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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 06:53:45 GMTServer: ApacheTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 html>head>title>|. Scalla Gráfica - imprimindo idéias... . |/title>link relSTYLESHEET typetext/css hrefhome.css>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript TYPEtext/javascript>!--var path2; var arrScrollnew Array(objText); var objTextTop160; var objTextLeft150; function filter(imagename,objectsrc) { var nnavigator.appName var vparseInt(navigator.appVersion) var browsok((nNetscape)&&(v>3)) var browsok2((nMicrosoft Internet Explorer)&&(v>4)) if ((browsok)||(browsok2)) document.imagesimagename.srceval(objectsrc+.src) }//-->/SCRIPT>SCRIPT LANGUAGEJavaScript TYPEtext/javascript srcimages.js>/SCRIPT>/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF leftmargin0 topmargin0 marginwidth0 marginheight0>table width100% height100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td width50% rowspan2 valigntop>table width100% height100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td height27 alignright backgroundimages/back01.jpg> /td> /tr> tr> td height240 alignright backgroundimages/back02.jpg> /td> /tr> tr> td height24 alignright backgroundimages/back03a.jpg 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/td> td width6 backgroundimages/back11.jpg>img srcimages/back11.jpg width6 height6 alt>/td> /tr> tr> td width4 backgroundimages/back10.jpg>img srcimages/back10.jpg width4 height6 alt>/td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg>table width544 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width16> /td> td width19 valigntop>img srcimages/marcad07.jpg width11 height20>/td> td height28 valigntop>img srcimages/ch_benvindo.jpg width128 height20 alt>/td> td width15> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td height86 valigntop classtext1>p>Viver é colorir o b>font color#027AAE>mundo/font>/b> de ações, é imprimir b>font color#D10274> idéias/font>/b>, realizarbr> b>font color#FF9900>projetos/font>/b>, é chorar de b>font color#027AAE>alegria/font>/b>, é b>font color#D10274>viver/font>/b> cada minuto como se fosse b>font color#FF9900>único /font>/b>ebr> cada ano como se fosse b>font color#027AAE>eterno/font>/b>. br> img srcimages/spacer.gif width5 height9>br> Na Scalla, sua imaginação ganha vida!/p> /td> td> /td> /tr> /table>/td> td width6 backgroundimages/back11.jpg>img srcimages/back11.jpg width6 height6 alt>/td> /tr> tr> td width4 backgroundimages/back10.jpg>img srcimages/back10.jpg width4 height6 alt>/td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg>table width544 border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 backgroundimages/back07.jpg> tr> td height10>/td> td>/td> td>/td> td>/td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg>img srcimages/spacer.gif width5 height5>/td> td>/td> td>/td> td>/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td width19 height28> /td> td width16 valigntop>img srcimages/marcad06.jpg width8 height20 alt>/td> td width211 valigntop>img srcimages/ch_solucoes.jpg width115 height20 alt>/td> td width24> /td> td width6 backgroundimages/back06.jpg> /td> td width19> /td> td width16 valigntop>img srcimages/marcad06.jpg width8 height20 alt>/td> td width209 valigntop>img srcimages/ch_portfolio.jpg width116 height20 alt>/td> td width24> /td> /tr> tr> td height110> /td> td> /td> td valigntop classtext1>Na b>Scalla Gráfica/b>, você encontra uma gama completa de soluções nos segmentos gráficos convencional e> img srcimages/spacer.gif width5 height7>br> Primando sempre pela qualidade, desenvolvemos e produzimos o seu trabalho de forma rápida e objetiva. br>/td> td> /td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td valigntop classtext1>table width209 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td height75 valigntop>img srcimages/port_00.jpg width209 height70>/td> /tr> tr> td classtext1>Conheça alguns exemplos do nosso trabalho e da nossa qualidade. /td> /tr> /table> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> td height23> /td> td> /td> td alignright valigntop classtext2>a hrefredir.php?idsolucoes>b>conheça/b> »/a> /td> td> /td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td alignright valigntop classtext2>a hrefredir.php?idportfolio>b>veja /b> »/a>/td> td> /td> /tr> /table>/td> td width6 backgroundimages/back11.jpg>img srcimages/back11.jpg width6 height6 alt>/td> /tr> tr> td width4 backgroundimages/back10.jpg>img srcimages/back10.jpg width4 height6 alt>/td> td height22 backgroundimages/back06.jpg> /td> td width6 backgroundimages/back11.jpg>img srcimages/back11.jpg width6 height6 alt>/td> /tr> tr> td width4 backgroundimages/back10.jpg>img srcimages/back10.jpg width4 height6 alt>/td> td backgroundimages/back06.jpg>table width544 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width19> /td> td width16 valigntop>img srcimages/marcad05.jpg width8 height20 alt>/td> td height28 valigntop>img srcimages/ch_infouteis.jpg width127 height20 alt>/td> td width15> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td height66 valigntop classtext1>Reservamos um espaço em nosso site para disponibilizar algumasbr> informações relativas ao segmento gráfico. Tais informações podem ser úteisbr> no planejamento do seu trabalho, pois, além de passarem uma idéia geral de funcionamento, poderão ser decisivas na composição dos custos e nabr> definição dos prazos de execução. /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td height20 alignright valigntop classtext2>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width90% classtext2>a hrefredir.php?idinfo_uteis>b>confira/b> »/a>/td> td width10%> /td> /tr> /table>/td> td> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td height30 alignright valigntop classtext2> /td> td> /td> /tr> /table>/td> td width6 backgroundimages/back11.jpg>img srcimages/back11.jpg width6 height6 alt>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td height3>img srcimages/index_95.jpg width4 height3 alt>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table>/td> td width50% valigntop>table width100% height100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td height27 alignright backgroundimages/back01.jpg> /td> /tr> tr> td height240 alignright backgroundimages/back04.jpg> /td> /tr> tr> td height24 alignright backgroundimages/back05.jpg>div alignright>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td height100% alignright backgroundimages/index_37.jpg> /td> /tr> tr> td alignright>img srcimages/spacer.gif width3 height3>/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td height50% valigntop>table width763 height100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr> td width209 alignright valigntop>img srcimages/marcad03.jpg width22 height9 alt>br> a href target_blank>img srcimages/index_102.jpg alt width33 height14 border0>/a>br> img srcimages/marcad03.jpg width5 height40 alt>/td> td width554 height100% alignright valigntop backgroundimages/back12.jpg classtext4>img srcimages/spacer.gif width10 height12>br> / / / (31) span classtext4a>b>3481-8947/b>/span> / br> / / / Scalla Gráfica e Copiadora Expressa font size2>©/font> Março / 2007 - TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS / /td> /tr> /table>/td> td height50% backgroundimages/back13.jpg> /td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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