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classsunbatang02> The maestro who transformed the history of architecture and> Alessandro Mendini was born in Milan in 1931. He graduated with a degree in architecture at the Polytechnic University of Milan. He was editor-in-chief of the magazines Casabella (1970-1976), br>Modo (1977-1981) and Domus (1980- 1985 and 2010-2011). br>br> He was an honorary member of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, and worked with companies like Cartier, Hermes, Vacheron Constantin, Alessi, Swarovski, Bisazza, Venini, Supreme, and Zanotta, In 1979, 1981 and 2014 he was awarded the Compasso d Oro prize./font> /p> /div> br> a hrefcompany_about_view_01.php>font color#294485 size4px; stylecursor: pointer; classsunbatang02>More →/font>/a> /div> div classcol-lg-6> div styleheight:60px;>/div> style> .text-01-01{margin-left:100px; margin-top:20px;} @media (max-width:768px){ .text-01-01{margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px;} } /style> img src/img/text-01-01.png classtext-01-01>/div>!---classcompany-price-right ---> /div> /div> /div>br> /div>/section>!-- company -->section classramun padding-121 stylebackground: #fff; background-size: cover; margin-top:-50px;> p classsunbatang styleline-height:38px;> font color#294485 classsunbatang02>“Questa lampada porta fortuna”/font>br> font color#00000 classnanumgothic>(This lamp brings good luck)/font>br> font color#00000 classsunbatang02>- Alessandro Mendini -/font> /p>div styleheight:62px;>/div>/section>section classcompany company-price padding-121 stylebackground: #f6f6f6; background-size: cover; > div classcontainer>br>br>br> h4 styletext-align:center;>font color000 classsunbatang06 stylecursor:pointer; onClicklocation.href/eng/brand.php>Brand/font>/h4> div styleheight:58px;>/div> div classrow ani price-content> div classcol-lg-6> img src/img/1-000.png > div styleheight:39px;>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 > div classprice-bx stylemargin-top:-75px;> div classtitle-wrap title-wrap02 > h4 classpadding-bottom taxt-03 sunbatang04>RAMUN:Ideal Light for Your Eyes/h4> /div> p classsunbatang main_title_weight1 styleline-height:32px;>!--align---> font color#000000; classsunbatang02> A new way to experience> Founded under the creative direction of Alessandro Mendini, RAMUN is a lighting brand that presents timeless masterpieces. The brand was born from a conversation between Alessandro Mendini and his grandson, centered on their shared passion for light. The RAMUN lamps were originally created by the Italian design maestro for his own family, particularly his beloved grandson, as a wish for good luck and eye health. Alessandro Mendini supervised the entire process of creating the lamp, resulting in a timeless masterpiece. /font> /p>br> a hrefbrand.php>font color#294485 size4px; stylecursor: pointer; classsunbatang02>More →/font>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>div styleheight:95px;>/div>div styletext-align:center;>h4>font color000 classsunbatang06>Our products/font>/h4> div classline stylemargin-top:5px;>/div> !---h4 >font color000 classsunbatang03>Our products/font>/h4> img src/img/text-0107.png>--->/div>/div>br>br>div>style relstylesheet typetext/css>/* slideul */.slideWrap{width:100%;height:0px}.slideUl{top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%; text-align:center; margin:0 auto;}.slideUl li{display:none;top:0;left:0;width:100%;}/style>div class> ul styletext-align:center> li classbanner1>img src/img/main-total-07.gif width1238px;>/li> /ul>/div>script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function(){ var nowNum 0; var bannerObj $(.slideUl li); var maxLength bannerObj.length; var timer 7000; // 자동 롤링되는 타임 설정 var autoRun setInterval(function(){rollingFn(right);},timer); bannerObj.eq(nowNum).fadeIn(); $(.nextBtn).bind(click,function(){ rollingFn(right); }); $(.prevBtn).bind(click,function(){ rollingFn(left); }); function rollingFn(direction){ if(directionright){ nowNum nowNum+1; if(nowNum>maxLength-1){ nowNum 0; } }else{ nowNum nowNum-1; if(nowNum0){ nowNum maxLength-1; } } bannerObj.hide().eq(nowNum).fadeIn(); }});/script>/div> div class ramun-txt > br> a hrefproducts.php> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning stylepadding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px;>b classsunbatang02>ALL PRODUCTS/b>/button>/a> /div> div styleheight:65px;>/div>div>!--//wrap -->!-- company--> section classcompany company-price padding-121 stylebackground: #ededed; background-size: cover; > br> div classcontainer> div classrow ani price-content > div classcol-lg-6 stylemargin:0 auto; > div classprice-bx> div styleheight:5px;>/div> div classtitle-wrap title-wrap02 > h4 classsunbatang stylecursor:pointer; onClicklocation.href/eng/doctor.php>Doctor Tested/h4> /div> p classnanumgothic main_title_weight1 styleline-height:30px;> font color#000000;> span classsunbatang02 >RAMUN set out strict standards to ensure proper eye protection in cooperation with world-renowned ophthalmologist. Its cutting-edge technologies and design aesthetic allow the company to stay ahead of the curve and continuously innovate. br>br> AIMS OF THE STUDIESbr> Our eyes consume a great quantity of information daily and our increasing use of different forms of digital media has exposed us to an environment that aggravates eye strain. 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$(button.prev).click(function(){ $(.visual_slide).slick(slickPrev); }) $({ $(.visual_slide).slick(slickNext); }) Slide01.on(beforeChange, function () { $(.pro_bar .now).removeClass(on); $(.u_vid).prop(currentTime, 0); }) Slide01.on(afterChange, function () { $(.pro_bar .now).addClass(on); }) }); /script>/section>!--main_visual-->!-- company section classcompany stylebackground:#f6f5f3;> div classcontainer> div classrow ani price-content> div classcol-lg-12> img srcimg/won.png stylefloat:right> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>!-- company --> !-- company--> section classcompany company-price padding-121 padding-main stylebackground: #fff; background-size: cover; > br>br>br> div classcontainer> div classrow ani price-content > div classcol-lg-6 stylemargin:0 auto; > div classprice-bx> div styleheight:5px;>/div> div classtitle-wrap title-wrap02 > h4 classsunbatang stylecursor:pointer; onClicklocation.hrefcompany_about.php>Creatorsbr>Alessandro Mendini/span>/h4> /div> div styleheight:14px;>/div> p classmain_title_weight1 styleline-height:32px;>!---nanumgothic --> font color#000000; classsunbatang02> The maestro who transformed the history of architecture and> Alessandro Mendini was born in Milan in 1931. He graduated with a degree in architecture at the Polytechnic University of Milan. He was editor-in-chief of the magazines Casabella (1970-1976), br>Modo (1977-1981) and Domus (1980- 1985 and 2010-2011). br>br> He was an honorary member of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, and worked with companies like Cartier, Hermes, Vacheron Constantin, Alessi, Swarovski, Bisazza, Venini, Supreme, and Zanotta, In 1979, 1981 and 2014 he was awarded the Compasso d Oro prize./font> /p> /div> br> a hrefcompany_about_view_01.php>font color#294485 size4px; stylecursor: pointer; classsunbatang02>More →/font>/a> /div> div classcol-lg-6> div styleheight:60px;>/div> style> .text-01-01{margin-left:100px; margin-top:20px;} @media (max-width:768px){ .text-01-01{margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px;} } /style> img src/img/text-01-01.png classtext-01-01>/div>!---classcompany-price-right ---> /div> /div> /div>br> /div>/section>!-- company -->section classramun padding-121 stylebackground: #fff; background-size: cover; margin-top:-50px;> p classsunbatang styleline-height:38px;> font color#294485 classsunbatang02>“Questa lampada porta fortuna”/font>br> font color#00000 classnanumgothic>(This lamp brings good luck)/font>br> font color#00000 classsunbatang02>- Alessandro Mendini -/font> /p>div styleheight:62px;>/div>/section>section classcompany company-price padding-121 stylebackground: #f6f6f6; background-size: cover; > div classcontainer>br>br>br> h4 styletext-align:center;>font color000 classsunbatang06 stylecursor:pointer; onClicklocation.href/eng/brand.php>Brand/font>/h4> div styleheight:58px;>/div> div classrow ani price-content> div classcol-lg-6> img src/img/1-000.png > div styleheight:39px;>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 > div classprice-bx stylemargin-top:-75px;> div classtitle-wrap title-wrap02 > h4 classpadding-bottom taxt-03 sunbatang04>RAMUN:Ideal Light for Your Eyes/h4> /div> p classsunbatang main_title_weight1 styleline-height:32px;>!--align---> font color#000000; classsunbatang02> A new way to experience> Founded under the creative direction of Alessandro Mendini, RAMUN is a lighting brand that presents timeless masterpieces. The brand was born from a conversation between Alessandro Mendini and his grandson, centered on their shared passion for light. The RAMUN lamps were originally created by the Italian design maestro for his own family, particularly his beloved grandson, as a wish for good luck and eye health. Alessandro Mendini supervised the entire process of creating the lamp, resulting in a timeless masterpiece. /font> /p>br> a hrefbrand.php>font color#294485 size4px; stylecursor: pointer; classsunbatang02>More →/font>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>div styleheight:95px;>/div>div styletext-align:center;>h4>font color000 classsunbatang06>Our products/font>/h4> div classline stylemargin-top:5px;>/div> !---h4 >font color000 classsunbatang03>Our products/font>/h4> img src/img/text-0107.png>--->/div>/div>br>br>div>style relstylesheet typetext/css>/* slideul */.slideWrap{width:100%;height:0px}.slideUl{top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%; text-align:center; margin:0 auto;}.slideUl li{display:none;top:0;left:0;width:100%;}/style>div class> ul styletext-align:center> li classbanner1>img src/img/main-total-07.gif width1238px;>/li> /ul>/div>script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function(){ var nowNum 0; var bannerObj $(.slideUl li); var maxLength bannerObj.length; var timer 7000; // 자동 롤링되는 타임 설정 var autoRun setInterval(function(){rollingFn(right);},timer); bannerObj.eq(nowNum).fadeIn(); $(.nextBtn).bind(click,function(){ rollingFn(right); }); $(.prevBtn).bind(click,function(){ rollingFn(left); }); function rollingFn(direction){ if(directionright){ nowNum nowNum+1; if(nowNum>maxLength-1){ nowNum 0; } }else{ nowNum nowNum-1; if(nowNum0){ nowNum maxLength-1; } } bannerObj.hide().eq(nowNum).fadeIn(); }});/script>/div> div class ramun-txt > br> a hrefproducts.php> button typebutton classbtn btn-warning stylepadding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px;>b classsunbatang02>ALL PRODUCTS/b>/button>/a> /div> div styleheight:65px;>/div>div>!--//wrap -->!-- company--> section classcompany company-price padding-121 stylebackground: #ededed; background-size: cover; > br> div classcontainer> div classrow ani price-content > div classcol-lg-6 stylemargin:0 auto; > div classprice-bx> div styleheight:5px;>/div> div classtitle-wrap title-wrap02 > h4 classsunbatang stylecursor:pointer; onClicklocation.href/eng/doctor.php>Doctor Tested/h4> /div> p classnanumgothic main_title_weight1 styleline-height:30px;> font color#000000;> span classsunbatang02 >RAMUN set out strict standards to ensure proper eye protection in cooperation with world-renowned ophthalmologist. Its cutting-edge technologies and design aesthetic allow the company to stay ahead of the curve and continuously innovate. br>br> AIMS OF THE STUDIESbr> Our eyes consume a great quantity of information daily and our increasing use of different forms of digital media has exposed us to an environment that aggravates eye strain. In such circumstances, high quality lighting is ever more important and RAMUN Amuleto table lamp has been designed to provide ideal lighting conditions through clinical research, comparing and testing both objective and subjective aspects. br> /font> /p> /div> br> a hrefdoctor.php>font color#294485 size4px; stylecursor: pointer; classsunbatang02>More →/font>/a> /div> div classcol-lg-6>br>br>br> !---img src/img/text-03.png classcompany-price-right >*--> img src/img/do.png classcompany-price-right > /div> /div> /div>br> /div>/section>!-- company -->section classcompany ramun padding-121 stylebackground: url(/img/img-01.png) center top no-repeat; background-size:cover;>div styleheight:80px;>/div> div> p stylepadding:17px;> font color#ffc539 size6px; classsunbatang07>How to buy/font> div classline2 >/div>br>br> /p> p> !---div classramun-txt styleline-height:32px; margin-top:-9px;> font color#fff classnanumgothic>공식홈페이지에서 구매 가능합니다.(비회원도 가능)br> Trinify(고객맞춤컬러구성) b>제품의 구매와 메시지 서비스는 직영매장,/b> br> 공식 홈페이지 및 콜센터(1600-1547)로만 구매 가능합니다./font> br>br> /div>---> div class ramun-txt stylemargin : 5px auto 25px auto> a href>button typebutton classbtn btn-warning stylewidth : 160px;> b>Online Shop/b>/button>/a> /div> div class ramun-txt stylemargin : 5px auto 0 auto> a hrefstore.php>button typebutton classbtn btn-warning stylewidth : 160px;> b>Store Locator/b>/button>/a> /div> /p>/div>div styleheight:900px;>/section>/main>!-- content End --> div styleclear:both;>/div>!-- Footer Area Start --> footer classcompany footer> div classcontainer> div class> div classrow> div classcol-lg-3> br>img src/img/logo_16.gif width64px; stylemargin-top:10px;> style>.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision01,.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision02 {}/*width:100%; max-width:1000px; */.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision01_mo,.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision02_mo {display: none;}@media only screen and (max-width:640px) {.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision01,.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision02{display: none;}.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision01_mo,.contents .contIn .subIn .sub_vision02_mo {display: block; width:100%; max-width:640px; }}/style>!--//푸터 정보들-->!-- div classcontents> div classcontIn> div classsubIn> img classsub_vision01 srcimg/footer_eng.png stylemargin:0 auto;> img classsub_vision01_mo srcimg/footer_eng_m.png> /div> /div>/div> -->!--//푸터 정보들--> /div> div classcol-lg-9>br> div classfamily-right stylemargin-top:10px;> span classfamily-padding>a href >font color#fff classsunbatang02>ONLINE SHOP/font>/a>/span> a href/store.php> span classfamily-padding>font color#fff classsunbatang02>STORE LOCATOR/font> /span>/a> span classfamily-padding>a href/faq.php >font color#fff classsunbatang02>FAQ/font>/a>/span> span classfamily-padding>a href/contact.php >font color#fff classsunbatang02>CONTACT US /font>/a>/span> span>a href> font color#fff classsunbatang02>FOLLOW USimg src/img/instar.png classinstar>/font> /a>/span> /div> div styleclear:both;>/div> div classfamily-right family-top0> span>font color#fff classsunbatang02 family-padding0>Cookie Policy/font>/span> span>font color#fff classsunbatang02 family-padding0>|/font>/span> span>font color#fff classsunbatang02 family-padding0>Privacy/font>/span> span> font color#fff classsunbatang02 family-padding0>|/font> /span> span>font color#fff classsunbatang02 >Terms & Conditions/font>/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> br> /footer> !-- Footer Area End -->script src/js/slick2.min.js>/script>script src/js/custom2.js>/script>script src/js/slick.min.js>/script>script typetext/javascript src/js/jquery.min.js >/script> script defer src/js/autoptimize.js>/script>script src>/script>script src/js/main.js>/script>script src/js/custom.js>/script>/body>/html>
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