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border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id10&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>Sweden/a> (5468) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id11&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>Spain/a> (2235) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/td>td valigntop width25% classcatbgcolor>table border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing1>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id12&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>United Kingdom/a> (3920) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id255&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>Jordan Royals/a> (30) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id299&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>French Royals/a> (101) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id410&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>ROYAL POSTCARDS/a> (368) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr>td valigntop>table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td width24 valigntop> img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/folder.gif width24 height24 alt /> !-- --> /td> td width5 valigntop> /td> td width468> a href./categories.php?cat_id1164&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 classmaincat>Publications/a> (0) /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/td> /tr> /table> br /> table width1045 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td> table width1045 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>a href target_blank>img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/RWSBanner.jpg alt width1045 height82 />/a>/b>br />br />/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td> table width1045 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding4> tr> td classhead1 valigntop>Latest events/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td>table width100% border0 cellpadding3 cellspacing1>tr classimagerow1>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104466&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3655/241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822.jpg border1 width158 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822) />/div>/a>div id241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in Alkmaar, on October 23, 2024, for a workvisit, the visit focuses on the Future of Healthcare, with attention paid to regional cooperation and the use of technologybr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3655&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3655/241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822.jpg border1 width158 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822) />/div>/a>div id241023 Maxima Alkmaar 44822 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in Alkmaar, on October 23, 2024, for a workvisit, the visit focuses on the Future of Healthcare, with attention paid to regional cooperation and the use of technologybr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3655&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima at Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep/a>br />/div>br> Alkmaarbr>23.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104476&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3656/RPE30763 230930.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,RPE30763 230930) onmouseoverpopUp(event,RPE30763 230930) />/div>/a>div idRPE30763 230930 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the De Nieuwe Silo in Hoofddorp, on October 23, 2024, for a workvisit to the program Samen Sterk against Poverty in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. The Oranje Fonds is committed to this program together with Nationale-Nederlanden to stimulate local effective collaborations in poverty and debtbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3656&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3656/RPE30763 230930.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,RPE30763 230930) onmouseoverpopUp(event,RPE30763 230930) />/div>/a>div idRPE30763 230930 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the De Nieuwe Silo in Hoofddorp, on October 23, 2024, for a workvisit to the program Samen Sterk against Poverty in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. The Oranje Fonds is committed to this program together with Nationale-Nederlanden to stimulate local effective collaborations in poverty and debtbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3656&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima visits program Samen Sterk/a>br />/div>br> Hoofddorpbr>23.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104454&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3654/241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585.jpg border1 width143 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585) />/div>/a>div id241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, on October 21, 2024, to attend the br />anniversary concert of Ton Koopman, founder of the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choirbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3654&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3654/241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585.jpg border1 width143 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585) />/div>/a>div id241021 RPE Maxima Bea 44585 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, on October 21, 2024, to attend the br />anniversary concert of Ton Koopman, founder of the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choirbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3654&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix at Tivoli/a>br />/div>br> Utrechtbr>21.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104424&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3652/RPE30670 230930.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,RPE30670 230930) onmouseoverpopUp(event,RPE30670 230930) />/div>/a>div idRPE30670 230930 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at location Blom in Klaaswaal, on October 15, 2024, the visit focuses on the quality of life and the strong community life in the close-knit village community, she visits community centre Korstanjehuis, Music Association NLS and football association SSS Klaaswaal br />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3652&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3652/RPE30670 230930.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,RPE30670 230930) onmouseoverpopUp(event,RPE30670 230930) />/div>/a>div idRPE30670 230930 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at location Blom in Klaaswaal, on October 15, 2024, the visit focuses on the quality of life and the strong community life in the close-knit village community, she visits community centre Korstanjehuis, Music Association NLS and football association SSS Klaaswaal br />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3652&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima visits Klaaswaal/a>br />/div>br> Klaaswaalbr>15.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr classimagerow2>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104442&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3653/241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295.jpg border1 width138 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295) />/div>/a>div id241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the Dushi Huis in Waalwijk, on October 15, 2024, after opened the Dushi Huis, it offers children and young people aged 4 to 18+ who can no longer live at home a long-term, safe home br />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3653&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3653/241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295.jpg border1 width138 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295) />/div>/a>div id241015 RPE Maxima Waalwijk 44295 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the Dushi Huis in Waalwijk, on October 15, 2024, after opened the Dushi Huis, it offers children and young people aged 4 to 18+ who can no longer live at home a long-term, safe home br />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3653&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima opens Dushi Huis/a>br />/div>br> Waalwijkbr>15.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104413&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3651/241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927.jpg border1 width160 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927) />/div>/a>div id241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927 classtip>APELDOORN, The Netherlands 10-10-2024br />br />Princess Beatrix attend the opening of the exhibition Queens by Andy Warhol at Paleis Het Loo in Apeldoorn. The exhibition features the series Reigning Queens by artist Andy Warhol/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3651&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3651/241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927.jpg border1 width160 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927) />/div>/a>div id241010 RPE Beatrix Warhol 43927 classtip>APELDOORN, The Netherlands 10-10-2024br />br />Princess Beatrix attend the opening of the exhibition Queens by Andy Warhol at Paleis Het Loo in Apeldoorn. The exhibition features the series Reigning Queens by artist Andy Warhol/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3651&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Princess Beatrix attend the opening of the exhibition Queens by Andy Warhol/a>br />/div>br> Apeldoornbr>10.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104401&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3650/241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100.jpg border1 width138 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100) />/div>/a>div id241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100 classtip> /div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3650&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3650/241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100.jpg border1 width138 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100) />/div>/a>div id241005 RPE Soestdijk 43100 classtip> /div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3650&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Princess Beatrix attends the Oranjepad at Soestdijk/a>br />/div>br> br>05.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104389&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3649/241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780.jpg border1 width129 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780) />/div>/a>div id241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the Palace Noordeinde in The Hague, on October 03, 2024, Queen Maxima hands out the Appeltjes van Oranje, they are awarded annually to three social initiatives in the Kingdombr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3649&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3649/241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780.jpg border1 width129 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780) />/div>/a>div id241003 RPE Appeltjes 42780 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the Palace Noordeinde in The Hague, on October 03, 2024, Queen Maxima hands out the Appeltjes van Oranje, they are awarded annually to three social initiatives in the Kingdombr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3649&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Appeltjes van Oranje 2024/a>br />/div>br> The Haguebr>03.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr classimagerow1>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104354&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3647/241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432.jpg border1 width200 height143 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432) />/div>/a>div id241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the Space Expo in Noordwijk, on October 02, 2024, to attend the festive launch of 25 years of Vakkanjers, a special, interactive program has been put together, with important guests, including Queen Máxima and our ambassador Andre Kuipersbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3647&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3647/241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432.jpg border1 width200 height143 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432) />/div>/a>div id241002 RPE Noordwijk 42432 classtip>Queen Maxima of The Netherlands arrives at the Space Expo in Noordwijk, on October 02, 2024, to attend the festive launch of 25 years of Vakkanjers, a special, interactive program has been put together, with important guests, including Queen Máxima and our ambassador Andre Kuipersbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3647&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima attends 25 years Vakkanjers/a>br />/div>br> Noordwijkbr>02.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104367&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3648/241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679) />/div>/a>div id241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679 classtip>UTRECHT, The Netherlands 0210-2024br />br />Queen Maxima attend the opening of the exhibition MODA - Moroccan Fashion Statements at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. MODA, colloquial language for fashion in Moroccan and Tamazight, focuses on the versatility of contemporary makers from Morocco and the Moroccan diaspora in the Netherlands and is a collaboration between DAR Cultural Agency and the Centraal Museumbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3648&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3648/241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679.JPG border1 width133 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679) />/div>/a>div id241002 RPE Maxima Moda 42679 classtip>UTRECHT, The Netherlands 0210-2024br />br />Queen Maxima attend the opening of the exhibition MODA - Moroccan Fashion Statements at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht. MODA, colloquial language for fashion in Moroccan and Tamazight, focuses on the versatility of contemporary makers from Morocco and the Moroccan diaspora in the Netherlands and is a collaboration between DAR Cultural Agency and the Centraal Museumbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3648&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima attend the opening of the exhibition MODA/a>br />/div>br> Utrechtbr>02.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104341&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3646/241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383.JPG border1 width200 height129 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383) />/div>/a>div id241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383 classtip> /div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3646&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3646/241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383.JPG border1 width200 height129 onmouseoutpopUp(event,241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383) onmouseoverpopUp(event,241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383) />/div>/a>div id241001 RPE Amsterdam 42383 classtip> /div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3646&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima opens new Balletacademie/a>br />/div>br> br>01.10.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104291&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3645/240928 B RPE Athens 42263.JPG border1 width154 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240928 B RPE Athens 42263) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240928 B RPE Athens 42263) />/div>/a>div id240928 B RPE Athens 42263 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 28-09-2024br />br />Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark and lawyer Matthew Kumar leaving the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens after their weddingbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3645&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3645/240928 B RPE Athens 42263.JPG border1 width154 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240928 B RPE Athens 42263) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240928 B RPE Athens 42263) />/div>/a>div id240928 B RPE Athens 42263 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 28-09-2024br />br />Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark and lawyer Matthew Kumar leaving the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens after their weddingbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3645&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Wedding Princess Theodora and lawyer Matthew Kumar/a>br />/div>br> Athensbr>28.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr classimagerow2>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104268&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3644/240927 RPE Athens 39693.jpg border1 width200 height161 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240927 RPE Athens 39693) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240927 RPE Athens 39693) />/div>/a>div id240927 RPE Athens 39693 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 27-09-2024br />br />Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, Prince of Denmark, Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, Princess Maria-Olympia, Prince Constantine-Alexios, Prince Achileas-Andreas, Prince Odysseus-Kimon and Prince Aristidis-Stavrosbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3644&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3644/240927 RPE Athens 39693.jpg border1 width200 height161 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240927 RPE Athens 39693) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240927 RPE Athens 39693) />/div>/a>div id240927 RPE Athens 39693 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 27-09-2024br />br />Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, Prince of Denmark, Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, Princess Maria-Olympia, Prince Constantine-Alexios, Prince Achileas-Andreas, Prince Odysseus-Kimon and Prince Aristidis-Stavrosbr />br />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3644&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>pre wedding dinner/a>br />/div>br> Athensbr>27.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104223&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3643/240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401.jpg border1 width200 height133 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401) />/div>/a>div id240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401 classtip> /div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3643&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3643/240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401.jpg border1 width200 height133 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401) />/div>/a>div id240917 Prinsjesdag Noordeinde II RPE 38401 classtip> /div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3643&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Prinsjesdag 2024/a>br />/div>br> br>17.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104211&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3642/240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482.jpg border1 width148 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482) />/div>/a>div id240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482 classtip>Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands at the mill De Noordstar in Noordbroek, on September 13, 2024, to reopen the grain and hulling mill, Princess Beatrix is ​​the patroness of De Hollandsche Molenbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3642&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3642/240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482.jpg border1 width148 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482) />/div>/a>div id240913 Beatrix Noordbroek RPE 36482 classtip>Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands at the mill De Noordstar in Noordbroek, on September 13, 2024, to reopen the grain and hulling mill, Princess Beatrix is ​​the patroness of De Hollandsche Molenbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3642&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Princess Beatrix reopens De Noordstar/a>br />/div>br> Noordbroekbr>13.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104197&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3641/240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079.jpg border1 width200 height144 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079) />/div>/a>div id240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079 classtip> /div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3641&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3641/240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079.jpg border1 width200 height144 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079) />/div>/a>div id240911 Maxima NX RPE 36079 classtip> /div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3641&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Queen Maxima opensNX Filtration Factory/a>br />/div>br> br>11.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr classimagerow1>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104184&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3640/240902 Beatrix RPE 34435.jpg border1 width137 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240902 Beatrix RPE 34435) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240902 Beatrix RPE 34435) />/div>/a>div id240902 Beatrix RPE 34435 classtip>Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands at the Koekamp in The Hague, on September 02, 2024, to unveil the Queen Juliana Statue Group, the ceramic sculpture group is 5.5 meters wide and 3.75 meters high and consists of four human figures. One of the figures is Queen Juliana, while she is on a working visitbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3640&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3640/240902 Beatrix RPE 34435.jpg border1 width137 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240902 Beatrix RPE 34435) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240902 Beatrix RPE 34435) />/div>/a>div id240902 Beatrix RPE 34435 classtip>Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands at the Koekamp in The Hague, on September 02, 2024, to unveil the Queen Juliana Statue Group, the ceramic sculpture group is 5.5 meters wide and 3.75 meters high and consists of four human figures. One of the figures is Queen Juliana, while she is on a working visitbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3640&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Princess Beatrix unveils Queen Juliana Statue Group/a>br />/div>br> The Haguebr>02.09.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104161&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3639/240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171.jpg border1 width135 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171) />/div>/a>div id240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171 classtip>Geiranger, Norway 31–08-2024br />br />Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn at the Union Hotel in Geirangerbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3639&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3639/240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171.jpg border1 width135 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171) />/div>/a>div id240831 Arrival Hotel Union RPE33171 classtip>Geiranger, Norway 31–08-2024br />br />Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn at the Union Hotel in Geirangerbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3639&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Marriage Geiganger/a>br />/div>br> Geirangerbr>31.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104144&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3638/240829 Alesund 32281B.jpg border1 width136 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240829 Alesund 32281B) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240829 Alesund 32281B) />/div>/a>div id240829 Alesund 32281B classtip>Alesund, Norway 29–08-2024br />br />Crown Princess Mette Marit arrives at hotel 1904br />br />Guests for the pre wedding party at Airport of Alesund and at the Hotel 1904 in Alesundbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3638&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3638/240829 Alesund 32281B.jpg border1 width136 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240829 Alesund 32281B) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240829 Alesund 32281B) />/div>/a>div id240829 Alesund 32281B classtip>Alesund, Norway 29–08-2024br />br />Crown Princess Mette Marit arrives at hotel 1904br />br />Guests for the pre wedding party at Airport of Alesund and at the Hotel 1904 in Alesundbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3638&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Alesund and Geiganger/a>br />/div>br> Alesundbr>30.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104121&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3637/240825 Domburg 31809.jpg border1 width144 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240825 Domburg 31809) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240825 Domburg 31809) />/div>/a>div id240825 Domburg 31809 classtip>King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the beach of Domburg, on August 27, 2024, to visit Beach Club Oaxaca during a regional visit to Walcheren in the province of Zeelandbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3637&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3637/240825 Domburg 31809.jpg border1 width144 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240825 Domburg 31809) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240825 Domburg 31809) />/div>/a>div id240825 Domburg 31809 classtip>King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands at the beach of Domburg, on August 27, 2024, to visit Beach Club Oaxaca during a regional visit to Walcheren in the province of Zeelandbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3637&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Streekbezoek Zeeland/a>br />/div>br> Domburgbr>27.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>tr classimagerow2>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104105&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3636/240825 Zandvoort 31336.jpg border1 width121 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240825 Zandvoort 31336) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240825 Zandvoort 31336) />/div>/a>div id240825 Zandvoort 31336 classtip>King Willem Alexander and Princess Margriet of The Netherlands leave at the Circuit of Zandvoort, on August 25, 2024, after attended the F1 Grand Prix of the Netherlandsbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3636&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3636/240825 Zandvoort 31336.jpg border1 width121 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240825 Zandvoort 31336) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240825 Zandvoort 31336) />/div>/a>div id240825 Zandvoort 31336 classtip>King Willem Alexander and Princess Margriet of The Netherlands leave at the Circuit of Zandvoort, on August 25, 2024, after attended the F1 Grand Prix of the Netherlandsbr />Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3636&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>GP Zandvoort/a>br />/div>br> Zandvoortbr>25.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104060&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3635/240815 RPE Vaduz 29198.jpg border1 width161 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240815 RPE Vaduz 29198) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240815 RPE Vaduz 29198) />/div>/a>div id240815 RPE Vaduz 29198 classtip>VADUZ, Liechtenstein 15–08-2024br />br />Hans Adam Furst von und zu Liechtenstein and Sophie, Hereditary Princess von und zu Liechtenstein and Alois, Hereditary Prince von und zu Liechtensteinbr />br />The Royal Family of Liechtenstein at the celebration of the national />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3635&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3635/240815 RPE Vaduz 29198.jpg border1 width161 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240815 RPE Vaduz 29198) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240815 RPE Vaduz 29198) />/div>/a>div id240815 RPE Vaduz 29198 classtip>VADUZ, Liechtenstein 15–08-2024br />br />Hans Adam Furst von und zu Liechtenstein and Sophie, Hereditary Princess von und zu Liechtenstein and Alois, Hereditary Prince von und zu Liechtensteinbr />br />The Royal Family of Liechtenstein at the celebration of the national />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3635&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>National Day Liechtenstein 2024/a>br />/div>br> Vaduzbr>15.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id104022&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3634/240801 RPE Athens 27727.jpg border1 width167 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240801 RPE Athens 27727) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240801 RPE Athens 27727) />/div>/a>div id240801 RPE Athens 27727 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 01–08-2024br />br />Wreath of Empress Farah Diba of Persia / Iranbr />br />Funeral service of Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark at the Church of Saint Theodore, First cemetery of Athensbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3634&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3634/240801 RPE Athens 27727.jpg border1 width167 height200 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240801 RPE Athens 27727) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240801 RPE Athens 27727) />/div>/a>div id240801 RPE Athens 27727 classtip>ATHENS, Greece 01–08-2024br />br />Wreath of Empress Farah Diba of Persia / Iranbr />br />Funeral service of Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark at the Church of Saint Theodore, First cemetery of Athensbr />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3634&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Funeral Service Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark/a>br />/div>br> Athensbr>01.08.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>td width25% valigntop>table width100% border0 cellpadding7 cellspacing0> tr> td height212 aligncenter valignmiddle classthumb onmouseoverthis.classNamethumb2 onmouseoutthis.classNamethumb>!-- you wish detail page in a small javascript open window, use a href./details.php?image_id103997&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903 onclickopendetailwindow() targetdetailwindow>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3633/240723 RPE Oxford C 27120.jpg border1 width200 height130 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240723 RPE Oxford C 27120) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240723 RPE Oxford C 27120) />/div>/a>div id240723 RPE Oxford C 27120 classtip>OXFORD 23-07-2024br />br />King Philippe - Filip of Belgium, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleonore pictured ahead of the graduation ceremony of the university of Oxford in Oxford, United />The Crown Princess officially completed her three-year undergraduate degree in History and Politics at Lincoln College of the University of Oxfordbr />br />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div> --> table width118 height124 border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td aligncenter valignmiddle>table border0 cellpadding0 > tr> td HEIGHT150>a href./categories.php?cat_id3633&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>div styleheight:200px;>img src./data/thumbnails/3633/240723 RPE Oxford C 27120.jpg border1 width200 height130 onmouseoutpopUp(event,240723 RPE Oxford C 27120) onmouseoverpopUp(event,240723 RPE Oxford C 27120) />/div>/a>div id240723 RPE Oxford C 27120 classtip>OXFORD 23-07-2024br />br />King Philippe - Filip of Belgium, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleonore pictured ahead of the graduation ceremony of the university of Oxford in Oxford, United />The Crown Princess officially completed her three-year undergraduate degree in History and Politics at Lincoln College of the University of Oxfordbr />br />br />Photo: Albert Nieboerbr />Netherlands OUT Point de Vue OUT/div>br />/td> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> /table> br> div styleheight:30px; overflow:hidden;>a href./categories.php?cat_id3633&sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903>Graduation Princess Elisabeth of Belgium/a>br />/div>br> Oxfordbr>23.07.2024 br>/td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/td> /tr> /table> br>br /> table width1045 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td>form methodpost namejumpbox action./categories.php?sessionid40qiv31i3roatp4j21nrrkj903> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td valignbottom>select namecat_id onchangeif (this.optionsthis.selectedIndex.value ! 0){ formsjumpbox.submit() } classcategoryselect>option value0>Select category/option>option value0>-------------------------------/option>option value3553 classdropdownmarker>Italy/option>option value3555>-- funeral ceremony of HRH Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy/option>option value3554>-- commemoration ceremony at the Chapel Sant Uberto/option>option value3499 classdropdownmarker>Portugal/option>option value3503>-- Wedding Princess Maria Francisca de Braganza and Duarte de Sousa Araujo Martins/option>option value2303 classdropdownmarker>Romania/option>option value3243>-- Tulips Ball 2022/option>option value2652>-- coronation ceremony of HM King Maha Vajiralongkorn/option>option value2346>-- Lithuania celebrates 100 years/option>option value2307>-- Funeral of King Mihael I of Romania/option>option value2306>-- Rumanian royal family and european royals at the Throne Hall in the Royal Palace,/option>option value2305>-- Cofin of late King Michael I of Romania lie in state in the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace/option>option value2304>-- Funeral King Michael I/option>option value1 classdropdownmarker>Dutch Royals/option>option value3656>-- Queen Maxima visits program Samen Sterk/option>option value3655>-- Queen Maxima at Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep/option>option value3654>-- Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix at Tivoli/option>option value3653>-- Queen Maxima opens Dushi Huis/option>option value3652>-- Queen Maxima visits Klaaswaal/option>option value3651>-- Princess Beatrix attend the opening of the exhibition Queens by Andy Warhol/option>option value3650>-- Princess Beatrix attends the Oranjepad at Soestdijk/option>option value3649>-- Appeltjes van Oranje 2024/option>option value3648>-- Queen Maxima attend the opening of the exhibition MODA/option>option value3647>-- Queen Maxima attends 25 years Vakkanjers/option>option value3646>-- Queen Maxima opens new Balletacademie/option>option value3643>-- Prinsjesdag 2024/option>option value3642>-- Princess Beatrix reopens De Noordstar/option>option value3641>-- Queen Maxima opensNX Filtration Factory/option>option value3640>-- Princess Beatrix unveils Queen Juliana Statue Group/option>option value3637>-- Streekbezoek Zeeland/option>option value3636>-- GP Zandvoort/option>option value3627>-- Queen Maxima visits Zevenbergschen Hoek/option>option value3626>-- King Willem Alexander visits Woerden/option>option value3625>-- Queen Maxima attends meeting of NCFG/option>option value3624>-- Veteranendag 2024/option>option value3623>-- Princess Margriet at Introdans End of Season Gala 2024/option>option value3622>-- Queen Maxima attends the GLE/option>option value3621>-- Queen Maxima visits Heerenveen and Leeuwarden/option>option value3619>-- Queen Maxima at Fort Crevecoeur/option>option value3618>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Carlisle Airport/option>option value3617>-- Queen Maxima opens new school building/option>option value3616>-- Queen Maxima reopens Museum Hindeloopen/option>option value3613>-- Princess Beatrix at KSRV Njord/option>option value3612>-- Princess Mabel attends Amsterdam Dinner/option>option value3611>-- summer photosession Dutch Royal Family/option>option value3610>-- Princess Beatrix attends 77th Holland Festival/option>option value3609>-- Corps Diplomatique dinner in Royal Palace Amsterdam/option>option value3608>-- Queen Maxima visits Astrum College/option>option value3607>-- Queen Maxima visits VMBO t Venster als flagshipschool/option>option value3606>-- Queen Maxima at congres Mind the Gap/option>option value3605>-- Queen Maxima attends FBN NxG International Summit/option>option value3604>-- Queen Maxima opens the new headquarters of DSM-Firmenich/option>option value3603>-- Queen Maxima visits Codam Coding College/option>option value3602>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Seven Oceans Simulator centre/option>option value3601>-- Queen Maxima visits the Cultuurschuur/option>option value3600>-- King Willem Alexander opens the World Seed Congress in Ahoy/option>option value3599>-- King Willem Alexander visits Transdev training center/option>option value3598>-- Horse ring riders association Nieuwland/option>option value3596>-- Queen Maxima visits Foodvalley/option>option value3595>-- Willem I Prijzen/option>option value3594>-- regional visit to the Hogeland/option>option value3589>-- Princess Beatrix visits mill Eendracht Maakt Macht in Meterik/option>option value3588>-- Queen Maxima visits the Oranje Huis/option>option value3585>-- May 5 concert at the Amstel/option>option value3584>-- National remembrance ceremony/option>option value3583>-- Koningsdag 2024/option>option value3582>-- Queen Maxima opens A Beautiful Mess/option>option value3581>-- Queen Maxima visits Taal aan Zee/option>option value3580>-- Queen Maxima visits museum Schoenenkwartier/option>option value3579>-- Kings Day concert 2024/option>option value3578>-- last day Statevisit from Spain/option>option value3577>-- 1st day Statevisit from Spain/option>option value3575>-- Four Freedom Awards 2024/option>option value3573>-- Queen Maxima at congress Nibud and attend Amsterdams Stagepact MBO/option>option value3572>-- Princess Beatrix reveals monument at Paleis Soestdijk/option>option value3571>-- Queen Maxima launches supprttool MIND Us/option>option value3570>-- the Hollandse 100/option>option value3569>-- NL Doet/option>option value3568>-- 10th Prince Friso Engineering Prize/option>option value3566>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the National Holocaust Museum/option>option value3565>-- King Willem-Alexander visits NFI/option>option value3564>-- Queen Maxima visits Chemelot/option>option value3562>-- kick-off of Lymph&Cos De Hollandse 100/option>option value3560>-- Queen Maxima visits Scouting Albert Schweitzer/option>option value3559>-- Queen Maxima visits Poppodium De Spot/option>option value3557>-- Queen Maxima visits Socialdebt/option>option value3556>-- Queen Maxima visits De JoJo/option>option value3552>-- Countess Eloise opens own vintage store/option>option value3551>-- Queen Maxima visits the Kindertelefoon/option>option value3550>-- Queen Maxima visits Goes and Middelburg/option>option value3549>-- Queen Maxima visits Renewi/option>option value3547>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium/option>option value3546>-- Dutch Royals attending Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value3545>-- Queen Maxima visits Design Academy/option>option value3544>-- Queen Maxima visits Almere Haven/option>option value3543>-- Princess Laurentien at the National Reading Breakfast/option>option value3542>-- Members Dutch Royal Family at Holland Dance Festival/option>option value3541>-- Queen Maxima visits VieCuri Medisch Centrum/option>option value3540>-- Cross of Honor in the House Order of Orange to Janine van den Ende/option>option value3539>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Port of Zwolle/option>option value3538>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace/option>option value3534>-- Dutch Royal Family posing for the press/option>option value3532>-- Queen Maxima visits HoutWerk I in Utrecht/option>option value3530>-- King Willem-Alexander visits St. Antonius Ziekenhuis/option>option value3529>-- King Willem-Alexander visits St. Antonius Ziekenhuis/option>option value3528>-- Princess Beatrix receives Kingdom Calendar/option>option value3527>-- Queen Maxima at the Kerst Muziekgala 2023/option>option value3526>-- last of a 2-day state visit from South Korea/option>option value3525>-- 1st of a 2-day state visit from South Korea/option>option value3524>-- King Willem Alexander opens head office Boon Edam/option>option value3523>-- Queen Maxima visits school De Bavokring/option>option value3522>-- Queen Maxima attends Prince Claus Chair/option>option value3521>-- Queen Maxima at Schuldenlab/option>option value3520>-- Queen Maxima attend exhibition Maison Europeenne de la Photographie in Paris/option>option value3519>-- Queen Maxima opens exhibition Iris van Herpen/option>option value3518>-- Koningin Maxima opent Leerorkest Symposium/option>option value3517>-- Queen Máxima presents the 2023 Cultural Fund Prize/option>option value3514>-- Princess Laurentien attends conference/option>option value3513>-- Queen Maxima visits Oomen/option>option value3512>-- Women of the Year Awards/option>option value3511>-- Queen Maxima at 5th anniversary Schuldenlab/option>option value3510>-- Princess Beatrix attends Dutch Ballet Gala/option>option value3507>-- Princess Margriet attends benefit gala/option>option value3506>-- Eloise van Oranje at presentation of her book/option>option value3505>-- Queen Maxima attends Prix de Rome Award/option>option value3504>-- Queen Maxima visits the DDW/option>option value3502>-- last day State Visit South Africa/option>option value3501>-- 2nd day State Visit South Africa/option>option value3500>-- 1st day State Visit South Africa/option>option value3498>-- 1st of a 3 day State Visit to South Africa/option>option value3497>-- Princess Margarita opens exhibition/option>option value3496>-- Princess Beatrix attends 4th edition Oranjepad/option>option value3495>-- Appeltjes van Oranje Awards 2023/option>option value3494>-- Queen Maxima visits the Pink in Blue police network/option>option value3493>-- Queen Maxima attend the FMO conference/option>option value3492>-- Queen Maxima attend the FMO conference/option>option value3490>-- Queen Maxima attends festival UNLimited/option>option value3489>-- Queen Maxima visits De Boeg/option>option value3488>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Tergooi MC/option>option value3487>-- Queen Maxima visits HMC/option>option value3486>-- Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix receive craftsmen/option>option value3485>-- Queen Maxima attends Winners Dinner/option>option value3484>-- Princess Margriet opens ICPAN/option>option value3483>-- Prinsjesdag 2023/option>option value3478>-- Queen Maxima visits studio Guerrilla/option>option value3477>-- Princess Alexia baptizes Vox Alexia/option>option value3476>-- Queen Maxima visits Appingedam and Groningen/option>option value3475>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit the Gelderse Vallei/option>option value3474>-- Queen Maxima visits the Wijkpaleis/option>option value3473>-- Princess Laurentien opens the WLIC/option>option value3464>-- Prince Constantijn opens exhibition/option>option value3463>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attend Ketikoti/option>option value3462>-- Dutch Royal Family at the Zuiderstrand/option>option value3461>-- Queen Maxima visits Uden, Sterksel and Heeze/option>option value3460>-- Queen Maxima opens headquarters Qredits/option>option value3459>-- Veteranendag 2023/option>option value3458>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Rivas Zorggroep/option>option value3457>-- Queen Maxima visits Erfgoedpark Loosduinen/option>option value3456>-- Queen Maxima visits Zeeman/option>option value3455>-- 3rd day Statevisit to Belgium/option>option value3454>-- 2nd day Statevisit to Belgium/option>option value3453>-- 1st day Statevisit to Belgium/option>option value3451>-- Corps Diplomatic/option>option value3450>-- Queen Maxima visits housing project/option>option value3449>-- Queen Maxima attends start Burendag/option>option value3448>-- Princess Beatrix attends 75th anniversary UAF/option>option value3447>-- finish 6th stage of The Ocean Race/option>option value3446>-- Princess Mabel attends Amsterdam Diner 2023/option>option value3445>-- Princess Beatrix presents the Silver Carnations/option>option value3444>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the STC/option>option value3443>-- Princess Beatrix opens Voorhout Monumental/option>option value3442>-- Huwelijk Jordanie/option>option value3441>-- Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel attending opening Holland Festival/option>option value3440>-- Tulip Ball 2023/option>option value3439>-- King Willem-Alexander at Palace Het Loo/option>option value3438>-- Queen Maxima visits NXP Semiconductors/option>option value3437>-- King Willem-Alexander attends 225th anniversary of Rijkswaterstaat/option>option value3436>-- Queen Maxima visits Aventus/option>option value3435>-- Queen Maxima gives Kick-off Meer Muziek in de Klas/option>option value3434>-- Queen Maxima attends dialogue meeting/option>option value3433>-- Princess Beatrix awards Jantje Beton Prijs/option>option value3431>-- Queen Maxima opens Van Gogh Village Museum/option>option value3429>-- King Willem-Alexander opens ChemTech Centre/option>option value3428>-- Princess Beatrix opens National Mill Day 2023/option>option value3427>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Ode to Antwerp/option>option value3426>-- Queen Maxima at the B for Good Summit/option>option value3425>-- 2nd day visit Waddeneilanden/option>option value3424>-- 1st day visit Waddeneilanden/option>option value3422>-- May 5 Concert on the Amstel/option>option value3421>-- Princess Margriet attends commemoration at de Boeg/option>option value3420>-- The National remembrance ceremony/option>option value3418>-- Koningsdag 2023/option>option value3417>-- Princess Christina Classic Competition/option>option value3416>-- reopening Palace het Loo/option>option value3415>-- Koningsspelen 2023/option>option value3414>-- Koningsdagconcert 2023/option>option value3413>-- Queen Maxima visits Bloemencorso/option>option value3412>-- Queen Maxima visits Milan Design Week 2023/option>option value3409>-- King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix attending performance One of a Kind/option>option value3408>-- last of a 2 day state visit from France to the Netherlands/option>option value3407>-- 1st of a 2 day state visit from France to the Netherlands/option>option value3406>-- Queen Maxima visits Maan Group/option>option value3405>-- King Willem-Alexander visits police volunteers/option>option value3403>-- Queen Maxima visits Roermond/option>option value3402>-- Queen Maxima opens Money Week 2023/option>option value3401>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Skills The Finals/option>option value3400>-- Princess Beatrix visits Bronbeek/option>option value3399>-- 3 days visit Queen Maxima to Morocco/option>option value3398>-- Hollandse 100/option>option value3396>-- Queen Maxima visits Stroomopwaarts/option>option value3395>-- Queen Maxima visits the ROSE academy/option>option value3394>-- Princess Beatrix attends Prince Friso Ingenieursprijs/option>option value3393>-- Queen Maxima visits school Goudse Waarden/option>option value3392>-- Queen Maxima visits Kindcentrum de Duizendpoot/option>option value3390>-- NLdoet/option>option value3389>-- last of a 3 day State Visit to Slovakia/option>option value3388>-- 2nd of a 3 day State Visit to Slovakia/option>option value3387>-- 1st of a 3 day State Visit to Slovakia/option>option value3386>-- Queen Maxima visits Klantcontactcentrum/option>option value3385>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Simpel Switchen/option>option value3384>-- King Willem-Alexander attends tennis final/option>option value3382>-- Queen Maxima visits designers/option>option value3381>-- Princess Margriet 80th birthday/option>option value3380>-- Queen Maxima visits Prinses Maxima Centrum/option>option value3379>-- last day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3378>-- 9th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3377>-- 8th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3376>-- 7th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3375>-- 6th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3374>-- 5th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3372>-- 4th day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3370>-- 3rd day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3369>-- 2nd day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3368>-- 1st day of the visit to the Caribbean/option>option value3367>-- Arrival Bonaire/option>option value3366>-- commemoration The Apeldoornsche Bosch/option>option value3365>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace/option>option value3361>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Young Leaders Community/option>option value3359>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Stellendam/option>option value3358>-- Queen Maxima at Kerst Muziekgala 2022/option>option value3357>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Beukbergen/option>option value3356>-- Queen Maxima visits Nijkerk/option>option value3355>-- Queen Maxima visits OBS De Globe/option>option value3354>-- Prince Claus Impact Awards 2022/option>option value3353>-- Queen Maxima opens meeting MIND Us/option>option value3352>-- Queen Maxima at 70th anniversary of Nuffic/option>option value3351>-- Princess Margriet reopens Verzetsmuseum/option>option value3350>-- Queen Maxima opens exhibition TextielMuseum/option>option value3349>-- Queen Maxima attends launch at CIRCL/option>option value3348>-- Erasmus Prize 2022/option>option value3347>-- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2022/option>option value3346>-- Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix at the Concertgebouw/option>option value3345>-- Queen Maxima attends anniversary MNR/option>option value3344>-- Queen Maxima attends signing Music Agreement/option>option value3343>-- Queen Maxima visits MUD Jeans/option>option value3342>-- Queen Maxima visits the Sociale Kruidenier/option>option value3341>-- Queen Maxima visits Onze koloniale erfenis/option>option value3339>-- Princess Beatrix at Netherlands-Aruba Society/option>option value3338>-- Queen Maxima visits Secrid/option>option value3337>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Nedstack/option>option value3336>-- Princess Beatrix attends Nederlands Balletgala/option>option value3335>-- Princess Beatrix attends Nederlands Balletgala/option>option value3334>-- 2nd day Statevisit Italy to The Netherlands/option>option value3333>-- 1st day Statevisit Italy to The Netherlands/option>option value3332>-- Queen Maxima visits VDL groep and IKEA/option>option value3331>-- Dutch Royal Family posing for the press/option>option value3330>-- last of 3 days Statevisit from The Netherlands to Greece/option>option value3329>-- 2nd of a 3 days Statevisit from The Netherlands to Greece/option>option value3328>-- 1st of a 3 days Statevisit from The Netherlands to Greece/option>option value3327>-- Dutch Royals at Princess Christina Concours/option>option value3326>-- Princess Margarita shows new jewelry/option>option value3325>-- last of a 3 days State visit to Sweden/option>option value3324>-- 2nd of a 3 days State visit to Sweden/option>option value3323>-- 1st of a 3 days State visit to Sweden/option>option value3322>-- Princess Beatrix attends the Oranjepad/option>option value3321>-- Queen Maxima visits exhibition Curacao/option>option value3320>-- King Willem-Alexander visits airbase and flew with an MRTT tanker/option>option value3319>-- Princess Beatrix opens 175 years Pulchri Studio/option>option value3318>-- Queen Maxima at meeting MIND US/option>option value3317>-- Princess Beatrix at premiere Jirí Kylian/option>option value3316>-- Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2022/option>option value3315>-- Princess Margriet receicves book/option>option value3314>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Cruyff Legacy Summit/option>option value3313>-- Prinsjesdag 2022/option>option value3310>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits the Peel/option>option value3309>-- Queen Maxima attends HBSC symposium/option>option value3307>-- Princess Margriet and prof. mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven at Palace Het Loo/option>option value3306>-- Queen Maxima visits Triple ThreaT/option>option value3302>-- Princess Beatrix visits the Bovenmolen/option>option value3301>-- Princess Laurentien opens Language Festival/option>option value3299>-- Crown Princess Amalia arrives at the UvA/option>option value3297>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Middelstum/option>option value3296>-- King Willem-Alexander at the Nieuwe Kerk/option>option value3295>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Stichting Mano/option>option value3294>-- Princess Beatrix attends concert/option>option value3293>-- King Willem-Alexander visits platforms in the North Sea/option>option value3292>-- Queen Maxima visits Campus TU Delft/option>option value3283>-- King Willem-Alexander at Playground Hondius/option>option value3282>-- Queen Maxima launches campaign Myopia/option>option value3279>-- King Willem-Alexander at Monument Vossenbosch/option>option value3277>-- Queen Maxima visits TextielMuseum/option>option value3276>-- Gala 60 years Dutch National Ballet/option>option value3275>-- last day State-visit to Austria/option>option value3273>-- 2nd day State-visit to Austria/option>option value3272>-- 1st day State-visit to Austria/option>option value3271>-- Princess Mabel attends the Amsterdam Diner/option>option value3270>-- annual photo session Palace Noordeinde/option>option value3269>-- Queen Maxima visits Deloitte/option>option value3268>-- Queen Maxima attends Money Wise platform/option>option value3267>-- Queen Maxima visits Nova College/option>option value3266>-- galadiner Corps Diplomatique/option>option value3263>-- King Willem-Alexander attends 425 year Douane/option>option value3262>-- Queen Maxima 2 days visit to Senegal/option>option value3261>-- Queen Maxima 2 days visit to Ivory Coast/option>option value3260>-- gala dinner of The Netherland-America Foundation/option>option value3259>-- Queen Maxima visits foundation Petje af/option>option value3258>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium Spierfonds/option>option value3257>-- Princess Beatrix presents Silver Carnations/option>option value3256>-- Queen Maxima visits Maximacollege/option>option value3254>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attending dinner in Rijksmuseum/option>option value3253>-- Queen Maxima opens Majoor Bosshardthuis/option>option value3248>-- first Princess Beatrix lecture/option>option value3246>-- King Willem-Alexander opens FLASH | BACK/option>option value3245>-- Queen Maxima visits Defensie Para School/option>option value3244>-- Princess Margriet baptises cruise ship/option>option value3241>-- Princess Beatrix visits Den Alerdinck/option>option value3239>-- King Willem I Awards/option>option value3237>-- Princess Beatrix and Queen Margrethe in Dragor/option>option value3236>-- Queen Maxima visits Von Gahlen/option>option value3235>-- Princess Margriet at Het Scheepvaartmuseum/option>option value3234>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Airmobile Brigade/option>option value3233>-- Queen Maxima at the Hogeschool Leiden/option>option value3232>-- Queen Maxima visits TU Delft/option>option value3230>-- World Press Photo Contest 2022/option>option value3229>-- Princess Beatrix at Erfgoedvereniging Heemschut/option>option value3228>-- Queen Maxima visits Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde/option>option value3227>-- Appeltjes van Oranje/option>option value3226>-- Queen Maxima opens Jeroen Pit Huis/option>option value3225>-- Queen Maxima at work conference/option>option value3224>-- Queen Maxima opens ARTIS Groote Museum/option>option value3223>-- Princess Laurentien attends Europe Day/option>option value3222>-- 5 mei concert aan de Amstel/option>option value3221>-- National remembrance ceremony/option>option value3216>-- Koningsdag 2022/option>option value3215>-- Princess Christina Classic Competition/option>option value3214>-- Koningsspelen 2022/option>option value3213>-- King Willem-Alexander and Prince Harry at the Invictus Games/option>option value3211>-- King Willem-Alexander visits agricultural business/option>option value3212>-- Four Freedoms Awards/option>option value3207>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition/option>option value3206>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Floriade Expo 2022/option>option value3205>-- Queen Maximia at meeting Kansfonds/option>option value3204>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Gouda/option>option value3203>-- Queen Maxima visits Ixta Noa/option>option value3202>-- Queen Maxima attends congress NVVK/option>option value3201>-- Koningsdagconcert 2022/option>option value3200>-- Press preview renovated Palace Het Loo/option>option value3199>-- regional visit to the Duin- en Bollenstreek/option>option value3198>-- last of a 2 days State visit from India to The Netherlands/option>option value3197>-- 1st of a 2 days State visit from India to The Netherlands/option>option value3196>-- premiere Trompettist in Auschwitz/option>option value3195>-- King Willem-Alexander opens new distribution center of Picnic/option>option value3194>-- Queen Maxima at radio station NPO FunX/option>option value3193>-- Queen Maxima speaks at nlgroeit/option>option value3192>-- Queen Maxima launches MIND Us/option>option value3190>-- Queen Maxima opens Week van het geld/option>option value3189>-- Queen Maxima launches Geldfit campaign/option>option value3188>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the WRR/option>option value3187>-- King Willem-Alexander attends commemorative year 1572/option>option value3185>-- family van Vollenhoven attending the Hollandse 100/option>option value3184>-- Queen Maxima launches website/option>option value3183>-- Queen Maxima visits 2 schools in The Hague/option>option value3182>-- Princess Margriet receives first medals Invictus Games/option>option value3181>-- Princess Beatrix opens the mill Ceres/option>option value3180>-- Queen Maxima visits Humanitarian Service Point/option>option value3178>-- King and Princess Margriet receive medalists Paralympics/option>option value3172>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima voluntering for NL Doet/option>option value3171>-- Princess Beatrix voluntering for NL Doet/option>option value3170>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits Harskamp/option>option value3169>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima receive Ukrainian community/option>option value3168>-- Princess Beatrix opens the Nardinczalen/option>option value3167>-- Princess Beatrix at the Kloosterkerk/option>option value3166>-- Queen Maxima visits Stichting WOON/option>option value3165>-- Queen Maxima visits De Blauwe Haven/option>option value3164>-- Princess Beatrix visits Koninklijke Marechaussee/option>option value3163>-- King and Queen receive Dutch medalists/option>option value3161>-- King Willem-Alexander visits NVWA/option>option value3160>-- Queen Maxima visits LG Sonic/option>option value3158>-- Queen Maxima speeches at presentation/option>option value3157>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits Oranje Fonds/option>option value3156>-- Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet attending performance of Introdans/option>option value3155>-- Queen Maxima visits Sportcampus Zuiderpark/option>option value3154>-- Queen Maxima visits head office By-Bar/option>option value3153>-- members Dutch Royal Family at Holland Dance Festival/option>option value3146>-- Prince Constantijn awards Oskar Back Prize/option>option value3145>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Zeesluis IJmuiden/option>option value3144>-- Princess Laurentien reads at Nationale Voorleesontbijt/option>option value3143>-- Queen Maxima visits Vereniging Eigen Huis/option>option value3141>-- Princess Beatrix opens year of the Miller/option>option value3140>-- kabinet Rutte IV Noordeinde/option>option value3138>-- King Willem-Alexander at the Kunstmuseum/option>option value3137>-- Queen Maxima visits Geertruidenberg/option>option value3136>-- Queen Maxima attends Meer Muziek in de Klas/option>option value3135>-- Princess Laurentien opens exhibition boom roos vis/option>option value3134>-- Amalia, Princess of Orange introduced into the Council of State/option>option value3132>-- King Willem-Alexander at Amare/option>option value3130>-- Queen Maxima attends launch of SchuldenLab/option>option value3129>-- Princess Beatrix awards the Jantje Beton Prize/option>option value3128>-- Queen Maxima receives photo book/option>option value3127>-- Queen Maxima visits Lab6/option>option value3126>-- 40th jubilee of the Stichting Werkgroep Herkenning/option>option value3122>-- King Willem-Alexander receives biography Willem van Oranje/option>option value3121>-- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2021/option>option value3117>-- last day Statevisit to Norway/option>option value3116>-- 2nd day Statevisit to Norway/option>option value3115>-- 1st day Statevisit to Norway/option>option value3111>-- Queen Maxima opens new head office of AFAS/option>option value3110>-- 2 days visit Dubai World Expo/option>option value3109>-- King Willem Alexander attends a meeting for residents initiatives/option>option value3108>-- Princess Margriet and Prime Minister Trudeau/option>option value3107>-- King Willem Alexander opens new factory hall/option>option value3106>-- opening Center for Disaster Resilience/option>option value3102>-- Princess Margriet opens exhibition Marjolein Bastin/option>option value3101>-- Queen Maxima visits performance Time Out/option>option value3100>-- King Willem-Alexander opens bio-LNG installation/option>option value3099>-- King Willem-Alexander receives the NBV21/option>option value3098>-- Queen Maxima attends a music lesson/option>option value3097>-- Princess Margriet Short Stirling BK716/option>option value3096>-- Princess Beatrix at Vrouwen van Nu/option>option value3095>-- 65th anniversary Princess Beatrix Spierfonds/option>option value3094>-- King Willem-Alexander at Wind Meets Gas/option>option value3093>-- Queen Maxima opens Viva la Frida/option>option value3092>-- Queen Maxima attends MuziekopleidersAkkoord/option>option value3091>-- Queen Maxima visits Trimbos instituut/option>option value3090>-- Princess Beatrix opens Molenviergang/option>option value3089>-- Princess Laurentien opens Europese School Den Haag/option>option value3087>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Overijssel/option>option value3086>-- Queen Maxima attends Manifest Hoofdzaken/option>option value3085>-- Queen Maxima visits Fonds Kwadraat/option>option value3084>-- Queen Maxima visits Foundation Halt/option>option value3083>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Kanselarij/option>option value3082>-- Queen Maxima attends 4th King Willem I Lecture/option>option value3081>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at TivoliVredenburg/option>option value3080>-- Princess Beatrix and Princess Margriet attending performance Tutti/option>option value3079>-- Pieter van Vollenhoven opens Zilvermuseum/option>option value3078>-- Prinsjesdag 2021/option>option value3077>-- King Willem-Alexander unveils Nationaal Holocaust Namenmonument/option>option value3075>-- Queen Maxima visits Vriendendiensten/option>option value3074>-- Princess Beatrix opens the Veilige Veste/option>option value3073>-- Queen Maxima opens supercomputer Snellius/option>option value3072>-- Queen Maxima opens Huis van Cultuur/option>option value3071>-- regional visit to Salland/option>option value3070>-- Princess Beatrix at the Laurenskerk/option>option value3069>-- opening Open Monumentendag 2021/option>option value3068>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Rotterdam Ahoy/option>option value3067>-- Princess Margriet reveals statue/option>option value3066>-- King Willem-Alexander opens De Tiid/option>option value3065>-- Dutch medalists of the Paralympics/option>option value3064>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Floating Office Rotterdam/option>option value3063>-- Princess Beatrix opens mill De Vlijt/option>option value3062>-- Queen Maxima opens the MBO year/option>option value3061>-- Queen Maxima visits the beer brewery Gulpener/option>option value3060>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the new cultural center Amare/option>option value3059>-- Princess Margriet opens photo exhibition/option>option value3057>-- Dutch medalists at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value3056>-- King Willem-Alexander opens TeamNL Olympic Festival/option>option value3053>-- Photo session Dutch Royal Family/option>option value3052>-- Vrije Schilderkunst 2021/option>option value3051>-- Queen Maxima visits E & R Opleidingen/option>option value3050>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Brabants Dagblad/option>option value3049>-- Princess Margriet unveiles bronze sculpture/option>option value3048>-- Princess Beatrix visits sculpture exhibition/option>option value3044>-- last day state visit Germany, 07-07-2021/option>option value3043>-- 2nd day state visit Germany 06-07-2021/option>option value3042>-- 1st day state visit Germany 05-07-2021/option>option value3041>-- Queen Maxima meets Minister Retno Marsudi/option>option value3040>-- Oranje Fonds Groeiprogramma/option>option value3039>-- Veteranendag 2021/option>option value3038>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Rijksakademie/option>option value3037>-- Queen Maxima visits Eye Filmmuseum/option>option value3036>-- Princess Margriet visits Onky Donky house/option>option value3035>-- Queen Maxima visits UMC Utrecht/option>option value3034>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the Marktweg/option>option value3033>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition De Gouden Koets/option>option value3032>-- Queen Maxima visits Villa Pinedo/option>option value3031>-- Queen Maxima visits Veluw Metal Creations/option>option value3030>-- Queen Maxima at Wijzer in geldzaken/option>option value3029>-- Queen Maxima visits Special Olympics/option>option value3028>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Nederlands Fotomuseum/option>option value3027>-- Queen Maxima visits Beerze Bulten/option>option value3026>-- Zilveren Anjers/option>option value3025>-- Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven/option>option value3024>-- Queen Maxima visits Hesselink Koffie/option>option value3023>-- Queen Maxima visits family Ten Have/option>option value3022>-- Princess Margriet christened Tulip/option>option value3021>-- Queen Maxima visits Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest/option>option value3020>-- Appeltjes van Oranje/option>option value3019>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Haagse Hout/option>option value3018>-- Queen Maxima opens Childrens Biennale/option>option value3017>-- NL Doet/option>option value3016>-- NL Doet/option>option value3015>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits North Limburg/option>option value3014>-- Queen Maxima visits Smit & Zoon/option>option value3013>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Radboudumc/option>option value3012>-- Queen Maxima visits Business Hogeschool/option>option value3011>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Zonnepark Hollandia/option>option value3010>-- Queen Maxima opens MusicPlayground/option>option value3009>-- Queen Maxima visits AHOY/option>option value3008>-- Queen Maxima visits Rotterdam/option>option value3007>-- Princess Margriet reopens Artis/option>option value3006>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Slavery/option>option value3004>-- Dutch Royal Family at Koninklijk Theater Carre/option>option value3003>-- Princess Margriet visits Vidar/ BAB-medical/option>option value3002>-- Queen Maxima More Music in the class Tour/option>option value3001>-- Queen Maxima more music in the class Tour/option>option value3000>-- Queen Maxima more music in the class Tour/option>option value2999>-- Dodenherdenking/option>option value2998>-- Princess Margriet visits exhibition The Faces of Groesbeek/option>option value2997>-- Koningsdag 2021/option>option value2996>-- Queen Maxima visits Info Support/option>option value2995>-- Koningsspelen 2021/option>option value2994>-- King Willem-Alexander visits AHOY/option>option value2993>-- Geloofsbrieven/option>option value2992>-- Queen Maxima visits CSU/option>option value2991>-- Castle Het Oude Loo/option>option value2990>-- King Willem-Alexander meets Vera Bergkamp/option>option value2989>-- Queen Maxima visits ITA/option>option value2988>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Van Weel-Bethesda Ziekenhuis/option>option value2987>-- Queen Maxima visits a school and a petrochemical company/option>option value2986>-- Geloofsbrieven/option>option value2985>-- King Willem-Alexander opens high-tech warehouse/option>option value2984>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Woonzorg Flevoland/option>option value2983>-- Queen Maxima at Op Stoom met Qredits/option>option value2982>-- Queen Maxima opens Week van het geld/option>option value2981>-- seventh Prince Friso Engineering Prize/option>option value2980>-- Queen Maxima visits Nederlands Dans Theater/option>option value2979>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Inspector General/option>option value2978>-- Queen Maxima visits a primary school/option>option value2977>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the Salvation Army/option>option value2976>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Montaigne Lyceum/option>option value2975>-- King Willem-Alexander Rijnsweerd, Houten and Bilthoven/option>option value2974>-- Palaces/option>option value2973>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Den Bosch/option>option value2972>-- Queen Maxima speaks online/option>option value2971>-- Princess Laurentien at tv Zin in Zappelin/option>option value2970>-- King Willem-Alexander visits roeivereniging/option>option value2969>-- Queen Maxima visits Universiteit Utrecht/option>option value2968>-- Princess Beatrix visits Dordrechts Museum/option>option value2967>-- Princess Margriet awards medals/option>option value2966>-- Palace/option>option value2965>-- Queen Maxima visits UWV/option>option value2964>-- Queen Maxima attends meeting NLgroeit/option>option value2963>-- Queen Maxima opens National Year of Voluntary Deployment 2021/option>option value2962>-- Geloofsbrieven/option>option value2961>-- Queen Maxima visits cultural stages/option>option value2960>-- Queen Maxima speaks online/option>option value2959>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Nationale Veteranenbegraafplaats/option>option value2958>-- Koning Willem I prize/option>option value2957>-- Queen Maxima at signing Music Agreement/option>option value2956>-- King Willem-Alexander visits covid department/option>option value2955>-- Queen Maxima opens Museum Dolhuys/option>option value2954>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Diergaarde Blijdorp/option>option value2953>-- Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds awards Prize 2020/option>option value2952>-- Queen Maxima visits Gezondheidscentrum/option>option value2951>-- Queen Maxima visits MBO Utrecht/option>option value2950>-- Queen Maxima visits Boeg B.V. & Boeg Nautic/option>option value2949>-- Queen Maxima visits woonzorgpark Willen van de Bergh/option>option value2948>-- Queen Maxima gives online opening speech/option>option value2947>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Erasmus MC/option>option value2946>-- Queen Maxima visits BovenIJ ziekenhuis/option>option value2945>-- King Willem-Alexander receives Lief Dagboek/option>option value2944>-- King Willem-Alexander videocall/option>option value2943>-- 80th anniversary Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/option>option value2942>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Dwars/option>option value2941>-- Queen Maxima visits GGZ van Lister en Altrecht/option>option value2940>-- Queen Maxima at meeting and gave a speech/option>option value2939>-- King Willem-Alexander receives Desiderius Erasmus correspondence/option>option value2938>-- Vrije Schilderkunst 2020/option>option value2937>-- Queen Maxima gives video interview/option>option value2934>-- Queen Maxima at Muziekopleidersakkoord/option>option value2933>-- Queen Maxima attends 70 years SER/option>option value2932>-- Queen Maxima opens annual breast cancer month/option>option value2931>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Van onschatbare waarde/option>option value2930>-- King Willem-Alexander visists North South line/option>option value2928>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Delfzijl and Winschoten/option>option value2927>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Bedrijf en Samenleving/option>option value2918>-- visits Southeast Friesland/option>option value2916>-- Princess Margriet attends world premiere of Introdans/option>option value2913>-- Queen Maxima opens new building of Theater Zuidplein/option>option value2911>-- Prinsjesdag 2020/option>option value2910>-- King Willem-Alexander visits test street corona/option>option value2909>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Arnhem/option>option value2908>-- Queen Maxima visits Doornbos Equipment/option>option value2906>-- Queen Maxima attends Landelijke MuziekTafeldag/option>option value2905>-- Queen Maxima meets informal carers/option>option value2904>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Polaris Radarcentrum/option>option value2903>-- Queen Maxima visits Thuis in West/option>option value2902>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Hilvarenbeek and Tilburg/option>option value2901>-- Princess Beatrix attends concert of the EUYO/option>option value2900>-- King Willem-Alexander attends national commemoration/option>option value2896>-- Summer photo session/option>option value2895>-- Queen Maxima visits Veteraneninstituut/option>option value2894>-- Appeltjes van Oranje 2020/option>option value2893>-- Queen Maxima visits Zeeland/option>option value2892>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Van der Poel Loonbedrijf/option>option value2891>-- Queen Maxima visits Geestercogge/option>option value2890>-- Queen Maxima visits Het Clingendaelhuys/option>option value2889>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Dachser/option>option value2888>-- Queen Maxima visits Theater de Nieuwe Regentes/option>option value2887>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Gilde Stadstuiniers/option>option value2886>-- Veteranendag 2020/option>option value2885>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Avans Hogeschool/option>option value2884>-- Queen Maxima visits Apeldoorn and Woerden/option>option value2883>-- Princess Margriet visits the Red Cross/option>option value2882>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Borger/option>option value2881>-- King Willem-Alexander visits De Kuip/option>option value2880>-- Princess Margriet opens food forest/option>option value2879>-- Queen Maxima attends Music Agreement/option>option value2878>-- King Willem-Alexander at a workvisit in Leiden/option>option value2877>-- Queen Maxima visits House of Hope/option>option value2875>-- Queen Maxima visits Parnassia/option>option value2874>-- Princess Beatrix opens game day Jantje Beton/option>option value2873>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Nederland Isoleert/option>option value2872>-- Queen Maxima visits Nijmegen/option>option value2871>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the Theater aan het Spui/option>option value2870>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Apeldoorn/option>option value2869>-- Queen Maxima visits the Kunstmuseum/option>option value2868>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Utrecht CS/option>option value2867>-- Queen Maxima visits Texel/option>option value2866>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Overschild en Siddeburen/option>option value2865>-- Queen Maxima visits OLVG/option>option value2864>-- King Willem-Alexander attends Memorial Day/option>option value2863>-- Queen Maxima visits LUMC/option>option value2862>-- King Willem-Alexander visits shopping mall/option>option value2861>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Adelante/option>option value2860>-- Queen Maxima visits food bank Delft/option>option value2859>-- Queen Maxima visits Drentheplantsoen/option>option value2858>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Genneper Parken/option>option value2857>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Bernhardkazerne/option>option value2856>-- Queen Maxima visits AFPRO Filters/option>option value2855>-- National remembrance ceremony/option>option value2854>-- Koningsdag 2020/option>option value2853>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Lindendael/option>option value2852>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the UWV/option>option value2851>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Erasmus MC/option>option value2850>-- King Willem-Alexander visits De Fontein/option>option value2849>-- Queen Maxima visits Demcon/option>option value2848>-- Queen Maxima visits a hotel and pub/option>option value2847>-- Queen Maxima visits transport company/option>option value2845>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the JBZ/option>option value2844>-- King Willem-Alexander visits VWS/option>option value2843>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits the RIVM/option>option value2842>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Isala Ziekenhuis/option>option value2841>-- Queen Maxima visits nursery Zuidbaak/option>option value2840>-- King Willem-Alexander visits GGD Hart voor Brabant/option>option value2839>-- KingWillem-Alexander and drs. M.J. van Rijn/option>option value2838>-- King Willem-Alexander gives a speech/option>option value2837>-- last of a 3 day state visit to Indonesia/option>option value2836>-- 2nd of a 3 day state visit to Indonesia/option>option value2835>-- 1st of a 4 day state visit to Indonesia/option>option value2834>-- Arrival an conference in Jakarta/option>option value2833>-- sixth Prince Friso Engineer Prize/option>option value2832>-- Princess Laurentien awards TaalHeldenprijs/option>option value2831>-- Dutch Royals in Lech/option>option value2830>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attending seminar/option>option value2828>-- Princess Laurentien at Utrecht CS/option>option value2826>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Beverwijk/option>option value2825>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Tilburg/option>option value2824>-- Prins Bernard at the Jaap Edenbaan/option>option value2823>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Academie van de Stad in Almere/option>option value2822>-- Princess Margarita and family at Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value2821>-- Princess Beatrix at Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value2818>-- the 17th Holland Dance Festival/option>option value2817>-- Nationale Voorleesontbijt/option>option value2816>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Weert/option>option value2815>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium In Vrijheid Verbonden/option>option value2814>-- Princess Margriet visits Aardenburg/option>option value2813>-- Queen Maxima in Noordwijkerhout/option>option value2812>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2811>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the Zadkine Vakschool/option>option value2810>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2809>-- Queen Maxima visits Uggelen and Nijmegen/option>option value2804>-- Queen Maxima attends Kerst Muziekgala 2019/option>option value2803>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Helmond, Hilversum and Leiden/option>option value2802>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium of Kingdom Day/option>option value2801>-- Princess Margarita opens pop-up store/option>option value2800>-- King Willem-Alexander opens new innovation center/option>option value2799>-- the Great Prince Claus Award 2019/option>option value2798>-- Queen Maxima visits Prinses Máxima Centrum/option>option value2797>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Raalte and Assen/option>option value2796>-- Princess Margriet attends Henry Dunant lecture/option>option value2795>-- Queen Maxima at CNV Vakmensen/option>option value2794>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit to Stichting Fietsmaatjes/option>option value2793>-- Erasmus Prize 2019/option>option value2791>-- King Willem-Alexander opens renewed memory center Kamp Vught/option>option value2790>-- Queen Maxima opens Humania exhibition/option>option value2789>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit at CVO/option>option value2788>-- Queen Maxima at Helmond Music Agreement/option>option value2784>-- 22nd edition of the Dutch Ballet Gala/option>option value2782>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium/option>option value2781>-- Queen Maxima attends working conference SchuldenlabNL/option>option value2780>-- Queen Maxima attends 15th conference EVPA/option>option value2779>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit to the Amsterdam region/option>option value2778>-- the ninth edition of the Pensioen3daagse/option>option value2777>-- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2019/option>option value2776>-- Queen Maxima visits van Loon and Stedelijk Museum/option>option value2775>-- Queen Maxima attends launch of the Dutch Schuldhulproute/option>option value2774>-- Official visit President of Poland to The Netherlands/option>option value2773>-- Inauguration of Emperor Naruhito/option>option value2770>-- last of the 5 days State visit to India/option>option value2768>-- 4th of the 5 days State visit to India/option>option value2767>-- 3rd of the 5 days State visit to India/option>option value2766>-- 2nd of the 5 days State visit to India/option>option value2765>-- 1st of the 5 days State visit to India/option>option value2764>-- arrival at Indira Gandhi International Airport/option>option value2763>-- arrival at Indira Gandhi International Airport/option>option value2762>-- Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2019/option>option value2761>-- opening of the Rembrandt Velazquez exhibition/option>option value2760>-- Queen Maxima attends Together of meaning/option>option value2759>-- Princess Beatrix unveils statue of Willem van Oranje/option>option value2758>-- King Willem-Alexander attends 10 year Move/option>option value2757>-- Queen Maxima attends Conference for Mental Health/option>option value2756>-- Queen Maxima attends presentation MKB/option>option value2755>-- Queen Maxima speaks at Global SME Finance Forum/option>option value2754>-- Princess Laurentien attends congress Moedertaal/option>option value2753>-- Queen Maxima visits MIND/option>option value2752>-- Princess Laurentien attends Princess Margriet Award/option>option value2750>-- Princess Beatrix attending the Putten raid/option>option value2749>-- Queen Maxima attends the ScienceMakers Awards/option>option value2748>-- Queen Maxima attends forum of GIIN/option>option value2747>-- Princess Margriet opens exhibition Dare to dream/option>option value2745>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the Rijksmuseum/option>option value2744>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the Motocross of Nations/option>option value2742>-- King Willem-Alexander attends Burendag/option>option value2739>-- Princess Irene 80th birthday/option>option value2738>-- Princess Margarita at Masterly The Hague/option>option value2737>-- commemorations Operation Market Garden/option>option value2736>-- Princess Beatrix attends Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater/option>option value2735>-- Queen Maxima attends event of nlgroeit/option>option value2734>-- Queen Maxima attends third King Willem I lecture/option>option value2733>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit southwest Drenthe/option>option value2732>-- Prinsjesdag 2019/option>option value2728>-- Princess Beatrix visits football club S.V. t Harde/option>option value2727>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value2726>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit in Boxtel/option>option value2725>-- Queen Maxima attends a workshop/option>option value2724>-- Queen Maxima attends 35th anniversary of Alzheimers Netherlands/option>option value2723>-- Queen Maxima attends congress kom uit je schuld/option>option value2722>-- Princess Beatrix opens new visitor center Kinderdijk/option>option value2720>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Oranjehotel/option>option value2719>-- Queen Maxima visits De Kindertelefoon/option>option value2718>-- Queen Maxima Visits Toldijk, Doetinchem and Beltrum/option>option value2716>-- Dutch and Belgium Royals attending celebration 75 years of freedom/option>option value2715>-- Princess Beatrix attends Free To Move/option>option value2714>-- Princess Beatrix attends Institut de Droit international/option>option value2713>-- Funeral of HRH Princess Christina of The Netherlands/option>option value2712>-- Princess Beatrix attends concert of the European Union Youth Orchestra/option>option value2706>-- Dutch Royal Family pose for the media/option>option value2704>-- Princess Margriet attends EC Wheelchair Basketball Women/option>option value2703>-- PH-GOV, the new Dutch government plane/option>option value2702>-- Queen Maxima visit The Hague and Dokkum/option>option value2701>-- Queen Maxima visits Breda and Rotterdam/option>option value2700>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Taal Doet Meer/option>option value2699>-- Queen Maxima opens Coding College Codam/option>option value2696>-- Princess Beatrix attends horse show/option>option value2695>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Sophiahof/option>option value2694>-- Queen Maxima opens exhibition Gek op Geld/option>option value2693>-- Queen Maxima opens No Limits/option>option value2691>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Park Paviljoen/option>option value2690>-- Meer Muziek in de klas/option>option value2689>-- Queen Maxima visits De Delerij/option>option value2688>-- King Willem-Alexander opens renewed Lakenhal/option>option value2687>-- Queen Maxima visits Utrecht en Almelo/option>option value2683>-- last day statevisit to Ireland/option>option value2682>-- 2nd day statevisit to Ireland/option>option value2681>-- 1st day statevisit to Ireland/option>option value2679>-- Princess Beatrix attends 250th anniversary/option>option value2677>-- Queen Maxima gives opening speech/option>option value2673>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit the Betuwe/option>option value2672>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attend opening 72nd Holland Festival/option>option value2671>-- Queen Maxima attends symposium/option>option value2670>-- Princess Beatrix presents the Silver Carnations/option>option value2669>-- AmsterdamDiner 2019/option>option value2668>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium for young research talents/option>option value2667>-- Queen Maxima visits Nationaal Psychotrauma Centrum/option>option value2666>-- Appeltjes van Oranje/option>option value2665>-- last day visit to Germany/option>option value2664>-- 2nd day visit Germany/option>option value2663>-- 1st day visit Germany/option>option value2661>-- 100 years of General Election Law/option>option value2660>-- Princess Beatrix attending 200 years mill Hermien/option>option value2659>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren/option>option value2658>-- Queen Maxima opens new yard of Feadship/option>option value2657>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Windpark Krammer/option>option value2656>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit Marine/option>option value2655>-- last day visit Queen Maxima to Ethiopie/option>option value2654>-- 1st day visit Queen Maxima to Ethiopie/option>option value2653>-- arrival Queen Maxima in Ethiopie/option>option value2651>-- kick off Invictus Games/option>option value2650>-- Queen Maxima visits Make-A-Wish Nederland/option>option value2649>-- Bevrijdingsdag concert/option>option value2647>-- The National remembrance ceremony/option>option value2646>-- Prof. mr. Pieter van Vollenhovens 80th birthday/option>option value2644>-- Koningsdag 2019/option>option value2641>-- Queen Maxima at conference Making work of MeeleefGezinnen/option>option value2639>-- Koningsdagconcert 2019/option>option value2638>-- Princess Beatrix unveils tile relief/option>option value2632>-- World Press Photo of the Year/option>option value2631>-- gala dinner Corps Diplomatique/option>option value2630>-- King Willem-Alexander workvisit in Einhoven/option>option value2629>-- Princess Margriet attends gala dinner/option>option value2628>-- Queen Maxima at a workvisit in Varsseveld/option>option value2625>-- Princess Beatrix opens exhibition The Garden of Earthly Worries/option>option value2624>-- Queen Maxima attends 300 years Bavaria/option>option value2623>-- Queen Maxima opens the Money Week/option>option value2620>-- King Willem-Alexander, workvisit in Vredepeel/option>option value2619>-- Princess Margriet opens Let’s Connect/option>option value2618>-- King Willem-Alexander launches new energy and mobility system/option>option value2617>-- fifth Prince Friso Engineer Prize/option>option value2616>-- Hollandse 100/option>option value2615>-- Princess Margriet at the Omnisportcentrum/option>option value2613>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Kampen en Amsterdam/option>option value2611>-- King Willem-Alexander at a workvisit in Harderwijk/option>option value2610>-- King Willem-Alexander opens start of the Health week/option>option value2608>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit Bremen/option>option value2607>-- Queen Maxima gives a speech at anniversary symposium/option>option value2605>-- Dutch Royal Family in Lech/option>option value2603>-- Queen Maxima attending signing covenant music education/option>option value2600>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Stichting Tientjes/option>option value2598>-- Princess Laurentien attends 100th anniversary OBA/option>option value2597>-- kick-off of the fifth edition of De Hollandse 100/option>option value2594>-- Queen Maxima attends Fintech for Inclusion Summit 2019/option>option value2593>-- opening 3rd kolk of the Prinses Beatrixsluis/option>option value2590>-- Queen Maxima opens exhibition Basquiat/option>option value2589>-- Princess Beatrix opens Rembrandt & the Golden Age 2019/option>option value2588>-- Queen Maxima visits the SER/option>option value2587>-- Queen Maxima visits AFAS/option>option value2586>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the Tech Campus/option>option value2585>-- King Willem-Alexander and Princess Amalia attending Jumping Amsterdam 2019/option>option value2584>-- Princess Margarita and family attending Jumping Amsterdam 2019/option>option value2583>-- Princess Beatrix attends Jumping Amsterdam 2019/option>option value2582>-- Princess Beatrix attends Jumping Amsterdam 2019/option>option value2581>-- King Willem-Alexander attend final meeting of JINC Baas van Morgen/option>option value2580>-- Princess Laurentien Nationale voorleesonbijt/option>option value2578>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2577>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2571>-- Queen Maxima attends Christmas Gala 2018/option>option value2568>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe/option>option value2567>-- Queen Maxima baptizes dredger ship Vox Amalia/option>option value2566>-- King Willem Alexander visits Wageningen/option>option value2565>-- Princess Beatrix reveals new name Sensoor/option>option value2564>-- last day state visit from the Republic of Cape Verde to the Netherlands/option>option value2563>-- 1st day state visit from the Republic of Cape Verde/option>option value2562>-- Grand Prince Claus Award 2018/option>option value2561>-- Queen Maxima opens office Goede Doelen Loterij/option>option value2560>-- Queen Maxima visits Eosta/option>option value2559>-- last of a 3 days visit from Princess Beatrix to Bonaire/option>option value2558>-- 2nd of a 3 days visit from Princess Beatrix to Bonaire/option>option value2557>-- 1st of a 3 days visit from Princess Beatrix to Bonaire/option>option value2556>-- King Willem-Alexander attends symposium Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation/option>option value2555>-- Princess Beatrix arrives at Bonaire/option>option value2554>-- the Erasmus Prize/option>option value2553>-- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs/option>option value2552>-- King Willem-Alexander receives Mr. Janos Ader/option>option value2551>-- 2nd day state visit from the Republic of Singapore/option>option value2550>-- 1st day state visit from the Republic of Singapore/option>option value2549>-- Princess Laurentien speaks at conference/option>option value2548>-- Princess Beatrix attends Balletgala/option>option value2547>-- Queen Maxima at The future of sustainable trade/option>option value2545>-- Princess Viktoria speaks at restaurant Instock/option>option value2544>-- King Willem-Alexander at NIDV conference/option>option value2543>-- official visit from Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen/option>option value2542>-- Queen Maxima attends launch SchuldenlabNL/option>option value2541>-- King Willem-Alexander attends Ode aan de Synode/option>option value2540>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Jobhulp/option>option value2539>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Ommelander Hospital/option>option value2538>-- Princess Beatrix at the ARMANDO exhibition/option>option value2537>-- Queen Maxima at the Foundation 113/option>option value2536>-- Raad van State/option>option value2535>-- Princess Margriet baptizes the Willem Barentsz/option>option value2533>-- last day state visit United Kingdom/option>option value2532>-- 1st day state visit United Kingdom/option>option value2531>-- Mr Ban Ki Moon at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value2530>-- Queen Maxima at the Vredespaleis/option>option value2528>-- Queen Maxima reopens new office/option>option value2527>-- visit to Schouwen Duiveland and Tholen/option>option value2526>-- Princess Laurentien attends sponsor run/option>option value2525>-- last of a 3 days visit to Rijnland-Palts and Saarland/option>option value2524>-- 2nd of a 3 days visit to Rijnland-Palts and Saarland/option>option value2523>-- 1st of a 2 days visit to Rijnland-Palts/option>option value2522>-- Queen Maxima speaks at Annual Congress/option>option value2520>-- Queen Maxima visits Corrosion/option>option value2519>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Klooster & Buren en Zoutkamp/option>option value2518>-- Berceto and Parma/option>option value2516>-- Piacenza/option>option value2515>-- King Willem-Alexander opens new sheepfold/option>option value2514>-- Queen Maxima opens Congress/option>option value2513>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Hengelo/option>option value2512>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Buddy to Buddy/option>option value2511>-- Princess Beatrix at the Sint-Janskathedraal/option>option value2510>-- Queen Maxima attends Meer Muziek in de Klas/option>option value2509>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Tata Steel/option>option value2508>-- Prinsjesdag 2018/option>option value2507>-- Princess Margriet visits De Kap/option>option value2506>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Courthouse/option>option value2505>-- Queen Maxima visits the YETS Foundation/option>option value2504>-- King Willem-Alexander attends 125th anniversary of HCCH/option>option value2503>-- Queen Maxima opens Theater De Blauwe Kei/option>option value2502>-- Queen Maxima attends opening of High Level Workshop/option>option value2501>-- King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix attend theater show De Stormruiter/option>option value2493>-- Military Willems Order/option>option value2491>-- Princess Beatrix attends Free to Move/option>option value2490>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the KNAW/option>option value2489>-- Princess Beatrix at the last reunion of the Engelandvaarders/option>option value2486>-- King Willem Alexander opens MBO jaar/option>option value2483>-- Princess Beatrix opens exhibition Resistance and Sadness in Image/option>option value2477>-- 22nd International AIDS Conference/option>option value2476>-- 22nd International AIDS Conference/option>option value2470>-- photo session de Horsten/option>option value2465>-- Queen Maxima visits Rotterdam/option>option value2461>-- Queen Maxima attends meeting of Roverway/option>option value2460>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Nijmegen/option>option value2459>-- last day visit to Curacao/option>option value2458>-- 1st day visit to Curacao/option>option value2456>-- the Volvo Ocean Race Finish/option>option value2455>-- Veteranendag 2018/option>option value2454>-- Regional visit to West Friesland/option>option value2453>-- Queen Maxima visits Zevenaar and Ittervoort/option>option value2452>-- King Willem Alexander visits The Hague and Noordwijk/option>option value2447>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the Noordkaap/option>option value2446>-- Queen Maxima opens building Zuid/option>option value2445>-- Queen Maxima Wijzer in Geldzaken/option>option value2444>-- Queen Maxima visits UMCG/option>option value2443>-- Princess Margriet opens new office Dutch Red Cross/option>option value2441>-- Princess Mabel attends Amsterdam Diner/option>option value2436>-- Princess Beatrix opens exhibition/option>option value2435>-- state visit Republic of Lithuania day 2/option>option value2434>-- Princess Beatrix attends 100th anniversary of the Zuiderzee Act/option>option value2433>-- state visit to the Republic of Lithuania day 1/option>option value2432>-- state visit to the Republic of Estonia day 2/option>option value2431>-- state visit to the Republic of Estonia day 1/option>option value2430>-- state visit to Republic of Latvia day 1/option>option value2428>-- Princess Beatrix opens the Molen van de Polder Buitenweg/option>option value2425>-- King Willem-Alexander at a workvisit in Hilvarenbeek/option>option value2424>-- Queen Maxima attends a conference about homeless youth/option>option value2421>-- Queen Maxima opens Prinses Maxima Centrum/option>option value2418>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Anthura/option>option value2417>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Kamp Soesterberg/option>option value2416>-- Zilveren Anjers/option>option value2413>-- Statevisit Luxembourg day 3/option>option value2412>-- Statevisit Luxembourg day 2/option>option value2411>-- Statevisit Luxembourg day 1/option>option value2406>-- Red Ribbon Concert/option>option value2405>-- Four Freedoms Awards/option>option value2403>-- Princess Beatrix opens Beeldreflecties/option>option value2401>-- Bevrijdingsconcert op de Amstel/option>option value2400>-- the National remembrance ceremony/option>option value2399>-- Princess Margriet opens the presentation We are going to Canada/option>option value2397>-- Koningsdag 2018/option>option value2396>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Willem/option>option value2395>-- official visit from Mexico to The Netherlands/option>option value2394>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima receive the Corps Diplomatique/option>option value2393>-- King Willem-Alexander at Amnesty International Netherlands/option>option value2392>-- Princess Margriet visits Holland Bulb Market/option>option value2391>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the Koningsspelen/option>option value2390>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attending the premiere of the Gurre-Lieder/option>option value2389>-- King Willem-Alexander visits a police academy/option>option value2386>-- King Willem-Alexander opens exhibition Jews and the House of Orange/option>option value2385>-- Queen Máxima at musical The Color Purple/option>option value2383>-- Queen Maxima during a digital composition workshop/option>option value2382>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Indoor Fresh Compost Factory/option>option value2381>-- World Press Photo 2018/option>option value2380>-- Princess Margriet attends jubilee of NVKK/option>option value2379>-- 15th anniversary of the Prince Claus Chair/option>option value2378>-- Queen Máxima visits Nieuw Unicum/option>option value2377>-- Queen Máxima visits the Koninklijk Concertgebouw Orkest/option>option value2376>-- Koningsdagconcert in Groningen/option>option value2374>-- Queen Máxima attends Jaarevent nlgroeit/option>option value2372>-- Queen Máxima attends Het Begint met Taal/option>option value2371>-- olympic medal winners at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value2370>-- Queen Máxima visits Kaap Doorn/option>option value2369>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Van Gogh & Japan/option>option value2368>-- Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel attend the Prince Friso Ingenieursprijs/option>option value2367>-- last of the 2 days official visit from Jordan to The Netherlands/option>option value2366>-- 1st of the 2 days official visit from Jordan to The Netherlands/option>option value2365>-- the Hollandse 100/option>option value2364>-- Queen Maxima opens expertise center/option>option value2362>-- Princess Beatrix plants a Koningslinde/option>option value2361>-- Princess Mabel receives the Geuzenpenning/option>option value2357>-- Queen Maxima attends symposium Power of Partnerships/option>option value2356>-- Queen Maxima attends Week van het geld/option>option value2355>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima voluntering for NLDoet/option>option value2354>-- Princess Beatrix voluntering for NLDoet/option>option value2352>-- Queen Máxima opens World Horti Center/option>option value2351>-- Princess Beatrix attends premiere Bankier van het Verzet/option>option value2348>-- Dutch Royal Family posing for the press/option>option value2344>-- Princess Beatrix opens the exhibition Utopia/option>option value2343>-- Queen Maxima opens the Oncode Institute/option>option value2342>-- reception for Princess Beatrix 80th birthday/option>option value2341>-- departure at the Royal Palace/option>option value2339>-- Princess Margriet attends the National Remembrance Flood disaster/option>option value2334>-- Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme attends Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value2330>-- opening Leeuwarden Fryslan 2018 Cultural Capital of Europe/option>option value2325>-- Princess Beatrix attends Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value2324>-- opening 16th edition of the Holland Dance Festival/option>option value2323>-- Princess Laurentien reaches out the Taalheldenprijzen/option>option value2322>-- Princess Laurentien reads during the National Reading Breakfast/option>option value2321>-- King Willem-Alexander opens isolatiefabriek EverUse and visits Snakeware/option>option value2320>-- Princess Beatrix attends symposium In Freedom Connected/option>option value2319>-- King Willem-Alexander receives Juan Carlos Varela/option>option value2318>-- Prince Constantijn awards prizes at Het Nederlands Vioolconcours/option>option value2317>-- 75th birthday of Princess Margriet/option>option value2316>-- 75th birthday of Princess Margriet/option>option value2315>-- King Willem-Alexander reveives Mr. Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona/option>option value2314>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace/option>option value2313>-- Queen Máxima opens the Bio-beurs/option>option value2312>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace/option>option value2311>-- Queen Maxima opens the renewed Musis/option>option value2308>-- Queen Maxima attends the Kerst Muziekgala 2017/option>option value2302>-- King Willem-Alexander attends 15 year Oranje Fonds/option>option value2301>-- Queen Maxima opens IGNITE conference Rebuilding Futures/option>option value2300>-- Prince Claus Award 2017/option>option value2299>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits St Maarten/option>option value2297>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits Saba/option>option value2296>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits Saba/option>option value2295>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits Saba/option>option value2294>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits St Eustatius/option>option value2292>-- Queen Máxima attends the Day of the Entrepreneur/option>option value2289>-- Queen Máxima attends attends Growing in the North/option>option value2288>-- Queen Maxima attends the project More Music in the Classroom/option>option value2287>-- Princess Beatrix attends the 20th Dutch Ballet Gala/option>option value2285>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the 50th anniversary of Rutgers/option>option value2284>-- King Willem-Alexander opens renovated Rijkskantoor/option>option value2283>-- Princess Beatrix opens culture center Zinder/option>option value2282>-- King Willem-Alexander and the new cabinet at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value2281>-- King Willem-Alexander attends symposium at the Nationaal Militair Museum/option>option value2280>-- King Willem-Alexander receives the Dutch women European football champion/option>option value2279>-- Prince Constantijn attends Dutch violinconcour/option>option value2278>-- Princess Beatrix reopened the Googermolen/option>option value2277>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits Eemland/option>option value2275>-- Last day State-visit to Portugal/option>option value2274>-- 2nd of 3 days State-visit to Portugal/option>option value2273>-- 1st of a 3 days State-visit to Portugal/option>option value2272>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima arrive at airport Figo Maduro/option>option value2271>-- Queen Máxima visits ROC Midden Nederland/option>option value2270>-- Queen Máxima attends congress Gender & Gezondheid/option>option value2269>-- King Willem-Alexander opens new building of Eurojust/option>option value2267>-- Queen Máxima opens exhibition Tien Topstukken on Tour/option>option value2266>-- Queen Máxima attends the 2nd King Willem I Lecture/option>option value2265>-- Prince Carlos and Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme in Piacenza and Gazzola/option>option value2264>-- Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme and Princess Luisa at Castell’Arquato/option>option value2263>-- Prince Carlos and Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme attends a mass at the Santa Maria della Steccata/option>option value2262>-- Queen Máxima attends the congres World of Health Care 2017/option>option value2261>-- Princess Beatrix opens new office of Simavi/option>option value2253>-- Prinsjesdag 2017/option>option value2251>-- Princess Beatrix at the Museum De Pont/option>option value2250>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at the Nationale Opera & Ballet/option>option value2249>-- Queen Máxima opens the Congress Youth Professionals Day/option>option value2248>-- King Willem-Alexander at Koppert Biological Systems/option>option value2247>-- Queen Maxima opens a new Asian Library/option>option value2246>-- Queen Máxima attends the RCO Opening Night/option>option value2245>-- Queen Máxima attends the RCO Opening Night/option>option value2244>-- Princess Beatrix opens new storage space for depleted uranium/option>option value2242>-- Queen Maxima attends the issue of the 8th LOEY Awards/option>option value2240>-- Queen Maxima attends a Beneficiary Gala Dinner of the Princess Maxima Center/option>option value2237>-- Princess Laurentien opens the 13th Week of the Alphabetization/option>option value2231>-- Queen Máxima at the Bartholomeus Gasthuis/option>option value2230>-- Queen Máxima at the Bartholomeus Gasthuis/option>option value2229>-- Queen Máxima visits the Stichting Buurtgezinnen nl/option>option value2228>-- Queen Máxima visits the Stichting>option value2227>-- Queen Máxima visits the Jessehof/option>option value2215>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima attending the MH17 National Monument/option>option value2214>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima attend the opening match of the European Football Championship for Women/option>option value2206>-- Dutch Royal Family pose for the media before their holidays/option>option value2203>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits Noordoost Flevoland/option>option value2202>-- Pieter van Vollenhoven opens the Grebbelinie Visitors Center/option>option value2201>-- Queen Maxima of the Netherlands visits 3rd European academy of neurology (EAN)/option>option value2200>-- Princess Margriet opens the international VISION 2017 congres/option>option value2199>-- Queen Maxima visits 3rd European academy of neurology/option>option value2198>-- Princess Margriet opens the international VISION 2017 congres/option>option value2197>-- last day State visit to Italy/option>option value2196>-- 3th day State visit to Italy/option>option value2195>-- 2nd day State visit to Italy/option>option value2194>-- 1st day State visit to Italy/option>option value2188>-- Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven attends a conference about Canada/option>option value2186>-- Princess Beatrix hand out the zilveren anjers (the silver carnations)/option>option value2185>-- King Willem-Alexander opens Velo-city 2017/option>option value2184>-- Queen Máxima visits Nieuw Buinen and Winschoten/option>option value2183>-- Prince Constantijn at the 30th anniversary of the Prince Bernhard Leerstoel/option>option value2182>-- Princess Margriet at the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt/option>option value2181>-- Queen Máxima visits TOBROCO Machines in Oisterwijk/option>option value2179>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Het Behouden Huis in Oudkarspel/option>option value2178>-- Queen Máxima attends the opening of the 70th Holland Festival/option>option value2175>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima received the Corps Diplomatique/option>option value2174>-- Queen Máxima attends symposium of the platform Wijzer in geldzaken/option>option value2172>-- official visit the President of the Republic of Mozambique/option>option value2171>-- Queen Máxima and Sheikha Moza bint Nasser in The Hague/option>option value2170>-- Queen Máxima visits the Máxima Centrum/option>option value2168>-- Appeltjes van Oranje/option>option value2167>-- Princess Beatrix attends Symposium Muscles2Meet/option>option value2166>-- President of Costa Rica at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value2162>-- the ECF Princess Margriet Award for Culture/option>option value2161>-- ECF Princess Margriet Award for Culture/option>option value2160>-- the ECF Princess Margriet Award/option>option value2158>-- King Willem-Alexander and Princess Margriet attends 150 years Dutch Red Cross/option>option value2157>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima attends the 5 mei concert at the Amstel/option>option value2156>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima attend the National remembrance ceremony/option>option value2154>-- Private birthday party of King Willem-Alexander/option>option value2153>-- Dinner at the Royal Palace/option>option value2152>-- Koningsdag 2017/option>option value2151>-- King Willem Alexander and Crown Princess Victoria attendig the 20th anniversary of OPCW/option>option value2149>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the knowledge center B30/option>option value2148>-- World Press Photo Price 2016/option>option value2147>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima opens the Koningsspelen/option>option value2146>-- Queen Máxima opens the 50e Resto VanHarte/option>option value2145>-- Princess Laurentien opens the renewed Stadskamer/option>option value2144>-- third Prince Friso Engineers Price/option>option value2141>-- Princess Beatrix attends the anniversary symposium World Parkinsons Day 2017/option>option value2140>-- Queen Máxima opens the new headquarters of StudyPortals/option>option value2139>-- Queen Máxima opens exhibiton Verboden Porselein/option>option value2138>-- Koningsdagconcert 2017/option>option value2137>-- 3 days work visit of Princess Beatrix to Aruba/option>option value2135>-- Queen Máxima held a speech at the Nederlandsche Bank/option>option value2134>-- last day State-visit from the Argentine Republic to the Netherlands/option>option value2133>-- 1st of the 2 days State-visit from the Argentine Republic to the Netherlands/option>option value2132>-- Princess Margarita presents her new collection at the Amstel hotel/option>option value2131>-- Princess Beatrix opens the exhibition Chapeaux! hats Queen Beatrix/option>option value2127>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the 65th Challenge in Zoetermeer/option>option value2126>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima voluntering for NLDoet at the Buurttuin Breda/option>option value2123>-- Princess Beatrix voluntering at the playground Kloosterplantsoen/option>option value2118>-- Queen Máxima visits Foundation Single SuperMom/option>option value2117>-- Queen Máxima visits Koppert Cress/option>option value2116>-- Hollandse 100 in Biddinghuizen/option>option value2115>-- Photosession of King Willem-Alexander and his family in Lech am Arlberg/option>option value2114>-- Queen Maxima opens the first Buzinezz Forum/option>option value2113>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visits the region Krimpenerwaard/option>option value2112>-- Queen Máxima opens the exhibition A Royal Paradise in Dordrecht/option>option value2108>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the exhibition Piet Mondriaan en Bart van der Leck/option>option value2106>-- last of the 3 days visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to Germany/option>option value2105>-- 2nd of the 3 days visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to Germany/option>option value2104>-- 1st of the 3 days visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to Germany/option>option value2100>-- Princess Beatrix at Madurodam in the Hague/option>option value2099>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima visits Castle the Wartburg/option>option value2098>-- Princess Beatrix and President Joachim Gauck at Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht/option>option value2096>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the Maritiem en Logistiek College De Ruyter in Vlissingen/option>option value2092>-- Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme presents a new collection jewelery in Waalre/option>option value2091>-- Princess Beatrix attends Jumping Amsterdam/option>option value2089>-- HM King Willem Alexander opens the renewed Thialf in Heerenveen/option>option value2088>-- HM King Willem Alexander opens new laboratory of Qlip in Zutphen/option>option value2087>-- Princess Laurentien handout the Taalheldenprijzen in Utrecht, January 26, 2017/option>option value2085>-- Princess Laurentien reads during the Nationale Voorleesontbijt in Almere/option>option value2084>-- Queen Máxima opens the National Education Exhibition in Utrecht/option>option value2083>-- Queen Máxima attends the Annual Event of nlgroeit in The Hague/option>option value2082>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2081>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2073>-- Prince Claus Award 2016, Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value2072>-- Princess Laurentien at the Course and Conferencecenter Domstad Utrecht/option>option value2071>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the Concert Music in the Classroom in Amsterdam/option>option value2069>-- King Willem-Alexander hand-out the Erasmus Prize 2016/option>option value2067>-- Princess Irene van Lippe - Biesterfeld at bookstore Paagman in The Hague/option>option value2066>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the new building of LIS in Leiden/option>option value2065>-- HM Queen Máxima hand-out the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2016/option>option value2064>-- HM Queen Máxima visits the community De Pracht in Waalre/option>option value2063>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in s-Hertogenbosch/option>option value2062>-- Last day of the State-visit from HM King Filip and HM Queen Mathilde of Belgium to the Netherlands/option>option value2061>-- 2nd day of the State-visit from HM King Filip and HM Queen Mathilde of Belgium to the Netherlands/option>option value2059>-- 1st day of the State-visit from HM King Filip and HM Queen Mathilde of Belgium to the Netherlands/option>option value2055>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the Museum Symposium in Amsterdam/option>option value2052>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attends the fifth edition of nl4talents in Rotterdam/option>option value2051>-- HM Queen Máxima visits the Digital Workshop in Hangar 11 at Airport Twente/option>option value2050>-- HM King Willem-Alexander visits COC Netherlands in Amsterdam/option>option value2048>-- Queen Máxima visits butchery Van Eijk in Voorschoten/option>option value2047>-- Queen Máxima visits center DE Mussen in The Hague/option>option value2045>-- HRH Princess Beatrix at DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam/option>option value2043>-- Princess Viktória de Bourbon Parme opens the exhibition Dutch masters from Budapest/option>option value2041>-- Princess Margarita opens the 15th edition of the Jewellery Art Fair in the Gashouder/option>option value2040>-- Last day of the state visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to New Zealand/option>option value2036>-- 2nd day of the three days state visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to New Zealand/option>option value2035>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attend the National School Breakfast in Leiden/option>option value2034>-- 1st day of the three days state visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to New Zealand/option>option value2033>-- last day of the Statevisit to Australia of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima/option>option value2032>-- 4th day of the Statevisit to Australia of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima/option>option value2031>-- 3rd day of the 5-days Statevisit to Australia of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima/option>option value2029>-- 2nd day of the Statevisit to Australia of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima/option>option value2026>-- 1st of the 5-days Statevisit to Australia of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima/option>option value2024>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the first regional Groeikamer in Rotterdam/option>option value2023>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visit Almelo and Northeast Twente/option>option value2022>-- HM Queen Máxima visits the Dutch Design Week/option>option value2018>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the Third National Water Savers Day in Diergaarde Blijdorp/option>option value2014>-- HM King Willem-Alexander handout the Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst/option>option value2013>-- King Willem-Alexander visits Twente Safety Campus/option>option value2012>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attends the symposium "Global Minds" in Rotterdam/option>option value2011>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the exhibition Anna Pavlovna in Apeldoorn/option>option value2010>-- Queen Máxima attends the opening of the European congress in Rotterdam/option>option value2005>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima open Mapping Australia in Utrecht/option>option value2001>-- Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven at Introdans/option>option value2000>-- Queen Maxima visits 10th anniversary Piezo/option>option value1999>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the Erasmus Experience/option>option value1998>-- HM Queen Maxima attends FMO in Katwijk/option>option value1997>-- Baptism of Carlos Enrique Leonard at the Parma Cathedral/option>option value1996>-- Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme and Princess Annemarie in Parma/option>option value1995>-- Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme and Princess Annemarie visit Piacenza/option>option value1994>-- Princess Laurentien gives a lecture in bookstore Paagman/option>option value1993>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends a conference of CoMensha/option>option value1992>-- King Willem-Alexander and Princess Margriet receive the Dutch medal winners/option>option value1991>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the restored Molen De Hoop in Oldebroek/option>option value1990>-- Prinsjesdag 2016/option>option value1989>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attends the 100th anniversary of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol/option>option value1987>-- Princess Irene presents her new book Bergplaas/option>option value1985>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Gashouder/option>option value1984>-- HM Queen Máxima attends two classes Money Ways/option>option value1983>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens Museum VoorLinden in Wassenaar/option>option value1982>-- HM Queen Máxima visits Colijnsplaat and Zierikzee/option>option value1981>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the Judicial Complex Zaanstad/option>option value1980>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attend the jubilee concert of the Jostiband/option>option value1979>-- HRH Princess Margriet opens Margaretha/option>option value1978>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends Free to Move/option>option value1966>-- Photosession at the Eikenhorst/option>option value1965>-- opening of the European Athletics Championships/option>option value1964>-- Official visit of President Prokopis Pavlopoulos/option>option value1962>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the exhibition "Dynasty, portraits of Orange-Nassau/option>option value1961>-- Princess Laurentien presents ANWB Book/option>option value1959>-- HRH Princess Margriet attends the presentation END OF SEASON LIVE LUCINDA of Introdans/option>option value1958>-- Veteranendag 2016 den Haag/option>option value1951>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the photo exhibition Weer Toekomst in Museum Hilversum/option>option value1949>-- HM Queen Máxima at the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam/option>option value1948>-- HRH Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven open the exhibition Blauw & Bont, Delfts blauw/option>option value1947>-- HRH Princess Beatrix hand-out the silver carnations/option>option value1946>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the World Blood Donor Day/option>option value1945>-- Streekbezoek Friesland/option>option value1941>-- HM Queen Máxima visits Foundation Taal aan Zee/option>option value1940>-- HM Queen Máxima launches in Urk Burendag/option>option value1937>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima at the Holland Festival in Amsterdam/option>option value1934>-- HM Queen Máxima opens SingularityU The Netherlands in Eindhoven/option>option value1929>-- HM Queen Máxima hands-out the King Willem I Award 2016/option>option value1927>-- HM Queen Máxima and HM Queen Mathilde at the BOZAR in Brussel/option>option value1926>-- Queen Máxima talks with event participants Inspiring Fifty/option>option value1925>-- HM Queen Máxima launches the action "Classic Shows" in s-Hertogenbosch/option>option value1924>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the Inaugural lecture Prince Claus Chair/option>option value1923>-- HM Queen Máxima held the opening speech at The Innovation Summit/option>option value1922>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima receives the Diplomatic Corps/option>option value1920>-- HM Queen Máxima attends Kansen Krijgen Kansen Pakken in Utrecht/option>option value1918>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the Hubrecht Institute/option>option value1917>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the Hubrecht Institute/option>option value1913>-- Queen Maxima at Climate Conference/option>option value1912>-- Presentation of the book " Nog lang en gelukkig by HRH Princess Laurentien in Amsterdam/option>option value1911>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attends the start of the 99th edition of the Giro dItalia in Apeldoorn/option>option value1910>-- Bevrijdingsconcert op de Amstel/option>option value1909>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima attend the National Remembrance Day at the Dam/option>option value1906>-- Koningsdag 2016 in Zwolle/option>option value1905>-- World Press Photo of the Year 2015/option>option value1904>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam/option>option value1902>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima opens the King Games in Amsterdam/option>option value1901>-- Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Awards in Middelburg/option>option value1898>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the new building of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands/option>option value1897>-- HM Queen Máxima held a speech at the Beurs van Berlage/option>option value1895>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the new complex of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague/option>option value1894>-- Koningsdagconcert in theater De Spiegel in Zwolle/option>option value1893>-- Last day of the visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to Bavaria/option>option value1892>-- 2 days visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to Bavaria, Munich/option>option value1891>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the symposium Music Education we do together/option>option value1888>-- HM Queen Máxima held a speech at the seminar Meedoen Geld(t)/option>option value1887>-- HM Queen Máxima attend the presentation of the Dutch Prix Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year/option>option value1878>-- HRH Princess Laurentien and Pieter van Vollenhoven attend the opening of the Festival to National Parks of World Class/option>option value1877>-- TRH Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel attend the presentation of the second Prince Friso Engineers Price/option>option value1876>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the Outsider Art Museum in Amsterdam/option>option value1875>-- TRH Princess Margriet, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attend the ECF Princess Margriet Award/option>option value1874>-- HM King King Willem-Alexander hand-out the Military Willems-Orde/option>option value1873>-- HM Queen Máxima at the school De Twaalfruiter in Vleuten/option>option value1872>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the ceremony of the thirtieth Geuzenpenning in Vlaardingen/option>option value1869>-- NL Doet, HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima/option>option value1868>-- last day Statevisit of HM King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima to France/option>option value1867>-- 1st day State-visit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to France/option>option value1865>-- NL Doet Prinses Margriet en Pieter van Vollenhoven/option>option value1856>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Triodos Bank in Zeist/option>option value1855>-- Her Majesty Queen Máxima at Corpus Oestgeest/option>option value1854>-- Members of the Dutch Royal Family attend the second edition of the Dutch 100 in Biddinghuizen/option>option value1853>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends a meeting in the Kathedrale Basiliek Sint Bavo/option>option value1850>-- Herdenking Februaristaking in Amsterdam/option>option value1847>-- Photo session in the Austrian skiing resort of Lech/option>option value1845>-- Queen Máxima visit SchuldHulpMaatje Nederland in Leiden/option>option value1843>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima spend a regional visit to West-Brabant/option>option value1840>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the new office of UNICEF Netherlands/option>option value1838>-- HRH Prince Constantijn hand out the prizes of the Dutch Violin Competition/option>option value1836>-- Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme attend Jumping Amsterdam in the RAI/option>option value1835>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attend Jumping Amsterdam in the RAI/option>option value1834>-- TRH Princess Beatrix, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien at the Holland Dance Festival/option>option value1832>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the International Film Festival Rotterdam/option>option value1831>-- HRH Princess Laurentien reading for during the National Reading Breakfast/option>option value1829>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the interfaith network in Freedom Connected/option>option value1828>-- HRH Princess Beatrix at EYE Amsterdam/option>option value1827>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, King Filip and Queen Mathilde at the BOZAR in Brussel/option>option value1825>-- Queen Máxima attends the launch of the platform NLGroeit/option>option value1824>-- New Years reception at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam 13-01-2016/option>option value1823>-- New Years reception at the Royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1820>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends at the Stadsschouwburg/option>option value1819>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the presentation of the Prix de Rome 2015/option>option value1812>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attend the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the Marine Corps/option>option value1807>-- Prince Claus Price 2015/option>option value1806>-- Prince Bernhard Culture Price 2015/option>option value1802>-- Princess Mabel - Girls NOT Brides/option>option value1801>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the closing session of Kracht on Tour/option>option value1800>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the exhibition Spanish Masters from the Hermitage/option>option value1798>-- HRH Prince Constantijn opens Amsterdam Art Weekend/option>option value1797>-- HM King Willem-Alexander awards the Erasmus Prize 2015/option>option value1795>-- HM King Willem-Alexander receives HE Mrs. Simonetta Sommaruga/option>option value1794>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the launch of The State of MKB/option>option value1792>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens MDCK in Hoofddorp/option>option value1791>-- HRH Princess Beatrix at the City Theatre in Amsterdam/option>option value1788>-- HM Queen Máxima opens three innovative operating rooms/option>option value1787>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the Resident/option>option value1786>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attends Remembrance Sunday 2015 at Cenotaph/option>option value1785>-- HRH Princess Beatrix at the Opera Gala/option>option value1784>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the opening of the Conference Doing business/option>option value1783>-- Princess Viktoria hand-out stuffed toys/option>option value1782>-- HRH Princess Laurentien opens Congress Sounding Dutch/option>option value1780>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the first guide dog experience/option>option value1779>-- HM Queen Máxima held a speech at the 3d World Conference of Womens Shelters/option>option value1778>-- Princess Mabel at the Film Premiere of HE NAMED ME MALALA/option>option value1777>-- 4th day of the State Visit of HM King Willem-Alexander to China/option>option value1776>-- Princess Beatrix attends the celebration of the ninety anniversary of Simavi/option>option value1775>-- 3th day of the State Visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to China/option>option value1773>-- 2nd day of the State Visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to China/option>option value1772>-- First day of the State Visit of HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima to China/option>option value1770>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at meeting "China in the Netherlands"/option>option value1769>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the tenth edition of the Hands On! Conference at the Rijksmuseum/option>option value1766>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima visits the former mining region of Limburg/option>option value1765>-- HRH Princess Mabel and Viktória de Bourbon de Parme attend a full day expert meeting on child marriage/option>option value1764>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the symposium of the platform Pointer in money matters/option>option value1761>-- Members of the Dutch Royal Family attends the closing celebration of 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands in Amsterdam/option>option value1760>-- HRH Princess Beatrix and HM Queen Sonja of Norway opens the exhibition Munch: Van Gogh/option>option value1758>-- HM Queen Maxima visits Amsterdam/option>option value1753>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the jubilee of the Moluccan community in Alphen aan den Rijn/option>option value1752>-- HM Queen Máxima visits the Instrument Depot of Leerorkest in Amsterdam/option>option value1751>-- Prinsjesdag 2015/option>option value1750>-- Prinsjesdag 2015/option>option value1749>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens Homeless World Cup in Amsterdam/option>option value1748>-- HM King Willem-Alexander attends celebration of the first anniversary ProDemos/option>option value1747>-- Queen Máxima attends opening season Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/option>option value1746>-- Queen Maxima visits Koudum and Workum/option>option value1745>-- HRH Princess Beatrix and HRH Princess Laurentien attends the jubilee evening of cabaret performer Paul van Vliet/option>option value1744>-- HRH Princess Beatrix reopens Nationaal Reddingmuseum Dorus Rijkers in Den Helder/option>option value1743>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the start of the Literacy Week at the Binnenhof/option>option value1742>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the opening in Waarde of the provincial Molendag Zeeland/option>option value1741>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the dance Free To Move/option>option value1739>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the new factory of Koninklijke Gazelle in Dieren/option>option value1738>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the 2nd National Water Savers Day/option>option value1736>-- HRH Princess Margriet attends the 100th anniversary of the Prince Hendrik boarding school in Nieuwegein/option>option value1735>-- HM Queen Máxima visits Talent Coach/option>option value1734>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the Ambassador Days of Foundation Opkikker/option>option value1731>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the Papageno house in Laren/option>option value1729>-- HM King Willem-Alexander, HM Queen Maxima and family attend Sail Amsterdam/option>option value1721>-- Dutch royal family at annual photo session on beach of Meijendel/option>option value1720>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the cheesefactory Royal A-ware/option>option value1719>-- HM Queen Maxima opens the new nursing center t Hamrik in Nieuwolda/option>option value1718>-- HM King Willem-Alexander cycle a part of the Drenthe Rijwielvierdaagse/option>option value1717>-- Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opens the exhibition Hidden Stories/option>option value1716>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens in Heerde the multifunctional accommodation De Heerd/option>option value1715>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima host gala diner for the corps diplomatique at royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1714>-- Princess Beatrix attends boat show in Lemmer/option>option value1713>-- HM Queen Maxima opens the exhibition Design Derby Netherlands-Belgium/option>option value1712>-- HRH Princess Beatrix hand out the Silver Carnations/option>option value1710>-- HM Queen Maxima opens the new Juliana Children s Hospital/option>option value1709>-- HRH Princess Margriet attends at the gala dinner of the International Chamber of Shipping/option>option value1708>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the final concert of the second edition of Kids Making Music/option>option value1707>-- HRH Princess Laurentien opens the new wing of the Max Planck Institute/option>option value1705>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands visit the Rehabilitation Institute Chicago/option>option value1704>-- Queen Maxima visiting the Chicago Cultural Centre in Chicago/option>option value1703>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in Grand Rapids/option>option value1702>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in Washington/option>option value1701>-- Last day of the 3 days State-visit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Canada/option>option value1700>-- 2nd Day of the 3 days State-visit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Canada/option>option value1699>-- 1st Day of the 3 days State-visit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Canada/option>option value1698>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the international sculpture route ARTZUID 2015/option>option value1697>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the new Care Education Center Kentalis/option>option value1695>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends a festive performance, Long Live Arts/option>option value1694>-- HM Queen Maxima hand out the Appeltjes van Oranje/option>option value1693>-- HM Queen Máxima and HM Queen Mathilde opens Flemish Vormidable Contemporary Sculpture/option>option value1692>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at regional visit to Zeeuws Vlaanderen/option>option value1691>-- Queen Maxima at the inauguration of Professor Javier A. Couso/option>option value1688>-- King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix at the liberation concert at the Amstel in Amsterdam/option>option value1687>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima attend the National Remembrance Day/option>option value1684>-- HM Queen Maxima attends the jubilee of foundation Celebrate Life/option>option value1683>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima visiting the foundation Probation and Heart Centered Leadership on Aruba/option>option value1682>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima attend SAILAruba/option>option value1681>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima attend Dia di Rincon at Bonaire/option>option value1680>-- Koningsdag 2015 in Dordrecht/option>option value1679>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits the festival Long Live the Club in Zwolle/option>option value1678>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits the festival Long Live the Club in Zwolle/option>option value1677>-- ing Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits the festival Long Live the Club in Zwolle/option>option value1676>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima attends the Koningspelen/option>option value1675>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the new school of Bartimeus/option>option value1674>-- HM King King Willem-Alexander opens the exhibition No numbers but names/option>option value1672>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the Beatrix Children s Hospital/option>option value1670>-- HM Queen Máxima visits Guts & Glory/option>option value1669>-- Members of the Dutch Royal Family attends the Koningsdagconcert in Dordrecht/option>option value1667>-- Princess Margriet and Prof. Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven attend the ‘’Night of the Stars’’/option>option value1666>-- Princess Viktória de Bourbon de Parme at the Efteling/option>option value1665>-- Dutch Princess Margriet and Archduke Michael von Habsburg - Lothringen at the opening of the exhibition Sisi/option>option value1664>-- Dutch Princess Mabel attend a meeting, with the dutch platform HIV AIDS organizations/option>option value1663>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the presentation of the new standaard of the National Police/option>option value1661>-- Princess Margriet Award for culture, 31-03-2015/option>option value1657>-- Visit of Queen Máxima to create music together in the Crystal/option>option value1656>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attend NL DOET/option>option value1655>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit Hamburg/option>option value1654>-- Farewell concert of Mariss Jansons/option>option value1653>-- HRH Princess Beatrix and other members Royal Family attend NLdoet/option>option value1651>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visit Lubeck/option>option value1650>-- State visit NL to DK Day II/option>option value1647>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the BioWarmteCentrale the Purmer in Purmerend/option>option value1645>-- State visit NL to DK Day I/option>option value1643>-- Prince Bernhard launched Lymph and Co/option>option value1642>-- HM Queen Maxima launched the fifth edition of the Week of the money/option>option value1641>-- HM Queen Maxima attends a meeting of Nibud and WOMEN Inc/option>option value1639>-- HM Queen Maxima opens the new Maxima Canel/option>option value1638>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the 35th Spring Garden Breezand/option>option value1637>-- HM King Willem-Alexander, HM Queen Maxima and family in Lech/option>option value1636>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visit to Groningen and Drenthe/option>option value1633>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the exhibition Late Rembrandt/option>option value1630>-- Prince Pieter-Christiaan visited the 1st edition of the drone fair the TUSExpo/option>option value1629>-- HM Queen Maxima opens the working party Almere On Stage/option>option value1628>-- HM Queen Maxima attends in Utrecht the Social Powerhouse Symposium/option>option value1627>-- Queen Maxima visits the stand Wijzer in geldzaken during the National Education exhibition/option>option value1626>-- Princess Laurentien at the Taalheldenprijs at the Pauluskerk/option>option value1625>-- HM Queen Maxima attends the presentation of the Central Child Award/option>option value1621>-- HRH Princess Mabel opens the art exhibition Un Art De Famille/option>option value1620>-- Queen Maxima, King Willem-Alexander, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane attends Jumping Amsterdam in the RAI/option>option value1619>-- Dutch King Willem Alexander attends the opening of Akoesticum/option>option value1618>-- Prinses Laurentien, Nationaal Voorleesontbijt in Hoorn/option>option value1615>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the fourth language does more College/option>option value1613>-- New Year Reception for foreign diplomates at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1612>-- New Years Reception at the Royal Palace at the Dam/option>option value1609>-- HM King Willem-Alexander, HM Queen Maxima, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane pose for the media at Bosque de Arrayanes/option>option value1608>-- Queen Maxima attends gala evening of the project Eeuwige Jeugd/option>option value1606>-- King Willem-Alexander attends celebration of 50 year ESA/ESTEC/option>option value1605>-- Prince Claus Prize 2014/option>option value1604>-- 75th anniversary of Pieter van Vollenhoven/option>option value1603>-- HRH Princess Laurentien visits Utrecht/option>option value1602>-- Ceremony of the Militaire Willems-Orde/option>option value1598>-- HM Queen Máxima receive the third publication of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition/option>option value1597>-- Prince Bernhard Culture Price 2014/option>option value1596>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends a part of the program of the 5th National Congress on Palliative Care/option>option value1595>-- Queen Maxima at the final Gala evening of the 10th International Franz Liszt Piano Competition/option>option value1593>-- Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme at Red Carpet diner in Amsterdam/option>option value1592>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the 10th ParkinsonNet congress in Utrecht/option>option value1591>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands at the 110th anniversary concert of the Residentie Orchestra/option>option value1590>-- Queen Maxima of the Netherlands attends the symposium: From Tradition to Ambition of the NAJK/option>option value1589>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the opening of the education park Ezinge in Meppel/option>option value1588>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the opening of the education park Ezinge in Meppel/option>option value1583>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the Community School South Joure/option>option value1582>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Martini Plaza in Groningen/option>option value1581>-- Princess Margarita de Bourbon de Parme at opening of "Van stoelen bezeten"/option>option value1580>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the opening of the education park Ezinge/option>option value1576>-- HM Queen Maxima visits Westbeemster and Alkmaar/option>option value1575>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the 90th Christmas-market in the Norwegian Church in Rotterdam/option>option value1574>-- Erasmus Award, Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1573>-- Erasmus Award, Royal Palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1572>-- HM Queen Maxima visit Villa Joep in Amsterdam/option>option value1571>-- HM King Willem-Alexander launches the new campaign Buddies Wanted of the Orange Fund/option>option value1569>-- Christening of Willem Jan ( 01-07-2013), son of Prince Floris and Princess Aimee/option>option value1564>-- HM Queen Máxima visit Power Play in Warffum and The propelled Popschool in Garmerwolde/option>option value1563>-- Last Day of the 2 days Statevisit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to the Republic of South Korea/option>option value1562>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends in Amersfoort the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Review Committee,/option>option value1561>-- 1st Day of the 2 days Statevisit to the Republic of South Korea/option>option value1560>-- last Day of the 3 days Statevisit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Japan/option>option value1559>-- HRH Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attends the 65th anniversary of the KWF/option>option value1558>-- 2nd Day of the 3 days Statevisit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Japan/option>option value1557>-- HRH Princess Beatrix conducted the official opening of the new construction of nursing Landrijt/option>option value1556>-- 1 st Day of the 3 days Statevisit from HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima to Japan/option>option value1555>-- audience at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, David Johnston/option>option value1554>-- Prince Maurits visits the Canadian cemetery in Bergen op Zoom/option>option value1553>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends at Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn the Wapendag/option>option value1552>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the opening of the exhibition Magic African masks in Amsterdam/option>option value1551>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens with a speech the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)/option>option value1549>-- Queen Maxima at opening of Micropia/option>option value1548>-- Queen Maxima at Geldwijzer in Rotterdam/option>option value1547>-- Queen Maxima opens the Markthal in Rotterdam/option>option value1546>-- King Willem-Alexander at Heineken Prize Award ceremony in Amsterdam/option>option value1545>-- Princess Laurentien with her family/option>option value1544>-- Queen Maxima at Breed in Nijmegen/option>option value1543>-- King Willem-Alexander at royal painting prize award ceremony at the royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1542>-- Princess Laurentien at sustainability day at the Neptunus school in Amsterdam/option>option value1541>-- Queen Maxima at celebration of 40th anniversary of Blijf van mijn Lijf/option>option value1540>-- Spanish King and Queen visit the Netherlands/option>option value1539>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the presentation of the new standard/option>option value1538>-- Princess Laurentien at start of 20th Edukans event in Zaltbommel/option>option value1537>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the Max van der Stoel Award/option>option value1535>-- Family De Bourbon de Parme in Parma/option>option value1533>-- Family De Bourbon de Parme in Piacenza/option>option value1532>-- King Willem-Alexander receives Sportalbum/option>option value1529>-- Prinsjesdag 2014/option>option value1528>-- Dutch Queen Maxima attends one of the launch events of the Work Week/option>option value1525>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in Nijkerk/option>option value1524>-- HM Queen Maxima, Wijzer in Geldzaken in Bussum/option>option value1520>-- HM King Willem-Alexander receives President Thein Sein, and attend the ceremony of the Spinoza Prices in the Hague/option>option value1519>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the opening of " de Week van de Alfabetisering" at the Centrale Bibliotheek in the Hague/option>option value1518>-- Princess Beatrix at the opening of Pavilion Netherlands and the 1st World War/option>option value1517>-- Queen Maxima at the opening of UCR/option>option value1516>-- Princess Beatrix reunion of Engelandvaarders/option>option value1515>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends the dance Free To Move at the Lucent Dance Theatre in The Hague/option>option value1514>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the Waterspaardersdag in Amsterdam/option>option value1512>-- Royals celebrate 200 years dutch kingdom in Maastricht/option>option value1511>-- King Willem-Alexander at Erasmus University in Rotterdam/option>option value1501>-- Arrival of the first victims of the plane crash with flight MH17 at Eindhoven Air Base/option>option value1500>-- rrival of the first victims of the plane crash with flight MH17 at Eindhoven Air Base/option>option value1499>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in Nieuwegein/option>option value1494>-- Official visit of Prince Albert from Monaco to the Netherlands/option>option value1490>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the exhibition In All Their Glory in Amsterdam/option>option value1489>-- HRH Princess Beatrix attends 200th anniversary of the Dutch Bible/option>option value1488>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Máxima reach out the Growth certificates/option>option value1487>-- 2nd day Statevisit to Polen, Warschau and Poznan/option>option value1486>-- first day of State-Visit to Polen, Warschau/option>option value1485>-- first day of State-Visit to Polen, Warschau/option>option value1484>-- first day of State-Visit to Polen, Warschau/option>option value1480>-- HM Queen Maxima in New Babylon in The Hague/option>option value1478>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens the National Garden Week in Delft/option>option value1477>-- HRH Princess Beatrix opens exhibition in Roermond/option>option value1475>-- Princess Beatrix opens Dutch Silver Museum in Schoonhoven/option>option value1471>-- King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the new Tivoli Vredenburg/option>option value1464>-- King Willem-Alexander at the celebrations of 100 year Shell/option>option value1458>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the World MS Day in Voorschoten/option>option value1457>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima second Day/option>option value1456>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at Schloss Wilkinghege/option>option value1453>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits Germany/option>option value1452>-- Four Freedoms award ceremony in Middelburg/option>option value1446>-- Queen Maxima at the 15th anniversary concert of the foundation Music in House/option>option value1445>-- Members of dutch royal family attends in the royal palace in Amsterdam the annual gala diner for the Corps Diplomatique/option>option value1444>-- Queen Maxima starts national fundraising campaign for music instruments/option>option value1440>-- King Willem-Alxander opens the Johan Willem Friso Sluis in Stavoren/option>option value1439>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the National Hippisch centre/option>option value1438>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander at the region Achterhoek in the provincie Gelderland/option>option value1437>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima and Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix at the liberation concert on the Amstel/option>option value1436>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the wreath laying ceremony in Amsterdam/option>option value1433>-- Koningsdag 2014, De Rijp and Amstelveen/option>option value1431>-- Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attends World Press Photo/option>option value1430>-- Koningsspelen 2014, Ens/option>option value1428>-- HRH Princess Margriet at Hotel New York in Rotterdam/option>option value1426>-- HM King Willem-Alexander visits Texel/option>option value1425>-- King Willem-Alexander receives in audience President of the German Bundesrat, Stephan Weil/option>option value1424>-- King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima, Princess Beatrix, Princess Laurentien and Prince Pieter Christiaan at Koningsdagconcert/option>option value1423>-- Queen Máxima at opening of the Campus Hoogvliet/option>option value1421>-- Baptismen in the Cathredral of Piacenza of Princess Cecilia of Bourbon-Parma/option>option value1420>-- Official visit of HM King Carl Gustav and HM Queen Silvia/option>option value1419>-- Dutch Queen Maxima during the naming of the Nh1816, lifeboat of the KNRM in IJmuiden/option>option value1418>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the Constitutional festival in The Hague/option>option value1417>-- Queen Maxima attends a guest lecture on entrepreneurship during the 10th anniversary of the ROC/option>option value1416>-- Queen Maxima as special advocate of the UN for inclusive finance/option>option value1415>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima during an audience with president Park Geun-hye of South-Korea/option>option value1414>-- Queen Maxima visits the musical project Young Musicians Spread Their Wing/option>option value1413>-- Princess Margriet at the opening of the renovated Town hall of Velsen/option>option value1412>-- HM Queen Maxima visits Airbase Eindhoven/option>option value1411>-- State visit of chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan to the Netherlands/option>option value1410>-- Queen Maxima receives the Deutsche Medienpreis 2013 at the Kongreshaus in Baden-Baden/option>option value1409>-- King Willem-Alexander with the ParaLympic team of Sotsji 2014/option>option value1408>-- Queen Maxima visiting the project Prins Heerlijk/option>option value1407>-- Queen Maxima at the Startersbeurs at Tilburg university/option>option value1405>-- NL DOET 2014/option>option value1404>-- King Willem-Alexander opens the new railway station Rotterdam Centraal/option>option value1402>-- HM Queen Maxima visits Avoord/option>option value1401>-- Queen Maxima at opening week van het geld in Hilversum/option>option value1399>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens new Cheese Museum/option>option value1397>-- King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the sportcomplex Koning Willem-Alexander in Hoofddorp/option>option value1395>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien at the opening of the chocolate factory in Gouda/option>option value1393>-- Dutch royal family in Lech/option>option value1390>-- HM Queen Maxima at the Bazel in Amsterdam/option>option value1389>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam/option>option value1386>-- Gratitude festivities for Princess Beatrix, Beatrix with heart and soul at Ahoy in Rotterdam/option>option value1385>-- Dutch Queen Maxima opened Lely Campus in Maassluis/option>option value1384>-- Dutch Queen Maxima attends the 5th symposium of Qredits in Utrecht/option>option value1381>-- Princess Beatrix, Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn for the opening of the 14th edition of the Holland Dance Festival/option>option value1380>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands in Italy/option>option value1379>-- Princess Laurentien at the start of the national breakfast reading in Delft/option>option value1378>-- King Willem-Alexander at the ceremonial minting of the new euro coins in Utrecht/option>option value1377>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima and Francois Hollande for official visit to the Netherlands/option>option value1376>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the renovated Bovag house in Bunnik/option>option value1375>-- Princess Beatrix at the 17th edition of the balletgala of the Dansersfonds ´79/option>option value1374>-- Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands, at all about healthy lifestyle fair in The Hague/option>option value1373>-- Dutch royals arrive for the New Years reception at the Royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1372>-- Princess Beatrix at the 135th anniversary of the royal society Het Friesche Paarden-Stamboek/option>option value1371>-- Queen Maxima at the initiative Every child an instrument of the Hart/option>option value1370>-- King Willem-Alexander at the start of the 200th anniversary of the landforce/option>option value1369>-- Dutch royals arrive for the New Years reception at the Royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1366>-- Princess Laurentien with her father Laurens Jan Brinkhorst in Ede/option>option value1364>-- King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the new headquaters of Applikon Biotechnology/option>option value1363>-- Queen Maxima at the Autism cafe in Leiden/option>option value1361>-- Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands/option>option value1360>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at Bonaire/option>option value1359>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at Eustatia/option>option value1358>-- Queen Maxima at the opening of the Queen Maxima barracks of the Royal Military police in Badhoevedorp/option>option value1357>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander at Saba/option>option value1356>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander at St. Maarten/option>option value1355>-- Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds Price 2013/option>option value1354>-- HM Queen Máxima at the Stock Market/option>option value1353>-- Queen Maxima at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Stock Exchange building in Amsterdam/option>option value1352>-- Queen Maxima at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Stock Exchange building in Amsterdam/option>option value1351>-- Koning Willem-Alexander reikt Erasmusprijs uit in Amsterdam/option>option value1350>-- Queen Mathilde and King Filip visit The Netherlands/option>option value1349>-- Erasmus Price 2013/option>option value1347>-- Queen Maxima visits the musical Hij Gelooft in Mij in de LaMar Theater in Amsterdam/option>option value1346>-- Queen Maxima at the presentation of the Prix de Rome 2013/option>option value1345>-- Erasmusprijs 2013, Paleis op de Dam/option>option value1344>-- Memorial service for Prince Friso in the Oude Kerk in Delft/option>option value1343>-- Erasmusprijs 2013, Paleis op de Dam/option>option value1342>-- New series of coins with the image of King Willem-Alexander/option>option value1341>-- Princess Laurentien at the premiere of Mr.Finney/option>option value1340>-- Princess Beatrix at Requiem for Auschwitz of the Roma and Sinti community, 30-10-2013/option>option value1339>-- King Willem-Alexander during an audience with Mr Ivo Josipovic/option>option value1338>-- King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the scannerlab Brains Unlimited/option>option value1334>-- Queen Maxima at the opening of the Kazimir Malevich exhibition in Amsterdam/option>option value1333>-- Queen Maxima at the opening of the new Isala hospital in Zwolle/option>option value1331>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the Friesland Campina Innovation Centre in Wageningen/option>option value1330>-- King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the new public center of the National Archives/option>option value1329>-- Dutch King and Queen for a introduction visit in Stockholm/option>option value1326>-- Honorary Board of the International Paralympic Committee/option>option value1325>-- Princess Beatrix and Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of Jordan at the opening of the exhibition ‘’Petra/option>option value1324>-- Wedding of Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme and Victoria Cservenyak/option>option value1323>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima for a introduction visit to Norway/option>option value1320>-- State Banquet at the Palace Noordeinde in The Hague/option>option value1319>-- Royal family de Bourbon de Parme in Piacenza, Italy/option>option value1318>-- HM Queen Máxima opens in Utrecht, the third edition of the Pensioen3daagse/option>option value1317>-- Official visit of President Peres to the Netherlands/option>option value1316>-- Royal family de Bourbon de Parme in Parma/option>option value1313>-- HM King Willem Alexander opens Thursday 19 september the new Palace of Justice on the IJdok./option>option value1312>-- HM King Willem Alexander opens Thursday 19 september the new Palace of Justice on the IJdok/option>option value1310>-- HM King Willem-Alexander and HM Queen Maxima bring today a courtesy visit to Spain/option>option value1308>-- Prinsjesdag 2013/option>option value1305>-- Dutch Queen Maxima at the opening of the new Fries Museum in Leeuwarden/option>option value1304>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens the 30th edition of the HISWA in-water boat show/option>option value1303>-- Princess Beatrix at the opening of the windfarm Zuidlob/option>option value1302>-- Belgium King Philippe and Queen Mathilde in Wavre/option>option value1301>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien at the opening of the 9th Literacy Week/option>option value1298>-- Dutch Princess Beatrix at Philharmonic Gergiev Festival/option>option value1296>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the presentation of the Dreambook/option>option value1295>-- Queen Maxima at the Hortus Botanicus Leiden, 04-09-2013/option>option value1294>-- Princess Beatrix at European Youth Orchestra/option>option value1293>-- King Willem-Alexander meets Ban-Ki moon in The Hague, 28-08-2013/option>option value1290>-- HM Queen Máxima opens the new education building Orion by Wageningen University/option>option value1287>-- Funeral of prince Friso, Lage Vuursche 16-08-2013/option>option value1281>-- Dutch royal family pose for the press at annual photo session at the Eikenhorst in Wassenaar/option>option value1278>-- Dutch Queen Maxima bicycling for the opening of the Maximapark in Leidsche Rijn/option>option value1277>-- Dutch Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander attends the memorial service at the national slavery statue in Amsterdam,/option>option value1275>-- King Willem-Alexander at Veteransday 2013 in The Hague/option>option value1274>-- HM Queen Máxima visits RoboCup 2013/option>option value1273>-- HM Queen Máxima attends the Startup Bootcamp Demo Day/option>option value1272>-- Princess Beatrix at exhibition Palace and the Dam, 400 years heart of Amsterdams canals/option>option value1270>-- King Willem Alexander & Queen Maxima visit The Zeeland & Zuid-Holland/option>option value1269>-- King Willem Alexander & Queen Maxima Visit The Flevoland & Overijssel Provinces/option>option value1268>-- Princess Beatrix at the award ceremony of the Silver Carnations 2013/option>option value1267>-- HM King Willem-Alexander visits the Foundation Sapphire Residence Group/option>option value1264>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit Friesland and Noord-Holland/option>option value1262>-- Koning Willem-Alexander en koningin Máxima bezoeken de provincies Limburg en Brabant/option>option value1261>-- King Willem-Alexander visits the buurtmoestuin "Het Groene Woud" in Tilburg/option>option value1255>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at their 2nd Day in Germany/option>option value1254>-- Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands at the opening of the sculpture exhibition Russia XXI/option>option value1250>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands in Wiesbaden/option>option value1249>-- Dutch Princess Mabel attends AmsterdamDiner/option>option value1248>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander attends Holland Festival/option>option value1246>-- Princess Beatrix opens the Museum Foundation./option>option value1245>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visited Gelderland and Utrecht/option>option value1244>-- HM Queen Máxima in The Hague/option>option value1243>-- Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander visit the province Gelderland and Utrecht/option>option value1242>-- Queen Maxima opens Fioretti College in Hillegom/option>option value1241>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visits Groningen and Drenthe/option>option value1240>-- HM King Willem-Alexander opens Ministry of Economic Affairs/option>option value1239>-- HRH Princess Beatrix reveals the Fishermans Name Monument/option>option value1238>-- Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at a introductory visit to Luxemburg/option>option value1237>-- Queen Maxima at the inauguration of Professor Aylin Kuntay at the University of Utrecht/option>option value1236>-- Queen Máxima attends 150th anniversary of the Erasmus MC - Sophia childrens hospital/option>option value1233>-- Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander at the annual award ceremony Appeltjes van Oranje 2013"/option>option value1232>-- Queen Maxima attends the annual international meeting of the CGAP in Amsterdam/option>option value1231>-- King Willem-Alexander attends the opening of the renovated Ministery of Defence in The Hague/option>option value1230>-- An exhibition about royal inaugurations in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam/option>option value1227>-- Exhibition Ingehuldigd! at Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn/option>option value1226>-- Queen Maxima, King Willem-Alexander and Princess Beatrix at the liberation concert in Amsterdam/option>option value1225>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the wreath laying ceremony in Amsterdam/option>option value1222>-- Queen Beatrix leave the royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1221>-- Official photos of investiture of King Willem-Alexander 30-04-2013/option>option value1220>-- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima and Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Ariane on the River IJ/option>option value1219>-- Royal Abdication and Investiture on 30 April 2013/option>option value1218>-- Investiture of King Willem-Alexander at the royal palace in Amsterdam/option>option value1217>-- Royals at Evening of 29th April 32013/option>option value1216>-- Prince Willem Alexander and his family arrive at the Royal Palace/option>option value1215>-- Prince Constantijn hands out the awards prizes to final Oskar Back Violin Competition in Amsterdam/option>option value1214>-- Prince Willem Alexander at the opening of the international Willem Alexander rowing course/option>option value1213>-- Princess Laurentien with her family at Opera premiere of Mr. Finney in The Hague/option>option value1212>-- Princess Maxima and Prince Willem Alexander at the launch of the Koningsspelen in Enschede/option>option value1211>-- Prince Willem Alexander at the farewell senimar of Centraal Planbureau (CPB) director Prof. Coen Teulings in The Hague/option>option value1210>-- Prince Willem Alexander at the opening of the Next Web Conference/option>option value1209>-- HRH Princess Máxima launched the nationwide Girls Day at TNO/option>option value1208>-- Queen Beatrix at the opening of the Huygens exhibtion in The Hague/option>option value1207>-- HRH Princess Máxima visits the Show Band Hoorn/option>option value1206>-- Dutch Prince Willem-Alexander attends the planting of the first Koningslinde in The Hague/option>option value1205>-- Danish Queen Margrethe celebrates 73rd birthday/option>option value1204>-- Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven attends the galadiner Night of the Stars/option>option value1203>-- Queen Beatrix during an audience with President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania/option>option value1202>-- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands opens the renovated Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam/option>option value1201>-- Queen Beatrix, Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander attends the celebrations of 300 years Vrede van Utrecht/option>option value1200>-- Princess Maxima visits the Entrepreneur week and the Finance Expo/option>option value1199>-- Queen Beatrix, Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander at Concertgebouw in Amsterdam/option>option value1198>-- Princess Maxima attends the 5th anniversary of the Currency Exchange Fund/option>option value1197>-- Queen Beatrix and Russian President Poetin visits the Hermitage Museum/option>option value1196>-- Queen Beatrix receives in an audience Mr. Ban Ki-moon/option>option value1194>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the new museum Philips in Eindhoven/option>option value1192>-- Queen Beatrix at the decoration of the Kosovo 1999 on the banner of the Royal Air Force/option>option value1191>-- HRH Princess Margriet opens Artis in Bloom/option>option value1190>-- Princess Margriet opens in Amsterdam the Drostenburg Mytylschool and Noteboomschool in Amsterdam/option>option value1189>-- Queen Beatrix receives in audience Mr. Winfried Kretschmann/option>option value1188>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens jubilee exhibition Frans Hals/option>option value1187>-- Crown Prince Willem Alexander attends the Multi Stakeholder Dialogue on Water/option>option value1186>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander attends the International World Water day at the World Forum/option>option value1185>-- ECF Princess Margriet Award in The Egg in Brussels 19-03-2013/option>option value1183>-- TRH Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien, NL Doet, in Bergen op Zoom/option>option value1182>-- Princess Maxima at the opening of the international art event: "Ja Natuurlijk- how art saves the world in The Hague/option>option value1181>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima attends today at volunteers day NL Doet in Utrecht/option>option value1180>-- HM Queen Beatrix and members of the Dutch Royal Family voluntering for NL Doet/option>option value1179>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien at the opening of the Day of Literature in Rotterdam/option>option value1178>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends in Bergen (NH) the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European School Bergen/option>option value1177>-- Dutch Prince Willem-Alexander at the opening at the Hermitage in Amsterdam/option>option value1176>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix attends a special meeting on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the high commissioner of national minorities in The Hague/option>option value1174>-- Queen Beatrix attends the 100th anniversary, of the association Plattelands Jongeren in Toldijk/option>option value1173>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix visits on the occasion of the 150th anniversary/option>option value1172>-- HRH Princess Máxima recieve the book A world without cervical cancer/option>option value1170>-- Foto-session in Lech of the Dutch Royal Family/option>option value1169>-- Dutch royals by train to Lech for ski holiday/option>option value1168>-- Princess Maxima at the opening of the 5th editon of the Women inc. festival/option>option value1162>-- Celebration of the 75th anniversary of Queen Beatrix with a ballet of Introdans in Utrecht/option>option value1161>-- Princess Maxima visited a workshop of the probation in Arnhem/option>option value1160>-- HRH Princess Maxima speaks at Feeding the World/option>option value1159>-- Contra presentation at ParkRoyal on Pickering, concert by the rietkwintet Calefax, Singapore/option>option value1158>-- Meeting with the Dutch community at the Clifford Pier, Singapore/option>option value1157>-- Visit to Fusion World, Singapore/option>option value1156>-- Visit to Aquatic Science Centre, Singapore/option>option value1155>-- State-Banquet at the Istana Palace, Signapore/option>option value1154>-- Visit to Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Singapore/option>option value1152>-- Welcome ceremony at the Istana Palace in Singapore/option>option value1151>-- Princess Laurentien reads during the National Reading breakfast/option>option value1150>-- Contra Presentation, a concert of the rietkwintet Calefax, from HM Queen Beatrix to Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah/option>option value1147>-- Brunei, visit to Shell Headquarters/option>option value1148>-- Meeting with the Dutch community in Brunei/option>option value1146>-- Statevisit to Brunei/option>option value1145>-- Dutch royal family arrives at the royal Palace op de Dam in Amsterdam for the New Years reception for the Corps Diplomatique/option>option value1144>-- Dutch royal family arrives at the royal Palace op de Dam in Amsterdam/option>option value1139>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane at Villa La Angostura/option>option value1137>-- Queen Beatrix and Prince Willem-Alexander attends the 7th Kingdom concert in Rotterdam, 15-12-2012/option>option value1136>-- Princess Margriet at 120st annivarsary of the Gazelle bycicle factory, 14-12-2012/option>option value1135>-- Prince Claus awards 2012 in royal palace Amsterdam, 12-12-2012/option>option value1133>-- HRH Princess Máxima attends closing ceremony 400 years relations with Turkey/option>option value1132>-- Princess Maxima of the Netherlands attends the naming ceremony in Rotterdam/option>option value1131>-- Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands at the opening of the new railway line Hanzelijn/option>option value1130>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima of the Netherlands at the 10th anniversary of the Oranje Fonds/option>option value1129>-- Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands at the Dutch literature award award, 30-11-2012/option>option value1128>-- Princess Máxima at congress ‘The impact of sustainable supply chains’/option>option value1127>-- Princess Margriet of the Netherlands at the opening of the exhibition Wilhelminas Levensavond/option>option value1126>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the 1000th leerbaner/option>option value1122>-- Last day visit to Brasil of TRH Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima/option>option value1125>-- HRH Princess Maxima, the Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize 2012/option>option value1121>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at day 1 in Rio de Janeiro/option>option value1120>-- last day statevisit Slovakia, Visit to Einhoven, Brainport and ceremony/option>option value1119>-- 4th day visit of TRH Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima to Brasil/option>option value1118>-- TRH Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima on the 3th day, to Brasil./option>option value1117>-- TRH Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at FAAP, Sao Paulo/option>option value1116>-- Piracicaba, Princess Maxima visits Paques/option>option value1113>-- 2nd day TRH Prince-Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima to Brasil/option>option value1112>-- 3 days State-Visit of Slovakia to the Netherlands/option>option value1108>-- Erasmusprijs 2012/option>option value1115>-- 2nd day of TRH Prince-Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima to Brasil/option>option value1111>-- TRH Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima on the first day, of the 5 day visit, to Brasil./option>option value1107>-- HM Queen Beatrix receivedthe President of the Republic of Senegal/option>option value1106>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Ridderzaal in the Hague/option>option value1110>-- Sinterklaasintocht 2012/option>option value1105>-- Queen Beatrix attends celebration 10 years ICC/option>option value1104>-- HRH Princess Máxima at the Princess Amalia school in Zoetermeer/option>option value1103>-- Princess Maxima starts week of the money/option>option value1102>-- Prinses Máxima of the Netherlands at FMO conference ‘The Future of Banking’/option>option value1101>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima in Istanbul/option>option value1100>-- HM Queen Beatrix visits the provence of North-Brabant/option>option value1099>-- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands received in audience President Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia/option>option value1098>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends Edukans/option>option value1096>-- Queen Beatrix with the new cabinet at Huis ten Bosch/option>option value1093>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Anton Philips Hall/option>option value1092>-- Princess Margriet waves goodbye to the historical sailing ship "the Oosterschelde" in the port of Rotterdam/option>option value1091>-- HRH Princess Maxima speaks in the Ridderzaal/option>option value1090>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the Cultural Quarter Sneek/option>option value1089>-- HRH Princess Maxima attends the National School Breakfast/option>option value1088>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands at the opening of the Sarcoidose center/option>option value1087>-- Prince Constantijn at the opening of the digital archive of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam/option>option value1086>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the final of Talent for language/option>option value1082>-- Afscheid Staats bezoek Italie op Paleis Noordeinde/option>option value1081>-- 2nd day Statevisit Italy, Theater Diligentia/option>option value1078>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander at the 80th anniversary of the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam/option>option value1077>-- State-Visit from the President of Italy/option>option value1071>-- HM Queen Beatrix renamed the Polaris/option>option value1070>-- HM Queen Beatrix renamed the Polaris/option>option value1069>-- Princess Margriet at the opening of the interactive exhibition ´The story of the totem pole´/option>option value1068>-- Princess Margriet at the opening of the centennial congress of the international Pharmaceutical federation/option>option value1067>-- Princess Laurentien opens Boekenberg/option>option value1066>-- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attends the annual conference of the Society for Veterinary Medicine/option>option value1065>-- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands at the Medical Center Alkmaar/option>option value1064>-- Princess Máxima visits Gasselternijveen/option>option value1063>-- Princess Maxima opens MIXMAX Brasil/option>option value1062>-- Christening of Princess Luisa at the Battistero in Parma/option>option value1061>-- Day before Christening of Princess Luisa de Bourbon de Parme in Parma/option>option value1060>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander attends the Heineken Awards in Amsterdam/option>option value1059>-- Queen Beatrix visits Eurojust, the judicial cooperation unit of the European Union/option>option value1058>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander at the start of the children stamps campaign/option>option value1057>-- Queen Beatrix and Bishop Desmond Tutu at Palace Noordeinde/option>option value1056>-- Queen Beatrix at the re-opening of the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam/option>option value1055>-- Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander at Burendag in Uden/option>option value1054>-- Prince Willem-Alexander at the Peace Palace/option>option value1053>-- Dutch Crown Princess Maxima conducts at Máxima Medical Center in Veldhoven, the official opening of the new Women Mother Child Centre/option>option value1052>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander opens the faculty campus The Hague/option>option value1051>-- Prince Willem-Alexander opens the new office of the poulty Vencomatic campus in Eersel/option>option value1049>-- Princess Maxima at the Women on Wings meeting in Austerlitz/option>option value1048>-- Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander at the opening of the new visitor center of Dunea/option>option value1047>-- Prinsjesdag the opening of the parliamentary year in The Hague 2012/option>option value1046>-- Princess Margriet opens the Heli Olympics/option>option value1045>-- Prince Willem-Alexander - Cinekid Media Route/option>option value1044>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien at the presentation of the national literacy award 2012/option>option value1043>-- Princess Maxima at the 5th anniversary of the Petje af foundation/option>option value1042>-- Princess Laurentien at NCDO, Amsterdam/option>option value1041>-- Dutch Crown Princess Maxima at the 60th anniversary of the Maastricht school of management/option>option value1040>-- Princess Maxima at the meeting Digital age for citizens worldwide?"/option>option value1036>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander attends the national welcome of astronaut Andre Kuipers/option>option value1035>-- Queen Beatrix, Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn attends the concert LIFE: a Journey Through Time/option>option value1034>-- Queen Beatrix attends the closure EAFS 2012/option>option value1033>-- Queen Beatrix attends the concert of the European Youth Orchestra/option>option value1026>-- Queen Beatrix at the Music Theatre in Amsterdam/option>option value1025>-- Queen Beatrix at the official closing ceremony of the seawall surrounding the closure of Maasvlakte 2, 11-07-2012/option>option value1024>-- The Prince of Orange with his family at the annual photo session, 07-07-2012/option>option value1023>-- Queen Beatrix visiting the provence Friesland/option>option value1022>-- Princess Maxima attends the opening of the 5th exhibition Life in the country/option>option value1021>-- Princess Maxima attends the 3rd introduction concert in Amsterdam/option>option value1020>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima attends the performance How much was the sugar/option>option value1019>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attends the defile on Veterans Day in The Hague/option>option value1018>-- Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima arrive at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam for final of Holland festiva/option>option value1017>-- Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima opening the Napoleón Exhibition, 28-06-2012/option>option value1016>-- Prince Willem-Alexander opens the reopening after the restuaration of the Fort of Hellevoetsluis/option>option value1015>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima at the TEDx Innovation/option>option value1014>-- Queen Beatrix at the naval review to mark the 100th anniversary of the Royal Water foundation Loosdrecht/option>option value1011>-- Queen Beatrix at the opening of the new provincial house in Utrecht, 20-06-2012/option>option value1010>-- Queen Beatrix at the award ceremony of the silver carnation (zilveren anjers) of the Prince Bernard culture foundation, 19-06-2012/option>option value1009>-- Wedding of Princess Carolina de Bourbon de Parme and Albert Brenninkmeijer at the Basilica di San Miniato al Monte in Florence/option>option value1008>-- Queen Beatrix on her 2nd day in Turkey visiting the Dutch consulate, Palais de Hollande, in Istanbul/option>option value1007>-- Queen Beatrix for a 2 day visit to Turkey because 400 years diplomatic relations, 13-06-2012/option>option value1006>-- HRH Princess Máxima opens Sjoel Elburg/option>option value1005>-- HRH Princess Maxima visits Tjalleberd/option>option value1004>-- Princess Maxima at opening at the Bronovo hospital in The Hague/option>option value1002>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander opens the first geothermal plant/option>option value1001>-- HRH the Prince Willem-Alexander opens the first geothermal plant/option>option value1000>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima and children attends Children Making Music/option>option value998>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends a confernce of VNG/option>option value997>-- Princess Maxima at the international conference Access to health insurance 05-06-2012/option>option value996>-- Prince Willem-Alexander at the scholarship ceremony UWC, 04-06-2012/option>option value995>-- HRH Princess Maxima opens Insurance Europe/option>option value993>-- HRH Princess Margriet opens the Royal Delft Experience/option>option value992>-- Princess Maxima attends seminar entrepreneurship education 30-05-2012/option>option value991>-- Queen Beatrix and Princess Máxima today in The Hague, 29-05-2012/option>option value989>-- Princess Maxima attends the opening of the "Geldloket" in Amersfoort, 23-05-2012/option>option value988>-- Princess Maxima opens the Appel art center/option>option value984>-- Dutch Princess Maxima at the opening of the Clini Clowns College in Amersfoort, 16-05-2012/option>option value983>-- Appeltjes van Oranje 2012 at palace Noordeinde in The Hague, 15-05-2012/option>option value981>-- HRH Princess Laurentien in Rotterdam/option>option value979>-- HRH Princess Laurentien in Rotterdam, 20-01-2010/option>option value977>-- Queen Beatrix attendS the opening of the 50th annual meeting of the World Wide Nature Foundation WNF 08-05-2012/option>option value976>-- Queen Beatrix, President Joachim Gauck, Daniela Schadt at the Amstel for the liberation concert, 06-05-2012/option>option value975>-- Wreath laying ceremony at the WWII memorial at the monument on de Dam, Netherlands, Amsterdam 04-05-2012/option>option value973>-- Queensday 2012 in Rhenen and Veenendaal, 30 April/option>option value971>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the exhibition Dutch Design – House of Orange in Oranienbaum Palace/option>option value970>-- HM Queen Beatrix at De Meerwaarde in Barneveld/option>option value969>-- State visit Turkey to The Netherlands Day III, 19-04-2012/option>option value968>-- State visit Turkey to The Netherlands Day II, 18-04-2012/option>option value967>-- State visit Turkey to The Netherlands Day I, 17-04-2012/option>option value966>-- Queen Beatrix opens the new Madurodam, 21-04-2012/option>option value964>-- Princess Margriet received the first copy of the book Dutch New York/option>option value962>-- Queen Beatrix at the opening of the moviemuseum EYE in Amsterdam, 04-04-2012/option>option value961>-- Queen Beatrix at the opening of the World Horticulture Expo Floriade 2012 in Venlo, 04-04-2012/option>option value960>-- Queen Beatrix at the opening of the Amsterdam Westerstraat at the Open Air museum in Arnhem/option>option value959>-- Queen Beatrix opens the refurnished museum "De Tachtigjarige Oorlog" Historisch Museum Den Briel/option>option value958>-- Queen Beatrix attends at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam the celebrations of 25 years, National Committee 4 and 5 May/option>option value957>-- Queen Beatrix opens in Amstelveen, the construction of Zonnehuis Group Amstelland/option>option value956>-- Queen Beatrix unveiled a plaque of Willem van Oranje at the Abbey in Middelburg/option>option value955>-- Prince Willem-Alexander visited Barendrecht/option>option value953>-- Princess Maxima received the report A billion to Gain The Dutch contributions to the microfinance sector during a seminar on microfinance/option>option value950>-- last day Statevisit HM Queen Beatrix to Luxemburg/option>option value949>-- Queen Beatrix at her 2nd Day of a 3-Day State Visit to Luxemburg/option>option value946>-- Princess Maxima attends the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the tree planting day in Oeffelte/option>option value945>-- Queen Beatrix at her first Day of a 3-Day State Visit to Luxemburg/option>option value944>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Salle Pleyel in Paris/option>option value943>-- Dutch royals attends the Day of volunteering, NL Doet at the foundation Assistance Dog in Molenschot/option>option value942>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander and HRH Princess Maxima at NL DOET/option>option value941>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander opens the National Career Fair/option>option value940>-- Dutch Prince Willem-Alexander at the patrol ship Holland in Amsterdam/option>option value939>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Concertgebouw/option>option value934>-- HRH the Prince of Orange opens in the Kunsthal the exhibition Sweet & Salty/option>option value932>-- Princess Maxima opens today a new building De Kluiverboom of the Gansfort College in Groningen/option>option value931>-- Princess Maxima received the communication Machiavelliprize 2011/option>option value930>-- Princess Maxima at the opening of the professional orientation fair "Westland on stage/option>option value927>-- Princess Maxima at Cybershoek and kickoff We Keep Growing/option>option value926>-- Princess Margriet attends the presentation of the EHBO stamp by PostNL/option>option value925>-- Queen Beatrix attends the opening of the Holland Dance Festival in The Hague/option>option value924>-- Princess Maxima at Amsterdam fashion week/option>option value922>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima at farewell ceremony of Herman Tjeenk Willink/option>option value921>-- Princess Maxima attends the celebration of 50th anniversary of the American Chamber of Commerce, The Hague, 23-01-2012/option>option value920>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, Crown Princess Máxima with their daughters Amalia, Alexia and Ariane at jumping Amsterdam/option>option value919>-- Queen Beatrix receives Minister-President Netanyahu/option>option value918>-- Princess Laurentien reads at " Het Nationale Voorleesontbijt "/option>option value913>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, 12-01-2012/option>option value910>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima on the 2nd day of the 3 day statevisit to Oman visiting Port Sohar and Fort Nakhal, 11-01-2012/option>option value909>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima at their first Day of three Day State Visit to OMAN, 10-01-2012/option>option value908>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima at their second Day of the two Day State Visit to the UAE, 09-01-2012/option>option value907>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima at their first Day of the two Day State Visit to the UAE, 08-01-2012/option>option value906>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Máxima arrive at Abu Dhabi presidential airport, 07-01-2012/option>option value903>-- Prince Claus award ceremony in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam, 14-12-2011/option>option value901>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander was today present at the 50th anniversary of the dutch Lotto in The Hague, 12-12-2011/option>option value900>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the closing ceremony of the project "Duizend en een Kracht" in Utrecht, 09-12-2011/option>option value899>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander at the opening of a new production line of offset plates at Fuji in Tilburg/option>option value895>-- Princess Laurentien at the Ridderzaal for 65th anniversary of LHV in The Hague, 02-12-2011/option>option value894>-- Official photo of President of Mali with Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima/option>option value893>-- Queen Beatrix at an audience with the President of Slovenie, Mr. Danilo Türk, 28-11-2011/option>option value892>-- HRH Princess Máxima of the Netherlands presenting at the Muziek Theater aan t IJ/option>option value891>-- President of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, at the welcome ceremony at Palace Noordeinde with Queen Beatrix, 29-11-2011/option>option value890>-- Princess Máxima speaks at conference on sustainability in the financial sector at Nyenrode Business University in Breukelen, 24-11-2011/option>option value888>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends the opening of the exhibition Sketches of Beauty in Gouda/option>option value887>-- Dutch Royals at premiere of the 3D movie of Nova Zembla at the RAI theater in Amsterdam, 21-11-2011/option>option value885>-- Prins Willem-Alexander en Prinses Máxima in het Tuschinski Theatre/option>option value884>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Ridderzaal in The Hague/option>option value883>-- Queen Beatrix attends the 16th balletgala of the dancers foundation 79 at the Amsterdam Music Theatre, 17-11-2011/option>option value880>-- Sinterklaas arrives at Scheveningen/option>option value879>-- Princess Maxima at the Munt in Utrecht/option>option value878>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima, Queen Beatrix and Princess Margriet attends the Erasmus award ceremony./option>option value877>-- HRH Princess Máxima attends the opening of the TSC./option>option value876>-- HRH Princess Máxima attends the opening of the national Week of the money./option>option value875>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Saba 05-11-2011/option>option value874>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Saba 05-11-2011/option>option value873>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , St.Eustatius 04-11-2011/option>option value872>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , St.Eustatius 04-11-2011/option>option value871>-- queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , St.Maarten 03-11-2011/option>option value870>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , St.Maarten 03-11-2011/option>option value869>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 02-11-2011/option>option value868>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 02-11-2011/option>option value867>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value866>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value865>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value862>-- queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value861>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value860>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Bonaire 31-10-2011/option>option value859>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Bonaire 31-10-2011/option>option value858>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Aruba29-10-2011/option>option value857>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at Aruba Fiesta Popular/option>option value856>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima at Aruba, 27-10-2011/option>option value855>-- Princess Máxima at the opening of the Slinger-Event 4x4 in Utrecht/option>option value854>-- Princess Máxima at the opening of De Stem in Haarlem, 26-10-2011/option>option value853>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima in de Westergasfabriek/option>option value852>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the Waldheim-mavo en Het Baarnsch Lyceum/option>option value850>-- Dutch Royal Family attends the gala VIER40 of the dance company Introdans in the theater in Arnhem, 08-10-11/option>option value849>-- Queen Beatrix attends the award for "Vrije Schilderkunst" in Amsterdam, 07-10-2011/option>option value848>-- Princess Maxima opens an Piet Mondriaan exposition L’Armonia Perfetta in the Vittoriano museum in Rome, 06-10-2011/option>option value847>-- Queen Beatrix with Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Máxima attends the opening of the renewed Council of State in The Hague, 05-10-2011/option>option value846>-- Dutch Princess Maxima attends the 10th edition of the brilliant student gala MBO in Amsterdam, 04-10-2011/option>option value845>-- Princess Maxima at the opening of the Brasil festival at the Museumplein in Amsterdam, 03-10-2011/option>option value844>-- Princess Maxima at the opening of the new trading floor of the Amsterdam stock exchange, part of the NYSE Euronext, 03-10-2011/option>option value843>-- Queen Beatrix attends the re-opening of the Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, 01-10-2011/option>option value841>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien attends the the 31st edition of the dutch film festival in Utrecht, 27-09-2011/option>option value840>-- Princess Máxima attends 60th anniversary of the WMC in Kerkrade/option>option value839>-- Prinsjesdag 2011, Dutch royal family attends the opening of the parliament in The Hague/option>option value838>-- Dutch Princess Annette opened "De belevenis" in the Boshut in Arnhem/option>option value836>-- Princess Margriet attends the 14th Congress of the European Burns Association (EBA)/option>option value835>-- The international paralympic comite (IPC) has her annual meeting in Apeldoorn, 13-09-2011/option>option value834>-- Dutch royals attends the 50th anniversary gala of the national ballet at the muziektheater in Amsterdam/option>option value833>-- Dutch Princess Margriet received a present with her name the Red Cross Princess Margriet foundation, 12-09-2011/option>option value832>-- Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme presents in Nieuwspoort The Hague her book "De smaak van de macht"/option>option value831>-- Princess Maxima in Zwijndrecht/option>option value829>-- Princess Laurentien attended the final event of the Literacy week in Amsterdam/option>option value828>-- Dutch Princess Laurentien attends the international literacy Day in The Hague/option>option value826>-- Queen Beatrix at the Peace Palace/option>option value825>-- Dutch Prince Constantijn present at the 15th annivarsary of the Prince Claus foundation, 06-09-2011/option>option value824>-- Princess Margriet at the World Forum in The Hague/option>option value823>-- Princess Laurentien visits the International School of The Hague/option>option value821>-- Princess Máxima opened the Oranjehuis in Alkmaar, 31-08-2011/option>option value816>-- Princess Maxima opens the Archaeologyhouse South Holland/option>option value813>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends the CHIO in Rotterdam/option>option value812>-- Princess Maxima attends the Xnoizz Flevo Festival/option>option value798>-- Photosession in Tavernelle 04-07-2011/option>option value797>-- Photosession inTavernelle 04-07-2011/option>option value792>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander attended the defile on Veteransday in The Hague, 25-06-2011/option>option value789>-- Princess Maxima attended the opening of the social performance task force in ’s Hertogenbosch, 21-06-2011/option>option value787>-- Queen Beatrix with Mrs. Hannelore Kraft president of the German Bundesrat, 16-06-2011/option>option value783>-- Princess Maxima opens the congres European Microfinance Network, 09-06-2011/option>option value782>-- Princess Máxima attends the opening of "het Klokhuis" in the Cascadepark in Almere/option>option value781>-- Princess Maxima at the Wibaut College, Amsterdam 07-06-2011/option>option value780>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Wibaut College, Amsterdam 07-06-2011/option>option value778>-- Crown Princess Maxima opens The Haque under Heaven, 06-06-2011/option>option value776>-- Queen Beatrix at concours hippique in Eindhoven, 03-06-2011/option>option value775>-- Queen Beatrix attends the opening of the Biennale Kijkduin 2011 in The Hague, 01-06-2011/option>option value774>-- Princess Maxima at the Kralingse school, Rotterdam 01-06-2011/option>option value773>-- Dutch crown prince couple attended a concert in Amsterdam, 31-05-2011/option>option value772>-- Princess Máxima in the Frisian Ureterp, 31-05-2011/option>option value771>-- Princess Maxima attends the conference ‘Impact Investing’ of SOCAP in Amsterdam, 30-05-2011/option>option value770>-- Concert to celebrate 40th birthday of Princess Máxima in the Concert Hall of Amsterdam/option>option value769>-- Queen Beatrix international sculpture exhibition Artzuid 2011, 26-05-2011/option>option value768>-- Queen Beatrix at her visit in the province Flevoland, 24-05-2011/option>option value767>-- Queen visits the Willem Arntsz House of Altrecht in Utrecht, 20-05-2011/option>option value766>-- Queen Beatrix at the residental Duinpark in Den Helder, 18-05-2011/option>option value765>-- Princess Máxima at the "Wijzer in geldzaken" parade in the library Velsen in IJmuiden/option>option value763>-- Annual "Appeltjes van Oranje" award ceremony, 17-05-2011/option>option value762>-- Queen Beatrix at opening of the House of Europe in The Hague, 16-05-2011/option>option value760>-- Opening exhibition ‘Princess MAXIMA, 10 years in the Netherlands’/option>option value759>-- Queen Beatrix attended the liberation concert at the Amstel in Amsterdam, 05-05-2011/option>option value758>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at Wreath laying ceremony at the WWII memorial, Monument op de Dam, 04-05-2011/option>option value757>-- President Mary McAleese has met Queen Beatrix at Palace Noordeinde, 02-05-2011/option>option value756>-- Celebration of "Koninginnedag" Queensday with members of the dutch royal family in Thorn and Weert, 30-04-2011/option>option value751>-- Second Day of the 4 days state visit to Germany of HM Queen Beatrix, 13-04-2011/option>option value750>-- First Day of the 4 days state visit to Germany of HM Queen Beatrix, 12-04-2011/option>option value749>-- State-Visit to Germany, day 3/option>option value747>-- Last Day of the State-Visit to Germany/option>option value746>-- Royals at the presentation ceremony of Orange 2011 in the Hall of Knights in The Hague/option>option value744>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima in Vietnam, 31-03-2011/option>option value743>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima in Vietnam, 30-03-2011/option>option value742>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the new building of Cito/option>option value741>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima in Vietnam, 29-03-2011/option>option value740>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima in Vietnam, 28-03-2011/option>option value739>-- Mrs Bettina Wulff opened in presence of the Prince of Orange today the Keukenhof in Lisse, 23-03-2011/option>option value738>-- Princess Maxima attends the oration of Prof. Atul Kumar/option>option value737>-- Princess Laurentien opened the permanent exhibition Frog Kikker in the Childrens Museum in The Hague, 20-03-2011/option>option value736>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix attends the opening of the exposition Lucas van Leyden and the Renaissance’ in Leiden, 19-03-2011/option>option value735>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix volunteered today for NL Doet 2011 (Make a Difference Day) in Nijmegen, 18-03-2011/option>option value734>-- Queen Beatrix opens today the new nursing home for elderly people Hubertusduin in The Hague, 16-03-2011/option>option value733>-- Princess Maxima attends " Youth and Money "/option>option value732>-- Princess Maxima opens the Lunette/option>option value730>-- Queen Beatrix and Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima, state visit to Qatar, 10-03-2011/option>option value729>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix and Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima, state visit to Qatar, 09-03-2011/option>option value728>-- Princess Maxima opens the Women Inc. Festival/option>option value727>-- Princess Maxima attends the awards ceremony of the Best Learning Company and best practice 2010 trainer/option>option value725>-- Royal family pose for photographers in Lech am Arlberg/option>option value723>-- HRH Princess Máxima speaks at the Good Money Gala/option>option value722>-- HRH Princess Máxima opens Produs Practical Education in Arnhem/option>option value721>-- Afscheid van Prof. Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven van de onderzoeksraad voor de veiligheid, 07-02-2011/option>option value720>-- Princess Maxima at WIFS in Zeist/option>option value716>-- Princess Laurentien presents her2nd book of Mr.Finney/option>option value715>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Korzo Theater/option>option value714>-- Princess Maxima opens Social Cultural Center Den Bolder/option>option value712>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the Home Boxx Exhibition/option>option value711>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander at Papendal/option>option value709>-- Princess Laurentien at the National " Voorleesontbijt "/option>option value707>-- Princess Maxima at the Fokker Terminal/option>option value705>-- HRH Princess Maxima opens the Weekend Academy/option>option value703>-- Queen Beatrix receives at Palace Noordeinde in The Hague, HM Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam, 13-01-2011/option>option value702>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander at the National Museum of Archaeology in Leiden/option>option value701>-- Dutch royal family leaving the Royal Palace on the Dam in Amsterdam after the New Years reception for the Corpes Diplomatique, 12-01-2011/option>option value700>-- Dutch royal family arrive at the Palace on the Dam for New Years reception, 11-01-2011/option>option value697>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima and their daughters Princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane/option>option value696>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attended the first heart foundation science award in The Hague, 15-12-2010/option>option value695>-- Princess Maxima Foundation MS Research. 14-12-2010/option>option value694>-- Princess Máxima and Prince Willem-Alexander theater Hofplein in Rotterdam, 12-12-2010/option>option value692>-- HRH Princess Margriet opens the Humanity House/option>option value691>-- Princess Máxima attended the opening of the 25th restaurant of Resto VanHarte in Amersfoort, 09-12-2010/option>option value690>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima attended the 85th jubileum of the Forgein Press Association, 06-12-2010/option>option value689>-- Princess Margriet received the National Rehabilitation award 2010 of the Rehabilitation foundation in Rotterdam, 03-12-2010/option>option value688>-- Princess Maxima visited the Creative Factory in Rotterdam, 03-12-2010/option>option value687>-- Princess Maxima attends Best Buddies in Nijkerk/option>option value686>-- Queen Beatrix opens the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam, 28-11-2010/option>option value685>-- Princess Maxima attended the Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds Award ceremony, Amsterdam 29-11-2010/option>option value684>-- Princess Margriet attended the opening of the exposition "Princess Marianne", a life of love and art at the Stadsmuseum in Leidschendam-Voorburg, 27-11-2010/option>option value683>-- Queen Beatrix attended the congress ‘Reselience and Confidence’ of the Social Economic Council (SER) in The Hague, 25-11-2010/option>option value682>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix attended the opening at UvA, Amsterdam 24-11-2010/option>option value681>-- Wedding of HRH Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme and HRH Princess Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme- Gualtherie van Weezel, 20-11-2010/option>option value679>-- Queen Beatrix attends the opera "Ca Ira Courage"/option>option value673>-- Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima with the princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane at the arrival of Sinterklaas in the harbour of Scheveningen, 13-11-2010/option>option value672>-- HRH Princess Laurentien and HRH Prince Carlos attended the national readingday at the public library and NEMO in Amsterdam, 11-11-2010/option>option value670>-- Princess Marilène opens a sport center/option>option value669>-- Queen Beatrix opens the LantarenVenster/option>option value668>-- Princess Maxima in Boxmeer./option>option value667>-- Queen Beatrix opens the LantarenVenster/option>option value665>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens Lantarenvenster/option>option value663>-- Princess Maxima at the "Nationale Starterdag"/option>option value662>-- Dutch Prince Constantijn visited his school, the "Eerste Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum", for the project ‘EU Back to School’ 05-11-2010/option>option value661>-- Dutch Princess Margriet attended symposium of 12,5 year BioFarmind in The Hague, 04-11-2010/option>option value660>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander attended the opening of the first national Deltacongress 2010 in The Hague, 04-11-2010/option>option value659>-- Princess Maxima at the FMO./option>option value658>-- Princess Maxima at the Caballero Factory./option>option value657>-- Princess Maxima at the World Forum./option>option value650>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at the World Forum, The Haque/option>option value649>-- Members of dutch royal family attends the premiere of the musical "Soldaat van Oranje" in the theatre-hangar in Katwijk/option>option value647>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander at the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht, 28-10-2010/option>option value646>-- Princess Maxima attended the opening of the exposition "SingSong"/option>option value645>-- Princess Maxima attended the cultural evening of the Chakana Foundation at the Ridderzaal/option>option value644>-- Princess Maxima attended the presentation of the Christiaan Huygens science award in Voorburg/option>option value643>-- Queen Beatrix with the members of the new cabinet at the stairs of Palace Huis ten Bosch/option>option value642>-- HRH Princess Laurentien im Madurodam/option>option value640>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima at Curaçao, 10-10-2010/option>option value638>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander awarded the Erasmus Prize, Amsterdam 07-10-2010/option>option value637>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the WFCC, The Hague/option>option value636>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Edison-Gala,Rotterdam 03-10-2010/option>option value635>-- HRH Princess Maxima opens The Veerensmeederij/option>option value634>-- Princess Maxima at the Kurhaus, Scheveningen 30-09-2010/option>option value633>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Media Plaza, Utrecht 29-09-2010/option>option value631>-- HRH Princess Maxima at Madi, Amsterdam 28-09-2010/option>option value630>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the VUmc, Amsterdam 28-09-2010/option>option value629>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the VUmc, Amsterdam 28-09-2010/option>option value627>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander attends today the Heineken prize award ceremony in Amsterdam/option>option value626>-- Dutch royal family today at Prinsjesdag for the opening of the parliamentary year in The Hague, 21-09-2010/option>option value625>-- Dutch Prince Constantijn opened photo exhibition of photographer Vincent Mentzel/option>option value623>-- Princess Maxima opened "Vorstelijk Complex" a multifunctional cultural centre in Utrecht/option>option value622>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Rode Hoed, 14-09-2010/option>option value621>-- HRH Princess Maxima in Amsterdam,13-09-2010/option>option value613>-- Princess Maxima attend start of campaign of Edukans "Actie Schoenmaatjes" at the Bavinckschool in The Hague, 10-09-2010/option>option value612>-- Princess Laurentien attends in the New Luxor Theatre Rotterdam, 09-09-2010/option>option value611>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attend the opening ceremony this morning at NYSE Euronext Amsterdam in honour of this years Drumming Day, 07-09-2010/option>option value610>-- Queen Beatrix opens refurnished education location of dutch Police Academy in Apeldoorn, 06-09-2010/option>option value609>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima, Princessces Amalia, Alexia and Ariane at the celebration of the 50th "Fruitcorso" (Fruitparade) in Tiel, 11-09-2010/option>option value608>-- HRH Princess Laurentien in Den Bosch, 08-09-2010/option>option value607>-- Queen Beatrix, Princesses Amalia and Ariane visit the Breda Hippique/option>option value605>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the Cruquiushoeve, 03-09-2010/option>option value599>-- Funeral of Prince Carlos Hugo de Bourbon de Parma in Parma, 28-08-2010/option>option value596>-- Princess Margriet in Eindhoven for prize award Swimming World Cup for disabled./option>option value595>-- Queen Beatrix attends today the commemoration ceremony at the Indonesian Memorial Monument/option>option value593>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Sneekweek, 11-08-2010/option>option value580>-- Queen Beatrix received the dutch soccer team at palace Noordeinde in The Hague, 13-07-2010/option>option value579>-- Royal family pose for the media at Villa De Eikenhorst for the annual Summer photosession, 05-07-2010/option>option value578>-- HRH Princess Maxima attends the baptism of the Ms. New Amsterdam of the Holland America Line in Venice, Italy 04-07-2010/option>option value577>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attends the King Willem I award 2010 at the Royal Theater in The Hague. The companys award is awarded every two years by the King William I Foundation, 25-06-2010/option>option value576>-- Veteransday (Veteranendag 2010) Prince Willem-Alexander attends the defile on Veteransday in The Hague, 26-06-2010/option>option value575>-- HRH Princess Margiet opens the Zomertentoonstelling Summer exhibition in the Royal Palace on the Dam in Amsterdam, 29-06-2010/option>option value574>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends the 10th anniversary of Earth Charter in the Peace Palace in The Hague, 29-06-2010/option>option value573>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the New Louwman Museum, The Hague 02-07-2010/option>option value571>-- Hotel The Grand, Stockholm 19-06-2009/option>option value566>-- Rehursel at the Storkyrkan church in Stockholm of the flowergirls and Page Boys for the wedding on Sarturday of Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling, 17-06-2010/option>option value562>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens the Animals Faculty, Utrecht 09-06-2010/option>option value561>-- HM Queen Beatrix handed out the Zilveren Anjers, Amsterdam 09-06-2010/option>option value558>-- HRH Princess Maxima opens " The St@art", Apeldoorn 08-06-2010/option>option value557>-- HRH Prncess Maxima speaks at Aflatoun, Zandvoort 07-06-2010/option>option value550>-- Queen Beatrix and Prince Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands attend the award ceremony of the Four Freedom Awards in Middelburg, 29-05-2020/option>option value548>-- HRH Princess Maxima attends in Waddinxveen the opening of a volunteer party at the sportspark t Stuyt. The village Waddinxveen, 28-05-2010/option>option value547>-- Princess Maxima opens today the new building of the NHL School in Leeuwarden, 27-05-2010/option>option value546>-- HM Queen Beatrix attends the celebration of 75 year KNGF in Amstelveen, 26-05-2010/option>option value545>-- Princess Maxima is today hostess and honorary chairman of a G20 meeting on financial services to small businesses in the Johan de Witt House in The Hague, 25-05-2010/option>option value549>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the start of the project Kinderzwerfboek at the O.G. Heldringschool in The Hague, 26-05-2010/option>option value544>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima on the 3nd day of the 3 day visit to Shanghai, 19-05-2010/option>option value543>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima on the 2nd day of the 3 day visit to Shanghai, 18-05-2010/option>option value542>-- Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Prinses Maxima visits today the Dutch Culture Centre in Shanghai, 17-05-2010/option>option value540>-- Appeltjes van Oranje, The Hague 21-05-2010/option>option value539>-- Princess Maxima at the ROC Mondriaan, The Hague 20-05-2010/option>option value538>-- HM Queen Beatrix in De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam 19-05-2010/option>option value535>-- Queens Beatrix attends the last day of the The Hague Global Child Labour Conference - 10-11 May 2010 in the World Forum Theater in The Hague, 11-05-2010/option>option value533>-- HRH Princess Irene attends the commemoration and defile of the Garderegiment Fuseliers Prinses Irene in The Hague. It is 65 years ago that the regiment invaded into The Hague as first Allied unit, 08-05-2010/option>option value532>-- Queen Beatrix receives in audience at Palace Huis ten Bosch on Friday May 7, Her Majesty Ashi Tshering Pem Wangchuck Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Bhutan. The Hague, 07-05-2010/option>option value531>-- Panic during wreath laying ceremony at the WWII memorial at the monument on the Dam in presence of Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima, Amsterdam 04-05-2010/option>option value530>-- Queen Beatrix, Princess Margriet and Prof. Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven attends the commemoration service at the canadian militairy cemetary in Groesbeek, 03-05-2010/option>option value529>-- HRH Prince Constantijn and HRH Princess Laurentien attends the award ceremony World Press Photo in the Muziekgebouw aan Het IJ in Amsterdam, 02-05-2010/option>option value528>-- Queen Beatrix at the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam 28-04-2010/option>option value527>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attends the Run for Water,Amsterdam 18-04-2010/option>option value526>-- Queen Beatrix open Royal Class, Utrecht 14-04-2010/option>option value525>-- Princess Maxima opens the Michael-Wingsystem in Veldhoven,13-04-2010/option>option value524>-- Queensday in Wemeldinge en Middelburg, 30-04-2010/option>option value520>-- Dutch Royal family attends the unveiling of the memorial monument, at the Jachtlaan-Loolaan, commemorating the victims of the tragedy on Queensday 30th April 2009. Apeldoorn, 29-04-2010/option>option value518>-- Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander who arrived on their bicycles attends the start of the 50th anniversay of the foundation of Castle Duivenvoorde in Voorschoten, 28-04-2010/option>option value517>-- HRH Princess Maxima received the first report of the Monitoring Commission Talent to the Top in the The Hague, 27-04-2010/option>option value516>-- Queen Beatrix attends the celebration of 75 year Stichting Het National Park De Hoge Veluwe Hoenderloo, 23-04-2010/option>option value515>-- Princess Irene at the presentation of her new book (Life in connection) Leven in verbinding of dutch princess Irene in Nijmegen at the Aula of the Radboud University, 22-04-2010/option>option value514>-- Queen Beatrix attends Wednesday April 21 at the Ridderzaal in The Hague in celebration of the 200th anniversary of State Supervisionof Mines (SSM), 21-04-2010/option>option value513>-- HRH Princess Maxima attends Wednesday April 21 a brainstorming session with young people about dealing with money. CentiQ, Pointer in money matters is organizing the meeting, held on the Ministry of Finance in The Hague, 21-04-2010/option>option value512>-- Princess Maxima was Tuesday April 20 in The Hague, at the Vredespaleis, to held a speech at the conference "Be Social, Make Profit: Financing the Future of the Developing Countries", 20-04-2010/option>option value502>-- Princess Maxima of the Netherlands opens on Monday April 12 the new building of the Fakonahof Foundation in The Hague, 12-04-2010/option>option value501>-- Dutch Princes Margriet opens today in Haarlem, the new building of the Regional Childrens Service Centre (RKDC) Het Duinhuis (The Dune House), 09-04-2010/option>option value500>-- Princess Irene patroness of the Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema Prize, awarded for the first time in the Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, 08-04-2010/option>option value498>-- Prince Willem-Alexander attends the opening of the vrijheidstrein (Freedom train) at railwaystation Hollands Spoor in The Hague, 31-03-2010/option>option value496>-- Princess Maxima visited the Amsterdam University College (AUC). The AUC is a joint training of the "Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam " and the University of Amsterdam, 29-03-2010/option>option value495>-- Dutch Princess Maxima visited today Hyves where she chatted live with young people who have a profile on the networking site in Amsterdam, 29-03-2010/option>option value494>-- Private Christening of Eliane Sophia Carolina van Vollenhoven daughter of Prince Floris and Princess Aimée in private chapel at national museum Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, 28-03-2010/option>option value493>-- HRH Princess Maxima visited on March 22nd the Scholengemeenschap Vincent van Gogh in Assen, were she launched the national "Day for Change Class! Action". The Action Day is an initiative of Foundation for Change/option>option value497>-- Princess Mabel attended the Movies that Matter festival in The Hague, 27-03-2010/option>option value492>-- Queen Beatrix attends the opening of 125 year VVV, Valkenburg 26-03-2010/option>option value491>-- Dutch Princess Maxima is Wednesday March 17 in Lisse present at the opening of Keukenhof 2010. Mrs. Svetlana Medvedeva, wife of President Medvedev of the Russian Federation, 17-03-2010/option>option value490>-- Princess Maxima opens the MF-point STEW/ FCBV in Hilversum, 16-03-2010/option>option value486>-- Princess Maxima at theater Carre, Amsterdam 11-03-2010/option>option value485>-- Queen Beatrix and Princess Maxima at the KIT, Amsterdam 11-03-2010/option>option value482>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the P60, Amstelveen, 10-03-2010/option>option value479>-- Princess Maxima visits the Entrepreneurs Hous in The Hague, 09-03-2010/option>option value477>-- Queen Beatrix and Crown Prince Willem-Alexander received at Palace Huis ten Bosch the dutch Olympic medal-winners. Den Haag, 03-03-2010/option>option value476>-- Dutch Princess Maxima opens the International Inc. WOMEN Festival in Amsterdam, 01-03-2010/option>option value475>-- Princess laurentien in Madurodam, The Hage 25-02-2010/option>option value474>-- HRH Princess Laurentien speaks at WACAP, Rotterdam 24-02-2010/option>option value473>-- Pieter van Vollenhoven opens exhibition at Palace het Loo, Apeldoorn 19-02-2010/option>option value471>-- Queen Beatrix baptized today the sleephopperzuiger (hopper dredger) "Willem van Oranje" in Kinderdijk, 10-02-2010/option>option value470>-- Princess Maxima Microfinance business point the MF-Micro Starter point in Vlissingen, 09-02-2010/option>option value469>-- Princess Maxima attends as a member of the Council of Microfinance a Microfinance business point and had a explanation in a bicyclebus in Hoorn, 05-02-2010/option>option value466>-- Princess Margriet, Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn attends the Princess Margriet Route Awardsceremony of the ECF (European Cultural Foundation) in Brussel, 26-01-2010/option>option value465>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Tripp House, Amsterdam 26-01-2010/option>option value464>-- HRH Prince Willem-Alexander in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam 26-01-2010/option>option value463>-- Her Majesty the Queen attends in Utrecht, the January 25, the meeting " In Freedom Related ". Six religious and philosophical movements. Utrecht, 25-01-2010/option>option value462>-- Crown Princess Máxima was present at the interactive debate "Microfinance - Who Profits" hosted by Radio Netherlands Worlwide in the Peace Palace in The Hague, 25-01-2010/option>option value461>-- Pieter van Vollenhoven in Zeist, 23-01-2010/option>option value460>-- Queen Beatrix attends on Thursday 21th January at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague the implementation of the opera Albert Herring to mark the 90th anniversary of the council of Education, 21-01-2010/option>option value459>-- HRH Princess Laurentien in Rotterdam, 20-01-2010/option>option value458>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima attends the "Kanjerlunch" at palace Noordeinde in The Hague for a select group of people who have received an award last year for their special achievements. Den Haag, 19-01-2010/option>option value457>-- Princess Maxima attended the European Border Breakers Awards (EBBA) during the EuroSonic Noorderslag festival in the Oosterpoort in Groningen, 14-01-2010/option>option value456>-- Dutch Royal Family attends New Years reception for the corps diplomatique in the Royal Palace on the Dam in Amsterdam, 06-01-2010/option>option value453>-- Princess Maxima at the closing of the Glass house on the Grote Markt in Groningen. The Glass house is an iniative to collect money for preventing Malaria. Groningen, 18-12-2009/option>option value452>-- Queen Beatrix and royal family attends Prince Claus Award 2009 in Amsterdam, 16-12-2009/option>option value451>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima attended the 5th Royal concert at the Stadstheater in Zoetermeer, 15-12-2009/option>option value450>-- Princess Maxima attended the art exhibition “Niet Normaal” (Not Normal) at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, 15-12-2009/option>option value448>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Liemers College in Didam ,09-12-2009/option>option value447>-- Princess Maxima at the Innovation Lecture, The Haque 08-12-2009/option>option value445>-- Dutch Prince Constantijn patron for World Press Photo foundation was present at the opening of the World Press Photo Exhibition 2009 in Brussel, 09-12-2009/option>option value444>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attends the play "Claus" in the Royal Theatre Carré in Amsterdam, 06-12-2009/option>option value442>-- Princess Maxima attended in Rotterdam the 5th "Altijd Onderwegprijs" Homeless award of the SZN foundation, 03-12-2009/option>option value441>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima attends the celebration of 50 year Society of Chief Editors. Circustheater, 27-11-2009/option>option value440>-- Princess Laurentien at the " Buurt-Alliantie, Amsterdam 25-11-2009/option>option value295>-- Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia are for a 3-day statevisit in The Netherlands, at Sociëteit "De Witte", 22-04-2009/option>option value293>-- Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia are for a 3-day statevisit in The Netherlands, 23-04-2009/option>option value292>-- Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia are for a 3-day statevisit in The Netherlands, 22-04-2009/option>option value291>-- Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia are for a 3-day statevisit in The Netherlands, 21-04-2009/option>option value439>-- Princess Maxima visits today a project of the foundation "Music Matters" in Delshaven / Rotterdam. The foundation aims children and young people to make music. 26-11-2009/option>option value438>-- Queen Beatrix visited today in Vlist a Zorgboerderij (Carefarm) Vlist, 26-11-2009/option>option value437>-- Princess Annette receives the first copy of the CD ‘LaLaLaLa’ from the Upside of Down foundation in Hoofddorp, 25-11-2009/option>option value432>-- HM Queen Beatrix opens Malburgstaete, Arnhem 17-11-2009/option>option value431>-- HRH Princess Maxima at the Geld Museum in Utrecht,12-11-2009/option>option value429>-- Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Máxima and Princess Margriet attended the Erasmusawards ceremony at Palace Noordeinde in The Hague. The award of 150.000 euro was given to Mr. Antonio Cassese and Mr. Benjamin Ferencz. The Hague, 13-11-2009/option>option value428>-- Queen Beatrix attended in Leiden the premiere of the performance The farewell monologue at the Leidse Schouwburg, 12-11-2009/option>option value427>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane at the arrival of St. Nicolaus at the harbour of Scheveningen, 14-11-2009/option>option value426>-- Queen Beatrix attends the 15th Balletgala of foundation Dansersfonds 79 in the Muziektheater in Amsterdam, 09-11-09/option>option value425>-- Dutch Princess Maxima attends the annual congress of MKB (Entrepreneurs) in World Forum Center in The Hague, 09-11-09/option>option value424>-- HRH Princess Maxima attends the CGB, Utrecht 10-11-2009/option>option value423>-- Last day of Statevisit of Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Máxima to Mexico, 06-11-2009/option>option value422>-- Third day of Statevisit of Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Máxima to Mexico, 05-11-2009/option>option value420>-- First day of Statevisit of Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Máxima to Mexico, 03-11-2009/option>option value419>-- Dutch Princess Maxima attends the KunstExpress of the "Two Get There " foundation in Zeist, 28-10-2009/option>option value418>-- Dutch Princess Maxima opens the new Culturalis Theater in the Schilderswijk in The Hague. The Culturalis is a theater for amateur theather for young people, Den Haag, 27-20-2009/option>option value417>-- Members of the dutch Royal Family attends the openings performance at the Lucent Danstheater of the Holland Dance Festival, 50 Years of Challenging Dance of the Dutch Dans Theater in The Hague, 28-20-2009/option>option value416>-- Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn at the launch of the book Mr. Finney written by the Princess and illustrator Sieb Postuma in Rotterdam, 28-10-2009/option>option value415>-- Queen Beatrix opens Exhibition Cezanne - Picasso - Mondriaan in the GEM The Hague, 16-10-2009/option>option value414>-- Dutch Princess Maxima opened the "Koninklijke waaier Exhibition" Royal Fan exhibition - "Ontvouwen Schoonheid" in Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, 16-10-2009/option>option value413>-- Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander attended the Oman exhibition in the "Nieuwe Kerk" in Amsterdam, 15-10-2009/option>option value408>-- Queen Beatrix attended the award ceremony of the Vrije Schilderkunst 2009 ( Art of Painting Award) at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. 09-10-2009/option>option value404>-- Princess Maxima attended the 30th anniversary of the Dutch Breast Cancer foundation (BVN) in DeFabrique in Utrecht, 03-10-2009/option>option value402>-- HRH Princess Maxima visits today the newly renovated Moluccan district in Marum, 30-09-2009/option>option value401>-- Princess Maxima at WorldGranny, Amsterdam 29-09-2009/option>option value399>-- Queen Beatrix opens VNG, The Haque, 22-09-2009/option>option value398>-- Princess Maxima and Belgium Princess Mathilde attended the opening of the museum “M”. Leuven (B), 20-09-2009/option>option value397>-- Baptismen of Pieter Anton Maurits Erik van Vollenhoven. Apeldoorn, 20-09-2009/option>option value396>-- Princess Maxima at Scout In 09, Liempde 19-09-2009/option>option value395>-- Prinsjesdag 2009, Den Haag 15-09-2009/option>option value392>-- Visit of Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima to the White House. Washington, 11-09-2009/option>option value394>-- Sixth day of the visit of the Prince of Orange and Prinncess Maxima to New York, 13-09-2009/option>option value393>-- Fifth day of the visit of Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima to New York, 12-09-09/option>option value389>-- Third day of visit of Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima to New York, 10-09-09/option>option value387>-- First day of visit of Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima to New York, 08-09-09/option>option value388>-- Second day of visit of Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima to New York, 09-09-09/option>option value386>-- Wedding of Bernardo Guillermo and Eva Prinz-Valdes in the Our Lady Queens All Saints Church, New York 05-09-2009/option>option value382>-- Queen Beatrix in Leiden, 31-08-2009/option>option value381>-- Queen Beatrix in Leiden, 31-08-2009/option>option value380>-- Queen Beatrix in Leiden, 31-08-2009/option>option value379>-- Queen Beatrix visited in Den Oever (Noord-Holland) the Fishingdays, 29-08-2009/option>option value378>-- Queen Beatrix visited Salland in the province Overijssel, 28-08-2009/option>option value377>-- Queen Beatrix attended the naming of the latest ship of the Royal Wagenborg, De Beatrix at the harbour of Delfzijl, 24-08-2009/option>option value376>-- Japanese Princess Kiko and Prince Akishino in The Hague, 25-08-2009/option>option value375>-- Queen Beatrix attended a concert of the European Union Youth Orchestra in the Concertgebouw. Amsterdam, 19-08-2009/option>option value365>-- Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima, princess Amalia, princess Alexia and princess Ariane, beach of Wassenaar, 20-07-2009/option>option value363>-- Princess Laurentien key note speaker at conference Be Healthy, be yourself Brussel, 09-07-2009/option>option value362>-- Queen Beatrix attended celebrations of 100 year Hoofddorp Concours Hippique in Haarlemmermeer, 03-07-2009/option>option value361>-- Prince Friso received the Leonardo da Vinci medal 2009 in the "Burgerzaal" of the cityhall in Rotterdam, 02-07-2009/option>option value360>-- Princess Maxima attended today the opening of the Mixx Inn in The Hague, 30-06-2009/option>option value358>-- Crown Princess Maxima attended the opening of the new public library in Wassenaar, 29-06-2009/option>option value357>-- Veteransday (Veteranendag 2009) Prince Willem-Alexander attended the defile on Veteransday, 27-06-2009/option>option value355>-- Queen Beatrix opend the new building of the Rijksdienst for Cultural Inheritance, designed by Juan Navarro in Amersfoort, 24-06-2009/option>option value356>-- Queen Beatrix attended the award ceremony of The Hague, 25-06-2009/option>option value352>-- Amsterdam Dinner, 20-06-2009/option>option value351>-- Princess Margriet opened the renewed terrace in the garden of Paleis Het Loo in Apeldoorn, 20-06-2009/option>option value350>-- Queen Beatrix attend the session on occasion of the 100th jubilee of the Johanniter Order in The Netherlands at the Grote Kerk in Naarden, 20-06-2009/option>option value349>-- Opening Hermitage Amsterdam, 19-06-2009/option>option value345>-- Zilveren Anjers, Den Haag 11-06-2009/option>option value341>-- Princess Maxima, Home-Start, Venray 09-06-2009/option>option value340>-- Dutch Royal family attended the exhibition 100 years Queen Juliana at Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, 06-06-2009/option>option value339>-- Princess Maxima at the Mode Biennale, Arhem, 05-06-2009/option>option value338>-- Queen Beatrix, Holland-Festival, Amsterdam 04-06-2009/option>option value336>-- Princess Maxima participate in the meeting Microfinance network. IJsselstein 04-06-2009/option>option value335>-- Queen Beatrix at RMPI, Barendrecht, 03-06-2009/option>option value334>-- Princess Maxima and Johan Cruyff in the Hague, 02-06-2009/option>option value332>-- Military Willems-Orde, the Haque, 29-05-2009/option>option value331>-- Prince Willem-Alexander with ex-King Simeon of Bulgary in Sofia, 25-05-2009/option>option value327>-- 3rd day of 3 day statevisit from the president of Chili, Michelle Bachelot to the Netherlands, 27-05-2009/option>option value325>-- 2 nd day of 3 day statevisit of President of Chili, Michelle Bachelet to The Netherlands, 26-05-2009/option>option value324>-- 1st day of 3 day statevisit of President of Chili, Michelle Bachelet to The Netherlands, 25-05-2009/option>option value322>-- Princess Máxima at symposium of 19 new top female academics. RUG University Groningen, 20-05-2009/option>option value318>-- Queen Beatrix reveals a statue of her parents, late Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard. Soestdijk 19-05-2009/option>option value313>-- Princess Irene attended the recording of the programme NOVA College Tour at the University of Wageningen, 18-05-2009/option>option value311>-- Queen Beatrix opens and visit the Art Amsterdam 2009 Solo (Jubilee edition featuring over a hundred solo exhibitions to mark 25 years in Amsterdam RAI. 13-05-2009/option>option value310>-- Princess Maxima has handed out the Appeltjes van Oranje 2009 at palace Noordeinde in The Hague. 12-05-2009/option>option value309>-- Queen Beatrix opened in the Bijlmer, Amsterdam , the Open Source Amsterdam. 09-05-2009/option>option value308>-- Dutch Royal Family attended Friday 09-05-2009 in Apeldoorn, in the Theater Orpheus, the service to commemorate the victims of/option>option value307>-- HM Queen Beatrix visited the Great Church in Dordrecht attending the opening of the exhibition Calvin & Us, 07-05-2009/option>option value302>-- Dutch Queen Beatrix attended the Liberation Day, Amsterdam 05-05-2009/option>option value301>-- "Dodenherdenking" Remembrance of the Dead in prescence of Queen Beatrix, Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Maxima. Amsterdam, 04-05-2009/option>option value297>-- Queensday in Apeldoorn, 30-04-2009/option>option value296>-- Prof. Mr. Pieter van Vollenhovens 70th birthday. Utrecht 28-04-2009/option>option value294>-- Dutch Crown Princess Maxima named Dredger the VOX Maxima in Kinderdijk, 24-04-2009/option>option value289>-- Princess Maxima in Holten, 14-04-2009/option>option value287>-- Prinses Laurentien, Nationaal Onderwijs Museum, Rotterdam 04-04-2009/option>option value286>-- Dutch Crown Prince Couple the premiere of Mapenzi Tamu (means sweet love in Swahili) in the RAI theater in Amsterdam, 04-04-2009/option>option value283>-- Prince Friso and Princess Mabel in The Haque, 02-04-2009/option>option value280>-- Princess Maxima, Colorful Business Event, Rotterdam 01-04-2009/option>option value279>-- Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien, Breda 25-03-2009/option>option value277>-- HM Queen Beatrix, Make a Difference Day, Zeist 21-03-2009/option>option value271>-- Dutch Prince Constantijn, Princess Laurentien and son Claus-Casimir at MADD in Scheerwolde, 21-03-2009/option>option value268>-- Make a Difference Day, Almere 20-03-2009/option>option value264>-- HM Queen Beatrix opened Department of Finance, The Haque 12-03-2009/option>option value259>-- HRH Princess Maxima in Utrecht, 10-03-2009/option>option value258>-- HRH Princess Laurentien visited the Railway Museum, Utrecht 10-03-2009/option>option value254>-- Princess Annette opened care complex, PIM, for multiple disabled children in Dorst, 07-03-2009/option>option value253>-- Princess Maxima visited Venlo, 05-03-2009/option>option value251>-- Prince of Orange and Princess Maxima, Middelburg, 06-03-2009/option>option value246>-- Queen Beatrix attended the exhibition 200 years Prix de Rome at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, 24-02-2009/option>option value243>-- Dutch Royal Family in Lech am Arlberg, 16-02-2009/option>option value242>-- Princess Maxima visited the cultural centre De Binnenstad in Oss, 12-02-2009/option>option value240>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima visited today Amideast a job-readyness programme by US NGO with support of Dutch MFA, Muscat 17-01-2009/option>option value234>-- Princess Maxima ISS, The Haque 01-04-2008/option>option value233>-- Dutch Royal family attended the memorial service of Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema,Wassenaar 03-04-2008/option>option value232>-- Princess Maxima opened the Sim Trade Fair, Rotterdam 04-04-2008/option>option value231>-- Queen Beatrix meet the Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme, The Haque 07-04-2008/option>option value229>-- Statevisit Brasil to The Netherlands, 11-04-2008/option>option value228>-- Statevisit Brasil to The Netherlands, 10-04-2008/option>option value215>-- Queen Beatrix and Princess Laurentien, Scheveningen 22-04-2008/option>option value214>-- Princess Laurentien Wereldboekenstad, Amsterdam 23-04-2008/option>option value213>-- Princess Margriet at Diligentia, 24-04-2008/option>option value212>-- Prince Willem-Alexander in Soestdijk, 29-04-2008/option>option value211>-- Queensday Makkum and Franeker, 30-04-2008/option>option value210>-- Nationale Dodenherdenking, Amsterdam 04-05-2008/option>option value206>-- Streekbezoek Drenthe Queen Beatrix, Drenthe 06-05-2008/option>option value205>-- Queen Beatrix KNAW, Amsterdam 08-05-2008/option>option value204>-- Princess Maxima in Nieuwkoop, 13-05-2008/option>option value203>-- Princess Margriet in Burgers Zoo, Arnhem 14-05-2008/option>option value202>-- Queen Beatrix Statevisit to Estonia, 15-05-2008/option>option value199>-- Queen Beatrix Statevisit to Estonia, 14-05-2008/option>option value198>-- Princess Maxima Westeinde, The Haque 15-05-2008/option>option value196>-- Princess Maxima at the Ridderzaal, The Haque 16-05-2008/option>option value193>-- Queen Beatrix at the Pasar Malam, The Haque 21-05-2008/option>option value192>-- Princess Maxima in Niewegein, 22-05-2008/option>option value191>-- Appeltjes van Oranje, The Haque 23-05-2008/option>option value190>-- Freedom Award, Middelburg 24-05-2008/option>option value186>-- Princess Maxima 10th Anna Reynvaan reading, Amsterdam 28-05-2008/option>option value185>-- Princess Maxima "Talent to the Top" , Amsterdam 28-05-2008/option>option value184>-- Koning Willem I Prijs 2008, The Hague 29-05-2008/option>option value183>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima, Vrede van Utrecht 30-05-2008/option>option value181>-- Princess Maxima High Voltage, Wassenaar 31-05-2008/option>option value179>-- Princess Maxima in Lintelo, 05-06-2008/option>option value178>-- Princess Maxima in Maastricht, 06-06-2008/option>option value174>-- Princess Mabel at the Amsterdam Diner, 07-06-2008/option>option value173>-- Princess Laurentien in Amsterdam, 11-06-2008/option>option value166>-- Queen Beatrix, Zilveren Anjers, The Haque 19-06-2008/option>option value165>-- Princess Maxima at the Raad van Kerken, Utrecht 21-06-2008/option>option value163>-- Queen Beatrix, Statevisit to Lithuania, 24-06-2008/option>option value162>-- Queen Beatrix, Statevisit to Lithuania , 25-06-2008/option>option value161>-- Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima in Zaragoza, 25-06-2008/option>option value160>-- Queen Beatrix, Statevisit to Lithuania, 26-06-2008/option>option value159>-- Prince Willem Alexander, Veteranendag The Hague 28-06-2008/option>option value158>-- Queen Beatrix, ms EURODAM, Rotterdam 01-07-2008/option>option value157>-- Queen Beatrix, 125 year ANWB, Wassenaar 02-07-2008/option>option value156>-- Queen Beatrix in Bad Arolsen, 03-07-2008/option>option value155>-- Princess Maxima at the Vredespaleis, The Haque 03-07-2008/option>option value154>-- Fotosessie De Horsten, Wassenaar 11-07-2008/option>option value145>-- Queen Beatrix at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, 22-08-2008/option>option value144>-- Princess Maxima attended this morning Euro Skills, Rotterdam 18-09-2008/option>option value142>-- Queen Beatrix received the dutch Olympic Team, The Haque 26-08-2008/option>option value137>-- Princess Maxima opens the Jutter, Utrecht 11-09-2008/option>option value136>-- Queen Beatrix opens the CvA, Amsterdam 12-09-2008/option>option value135>-- Princess Laurentien, The Vincent Award, Amsterdam 12-09-2008/option>option value134>-- Prinsjesdag 2008, The Hague 16-09-2008/option>option value132>-- Queen Beatrix, opening House of Aristoteles, Amsterdam 17-09-2008/option>option value128>-- Queen Beatrix and HRH Princess Margriet, medaillewinnaars Paralympics, The Haque 19-09-2008/option>option value127>-- Queen Beatrix startschot Palacerun, Apeldoorn 19-09-2008/option>option value126>-- Princess Maxima at the Burendag, Deventer 20-09-2008/option>option value123>-- Queen Beatrix orded kinderpostzegels, The Haque 23-09-2008/option>option value122>-- Princess Maxima in Zeist, 24-09-2008/option>option value121>-- Princess Maxima in Haarlem, 26-09-2008/option>option value119>-- Queen Beatrix in the Van Gogh museum, Amsterdam 01-10-2008/option>option value118>-- Princess Marilene in Amsterdam, 01-10-2008/option>option value117>-- Prince Willem-Alexander in Hendrik Ido Ambacht, 02-10-2008/option>option value116>-- Queen Beatrix bij Jantje Beton, The Haque 03-10-2008/option>option value115>-- Princess Maxima, Ned. Bank in Amsterdam, 06-10-2008/option>option value108>-- Queen Beatrix visited the province Zeeland, 07-10-2008/option>option value107>-- Queen Beatrix opening CBS, The Haque 08-10-2008/option>option value106>-- Queen Beatrix Vrijeschilderskunst, The Haque 10-10-2008/option>option value104>-- Princess Laurentien at the Kloosterkerk, The Hague 14-10-2008/option>option value100>-- Offical photo the Statevisit of Ghana, The Hague 21-10-2008/option>option value99>-- Statevisit Ghana to the Netherlands,/option>option value98>-- Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima in the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam 24-10-2008/option>option value97>-- Princess Maxima in Alkmaar, 28-10-2008/option>option value94>-- Queen Beatrix received President Yayi from Benin. The Hague, 22-01-2009/option>option value90>-- Queen Beatrix in Beatrix, Gorinchem 20-01-2009/option>option value88>-- Princess Máxima and Prince Willem-Alexander visited the Sheikh Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, 19-01-2009/option>option value87>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and princess Máxima arrive in Abu Dhabi, 18-01-2009/option>option value86>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima visit to desert in Liwa, Abu Dhabi, 18-01-2009/option>option value85>-- Princess Maxima opened Fairtradeweek, Zeist 30-10-2008/option>option value91>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima meet the Sultan of Oman, 17-01-2009/option>option value83>-- Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima at Sohar Port 16-01-2009/option>option value82>-- Exhibition ‘SpeelGoed op Het Loo’ , Apeldoorn 01-11-2008/option>option value81>-- Queen Beatrix in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam 02-11-2008/option>option value80>-- Christening of Benjamin van Vollenhoven, Apeldoorn 02-11-2008/option>option value79>-- Erasmusprijs, Rotterdam 07-11-2008/option>option value78>-- Princess Maxima in Utrecht, 08-11-2008/option>option value77>-- Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima in Den Bosch, 08-11-2008/option>option value75>-- Arrival of Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima at the airport of Muscat/option>option value74>-- Princess Laurentien, The Haque 10-11-2008/option>option value73>-- Presentation of Cees Fasseur book Juliana and Bernard, The Haque 11-11-2008/option>option value72>-- HRH Prince Friso in Amsterdam, 11-11-2008/option>option value70>-- Princess Laurentien, Het Boek van Belang The Haque, 15-01-2009/option>option value69>-- Princess Maxima at the India-Festival, 12-11-2008/option>option value68>-- Princess Maxima at MC-Sophia, Rotterdam 12-11-2008/option>option value67>-- Princess Maxima in The Van Nelle Factory, 13-11-2008/option>option value64>-- Princess Máxima at the Lyceum Oudehoven,17-11-2008/option>option value63>-- Queen Beatrix at the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, 20-11-2008/option>option value62>-- Princess Maxima in Rotterdam, 20-11-2008/option>option value61>-- Prince Pieter- Christiaan in the Haque, 21-11-2008/option>option value59>-- Princess Maxima in The Hague, 26-11-2008/option>option value58>-- Princess Margriet in Katwijk, 27-11-2008/option>option value56>-- Sinterklaas, 22-11-2008/option>option value55>-- Royal Family at Prince Claus Award 13-12-2008/option>option value44>-- Queen Beatrix and Princess Mabel in Londen, 04-12-2008/option>option value43>-- Princess Maxima in Breda, 04-12-2008/option>option value35>-- Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima at the the premíere of the movie Wit Licht, Amsterdam 08-12-2008 Maxima/option>option value34>-- Princess Margriet and Princess Laurentien in Brussel, 09-12-2008/option>option value33>-- Queen Beatrix and Mr.Kofi Annan at the Rdderzaal, 09-12-2008/option>option value32>-- Queen Beatrix at the Conference ‘Faith in Human Rights’,10-12-2008/option>option value31>-- Queen Beatrix opened in Breda the NHTV ,17-12-2008/option>option value19>-- Royal Family at New Years Reception 07-01-2009/option>option value16>-- Princess Laurentien opened Braillejaar 10-01-2009/option>option value390>-- Fourth day of the visit of Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima to New York, 11-09-09/option>option value863>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value864>-- Queen Beatrix , Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Maxima , Curacao 01-11-2011/option>option value896>-- HM Queen Beatrix at the Ridderzaal in The Hague/option>option value980>-- HRH Princess Laurentien in Rotterdam/option>option value1124>-- HRH Princess Laurentien attends the " Kinderklimaattop "/option>option value1441>-- King Willem-Alexander at the premiere of the play ANNE/option>option value1809>-- Queen Maxima opens Schmidt Zeevis/option>option value1808>-- King Willem-Alexander visits NLR DNW wind tunnel in Marknesse/option>option value800 classdropdownmarker>Austrian Royals/option>option value3491>-- Wedding of Archduke Alexander of Austria and Countess Natacha Roumiantzeff-Pachkevitch/option>option value1976>-- Funeral Rumanian Queen Ana/option>option value801>-- Funeral of His Imperial Royal Highness Archduke Otto von Habsburg/option>option value200 classdropdownmarker>German Royals/option>option value2698>-- Wedding of Joachim Albrecht Prince of Prussia and Angelina Gräfin zu Solms-Laubach/option>option value2420>-- Prince Georg Friedrich opens exhibition Help de keizer komt/option>option value2252>-- Marriage of Hereditary Prince Ferdinand of Leiningen and Princess Viktoria Luise von Preussen/option>option value2216>-- Gloria Princess of Thurn und Taxis at the St. Emmeram Castle/option>option value2207>-- Marriage of Ernst August Erbprinz von Hannover and Ekaterina Malysheva/option>option value2130>-- Prince Richard of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg funeral service, 21-03-2017/option>option value1251>-- Funeral service of Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse/option>option value990>-- Alexander Graf von Faber-Castell with Melissa Eliyesil, 26-05-2012/option>option value982>-- Wedding of Princess Felipa von Bayern and Christian Dienst in the Wieskirche in Steingaden-Wies, 12-05-2012/option>option value819>-- Religious wedding of Prince Friderich von Preussen and Princess Sophie von Isenburg in Potsdam, 27-08-2011/option>option value818>-- Guests arrive at the Konzerthaus for the concert the evening before the wedding the Prince of Prussia and Princess Sophie of Isenburg, 26-08-2011/option>option value788>-- Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Alexander Johannsmann at their religious wedding/option>option value369>-- Marriage of Christian Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe and miss Lena Giese, Glücksburg. 25-07-2009/option>option value323>-- Wedding of Hereditary Prince Hubertus von Sachsen-Coburg und Cotha and Kelly Rondestvedt at the St. Moritz Church in Coburg, 23-05-2009/option>option value305>-- 100 years Anniversary of late Count Lennart Bernadotte, unveilig of the sculpture of late Countess Sonja and commemoration concert of late Countess Sonja at Island Mainau. MAINAU 08-05-2009/option>option value304>-- Arrival for weddingball of Count Björn and Countess Sandra Bernadotte in the Castle Church St. Marien at Island Mainau, 07-05-2009/option>option value303>-- Wedding of Count Björn Bernadotte and Miss Sandra Angerer in the Castle Church St. Marien at Island Mainau, 07-05-2009/option>option value201>-- Prince Christian Sigismund von Preussen, Doorn 29-05-2008/option>option value4 classdropdownmarker>Belgium/option>option value3633>-- Graduation Princess Elisabeth of Belgium/option>option value3632>-- National Day Belgium 2024/option>option value3614>-- Belgium Royal children voting 1st time/option>option value3576>-- 1st Day Statevisit from Luxembourgh/option>option value3561>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde visits Europol/option>option value3533>-- Crown Princess Elisabeth visits hospital/option>option value3531>-- Belgium Royal Family at the Royal Palace/option>option value3515>-- Kings Day in Belgium 2023/option>option value3470>-- Defile National Day of Belgium/option>option value3469>-- Te Deum National Day of Belgium/option>option value3468>-- Bal National and Prelude concert to the National Day of Belgium/option>option value3430>-- Belgium Royal Family attending Garden Party/option>option value3383>-- Belgium Royal Family attends Eucharistic celebration/option>option value3360>-- Belgium Royal Family attending Christmas concert/option>option value3303>-- Wedding of Princess Maria Laura of Belgium and William Isvy/option>option value3298>-- Wedding of Count Charles Henri d Udekem d Acoz and Caroline Philippe/option>option value3291>-- funeral of Prince Wauthier de Ligne/option>option value3287>-- Defile National Day of Belgium 2022/option>option value3286>-- Te Deum National Day of Belgium 2022/option>option value3285>-- Prelude concert to the National Day of Belgium/option>option value3278>-- Crown Princess Elisabeth opens 3D printing lab/option>option value3186>-- 1st day State visit from Austria to Belgium/option>option value3177>-- Queen Mathilde attends dance performance/option>option value3159>-- Belgium Royal Family attends Eucharistic celebration/option>option value3139>-- Belgium Royal Family attending Christmas concert/option>option value3055>-- National Day Belgium Paleizenplein/option>option value3054>-- National Day Belgium Te Deum/option>option value3046>-- Princess Elisabeth at the military camp Lagland/option>option value2936>-- Belgium Royal Family attending ceremony of the academic year of the KMS/option>option value2929>-- King Filip hands out the blue cap to Princess Elizabeth/option>option value2926>-- Car Free Sunday in Brussel/option>option value2897>-- National Day Belgium 2020/option>option value2829>-- Belgium Royal Family attends Eucharistic celebration in Laken/option>option value2805>-- Belgium Royal Family attending Christmas concert/option>option value2785>-- Kings Day 2019 of Belgium/option>option value2772>-- 2nd day State visit Belgium to Luxembourgh/option>option value2771>-- 1st day State visit Belgium to Luxembourgh/option>option value2721>-- Prince Laurent and Prince Andrew in Brugge/option>option value2709>-- National Day Belgium Defile/option>option value2708>-- National Day Belgium Te Deum/option>option value2707>-- Prelude concert to the National Day of Belgium/option>option value2606>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde visit the province of Antwerp/option>option value2602>-- Belgium Royal Family attends Eucharistic in Laken/option>option value2601>-- Queen Mathilde visits Foire du Livre de Bruxelles/option>option value2599>-- Queen Mathilde inaugurated as a protective honorary member/option>option value2572>-- Members Belgium Royal Family attend Christmas concert/option>option value2500>-- Eucharistic celebration 25th anniversary of the death of HM King Boudewijn/option>option value2475>-- National Day Defile/option>option value2474>-- National Day Te Deum/option>option value2473>-- Prelude concert to the National Day/option>option value2423>-- Queen Mathilde and Queen Letizia at Eudevdays in Brussel/option>option value2422>-- celebrate 60 years Benelux/option>option value2363>-- King Albert and Queen Paola visit Oostende/option>option value2350>-- Queen Mathilde visits the Lucas School of Arts/option>option value2309>-- Belgian Royals attend the annual Christmas concert at the Royal Palace in Brussel/option>option value2291>-- Kingsday 2017 of Belgium/option>option value2234>-- the first schoolday in Belgium/option>option value2218>-- National Day of Belgium 2017, defile/option>option value2217>-- National Day of Belgium 2017, Te Deum/option>option value2204>-- celebration on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of HM Queen Paola/option>option value2150>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde visits the Province of East Flanders/option>option value2111>-- Members of the Belgium Royal Family attend the Eucharistic in Laken/option>option value2078>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde visit Buurtwerk Chambery in Brussel/option>option value2077>-- Belgian Royals attend the annual Christmas concert at the Royal Palace in Brussel/option>option value2046>-- Kings Day 2016 Belgium/option>option value1988>-- Belgium Royal Family attends the Car-free Sunday/option>option value1971>-- National Day Belgium/option>option value1970>-- Concert Prelude at the BOZAR in Brussels/option>option value1963>-- Coronation Procession in Tongeren/option>option value1950>-- Marriage of Guillaume de Dampierre and Princess Alix de Ligne at Beloeil/option>option value1933>-- HM Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth at the BOZAR/option>option value1921>-- 2nd Day of the State-visit of HM King Abdullah II and HM Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan to Belgium/option>option value1919>-- State-visit of HM King Abdullah II and HM Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan to Belgium/option>option value1846>-- Members of the Belgium Royal Family at the Onze Lieve Vrouwkerk in Laeken/option>option value1816>-- HM Queen Mathilde visit the exhibition Design Derby/option>option value1815>-- Members of the Belgium Royal Family attend the Christmas Concert at the Royal Palace/option>option value1814>-- King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium attends a lunch at "Restaurant du Coeur" de Charleroi/option>option value1813>-- TRH Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz attend a reception off the Roll Back Malaria/option>option value1790>-- Kingss Day Belgium/option>option value1789>-- HM King Albert and HM Queen Paola attend a gala evening in Luik/option>option value1737>-- first school-day at the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege in Brussels/option>option value1724>-- National Day Belgium/option>option value1723>-- Belgium King and Queen opening royal palace in Brussels/option>option value1689>-- HRH Princess Elizabeth baptizes the patrol vessel P902 Pollux, Zeebrugge/option>option value1660>-- Belgium Prince Laurent and family baking Limburg Pie, 28-03-2015/option>option value1635>-- Belgium prince Laurent and his family visit the Youth film festival/option>option value1634>-- Annual celebration of the Eucharist in memory of the deceased members of the Royal Family/option>option value1607>-- Funeral service of Queen Fabiola, 12-12-2014/option>option value1531>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde at exhibition at MAS in Antwerpen/option>option value1513>-- First day of school of royals at the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege in Brussels/option>option value1508>-- Commemorations for the centenary of the First World War in Luik/option>option value1498>-- Defile National Day Belgium, 21-07-2014/option>option value1497>-- Ball National Brussel, 20-07-2014/option>option value1496>-- National Day Belgium, Te Deum/option>option value1474>-- Wedding of belgium Prince Amedeo and Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein/option>option value1434>-- King Filip and Queen Mathilde of Belgium in Sweden/option>option value1396>-- Belgium Queen Mathilde attend the seminar against cyber bullying Friendly Attac, Bits of help in Antwerpen/option>option value1394>-- Belgium royal family at the church of Laeken/option>option value1388>-- Belgium King Filip and Queen Mathilde visit Paris/option>option value1367>-- Belgische koninklijke familie aanwezig bij kerstconcert in Brussel/option>option value1365>-- Koningsfeest in Brussel/option>option value1362>-- Belgium King Philippe and Queen Mathilde for a introduction visit in Luxemburg/option>option value1348>-- Queen Mathilde and King Filip of Belgium in Brussels/option>option value1337>-- King Philippe and Queen Mathilde at joyful entry in Brugge/option>option value1332>-- King Philippe and Queen Mathilde in Gent/option>option value1327>-- King Philippe and Queen Mathilde in Luik, 11-10-2013/option>option value1315>-- Belgium King Philippe and Queen Mathilde at joyful Entry at Hasselt/option>option value1297>-- First joyful entry of the Belgium King Philippe and Queen Mathilde in Leuven/option>option value1292>-- Blegium King Philippe brings his children to school, 02-09-2013/option>option value1283>-- Abdication and Investiture celebrations on Belgian National Day/option>option value1282>-- Belgium royals attend the Concert "Prelude to the National Celebration" at the Palais des Beaux-Arts/option>option value1279>-- Belgium royal family at castle Laeken/option>option value1276>-- Belgium Prince Filip and Princess Mathilde attends the 150th anniversary of the RBSC/option>option value1171>-- Belgium royal family attends the Eucharist celebration in Laken/option>option value1138>-- Members of the Belgium Royal Family attends the Christmas-concert/option>option value1109>-- Koningsfeest, Te Deum in the Sint-Michiels-en-Sint-Goedele-kathedraal/option>option value1085>-- Belgium Crown Prince Philippe presents the first Essenscia Innovation Award, 25-10-2012/option>option value1083>-- Belgium royal family at the autumn concert at the royal palace in Brussels., 24-10-2012/option>option value1080>-- Belgium Crown Prince Philippe and Crown Princess Mathilde in Liege, 24-10-2012/option>option value1039>-- Princess Mathilde brings Princess Elisbeth, Prince Gabriel and Princess Eleonore to school/option>option value1030>-- Belgium Royal Family attends the Te Deum at the national day/option>option value1028>-- Members of the Belgium Royal Family at the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussel/option>option value978>-- Belgium crown prince and crown princess attends the 800th anniversary of the city Turnhout, 9 May 2012/option>option value937>-- Belgium royals attends Eucharist celebration dedicated to the memory of the deceased relatives in Laeken/option>option value902>-- Belgium members of the royal family attends the Christmas concert in the royal palace in Brussels, 14-12-2011/option>option value882>-- Belgium royals attends the Te Deum at the occasion of Koningsfeest in the Sint-Michiels-en-Sint-Goedele Cathedral in Brussel, 15-11-2011/option>option value827>-- Belgium Princess Elisabeth at opening of new hospital in Gent, 07-09-1964/option>option value820>-- Belgium Crown Prince Philippe (Filip) and Crown Princess Mathilde bring their children to school, 01-09-2011/option>option value803>-- National Day of Belgium, 21-07-2011/option>option value802>-- Princess Mathilde and Prince Filip visited the exhibition Science at the palace, 20-07-2011/option>option value724>-- Members of belgium royal family commemorate deceased familymembers at the Cathredral of Laeken/option>option value677>-- Conference at the Royal Palace in Brussel/option>option value676>-- King Albert and Queen Paola offer the Guests of honor a concert and a dinner at the Chateau of Laeken/option>option value674>-- Belgium royal family attends service because celebration of "Koningsfeest" in Brussel, 15-11-2010/option>option value606>-- Queen Beatrix, Princesses Amalia and Ariane visit the Breda Hippique/option>option value602>-- First Schoolday in Brussel,01-09-2010/option>option value581>-- National Day of Belgium, members of the royal family attends the celbrations of the national day of Belgium, 21-07-2010/option>option value488>-- Princess Mathilde at the Libary Permeke in Antwerp, 12-03-2010/option>option value472>-- Members of the belgium Royal Family attends the Eucharistieservice this morning, dedicated to the memory of the dead members of the Royal Family in the Church of Our Lady in Laeken, 23-02-2010/option>option value443>-- Belgium royal family attends the funeral of belgium Prince Alexander, half-brother of King Albert in the Notre-Dame de Laeken, 04-12-2009/option>option value430>-- Queen Fabiola, Prince Felipe, Princess Mathilde, Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Prince Laurent attend a Te Deum mass on the occasion of the King`s Day at the Sint-Michiels-en-Sint-Goedele Cathedral of Brussels, 15-11-2009/option>option value407>-- Members of the belgium royal family visits in the Museum of Beaux Arts the exhibition Europalia, 08-10-2009/option>option value405>-- Prince Filip and Princes Mathilde attends play about Damiaan in Antwerpen, 07-10-2009/option>option value383>-- First Schoolday in Brussel, 01-09-2009/option>option value368>-- Members of the belgium Royal Family attends the defile at the Paleizenplein. Brussel 21-07-2009/option>option value367>-- King Albert, Queen Paola, Queen Fabiola, Crown Prince Filip and Crown Princess Mathilde at the Sint-Michiels- Kathredral. Brussel, 21-07-2009/option>option value366>-- Belgium Royal Family attends concert, Brussels 20-07-2009/option>option value278>-- Third day of Belgium Crown Prince Couple for a offical visit and economic mission in Mexico, 25-03-2009/option>option value276>-- Second day of Belgium Crown Prince Couple for a offical visit and economic mission in Mexico, 24-02-2009/option>option value273>-- First day of Belgium Crown Prince Couple for a offical visit and economic mission in Mexico, 23-02-2009/option>option value272>-- Belgium Crown Prince Filip and Crown Princess Mathilde are for a offical visit in Mexico from 22-25 March 2009/option>option value244>-- Belgium Crown Princess Mathilde visited today the new Braille Museum in Brussels, 19-02-2009/option>option value241>-- Crown Princess Mathilde visited the University Rahabilitation Hospital Leonard de Vinci in Montigny-le-Tilleul, 10-02-2009/option>option value230>-- Delphine Boël, Brussel 09-04-2008/option>option value222>-- Statevisit Hungary to Belgium, Brussel 15-04-2008/option>option value217>-- Crown Prince Filip visited Princess Mathilde, Brussel 20-04-2008/option>option value216>-- Princess Eleonore, Erasme Hospital Brussel, 21-04-2008/option>option value180>-- Queen Fabiola 80th birthday, Brussel 03-06-2008/option>option value151>-- Elisabethconcert, Brussel 20-07-2008/option>option value150>-- National Day Belgium, Brussel 21-07- 2008/option>option value146>-- Belgium Royal Family attends New Year reception. Brussels, 27-01-2009/option>option value141>-- 15th annivarsary of King Albert as King of Belgium, Brussel 31-08-2008/option>option value138>-- Sint- Jan Berchmanscollege, Brussel 01-09-2008/option>option value124>-- Princess Mathilde in Brussel, 23-09-2008/option>option value120>-- Funeral of count Patrick d Udekem d Acoz, Bastonge 30-09-2008/option>option value102>-- Princess Mathilde visited this morning the fair Salon Education, Namen 16-10-2008/option>option value66>-- Koningsfeest, Te Deum, Brussel 15-11-2008/option>option value65>-- Koningsfeest, Parlement Brussel 15-11-2008/option>option value57>-- Prince Laurent and Princess Claire, Nijvel,29-11-2008/option>option value36>-- Wedding of Count Rodolphe of Limburg Stirum and Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria, 06-12-2008/option>option value27>-- Christmas-Concert Brussel 18-12-2008/option>option value1472>-- Wedding preparations in Rome/option>option value5 classdropdownmarker>Denmark/option>option value3593>-- last of 2 days Statevisit from Denmark to Norway/option>option value3592>-- 1st of a 2 day Statevisit from Denmark to Norway/option>option value3587>-- last of a 2 day State visit from Denmark to Sweden/option>option value3586>-- 1st of a 2 day State visit from Denmark to Sweden/option>option value3537>-- Danish Royal Family attends celebration in the Parliament of the change of the throne/option>option value3536>-- Proclamation of King Frederik X of Denmark/option>option value3535>-- Danish Royal Family attends New Years reception/option>option value3509>-- 2nd of a 3 days Statevisit from Spain to Denmark/option>option value3508>-- 1st of a 3 days Statevisit from Spain to Denmark/option>option value3411>-- Crown Princess Mary visits Milan Design Week 2023/option>option value3410>-- Queen Margrethe 83th birthday/option>option value3363>-- Danish Royal Family attends New Years reception/option>option value3362>-- Danish Royal Family attends New Years reception/option>option value3304>-- Queen Margrethe 50 Anniversary celebrations/option>option value3265>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary on the last of a 2 days visit to The Netherlands/option>option value3264>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary on the 1st of a 2 days visit to The Netherlands/option>option value3238>-- Queen Margrethe II 50th Jubilee/option>option value3162>-- Princess Kate 2 days visit to Denmark/option>option value3151>-- Members Royal Danish Family attending birthday show Mary 50/option>option value3150>-- Crown Princess Mary opens exhibition/option>option value3149>-- Crown Princess Mary opens new knowledge center/option>option value3148>-- Crown Princess Mary visits Kobenhavn Zoo/option>option value3005>-- Prince Christians confirmation/option>option value2808>-- Danish Crown Prince family in Verbier/option>option value2806>-- Danish Royal Family attend the New Years reception at Amalienborg Palace/option>option value2640>-- Queen Margrethe s 79th birthday/option>option value2575>-- New Years reception at Amalienborg Palace/option>option value2485>-- 4th day visit to the Faroe Islands/option>option value2484>-- 3rd day visit Faroe Islands/option>option value2482>-- 2nd day visit to the Faroe Islands/option>option value2481>-- 1st day visit to the Faroe Islands/option>option value2415>-- birthday show All of Denmark celebrates/option>option value2414>-- Crown Prince Frederik 50th birthday/option>option value2384>-- HM Queen Margrethes 78th birthday/option>option value2347>-- HRH Prince Henrik’s cremation service/option>option value2310>-- New Years reception at Amalienborg Palace/option>option value2286>-- Hubertus Jagt at Jægersborg Dyrehave/option>option value2232>-- Prince Nikolais 18th birthday/option>option value2224>-- 1st schoolday of Prince Vincent and Princes Josephine/option>option value2213>-- Members of the Danish Royal Family at Graasten/option>option value2086>-- 2nd Day of the State Visit from Iceland to Denmark, Copenhagen, January 25, 2017/option>option value2080>-- New Years reception at Amalienborg in Copenhagen, 01-01-2017/option>option value1969>-- Photosession at Gråsten Palace/option>option value1851>-- Official Visit of HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark to Qatar/option>option value1822>-- New Year’s banquet in Christian VII’s Palace Amalienborg Copenhagen/option>option value1781>-- HRH Princess Mary held a speech at the 2nd day of the 3d World Conference of Womens Shelters/option>option value1728>-- Danish royal family at official photo session at Grasten Castle/option>option value1727>-- anish royal family at official photo session at Grasten Castle/option>option value1726>-- Danish royal family at Grasten Castle/option>option value1706>-- HRH Princess Isabella baptize a new ferry at Samsoe/option>option value1671>-- Celebrations of HM Queen Margrethe 75th birthday/option>option value1632>-- Danish Prince Joachim and family pose for the media at Col de Bretaye in Villars sur Allon/option>option value1631>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Family in Verbier/option>option value1507>-- 3th day of the visit to Greenland, Qaqortoq/option>option value1506>-- 2nd day of the visit to Greenland to Nanortalik/option>option value1505>-- Alluitsup Paa, 02-08-2014, Greenland/option>option value1504>-- First day of the summer tour, official welcome in Igaliko The Danish Crown Prince Couple’s visit Greenland from 1-8 August 2014/option>option value1503>-- The Danish Crown Prince Couple visit Greenland/option>option value1502>-- Members of the Danish Royal Family attends a photo-session for the press at Gråsten Slottet./option>option value1479>-- Photo session at Château de Cayx/option>option value1427>-- Danish Queen Margrethe celebrates her 74th birthday/option>option value1392>-- Danish Prince Joachim and his family at wintersport in Villars Sur Allon/option>option value1391>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik in Verbier/option>option value1368>-- Danish Royal Family at New Years reception/option>option value1286>-- First schoolday of Princess Isabella of Denmark/option>option value1284>-- Danish royal family at Gråsten Slottet/option>option value1235>-- Confirmation of danish Prince Nikolai at the Fredenborgs palace chapel, Fredensborg Castle/option>option value1167>-- Fotosession in Villars of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie and their children/option>option value1163>-- Foto-session of the Danish Crown Prince couple with children in Verbier/option>option value1143>-- Danish royal family arrive for the New Years reception at Amalienborg Palace/option>option value1097>-- Danish royal family holds a concert and dinner for entrepreneurs in Denmark at Fredensborg Palace/option>option value1094>-- Danish royals attends the Sportsride klub Bens Hubertus Hunting in Deer Park, Dyrehaven/option>option value1029>-- Danish Royal Family pose for the media at Gråsten Castle/option>option value986>-- Christening of Danish Princess Athena in Mogeltonder, 20-05-2012/option>option value965>-- Danish Queen Margrethe II celebrates her 72 nd birthday, with her family at the balcony of Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen/option>option value935>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary with children in Verbier/option>option value929>-- Danish Crown Princess Mary at (CIFF) Copenhagen/option>option value928>-- Princess Mary attends conference about ”One Europe - One Market”/option>option value923>-- Danish crown prince couple in Brussels for EU presidency, 26-01-2012/option>option value916>-- Danish Queen Margrethe, her family and guests arrive for a gala dinner at Christianborg Palace, 15-01-2012/option>option value915>-- Queen Margrethe 40 th Jubilee at Castle Amalienborg in Copenhagen, 15-01-2012/option>option value914>-- Danish Queen Margrethe, her family and royal guests attends a reception in the City Hall of Copenhagen, 14-01-2012/option>option value912>-- Members of the Danish Royal Family at Frederiksborg/option>option value911>-- Danisch Royals at the Folketinget and Chr.IX Palace/option>option value905>-- Danish royal family arrives at Amalienborg Palace for the New Years reception, 01-01-2012/option>option value889>-- Danish Prince Consort Henrik hosted today the Royal hunting at Grib Skov, 22-11-2011/option>option value822>-- Danish Royals attends the inauguration of monument at Kastellet, 05-09-2011/option>option value815>-- Danish Crown Prince couple at Hantsholm/option>option value814>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary at Skagen/option>option value810>-- First school day of danish prince Christian, 12-08-2011/option>option value806>-- Danish royal family for the annual photo session at Gråsten Castle, 01-08-2011/option>option value761>-- State banquet at Fredensborg Castle in honour to state visit of South Korean president, 11-05-2011/option>option value748>-- Christening of Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine of Denmark/option>option value719>-- Danish Queen Margrethe and Prince Consort Henrik on the last Day of official trip to the Kingdom of Bahrain/option>option value718>-- Danish Queen Margrethe and Prince Consort Henrik on the 2nd Day of official trip to the Kingdom of Bahrain/option>option value717>-- Danish Queen Margrethe and Prince Consort Henrik on their first Day of official trip to the Kingdom of Bahrain, 03-02-2011/option>option value704>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary leaving Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen with the new born twins/option>option value698>-- Danish royal family arrives at Amalienborg Palace for the New Years reception on the 1st of January in Copenhagen/option>option value693>-- Danish royals attended premiere of ballet the Tivoli dream, 11-12-2010/option>option value678>-- Danish Prince Consort Henrik and his grandson Prince Christian unveiled a portrait of Christian IV at the Rosenborg Castle, 17-11-2010/option>option value675>-- Danish Royal Family at the royal hunt on Fredensborg Castle in Fredensborg, 16-11-2010/option>option value671>-- Danish Royal Family host a concert for the diplomates and reception at Christiansborg Palace, 09-11-2010/option>option value666>-- Danish Crown Princess Mary visited today a project of "The Danish Forestry Commission" in Roskilde, 08-11-2010/option>option value664>-- Danish royal family attends at Dyrehaven - The Royal Hunting at the Eremitageslottet or The Eremitage Castle, 07-11-2011/option>option value594>-- Danish Crown Princess Mary visited today the CIFF, 12-08-2010/option>option value592>-- Danish royals at the Flådepara in Copenhagen, 10-08-2010/option>option value585>-- Danish royal family poses for the media at Castle Gråsten, 28-07-2010/option>option value582>-- Danish Royal Family posed for the annual photocall at Gråsten Castle in Gråsten, 28-07-2010/option>option value560>-- Second Day of visit Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark to Washington, 04-06-2010/option>option value559>-- First Day of 5-day visit of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary to Washington DC, here they visit the John Eaton Elementary School in Washington, 03-06-2010/option>option value508>-- Royals arrive for the dinner and dance at Fredensborg Palace, 16-04-2010/option>option value507>-- Queen Margrethe and Prince Consort Henrik and other member of the Royal Family at the balcony of Amalienborg Palace, 16-04-2010/option>option value506>-- The danish Queen Margrethe and Prince Consort Henrik were wake up by the crowd at Palace Fredensborg. Also other members of europea royal families were present,. Fredensborg, 16-04-2010/option>option value505>-- The danish Royal Family and other members of the european royal families attends a special theater performance at the Royal Theater, 15-04-2010/option>option value504>-- HM Queen Margrethe of Denmark and other members of the royal family attends a galadinner at Christianborg Palace, 13-04-2010/option>option value468>-- Danish Royal Family attends a galadinner in the Christianborg Palace in Copenhagen for the EU politicians, 27-01-2010/option>option value467>-- Danish Crown Princess Mary attends at the New Carlsberg Glyptoteque in Copenhagen, 27-01-2010/option>option value455>-- Danish Royal Family attends at Christianborg Palace in Copenhagen the New Years reception for the Corps Diplomatique, 05-01-2010/option>option value454>-- Danish Royal Family attends at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen the New Years reception. Copenhagen 01-01-2010/option>option value403>-- Opening ceremony of the 121st IOC Session at the Opera House in Copenhagen, 02-10-2009/option>option value370>-- Royal Christening of Prince Henrik Carl Joachim Alain, son of The Danish Prince Joachim and Princess Marie on Sunday at the Mogeltonder Church in Mogeltonder, 26-07-2009/option>option value343>-- 75 th birthday celebrations of Danish Prince Consort Henrik, Copenhagen 11-06-2009/option>option value342>-- 75 th birthday celebrations of Danish Prince Consort Henrik, Copenhagen 10-06-2009/option>option value319>-- Statevisit of Greece to Denmark 19-05-2009/option>option value317>-- Statevisit of Greece to Denmark 18-05-2009/option>option value316>-- Statevisit Greece to Denmark, 18-20-05, 2009/option>option value290>-- Danish Royal Family attend the celebration of the 69th birthday of Queen Margrethe at the balcony of the Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 April 2009/option>option value282>-- Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary at the Danish Maritime Safety Administration, Copenhagen 02-04-2009/option>option value281>-- Danish Royal Family attended the 60th anniversary of the Home Guards in Nymindegab, 01-04-2009/option>option value265>-- The Danish Royal Family, Copenhagen 17-03-2009/option>option value250>-- Prince Joachim and Princess Marie visited the factory of Lego in Billund,/option>option value245>-- Lieutenant Crown Princess Mary, 20-02-2009/option>option value239>-- Crowne Princess Mary at the CPH Vision, Copenhagen 07-02-2009/option>option value218>-- Queen Margarethe 68 th birthday, Copenhagen 16-04-2004/option>option value209>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary, 4 day visit Iceland, 07-05-2008/option>option value208>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary, 4 day visit Iceland, 06-05-2008/option>option value207>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary, 4 day visit Iceland, 05-05-2008/option>option value189>-- Marriage of HRH Prince Joachim and Miss Marie Cavallier in Møgeltønder, Denmark 24-05-2008/option>option value187>-- Prince Frederik 40th birthday, Kopenhagen 26-05-2008/option>option value182>-- 40 th birthday of Crownprince Frederik, Fredensborg 31-05-2008/option>option value170>-- Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary at the Dannerbrog, Denmark 19-06-2008/option>option value168>-- Crowne Prince Frederik and Princess Mary at the Dannerbrog, Denmark 18-06-2008/option>option value167>-- Crowne Prince Frederik and Princess Mary at the Dannerborg, Denmark 17-06-2008/option>option value149>-- The Danisch Royal Family, Gråsten 26-07-2008/option>option value148>-- Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik in Caiyx, 08-08-2008/option>option value147>-- Queen Margrethe on the market in Cahors, 09-08-2008/option>option value95>-- The Danish Roayal Familiy in Copenhagen,17-01-2009/option>option value60>-- The Danish Crown Prince Frederik and The Danish Crown Princess Mary visited Thailand, 24/27-11-2008/option>option value26>-- Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik in Golden coach 06-01-2009/option>option value18>-- Danish Royal Family at New Years reception for the Corps Diplomatique 05-01-2009/option>option value15>-- Danish Royals at New Years Reception 01-01-2009/option>option value616 classdropdownmarker>Greek Royals/option>option value3645>-- Wedding Princess Theodora and lawyer Matthew Kumar/option>option value3644>-- pre wedding dinner/option>option value3634>-- Funeral Service Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark/option>option value3563>-- thanksgiving service for the life of King Constantine of Greece/option>option value3364>-- funeral service of HM King Constantine II/option>option value3105>-- reception at the Yacht Club of Greece/option>option value3104>-- Royal Wedding of Prince Philippos of Greece and miss Nina Flohr/option>option value2015>-- Wedding of Crown Prince Leka II and Crown princess Elia Zaharia/option>option value620>-- Wedding ceremony of Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Tatiana Blatnik, on the island Spétses, Greece, August 25, 2010/option>option value619>-- Prince Nikolaos of Greece with miss Tatiana Blatnik day before their wedding, Spétses 24-08-2010/option>option value618>-- Saint Nicholas church in Spétses, Greece 24-08-2010/option>option value617>-- Members of greek royal family went for rehersal Mondayevening to the Saint Nicholas church in Spétses, 23-08-2010/option>option value6 classdropdownmarker>Liechtenstein/option>option value3635>-- National Day Liechtenstein 2024/option>option value3290>-- National Day Liechtenstein 2022/option>option value1032>-- Celebration of the national day on 15 August 2012 in Vaduz, Liechtenstein/option>option value374>-- National Day of Liechtenstein. Vaduz, 15-08-2009/option>option value7 classdropdownmarker>Luxembourg/option>option value3419>-- Wedding Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg and Mr. Nicolas Bagory/option>option value2925>-- baptism of Prince Charles/option>option value2692>-- National Day Luxembourg/option>option value2648>-- funeral of HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxemburg/option>option value2579>-- funeral of Count Philippe de Lannoy/option>option value2451>-- National Day Luxembourg Palais Grand Ducal/option>option value2448>-- National Day Luxembourg Te Deum/option>option value2402>-- procession de clôture de l’Octave/option>option value2236>-- Wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau and Mr. Antonius Willms/option>option value2235>-- Wedding of Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau and Mr. Antonius Willms/option>option value2070>-- celebration of the 125 years Luxembourg-Nassau dynasty in Luxemburg/option>option value1956>-- National Day of Luxembourg/option>option value1932>-- First Holy Communion of HRH Prince Noah at the church of Nommern/option>option value1570>-- Official 1 day visit of HM King Felipe and HM Queen Letizia to Luxembourg/option>option value1481>-- National Day of Luxemburg/option>option value1314>-- Religious wedding Prince Félix and Claire Lademacher/option>option value1271>-- National Day Luxemburg, 23-06-2013/option>option value1142>-- Religious wedding of Archduke Christoph of Austria to Adelaide Drape-Frisch/option>option value1141>-- Civil wedding of Archduke Christoph of Austria to Adelaide Drape-Frisch/option>option value1140>-- Official photo of Prince Felix of Luxemburg and his fiancé Claire Lademacher/option>option value1076>-- Official photos of Luxemburg wedding 19-20 October / © Cour Grand Ducale/option>option value1075>-- Religious wedding of Prince Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Princess Stéphanie Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg/option>option value1074>-- Wedding Prince Guillaume, the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy/option>option value1037>-- Funeral of Comtesse Alix de Lannoy, 31-08-2012/option>option value1013>-- National Day of Luxemburg, 23-06-2012/option>option value1012>-- Evening before celebration of the national Day of Luxemburg/option>option value972>-- Engagement of Guillaume Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxemburg with belgium Countess Stephanie de Lannoy/option>option value793>-- Grand Ducal family of Luxembourg, Chateau Berg 27-06-2011/option>option value791>-- National Day of Luxemburg, 23-06-2011/option>option value790>-- Grand Ducal family at the day before the celebration of the National Day of Luxemburg, 22-06-2011/option>option value699>-- Celebration of 90th birthday of HRH Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg, 05-01-2010/option>option value584>-- National Day Luxemburg, 23-06-2010/option>option value534>-- Luxembourg Grand Ducal family attends the pilgrimage to the statue of Our Lady, Luxembourg 09-05-2010/option>option value412>-- First day of Statevisit of the President of Ireland Mary McAleese to Luxembourg, 14-10-2009/option>option value406>-- The Luxembourg Royal Family photographed because the 9th annivarsary of accession of the throne by Grand Duke Henri. Luxembourg, 07-10-2009/option>option value354>-- National Day of attended by the royal family of Luxembourg, 23-06-2009/option>option value353>-- National Day of Luxemburg, 22-06-2009/option>option value333>-- Prince Félix de Luxembourg, 25 th birthday, 03-06-2009/option>option value221>-- Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden, 16 -04-2008/option>option value220>-- Statevisit Luxembourg to Sweden, 15-04-2008/option>option value47>-- Statevisit Finland to Luxembourg 24-11-2008/option>option value8 classdropdownmarker>Monaco/option>option value3516>-- National Day Monaco 2023/option>option value3340>-- National Day Monaco 2022/option>option value3123>-- National day Monaco 2021/option>option value2787>-- National Day Monaco 2019/option>option value2293>-- National Day Monaco 2017/option>option value2222>-- Pierre Casiraghi of Monaco at Real Club Nautico de Palma/option>option value2221>-- Pierre Casiraghi of Monaco at Real Club Náutico de Palma/option>option value2049>-- National Day of Monaco, Monte Carlo 19-11-2016/option>option value1611>-- Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco show their baby twins Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques to the public from the balcony of the Princely Palace in Monaco/option>option value1565>-- Arrival of Princess Caroline of Monaco at the benefit gala of the Dutch AMADE foundation in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam/option>option value1031>-- Gala de la Croix-Rouge 2012/option>option value886>-- Monacos National Day celebrations in Monte Carlo, 19-11-2011/option>option value809>-- Red Cross Gala 2011 Monaco, 06-08-2011/option>option value796>-- Religious wedding of Prince Albert II and Charlene Wittstock, Monaco 02-07-2011/option>option value680>-- Celebration of National Day Monaco, Monte Carlo 19-11-2010/option>option value583>-- Gala de la Croix Rouge in Monaco, 30-07-2010/option>option value434>-- Monacos National Day celebrations in Monte Carlo, 19-11-2009/option>option value28>-- National Day of Monaco 19-11-2008/option>option value9 classdropdownmarker>Norway/option>option value3639>-- Marriage Geiganger/option>option value3638>-- Alesund and Geiganger/option>option value3597>-- National Day Norway 2024/option>option value3432>-- National Day of Norway 2023/option>option value3231>-- National Day of Norway/option>option value3142>-- HRH Princess Ingrid Alexandra 1st official engagements/option>option value3088>-- 3 days visit to Viken County/option>option value2807>-- Funeral service of Ari Behn/option>option value2662>-- National Day of Norway 2019/option>option value2499>-- last day f 3 days visit to Vestfold county/option>option value2498>-- 2nd of 3 days visit to Vestfold county/option>option value2497>-- 1st of 3 days visit to Vestfold county/option>option value2442>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attending a football match/option>option value2407>-- National Day of Norway/option>option value2276>-- Princess Ingrid Alexandra reveals two new sculptures/option>option value2257>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit on the 3th day to Nord Trondelag/option>option value2255>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visits Nord Trondelag/option>option value2254>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visits Nord-Trondelag County/option>option value2233>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visits Fredrikstad and Halden/option>option value2205>-- celebration on the occasion of Queen Sonjas 80th birthday/option>option value2187>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit host a friendship footballmatch/option>option value2169>-- National Day Norway/option>option value2165>-- Gala, Celebration of King Harald and Queen Sonjas 80th birthday/option>option value2164>-- Celebration of King Harald and Queen Sonjas 80th birthday/option>option value2163>-- Celebration of King Harald and Queen Sonjas 80th birthday/option>option value1960>-- King and Queen with grandchilderen/option>option value1957>-- 25th Jubilee to the throne of King of Norway/option>option value1916>-- National Day of Norway/option>option value1842>-- Members of the Norwegian Royal Family ski together with young immigrants/option>option value1841>-- Members of the Norwegian Royal Family attend the Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer/option>option value1837>-- Members of the Norwegian Royal Family attend the Holmenkollen FIS World Cup Nordic,/option>option value1826>-- 25th anniversary of the ascension to the Norwegian throne of Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja/option>option value1755>-- Last day of 3 days visit of HRH Crown Prince Haakon and HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Akershus/option>option value1754>-- visit of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Akershus/option>option value1690>-- National Day Norway/option>option value1649>-- Holmenkollen FIS World Cup Nordic/option>option value1527>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in Leknes/option>option value1523>-- 2nd day of of the visit from TRH Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Nordland county/option>option value1522>-- 2nd day of of the visit from TRH Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Nordland county/option>option value1521>-- TRH Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visit Nordland county from 9 - 11 September./option>option value1451>-- National Day Norway/option>option value1443>-- Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Princess Mary in Kristiansand/option>option value1400>-- Norwegian royals and princess Beatrix at Ski Jumping Holmenkollen/option>option value1387>-- Crown Princess Mette Marit, Faktafykt and Too young too Wed/option>option value1309>-- Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon visit county to Vest-Agder/option>option value1288>-- Crown Princess Mette Marits 40th anniversary/option>option value1234>-- National Day of Norway/option>option value1184>-- Norwegian royal family attends the ski jumping championship at Holmenkollen/option>option value1038>-- Confirmation of Marius Borg Høiby in Asker, 02-09-2012/option>option value994>-- King Harald and Queen Sonja celebrates their 75th anniversary of this year, 31-05-2011/option>option value985>-- National Day of Norway, 17 May 2012/option>option value938>-- Norwegian royal family visits ski jumping competition in Holmenkollen/option>option value933>-- Princess Märtha Louise presents her book in Bussum/option>option value817>-- 10th Wedding Anniversary of norwegian Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit/option>option value811>-- First school day of norwegian prince Sverre Magnus of Norway/option>option value764>-- National Day of Norway, 17-05-2011/option>option value654>-- Norwegian Princess Martha Louise and Elisabeth Samnoy signed today at the AKO book shop at Schiphol Airport their book Discover your guardian angel, 03-10-2010/option>option value603>-- Third day of Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit three day visit to the region Aust-Adger/option>option value601>-- Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit doing a three day visit to the region Aust-Adger, 01-09--2010/option>option value600>-- Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit doing a three day visit to the region Aust-Adger, 31-08-2010/option>option value597>-- Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra first schoolday at the Jansløkka school in Asker, 19-08-2010/option>option value556>-- Last day Statevisit HM Queen Beatrix to Norway, Bergen 03-06-2010/option>option value555>-- Contra Prestatie, 2th day Statevisit Queen Beatrix to Norway, 02-06-2010/option>option value554>-- 2th day Statevisit Queen Beatrix to Norway, 02-06-2010/option>option value553>-- State-Banquet at the Royal Palace, Oslo 01-06-2010/option>option value552>-- 1st day of the State-Visit from HM Queen Beatrix to Norway, 01-06-2010/option>option value537>-- National Day Norway, Oslo 17-05-2010/option>option value536>-- National Day Norway, Skaugum 17-05-2010/option>option value489>-- Norwegian Royal Family attends the FIS Nordic World Cup at Holmenkollen just outside Oslo, 14-03-2010/option>option value481>-- Third day of the official visit to Malaysia from 8-10 March 2010 by HRH Crown Prince Haakon and HRH Crown Princes Mette-Marit of Norway, 10-03-2010/option>option value480>-- Second day of the official visit to Malaysia from 8-10 March 2010 by HRH Crown Prince Haakon and HRH Crown Princes Mette-Marit of Norway, 09-03-2010/option>option value478>-- Norwegian Crown Prince Couple Haakon and Mette-Marit are in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia for a three-day visit from 8-10 March 2010/option>option value449>-- Norwegian Crown prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and son Marius attended the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, 11-12-2009/option>option value446>-- President Barack Obama of the United States of America receives today the Nobel Peace Prize in the City Hall of Oslo, 10-12-2009/option>option value385>-- Second day of Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Haakon visit to Rogaland, 02-09-2009/option>option value384>-- First day of Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Haakon visit to Rogaland, 01-09-2009/option>option value312>-- National Day Norway, 17-05-2009/option>option value267>-- Last day of official visit norwegian Crown Prince Couple to Mexico, 19-03-2009/option>option value266>-- Third day of official visit norwegian Crown Prince Couple to Mexico, 18-03-2009/option>option value263>-- Second day of official visit norwegian Crown Prince Couple to Mexico, 17-03-2009/option>option value262>-- First day of official visit norwegian Crown Prince Couple to Mexico, 16-03-2009/option>option value261>-- Official visit of norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Mexico/option>option value238>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Karasjok in Finnmark 06-02-2009/option>option value237>-- Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Kautokeino in Finnmark 05-02-2009/option>option value226>-- Opening of the new National Opera House in Oslo,12-04-2008/option>option value219>-- Funeral of Rolf Berntsen, the stepfather of HRH Princess Mette-Marit, Kristiansand 16-04-2008/option>option value195>-- National Day Norway, 17-05-2008/option>option value114>-- Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit through Telemark (Norway),07-10-2008/option>option value113>-- Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit through Telemark (Norway),07-10-2008/option>option value109>-- Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit through Telemark (Norway),07-10-2008/option>option value101>-- Crown Princess Mette-Marit for UNAIDS ,Kiev 22-10-2008/option>option value10 classdropdownmarker>Sweden/option>option value3630>-- Crown Princess Victoria 47 birthday/option>option value3567>-- Name day Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden/option>option value3482>-- celebration of HM King Carl Gustaf 50th jubilee/option>option value3481>-- celebration of HM King Carl Gustaf 50th jubilee/option>option value3480>-- celebration of HM King Carl Gustaf 50th jubilee/option>option value3467>-- Crown Princess Victoria 46th birthday/option>option value3391>-- Nameday Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden/option>option value3284>-- Crown Princess Victoria 45th birthday/option>option value3252>-- 2nd day Crown Princess Victoria to the Netherlands/option>option value3250>-- 1st day Crown Princess Victoria visit to the Netherlands/option>option value3242>-- Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle at Naturum Takern/option>option value3240>-- Polar Music Prize/option>option value3220>-- last of a 3 days Official Visit to Sweden from Norway/option>option value3219>-- 2nd day Visit to Sweden from Norway/option>option value3218>-- 1st day Visit to Sweden from Norway/option>option value3217>-- King Carl Gustaf s 76th birthday/option>option value3175>-- Crown Princess Victorias name day/option>option value3131>-- Crown Princess Victoria 3 days visit Paris/option>option value3058>-- baptism of Prince Julian/option>option value2743>-- Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel attending commemoration MS Estonia/option>option value2741>-- Princess Madeleine attends Book Fair/option>option value2705>-- Crown Princess Victoria 42nd birthday/option>option value2678>-- National Day of Sweden/option>option value2612>-- Crown Princess Victorias name day/option>option value2570>-- Swedisch Royal Family at the Oscar Theatre/option>option value2569>-- Swedisch Royal Family attend dedication statue of King Karl XIV Johan/option>option value2472>-- Crown Princess Victoria 41st birthday/option>option value2427>-- Christening of Princess Adrienne/option>option value2398>-- King Carl Gustafs 72th birthday/option>option value2360>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrates her name day/option>option value2226>-- Princess Madeleine attends the European Show Jumping Championships/option>option value2225>-- Princess Madeleine attends the European Show Jumping Championships/option>option value2212>-- celebrations on the occasion of Crown Princess Victorias 40th birthday/option>option value2211>-- celebrations on the occasion of Crown Princess Victorias 40th birthday/option>option value2210>-- celebrations on the occasion of Crown Princess Victorias 40th birthday/option>option value2209>-- celebrations on the occasion of Crown Princess Victorias 40th birthday/option>option value2208>-- Crown Princess Victorias 40th birthday/option>option value2180>-- National Day Sweden/option>option value2177>-- last day of the 2 days official visit of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary to Sweden/option>option value2176>-- 1st day of the 2 days official visit of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary to Sweden/option>option value2155>-- 71th birthday of King Carl Gustaf of Sweden/option>option value2124>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrates her name day in Stockholm/option>option value2109>-- Princess Madeleine at Southbank Centre’s Imagine Children’s Festival in Londen/option>option value2076>-- last day of the 3 days visit of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel to Italy/option>option value2075>-- 2nd day of the 3 days visit of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel to Ital/option>option value2074>-- 1st day of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visit to Italy/option>option value2020>-- Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia visit Värmland/option>option value2019>-- Queen Sylvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Sofia attends the opening of the exhibition "Royal wedding dresses 1976-2015"/option>option value1967>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrating here 39th birthday at Solliden/option>option value1939>-- National Day of Sweden/option>option value1938>-- National Day of Sweden/option>option value1936>-- Princess Madeleine, Mr Christopher O’Neill and Princess Leonore visit Gotland/option>option value1935>-- Princess Madeleine, Mr Christopher O’Neill and Princess Leonore, visit Gotland/option>option value1930>-- Christening of HRH Prince Oscar Carl Olof/option>option value1908>-- Celebration of King Carl Gustaf 70th birthday, Stockholm 30-04-2016/option>option value1907>-- Celebration of King Carl Gustaf 70th birthday, Stockholm 29-04-2016/option>option value1839>-- HRH Crown Princess Victoria attend at the Stockholm City Hall the presentation of the Global Change Award/option>option value1833>-- Crown Princess Victoria at the Royal Opera in Stockholm/option>option value1830>-- HRH Crown Princess Victoria attend a lecture by Emerich Roth/option>option value1821>-- Members of the Swedish Royal Family at the Swedish Academy/option>option value1793>-- Official visit of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel to Värmland/option>option value1767>-- Christening of Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf at the Drottningholm Palace Chapel/option>option value1763>-- Last day of the 2 days visit of HRH Prince Carl Philip and HRH Princess Sofia to Dalarna/option>option value1762>-- First day of the 2 days visit of HRH Prince Carl Philip and HRH Princess Sofia to Dalarna/option>option value1759>-- HRH Crown Princess Victoria, arrival at the Karolinska Instituut in Stockholm/option>option value1757>-- Attendance at the opening of the General Synod of King Carl Gustaf, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia/option>option value1756>-- HRH Crown Princess Victoria attends the presentation of the Swedish Brain Foundation/option>option value1733>-- Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia on the last day of the 2 days visit to Varmland/option>option value1732>-- 1st day of the 2 days visit of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia to Varmland/option>option value1730>-- Crown Princess Victoria at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm/option>option value1722>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrating here 38th birthday/option>option value1711>-- Wedding Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist/option>option value1673>-- HRH Crown Princess Victoria visits ICC in the Hague/option>option value1644>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrates her name day/option>option value1623>-- Princess Madeleine visits Gävle/option>option value1622>-- Princess Madeleine visits Gävle/option>option value1601>-- Statevisit of King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden to France/option>option value1600>-- Statevisit of King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden to France/option>option value1599>-- Statevisit of King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden to France/option>option value1495>-- Birthday of Crown Princess Victoria/option>option value1476>-- Christening of Princess Leonore at Drottningholm Palace/option>option value1460>-- Bernadotte Art Award 2014/option>option value1447>-- Princess Estelle at the opening of the Fairytale path/option>option value1435>-- Swedish King Carl Gustav celebrates 68th birthday/option>option value1403>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria celebrates Nameday/option>option value1398>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel in Paris/option>option value1383>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel in Düsseldorf and Essen/option>option value1382>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel in Hamburg/option>option value1307>-- King Carl Gustav of Sweden 40th jubilee, Stockholm/option>option value1306>-- King Carl Gustav of Sweden 40th jubilee, Stockholm/option>option value1280>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrates her birthday/option>option value1260>-- Royal wedding Princess Madeleine and Christopher ONeill/option>option value1258>-- Guests arrive for a private dinner prior to the wedding of the Swedish Princess Madeleine at the Grand Hotel/option>option value1257>-- Swedish royal family at Skansen to celebrate the national day/option>option value1256>-- Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle of sweden opening the exhibition "Open Palace"/option>option value1027>-- Celebration of 35th birthday of swedish Crown Princess Victoria/option>option value1003>-- Marianne & Sigvard Bernadotte Art Awards Gala 2012/option>option value999>-- Swedish Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine at the opening of the "Open Palace" 06-06-2012/option>option value987>-- Christening ceremony of Swedish Princess Estelle, 22-05-2012/option>option value917>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria visiting the Karolinska, Astrid Lindgrens childrens hospital, 19-01-2012/option>option value881>-- Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel in Järfälla/option>option value837>-- Swedish royal family attends the opening of the parliament, Riksdagen, 15-09-2011/option>option value799>-- Crown Princess Victoria celebrate today her 34th birthday in the garden of Solliden Castle in Borgholm/option>option value777>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel opened the Royal Palace, 06-06-2011/option>option value745>-- Queen Silvia and King Carl Gustaf of Sweden at a scouting camp in Vlaardingen, 09-04-2011/option>option value731>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria celebrated her name day, 12-03-2011/option>option value713>-- Crown Princess Victorias last day of her 4 day visit to Dubai in UAE, 20-01-2011/option>option value710>-- Crown Princess Victorias 3rd day of her 4 day visit to Abu Dhabi UAE/option>option value708>-- Second day of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria visit to the United Arab Emirates, 18-01-2011/option>option value706>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria visits United Arab Emirates, 17-01-2011/option>option value653>-- Second Day of official visit of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel during their two day visit to Finland, 02-11-2010/option>option value652>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniels first Day of their offical visit to Finland, 01-11-2010/option>option value651>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel arrive at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, 31-10-2010/option>option value648>-- Crown Princess Victoria and Crown Prince Willem-Alexander attended the gala reception in Noordwijk/option>option value628>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited today the Hotel de Ville, Chocolate Atelier and Chateau la Grange-Le Prévôté in Paris/option>option value632>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel had an audience by President Sarkozy, 28-09-2010/option>option value598>-- Swedish Royal Family attends 200th anniversary in Örebro/option>option value572>-- Royal Wedding Stockholm, 19-06-2010/option>option value570>-- Royal wedding in Stockholma, 19-06-2010/option>option value569>-- Royal guests on their way from the Royal Palace to the church, Stockholm 19-06-2010/option>option value568>-- Royal guests arrive at the Grand Hotel for the wedding on Sarturday of Crown Princess Victoria and Mr. Daniel Westling, 18-06-2010/option>option value567>-- Swedish Royal Family and guests attend gala performance at Stockholm Concert Hall, 18-06-2010/option>option value521>-- Swedish King Carl Gustav celebrates today his 64th birthday at the Royal Palace of Stockholm, 30-04-2010/option>option value487>-- Celebration of the nameday of swedish Crown Princess Victoria in the innersquare of the Royal Palace in Stockholm, 12-03-2010/option>option value435>-- Members of the European Royal Familiers attends a concert of 20 years of Unicef International treaty of Childrens Rights in Stockholm, 19-11-2009/option>option value364>-- Swedish Crown Princess Victoria celebrates her 32 nd birthday at Öland, 14-07-2009/option>option value260>-- Crown Princess Victoria´s name day was celebrated in the innercourt of the Royal Palace, Stockholm 12-03-2009/option>option value248>-- Crown Princess Victoria and Mr. Daniel Westling pose at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. 24-02-2009/option>option value194>-- Statevisit Greece to Sweden, Stockholm 20-05-2008/option>option value176>-- National Day Sweden, Stockholm 06-06-2008/option>option value175>-- Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine in Helsingborg, 07-06-2008/option>option value152>-- Crown Princess Victoria 31th birthday, Solliden 14-07-2008/option>option value1335>-- Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Mr. Christopher O Neill in New York/option>option value11 classdropdownmarker>Spain/option>option value3629>-- Crown Princess Leonore and Princess Sofia meeting at Jardines de Santa Clotilde/option>option value3628>-- Princess Leonore and Princess Sofia visits the workshop of sculptor Jaume Plensa/option>option value3472>-- Spanish Royal Family at los jardines de la Alfabia/option>option value3471>-- Queen Letizia at the Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest 2023/option>option value3465>-- Princess of Girona Awards 2023/option>option value3289>-- Spanish Royal Family at la Cartuja de Valldemossa/option>option value3288>-- Queen Letizia at Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest/option>option value3281>-- Spanish Royal Family visits Barcelona/option>option value3280>-- Princess Leonor and Princess Sofía at Teatro Museo Dalí/option>option value2899>-- Spanish Royal Family visits Naum/option>option value2898>-- Spanish Royal Family visits Petra/option>option value2711>-- Spanish Royal Family visits la Casa Museo Son Marroig/option>option value2710>-- Spanish Royal Family at the Marivent Palace/option>option value2645>-- Spanish Royal Family attends the Eastern Mass/option>option value2478>-- Spanish Royal Family posing for the press/option>option value2375>-- Members of the Spanish Royal Family attends the Eastern Mass/option>option value2223>-- 3th day of the 36 Copa del Rey MAPFRE/option>option value2220>-- Spanish Royal Family at the Marivent Palace/option>option value2219>-- 36 Copa del Rey MAPFRE/option>option value2142>-- Members of the Spanish Royal Family attend the Easter Mass in Palma de Mallorca/option>option value2017>-- National Day of Spain 2016/option>option value1973>-- The Spanish Royal Family pose for the press at the Marivent Palace/option>option value1972>-- 35 Copa del Rey MAPFRE/option>option value1890>-- Members of the Spanish Royal Family attends the Eastern Mass at the La Seu Cathedral/option>option value1768>-- National Day Spain/option>option value1725>-- King Felipe and his family at Marivent Palace/option>option value1662>-- Members of the Spanish Royal Family attends a mass at Palma de Mallorca/option>option value1659>-- State visit of Spain to France/option>option value1579>-- Spanish King and Queen visit Brussel/option>option value1577>-- Spanish King and Queen visit Luxembourg/option>option value1510>-- Spanish King and his family at Mallorca/option>option value1461>-- King Felipe VI/option>option value1285>-- Crown Prince Felipe of Spain at the RCNP for the 32th Copa del Rey/option>option value1193>-- Spanish royal family attends a mass to mark Eastern Sunday at Palma de Mallorcas Cathedral/option>option value1050>-- Princess Sofia pose for the media as they arrive to Santa Maria de los Rosales school/option>option value963>-- Spanish royal family attends a mass to mark Eastern Sunday at Palma de Mallorca, 08-04-2012/option>option value904>-- Royal family of Spain attends the first Parliament session with the new government, Madrid 27-12-2011/option>option value808>-- Spanish royal family arrive at the Royal Club Nautico de Palma for 30th annivarsary/option>option value807>-- Spanish Royal Family at Mallorca 30th Edition Copa del Rey, 02-08-2011/option>option value805>-- Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca 01-08-2011/option>option value753>-- Royal Family of Spain attended the Easter Mass on Palma de Mallorca, 24-04-2011/option>option value641>-- Spanish Royal Family attends the Fiesta Nacional de España/option>option value624>-- First school day of Princess Sofia with Princess Letizia at the Colegio Santa Maria de los Rosales in Madrid/option>option value591>-- King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia at prize giving ceremony Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca, 07-08-2010/option>option value590>-- Crown Princess Letizia at the yatch club of Mallorca, 06-08-2010/option>option value589>-- Crown Princess Letizia,princess Leonore and princess Sofia at the RCNP, 05-08-2010/option>option value588>-- Crown Prince Felipe at Copa del Rey on Mallorca, 04-08-2010/option>option value587>-- Crown Princess Letizia, Princess Leonore and Princess Sofia at the RCNP, 03-08-2010/option>option value586>-- Start of the 29th Copa del Rey sailing race in Palma de Mallorca/option>option value499>-- Spanish Royal Family attends Easter Mass at Cathredral of Palma de Mallorca 04-04-2010/option>option value409>-- Spanish Royal Family celebrates at the Plaza de La Lima in Madrid the national day and watched the military parade. Madrid, 12-10-2009/option>option value373>-- Spanish Crown Prince Felipe, Crown Princess Letizia pose with their daughters Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia at the La Seu Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, 05-08-2009/option>option value372>-- Spanish King Juan Carlos and Crown Prince Felipe at the start of the Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca, 04-08-2009/option>option value371>-- Spanish Crown Prince Felipe and Crown Princess Letizia at the start of the Copa del Rey, Palma de Mallorca, 03-08-2009/option>option value288>-- The spanish Royal Family attended the Easter Sunday service at the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca, 12-04-2009/option>option value164>-- Spanish Royal Family at the Expo 2008, Zaragosa 24-06-2008/option>option value125>-- Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia in Frankfurt, 22-09-2008/option>option value105>-- Natinal Day Spain, Madrid 12-10-2008/option>option value12 classdropdownmarker>United Kingdom/option>option value3615>-- Trooping the Colour 2024/option>option value3479>-- Invictus Games Dusseldorf 2023/option>option value3452>-- Trooping the Colour 2023/option>option value3423>-- Coronation of Charles III and Camilla/option>option value3404>-- King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla, 1st day Statevisit to Germany/option>option value3397>-- St. Patricks Day Parade/option>option value3311>-- State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II/option>option value3308>-- HM The Queens Coffin transported from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall/option>option value3305>-- The Coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrives at Buckingham Palace/option>option value3300>-- Prince Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex in Dusseldorf/option>option value3249>-- Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee/option>option value3247>-- Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee/option>option value3210>-- Prince Harry and Meghan at the Invictus Games/option>option value3209>-- Prince Harry and Meghan at the Invictus Games/option>option value3208>-- Prince Harry and Meghan at the Invictus Games/option>option value3191>-- Service of Thanksgiving for HRH Prince Philip/option>option value2783>-- Remembrance at the Cenotaph/option>option value2751>-- last day official visit from The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Johannesburg/option>option value2746>-- 1st day visit Harry and Meghan to Johannesburg/option>option value2740>-- 3 days official visit to South Africa/option>option value2717>-- Prince Harry launches new partnership/option>option value2685>-- Royal Ascot 2019/option>option value2684>-- Order of the Garter/option>option value2680>-- Trooping the Colour 2019/option>option value2609>-- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends a panel discussion/option>option value2592>-- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visits Bristol/option>option value2591>-- Duchess of Sussex visits City University/option>option value2576>-- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visits Birkenhead/option>option value2521>-- Harry & Meghan visits Sussex/option>option value2479>-- Wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks/option>option value2464>-- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visits Dublin day 2/option>option value2463>-- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visits Dublin/option>option value2429>-- Trooping the Colour 2018/option>option value2409>-- Royal Wedding/option>option value2408>-- Prince Harry meets the public/option>option value2353>-- Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle visits Birmingham/option>option value2345>-- Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle visits Edinburgh/option>option value2338>-- visit to Karolinska Institute, Matteusskolan and Nordiska Kompaniet/option>option value2337>-- visit to Stortorget and Nobel Museum/option>option value2335>-- Prince William and Princess Kate visits Vasaparken/option>option value2190>-- Trooping the Colour 2017/option>option value2189>-- Princess Kate visits the 1851 Trust roadshow/option>option value2129>-- Prince William and Princess Kate on their last day of the 2 days visit to Paris/option>option value2128>-- Prince William and Princess Kate on their 1st day of the 2 days visit to Paris/option>option value2016>-- HRH Princess Kate, Dutchess of Cambridge visits the Netherlands/option>option value1977>-- Prince William and Princess Kate visits Cornwall/option>option value1943>-- Trooping The Colour 2016/option>option value1942>-- National Service of Thanksgiving Queens Elisabeth 90th birthday/option>option value1915>-- Members of the English Royal Family attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show/option>option value1914>-- Members of the English Royal Family attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show/option>option value1803>-- Queen Elizabeth II Day III in Malta/option>option value1799>-- The Queen at Malta for a State Visit day Two/option>option value1796>-- The Queen at Malta for a State Visit/option>option value1696>-- HRH Prince Edward attend the Golden Award of the International Award for Young People/option>option value1617>-- Princess Kate visits Kensington Aldridge Academy in Londen/option>option value1616>-- Princess Kate visits Fostering Network in London/option>option value1614>-- Princess Kate visits the newly-launched Clore Art Room at Barlby School in Ladbroke Grove in Londen/option>option value1610>-- Official visit to New York of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge/option>option value1530>-- Prince William at Malta/option>option value1509>-- Prince William, Princess Kate and Prince Harry visits Moms/option>option value1493>-- Order of the Garter in Windsor/option>option value1492>-- The Queens Polo Cup in Ascot/option>option value1491>-- Troopnig the Colour 2014/option>option value1462>-- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Crieff/option>option value1459>-- TRH Prince William and Princess Kate visit Perth and Kinross/option>option value1406>-- Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at St Patricks Day/option>option value1266>-- Queen Elizabeth II attends The Cartier Queens Cup/option>option value1265>-- The Queens Birthday Parade: Trooping the Colour/option>option value1263>-- Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, at the naming ceremony of the Princess Cruises ship, Royal Princess/option>option value1195>-- Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visits Glasgow/option>option value1175>-- Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge visits Grimsby, 05-03-2013/option>option value1134>-- Pippa Middleton leaving to promote her book Lets Celebrate"/option>option value1072>-- Catherine Duchess of Cambridge met the West End Women and Girls at the Elswick Park and Pool in Newcastle/option>option value954>-- Second Day of Official visit of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall to Denmark/option>option value952>-- Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall attends a service of Holy Communion in St. Alban’s Church and planting a tree in Copenhagen/option>option value951>-- Their Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden and their Royal Highnesses visits the Vasa Museum in Stockholm/option>option value948>-- Duchess of Cornwall and Queen Silvia visiting the int. british international primary school and Pumpan pre school. Stockholm, 23-03-2012/option>option value936>-- The Duchess of Cambridge visited The Brink an alcohol-free bar in Liverpool/option>option value898>-- THR the Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge arrive at Royal Albert Hall,06-12-2011/option>option value842>-- Prince William and Princess Catherine visiting the Royal Marsden hospital in Sutton, 29-09-2011/option>option value804>-- Wedding Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall at the Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh/option>option value786>-- The Most Noble Order of the Garter, Windsor 13-06-2011/option>option value785>-- The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry to play in the Sentebale Polo Cup in WIndsor, 12-06-2011/option>option value784>-- Trooping the Colour Londen, 11-06-2011/option>option value755>-- Royal Wedding at Westminster Abbey in London, 29-04-2011/option>option value754>-- Gala dinner at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on the 28th April 2011/option>option value726>-- English Prince William and Miss Kate Middleton visits the University of St. Andrews, 25-02-2011/option>option value565>-- Queen Elizabeth and other members of the royal family take today part in the procession for The Most Noble Order of the Garter, 14-06-2010/option>option value564>-- Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip attends the Queens Cup polo match at the Guards Polo Club in Great Windsor Park, 13-06-2010/option>option value563>-- Members of the Royal Family attends the Trooping the Colour. London, 12-06-2010/option>option value433>-- Queen Elizabeth II at State Opening of Parliament in London, 18-11-2009/option>option value348>-- HM Queen Elizabeth II takes part in the Garter Ceremony in Windsor, 15-06-2009/option>option value347>-- British Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip attended at Windsor Great Park, The Harcourt Developments Queens Cup Final, Windsor Great Park 14-06-2009/option>option value346>-- Trooping the Colour 2009. The Queens Birthday Parade will be held on Saturday 13th June 2009/option>option value329>-- 2 nd day of Prince Harry visit to New York, 30-05-2009/option>option value328>-- 1 st day of Prince Harry visits to New York, 29-05-2009/option>option value249>-- Princes William and Harry signed the official book of condolence for the victims of the Australian wildfires. London, 24-02-2009/option>option value247>-- Queen Elizabeth attended the unveiling of the Memorial to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, London. 24-02-2009/option>option value172>-- Trooping the Colour, Londen 14-06-2008/option>option value171>-- Order of the Garter, Windsor 16-06-2008/option>option value96>-- Royal premiere James Bond,London 30-10-2008/option>option value71>-- The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry in Londen, 12-11-2008/option>option value30>-- Queen Elizabeth II formally opened a new session of Parliament 03-12-2008/option>option value1463>-- Queen Elizabeth II in the new Diamond Jubilee state coach/option>option value255 classdropdownmarker>Jordan Royals/option>option value1247>-- King Abdullah II attends Ceremony on Independence Day/option>option value359>-- Their Majesties honor Himmeh winners during National Award Celebration, His Majesty King Abdullah II and Her Majesty Queen Rania, Amman 28-06-2009/option>option value344>-- Ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of His Majesty King Abdullah’s accession to the Throne/option>option value337>-- Her Majesty Queen Rania on Sunday visited The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, an affiliate of Les Roches, 31-05-2009/option>option value330>-- King Abdullah II and Queen Rania during a celebration to mark the Kingdoms 63rd anniversary of Independence Day. Amman, Jordan 25-05-2009/option>option value306>-- King Abdullah and Queen Rania welcome Pope Benedict XVI in Amman, 08-05-2009/option>option value256>-- Queen Rania honours one of the winners of UNICEF’s, Amman, 25-02-2009/option>option value299 classdropdownmarker>French Royals/option>option value1974>-- Funeral Rumanian Queen Ana/option>option value400>-- Religious wedding of HRH Henri Comte de Paris and HRH Micaela Comtesse de Paris. Arcangues, 26-09-2009/option>option value300>-- Religious wedding ceremony of Prince Jean dOrleans and Princess Philomena, Duke and Duchess of Vendome, at the Senlis Cathedral, 02-05-2009/option>option value410 classdropdownmarker>ROYAL POSTCARDS/option>option value1771>-- Royal Postcards October 2015/option>option value1550>-- Royal Potcards October 2014/option>option value1422>-- New dutch royal postcards 5 April 2014/option>option value1328>-- Royal postcards October 2013/option>option value974>-- Royal Postcards April 2012/option>option value1073>-- Royal Postcards October 2012/option>option value752>-- Royal Postcards April 2011/option>option value639>-- Royal Postcards release October 2010/option>option value411>-- Royal Dutch Postcards released on the 10 th October 2009 by Albert van der Werf and Albert Nieboer/option>option value1228>-- Royal Postcards of dutch royal family edition 20 April 2013/option>option value1229>-- Royal Postcards of dutch royal family edition 8 May 2013/option>option value1164 classdropdownmarker>Publications/option>/select>/td> td valigntop> input typesubmit valueGo classbutton /> /td> /tr> /table>/form>/td> td alignright>/td> /tr> /table> p>/p> /td> td width19 valigntop>img src./templates/Fotoweb/images/spacer.gif alt width19 height19 />/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td> table width1265 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 > tr> td classtablebottom width6> /td> td classtablebottom>!-- Bitte beachten Sie, dass der folgende Copyrighthinweis auf JEDER Seite die von 4images ausgegeben wird sichtbar sein MUSS. 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