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background-image: url(; background-position: left top; background-size: auto; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; }/style>!-- Featured Posts -->script src typetext/javascript>/script>!-- /jquery.cycle.all.js -->/head>body classhome blog custom-background>div idcontainer> div classclearfix> div classmenu-primary-container> ul classmenus menu-primary> li classcurrent_page_item>a href>Home/a>/li> li classpage_item page-item-2>a href>ABOUT US/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-49 current_page_parent>a href>OUR INTERESTS/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-169>a href>SUPPORT/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-274>a href>Mission and Vision/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-276>a href>SIGNS OF HOPE/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-1038>a href>HIV / AIDS/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-1204>a href>D O N A T I O N/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-26 page_item_has_children>a href>YOUTH (Even though Africa’s children account for more than one third of its population, their interests have never been given priority. And their rights have been violated everyday)/a>ul classchildren> li classpage_item page-item-457>a href>ON YOUTH/a>/li>/ul>/li>li classpage_item page-item-29 page_item_has_children>a href>AFRICAN UNION/a>ul classchildren> li classpage_item page-item-42>a href>UNITED NATIONS/a>/li> li classpage_item page-item-33>a href>West and Central Africa/a>/li> li classpage_item page-item-37>a href>Adjusted planned results for 2013/a>/li> li classpage_item page-item-39>a href>2014 requirements/a>/li>/ul>/li>li classpage_item page-item-66>a href>GALLERY/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-57>a href>CONTACT US/a>/li> /ul> /div> !--.primary menu--> /div> div idheader> div classlogo> a href>img src altRoyal Group Charity titleRoyal Group Charity />/a> /div>!-- .logo --> div classheader-right> /div>!-- .header-right --> /div>!-- #header --> div classclearfix> div classmenu-secondary-container> ul classmenus menu-secondary> li classcat-item cat-item-7>a href titleROYAL GROUP CHARITY FOUNDATION AND THE AFRICAN UNIONRoyal Group Charity Foundation is focused on Africa. The reason why we focus on Africa is because of the emergency assistance that is needed to help the continent and its under privileged people. Africa has been a place that aid has been needed the most. Africa has moved in a slow step towards development and Royal Group Charity Foundation is the Love and heart of the solutions for Africa. Our focus and goals are to bring a change to Africa and to help the current leaders to realize the struggle that is being made to secure the people and the riches of Africa. Royal Group Charity Foundation is working along with the African Union and the United Nations to bring Education and Medical needs to the people of Africa. To help fight corruption and ensure more money from oil and gas revenues in Africa is used to fight poverty.>African Union/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-1>a href >Others/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-8>a href >United Nations/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-9>a href >West & Central Africa/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-6>a href titleRoyal Group Charity Foundation’s objective is to help empower young people, reaching out to them, responding to their expectations and ideas, fostering useful and long-lasting skills.>Youth/a>/li> /ul> /div> !--.secondary menu--> /div> div idmain> div classfp-slider clearfix> div classfp-slides-container clearfix> div classfp-slides> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> Fighting Poverty /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-slides-items> div classfp-thumbnail> img src /> /div> div classfp-content-wrap> div classfp-content> h3 classfp-title> /h3> p> a classfp-more href>More »/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfp-prev-next-wrap> div classfp-prev-next> a href#fp-next classfp-next>/a> a href#fp-prev classfp-prev>/a> /div> /div> div classfp-nav> span classfp-pager> /span> /div> /div> /div> div idcontent> div classpost clearfix post-1424 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1424> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>July 24, 2023/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Africa China GCC Relations relbookmark>Africa China GCC Relations/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>span classs1>b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>/span>span classs2>b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>Africaspan classApple-converted-space> /span>China span classApple-converted-space> GC/span>C /b>/span>/p>p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1305>img classalignleft wp-image-1305 src alt width69 height69 srcset 200w, 150w sizes(max-width: 69px) 100vw, 69px />/a> img classalignleft wp-image-1307 src alt width96 height72 srcset 640w, 300w sizes(max-width: 96px) 100vw, 96px />img classalignleft wp-image-1306 src alt width68 height67 srcset 496w, 150w, 300w sizes(max-width: 68px) 100vw, 68px />/p>p classp3>p classp3>p classp3>p classp3>United in Trade and Assistance/p>p classp3>p classp3>span classs2>b>Beijing help’s Ethiopia recover and boost ties with Africa/b>/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>China has renewed its commitment to the continent, with debt relief and reconstruction pledges for Ethiopia and calls on new administrations in Africa./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>China’s willingness to advance it’s belt and road cooperation in Africa would actively promote cooperation in the fields of railways, highways, aviation and information to help Africa’s economic and social development./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>One of Africa’s most populous country and largest economy in Africa, where Beijing has provided billions of dollars into ports and railways./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>Abuja and Nairobi are major African economies and remains an important trade partners and destinations for infrastructure investments from China./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>b>China and Africa Cultural Exchange/b>/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>The cultural exchange between China and Africa started when China and Egypt signed Summary of Talks on Cultural Cooperation Between the Governments of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and The Arab Republic of Egypt in May of 1955./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>The first cultural agreement between new China and an African country/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>As more countries on the African continent broke from colonialism in the 1960s and 1970s and established diplomatic relations with China, cultural exchange between China and Africa stepped into a new era./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>b>In April 2000/b>, China signed an Agreement on Cultural and Art Cooperation Between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of South Africa and further signed bilateral governmental agreements on cultural cooperation and annual executive plan with all other African countries./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>Royal Group is keen to highlight a win-win nature of Africa China GCC cooperation in mutual friendship, equality and sincerity./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>Cultural cooperation between Africa, China and the GCC represents an important part of historical relations within the cultural cooperation and exchange activities./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>b>In 2015/b>, Africa GCC China Cooperation started and secured its position within it’s Zones and surrounding borders./span>/p>p classp1>b>Africa China GCC Concept/b>/p>p classp1>span classs2>(1) Funds invested from China into the GCC market./span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>(2) Capital generated from the GCC market for investment projects in Africa/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>(3) Raw materials traded between Africa and China/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>span classApple-converted-space> /span>b>AFRICA/b> span classApple-converted-space> /span>b>GCC/b>span classApple-converted-space> /span>b>CHINA/b>/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2> Oil and Gas span classApple-converted-space> /span>Oil and Gas span classApple-converted-space> /span>Manufacturing/span>/p>p classp1>span classs2>Raw Materialsspan classApple-converted-space> /span>Finance span classApple-converted-space> /span>Production/span>/p>h6 classp5>/h6>h6 classp5>/h6>h6 classp5>span classs2>ROYAL GROUP/span>/h6>h6 classp5>span classs2>© all rights reserved/span>/h6> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Africa China GCC Relations relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1424 --> div classpost clearfix post-1416 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1416> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>June 18, 2023/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Universal Declaration of Human Rights relbookmark>Universal Declaration of Human Rights/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1417>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-1417 src alt width1500 height1500 srcset 1500w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1024w sizes(max-width: 1500px) 100vw, 1500px />/a>/p>p classp1>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>Restoring progress in poverty reduction under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights/b>/span>/h2>p classp1>b>/b>b>/b>In 1948, the United Nations presented the universal declaration of human rights outlining human rights for everyone in the world which inspired human rights movements around the world./p>p classp3>span classs1>The world has made enormous progress in the scope of human rights but there is still work to be done. Today, although everyone is considered equal on paper, we’re still a long way from fully realizing these rights. But it is through the cycle of justice and action that we move closer to a more equal world./span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic reversed the steady progress of poverty reduction./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Poverty is associated with a host of health risks, including elevated rates of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, infant mortality, mental illness, undernutrition, lead poisoning, asthma, and dental problems./span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>Eradicating extreme poverty for all people is a vital goal of Royal Group Charity Foundation for a better world./span>/p>p classp8>p classp9>span classs2>b>Scoring g/b>/span>span classs1>b>oals of Royal Group Charity Foundation 2023/24/b>/span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>1. Working towards no poverty as our primary goal. /span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>2. Poverty confines human freedom and subdues development./span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>3. Economic growth has helped in the reduction of poverty, making it clear that there is a strong link between economic growth and poverty reduction./span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>4. Focus on eradicating poverty as a central priority. /span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>5. Development is the foundation for peace and for human survival and dignity./span>/p>p classp11>span classs1>6. Working together for a final victory in stepping up the fight against extreme poverty./span>/p>p classp11>p classp14>span classs1>Help Support b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup in our FIGHT against extreme POVERTY./span>/p>p classp14>span classs1>ROYAL GROUP/span>/p>p classp14>span classs1>© all rights reserved/span>/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Universal Declaration of Human Rights relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1416 --> div classpost clearfix post-1408 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1408> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>May 2, 2023/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Africa Debt Monitoring Board relbookmark>Africa Debt Monitoring Board/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>span classs1>b>AFRICAN DEBT MONITORING BOARD/b>/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Generated byb> Royal Group/b>/span>/p>p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1409>img classalignleft wp-image-1409 src alt width926 height530 />/a>/p>h2 classp1>strong>span classs1>Debt bondage has been described by the United Nations as a form of modern day slavery and is prohibited by international law. It is specifically dealt with by article 1(a) of the United Nations 1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery./span>/strong>/h2>p classp1>As indicated in Article 19 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union, there is need to speed up the operationalization of African financial institutions./p>p classp3>span classs1>While some African governments look to restructure their debt, China is Africa’s biggest trading partner, with Sino-African trade topping $200 billion per year. Over 10,000 Chinese firms are currently operating throughout the African continent and the value of Chinese business there since 2005 amounts to more than $2 trillion, with $300 billion in current investments./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The Russian Federation has written off debts of African states worth more than 20 billion dollars while China wrote off at least $3.4 billion of debt between 2000 and 2019, almost all interest-free loans to African countries. As of now, China has forgiven 23 interest-free loans in 23 countries./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Also the GCC investment into Africa has continued to climb, reaching more than US$8.3 billion enhancing Africa’s capacity for independent and sustainable development/span>span classs2>. /span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>China has so far built and refurbished parliaments in some 15 African countries, including the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Mozambique, the Seychelles and Guinea Bissau, as well as other government buildings such as Burundi’s presidential palace and the African Union headquarters in Ethiopia./span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>Debt forgiveness and reform of trade agreements to benefit the least advantaged in each country can reduce income inequality and other forms of inequality with hope that Africa, represented by the African Union, would finally obtain a permanent seat in the G20, thereby further strengthening Africa’s voice on the global stage./span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>The GCC and China must collectively work together to transform Africa into a global powerhouse of the future in supporting debt-ridden African countries transition towards a path of sustainable debt in the medium to long term./span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup would shoulder its responsibilities and make greater efforts to promote the substantive participation of multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors in addressing Africa’s debt issue./span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup urges the GCC and China to sincerely shoulder their responsibilities and make greater efforts to address debt issues in African countries. /span>/p>p classp8>span classs1>Support b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup in our FIGHT against DEBT and POVERTY./span>/p>div class>span class>b class>ROYAL GROUP/b>/span>/div>div class>span class>© all rights reserved/span>/div> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Africa Debt Monitoring Board relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1408 --> div classpost clearfix post-1136 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1136> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>February 26, 2023/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Bringing Hope To Children relbookmark>Bringing Hope To Children/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p>a href relattachment wp-att-1137>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-1137 src alt width806 height630 srcset 806w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 806px) 100vw, 806px />/a>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h2>Meeting the needs for education./h2>h2>Royal Group Charity provides Housing, Opportunity, Protection and Education, to disadvantaged children in developing nations, by providing family housing, supporting local communities and facilitating access to quality education and learning materials./h2>p>In the developing world, there are several factors that create roadblocks to a child’s education. The countries that have the lowest enrollment rates are generally those that do not have free, universal primary and secondary education. Where primary education is free, enrollment rates are high but many children do not continue on to secondary school due to high school fees, or because they are forced to work or stay home to take care of siblings./p>p>Lack of proper school facilities and transportation in rural areas often makes it difficult for children to attend school regularly. In addition, there is generally a shortage of qualified teachers. Diseases such as HIV and Malaria have a significant impact on home life, as does hunger, posing further challenges to a child’s education./p>p>Royal Group Charity Foundation’s primary goal is to help children in developing countries gain the benefit of a complete education. We believe education creates change, not only improving the life of an individual child but also contributing to the development of the child’s community and their />(Message from our founder His Highness Prince Khalid Al-Sabah)/p>p>Education is a right. It is also the most requested service, and key, to helping communities move towards peace and prosperity. Supporting education is a recognition of people’s enormous potential and the right to a better future./p>p>Everyone deserves an education regardless of age or gender, religion or physical capacity, ethnic group or displacement through conflict. Education is essential if people are to participate in the life of their own communities./p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Bringing Hope To Children relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1136 --> div classpost clearfix post-1383 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1383> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>January 25, 2023/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Free the Poor from Poverty and Hunger relbookmark>Free the Poor from Poverty and Hunger/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> h1 classp1>span classs1>b>Should a country starve its children to pay off its debts? /b>/span>/h1>p>a href relattachment wp-att-1384>img classalignleft wp-image-1384 src alt width909 height563 />/a>/p>p> /p>p classp3>span classs1>When a corporation or individual has reached a point of bankruptcy, we have laws that allow that corporation or individual to make a fresh start so why cant we adopt the same approach for countries?/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The world should understand that the purpose of life is not just the acquisition of wealth but the development of the world for the good of its inhabitants and the world itself for future generations/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Poor people are not poor because of the scarcity of resources and products. They are poor because they are denied the opportunity to make money for themselves./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Well it’s time to bring new life and hope to a dying world./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Royal Group Charity’s goal is to increase public awareness and civic engagement in ways that counteract prejudice against people in poverty, that defends their human rights./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>People previously fought against slavery and apartheid and won. /span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>In our modern times, the challenge for us all is to make the world where human values are prioritized./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>The most disadvantaged people can free themselves from the dependence and indignity of poverty when their courage and their capacity for action are recognized and when everyone takes responsibility for overcoming the prejudice and discrimination that continue to exclude people in poverty across the world./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Royal Group Charity aims to design and plan a goal of leaving no one behind./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Ending debts is not a task of charity, it’s an act of justice and the key to unlocking an enormous progress. /span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Almost half of the world’s population live in poverty, with lack of food and clean water kills thousands each day./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Today’s world subject’s people into extreme poverty to punishing exploitation and often condemn them to uselessness. Over the world, there are many initiatives for public good, fair trade, and promoting self sufficiency and community resilience. Royal Group Charity ensures that people in extreme poverty are able to participate in these projects./span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>One of the leading causes of poverty is lack of access to food and clean water. It’s difficult to have the energy to work when you are suffering from hunger and thirst. This also makes individuals more vulnerable to preventable diseases. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Warfare and conflict disrupt and stall financial markets and economic growth, lowering investor confidence which leads to job losses. Insecurity often causes displacement of the population, which leads to poverty as citizens struggle to access basic necessities to survive. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Another cause of poverty is a lack of jobs in a certain area. This can be a result of conflict, economic recessions, and geographic locations, like rural areas with fewer work opportunities. When there are not enough jobs available, it is impossible for people to make a living and break the cycle of poverty. Where jobs are available, a lack of matching skills is the gap that needs to be bridged via education and skills training. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Social injustice can also lead to poverty when specific groups of people are discriminated against based on their nationality. This discrimination prevents these individuals from improving their situation in different ways, such as difficulty getting a good education, decreased job opportunities, and limited access to other resources that could help them break the cycle of poverty. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>A lack of infrastructure also contributes to poverty. Infrastructure includes things like roads, bridges, internet access, and public transportation, which are vital for people to travel, interact, and communicate. Without proper infrastructure, people may not be able to travel to work and make money, or they may have to spend all of their time traveling to obtain food and water. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>Climate change is also a major factor in causing poverty, as severe storms, floods, and droughts are capable of crippling economies and devastating communities. Agricultural communities are particularly vulnerable because they can lose both their source of income and their food supply. Severe weather conditions have the ability to undermine successful economies as well as ravage struggling areas even further. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>One of the main causes of poverty is the lack of a good education. Education allows individuals to be equipped in dealing with issues, obtaining good jobs, empowered to a better learning, and ultimately pull themselves out of poverty. However, access to a good education is not universal and many people around the world don’t receive the educational opportunities they need. /span>span classs2>br />/span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>Education must be accessible and affordable for everyone./span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>To help break the cycle of poverty, we must provide educational opportunities that will bring life changing differences in the world./span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>Together, we can feed the hungry by wiping out all the debts, wiping out disease and give everyone in the world a chance to prosper and live a productive and rightful life./span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>We must grasp the responsibilities given to us to care for the future of our people and of our world./span>/p>p> /p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Free the Poor from Poverty and Hunger relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1383 --> div classpost clearfix post-1390 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1390> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>November 13, 2022/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Free Education 2023 relbookmark>Free Education 2023/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1391>img classalignleft wp-image-1391 src alt width908 height454 srcset 500w, 300w sizes(max-width: 908px) 100vw, 908px />/a>/p>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>h2 classp2>span classs2>b>Speaking Against Poverty 2023/b>/span>/h2>p classp3>span classs2>Poverty can have a profound impact on a child’s life. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs2>The root causes of poverty worldwide actively lobby for a positive change. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs2>Everyone has the right to education and a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his or her control. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs2>Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs2>All children should enjoy the same social protection./span>/p>p classp4>p classp4>h3 classp4>span classs2>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation /span>/h3>p classp7>span classs2>Royal Group Charity Foundation helps children in developing countries gain the benefit of a complete education. /span>/p>p classp7>span classs2>Education creates change and improves the life of every individual child./span>/p>p classp7>span classs2>Everyone should benefit of education and contribute to the development of the community and country./span>/p>p classp7>p classp7>p classp9>span classs2>strong>R/strong>oyal strong>G/strong>roup reserves the right to approve, disapprove, and delete comments at our discretion and will not be able to respond to inquiries about these comments./span>/p>p classp9>span classs2>Press Office Application /span>/p>p classp11>span classs2>>/p>p classp11>+971 (0) 528195361/p>p classp11>strong>R/strong>oyal strong>G/strong>roup strong>C/strong>harity is the charity arm of strong>R/strong>oyal strong>G/strong>roup regulated by the Charities Commission Board./p>p classp11>© Copyright strong>R/strong>oyal strong>G/strong>roup all rights reserved/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Free Education 2023 relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1390 --> div classpost clearfix post-1376 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1376> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>September 20, 2022/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to China and Africa’s strengthening friendship and solidarity cooperation for common development relbookmark>China and Africa’s strengthening friendship and solidarity cooperation for common development/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> h2 classp1>strong>span classs1>Building Peace and Stability/span>/strong>/h2>p>a href relattachment wp-att-1377>img classalignleft wp-image-1377 src alt width883 height525 />/a>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>China and Africa have safeguarded international fairness and justice. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China and Africa have stood with each other through hard times. China appreciates the firm commitment of African countries to the one-China principle and strong support for China’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. China has also spoken up for Africa at the UN and other multilateral settings, upholding justice and opposing unwarranted interference and unilateral sanctions against Africa. In solidarity and coordination, China and Africa have become a pillar force in defending the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, upholding the purposes of the UN Charter, and advocating multilateralism and international fairness and justice. /span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>Keeping the focus on development cooperation. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China and Africa have pushed forward with cooperation on infrastructure, and completed several major projects. All these have lent a strong boost to Africa’s industrialization process. China is making steady progress in implementing all the pledges it made to Africa, despite various difficulties and disturbances. Over three billion has been delivered out of the 10 billion US dollars of credit facilities pledged to African financial institutions, and nearly 2.5 billion US dollars of loans were channeled to Africa’s priority programs. More than two billion of the 10 billion US dollars of trade finance has been allocated, and China’s import of African goods within six months reached 70.6 billion US dollars./span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>China and Africa have tackled the global food crisis. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>So far this year, China has signed exchange of letters with 12 African countries on zero tariff for 98 percent of their export items to China and provided emergency food assistance to Africa. More African agricultural produce has reached the Chinese market through the green lanes. The first four China-Africa joint centers for modern agro-technology exchange, demonstration and training were launched. Chinese businesses are increasing their investment in Africa’s agricultural sector, growing more grains, and through the initiative of 100 companies in 1,000 villages, helping create jobs, reduce poverty and improve livelihood for the rural households in Africa. /span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>China and Africa have built a strong shield against COVID-19. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China has provided 189 million doses of vaccines to 27 African countries. Joint production of vaccines in Africa now has an annual capacity of about 400 million doses. The Africa CDC Headquarters building has topped out and is expected to be completed early next year and concluded upgrading the China-Guinea Friendship Hospital and completed the preliminary procedures for hospitals in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Chad, and Malawi to pair up with Chinese hospitals. China has made 332 appointments of medical personnel to Africa and 1,000 Chinese medical experts in Africa have provided services on 250,000 clinical cases, conducted more than 30,000 operations, treated patients in 4,500 critical cases, and trained 3,600 participants from the local medical and healthcare community. African students taking courses in Chinese colleges are returning to their campuses in China. Fourteen Chinese vocational schools have forged partnerships with 13 African higher education institutions. /span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>China and Africa have advanced resilient and sustainable development. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>Expanded cooperation on solar, wind and other clean energy sources. A number of key projects, including the Kafue Lower Gorge Power Station in Zambia has entered into operation. A seminar on building Africa’s Great Green Wall has been activated. In countries including Botswana and Burkina Faso, China is carrying out South-South cooperation for addressing climate change. In Seychelles, China is building a low-carbon demonstration zone. In Madagascar and Mozambique, China has supported response to hurricanes, and helped enhance capacity for disaster preparedness and relief./span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>China and Africa have jointly enhanced regional peace and stability. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China has put forward the outlook on peace and development in the horn of Africa, appointed its special envoy for the horn of Africa affairs, and supported countries in the region in holding the horn of Africa peace conference. The second China-Africa peace and security forum and a workshop on security in the Gulf of Guinea were successfully held. China has continued to provide military aid to countries in Sahel, the horn of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea, and policing equipment to countries including the Central African Republic and Namibia. All of this has helped boost the capacity of countries in the region for preserving peace and stability with their own strength. /span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>Upholding sincerity, real results, amity, good faith to enhance solidarity and mutual support. /b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China and Africa will continue to follow the principles of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China and Africa will always be partner’s of mutual respect, equality and sincere cooperation. China will firmly support African countries in pursuing development paths and seeking strength through unity. /span>/p>h2 classp1>span classs1>b>With/b> b>China’s support of the African Union joining the G20. China will work with Africa to carry forward the five principles of peaceful co-existence, practice true multilateralism and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries./b>/span>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China keeps its word with real actions, and will continue to take meeting Africa’s needs as the purpose of its cooperation with Africa. China will work with Africa to fully implement the nine programs and advance high-quality belt and road cooperation. China will waive the 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries that had matured by the end of 2021. With support the decision of Tanzania and Zambia to reactivate the Tazara Railway. China will continue to actively support and participate in the construction of major infrastructure in Africa through financing, investment and assistance. China will also continue to increase imports from Africa, support the greater development of Africa’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and expand cooperation in emerging industries such as the digital economy, health, green and low-carbon sectors. /span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Under the Global Development Initiative, upgrade of the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund to a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund and further replenish the Fund.b> /b>China has started developing a pool of global development projects, and welcomes application from African countries with prospective projects. China will also publish a China-Africa action plan on shared development in due course./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>To help address food shortage in Africa, the Chinese government has decided to provide, within this year, a new tranche of food assistance to the 17 African countries in need, and will encourage more Chinese firms to invest in agricultural production and processing in Africa to help realize food self-sufficiency./span>/p>h2 classp1>strong>span classs1>Importance of Security/span>/strong>/h2>p classp1>span classs1>China will continue to support and speed up the delivery of military aid to the AU and regional countries, help Africa enhance the capacity for countering terrorism and maintaining stability, and contribute to the early realization of the silencing the guns initiative. China wishes to work with Africa to jointly implement the Global Security Initiative, and will increase its input to the UN Peace and Development Trust Fund and help improve the UN operations for stability and peace in Africa./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>China will promote the sound development of international cooperation with Africa. China welcomes continued interest in and support for Africa from the international community. China would also like to carry out trilateral or multi-party cooperation in Africa. What Africa wishes for is a favorable and amicable cooperation environment. What Africa would welcome is mutually beneficial cooperation for the greater well-being of the people, not major-country rivalry for geopolitical gains./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the African Union (AU), and Africa will embrace new development opportunities. At this new historical starting point, China and Africa need to stand even closer with each other, press ahead toward common development and rejuvenation, and truly build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Fruitful China-Africa cooperation will add fresh impetus to global development, generate positive energy for world stability, and bring new hopes to people around the world. Royal Group Charity Foundation is confident that China-Africa friendship will stand any test of winds and storms. It will continue to be the backbone in South-South cooperation and a fine example in international relations. /span>/p>p classp1>p classp8>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation calls for a firm stand in support to help under developed countries./span>/p>p classp10>span classs3>b>Royal Group Charity/b>/span>/p>p classp11>span classs3>© all rights reserved/span>/p>p classp10>span classs3>For all press and media related, please contact the press office below:/span>/p>p classp12>span classs1>a>>/span>/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to China and Africa’s strengthening friendship and solidarity cooperation for common development relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1376 --> div classpost clearfix post-1336 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1336> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>May 17, 2022/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Declaration of Human Rights (Fighting Poverty) relbookmark>Declaration of Human Rights (Fighting Poverty)/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1337>img classalignleft wp-image-1337 src alt width947 height631 srcset 696w, 300w sizes(max-width: 947px) 100vw, 947px />/a>/p>p classp1>Under Article 25 of the United Nations 1948 b>Universal Declaration of Human Rights/b> clearly states that Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services./p>p classp6>span classs4>b>R/b>/span>span classs3>b>oyal /b>/span>span classs4>b>G/b>/span>span classs3>b>roup /b>/span>span classs4>b>C/b>/span>span classs3>b>harity /b>/span>span classs4>b>F/b>/span>span classs3>b>oundation works with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. But what do we mean by “the world’s poorest people?” And how do we help them?/b>/span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>Why Hunger?/b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity knows hunger affects everything for the world’s poorest people. We believe no one should have to live with hunger and the damage it does. That’s why we’re working for a world in which no one dies for want of safe, quality, nutritious food./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>Our Role/b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>We are specialists in tackling hunger with the most vulnerable people in the world’s poorest places. For more than 15 years, we’ve been developing and delivering practical, intelligent, sustainable solutions that have transformed lives. We combine our expertise with local knowledge./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>The Problem of Hunger /b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>As the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to reverse decades of progress in the fight against global poverty, hunger is the world’s biggest health problem./span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>According to a report from the United Nations food agencies, 690 million people in the world’s population go to bed on an empty stomach each night./span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>Right now 795 million people do not have enough to eat and the vast majority of them live in developing countries. We believe that no one should have to live with hunger and the damage it does./span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>Lack of food jeopardizes the wellbeing of families. Mothers are forced to reduce the number of meals children eat. Families replace nutritious foods like vegetables and beans for staples like corn and millet. Without the right nutrients, children can’t grow up healthily, adults don’t have enough energy to work and people’s immune systems are weak, turning common infectious diseases into killers./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>Tough Choices/b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>Hunger forces people to make tough choices that push them further into poverty. Parents take their children out of school to work. Families eat seeds that should be preserved for the next harvest. These choices make vulnerable people even more vulnerable. When disaster strikes, it’s the poorest communities already exposed to hunger and disease who suffer the most. /span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>Long Term Effects /b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>Hunger prevents communities from escaping poverty. The long term effects of hunger go beyond health. Poor nutrition leads to poor performance in school and fewer opportunities. Children’s brains will not fully develop and their bodies will be stunted. This has a devastating long term effect on families, communities and countries./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>b>In Depth/b>/span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity’s mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives which last and spread without ongoing support. To achieve this mission, b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity engages in long term development work, responds to emergency situations, and seeks to address the root causes of poverty through our development education and advocacy work./span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>During the effects of Covid-19, estimates suggest that an additional 85 to 130 million more people will be chronically hungry due to the pandemic./span>/p>p classp8>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation calls for a firm stance in fighting to end hunger across the world. /span>/p>p classp10>span classs3>b>Royal Group Charity/b>/span>/p>p classp11>span classs3>© all rights reserved/span>/p>p classp10>span classs3>For all press and media related, please contact the press office below:/span>/p>p classp12>span classs1>a>>/span>/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Declaration of Human Rights (Fighting Poverty) relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1336 --> div classpost clearfix post-1358 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1358> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>April 17, 2022/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Fighting Poverty During Crises relbookmark>Fighting Poverty During Crises/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-576>img classalignleft wp-image-576 src alt width898 height673 />/a>/p>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>p classp3>span classs3>Under Article 25 of the United Nations 1948 b>Universal Declaration of Human Rights/b> clearly states that b>Everyone/b> has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services./span>/p>p classp5>span classs4>b>R/b>/span>span classs3>b>oyal /b>/span>span classs4>b>G/b>/span>span classs3>b>roup /b>/span>span classs4>b>C/b>/span>span classs3>b>harity /b>/span>span classs4>b>F/b>/span>span classs3>b>oundation works with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. /b>/span>/p>p classp5>span classs3>b>But what do we mean by “the world’s poorest people?” And how do we help them?/b>/span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>strong>span classs3>Why Hunger?/span>/strong>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity knows hunger affects everything for the world’s poorest people. We believe no one should have to live with hunger and the damage it does. That’s why we’re working for a world in which no one dies for want of safe, quality, nutritious food./span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>span classs3>b>Our Role/b>/span>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>We are specialists in tackling hunger with the most vulnerable people in the world’s poorest places. For more than 15 years, we’ve been developing and delivering practical, intelligent, sustainable solutions that have transformed lives. We combine our expertise with local knowledge./span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>span classs3>b>The Problem of Hunger /b>/span>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>To reverse decades of progress in the fight against global poverty, hunger is the world’s biggest health problem./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>According to a report from the United Nations food agencies, 690 million people in the world’s population go to bed on an empty stomach each night./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>795 million people do not have enough to eat and the vast majority of them live in developing countries. We believe that no one should have to live with hunger and the damage it does./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>Lack of food jeopardizes the wellbeing of families. Mothers are forced to reduce the number of meals children eat. Families replace nutritious foods like vegetables and beans for staples like corn and millet. Without the right nutrients, children can’t grow up healthily, adults don’t have enough energy to work and people’s immune systems are weak, turning common infectious diseases into killers./span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>span classs3>b>Tough Choices/b>/span>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>Hunger forces people to make tough choices that push them further into poverty. Parents take their children out of school to work. Families eat seeds that should be preserved for the next harvest. These choices make vulnerable people even more vulnerable. When disaster strikes, it’s the poorest communities already exposed to hunger and disease who suffer the most. /span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>span classs3>b>Long Term Effects /b>/span>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>Hunger prevents communities from escaping poverty. The long term effects of hunger go beyond health. Poor nutrition leads to poor performance in school and fewer opportunities. Children’s brains will not fully develop and their bodies will be stunted. This has a devastating long term effect on families, communities and countries./span>/p>p classp6>h1 classp6>span classs3>b>In Depth/b>/span>/h1>p classp7>span classs3>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity’s mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major improvements in their lives which last and spread without ongoing support. To achieve this mission, b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity engages in long term development work, responds to emergency situations, and seeks to address the root causes of poverty through our development education and advocacy work./span>/p>p classp7>span classs3>During the effects of Covid-19, estimates suggest that an additional 85 to 130 million more people will be chronically hungry due to the pandemic./span>/p>p classp7>p classp7>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation calls for a firm stance in fighting to end hunger across the world./p>p classp10>p classp10>span classs3>b>Royal Group Charity/b>/span>/p>p classp11>span classs3>© all rights reserved/span>/p>p classp10>p classp12>span classs1>a href>>/span>/p>p classp10>span classs3>For all press and media related, please contact the press office/span>/p>p classp12>span classs6> a>span classs7>>/a>/span>/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Fighting Poverty During Crises relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1358 --> div classpost clearfix post-1354 type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-others idpost-1354> div classpostmeta-primary> span classmeta_date>April 12, 2022/span> span classmeta_categories>a href relcategory>Others/a>/span> /div> h2 classtitle>a href titlePermalink to Rights to School Meals Worldwide relbookmark>Rights to School Meals Worldwide/a>/h2> div classentry clearfix> p classp1>a href relattachment wp-att-1356>img classalignleft wp-image-1356 src alt width910 height606 />/a>/p>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>p classp1>span classs1>b>The challenges of school meal rights lies in the trust of our livelihoods and institutions./b>/span>/p>p classp3>span classs1>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation is proud to present a humanitarian support in providing school meals worldwide during times of crises and emergencies./span>/p>p classp3>p classp4>strong>span classs1>Facts:/span>/strong>/p>p classp4>span classs1>(1) Millions of school children receive food every day. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>(2) Millions more children do not benefit from school meals./span>/p>p classp4>p classp4>span classs1>Be a part of b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity b>F/b>oundation where we all share one goal to end school hunger. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>Applying human rights standards in these type of programs requires an inclusive look into agriculture, health and education./span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>Several human rights instruments set obligations for countries to implement legislation and policies that fulfill children rights. /span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the General Comment N. 12 by the CESCR, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Right to Food Guidelines, adopted by FAO Council in November 2004, also provide related policy recommendations, including on nutrition, education and food safety./span>/p>p classp4>span classs1>Have the opportunity to get involved in building a world with zero hunger./span>/p>p classp4>p classp6>span classs1>b>R/b>oyal b>G/b>roup b>C/b>harity/span>/p>p classp7>span classs1>© all rights reserved/span>/p>p classp6>p classp8>span classs2>a href>>/span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>For all press and media related/span>/p>p classp6>span classs1>contact the press office/span>/p>p classp8>span classs2>a>>/span>/p> /div> div classreadmore> a href titlePermalink to Rights to School Meals Worldwide relbookmark>Read More/a> /div> /div>!-- Post ID 1354 --> div classnavigation clearfix> div classalignleft>a href >span>«/span> Older posts/a>/div> div classalignright>/div> /div>!-- .navigation --> /div>!-- #content --> div idsidebar-primary> ul classwidget-container>li idlinkcat-2 classwidget widget_links>h3 classwidgettitle>Blogroll/h3> ul classxoxo blogroll>li>a href titleKuwait and Charity>Kuwait Red Crescent Siciety/a>/li>li>a href titleOman and Charity>Al Jisr Charity Association/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleGCC and Charity>GCC and Charity/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleOne>One/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia>ESCWA/a>/li>li>a href titleDisaster Outbreak>EBOLA OUTBREAK/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleSaudi Arabia and Charity>King Khalid Foundation/a>/li>li>a href titleBrunei and Charity>International Womens Club of Brunei/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleAU and UN target_blank>United Nations Office to the African Union/a>/li>li>a href titleRoyal Group Charity on Ebola Crises target_blank>Ebola Situation/a>/li>li>a href titleSupport>UNICEF/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleAfrican Asia Rural Development Organization>African Asian Development/a>/li>li>a href titleAid for Africa>Aid for Africa/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleUnited Nations IFAD>IFAD/a>/li>li>a href relco-worker titleBahrain and Charity>Royal Charity/a>/li>li>a href titleUN SUPPORT>UNITED NATIONS/a>/li>li>a href>FIGHTING POVERTY/a>/li>li>a href titleNepal Aid>Millions of children are in danger. 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