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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 19:09:55 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 311Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 19:09:55 GMTServer: ApacheStrict-Transport-Security: max-age15768000; includeSubDomainsTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>!-- $Id:,v 30.80 2017/12/14 20:55:20 jno Exp $ -->!-- meta keywords reduced June 2010, rev 10/10, select 1/11 -->!-- T-shirt link added Dec 14, 2017; rem 10/18 -->!-- DTD to HTML 4.01 April 2011 --> title>Saturnian Cosmology: Chapter 1: Introduction/title> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> meta namedescription contentRecovering the Lost World,A Saturnian Cosmology; by Jno Cook, Chapter 1: Introduction> meta nameAuthor contentJno Cook> meta namegenerator contenttyped by hand>style typetext/css> table { font: Courier; }/style> /head>body BGCOLOR#ffffff text#000000 link#0000FF alink#FF0000vlink#FF0000 >center>a hrefebooks>h2>Printed book in 3 volumes, plus Pdf, Epub, Mobi./h2>/a> !-- br> a hreftab.php#toc >all in html b>below/b>/a> a hrefpdf/ >chapters in pdf, b>here/b>/a> -->/center>blockquote>!-- end of --> !-- Started Sep 2001, revised Jun 2003, Mar 2004 -->!-- Myth primary, Sep 2011, moved to lost 3/2012 -->!-- $Id: index.php,v 42.43 2017/11/21 00:47:04 jno Exp $ -->!-- renamed index 9/16 -->P>img srceyecon.jpg alignleft hspace10 vspace60 altlogo>h2>Recovering the Lost World,br>A Saturnian Cosmology -- Jno Cookbr> Chapter 1: Introduction./h2>br clearall>P>center> a hreftab.php#index.php>img srcbc.gif alttable of contents border0>/a> a hrefsyn.php>img srcbn.gif altnext border0>/a> /center>hr>P>$Revision: 42.43 $ (index.php)br>Contents of this chapter:a href#lost-s0>What this Site Is About/a>a href#lost-s4>Disbelieving History/a>a href#lost-s1>The History of Objections/a>a href#lost-s5>The AAAS and the Heretic/a>a href#lost-s6>Validation/a>a href#lost-s7>Mesoamerica/a>a href#index-i4>Who I am/a>a href#index-i3>This Text on the Internet/a>a href#index-i2>What Others Say/a>a href#lost-a90>Endnotes/a>h2 aligncenter>Introduction/h2> center>blockquote>I>b>... a large planet stood above thebr> North Pole for a very long time./b>/I>/blockquote>/center>P>That is what all the mythology throughout the world uniformly states --mythology from every nation, region, tribe, and period, in thousands oflanguages, in hundreds of forms, from every continent -- they all resound,a large planet stood above the North Pole for a very long time. Everycountry, that is, except those more than 10 degrees below the equator.P>The mythology of regions as far removed from each other as Siberia,North Africa, and Guatemala all agree. If the mythology is true (and whatother conclusion could be drawn), then the fact that a large planet stoodat the northern horizon is true. How this could be, is a matter which thistext will attempt to address.P>As others have also done, I will suggest that thisplanet was Saturn.From other sources we can estimate that the planet Saturn moved on awildly elliptical path around the Sun in the remote past, entering theSolar System at very long intervals. Some time in the last 3 millionyears, perhaps after passing Jupiter, Saturn was drawn into a much closerorbit around the Sun, very near Earth. And from 10,900 BC, Saturn capturedand held the Earth in a sub-polar position lasting until 3147 BC, whenEarth broke away./p>p classpagebreak>/p> blockquote>I>You cannot reason a person out of a positionbr> he did not reason himself into in the first place./i>p> -- Jonathan Swift /blockquote>P> This is, however, exactly what I will attempt to do with this text: Iwill try to tell the actual history of the world and humanity -- in spiteof the knee-jerk reactions and spitting noises you may see and hear fromthose who feel they know better. This is not my story, but the efforts ofa great many people, and based on evidence in plain view.P>My starting point is the postulate that myths throughout the worldshould be taken at face value. For the recurring worldwide mythology thisis almost completely obvious. No other form of meaning can be assigned.P> An attempt to apply local culture and limitations to mythology almostalways meets with failure because of a lack of appreciation of theconstant refrain of identical themes by peoples who have remainedcompletely foreign to each other -- who have never had cultural contact.Any theory of mythology based on limited and local origins will fail totranslate to the hundreds of additional instances across the world. Thisholds true also for all the variations of analogies that are presented tous as explanations of mythology: notions of ritual, model behavior,allegories of nature, personifications of the weather.P> This leaves only the historicity of mythology. It has an evidentialcharacter which is absolute. If myth tells us that a large planet stoodabove the northern horizon, then we are stuck with this as fact. It cannotbe negated, waived aside, or turned into an allegory. It only remains toinvestigate how this could have been so. Mythology is history.p>Of course it is not always astoundingly clear. Frequently we are metwith wording which is no longer understood, and frequently it will beeasier for us to elicit metaphors from our own culture and language in anattempt to explain the inexplicable. This is probably the most frequentlymade mistake in investigating mythology.P> Mythology represents a history stretching into the depths of time. Onthe other hand, the accepted mainstream history is a 2000-year record ofrewriting and softening of facts, created for the sake of sanity and thecomfort of your soul. It is a history of the survivors, written to covertheir suspicions and allay any fears. It was initiated with the scrutinyof myths by Plato, and has grown since the Renaissance, culminating in thescientificism of the last hundred years. If the narrative based onconventional wisdom suits you, you should stop reading here, for the storypresented here will get progressively stranger. Be comforted, though,that this will not be about crashing meteors, undetected planets, orvisits by aliens.P> The story of what has happened to Earth has no plot and no direction,and makes no sense. This is, in fact, one of the basic parameters of myth:there is no encompassing teleological design, it does not teach, it doesnot glorify, it does not propose any new arcane knowledge. It onlyrecounts the past.P>Returning now to that large object in the sky: blockquote>I>The evidence of myth which points to Saturn havingonce occupied a position above Earths north polar regions is voluminous.There is not a race on Earth that has not preserved at least one accountwhich states as much. According to this evidence, Saturn occupied acentral position in the north celestial regions. It rotated, and rotatedwidely; but other than that, it was immovable./I>p>-- Dwardu Cardona (1978) a href#lost-fn1>note 1/a>a namelost-1>/a>/blockquote>P>It rotated, in fact, in a circle around the polar axis. From a vantagepoint 15 to 20 degrees of latitude further south than Mesopotamia andEgypt, the Guatemalan i>Popol Vuh/i> recounts that it rose out of anocean and sank back into it every day for what appears to have been some2500 years starting 10,900 BC. a namelost-s0>/a>h2 aligncenter>What This Site Is Really About/h2>P>This is a cosmology. It is not the traditional handed-down narrativepassed off as the history of everything. It is an alternative -- one whichis very extensive -- quite complete and accurate. My starting premise wasto hold worldwide mythology as absolute and believable, although at timesvery obscure. My method subsequent to this starting position was thecollection of myths and iconography, and then to develop, in turn, achronology of events (Appendix A) and a likely process of celestialmechanics (Appendix B). At that point I started a narrative.P> As an alternative cosmology the narrative has remained within theaccepted boundaries of physics and dating. This has continued to surpriseme as the details developed. I have had no problem with the integration ofthe iconography, the odd events, and the obscure mythological phrasings.Other alternative cosmologies have had to resort to analogical andmetaphorical readings of the past, or suggest improbable explodingbolides.P> In the realm of orthodox cosmology, since 2007 we are seeingastrophysicists, atomic physicists, and archaeologists doing exactly that-- that is, suggesting improbable exploding bolides in attempts to explainan event in 10,900 BC which caused the complete destruction of all themegafauna of the North American continent, plus an absolutely stupendousconflagration which vaporized everything organic and melted rocks. Toexplain these data, published papers have alternately posited an influx ofmeteors, aerially exploding iceballs from space, the propagation offlaming shockwaves from kinetic energy conversion in the air (even thoughthere is no such thing), and the influx of atomic particles from asupernova. The establishment scientists are lost, and by their ownadmission they are grasping at straws.P> But there is a straightforward answer. It lies in the predictableeffects of repulsive electric force between planets when theirplasmaspheres touch, that is, line up with each other. And this is what Iwill propose, even though you are very unlikely to be in the leastfamiliar with this.P> This is so because for some almost inexplicable reason, such forcesand such interactions cannot be conceived of or even discussed within therealm of consensus science, especially in astrophysics, despite the factthat electric fields have been the stock of electrical engineering sincethe early 19th century. Ralph Juergens wrote in 1972: blockquote>I>When the moment arrived for the inevitableencounter /i>between plasmaspheres, thei> sheaths would makecontact. Unleashed electric fields would clash. Almost instantly, forcesimmeasurably greater than gravitation would be brought to bear on thecharged bodies. Cosmic thunderbolts would flash between the bodies in aneffort to equalize their electric potentials./i>p> -- ReconcilingCelestial Mechanics and Velikovskian Catastrophism (i>Pensee/i> 1972)/blockquote>P>The forces immeasurably greater than gravitation are real. They areelectrically repulsive, billions on billions of times stronger thangravity, and they operate instantaneously (not almost instantly). Theeffects do not last long, for a charge of the opposite polarity wouldquickly be induced. After a delay (perhaps of minutes) the cosmicthunderbolts would follow -- a charge equalization. Since this is themovement of electrons and protons across space it will involve a traveltime delay.P>Juergens continues with: blockquote>I>The list of unthinkably disastrous effects thatwould result could go on and on. The point to be made, however, is that/i>Worlds in Collisioni> /i>Immanuel Velikovskys booki> -- at leastin my opinion -- documents historical evidence to indicate that phenomenaassociated with space-charge sheath destruction were actually suffered andsurvived by peoples of antiquity./i>/blockquote>P> The repulsive force between planets with like charges (or attractiveforce for unlike charges) is about 39 orders of magnitude greater thanthe attractive force due to gravity -- thus it is greater than gravity bya factor (a multiplier) of 10 to the 39th power -- 10 followed by 39zeros. Gravity drops off with the square of the separation distance. Thatis also true for point electric charges, but for charged surfaces theforce drops off as the inverse of the separation distance.P> It is here taken for granted that all Solar System planets carry anextremely high negative charge -- at their surface (or in the near-spaceregion). This has been known for Earth for a long time, but this awarenessis only slowly creeping into the field of celestial mechanics. The planetskeep electrically isolated from each other by means of their enclosingplasmasphere (what Juergens called a space-charge sheath above) which forEarth is approximately equal to the Earths magnetosphere (thus with aradius generally 20 times the diameter of the Earth). For comets this iscalled the coma.P>In popular mainstream astrophysics the plasmasphere isfrequently represented as consisting only of the Van Allen belts, anequatorial toroidal region of charged particles surrounding the Earth.The visible comas and tails of comets contradicts this, as does theanalysis of the electrical properties of the space surrounding the Earthwhich is based on satellite measurements. See for example J. H. Piddingtoni>Cosmic Electrodynamics/i> (1969) and others.P>It is absolutely astounding that, in the 40 years since 1972, not oneauthor among the writers in catastrophism has taken proper account of therepulsive forces Juergens first introduced into the literature.P> I should point out also, that when Juergens writes almost instantlyforces immeasurable larger and cosmic thunderbolts would flash betweenthe bodies, most readers fail to realize that there is a delay betweenthese two separate actions. It seems to have been universally assumed thatthe thunderbolts result instantaneously from sensing a difference inpotential, perhaps because one sentence follows directly on the other. P> The difference in potential which causes the cosmic thunderbolt doesnot exist until an opposite charge is induced at one of the planets (whichtakes time) and the thunderbolt is further delayed by the time it takesfor electrons and ions to travel from one planet to the other. And Ishould also point out that interplanetary lightning strikes are almostbenign compared to the destructive interaction due to the i>likeness/i>in potential -- the electric repulsive forces.P>What is perhaps more astounding is the sheer lunacy of Velikovskianresearchers, almost none of whom had the slightest background in physicsor engineering, in insisting, for a span of thirty or forty years (as didVelikovsky), that somehow an interaction of magnetic fields betweenplanets would account for changes in the Earths orbit and Earths axialinclination -- despite the fact that the two planets accused ofinterfering with Earth, Venus and Mars, have no magnetic field.P> Much of this was due to Velikovskys insistence on the primacy ofmagnetic fields while ignoring electric fields. Magnetic fields remainedin the conceptual foreground as long as it was thought that the planetaryinteraction genuinely involved collisions or near collisions. Everyonehas played with magnets and understands their effectiveness at closedistances. Almost no one has any feel for the enormous wallop packed byelectric charges at great distances.P>As I have discovered over and over again, the theorists (mostly storytellers) of the catastrophic events first proposed by Velikovsky haveseldom given much thought to the obvious: Venus could not have made aclose approach to Earth without overall destruction of both planets.P> The retellers of Velikovskys narratives have held his book as Bibletruth, for a number of reasons: in order to remain in his good graces,from a deficiency of imagination, and from the complete lack of knowledgeof physics and electricity. There has been a whole generation ofresearchers who have never given a single thought to alternate scenarioswhich would generate the same descriptions from antiquity.P> This is so like the established mainstream notions of todays scienceorthodoxy, which holds that things always were as they are today. No othercondition can enter the imagination and certainly cannot present itself asfact. Yet all indications from the recent past are that things weredifferent. Even very recently the arrangement of the Solar System differedmarkedly from today.P> What is most important about the changes in the arrangement of theSolar System, many of which were catastrophic, is the cultural andpsychological reaction of the people of Earth to these events. The last1000 years of the period when Saturn visually stood above the northhorizon (4077 BC to 3147 BC) were beneficial and was remembered as theEra of the Gods. Subsequent human history has been a singular effort toregain that Paradise. This period was followed by a series of adjustmentsin planetary orbits, some of which also had significant destructiveeffects on Earth and traumatic psychological effects on humans.P> Humans changed after Paradise closed in 3147 BC. It was not just therapid changes which we identify as civilization since 3147 BC, but alsothe acquisition, over the next three millennia, of subjectiveconsciousness. The response to catastrophic events determined how webecame fully human. To say it would have happened anyway does not hold up.There could have been any number of other outcomes. We could still bechipping flints. After all, we did that for more than a million years.a namelost-s4>/a>h2 aligncenter>Disbelieving History/h2>P> Of course, many will disbelieve and deride the concept of analternative history, for it was not learned at their mothers knee. Mostpeople have never actually tested the logic of the mainstream scenarios.The orthodoxy just feels so right, because it is promulgated by aconsensus of the established community of scientists, and especially byastronomers and historians. These two disciplines, it should be pointedout, operate without a physical object they can lay their hands on and arethus relegated to considering their subject of study mostly within thevacuum of the mind.P> The physicality and history presented by the establishment is so hereand now: it is everywhere and as accepted as religion (and with as littlebasis in fact). Any alternative to the conventional cosmology is thoughtto be impossible.P>So, if you need to ask me: none of the information presented here hasbeen published as scientific opinions in peer-reviewed professionaljournals. There are no clinical trials underway. My readers eitherunderstand and agree or they maintain an absolute silence. Over the lastfifteen years I have only been faulted once -- for my claim that mountainsexisted before the Biblical flood of Noah.P> Ralph Juergens, in 1972, in a brief evaluation of reasons for theemotional outburst from the community of astronomers (in particular) tothe writings of Immanuel Velikovsky, wrote in summary about the scientificcommunity: blockquote>I>... I believe it is only fair to acknowledge anunderlying and totally sincere scientific disbelief in the historicalrecord./I>br>/blockquote>p> Juergens here plainly translates i>mythology/i> to i>history/i>,as I do. Lets face the facts: the major portion of the historicalrecord of mankind is our mythology. But this is not how most peopleunderstand mythology, including, or perhaps especially so, the scientificcommunity.P> To most people mythology is an exercise in didactic preachings onethics and morals, akin to religious education. This represents anattitude initiated with the skepticism of Plato, and most recentlyreinforced by Joseph Campbell with his 1949 book i>The Hero of a ThousandFaces/i>.P> To Campbell myths are universal truths presented in symbolic language.But to everyone else myths are insubstantial and unreal. They have norelationship to anything in the physical world, and quoting the fancifullanguage of ancient sages doesnt prove anything about the real world ofastronomers and physicists.P>But it may be more than that. It is, in fact, difficult to understandthe violent reaction to Velikovsky and his book as being solely based on adisbelief in history or in misconceptions about mythology. The reactionthat was evoked primarily seemed to consist of predictable psychologicaldefenses to perceived attacks. The astronomers had been bested by anoutsider. a href#lost-fn2>note 2/a>a namelost-2>/a>a namelost-s1>/a>h2 aligncenter>The History of Objections/h2>P>Efforts to debunk the cosmologies proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky(i>Worlds in Collision/i> published in 1950), as well as David Talbott(i>The Saturn Myth/i> of 1980), and work by Wallace Thornhill, DonScott, and others have continued unabated for 60 years by those who needto convince themselves that they live in a stable Universe where thingshave always been as they are today.P> Even recently, in 2012, more books are being published which areintended to show the terrifying influence of Velikovsky, such as MichaelGordins i>The Pseudoscience Wars and the Birth of the Modern Fringe/i>.Gordin equates Velikovskys writing (as the publication blurb announces)with other fringe doctrines, including creationism, parapsychology, andmore.P>Another book, Laird Scrantons i>The Velikovsky Heresies: Worlds inCollision and Ancient Catastrophes Revisited/i>, supports Velikovsky, butwith little effort at an in-depth analysis. Most of the writing simplyrehashes the favorable reviews of the 1960s.P> Whereas Velikovskys i>Worlds in Collision/i> is listed underAstronomy and Astrophysics at, the above books are listedunder Religion and Spirituality and Christian Books and Bibles. Asever, the ability to influence religion is the greatest fear.P> Today it is absolutely taboo to cite the work of Velikovsky in anyscientific papers. This is observed with a religious zeal. Alfred deGrazia suggests it is a symptom of collective neurosis among astronomersand especially among archaeologists. Archaeology deals with actual objectsbut derived time periods. Velikovskys later theory of displacedarchaeological dates was very threatening. The violent rejection anddebunking by professionals, whether they be astronomers, historians, orlinguists, is perhaps the best certification of the very likely veracityof new ideas.a namelost-s5>/a>h2 aligncenter>The AAAS and the Heretic/h2>P>I should add an additional note on Velikovsky, since people tend tohold pre-formed opinions of him which are derived from rather scurrilouscondemnations by the scientific community, in fact, almost entirely due toa symposium held by the i>American Association for the Advancement ofScience/i> in 1974 -- twenty four years after publication of Velikovskysbook i>Worlds in Collision/i>.P> The symposium was presented as the ultimate excommunication ofVelikovsky in a trial of scientificisms performed by the AAAS. Velikovskywas on a panel with five scientists who were to consider his ideas. He wasallowed to speak for 30 minutes, but was then followed by fouranti-Velikovsky panelists who spoke against his ideas for two hours. Thepress loved it, extravagantly quoted Carl Sagan, and held Sagan as thewinner.P>At the time of the symposium, 24 years after his first publication, alltoo many predictions and corollaries formed by Velikovsky had beenverified, based mainly on data gathered from the space program. MeanwhileVelikovsky had been giving standing-room-only lectures at universities andhad become an embarrassment to astronomy.P>James Hogan, in i>Kicking the Sacred Cow/i> (2004), writes: blockquote>I>Organized science had tried every tactic ofdistortion, evasion, misrepresentation, intimidation, vilification, andsuppression of evidence to slay the monster that threatened the entirefoundation of the collective uniformitarian world-view and mind-set./i> /blockquote>P> Hogan is not exaggerating. As he mentions: blockquote>i>... after twenty years, interest in Velikovskystheories was not only getting stronger with the apparent vindication fromall quarters that was getting past the censorship and receiving coverage,but Velikovsky was no longer virtually alone. Scientists from manydisciplines were beginning to organize in his defense, bringing themessage to a new generation of readers and students./i>/blockquote>P>But the AAAS symposium would bring all of that to an end. I wont gointo details. You may readily find them. The end result was a disasterfor Velikovskys reputation. P> The AAAS printed up the proceedings, but without allowing responsesfrom Velikovsky. The papers of the 1974 AAAS conference appeared inDonald W. Goldsmith, i>Scientists Confront Velikovsky/i> (1977).P>The introduction by Isaac Asimov begins with, What does one do with aheretic? Indeed! Asimovs essay goes on to suggest that miracles by Godare a more likely solution to the catastrophes recorded in the Bible: thehypothesis that divine intervention caused the miracles. P> In later recollections by Sagan in i>Brocas Brain/i> (1979),however unbelievably, the television-personality astronomer accusedVelikovsky of religious delusions: Velikovsky attempts to rescue not onlyreligion but also astrology.P> Although presented as ridicule, that statement incorporates the hiddenfear of the astronomers and scientists: that Velikovskys book was aneffort to tie science and astronomy to Bible fundamentalism -- just whenthe scientists had thought they had rescued humanity from such blunderingbehavior and superstitions. As Robert McAulay wrote in Extra-ScientificDimensions of Science (i>Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS)Review/i>, 1979): blockquote>I>Velikovsky can be further comprehended. Of specialsignificance is the fact that Velikovskys catastrophism is seen by anumber of eminent scientists as raising once more the spectre of thearch-nemesis of modern science: Christian fundamentalism./i>/blockquote>P> Of any number of analyses I have read of the controversy surroundingVelikovsky, only those that give voice to the idea that, inadvertently ornot, Velikovsky was supplying evidence in support of Bible fundamentalism,made sense -- and this despite the fact that Velikovsky was an atheist andbasically anti-religious. But nevertheless fundamentalist ideas werebeing read into his work. blockquote>I>Perhaps the key factor is that Velikovskystheories are regularly linked with literal interpretations of the Bible,and are thus viewed as being of one piece with fundamentalism, ratherthan as an historical use of the Bible and othersources./i>/blockquote>P>McAulay continues: blockquote>i>Along these lines, the number of times thatscientists refer to the religious implications of Velikovskys work isstriking./i>/blockquote>P>What is happening here? I think we are seeing such violent reactions toVelikovsky because the real reason for being so upset with him was to bekept secret and hidden. It was a reaction to the invalidation of thelifes work of the scientists. Let me quote Edward T. Hall who, ini>Beyond Culture/i> (1976), sums up the reaction to telling people thattheir world is misconceived: blockquote>I>When other people call attention to ... perceptualdifferences, suggesting that the world is not as one perceives it, theseobservations can be unsettling. To do so is to suggest that a person isincompetent, not properly motivated, ignorant, or even infantile./i>/blockquote>P>This is exactly what Velikovskys i>Worlds in Collision/i> did to theastronomers of the USA. The unspoken implications were that they wereincompetent and ignorant, and they were being told so by an outsider.P> Many wrote also about the AAAS exercise in exorcism. Lynn Rose, whowas present at the symposium, but not allowed to comment, producedarticles in i>Kronos/i>, Just Plainly Wrong, in 1977 and 1978.P> Charles Ginenthal spent nearly a decade researching i>Carl Sagan andImmanuel Velikovsky/i> (1995), which took up Sagans points ofdisagreement with Velikovsky.P> Alfred de Grazia authored, with Ralph Juergens and Livio Stecchini,i>The Velikovsky Affair/i> (1966, 1978), including an update for theAAAS Symposium experiences. a href#lost-fn3>note 3/a>a namelost-3>/a>P> But all to no avail. There is no right and wrong in any of this, thereis nothing to prove. My feeling is that the participation by Velikovsky inthe symposium was a mistake which backfired by producing astoundingly badpress. It was the single largest mistake that Velikovsky and hissupporters ever made, and perhaps the only one. Nothing will ever beproven through debate of theories.P> There is no decisive proof to be had. The establishment owns acomplete culture of empty fictions -- the Big Bang, Black Holes, DarkMatter, the Dark Ages of Greece, Sothic dating, and the pretentiousparadigm of Absolute Gradualism. None of it is real, yet all of it isaccepted as Gospel Truth. What the Velikovskians needed was marketing byprofessionals -- not some self-generated precepts of decisive proof oftheir theories. As de Grazia noted, in i>Cosmic Heretics/i> (1984): blockquote>I>The practice of advancing priorities is childishand the idea of proving a general cosmogony by a race of claims isludicrous. There can be no crucial test or event./i>/blockquote>P> Almost the complete series of objections presented by Wikipedia todayis in error or is of no current import. While many of the initialcelestial suppositions of Velikovsky have proven to be wrong, hiscorollaries have been correct, despite the fact that in the 1950s theastronomical establishment absolutely railed against them.P>One outstanding and contrary element, from Wikipedia, however, is thefollowing: blockquote>i>He proposed that electromagnetic forces could bethe cause of the movement of the planets, although such forces betweenastronomical bodies are essentially zero./i>/blockquote>P> These forces are, in fact, zero, and will remain hidden and inactivewithin the shielding plasmaspheres of the planets. However, if theplasmaspheres of planets of nearly equal surface potentials intersect,then the forces are absolutely stupendous, so much so that even today manycatastrophists shun all mention of repulsive forces between planets, for,without a grounding in electric field theory, it simply cannot beimagined how these forces act or how large they could be. They are, infact, billions on billions of times greater than gravitational forces.This was how Venus collided with Earth at a distance of 20,000,000miles (32,200,000 km).P> I would never have made any sense of any of this were it not forthe elucidation provided by the writings of Ralph Juergens, Wal Thornhill,and Don Scott, which readily explain virtually all the planetaryinteractions in electrical terms. Additionally, the mythological aspectsof my model developed out of writings and theories developed by DavidTalbott and Julian Jaynes, to whom I am also greatly indebted. a href#lost-fn4>note 4/a>a namelost-4>/a>a namelost-s6>/a> h2 aligncenter>Validation/h2>P> I have done little more than connect the details of research byothers, which I reference in these first chapters. As a result, verylittleof the following essay is speculative. Almost all of it can be backed upwith currently available data and the theories of CosmicElectrodynamics. This last is otherwise known as plasma theory, which isbased on long-standing concepts in electricity and field theory, and datagathered with space probes. But dont worry, Ill keep it simple.P> Any speculation will be identified as such. More will be based oncommon sense and intuition. Ill detail my methods in a later chapter.P> There have been numerous changes to this text, for many facets of thepast have only slowly revealed themselves over the span of the last 10years. But the changes are almost all in details. The overall narrativehas remained the same since 2003.P> Last, the reader will be looking for proof of my claims. Proof ofspecific ideas is at times overwhelming and at other times very sparse.But the strongest indication for the validity of the overall claims madehere lies in the fact that the complete set of ideas explains almost allmythology with great ease, including many concepts which have remainedentirely obscured under uniformitarian consensus and even ideas which haveremained inexplicable to alternative cosmologists despite years ofinvestigations.P> The Velikovskian studies have generated a number of magazines over theyears, from 1972 through to today. Much of this is available as a CDROM ata href>> oftexts from past issues of i>Pensee/i>, i>Kronos/i>, i>SIS Review/i>,i>SIS Workshop/i>, i>Horus/i>, i>Aeon/i>, i>Velikovskian/i>, andi>Thoth/i> (with the last also at ahref>>. Thereare over 4000 published articles directly concerned with these topics (andanother 10,000 as news reports and uninformed drivel).P> Most of these magazines have gone under. Only the Society forInterdisciplinary Studies (SIS) publications have been added to the CDROMas updates. The CDROM is perpetually out of date, and much of the graphicsare missing. Why all of this information is being hoarded is curious. Itshould be freely made available on the internet as the most important andintellectually liberating concepts to have been developed in the last 1000years.P>In this essay I am providing no more than cursory information on whathas already been written about extensively by others. I have limitedreferences to their work because there is no reason to weigh down anarrative with thousands of op cit and ibid footnotes -- which are toounrevealing and foster the decontexualization of primary sources.P> Therefore, I did not include sources for most of the information inthis text since all I am doing is remapping areas already explored byothers and all of it is readily available, although scattered over manysites and books.P> On the other hand, what is missing from the wide-ranging efforts ofother researchers is a coherent analysis of Mesoamerican sources. I haveadded this. But it could not have been done without the prior exposition,by others, of the sequence of events as described in Egyptian,Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese sources. I am also indebted to earliercommentators and chronographers from Augustine to Ussher.P> This site is thus in a large part a collation and synthesis of theefforts of many other people to recoup the past and a restatement of theirwork. Most of the information has been published previously, although Icould not accept all of the writings. A portion of these prior resourcesis conjectural when based on unsound chronology, impractical when based onpoorly understood physics, and pure fantasy when based on analogies.P> And thus, in an attempt to put it all together, I am providing anarrative text of findings which I feel are acceptable and adding what Ifeel is missing: a sound chronology, realistic mechanics, and anextrapolation to events not recognized by many researchers.P> I collected available material and put it in order, and, when it nolonger made sense, started writing. Overall, the construction of acohesive narrative resolved every significant outstanding problem whichother researchers had run into, although at times it took months to find asolution -- however obvious it eventually turned out to be.p> I should warn that the subject matter here is not any sort of acceptedscience narrative. It is a cosmology based on a set of reasonable startingpostulates. The postulates, like those of any cosmology, are untestable.However, established theories of physics can be applied to these and thisresults in an amazing concordance of information in agreement with theinitial postulates, historical recollections, and observable facts. It isthis which confers validity on the explication pursued here. It suggestssensible answers to questions about the history of mankind, the Earth, theSolar System, and the Universe which have remained completely unansweredby the traditional handed-down wisdom. The sum total of the conclusionsderived here goes much further to constitute a cohesive world-view thantraditional opinions and narratives have done.P> This website takes Velikovskys groundbreaking work, his booki>Worlds in Collision/i> (1950), as a starting point for the developmentof a history of antiquity which answers more questions than any otheralternative cosmology, and certainly more than the commonly accepteduniformitarian cosmology.P>Many catastrophists still accept Velikovskys ideas. Others, such asDavid Talbott, Wall Thornhill, and Dwardu Cardona of the Thunderboltsgroup, hold that nothing ever happened after the so-called PolarConfiguration came apart in 3147 BC: not with Venus in 1500 BC or withMars after 800 BC. Considering (as I do) the huge assembly of mythologywhich recounts these events, spread over three continents, withMesoamerica detailing this with identifiable dates, I am astounded at theoversight. What else could be expected as the winding down of thecataclysm of 3147 BC with the removal of Saturn except further adjustmentsand interactions of the loosened planets?P>I also came to the conclusion that some very large aspects of the past-- including some immense events -- had been overlooked by some of themost able researchers. I discovered and detailed the fall of the Absu in2349 BC and the resurrection of Jupiter, and discovered the blazing ofVenus and Mercury in 685 BC and the plasmoid delivered from Jupiter to theSun (to the exact date and hour). Both the Velikovskians and theThunderbolts people have remained completely unaware of these particularevents -- and not that both could not have been discovered among availabletexts. You will not have to be able to read dead languages to find theinformation.P> This cosmology can explain everything from the geology of the Earth tothe astrophysics of the Solar System. Other people have expanded onseparate facets extensively. My first concern was to provide a chronologyand a mechanics (see the Appendixes A and B). The connecting narrativecame later. In this narrative my main interest has been to trace theorigins of contemporary cultural practices. Of greatest importance, frommy point of view, is that a Saturnian cosmology provides an explanation ofthe actions and thoughts of our ancestors and insight into ourcontemporary behavior and thinking.P> Let me state at the outset that I have no particular axe to grind, nopolitics to promote, this is not a creationists young earth thesis, Ido not hold to extraterrestrial interventions, I have no religious ortheistic proposals to make, nor do I put stock in the Elohim of the OldTestament. Ill remain within accepted physics -- I will not propose newsolutions to gravity or offer new forces for you to consider, or haveplanets arbitrarily leave their orbits. And Ill use accepted dates anddating.P> I started this essay in late 2001. I never meant to write as much as Idid, but people asked, So what came before 4077 BC? That alone resultedin nine additional chapters. And then there were minor questions on itemsI had never paid much attention to, like, Why was Sirius red inantiquity? and What about the two latitudes of Babylon? This last hasbeen under discussion by astronomers since AD 100. But the solution issimple.a namelost-s7>/a> h2 aligncenter>Mesoamerica/h2>P> And then, as noted directly below, I started to look at Mesoamerica,which resulted in seven more chapters. So, after completing most of thenarrative described in these pages in March of 2006, I came across thei>Books of the Chilam Balam Of Chumayel/i> of the Yucatan Maya whichwere written shortly after the invasion by the Spanish. These were anattempt to secretly keep ancient myths and tales alive.P> I was astounded to find among the texts a step-by-step rendition ofthe course of the creation of the world dating back to long before 3147BC, followed by an accounting of other catastrophic events. The events aredescribed in the same detail as the parallel Egyptian and Mesopotamianlegends. The i>Chilam Balam/i> also provided dates which turned out tobe congruent with what had already been extracted from sources in theEastern Mediterranean by others. I started to include references to thei>Chilam Balam/i> within the main text.P> I followed up on ideas by Vincent H. Malmstrom, writing in i>Cyclesof the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon/i> (1997), and Anthony Aveni ini>Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico/i> (1980), who both claim that theMesoamerican ceremonial sites are aligned to the setting of the solstitualsummer Sun. They are not.P> I have much better data for longitude and latitude available todaythan Malmstrom and Aveni had, and found their conclusions to be completelywrong. What I found instead, unnoticed by Malmstrom and Aveni, werealignments to the setting of the zenithal Sun -- the day the sun exactlyoverpasses a particular site, 90 degrees up in the sky. It became clearthat the location of every site in Mesoamerica was selected not only sothat the Sun would pass directly overhead (which happens two days eachyear anyway), but sites were specifically selected to have the Sun set ata mountain or in a volcano on the western or northwestern horizon. Themountains were selected to correspond to an alignment within 1/3 degree ofthis.P> I thus looked closely at 13 early and well-established ceremonialsites in the Olmec region and the Valley of Mexico (plus two siteselsewhere), and found that they shared some 70 alignments to mountains orvolcanoes -- each for sunsets primarily on six calendar dates only. Theseare, in fact, the calendar dates associated with the four majorcatastrophes identified for the Eastern Mediterranean.P> After considering sources from the Eastern Mediterranean, I was ableto tie the calendar dates to the catastrophic events of 2349 BC (September8), 1492 BC (April 19), 747 BC (February 28), and 685 BC (three dates inJune and July).P> The dates turn out to represent the flood of Noah in 2349 BC (as theculmination of the Pleiades), the Earth shock of 1492 BC (recorded inExodus), the shock of 747 BC (the start of the Babylonian Era ofNabonassar and the Roman calendar), plus a distribution of three dateswhich can be assigned to forty days of a solar nova event in June and Julyof 685 BC, corresponding to the Phaethon legend. a href#lost-fn5>note 5/a>a namelost-5>/a>P>What is interesting here is that the equivalent (seasonal) calendardates which were found are likely to be very correct, even if the yearthese events are assigned to is not. To have all the multiple alignmentsof 13 sites consistently show up on 6 days only is well beyond random.Alignments for matching calendar dates vary only by a fraction of a degreebetween calculated and observed values from site to site. Among the 13sites I looked at, there were 25 alignments assigned to the date ofSeptember 8th, 16 to April 19th, 10 to February 28th, and 22 to threedates in July. In all there were some 70 identical alignments used by 13sites, plus 10 alignments for the setting Sun after an overhead (zenithal)passage.P> Later chapters will deal with these Mesoamerican sources -- the Mayacalendar, the ending of the First Creation in 8347 BC, the history ofthe world since the ending of the Second Creation of 3147 BC, the eventknown as the end of the Third Creation of 2349 BC, the cosmologicalcrisis of 685 BC, the search for the day of Kan, and an exposition ofthe i>Popol Vuh./i>P> Within the text of the i>Chilam Balam/i> I have identified the treesof the four directions, the place of reeds, the crossroads or rivers inthe sky, the turtle first seen long ago, the three hearthstones in thesky, and a number of additional phenomena. Based on Olmec and later Mayaiconography, I have managed to identify the plumed God with the crocodilebody as well as the double-headed dragon with the Sun and Venus coming outof its two mouths, and the sloped-walled canyon for ballgames. This seemslike the material of fantasies, but it is exactly what constitutes thereligious symbols of Mesoamerica.a nameindex-i4>/a> h2 aligncenter>Who I Am/h2>P> I should mention who I am, and what drove me to write this text. P> First, I am a visual artist (sculpture, installations), living inChicago where I have taught photography for years. But I also have abackground in electrical engineering, cinematography, publicadministration, and programming, and a curiosity dating back a lifetime.More information is available at my website, ahref>>.P> Second, I researched and wrote this text mainly because acomprehensive narrative of events and a plausible physical explanationwere lacking in the literature of catastrophism and alternativecosmologies. This is a void I have been attempting to fill over the lastdecade, initially for my own benefit. The text of the narrative is basedon a carefully derived chronology and a celestial mechanics which hasremained within accepted boundaries of physics.a nameindex-i3>/a> h2 aligncenter>Why This Text Is Presented on the Internet/h2>P> This text is presented on the internet as webpages. The advantage of aweb site is that it can be easily changed, added to, corrected, andexpanded, while simultaneously having all of the ideas publicly available.The alternative of publishing this in printed book form would delay theavailability, limit distribution to a select few, and allow no updates.And by going public I have been forced to complete the investigation andhave been under pressure to make all of it coherent. Amazingly, additionaldetails keep coming forward as the edits continue.a nameindex-i2>/a>h2 aligncenter>What Others Say/h2>P> A few comments from readers, via infrequent emails. P>ul> LI> A titanic job. It is mind blowing... - A Suta LI> Absolutely fascinating and a masterpiece; when I came acrossyour site my jaw slowly started dropping. -- R Houston LI> I was AMAZED. It is awesome. -- H George LI> Fantastic site ... sweeping in scope. -- EU forum fan LI> ... a feeling ... of finally coming home. -- H Pluut LI> I am totally amazed and awed. -- M Signatur LI> If you are right then everything we know so far about humanhistory is wrong. -- R Boerman LI> ... reads like one of those cant-put-it-down pageturners. -- JSmith LI> The best and most complete ive seen. -- P Mitronikas LI> This is BIG stuff youre doing. ...feeling like Im finallyconnecting to reality. -- N Rothstein LI> I love reading your website. I am actually reading it a secondtime. I think your chronology is brilliant. -- M Harris LI> I am not only enchanted but almost enthralled by all thishead-swimming learning.... -- D Sessoms LI> ... far more interesting than the narrative that the historiansor astronomers or geologists or priests tell us. -- K Widen LI> I started rereading your book this weekend and I could hardlyput it down; your reconstruction makes so much sense. -- D Smith LI> Reading your Saturnian stuff ... awesome. -- E Boettger LI> I am overwhelmed by the scale and breadth of your ideas andwritings. -- D Levie LI> ... absolutely revolutionary. -- C George LI> Very impressive; your site is one of the more accessiblerundowns for the layman of Saturnism. -- W Radtke LI> Love your site, Ive read everything on it that I could. -- JRobillard LI> Found it quite profound ... a big part of what I am lookingfor. -- A Flanagan LI> Fantastic. You have pulled together so many things. -- JBrookes LI> My appreciation at the sterling work you have done. -- SBorruso LI> I admire your extensive and expansive research. -- H Postma LI> The scenario you have laid out answers many questions I have hadfor years and the way you present it is very comprehensible. -- D deSantis LI> This is truly an eye opener. -- J Dionne LI> For everything you want to know about Saturn and its myth, go toJno Cook. This guy is twenty years ahead of everybody. ...take a peekregularly at this mind-blowing site. -- Dodeca at a forum LI> The best synthesis I have read. -- Sinner at a forum LI> A far cry better than some of the so-called legitimateresearch out there. It is a shame more people cannot see what is staringthem in the face. -- D Perkins LI> I love your site; your work is amazing. -- R Adams LI> Im struck by the magnitude of your thinking. -- E Dawson LI> ... probably the most comprehensive coverage ... pertaining tothe history of Mankind. -- L Pronko LI> Well researched and painstaking work, well worthwhile reading-- World Mysteries blog LI> A marriage of your art, and engineering, and yourcut-to-the-chase writing style. -- P Thompson LI> ... thoroughly enjoying returning to it periodically -- A Mckay LI> ... spellbound by finally uncovering some deep history mostlyhidden from public view. -- A Fitts LI> ... all of this has the force of a total paradigm shift. ...Suddenly most of the so-called mythological experts -- such as JoCampbell, M Eliade, I suppose Jung too -- seem rather laughable in manyinstances. -- J West LI> I used to consider the Velikovsky books to be the cornerstonesof my library, but now I know better. -- T Hornbrook LI> You have my undying admiration for the monumental research youhave done -- J Buche LI> Im starting on your book and am riveted! -- J H LI> The book has completely taken over my imagination. Its themost fascinating and compelling thing Ive ever read in my life. -- EEckstein /ul>h2 aligncenter>Colophon/h2>P> All the webpages are free of any requirement for specific fonts andfont sizes (with one exception). So as a reader you ought to set yourbrowser to some font type and font size that suits you for easy reading.P>The exceptions are the tables, where a CSS script forces the use ofCourier, so that the data of the tables will fall in-line correctly. Nosize is specified -- so set your monospaced font (Courier) to a sizecommensurate with the normal reading font you have selected.P> I dont know what happens to typefaces and fonts when the HTML (PHP)files get converted to pdf. Ill sort that out later.h2 aligncenter>Image Credits/h2>P> The sources for images are listed in the captions. Otherwise they aregenerated by the author. Icons are from public domain sources. p alignright>-- Portland, Oregon,br>January 21, 2012/p>P>____br> Special thanks to G Van Aacken for pointing out the electricforce>Special thanks for editorial assistance and word editing to ClaudiaGeorge, Danford Vander Ploeg, Natan Rothstein, Kevin Widen, Kim Gibson,Jean Hafner, Maggi Thickstun, Roger Poisson, and Hathor. Very specialthanks to Kees Cook for book>Recent access a href>> by domain name./center>hr>a namelost-a90>/a>h2>Endnotes/h2>p>a namelost-fn1>blockquote>b>Note 1 -- /b>/blockquote>/a> P>The opening quotation (A large planet ...) is lifted from a later chapter in this text. P>The quotation by Cardona is from Alfred de Grazias i>CosmicHeretics/i> (1983) as the content of a letter by Cardona to Earl Milton,who worked with de Grazia. I originally used a date for the Cardonaquotation of 1982, since de Grazias text covers up to 1983. De Grazia hasno endnotes to clear up his sources. In 2010 I changed the date of theCardona quote to 1978, which is what de Grazia seems to suggest in histext. The concept of Saturn at the North Pole had been under publicdiscussion for about five years at that time. br>a href#lost-1>return to text/A>P>a namelost-fn2>blockquote>b>Note 2 -- /b>/blockquote>/a> blockquote>i>The emotional outburst from the community ofastronomers that so blackened the name Velikovsky and so successfully, ifonly temporarily, discredited /i>Worlds in Collisioni>, has been laid tomany causes, from the psychological and the political to simple resentmentagainst invasion of the field by an outsider./i>/blockquote> P>From Ralph E. Juergens Reconciling Celestial Mechanics andVelikovskian Catastrophism (i>Pensee/i>, 1972). Two years later theAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (the AAAS) organizedtheir famed symposium on Velikovsky. br>a href#lost-2>return to text/A>P>a namelost-fn3>blockquote>b>Note 3 -- /b>/blockquote>/a> P>Alfred de Grazia, in i>Cosmic Heretics/i> (1983), sources ShaneMages book i>Velikovsky and His Critics/i> (1978), with the followingnote: abbreviations expanded blockquote>i>Shane Mage, in appraising the speeches against Velikovsky, uncovered in them several important concessions that had been apparently achieved over the years. First, the book /i>Scientists Confront Velikovskyi>, disavows and repudiated the entire Scientific polemic of the 1950s and 60s both implicitly and explicitly./i> p>i>Next, both the sponsor, Goldsmith, and Mulholland assert that Velikovskys ideas and arguments are not un- nor anti-scientific, whatever the press and then the scientific community presumed to draw from the event. Furthermore, the legitimacy of cosmic catastrophic hypotheses in science was acknowledged both by Sagan and Mulholland, but the specific hypotheses of Velikovsky were attacked (and obviously the scientists are in confusion as to how they can work historically and empirically with the hypotheses that they admit.)/i> br>a href#lost-3>return to text/A>/blockquote>P>a namelost-fn4>blockquote>b>Note 4 -- /b>/blockquote>/a> P> Find Ralph Juergenss essay Reconciling Celestial Mechanics andVelikovskian Catastrophism at ahref>>. This does one of the best jobsof introducing interplanetary plasma. P> Much more important are two other essays by Juergens which applyplasma theories to conditions within the Solar System: Of The Moon andMars Part I - The Origins Of The Lunar Sinuous Rilles at ahref>> and Of The Moon andMars part II - Searching For The Scars Of Battle at ahref>>, both published inPensee in 1974. P> All discussions of planetary interactions presented at this website,Recovering the Lost World, are extensions of the basic electricalconcepts originated with these two papers. Once you figure out what theysay, you will know everything there is to know about planet to planetinteractions. P>Other relevant articles deal mainly with the Sun, and are found at a href>>. P> A recent discussion on plasma by James Hogan can be found at ahref>>. P> See also the following collection of websites: P>UL> LI> Wal Thornhills website at ahref>>. LI>Don Scotts explanation of plasma theories at ahref>> and his booki>The Electric Sky/i> (2006). LI>The work of David Talbott (with Wallace Thornhill and others),including the book i>Thunderbolts of the Gods/i> (2005), at ahref>>. Asecond book by the same authors, i>The Electric Universe/i> (2007), ismore specific and does a much better job of presenting galactic, solar,and planetary plasma. LI>The Thunderbolts site (above) includes an amazing series ofdaily images and comments, mostly dealing with outer space, but at timesincluding some mythological themes. A brief rundown of Talbotts SaturnTheory is included among essays. There is also a forum with discussionranging from the well-informed to the inane and mostly concerned withcontemporary astronomy from the standpoint of interstellar plasma. /ul> P>Specific to plasma theory are the following: ul> LI>The website of the astronomer Halton Arp at ahref>>. LI>Material by Anthony Peratt of Experimental Programs at LosAlamos National Laboratory. Find it ata href>>. p>Peratt is one of the worlds leading pioneers in plasmaphysics and plasma cosmology. Peratts papers on the petroglyphs and thesouth polar plasma column are located at the site above, but hard toferret out: p>Look under NearEarth.html for A. L. Peratt,i>Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora asRecorded in Antiquity/i> and A.L. Peratt, J. McGovern, A.H.Qöyawayma, M.A. Van der Sluijs, and M.G. Peratt, i>Characteristicsfor the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded inAntiquity, Part II: Directionality and Source./i> LI> An extensive collection on plasma theory, developed andmaintained as a Wiki site by Ian Tresman of SIS, at ahref>>. LI>The most readable synopsis of the elements of plasma theoryis the website, a href>> -- a very extensive site, written ina summary, easy-to-read style. The descriptions include somecatastrophism and mythology. LI>Another website equal in scope and general interest is ahref>> -- run by David Smith, AU. li>A very readable overview which generally cuts across thehanded-down science to zero in on essentials: ahref>> by Michael Suede. /ul> P> There are more links relevant to prior research in the next chapter,and in the Appendix List of Links. See also the Appendix List ofBooks. Plasma is a controversial subject with Wikipedia, since it may beenlisted to present evidence against the Big Bang theory. Wikipediaarticles dealing with plasma and related topics are therefore often editedin favor of handed-down science. The reader should be aware of this bias.As an antidote I recommend two books: Eric Lerner, i>The Big Bang NeverHappened/i> (1991), and Hilton Ratcliffe, i>The Virtue of Heresy:Confessions of a Dissident Astronomer/i> (2007). br>a href#lost-4>return to text/A>P>a namelost-fn5>blockquote>b>Note 5 -- /b>/blockquote>/a> P> The culmination of a star (the Pleiades mentioned in the text) is thedate when it reaches the highest point in the sky. This would always bedirectly south, and at midnight. The Pleiades culminated on the thirdnight after the fall equinox in 2349 BC, which occurred 15 days earlierbefore 685 BC. Precession of the equinox does not apply to the era before747 BC. The concept of the third night (actually two days and a night) is of importance in later religions. All the calendar dates are Gregorianequivalent dates, apportioned over the real-time calendar days forshorter years. These conditions will be detailed in later chapters. br>a href#lost-5>return to text/A> hr>center>P> a hreftab.php#index.php>img srcbc.gif alttable of contents border0>/a> a hrefsyn.php>img srcbn.gif altnext border0>/a>/center>!-- start of -->P>HR>URL of this page:>This page last updated: Monday, November 20th, 2017br>Size of this page: 9836 words. !-- the following mailto is a spam trap, do not usea>email/a> -->P> Feel free to email me with any comments or corrections.Find an email a href>address/a>>P>Copyright © 2001 - 2024 Jno CookP>Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, br>provided full credit is given. /center>/blockquote>P>/body>/html>
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