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24.7-2.9zm-103.9 82l-56.7-56.7L18.7 402.8c-25 25-25 65.5 0 90.5s65.5 25 90.5 0l123.6-123.6c-7.6-19.9-9.9-41.6-5-62.7zM64 472c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24 0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>Unlimited Money/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classapkt_bookmark_post> input idbm-676d9b83e38a4 typecheckbox data-post_id525> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id525 data-img data-titleScary Teacher 3D MOD APK v8.1 data-url forbm-676d9b83e38a4> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titleHot Wheels Unlimited> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altHot Wheels Unlimited width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 text-9px uppercase block rounded px-8px py-4px z-10 text-white font-semibold bg-red-500>Mod/div> /div> div classw-calc(100%-70px) content pl-3> div classflex items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>Hot Wheels Unlimited/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>2024.6.0 + 836MB/span> /p> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 512 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM501.1 395.7L384 278.6c-23.1-23.1-57.6-27.6-85.4-13.9L192 158.1V96L64 0 0 64l96 128h62.1l106.6 106.6c-13.6 27.8-9.2 62.3 13.9 85.4l117.1 117.1c14.6 14.6 38.2 14.6 52.7 0l52.7-52.7c14.5-14.6 14.5-38.2 0-52.7zM331.7 225c28.3 0 54.9 11 74.9 31l19.4 19.4c15.8-6.9 30.8-16.5 43.8-29.5 37.1-37.1 49.7-89.3 37.9-136.7-2.2-9-13.5-12.1-20.1-5.5l-74.4 74.4-67.9-11.3L334 98.9l74.4-74.4c6.6-6.6 3.4-17.9-5.7-20.2-47.4-11.7-99.6.9-136.6 37.9-28.5 28.5-41.9 66.1-41.2 103.6l82.1 82.1c8.1-1.9 16.5-2.9 24.7-2.9zm-103.9 82l-56.7-56.7L18.7 402.8c-25 25-25 65.5 0 90.5s65.5 25 90.5 0l123.6-123.6c-7.6-19.9-9.9-41.6-5-62.7zM64 472c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24 0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>Unlocked/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classapkt_bookmark_post> input idbm-676d9b83e3c15 typecheckbox data-post_id528> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id528 data-img data-titleHot Wheels Unlimited MOD APK v2024.6.0 data-url forbm-676d9b83e3c15> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titleBus Out> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altBus Out width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 text-9px uppercase block rounded px-8px py-4px z-10 text-white font-semibold bg-red-500>Mod/div> /div> div classw-calc(100%-70px) content pl-3> div classflex items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>Bus Out/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>1.90 + 94MB/span> /p> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse 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input idbm-676d9b83e40b7 typecheckbox data-post_id531> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id531 data-img data-titleBus Out MOD APK v1.90 data-url forbm-676d9b83e40b7> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titleSpider Fighter 2> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altSpider Fighter 2 width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 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0l123.6-123.6c-7.6-19.9-9.9-41.6-5-62.7zM64 472c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24 0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>Unlimited Money/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classapkt_bookmark_post> input idbm-676d9b83e447d typecheckbox data-post_id534> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id534 data-img data-titleSpider Fighter 2 MOD APK v2.33.0 data-url forbm-676d9b83e447d> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titlePrison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altPrison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 text-9px uppercase block rounded px-8px py-4px z-10 text-white font-semibold bg-gray-500>Original/div> /div> div classw-calc(100%-70px) content pl-3> div classflex items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>2.9 + /span> /p> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 512 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM501.1 395.7L384 278.6c-23.1-23.1-57.6-27.6-85.4-13.9L192 158.1V96L64 0 0 64l96 128h62.1l106.6 106.6c-13.6 27.8-9.2 62.3 13.9 85.4l117.1 117.1c14.6 14.6 38.2 14.6 52.7 0l52.7-52.7c14.5-14.6 14.5-38.2 0-52.7zM331.7 225c28.3 0 54.9 11 74.9 31l19.4 19.4c15.8-6.9 30.8-16.5 43.8-29.5 37.1-37.1 49.7-89.3 37.9-136.7-2.2-9-13.5-12.1-20.1-5.5l-74.4 74.4-67.9-11.3L334 98.9l74.4-74.4c6.6-6.6 3.4-17.9-5.7-20.2-47.4-11.7-99.6.9-136.6 37.9-28.5 28.5-41.9 66.1-41.2 103.6l82.1 82.1c8.1-1.9 16.5-2.9 24.7-2.9zm-103.9 82l-56.7-56.7L18.7 402.8c-25 25-25 65.5 0 90.5s65.5 25 90.5 0l123.6-123.6c-7.6-19.9-9.9-41.6-5-62.7zM64 472c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24 0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>Unlimited Money / Money increase when spent!/span>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classapkt_bookmark_post> input idbm-676d9b83e4865 typecheckbox data-post_id537> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id537 data-img data-titlePrison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game MOD APK v2.9 data-url forbm-676d9b83e4865> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titleEarn to Die Rogue> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altEarn to Die Rogue width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 text-9px uppercase block rounded px-8px py-4px z-10 text-white font-semibold bg-red-500>Mod/div> /div> div classw-calc(100%-70px) content pl-3> div classflex items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 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div classapkt_bookmark_post> input idbm-676d9b83e4c03 typecheckbox data-post_id540> label aria-labelBookmark data-post_id540 data-img data-titleEarn to Die Rogue MOD APK v1.7.142 data-url forbm-676d9b83e4c03> svg viewBox0 0 24 24>path dM16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z>/path>path dM12 8.20996V13.21>/path>path dM14.5 10.6499H9.5>/path>/svg> /label> /div> /div>/a>a href classxl:w-1/3 md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titlePlants vs Zombies™ 2> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altPlants vs Zombies™ 2 width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute 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items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>Scary Teacher 3D/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>8.1 + 1.2GB/span> /p> p classtext-gray-500 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md:w-1/2 w-full p-1> div classpost-item hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-#172b3d rounded p-3 h-full flex flex-col transition duration-300 cursor-pointer titleFallout Shelter> div classpost-content h-full flex items-stretch relative> div classrelative w-70px h-70px> img src classmx-auto rounded-lg transition duration-300 altFallout Shelter width70px height70px> div classlabel absolute left-1/2 -bottom-10.75px -translate-x-1/2 text-9px uppercase block rounded px-8px py-4px z-10 text-white font-semibold bg-red-500>Mod/div> /div> div classw-calc(100%-70px) content pl-3> div classflex items-center relative> h3 classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>Fallout Shelter/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse 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classfont-semibold leading-snug flex justify-between items-start> div classtext-gray-800 dark:text-white hover:opacity-90 transition pr-2 limit-title>醒图 Xingtu Pichype Photo Editor & Collage/div> /h3> /div> div classmt-2> div> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px text-#8b959e dark:text-#939ea9 styledisplay: flex;align-items: center;gap: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;> svg classsvg-inline--fa aria-hiddentrue focusablefalse data-prefixfas roleimg xmlns viewBox0 0 576 512 stylewidth: 1rem;height: 1rem;> path fillcurrentColor dM567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z>/path> /svg> span styledisplay: block;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width: calc(100% - 1rem);>11.7.5 + /span> /p> p classtext-gray-500 text-14px 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dM640 384.2c0-5.257-.4576-10.6-1.406-15.98l-33.38-211.6C591.4 77.96 522 32 319.1 32C119 32 48.71 77.46 34.78 156.6l-33.38 211.6c-.9487 5.383-1.406 10.72-1.406 15.98c0 51.89 44.58 95.81 101.5 95.81c49.69 0 93.78-30.06 109.5-74.64l7.5-21.36h203l7.5 21.36c15.72 44.58 59.81 74.64 109.5 74.64C595.4 479.1 640 436.1 640 384.2zM247.1 248l-31.96-.0098L215.1 280c0 13.2-10.78 24-23.98 24c-13.2 0-24.02-10.8-24.02-24l.0367-32.01L135.1 248c-13.2 0-23.98-10.8-23.98-24c0-13.2 10.77-24 23.98-24l32.04-.011L167.1 168c0-13.2 10.82-24 24.02-24c13.2 0 23.98 10.8 23.98 24l.0368 31.99L247.1 200c13.2 0 24.02 10.8 24.02 24C271.1 237.2 261.2 248 247.1 248zM432 311.1c-22.09 0-40-17.92-40-40c0-22.08 17.91-40 40-40s40 17.92 40 40C472 294.1 454.1 311.1 432 311.1zM496 215.1c-22.09 0-40-17.92-40-40c0-22.08 17.91-40 40-40s40 17.92 40 40C536 198.1 518.1 215.1 496 215.1z>/path> /svg> /div> Games /div> a href classpx-3 py-2 rounded bg-gray-100 text-gray-900 dark:bg-#172b3d dark:text-white hover:bg-indigo-500 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