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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: awselb/2.0Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:09:46 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 134Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:09:46 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingStatus: 200 OKVary: Accept,Accept-EncodingPragma: no-cacheX-Request-Id: e6c7ed6a-ceba-42e5-b651-f22f2fd1dadeETag: W/99dffce4996ba99165bef8045e2218f4Cache-Control: no-storeReferrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-originX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: noneX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockContent-Language: enLink:>; relpreload; asstyle; nopush,>; relpreload; asscript; nopushX-Download-Options: noopenX-Runtime: 0.074604X-Content-Type-Options: nosniffExpires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> link relstylesheet href mediascreen />meta nametwitter:card contentsummary />meta nametwitter:site content /> meta propertyog:title contentSafetec of America, Inc /> meta propertyog:description content<p>Work with us! We have openings for the following positions.</p> />!-- request_id: e6c7ed6a-ceba-42e5-b651-f22f2fd1dade -->!-- company_id: 15243 -->!-- site_id: --> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href/apple-touch-icon.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href/favicon-32x32.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href/favicon-16x16.png> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href> title>Safetec of America, Inc Career Opportunities/title>/head>body idsafetec-of-america-inc>div classcontent> div idcareers-page-header> div classcompany-logo> a target_blank href> img src altLink to Safetec of America, Inc website/>/a> /div> div classsocial-media-links> div classtitle>Share:/div>div classicons> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on facebook href> svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classicon xmlns altShare on Facebook> mask idmask-share-facebook mask-typealpha maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse x0 y0 width23 height24> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 0.705566H22.5925V23.2987H0V0.705566Z fillwhite/> /mask>g maskurl(#mask-share-facebook)> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 20.9453V3.05898C0 1.76015 1.05459 0.705566 2.35341 0.705566H20.2391C21.5393 0.705566 22.5925 1.76015 22.5925 3.05898V20.9453C22.5925 22.2442 21.5393 23.2987 20.2391 23.2987H15.0621V14.8267H17.8856L18.5915 11.0609H15.0621L15.1461 9.13098C15.1461 8.19921 15.4009 7.65286 16.6624 7.65286H18.6579L19.1096 4.28298C19.1096 4.28298 16.9729 4.00062 15.7115 4.00062C12.8781 4.00062 11.2405 5.89239 11.2405 8.79215L11.2969 11.0609H8.472V14.8267H11.2969V23.2987H2.35341C1.05459 23.2987 0 22.2442 0 20.9453 fill#666666/> /g> /svg> /a> /div> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on twitter href of America, Inc is hiring. Know anyone?> svg width24 height24 idLayer_1 xmlns version1.1 viewBox0 0 1200 1227> path dM714.2,519.3L1160.9,0h-105.9l-387.9,450.9L357.3,0H0l468.5,681.8L0,1226.4h105.9l409.6-476.2,327.2,476.2h357.3l-485.9-707.1h0ZM569.2,687.8l-47.5-67.9L144,79.7h162.6l304.8,436,47.5,67.9,396.2,566.7h-162.6l-323.3-462.4h0Z/> /svg> /a> /div> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on linkedin href> svg stylemargin-top: 0.5px width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classicon xmlns altShare on LinkedIn> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM12.2372 17.8866V12.6977C12.2372 12.4365 12.2563 12.1767 12.3325 11.989C12.5435 11.468 12.7059 10.9266 13.5099 10.9266C14.5617 10.9266 15.0621 11.7285 15.0621 12.9038V17.8866H17.8857V11.6262C17.8857 8.51392 17.3386 8.44404 15.12 8.44404C12.9043 8.44404 12.2372 9.48168 12.2372 10.0767V8.47298H9.41367C9.42637 8.74686 9.4299 9.88404 9.4299 11.2782C9.4299 14.0678 9.41367 17.8866 9.41367 17.8866H12.2372ZM4.70683 17.8866H7.53036V8.47297H4.70683V17.8866ZM7.83954 5.47227C7.83954 4.52145 7.07013 3.75133 6.1186 3.75133C5.16707 3.75133 4.39837 4.52145 4.39837 5.47227C4.39837 6.42239 5.16707 7.19322 6.1186 7.19322C7.07013 7.19322 7.83954 6.42239 7.83954 5.47227V5.47227ZM0 20.24V2.35439C0 1.0598 1.05882 0.000976562 2.35341 0.000976562H20.2391C21.5336 0.000976562 22.5925 1.0598 22.5925 2.35439V20.24C22.5925 21.5346 21.5336 22.5927 20.2391 22.5927H2.35341C1.05882 22.5927 0 21.5346 0 20.24V20.24Z fill#666666/> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div>/div> div classcareers-page-notifications>/div> div idcustom-html-container> div classtext-block-grey user-content> p>Work with us! We have openings for the following positions./p> /div>/div>div classjobs-content> div idcareer-opportunities> h1>Career Opportunities/h1> /div> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobFiltersContainer data-react-props{"categories":{},"locations":{"New York":{"Buffalo":890905,888299,884726,884728,882476}},"titles":{"id":890905,"title":"Customer Care Specialist"},{"id":888299,"title":"Quality Inspector"},{"id":884726,"title":"Maintenance Mechanic - 1st Shift"},{"id":884728,"title":"Facilities Coordinator"},{"id":882476,"title":"Machine Operator - 4 DAY WORKWEEK"},"zipLookupEnabled":true,"remotePositions":,"nonRemotePositions":890905,888299,884726,884728,882476,"showAll":true}>/div> div classjobs-list-container> div classjob-container data-job-id890905> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/890905/customer-care-specialist> h2>Customer Care Specialist/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Buffalo, NY /div> div classjob-salary> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobSalary data-react-props{"minSalary":{"amount":"23.00","currency":"USD"},"maxSalary":{"amount":"26.00","currency":"USD"},"payFrequency":"hourly"}>/div> /div> /div> /div> a href/job/890905/customer-care-specialist aria-labelLink to job discription for Customer Care Specialist> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Safetec of America, Inc. is a growing OTC pharmaceutical company based in Buffalo, NY. We’re looking for a strong>Customer Care Specialist/strong> who is passionate about delivering outstanding service and eager to be a key part of our incredible Customer Service team. As a family-owned business, we take pride in our strong company culture and commitment to treating our employees like family. This is an… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id888299> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/888299/quality-inspector> h2>Quality Inspector/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Buffalo, NY /div> div classjob-salary> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobSalary data-react-props{"minSalary":{"amount":"19.00","currency":"USD"},"maxSalary":{"amount":"22.00","currency":"USD"},"payFrequency":"hourly"}>/div> /div> /div> /div> a href/job/888299/quality-inspector aria-labelLink to job discription for Quality Inspector> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Safetec of America, Inc. has been a trusted source of infection control, first aid, and compliance products for over 30 years. We are seeking a Full-time Quality Inspector for our growing Buffalo, NY, manufacturing facility. strong>Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 2:30 pm/strong> strong>Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm - 2:30 am/strong> Competitive pay with excellent benefits, including generous paid time off and a differential… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id884726> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/884726/maintenance-mechanic-1st-shift> h2>Maintenance Mechanic - 1st Shift/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Buffalo, NY /div> div classjob-salary> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobSalary data-react-props{"minSalary":{"amount":"28.00","currency":"USD"},"maxSalary":{"amount":"33.00","currency":"USD"},"payFrequency":"hourly"}>/div> /div> /div> /div> a href/job/884726/maintenance-mechanic-1st-shift aria-labelLink to job discription for Maintenance Mechanic - 1st Shift> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Safetec of America, Inc./strong> has been your trusted source for infection control, first aid, and compliance products for over 30 years. We are a fast-growing OTC pharmaceutical company located in Buffalo, NY. We are a family-owned, local business with a reputation for retaining employees because we treat them like family. Come work for a diverse company, a WNY Best Place to Work, and is recognized… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id884728> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/884728/facilities-coordinator> h2>Facilities Coordinator/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Buffalo, NY /div> div classjob-salary> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobSalary data-react-props{"minSalary":{"amount":"22.00","currency":"USD"},"maxSalary":{"amount":"25.00","currency":"USD"},"payFrequency":"hourly"}>/div> /div> /div> /div> a href/job/884728/facilities-coordinator aria-labelLink to job discription for Facilities Coordinator> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Safetec of America, Inc./strong> is your trusted source for infection control, first aid, and compliance products for over 30 years. We are a fast-growing OTC pharmaceutical company located in Buffalo, NY. We are a family-owned, local business with a reputation for retaining employees because we treat them like family. We are looking for a dedicated individual to coordinate the building and… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id882476> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/882476/machine-operator-4-day-workweek> h2>Machine Operator - 4 DAY WORKWEEK/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Buffalo, NY /div> div classjob-salary> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobSalary data-react-props{"minSalary":{"amount":"17.00","currency":"USD"},"maxSalary":{"amount":"18.50","currency":"USD"},"payFrequency":"hourly"}>/div> /div> /div> /div> a href/job/882476/machine-operator-4-day-workweek aria-labelLink to job discription for Machine Operator - 4 DAY WORKWEEK> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Safetec of America, Inc. has been a trusted source for infection control, first aid, and compliance products for over 30 years. We are a local, family-owned, OTC pharmaceutical manufacturing company with a reputation for retaining employees because we treat them like family. We are looking for full-time Machine Operators to join our growing team! 1st Shift: Monday - Thursday 6:00 am - 4:30… /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>div classfooter> div idcareers-page-footer class> div> h4>Get Updates/h4> div idfooter-main-content> div classget-updates-copy> Are you interested in hearing about new opportunities at Safetec of America, Inc in real time? Enter your email address to be notified automatically when new positions are posted. /div> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.EmailSubscribe data-react-props{}>/div> /div> div idcopyright-links> div classcopyright> Powered by a href>Hire on the GO/a> © 2025 /div> div classlogin-subscribe> a href/users/login/>Admin Login/a> | a href/api/rss.xml>Subscribe via RSS/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>script nomodule src/javascripts/unsupported_browser_public.js>/script>script src>/script>script> HiringThing.environment production; i18n.changeLanguage(en);/script>/body>/html>
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