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01-1.09.3v1l-.82 7.13-1.11-7.5v-.59a6.6 6.6 0 01-1.1-.3v.93l.51 3.41L18 32.94l-1.38-3.09 1.48-1.17 1.47-1.48a4.89 4.89 0 01-.94-.61l-1.24 1.25L15 29.68l1.91-2.58 1-1.05a5.72 5.72 0 01-.68-.86l-1.16 1.17-1.3 1.74-3.33-1.28 1.15-3 2.77.32h1.35a6.76 6.76 0 01-.3-1.09h-1l-7.01-.79 7.49-1.11h.59a5.78 5.78 0 01.31-1.1h-.94l-3.41.51L11.28 18l3-1.32 1.62 2 1 1a6.32 6.32 0 01.57-1l-.75-.68-1.84-2.31 2.58 6.31 0 01.84-.71l-.66-.65-2.2-1.66 1.39-3.62 3 1.15-.32 2.77v1.35a6.23 6.23 0 011.09-.3v-1L22 8.4l1.12 7.49v.59a5.89 5.89 0 011.09.31v-.94l-.5-3.41 2.6-1.16 1.62 3.63-2 1.6-.75.76a5.16 5.16 0 01.87.67l.59-.6 2.31-1.83L27 18.08l-.43.44a5.82 5.82 0 01.61.94l.63-.64 1.91-2.57 3 1.15-1.14 3-2.78-.32h-1.36a6.23 6.23 0 01.3 1.09h1l7.13.81-7.5 1.12h-.59a6.76 6.76 0 01-.3 1.09h.93l3.41-.5 1.16 2.6-3.75 1.67-1.14-1.43-1.2-1.2a5.76 5.76 0 01-.7.85z/>path classcls-1 dM22.11 26.69a4.58 4.58 0 114.58-4.58 4.58 4.58 0 01-4.58 4.58zm0-8.06a3.48 3.48 0 103.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 0 00-3.48-3.48z/>/svg> /a> /h1> nav> ul> li> a href>About/a> /li> li> a href target_blank>Floor Plans/a> /li> li> a href>Gallery/a> /li> li> a href>Neighborhood/a> /li> li> a href>Contact/a> /li> /ul> /nav> button idtoggle-menu> span>/span> span>/span> span>/span> /button> /div> /div>/header>div idmenu> nav> ul> li> a href>About/a> /li> li> a href target_blank>Floor Plans/a> /li> li> a href>Gallery/a> /li> li> a href>Neighborhood/a> /li> li> a href>Contact/a> /li> /ul> /nav> div> div> a href target_blank>Apply Now/a> a href target_blank>Resident Login/a> a href target_blank>Schedule a Self-Guided Tour/a> /div> a hreftel:(239) 445-2263>(239) 445-2263/a> /div>/div> main rolemain> div idhero> div classwrap--wide> div classhero--text> h1>span classoffset>Anchor/span> Yourself/h1> p>In a new apartment home community/p> /div> img src/imager/uploads/341/0X8A5250_33bc9088189416ad16996210b0e90279.jpg alt0 X8 A5250> div classhero--special> p>p>strong>NEWLY RENOVATED HOMES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN br />/strong>/p>p>strong>SEE YOUR NEW HOME TODAY /strong>- (844) 727-1438a hreftel:239207900650>/a>br />/p>/p> /div> /div> div classplus-pattern>/div>/div>section classbg--blue--light text--center pv2> div classwrap--narrow overview> h1>New Fort Myers Apartments That Redefine Luxury/h1> p classtext--left>At Sanibel Straits, the exquisite and sun-drenched beauty of Fort Myers and nearby Sanibel Island are host to a breathtaking new apartment community destined to become the talk of the town. Our gorgeous one, two and three-bedroom Fort Myers apartments boast an unparalleled range of luxurious amenities, all coupled with our spacious and intelligently designed floor plans built with your comfort in mind. When you choose Sanibel Straits, you choose to surround yourself with unique amenities and features you won’t find anywhere else. Our meticulously sculpted grounds, exciting new clubhouse, resort style-swimming pool, and most of all, spectacular local beaches are some of the finest that Fort Myers and South Florida have to offer. br />br />Our gorgeous granite countertops, stainless-steel appliances, and accessible elevators speak for themselves. Our brand-new Fort Myers Beach apartments for rent exude class, style, and comfort and are equipped with all the extravagances that modern luxury has to offer. The community is close to the area’s plentiful fine dining scene, boutique shopping, and exciting nightlife, and with quick and easy access to Summerlin Road and Highway 41, you’ll have access to it all. Sanibel Straits is a truly special place to call home. Contact us today to schedule your exclusive tour!/p> a href classbtn target_blank>View Floor Plans/a> /div>/section>section idhomepage--cards> div classplus-pattern>/div> div classpalm-leaf>/div> div classwrap--wide> div classflex flex--align-top> a href classflex--item card> img src/imager/uploads/278/X8A3933_202a6bc490640f794bd50d717c5142e7.jpg alt> div> h3>Take a Virtual Tour/h3> p>Get a glimpse of the your new home/p> /div> /a> a href classflex--item card> img src/imager/uploads/280/IMG_6436_202a6bc490640f794bd50d717c5142e7.jpg alt> div> h3>See the Neighborhood/h3> p>Explore nearby shopping, dining, entertainment, and more/p> /div> /a> /div> /div>/section>section classcta pv2> div classwrap> p classfont--josefin>Apartments are now leasing/p> a classfont--playfair href>Reserve your piece of paradise/a> /div>/section> /main> footer rolecontentinfo> nav> ul> li>a href>About/a>/li> li>a href>Floor Plans/a>/li> li>a href>Gallery/a>/li> li>a href>Neighborhood/a>/li> li>a href>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /nav> div classcredit> div> a idparadigmLink href target_blank> svg classicon-paradigm-logo-p>use xlink:href#icon-paradigm-logo-p>/use>/svg> /a> /div> div> p> © 2018 - 2025 /p> /div> div> img width50 classequal-housing src altEqual Housing Opportunity Logo> /div> /div>/footer> script src integritysha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8 crossoriginanonymous>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typemodule> import MEChat from; MEChat.start({ organization: rangewater, building: f72700aa-2c9c-11ee-b1c4-d313eecb6742, }); /script> /body>/html>
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