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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 10016Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:19:40 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 13:11:48 GMTETag: 2720-6268eb9ff6d00Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Sajith Trading Company/title> link relstylesheet hrefstyles.css>/head>body> header classheader> nav classnavbar> div classlogo-container> img srcimages/STC-LOGOpng.png altSajith Trading Company Logo classlogo> /div> div classnav-links> a hrefindex.html>Home/a> a hrefabout.html>About/a> a href#contact>Contact/a> /div> div classmobile-menu-btn> span>/span> span>/span> span>/span> /div> /nav> /header> section classhero> div classhero-content> h1>Sajith Trading Co./h1> p>Your trusted partner in construction equipment/p> button classcta-button>Explore Our Products/button> /div> /section> !-- Add this after hero section and before products section --> section classquality-showcase> div classquality-content> div classquality-text> h2>Premium JCB Spare Parts/h2> p classquality-description>We provide the highest quality genuine JCB spare parts, ensuring maximum performance and longevity for your machinery./p> ul classquality-features> li>✓ 100% Genuine Parts/li> li>✓ Superior Quality/li> li>✓ Extended Durability/li> li>✓ Perfect Compatibility/li> /ul> button classcta-button>View Our Collection/button> /div> div classquality-image> img srcimages/partsjcb1.jpg altJCB Spare Parts> /div> /div> /section> !-- Update the brands section --> section classbrands-section> div classbrands-container> div classbrands-header> h2>Spare Parts For Allbr>Leading Heavy Machinery/h2> p>We Provide Genuine Spare Parts For Leading Construction Equipment Brands/p> /div> div classbrands-grid> !-- First Row --> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/cat.png altCAT classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/doosan.png altDoosan classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/Hitachi-Emblem.png altHitachi classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/jcblogo.png altJCB classbrand-logo> /div> !-- Second Row --> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/John_Deere_logo.svg.png altJohn Deere classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/kobelco.png altKobelco classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/MAN-logo.png altMAN classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/Kubota.png altKubota classbrand-logo> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Replace the contact section --> section classcontact-section idcontact> div classcontact-container> h2>Contact Us/h2> div classcontact-grid> !-- Left Side --> div classcontact-details> !-- Sri Lanka Office --> div classoffice-block> div classoffice-title> span>LK/span> h3>Sri Lanka Office/h3> /div> div classcontact-list> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Company Name/span> p>Sajith Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd./p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Address/span> p>No. 52A Ambathalebr>Mulleriyawa, Sri Lanka/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Phone/span> p>+94 (0)71 435 3877/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Email/span> p>> /div> /div> /div> !-- UK Office --> div classoffice-block> div classoffice-title> span>GB/span> h3>UK Office/h3> /div> div classcontact-list> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Address/span> p>No. 32 George Streetbr>Ashford, UK/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Phone/WhatsApp/span> p>+44 (0)790 315 7377/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Right Side --> div classcontact-form-section> div classform-container> div classmessage-header> img srcimages/icons/mail.png altMail Icon classmail-icon> div classmessage-text> h3>Send Us a Message/h3> p>Well get back to you as soon as possible/p> /div> /div> form idcontactForm action methodPOST> input typetext namename placeholderFull Name required> input typeemail nameemail placeholderEmail Address required> input typetel namephone placeholderPhone Number> textarea namemessage placeholderHow can we help you? required>/textarea> button typesubmit>Send Message/button> /form> div idformStatus classform-status>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Map Section --> div classmap-wrapper> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3960.8876747334243!2d79.94458197445564!3d6.937426014106575!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3ae2570c09cc71f3%3A0xa1225f1b561baa1f!2sSajith%20Trading%20Company%20(Pvt)%20Ltd!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1731024444550!5m2!1sen!2suk styleborder:0; allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade> /iframe> /div> /div> /section> footer classfooter> div classfooter-content> div classfooter-section> img srcimages/STC-LOGOpng.png altSajith Trading Company Logo classfooter-logo> p>Your trusted partner in JCB spare parts and construction equipment solutions since 1995./p> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Quick Links/h3> ul> li>a href#home>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Products/h3> ul> li>a href#>JCB Parts/a>/li> li>a href#>Hydraulic Systems/a>/li> li>a href#>Engine Parts/a>/li> li>a href#>Accessories/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Connect With Us/h3> div classsocial-links> a href# classsocial-link>Facebook/a> a href# classsocial-link>WhatsApp/a> a href# classsocial-link>LinkedIn/a> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter-bottom> p>© 2024 Sajith Trading Company. 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Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 10016Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:19:41 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 13:11:48 GMTETag: 2720-6268eb9ff6d00Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Sajith Trading Company/title> link relstylesheet hrefstyles.css>/head>body> header classheader> nav classnavbar> div classlogo-container> img srcimages/STC-LOGOpng.png altSajith Trading Company Logo classlogo> /div> div classnav-links> a hrefindex.html>Home/a> a hrefabout.html>About/a> a href#contact>Contact/a> /div> div classmobile-menu-btn> span>/span> span>/span> span>/span> /div> /nav> /header> section classhero> div classhero-content> h1>Sajith Trading Co./h1> p>Your trusted partner in construction equipment/p> button classcta-button>Explore Our Products/button> /div> /section> !-- Add this after hero section and before products section --> section classquality-showcase> div classquality-content> div classquality-text> h2>Premium JCB Spare Parts/h2> p classquality-description>We provide the highest quality genuine JCB spare parts, ensuring maximum performance and longevity for your machinery./p> ul classquality-features> li>✓ 100% Genuine Parts/li> li>✓ Superior Quality/li> li>✓ Extended Durability/li> li>✓ Perfect Compatibility/li> /ul> button classcta-button>View Our Collection/button> /div> div classquality-image> img srcimages/partsjcb1.jpg altJCB Spare Parts> /div> /div> /section> !-- Update the brands section --> section classbrands-section> div classbrands-container> div classbrands-header> h2>Spare Parts For Allbr>Leading Heavy Machinery/h2> p>We Provide Genuine Spare Parts For Leading Construction Equipment Brands/p> /div> div classbrands-grid> !-- First Row --> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/cat.png altCAT classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/doosan.png altDoosan classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/Hitachi-Emblem.png altHitachi classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/jcblogo.png altJCB classbrand-logo> /div> !-- Second Row --> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/John_Deere_logo.svg.png altJohn Deere classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/kobelco.png altKobelco classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/MAN-logo.png altMAN classbrand-logo> /div> div classbrand-item> img srcimages/logos/Kubota.png altKubota classbrand-logo> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Replace the contact section --> section classcontact-section idcontact> div classcontact-container> h2>Contact Us/h2> div classcontact-grid> !-- Left Side --> div classcontact-details> !-- Sri Lanka Office --> div classoffice-block> div classoffice-title> span>LK/span> h3>Sri Lanka Office/h3> /div> div classcontact-list> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Company Name/span> p>Sajith Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd./p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Address/span> p>No. 52A Ambathalebr>Mulleriyawa, Sri Lanka/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Phone/span> p>+94 (0)71 435 3877/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Email/span> p>> /div> /div> /div> !-- UK Office --> div classoffice-block> div classoffice-title> span>GB/span> h3>UK Office/h3> /div> div classcontact-list> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Address/span> p>No. 32 George Streetbr>Ashford, UK/p> /div> div classcontact-item> span classitem-label>Phone/WhatsApp/span> p>+44 (0)790 315 7377/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Right Side --> div classcontact-form-section> div classform-container> div classmessage-header> img srcimages/icons/mail.png altMail Icon classmail-icon> div classmessage-text> h3>Send Us a Message/h3> p>Well get back to you as soon as possible/p> /div> /div> form idcontactForm action methodPOST> input typetext namename placeholderFull Name required> input typeemail nameemail placeholderEmail Address required> input typetel namephone placeholderPhone Number> textarea namemessage placeholderHow can we help you? required>/textarea> button typesubmit>Send Message/button> /form> div idformStatus classform-status>/div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Map Section --> div classmap-wrapper> iframe src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3960.8876747334243!2d79.94458197445564!3d6.937426014106575!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3ae2570c09cc71f3%3A0xa1225f1b561baa1f!2sSajith%20Trading%20Company%20(Pvt)%20Ltd!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1731024444550!5m2!1sen!2suk styleborder:0; allowfullscreen loadinglazy referrerpolicyno-referrer-when-downgrade> /iframe> /div> /div> /section> footer classfooter> div classfooter-content> div classfooter-section> img srcimages/STC-LOGOpng.png altSajith Trading Company Logo classfooter-logo> p>Your trusted partner in JCB spare parts and construction equipment solutions since 1995./p> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Quick Links/h3> ul> li>a href#home>Home/a>/li> li>a href#about>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#contact>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Products/h3> ul> li>a href#>JCB Parts/a>/li> li>a href#>Hydraulic Systems/a>/li> li>a href#>Engine Parts/a>/li> li>a href#>Accessories/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-section> h3>Connect With Us/h3> div classsocial-links> a href# classsocial-link>Facebook/a> a href# classsocial-link>WhatsApp/a> a href# classsocial-link>LinkedIn/a> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter-bottom> p>© 2024 Sajith Trading Company. All rights reserved./p> /div> /footer> script srcscript.js>/script>/body>/html>
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