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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:18:01 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 41876Last-Modified: Fri, 09 Jun 2023 06:42:46 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 6482c9e6-a394X-Powered-By: PleskLinAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge> link relicon href/assets/images/favicon.png typeimage/x-icon /> link relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon href/userfiles/images/room-addition-northridge-favicon.png /> title>Room Addition Northridge, CA - Room Addition Contractors Near Me/title> meta namedescription contentDo you want Room Addition in Northridge, CA? We have professional room addition contractors near you for glass room addition, sun room additions, and we offer room addition cost for all room addition services. /> meta namekeywords contentroom addition Northridge, room addition contractors near me Northridge, room addition services Northridge, room addition cost Northridge, modular room additions Northridge, glass room addition Northridge, sun room additions Northridge /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namerobots contentindex, follow> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> meta namelanguage contentEnglish> meta namerevisit-after content7 days> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:title contentRoom Addition Northridge, CA - Room Addition Contractors Near Me /> meta propertyog:description contentDo you want Room Addition in Northridge, CA? We have professional room addition contractors near you for glass room addition, sun room additions, and we offer room addition cost for all room addition services. /> meta propertyog:image content/userfiles/images/banner/room-banner.jpg /> link relstylesheet typetext/css href/assets/vendor/bootstrap-select/css/bootstrap-select.min.css> link relstylesheet href/assets/vendor/swiper/swiper.min.css> link relstylesheet typetext/css href/assets/css/style.css> link relpreconnect href> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link href;200;300;400;500;600;700;800;900&familyPoppins:wght@100;200;300;400;500;600;700;800;900&displayswap relstylesheet>/head>body> !-- header --> header classheader header-transparent rs-nav mt-4>div classheader-top-area d-block d-md-block d-lg-block>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12>div classheader-ph>img altTop-Rated Room Addition Services src/userfiles/images/five-star.png />Based on 578 users rating/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>!-- main header -->div classsticky-header navbar-expand-lg>div classmenu-bar clearfix>div classcontainer clearfix>!-- website logo -->div classmenu-logo logo-dark>a href/>img altProfessional Room Addition Services src/userfiles/images/room-addition-northridge-logo.png />/a>/div>!-- nav toggle button -->button aria-controlsmenuDropdown aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation classnavbar-toggler collapsed menuicon justify-content-end data-bs-target#menuDropdown data-bs-togglecollapse typebutton>span>/span>span>/span>span>/span>/button>!-- extra nav -->!-- Search Box -->div classnav-search-bar> /div>div classmenu-links navbar-collapse collapse justify-content-end idmenuDropdown>ul classnav navbar-nav> li classactive>a href/>Home/a>/li> li>a hrefjavascript:;>Services i classfas fa-plus>/i>/a> ul classsub-menu> li classadd-menu-left> ul> li>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>span>Home Addition Contractors/span> /a>/li> li>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>span>Bathroom Addition/span> /a>/li> li>a href/bedroom-addition-northridge/>span>Bedroom Addition/span> /a>/li> li>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>span>Living Room Addition/span> /a>/li> li>a href/framing-services-northridge/>span>Framing Services/span> /a>/li> li>a href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>span>Kitchen Addition/span> /a>/li> li>a href/concrete-slab-contractors-northridge/>span>Concrete Slab Contractors/span> /a>/li> li>a href/bonus-room-addition-northridge/>span>Bonus Room Addition/span> /a>/li> li>a href/free-estimate-for-room-addition-northridge/>span>Free Estimate For Room Addition/span> /a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /li> li>a href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/li>/ul>div classmenu-close>i classti-close>/i>/div>/div>!-- Navigation Menu END -->/div>/div>/div>!-- main header END -->/header> !-- header END --> div classpage-content bg-white>!-- Banner -->section classhome-frst-sctn stylebackground-image:url(/userfiles/images/banner/room-addition.jpg)>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xl-6 col-lg-12 col-md-12 offset-xl-6>div classfrst-txt-area>div classtitle-box>h1>Room Addition in Northridge/h1>/div>div classlower-box>p>Consider our trusted Northridge room addition contractors for a complete building room addition services./p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>!-- Banner End -->!-- About us -->section classsection-sp1 about-area>div classcontainer>div classrow align-items-center>div classcol-lg-6 mb-30>div classabout-thumb-area>ul> li>img altProfessional Room Additions Services classabout-thumb1 src/userfiles/images/home/1-about-room-addition-northridge.jpg />/li> li>img altExpert Room Additions Services classabout-thumb2 src/userfiles/images/home/2-about-room-addition-northridge.jpg />/li> li>img altSatisfied Room Addition Services classabout-thumb3 src/userfiles/images/home/3-about-room-addition-northridge.jpg />/li> li> div classexp-bx>20span>Years Experience/span>/div> /li>/ul>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 mb-30>div classheading-bx>h6 classtitle-ext text-with-bg>About Room Addition Northridge/h6>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Top Rated Northridge Room Additions Contractors/h2>p>Room Addition Northridge is a top-rated and leading room addition contractor in Northridge, CA. Room Addition Northridge has trained home addition contractors to provide high-quality living room addition, a bathroom addition, and free estimate for a room addition. Room Addition Northridge trained home addition contractors to provide high-quality living room addition and bathroom addition and they will take care of your home as if it were their own./p>/div>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature1>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altbest-room-addition-experts-availble-24-7 src/userfiles/images/services/best-room-addition-experts-availble-24-7-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>24/7 Available/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature2>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altreliable-room-addition-experts src/userfiles/images/services/reliable-room-addition-experts-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Reliable Room Addition Experts/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature3>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altbest-room-addition-services src/userfiles/images/services/best-room-addition-services-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Best Room Addition Services/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature4>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altaffordable-room-addition-rates src/userfiles/images/services/affordable-room-addition-rates-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Affordable Room Addition Rates/h4>/div>/div>/div>/div>a classbtn btn-primary shadow href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>/div>img alt classpt-img1 animate-wave src/assets/images/shap/fast-room-addition-services-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img2 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-team-northridge.png /> img altProfessional Room Additions classpt-img5 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png />/section>!-- Our Progress -->section classsection-area section-sp5 work-area stylebackground-image: url(images/background/line-bg1.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 100%;>div classcontainer-sm>div classheading-bx text-center>h6 classtitle-ext text-with-bg>Why Choose Room Addition Northridge?/h6>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Leading And Professional Home Addition Experts For the Best Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>/div>div classrow justify-content-center>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx>div classwork-num-bx>01/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Affordable Room Addition Rates/h5>p>Room Addition contractor in Northridge provides the best room addition services at affordable rates./p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href#>View More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx active>div classwork-num-bx>02/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Best Room Addition Company in Northridge/h5>p>Room Addition Northridge deliver best and professional room addition service across Northridge, CA. Our room addition contractors are available for all types of room addition services including bathroom addition, bedroom addition, framing services and many many more.../p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx>div classwork-num-bx>03/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Professional Room Addition Contractors in Northridge/h5>p>For smooth room addition project, hire professional room addition contractors in Northridge./p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>img altExperienced Room Addition Services classpt-img3 animate3 src/assets/images/shap/fast-room-addition-services-northridge.png />/section>!-- service -->section classsection-area section-sp1 service-wraper>div classrow align-items-center>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-7 mb-30>div classheading-bx>h6 classtitle-ext text-with-bg>Professional Room Addition Company in Northridge, CA/h6>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Reliable Room Addition Contractors in Northridge/h2>p>Northridge room addition contractors are expert professionals to handle any type of room additions, bedroom addition, bathroom addition, and kitchen addition. Room Addition Northridge is known as top rated and professional room addiction contractors across Northridge, CA./p>/div>a classbtn btn-secondary btn-lg shadow href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>div classcol-xl-8 mb-15>div classswiper-container service-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature1>div classfeature-box-xl mb-30>span classicon-cell>img altreliable-bedroom-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/reliable-bedroom-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Reliable Bedroom Addition/h4>p>To get bedroom addition services in Northridge, CA, contact our expert for reliable bedroom addition services./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/bedroom-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature2>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altbest-living-room-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/best-living-room-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Best Living Room Addition/h4>p>Our best living room addition in Northridge, CA expert will create a design for a living room that suits your goals and budget./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/living-room-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature3>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altprofessional-kitchen-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/professional-kitchen-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Professional Kitchen Addition/h4>p>Upgrade your Kitchen property by employing our kitchen addition professionals in Northridge, CA for your needs at a reasonable price./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature1>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altcertified-framing-service-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/certified-framing-service-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Certified Framing Service/h4>p>Choose Room Addition Northridge certified Framing services in Northridge, CA that fit your specific framing needs and budget./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/framing-services-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature2>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altfinest-bathroom-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/finest-bathroom-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Finest Bathroom Addition/h4>p>Hire our Finest Bathroom Addition Service in Northridge, CA to make your bathroom the best and desired at an affordable cost./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>/div>img altProfessional Room Addition classpt-img1 animate-rotate src/assets/images/shap/professional-room-addition-northridge.png /> img altFinest Room Addition classpt-img3 animate-wave src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-contractors-northridge.png /> img altReliable Room Addition classpt-img4 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png /> !-- Testimonial -->!-- Blog -->section classsection-area section-sp1 blog-area stylebackground-image: url(images/background/line-bg2.png); background-position: center; background-size: cover;>div classcontainer>div classheading-bx text-center>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Professional Room Addition Services in Northridge, CA/h2>/div>div classswiper-container blog-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>img altBathroom Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/bathroom-addition-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>Bathroom Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/framing-services-northridge/>img altFraming Services in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/farming-services-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/framing-services-northridge/>Framing Services in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/framing-services-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>img altHome Addition Contractors in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/home-addition-contractors-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>Home Addition Contractors in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>img altLiving Room Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/living-room-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>Living Room Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/living-room-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>img altKitchen Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/kitchen-services-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>Kitchen Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-button-prev srv-btn-prev>i classlas la-arrow-left>/i>/div>div classswiper-button-next srv-btn-next>i classlas la-arrow-right>/i>/div>/div>/div>img altBest Room Addition Services classpt-img1 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png />/section>section classmain-content-wrap main-page-style>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-md-8>div classmain-content maerk>h2>We Specialize in Room Addition in Northridge, CA. We Have Professional Home Addition Contractors To Provide Bedroom Addition, Living Room Addition, Modular Room Additions, And Many Other Room Addition Services./h2>p>You want to add an extra room to your home, but dont know where to start. Adding an extra room can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to find the strong>Right Room Addition Contractor/strong>, but you also have to worry about permits, design, and construction. Room addition contractors in Northridge, CA. Our team of experienced professionals will take care of everything for you so that your room addition goes smoothly from start to finish. Well handle the design, permits, and construction so that you can focus on enjoying your new space. Our strong>Team Of Home Addition Contractors/strong> has years of experience in the industry and is dedicated to providing quality services that meet your needs. We take pride in our work and always aim to exceed expectations./p>p>img src altRoom Addition Northridge />/p>h2>Home Addition Contractors in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to add on to your home, but dont know where to start. Adding on to your home can be a huge undertaking. Not only do you need to find the right contractors, but you also need to make sure that the addition is done correctly and will be up to code. We are home addition contractors in Northridge, CA who can help you with every step of the process. We will work with you to design and strong>Build A Custom Addition/strong> that is perfect for your needs. We also offer prefab and modular additions, so you can get the extra space you need without having to wait long. We can add on any room you need, from a simple bedroom addition to a complete home office addition. Our prefab and modular home additions are fast and affordable and will be completed to your exact specifications. Contact us today at a href/contact-us/>strong>Contact Us/strong>/a> for a consultation./p>h2>Bathroom Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>Youre considering a bathroom addition but are not sure where to start. A bathroom addition can be a great way to add value and functionality to your home, but its important to work with a strong>Professional Bathroom Addition Contractor/strong> who understands the process and can help you avoid costly mistakes. At Room Addition Northridge, we have years of experience helping homeowners just like you add bathrooms to their homes. We offer a wide range of services, from bedroom bathroom additions to small bathroom additions, so we are sure to have something that fits your needs. Plus, our team is licensed and insured, so you can rest assured knowing that your project is in good hands. Our team of strong>Experienced Bathroom Addition Professionals/strong> can help you choose the perfect design and contractor for your bathroom addition project. Well work with you every step of the way to ensure that your new bathroom is exactly what you wanted./p>h2>Bedroom Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>A bedroom addition can be a great way to increase the value of your home, as well as provide more living space for you and your family. We are experienced in all strong>Types Of Room Additions/strong>, so we can help you choose the best option for your needs. Our team is dedicated to providing quality workmanship that will last for years. We take pride in our work and want you to be happy with the final product. We know that a bedroom addition can be a major investment, but it will be worth it when you see the results. Contact us today for a consultation on your bedroom addition project! Not only will you have the extra room you need, but youll also be increasing the value of your home. Plus, our team is qualified and experienced for a href/bedroom-addition-northridge/>strong>Bedroom Addition/strong>/a>, so you know the job will be done right - from start to finish./p>h2>Living Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You may be thinking of adding on to your home but dont know where to start. It can be difficult to figure out how to add on to your home, especially if youre not familiar with the process. Plus, there are a lot of different companies that offer living room additions, so its hard to know who to trust. We are experts in strong>Creating Living Room Additions/strong> and we have advanced living room addition kits for kitchen living addition and living bedroom addition. We are experts in creating beautiful and functional living spaces, and our advanced kits make the process easy and affordable. Our strong>Affordable Living Room Additions Cost/strong> in Northridge, CA make us the perfect choice for your next home improvement project. Let us help you create the perfect living room addition for your home./p>p>img altLiving Room Addition in Northridge, CA classthumb-img src/userfiles/images/inner/living-room-addition-home-northridge.jpg />/p>h2>Framing Services in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to frame that special photo or certificate, but dont know how to go about it and dont have the time to do it yourself. It can be tough to find a strong>Good Framing Service/strong> that fits your needs and budget. Plus, you dont have the time to research all of your options and then take care of the framing yourself. Room Addition Northridge is here to help you with Framing Services in Northridge, CA . We work with you every step of the way to strong>Create A Framed Piece/strong> that is perfect for your home, office, or occasion. We provide a wide range of framing services for all types of projects, large and small. We will work with you every step of the way to create a framed piece that perfectly suits your needs and reflects your unique style. Our a href/framing-services-northridge/>strong>Framing Services/strong>/a> in Northridge, CA are tailored specifically for you. Plus, we use only the highest quality materials and construction techniques so your framed piece will last for years to come./p>h2>Kitchen Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to add on to your kitchen but dont know where to start. Adding on to your kitchen can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to worry about the design and layout, but you also have to find a contractor you can trust. We have strong>Expert Kitchen Addition Contractors/strong> who will take care of everything for you, from designing the perfect addition to installing all the new cabinets and appliances. Plus, we offer competitive rates and financing options so that adding on to your kitchen is more affordable than ever. We offer a variety of kitchen additions so you can find the perfect one for your home. Plus, our strong>Team Of Kitchen Addition Experts/strong> will guide you through every step of the process so you can feel confident about your decision./p>h2>Concrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You need a concrete slab contractor but dont know how to find a good one. There are a lot of contractors out there, but not all of them are created equal. How do you know which one is right for your project? Were the strong>Perfect Choice For Your Concrete Slab Project/strong>. We have years of experience, were precision-oriented, and our projects always come out looking great. Contact us today to get started. We take pride in our work and always aim to leave our clients happy. Trust us for your next concrete slab project – you wont be disappointed. We are a href/concrete-slab-contractors-northridge/>strong>Concrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA/strong>/a> with years of experience and a reputation for quality and precision./p>p>img altConcrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA classthumb-img src/userfiles/images/inner/concrete-slab-contractors-northridge.jpg />/p>h2>Bonus Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You may need more space but dont want to move. Its not uncommon to feel like you need more space, but moving can be a huge hassle. Not to mention it can be expensive too. A bonus room addition from our team is the perfect solution for you. Our team of experts can add an strong>Extra Room To Your Home/strong> without all the stress and expense of moving. Plus, our bonus room additions are top-of-the-line and will perfectly match the style and aesthetic of your home. Our team of experienced professionals can help you design and build the perfect bonus room addition that meets your needs and fits your budget. We offer strong>Top-Quality Bonus Room Addition Services/strong> and our bonus room additions are some of the most affordable in Northridge, CA. Contact us today to learn more./p>h2>Free Estimate For Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You need more space, but dont want to move. Its tough finding the right contractor to trust with a room addition project- it can be expensive and time-consuming. Plus, youre not sure if youre getting a good deal or if the contractor is even qualified. We offer free estimates for room additions in Northridge, CA so that you can get an idea of what the project will cost before you commit. We have experienced and strong>Qualified Room Addition Contractors/strong>, so you can be sure your project will be handled with care. Our contractors offer free estimates so that you can get all of the information that you need before making a decision. We have years of experience in room additions and can help you plan out the perfect space for your needs./p>/div>/div>div classcol-md-4>div classsidebar-block mb-4>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Quote For Room Addition in Northridge/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div classexpMessage> /div>form idcontactUs methodpost>div classform-group>input classform-control required nameformInputname placeholderName * typetext />/div>div classform-group>input classform-control required idmobile nameformInputphone placeholderPhone * typetext />/div>div classform-group>input classform-control required nameformInputemail placeholderEmail * typeemail />/div>div classform-group>textarea classform-control cols30 nameformInputmessage placeholderMesssage rows3>/textarea>/div>br />!-- Captcha Start -->div classg-recaptcha data-callbacksetResponse data-sitekey6LfYm3cfAAAAAHdQX5KS7pSBPRK0pkUyJbFhsK6z data-sizeinvisible> /div>input idcaptcha-response namecaptcha-response typehidden /> !-- END Captcha Start -->div classtext-center>button classbtn btn-primary light href>span>Submit Now/span>/button>/div>input nameaction typehidden valuesubmitform /> /form>/div>/div>div classsidebar-block mb-4 first-block-sidebar>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Northridge Map/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div>iframe frameborder0 height350 marginheight0 marginwidth0 scrollingno src width100%>km radius map/iframe>/div>/div>/div>div classsidebar-block mb-4>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Northridge Information/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div classwiki-img pb-3 pt-0 pr-2>img altNorthridge classacton src />/div>div classwiki-p>p>Northridge is a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of the City of Los Angeles. The community is home to California State University, Northridge, and the Northridge Fashion Center/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section classsection-area section-sp3 testimonial-wraper>div classcontainer>div classheading-bx text-center>h4 classtitle m-b0 class-for-h2-size>What Our Clients And Partner Have To Say About Us/h4>/div>div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center>div classcol-lg-8 text-center>div classswiper-container testimonial-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide data-rel1>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Room Addition Northridge did a fabulous job, they were very professional, were always on time, and were very neat. They are always available when we called him for Bedroom Addition. He listened to our concerns and resolved all issues that occurred. We highly recommend Room Addition Northridge./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Janet Johnson/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel2>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>I just had my bathroom addition by Room Addition Northridge. When it was done I thought I was in a spa. From picking out products and the selections I want to thank Room Addition Northridge for his personalized attention to detail and especially his workers./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Myra Daniels/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel3>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Room Addition Northridge team did an amazing job. Our kitchen is so much more functional and seems more spacious after Kitchen Addition. Great design and layout. We truly appreciate all the little extras they did above and beyond what was expected./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Karleen Sims/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel4>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>We called Room Addition Northridge for Living Room Addition and we are surprised by their professional service. Their crew was highly skilled, worked very fast, did a great job, and offered us the best price./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Russell Lawrence/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel5>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Had a great experience with Bonus Room Addition from Room Addition Northridge. Everything went excellent by their professional and experienced crew. Highly appreciate their superb services./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Charlotte Hill/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel6>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Found Room Addition Northridge very courteous and professional. Really love their service for bathroom addition and Im glad to have their professionals for such an outstanding bathroom addition job./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Charlotte Hill/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-button-prev test-btn-prev>i classlas la-arrow-left>/i>/div>div classswiper-button-next test-btn-next>i classlas la-arrow-right>/i>/div>div classswiper-pagination> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>img alt classpt-img1 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-professionals-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img2 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-professional-team-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img3 animate3 src/assets/images/shap/professional-room-addition-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img4 animate4 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-team-northridge.png />/section> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter stylebackground-image:url(images/background/footer.jpg);>!-- Footer Top -->div classfooter-top>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6>div classwidget widget_info>div classfooter-logo>img altReliable Room Addition Service src/userfiles/images/room-addition-northridge-white.png />/div>div classft-contact>p>Room Addition Northridge is a top rated and leading room addition contractors in Northridge, CA. 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We have professional room addition contractors near you for glass room addition, sun room additions, and we offer room addition cost for all room addition services. /> meta namekeywords contentroom addition Northridge, room addition contractors near me Northridge, room addition services Northridge, room addition cost Northridge, modular room additions Northridge, glass room addition Northridge, sun room additions Northridge /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namerobots contentindex, follow> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> meta namelanguage contentEnglish> meta namerevisit-after content7 days> link relcanonical href /> meta propertyog:title contentRoom Addition Northridge, CA - Room Addition Contractors Near Me /> meta propertyog:description contentDo you want Room Addition in Northridge, CA? 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Room Addition Northridge has trained home addition contractors to provide high-quality living room addition, a bathroom addition, and free estimate for a room addition. Room Addition Northridge trained home addition contractors to provide high-quality living room addition and bathroom addition and they will take care of your home as if it were their own./p>/div>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature1>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altbest-room-addition-experts-availble-24-7 src/userfiles/images/services/best-room-addition-experts-availble-24-7-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>24/7 Available/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature2>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altreliable-room-addition-experts src/userfiles/images/services/reliable-room-addition-experts-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Reliable Room Addition Experts/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature3>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altbest-room-addition-services src/userfiles/images/services/best-room-addition-services-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Best Room Addition Services/h4>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-6 col-sm-6 mb-30 mb-sm-20>div classfeature-container feature-bx1 feature4>div classicon-md>span classicon-cell>img altaffordable-room-addition-rates src/userfiles/images/services/affordable-room-addition-rates-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Affordable Room Addition Rates/h4>/div>/div>/div>/div>a classbtn btn-primary shadow href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>/div>img alt classpt-img1 animate-wave src/assets/images/shap/fast-room-addition-services-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img2 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-team-northridge.png /> img altProfessional Room Additions classpt-img5 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png />/section>!-- Our Progress -->section classsection-area section-sp5 work-area stylebackground-image: url(images/background/line-bg1.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 100%;>div classcontainer-sm>div classheading-bx text-center>h6 classtitle-ext text-with-bg>Why Choose Room Addition Northridge?/h6>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Leading And Professional Home Addition Experts For the Best Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>/div>div classrow justify-content-center>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx>div classwork-num-bx>01/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Affordable Room Addition Rates/h5>p>Room Addition contractor in Northridge provides the best room addition services at affordable rates./p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href#>View More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx active>div classwork-num-bx>02/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Best Room Addition Company in Northridge/h5>p>Room Addition Northridge deliver best and professional room addition service across Northridge, CA. Our room addition contractors are available for all types of room addition services including bathroom addition, bedroom addition, framing services and many many more.../p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>div classcol-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-30>div classwork-bx>div classwork-num-bx>03/div>div classwork-content>h5 classtitle text-with-bg mb-10>Professional Room Addition Contractors in Northridge/h5>p>For smooth room addition project, hire professional room addition contractors in Northridge./p>/div>a classbtn btn-primary light href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>img altExperienced Room Addition Services classpt-img3 animate3 src/assets/images/shap/fast-room-addition-services-northridge.png />/section>!-- service -->section classsection-area section-sp1 service-wraper>div classrow align-items-center>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-7 mb-30>div classheading-bx>h6 classtitle-ext text-with-bg>Professional Room Addition Company in Northridge, CA/h6>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Reliable Room Addition Contractors in Northridge/h2>p>Northridge room addition contractors are expert professionals to handle any type of room additions, bedroom addition, bathroom addition, and kitchen addition. Room Addition Northridge is known as top rated and professional room addiction contractors across Northridge, CA./p>/div>a classbtn btn-secondary btn-lg shadow href/contact-us/>Contact Us/a>/div>div classcol-xl-8 mb-15>div classswiper-container service-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature1>div classfeature-box-xl mb-30>span classicon-cell>img altreliable-bedroom-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/reliable-bedroom-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Reliable Bedroom Addition/h4>p>To get bedroom addition services in Northridge, CA, contact our expert for reliable bedroom addition services./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/bedroom-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature2>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altbest-living-room-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/best-living-room-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Best Living Room Addition/h4>p>Our best living room addition in Northridge, CA expert will create a design for a living room that suits your goals and budget./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/living-room-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature3>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altprofessional-kitchen-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/professional-kitchen-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Professional Kitchen Addition/h4>p>Upgrade your Kitchen property by employing our kitchen addition professionals in Northridge, CA for your needs at a reasonable price./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature1>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altcertified-framing-service-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/certified-framing-service-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Certified Framing Service/h4>p>Choose Room Addition Northridge certified Framing services in Northridge, CA that fit your specific framing needs and budget./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/framing-services-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classfeature-container feature-bx2 feature2>div classfeature-box-xl mb-20>span classicon-cell>img altfinest-bathroom-addition-northridge src/userfiles/images/services/finest-bathroom-addition-northridge.png /> /span>/div>div classicon-content>h4 classttr-title>Finest Bathroom Addition/h4>p>Hire our Finest Bathroom Addition Service in Northridge, CA to make your bathroom the best and desired at an affordable cost./p>a classbtn btn-primary light href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>View More/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>/div>img altProfessional Room Addition classpt-img1 animate-rotate src/assets/images/shap/professional-room-addition-northridge.png /> img altFinest Room Addition classpt-img3 animate-wave src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-contractors-northridge.png /> img altReliable Room Addition classpt-img4 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png /> !-- Testimonial -->!-- Blog -->section classsection-area section-sp1 blog-area stylebackground-image: url(images/background/line-bg2.png); background-position: center; background-size: cover;>div classcontainer>div classheading-bx text-center>h2 classtitle class-for-h2-size>Professional Room Addition Services in Northridge, CA/h2>/div>div classswiper-container blog-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>img altBathroom Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/bathroom-addition-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>Bathroom Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/framing-services-northridge/>img altFraming Services in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/farming-services-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/framing-services-northridge/>Framing Services in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/framing-services-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>img altHome Addition Contractors in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/home-addition-contractors-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>Home Addition Contractors in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>img altLiving Room Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/living-room-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>Living Room Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/living-room-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide>div classblog-card>div classpost-media>a href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>img altKitchen Addition in Northridge src/userfiles/images/home/kitchen-services-northridge.jpg />/a>/div>div classpost-info>h5 classpost-title>a href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>Kitchen Addition in Northridge/a>/h5>a classbtn btn-outline-primary btn-sm href/kitchen-addition-northridge/>Read More i classbtn-icon-bx fas fa-chevron-right>/i>/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-button-prev srv-btn-prev>i classlas la-arrow-left>/i>/div>div classswiper-button-next srv-btn-next>i classlas la-arrow-right>/i>/div>/div>/div>img altBest Room Addition Services classpt-img1 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/room-addition-wood-framing-northridge.png />/section>section classmain-content-wrap main-page-style>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-md-8>div classmain-content maerk>h2>We Specialize in Room Addition in Northridge, CA. We Have Professional Home Addition Contractors To Provide Bedroom Addition, Living Room Addition, Modular Room Additions, And Many Other Room Addition Services./h2>p>You want to add an extra room to your home, but dont know where to start. Adding an extra room can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to find the strong>Right Room Addition Contractor/strong>, but you also have to worry about permits, design, and construction. Room addition contractors in Northridge, CA. Our team of experienced professionals will take care of everything for you so that your room addition goes smoothly from start to finish. Well handle the design, permits, and construction so that you can focus on enjoying your new space. Our strong>Team Of Home Addition Contractors/strong> has years of experience in the industry and is dedicated to providing quality services that meet your needs. We take pride in our work and always aim to exceed expectations./p>p>img src altRoom Addition Northridge />/p>h2>Home Addition Contractors in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to add on to your home, but dont know where to start. Adding on to your home can be a huge undertaking. Not only do you need to find the right contractors, but you also need to make sure that the addition is done correctly and will be up to code. We are home addition contractors in Northridge, CA who can help you with every step of the process. We will work with you to design and strong>Build A Custom Addition/strong> that is perfect for your needs. We also offer prefab and modular additions, so you can get the extra space you need without having to wait long. We can add on any room you need, from a simple bedroom addition to a complete home office addition. Our prefab and modular home additions are fast and affordable and will be completed to your exact specifications. Contact us today at a href/contact-us/>strong>Contact Us/strong>/a> for a consultation./p>h2>Bathroom Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>Youre considering a bathroom addition but are not sure where to start. A bathroom addition can be a great way to add value and functionality to your home, but its important to work with a strong>Professional Bathroom Addition Contractor/strong> who understands the process and can help you avoid costly mistakes. At Room Addition Northridge, we have years of experience helping homeowners just like you add bathrooms to their homes. We offer a wide range of services, from bedroom bathroom additions to small bathroom additions, so we are sure to have something that fits your needs. Plus, our team is licensed and insured, so you can rest assured knowing that your project is in good hands. Our team of strong>Experienced Bathroom Addition Professionals/strong> can help you choose the perfect design and contractor for your bathroom addition project. Well work with you every step of the way to ensure that your new bathroom is exactly what you wanted./p>h2>Bedroom Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>A bedroom addition can be a great way to increase the value of your home, as well as provide more living space for you and your family. We are experienced in all strong>Types Of Room Additions/strong>, so we can help you choose the best option for your needs. Our team is dedicated to providing quality workmanship that will last for years. We take pride in our work and want you to be happy with the final product. We know that a bedroom addition can be a major investment, but it will be worth it when you see the results. Contact us today for a consultation on your bedroom addition project! Not only will you have the extra room you need, but youll also be increasing the value of your home. Plus, our team is qualified and experienced for a href/bedroom-addition-northridge/>strong>Bedroom Addition/strong>/a>, so you know the job will be done right - from start to finish./p>h2>Living Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You may be thinking of adding on to your home but dont know where to start. It can be difficult to figure out how to add on to your home, especially if youre not familiar with the process. Plus, there are a lot of different companies that offer living room additions, so its hard to know who to trust. We are experts in strong>Creating Living Room Additions/strong> and we have advanced living room addition kits for kitchen living addition and living bedroom addition. We are experts in creating beautiful and functional living spaces, and our advanced kits make the process easy and affordable. Our strong>Affordable Living Room Additions Cost/strong> in Northridge, CA make us the perfect choice for your next home improvement project. Let us help you create the perfect living room addition for your home./p>p>img altLiving Room Addition in Northridge, CA classthumb-img src/userfiles/images/inner/living-room-addition-home-northridge.jpg />/p>h2>Framing Services in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to frame that special photo or certificate, but dont know how to go about it and dont have the time to do it yourself. It can be tough to find a strong>Good Framing Service/strong> that fits your needs and budget. Plus, you dont have the time to research all of your options and then take care of the framing yourself. Room Addition Northridge is here to help you with Framing Services in Northridge, CA . We work with you every step of the way to strong>Create A Framed Piece/strong> that is perfect for your home, office, or occasion. We provide a wide range of framing services for all types of projects, large and small. We will work with you every step of the way to create a framed piece that perfectly suits your needs and reflects your unique style. Our a href/framing-services-northridge/>strong>Framing Services/strong>/a> in Northridge, CA are tailored specifically for you. Plus, we use only the highest quality materials and construction techniques so your framed piece will last for years to come./p>h2>Kitchen Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You want to add on to your kitchen but dont know where to start. Adding on to your kitchen can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to worry about the design and layout, but you also have to find a contractor you can trust. We have strong>Expert Kitchen Addition Contractors/strong> who will take care of everything for you, from designing the perfect addition to installing all the new cabinets and appliances. Plus, we offer competitive rates and financing options so that adding on to your kitchen is more affordable than ever. We offer a variety of kitchen additions so you can find the perfect one for your home. Plus, our strong>Team Of Kitchen Addition Experts/strong> will guide you through every step of the process so you can feel confident about your decision./p>h2>Concrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You need a concrete slab contractor but dont know how to find a good one. There are a lot of contractors out there, but not all of them are created equal. How do you know which one is right for your project? Were the strong>Perfect Choice For Your Concrete Slab Project/strong>. We have years of experience, were precision-oriented, and our projects always come out looking great. Contact us today to get started. We take pride in our work and always aim to leave our clients happy. Trust us for your next concrete slab project – you wont be disappointed. We are a href/concrete-slab-contractors-northridge/>strong>Concrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA/strong>/a> with years of experience and a reputation for quality and precision./p>p>img altConcrete Slab Contractors in Northridge, CA classthumb-img src/userfiles/images/inner/concrete-slab-contractors-northridge.jpg />/p>h2>Bonus Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You may need more space but dont want to move. Its not uncommon to feel like you need more space, but moving can be a huge hassle. Not to mention it can be expensive too. A bonus room addition from our team is the perfect solution for you. Our team of experts can add an strong>Extra Room To Your Home/strong> without all the stress and expense of moving. Plus, our bonus room additions are top-of-the-line and will perfectly match the style and aesthetic of your home. Our team of experienced professionals can help you design and build the perfect bonus room addition that meets your needs and fits your budget. We offer strong>Top-Quality Bonus Room Addition Services/strong> and our bonus room additions are some of the most affordable in Northridge, CA. Contact us today to learn more./p>h2>Free Estimate For Room Addition in Northridge, CA/h2>p>You need more space, but dont want to move. Its tough finding the right contractor to trust with a room addition project- it can be expensive and time-consuming. Plus, youre not sure if youre getting a good deal or if the contractor is even qualified. We offer free estimates for room additions in Northridge, CA so that you can get an idea of what the project will cost before you commit. We have experienced and strong>Qualified Room Addition Contractors/strong>, so you can be sure your project will be handled with care. Our contractors offer free estimates so that you can get all of the information that you need before making a decision. We have years of experience in room additions and can help you plan out the perfect space for your needs./p>/div>/div>div classcol-md-4>div classsidebar-block mb-4>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Quote For Room Addition in Northridge/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div classexpMessage> /div>form idcontactUs methodpost>div classform-group>input classform-control required nameformInputname placeholderName * typetext />/div>div classform-group>input classform-control required idmobile nameformInputphone placeholderPhone * typetext />/div>div classform-group>input classform-control required nameformInputemail placeholderEmail * typeemail />/div>div classform-group>textarea classform-control cols30 nameformInputmessage placeholderMesssage rows3>/textarea>/div>br />!-- Captcha Start -->div classg-recaptcha data-callbacksetResponse data-sitekey6LfYm3cfAAAAAHdQX5KS7pSBPRK0pkUyJbFhsK6z data-sizeinvisible> /div>input idcaptcha-response namecaptcha-response typehidden /> !-- END Captcha Start -->div classtext-center>button classbtn btn-primary light href>span>Submit Now/span>/button>/div>input nameaction typehidden valuesubmitform /> /form>/div>/div>div classsidebar-block mb-4 first-block-sidebar>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Northridge Map/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div>iframe frameborder0 height350 marginheight0 marginwidth0 scrollingno src width100%>km radius map/iframe>/div>/div>/div>div classsidebar-block mb-4>div classsidebar-heading>h3>Northridge Information/h3>/div>div classsidebar-content>div classwiki-img pb-3 pt-0 pr-2>img altNorthridge classacton src />/div>div classwiki-p>p>Northridge is a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of the City of Los Angeles. The community is home to California State University, Northridge, and the Northridge Fashion Center/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section classsection-area section-sp3 testimonial-wraper>div classcontainer>div classheading-bx text-center>h4 classtitle m-b0 class-for-h2-size>What Our Clients And Partner Have To Say About Us/h4>/div>div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center>div classcol-lg-8 text-center>div classswiper-container testimonial-slide>div classswiper-wrapper>div classswiper-slide data-rel1>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Room Addition Northridge did a fabulous job, they were very professional, were always on time, and were very neat. They are always available when we called him for Bedroom Addition. He listened to our concerns and resolved all issues that occurred. We highly recommend Room Addition Northridge./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Janet Johnson/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel2>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>I just had my bathroom addition by Room Addition Northridge. When it was done I thought I was in a spa. From picking out products and the selections I want to thank Room Addition Northridge for his personalized attention to detail and especially his workers./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Myra Daniels/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel3>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Room Addition Northridge team did an amazing job. Our kitchen is so much more functional and seems more spacious after Kitchen Addition. Great design and layout. We truly appreciate all the little extras they did above and beyond what was expected./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Karleen Sims/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel4>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>We called Room Addition Northridge for Living Room Addition and we are surprised by their professional service. Their crew was highly skilled, worked very fast, did a great job, and offered us the best price./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Russell Lawrence/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel5>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Had a great experience with Bonus Room Addition from Room Addition Northridge. Everything went excellent by their professional and experienced crew. Highly appreciate their superb services./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Charlotte Hill/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-slide data-rel6>div classtestimonial-bx>div classtestimonial-content>p>Found Room Addition Northridge very courteous and professional. Really love their service for bathroom addition and Im glad to have their professionals for such an outstanding bathroom addition job./p>/div>div classclient-info>h5 classname>Charlotte Hill/h5>/div>div classquote-icon>i classfas fa-quote-left>/i>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classswiper-button-prev test-btn-prev>i classlas la-arrow-left>/i>/div>div classswiper-button-next test-btn-next>i classlas la-arrow-right>/i>/div>div classswiper-pagination> /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>img alt classpt-img1 animate1 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-professionals-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img2 animate2 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-professional-team-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img3 animate3 src/assets/images/shap/professional-room-addition-northridge.png /> img alt classpt-img4 animate4 src/assets/images/shap/best-room-addition-team-northridge.png />/section> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter stylebackground-image:url(images/background/footer.jpg);>!-- Footer Top -->div classfooter-top>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6>div classwidget widget_info>div classfooter-logo>img altReliable Room Addition Service src/userfiles/images/room-addition-northridge-white.png />/div>div classft-contact>p>Room Addition Northridge is a top rated and leading room addition contractors in Northridge, CA. Room Addition Northridge have trained home addition contractors to provide high-quality living room addition, bathroom addition, and free estimate for room addition./p>/div>/div>/div>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-6>div classwidget footer_widget>h3 classfooter-title>Our Service/h3>ul> li>a href/free-estimate-for-room-addition-northridge/>span>Free Estimate For Room Addition/span>/a>/li> li>a href/home-addition-contractors-northridge/>span>Home Addition Contractors/span>/a>/li> li>a href/living-room-addition-northridge/>span>Living Room Addition/span>/a>/li> li>a href/bathroom-addition-northridge/>Bathroom Addition/a>/li> li>a href/contact-us/>span>Contact Us/span>/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>div classcol-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6>div classwidget widget_form widget-area-section>div classfooter-widget-address-inner>h4 classwidget-title>Contact Us/h4>div classfooter-inner pr-2>div classfooter-socail-icon>i classfa fa-envelope>/i>/div>div classfooter-socail-info>p>span>Email:/span>br />span classftr-spn>a classftr-a>Email Us/a>/span>/p>/div>/div>div classfooter-inner pr-2>div classfooter-socail-icon>i classfa fa-home>/i>/div>div classfooter-socail-info>p>span>Address:/span>br />span classftr-spn>Northridge, CA/span>/p>/div>/div>div classftr-p>p>Due to a high volume of spam and sales calls, we are only taking email submissions for initial contact. 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