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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 18:36:51 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 11421Connection: keep-aliveServer: Apache/2Last-Modified: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 19:05:22 GMTETag: 2c9d-4bae830eba9eb HTML>HEAD>meta http-equivContent-Language contenten-us>/meta>TITLE>Welcome to Riel Designs - Website and Graphic Designer/TITLE>META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html; charsetwindows-1252>script nameJ-BotSearchEng languageJavaScript>!--// Webs Unlimiteds J-BOTS (tm) FrontPage 2002 JavaScript Generator version 4.0// Copyright Webs Unlimited 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 All rights reserved - http://WebsUnlimited.comfunction search4it(el,target) {var url ;var pos 0;var tpos 0;var wlf ;var what ;url el.engines.optionsel.engines.selectedIndex.value;pos url.indexOf(JBOT);wlf el.fwhat.value;what ;//URL encode spacesfor (var x0; x wlf.length; x++){ if (wlf.charAt(x) ) what + +; else what + wlf.charAt(x);}tpos pos + 4;if (tpos url.length){ wlf url.substring(tpos, url.length);}else wlf ;url url.substring(0,pos);url url + what + wlf; url,target);}// -->/script>style typetext/css nameJ-BotStyle >!--.SearchEngine { }.SearchFor { }.SearchButton {}-->/style>style fprolloverstyle>A:hover {color: #FF0000}/style>/HEAD>BODY BGCOLOR#FEFFF4 LEFTMARGIN100 TOPMARGIN1 MARGINWIDTH0 MARGINHEIGHT0 vlink#0000FF>!-- ImageReady Slices (26-6.psd) -->div aligncenter> TABLE WIDTH771 BORDER0 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0> TR> TD COLSPAN5 width268> IMG SRCimages/riel_logo01.gif ALT width268 height91>/TD> TD COLSPAN4 width503> IMG SRCimages/riel_logo02.gif ALT width502 height91>/TD> /TR> TR> TD width67> IMG SRCimages/index_03.gif ALT width67 height29>/TD> TD width46> a hrefindex.html> IMG SRCimages/index_04.gif border0 width46 height29>/a>/TD> TD width63> a hrefpnp/about.html> IMG SRCimages/index_05.gif border0 width63 height29>/a>/TD> TD width65> a hrefservices.html> IMG SRCimages/index_06.gif border0 width65 height29>/a>/TD> TD COLSPAN2 width63> a hrefsupport.html> IMG SRCimages/index_07.gif border0 width63 height29>/a>/TD> TD width79> a hrefcontact.html> IMG SRCimages/index_08.gif border0 width79 height29>/a>/TD> TD COLSPAN2 width388> a hrefangels/angels.html>
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