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div classcontainer> !-- start of custom code --> div idgoogle_translate_element stylefloat: right; margin: 1rem 0 -2rem;>/div>script typetext/javascript> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement( {pageLanguage: en}, google_translate_element ); }/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script> !-- end of custom code --> /div> input idis-tce nameis-tce typehidden valuetrue /> div idpjax-modal-container>/div>input iddistrict-time-zone-value namedistrict-time-zone-value typehidden valueAmerica/Los_Angeles />div classflash-messages-container> div idflash_error styledisplay:none classalert alert-danger>/div> div idflash_warning styledisplay:none classalert alert-warning>/div> noscript>div classalert alert-warning>Please enable Javascript to use all the features of this site./div>/noscript> div idflash_notice styledisplay:none classalert alert-success>/div> script typetext/javascript> Flash.transferFromCookies(); Flash.writeDataTo(error, $(#flash_error)); 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La mayoría de los navegadores web modernos pueden traducir el Portal de la comunidad al idioma que usted elija. Consulte las instrucciones para traducir el Portal de la comunidad para su tipo de navegador: a href original-title aria-label stylebackground-color: rgb(164, 229, 224);>Chrome/a>, a href original-title aria-label stylebackground-color: rgb(164, 229, 224);>Safari/a>, a href original-title aria-label stylebackground-color: rgb(164, 229, 224);>Firefox/a>, a href original-title aria-label stylebackground-color: rgb(164, 229, 224);>Edge/a> u a href original-title aria-label stylebackground-color: rgb(164, 229, 224);>Opera/a>./p> /div> /div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(218, 244, 242);>div classcolumn half> img src alt> /div> div classcolumn half> div classdisplay> h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(28, 28, 96);>Enrollment Process/span>/h2> p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(28, 28, 96); font-size:18px>1. Submit your interest for the 24-25 school year program by creating a child care contract. /span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(28, 28, 96); font-size:18px>2. All interested families will be placed on a waiting list until maximum space and availability is established at each school, based on staff:student ratios (TK/K: 1:10, 1st-6th grade (1:20)./span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(28, 28, 96); font-size:18px>3. Rosters will be finalized over summer. Additional information regarding THRIVE and your students enrollment status will be shared via Arux./span>/p> div styletext-align: center; margin:1em 0 2.5em;> a href classbtn btn-primary edit stylecolor: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(24,116,132); original-title aria-label title>Submit Your THRIVE Interest /a> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);> div classcolumn full> hr> /div> /div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(218, 244, 242);>div classcolumn half> div classdisplay> h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(34, 35, 100);>PROCESO DE INSCRIPCIÓN /span>/h2> p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(34, 35, 100); font-size:18px>1. Envíe su interés para el programa del año escolar 24-25 creando un contrato de cuidado infantil./span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(34, 35, 100); font-size:18px>2. Todas las familias interesadas serán colocadas en una lista de espera hasta que se establezca el espacio y la disponibilidad máximos en cada escuela, según la proporción de personal:estudiantes (TK/K: 1:10, 1.° a 6.° grado (1:20)./span>/p>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(34, 35, 100); font-size:18px>3. Las listas se finalizarán durante el verano. Se compartirá información adicional sobre THRIVE y el estado de inscripción de su estudiante a través de Arux./span>/p> div styletext-align: center; margin:1em 0 2.5em;> a href classbtn btn-primary edit stylecolor: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(24,116,132); original-title aria-label title>Envíe su interés de THRIVE/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcolumn half> img src alt> /div>/div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);> div classcolumn full> h2 styletext-align: center;>span faceOpen Sans, sans-serif style>span stylefont-size: 27.45px;>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Arux Resource Articles /span>/span>/span>/h2>h2 styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-size: 15px;>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Click the titles below to learn more about how to use the Arux Community Portal /span>/span>br>/h2> /div> /div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);>div classcolumn third> div classlist> i classfa fa-calendar>/i> h3>a href target_blank original-title aria-label>u>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Arux Community Portal/span>/u>/a>/h3> p>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Learn about how to navigate your Arux Community Portal./span>/p> /div> /div> div classcolumn third> div classlist> i classfa fa-user-plus>/i> h3>a href target_blank original-title aria-label title>u>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>How to Register/span>/u>/a>/h3> p>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Learn how to enroll your family members in THRIVE./span>/p> /div> /div> div classcolumn third> div classlist> i classfa fa-credit-card>/i> h3>a href target_blank original-title aria-label title>u>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Managing Payments/span>/u>/a>/h3> p>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Learn how to add and manage your payment methods./span>/p> /div> /div>/div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);>div classcolumn half> div classembed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9> iframe width100% height200 frameborder0 scrollingno marginheight0 marginwidth0 classmg1 src!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d6689.074694900051!2d-116.86777282490465!3d33.04231737038167!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x80dbe898574fd263%3A0xb5b8f6fbc4b0c970!2s720%209th%20St%2C%20Ramona%2C%20CA%2092065!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1715625166058!5m2!1sen!2sus">/iframe> /div> /div> div classcolumn half> h3>br>/h3>h3 styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>Get in Touch/span>/h3>p styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(218, 244, 242);>If you have any questions about THRIVE feel free to contact us./span>/p> div styletext-align: center; margin:1em 0 2.5em;> a href/contact classbtn btn-primary stylecolor: rgb(24,116,132); background-color: rgb(224,252,252);>i classfa fa-phone>/i> Contact Us/a> /div> /div>/div> div classrow clearfix stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);>div classcolumn sixth center> img src styleborder-radius:500px alt> /div> div classcolumn half> div classcolumn two-sixth> p stylemargin:1.1em 1 0>span stylecolor: rgb(224, 252, 252);>b stylebackground-color: rgb(21, 116, 135);>br>/b>/span>/p>p stylemargin:1.1em 1 0> span stylecolor: rgb(224, 252, 252);>b>THRIVE/b>br>Ramona Unified School District/span>/p>div classsocial edit>span stylecolor: rgb(224, 252, 252);> a href>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a>a href>i classfa fa-instagram>/i>/a> a href original-title aria-label>i classfa fa-envelope>/i>/a> a href(760) 787-2082 original-title aria-label>i classfa fa-phone>/i>/a>/span> /div> /div>/div>/div> /div>/article> /div>/main>div classuse-shadow> footer> div classcontainer details> div classrow> div classcol-md-5 col-sm-12 footer-details> h2 classmb-5>Ramona Unified School District/h2> div> ul classlist-unstyled mb-md-0 mb-5> /ul> /div> /div> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-12> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0> li>a href classextra>THRIVE/a>/li>li>a;return false; href>Our Website/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-12> ul classlist-unstyled mb-5> /ul> /div> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-12> ul classlist-unstyled> li>a href/account>Your Dashboard/a>/li> li>a href/account/history>Your History/a>/li> li>a href/account/saved>Saved Payment Methods/a>/li> li>a href/policies/privacy>Privacy Policy/a>/li> li>a href/contact>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div> img altArux_primary_logo classlogo src /> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer-fluid bar>/div> /footer>/div>
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