -->section idschedule-section classbg-section-light px-3 py-5 style display: > div classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5> div classcontainer-sm text-center section-content> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-dark text-uppercase fw-medium>Working Hours/small> div classrow justify-content-center mt-3> div classcol-12 col-md-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-7> h2 classtext-capitalize> Make every hour a productive hour! /h2> /div> /div> div classrow row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 g-4 mt-0 mt-md-3 weekly-schedule> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Monday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Tuesday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Wednesday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Thursday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Friday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Saturday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM /p> /div> /div> div classcol mx-auto> div classcard h-100 bg-transparent text-center border-0> p classfw-light small mb-0> Sunday /p> p classcard-title fw-bold mb-0> Closed /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>!-- Testimonials -->section idtestimonials-section classbg-section-dark px-3 py-5 py-md-4> div idtestimonials-bg classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5> div classcontainer-sm mt-md-2 text-center section-content> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-light text-uppercase fw-medium>Quotes/small> /div> !-- set/remove `data-bs-ride` 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Very happy with the outcome! /div> div classmt-5> div classcustomer-name mt-3> Sarah from Peterborough /div> /div> /div> /div>div classcarousel-item> div classpx-3 text-center> div classdisplay-5 fw-bold mx-lg-5 pt-4 testimonial-content> The site analysis they conducted was thorough and insightful. Their recommendations were spot on! /div> div classmt-5> div classcustomer-name mt-3> Tyler from Peterborough /div> /div> /div> /div>div classcarousel-item> div classpx-3 text-center> div classdisplay-5 fw-bold mx-lg-5 pt-4 testimonial-content> Their plant selection expertise really transformed our outdoor space. Highly recommend for any landscaping project! /div> div classmt-5> div classcustomer-name mt-3> Emma from Peterborough /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-indicators position-relative m-0 mt-4> !-- the first button/indicator must have the `active` class --> !-- set `data-bs-slide-to` attribute for jump to a specific slide, values must start with `0` --> button typebutton data-bs-target#testimonialsCarousel data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelTestimonial 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#testimonialsCarousel data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelTestimonial 2>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#testimonialsCarousel data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelTestimonial 3>/button> /div> /div> /div>/section>!-- Blog -->section idblog-section classbg-section-dark px-3 py-5> div classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5> div classcontainer-sm mb-5 text-center section-content> small classbadge py-2 rounded-pill pill-light text-uppercase fw-medium>Blog/small> /div> div classrow row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 g-4 mt-5> div classcol-lg-4> a hrefwhat-indoor-plants-need.html classtext-decoration-none> div classcard h-100 gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srcwhat-indoor-plants-need-240544.jpg?keyP86IjM classimg-fluid rounded altWhat indoor plants need?> div classcard-body p-3 pb-0> h5 classmb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title>What indoor plants need?/h5> p> Indoor plants can sometimes fall victim to pests and diseases, which can hinder their growth and overall health. As part of Plant Selection in Brant, it is crucial to remain vigilant and regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestations or ...... /p> /div> div classcard-footer p-3 bg-transparent border-0 styledisplay: {{show_date_auth_section}}> div classalign-items-center d-flex justify-content-between position-relative rounded> div classhstack gap-3> div classvstack my-auto card-title blog-card-stats> small classh6 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title styledisplay: none> /small> small classfw-normal card-title styledisplay: inline> 2024-04-23 /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div>div classcol-lg-4> a hrefwhat-do-top-interior-designers-charge.html classtext-decoration-none> div classcard h-100 gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srcwhat-do-top-interior-designers-charge-240543.jpg?keyXuwCJn classimg-fluid rounded altWhat do top interior designers charge?> div classcard-body p-3 pb-0> h5 classmb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title>What do top interior designers charge?/h5> p> Setting a realistic budget is essential when embarking on a home design project. When considering the costs involved in renovating or redecorating a space, it is crucial to factor in all expenses, including furniture, materials, and professional fees...... /p> /div> div classcard-footer p-3 bg-transparent border-0 styledisplay: {{show_date_auth_section}}> div classalign-items-center d-flex justify-content-between position-relative rounded> div classhstack gap-3> div classvstack my-auto card-title blog-card-stats> small classh6 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title styledisplay: none> /small> small classfw-normal card-title styledisplay: inline> 2024-04-23 /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div>div classcol-lg-4> a hrefhow-much-do-interior-designers-charge-per-hour-canada.html classtext-decoration-none> div classcard h-100 gradient-card is-hoverable border-0> img srchow-much-do-interior-designers-charge-per-hour-canada-240542.jpg?keyczq4EO classimg-fluid rounded altHow much do interior designers charge per hour Canada?> div classcard-body p-3 pb-0> h5 classmb-3 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title>How much do interior designers charge per hour Canada?/h5> p> When looking for budget-friendly interior design services in Canada, there are a few key strategies to consider. Firstly, its crucial to be clear about your budget from the beginning. Communicating openly with your designer about your financial cons...... /p> /div> div classcard-footer p-3 bg-transparent border-0 styledisplay: {{show_date_auth_section}}> div classalign-items-center d-flex justify-content-between position-relative rounded> div classhstack gap-3> div classvstack my-auto card-title blog-card-stats> small classh6 fw-semibold text-capitalize card-title styledisplay: none> /small> small classfw-normal card-title styledisplay: inline> 2024-04-23 /small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classmt-5 text-center> a hrefblog.html classbtn btn-sm btn-primary d-block d-md-inline-block px-3> View All /a> /div> /div>/section>!-- Locations -->section idlocations-section classbg-section-light px-3 py-5 styledisplay: none> div classcontainer-md px-0 px-md-3 py-md-5> div classrow bg-section-light rounded g-0 g-md-4> div classcol-12 col-lg-5 align-self-center> div classcard h-100 border-0 p-0 bg-section-light styledisplay: > iframe src classborder-0 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