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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: s-maxage31536000, stale-while-revalidateContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 05:19:42 GMTEtag: qhdwhq4pk4q5gVary: Accept-EncodingVary: RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Accept-EncodingX-Nextjs-Cache: HITX-Powered-By: Next.jsTransfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head>meta charSetutf-8/>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1/>link relpreload href/_next/static/media/3d9ea938b6afa941-s.p.woff2 asfont crossorigin typefont/woff2/>link relstylesheet href/_next/static/css/d8e6cdaa2379005a.css data-precedencenext/>link relpreload asscript fetchPrioritylow href/_next/static/chunks/webpack-56db3d63ec1133af.js/>script src/_next/static/chunks/fd9d1056-be48aeae6e94b8d1.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/23-cbbd9e3af8bf5d6a.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/main-app-6de3c3100b91a0a9.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/173-4f078887a7bfcdfc.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/app/page-f567ec4c87603cc9.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/231-61f7e10c8e249fd7.js async>/script>script src/_next/static/chunks/app/layout-e3476d9178c37607.js async>/script>meta nametheme-color media(prefers-color-scheme: light) content#FF9800/>meta nametheme-color media(prefers-color-scheme: dark) content#BD6F30/>title>Queen Creek Bee Control Company/title>meta namedescription contentContact Queen Creek Bee Control Company for all of your bee control needs./>meta namekeywords contentbee control,Queen Creek bee control,wasp control,Queen Creek wasp control/>link relcanonical href>link relicon href/favicon.ico typeimage/x-icon sizes16x16/>meta namenext-size-adjust/>script src/_next/static/chunks/polyfills-78c92fac7aa8fdd8.js noModule>/script>/head>body class__className_fcd6f2>header>div classHeader_topbar__ZHDEd>div classHeader_topBarContainer__pCmw1>a href/coupons>Click Here for Money Saving Coupons/a>/div>/div>div classHeader_socialBar__FRhey>div classHeader_socialBarContent___nhZr>span>Connect with us:/span>a href>img altFollow us on Facebook loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altfollow us on Twitter loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altcheck out our YouTube videos loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>a href>img altsee our Pinterest board loadinglazy width64 height64 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>/div>nav classMobileNav_mobileNav__Al_kE>div classMobileNav_menuButtonWrapper___wWdw>button>Menu/button>/div>div classMobileNav_menuWrapper__G5G_5 aria-hiddentrue>ul>li>a href/ tabindex-1>Why Use Us/a>/li>li>a href/control tabindex-1>Pest Control Methods/a>/li>li>a href/experience tabindex-1>Bee Keeping Experience/a>/li>li>a href/bee-control tabindex-1>Bee Control/a>/li>li>a href/honeycomb-removal tabindex-1>Honey Comb Removal/a>/li>li>a href/wasps tabindex-1>Wasp Control/a>/li>li>a href/bee-proofing tabindex-1>Bee Proofing/a>/li>li>a href/live-bee-removal tabindex-1>AZ Live Bee Removal/a>/li>li>a href/reviews tabindex-1>Customer Reviews/a>/li>li>a href/coupons tabindex-1>Money-Saving Coupons/a>/li>/ul>/div>/nav>div classHeader_banner__K2IO8>div classHeader_logo__Z4fX_>img altAAA Africanized Bee Removal Specialists Logo loadinglazy width107 height128 decodingasync data-nimg1 stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/div>h1 classHeader_title__v5GNb>Queen Creek!-- --> Bee Control Company/h1>p classHeader_phoneNumber__uJVGG>480-720-7000/p>/div>nav classHeader_nav__k_TN_>ul>li>a href/>Why Use Us?/a>/li>li>a href/control>Pest Control Methods/a>/li>li>a href/experience>Bee Keeping Experience/a>/li>li>a href/bee-control>Bee Control/a>/li>li>a href/honeycomb-removal>Honey Comb Removal/a>/li>li>a href/wasps>Wasp Control/a>/li>li>a href/bee-proofing>Bee Proofing/a>/li>li>a href/live-bee-removal>AZ Live Bee Removal/a>/li>li>a href/reviews>Customer Reviews/a>/li>li>a href/coupons>Money-Saving Coupons/a>/li>/ul>/nav>/header>main>h2 classcontentHeader>Why use us?/h2>h3 classsubHeader>How are bee removal, honeycomb removal, bee control, wasp control, and hornet control different from general pest control?/h3>p>Queen Creek!-- --> Bee Control Service has had many calls from home and business owners in !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> that have used other bee removal, bee control or pest control service companies, asking us to explain to them why they are having repeated bee infestations or wasp or hornet infestations. Many have said, even though they have had their bee problems treated by other!-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> pest control or !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> bee removal or!-- --> !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> bee control service companies, they still continue to get bee hives back; sometimes more than once a year at the same place or in close proximity. There is good reason for this; the bee removal and/or honeycomb removal were not done properly and there was little or no attempt to address the additional bee pheromone problem or wasp pheromone problem or hornet pheromone problem at the site./p>img altAAA Bee Removal employee working on a roof loadinglazy width980 height390 decodingasync data-nimg1 classfullWidth stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>p>Generally, the callers always describe the work that was done by the other companies as follows: "A service technician showed up, sometimes not even wearing a bee suit or having a ladder, spent 10 to 20 minutes, and sprayed the opening the bees were flying in and out of. Essentially, I paid for someone to spray a can of insecticide, don't know what, at the opening and leave a couple of pest strips or sticky boards at the entrance to the sites. I spent a good amount of money with them and the bees never went away or they came back within a short period of time. I called the company I used back, and they told me I had a new problem and they wanted to charge me again for a new service." In many cases, the company either denied service or returned three or four times without success and then they refused to do anymore." Eventually, because of this, we'll get called or the pest control company refers the property owner to us. We at !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> Bee Control Service are internationally known bee removal, bee control, wasp control, hornet control and honeycomb removal specialists. Unlike pest control companies this work is not a sideline for us, it is all we do. We specialize in bee removal, bee control, wasp control, hornet control and honeycomb removal and are the best in the business./p>img altAAA Bee Removal employee removing a bee hive from tree loadinglazy width300 height390 decodingasync data-nimg1 classfloatLeft stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>p>African honeybee colonies are always dangerous to handle, sometimes lethal, and can cause tremendous damage to !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> homes and commercial building structures if not treated properly. Improper methods worsen the damage and lead to future bee problems. Bee pheromone, a marker scent the bee colony deposits at the site, does not go away on its own and cannot simply be scrubbed away with soap and water. A passing swarm can pick up the marker from a considerable distance away and will try to re-occupy a former bee site before it will go anywhere else. After a bee colony extermination, honeycomb, if not removed properly, will immediately start attracting robbing bees from other local colonies and begin liquefying and melting down. Honeycomb meltdown can saturate building materials like drywall and insulation, cause wet rot to framing structures, cause mold and attract other unwanted pests and spread pheromone scent throughout your walls making the problem much larger and considerably worsen the damage to your !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> home or property rated lightly by companies professing to provide bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal or honeycomb removal services. Many pest control companies in !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> are inexperienced or treat a bee problem as they would any other insect problem. Many!-- --> !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> companies that advertise under bee removal services are not licensed with the Office of Pest Management, State of Arizona, or they are really just pest control companies advertising under a pseudonym name. We are specialists at bee control, wasp control, wasp removal, hornet control, bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal and honeycomb removal and our methods and techniques are unique and were developed from our professional beekeeping heritage./p>img altAAA Bee Removal employee entering a crawl space loadinglazy width300 height390 decodingasync data-nimg1 classfloatRight stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>p>We are professional !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> beekeepers which specialize in bee control, wasp control, wasp removal, hornet control, bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal and honeycomb removal and can testify to the number of complaints and jobs we have taken as a result of poor professional practices in the bee removal and bee control industry. Bees seriously damage your building structure and improper methods worsen the damage. When you contact a company that advertises bee removal or bee control or wasp control services or honeycomb removal, ask a lot of questions about their experience, licensing status with the Office of Pest Management, State of Arizona Department of Agriculture, and about what they intend to do for the price they quote. With bee removal or bee control services and wasp control and hornet control services, and to avoid re-infestations, like anything else, you often get what you pay for. Don't risk the disaster of a poorly done job. Call!-- --> !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> Bee Control Service first and get the facts!/p>/main>footer classFooter_footer__loR6W>div classFooter_footerContainer__z_HbE>h3>Bees In The News/h3>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from Fox 40 news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from KGUN 9 news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from San Diego news station reporting on dog attacked by African bees loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_oneQuarter__5GsAc>a href target_blank>img altScreenshot from a Tucson news station reporting on bee attacks loadinglazy width220 height165 decodingasync data-nimg1 classFooter_video__EvbjI stylecolor:transparent srcSet/_next/image? 1x, /_next/image? 2x src/_next/image?>/a>/div>div classFooter_footerLeft__1DeqA>h3>About Us/h3>p>Bee control in !-- -->Queen Creek!-- --> honey bee removal and African killer bee control, honeycomb removal, and wasp removal and wasp control. It is ALL we do, not a sideline like all of our pest control competitors. Certified, Bonded, Licensed, Insured | OPM License # I 5180 B | ADOA Cert. # TO-893/p>a href/privacy-policy>Privacy Policy/a>p>Copyright © !-- -->2024!-- --> | All Rights Reserved/p>/div>div classFooter_footerRight__1Iu0t>h3>Partner Links/h3>p>a href target_blank>>br/>a href target_blank>>br/>a href target_blank>>/p>/div>/div>/footer>script src/_next/static/chunks/webpack-56db3d63ec1133af.js async>/script>script>(self.__next_fself.__next_f||).push(0);self.__next_f.push(2,null)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,1:HL\/_next/static/media/3d9ea938b6afa941-s.p.woff2\,\font\,{\crossOrigin\:\\,\type\:\font/woff2\}\n2:HL\/_next/static/css/d8e6cdaa2379005a.css\,\style\\n)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,3:I5751,,\\\n5:I8173,\173\,\static/chunks/173-4f078887a7bfcdfc.js\,\931\,\static/chunks/app/page-f567ec4c87603cc9.js\,\Image\\n6:I231,\173\,\static/chunks/173-4f078887a7bfcdfc.js\,\231\,\static/chunks/231-61f7e10c8e249fd7.js\,\185\,\static/chunks/app/layout-e3476d9178c37607.js\,\\\n7:I6290,\173\,\static/chunks/173-4f078887a7bfcdfc.js\,\231\,\static/chunks/231-61f7e10c8e249fd7.js\,\185\,\static/chunks/app/layout-e3476d9178c37607.js\,\default\\n8:I9275,,\\\n9:I1343,,\\\nb:I6130,,\\\nc:\n)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,0:\$\,\link\,\0\,{\rel\:\stylesheet\,\href\:\/_next/static/css/d8e6cdaa2379005a.css\,\precedence\:\next\,\crossOrigin\:\$undefined\},\$\,\$L3\,null,{\buildId\:\fBlJ0GAjbsZPFjB82mV_B\,\assetPrefix\:\\,\initialCanonicalUrl\:\/\,\initialTree\:\\,{\children\:\__PAGE__\,{}},\$undefined\,\$undefined\,true,\initialSeedData\:\\,{\children\:\__PAGE__\,{},\$L4\,\$\,\main\,null,{\children\:\$\,\h2\,null,{\className\:\contentHeader\,\children\:\Why use us?\},\$\,\h3\,null,{\className\:\subHeader\,\children\:\How are bee removal, honeycomb removal, bee control, wasp control, and hornet control different from general pest control?\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Queen Creek\,\ Bee Control Service has had many calls from home and business owners in \,\Queen Creek\,\ that have used other bee removal, bee control or pest control service companies, asking us to explain to them why they are having repeated bee infestations or wasp or hornet infestations. Many have said, even though they have had their bee problems treated by other\,\Queen Creek\,\ pest control or \,\Queen Creek\,\ bee removal or\,\ \,\Queen Creek\,\ bee control service companies, they still continue to get bee hives back; sometimes more than once a year at the same place or in close proximity. There is good reason for this; the bee removal and/or honeycomb removal were not done properly and there was little or no attempt to address the additional bee pheromone problem or wasp pheromone problem or hornet pheromone problem at the site.\},\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\AAA Bee Removal employee working on a roof\,\width\:980,\height\:390,\className\:\fullWidth\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Generally, the callers always describe the work that was done by the other companies as follows: \\\A service technician showed up, sometimes not even wearing a bee suit or having a ladder, spent 10 to 20 minutes, and sprayed the opening the bees were flying in and out of. Essentially, I paid for someone to spray a can of insecticide, dont know what, at the opening and leave a couple of pest strips or sticky boards at the entrance to the sites. I spent a good amount of money with them and the bees never went away or they came back within a short period of time. I called the company I used back, and they told me I had a new problem and they wanted to charge me again for a new service.\\\ In many cases, the company either denied service or returned three or four times without success and then they refused to do anymore.\\\ Eventually, because of this, well get called or the pest control company refers the property owner to us. We at \,\Queen Creek\,\ Bee Control Service are internationally known bee removal, bee control, wasp control, hornet control and honeycomb removal specialists. Unlike pest control companies this work is not a sideline for us, it is all we do. We specialize in bee removal, bee control, wasp control, hornet control and honeycomb removal and are the best in the business.\},\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\AAA Bee Removal employee removing a bee hive from tree\,\width\:300,\height\:390,\className\:\floatLeft\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\African honeybee colonies are always dangerous to handle, sometimes lethal, and can cause tremendous damage to \,\Queen Creek\,\ homes and commercial building structures if not treated properly. Improper methods worsen the damage and lead to future bee problems. Bee pheromone, a marker scent the bee colony deposits at the site, does not go away on its own and cannot simply be scrubbed away with soap and water. A passing swarm can pick up the marker from a considerable distance away and will try to re-occupy a former bee site before it will go anywhere else. After a bee colony extermination, honeycomb, if not removed properly, will immediately start attracting robbing bees from other local colonies and begin liquefying and melting down. Honeycomb meltdown can saturate building materials like drywall and insulation, cause wet rot to framing structures, cause mold and attract other unwanted pests and spread pheromone scent throughout your walls making the problem much larger and considerably worsen the damage to your \,\Queen Creek\,\ home or property rated lightly by companies professing to provide bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal or honeycomb removal services. Many pest control companies in \,\Queen Creek\,\ are inexperienced or treat a bee problem as they would any other insect problem. Many\,\ \,\Queen Creek\,\ companies that advertise under bee removal services are not licensed with the Office of Pest Management, State of Arizona, or they are really just pest control companies advertising under a pseudonym name. We are specialists at bee control, wasp control, wasp removal, hornet control, bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal and honeycomb removal and our methods and techniques are unique and were developed from our professional beekeeping heritage.\},\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\AAA Bee Removal employee entering a crawl space\,\width\:300,\height\:390,\className\:\floatRight\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\We are professional \,\Queen Creek\,\ beekeepers which specialize in bee control, wasp control, wasp removal, hornet control, bee eradication, bee extermination, bee removal and honeycomb removal and can testify to the number of complaints and jobs we have taken as a result of poor professional practices in the bee removal and bee control industry. Bees seriously damage your building structure and improper methods worsen the damage. When you contact a company that advertises bee removal or bee control or wasp control services or honeycomb removal, ask a lot of questions about their experience, licensing status with the Office of Pest Management, State of Arizona Department of Agriculture, and about what they intend to do for the price they quote. With bee removal or bee control services and wasp control and hornet control services, and to avoid re-infestations, like anything else, you often get what you pay for. Dont risk the disaster of a poorly done job. Call\,\ \,\Queen Creek\,\ Bee Control Service first and get the facts!\}},null,null},\$\,\html\,null,{\lang\:\en\,\children\:\$\,\body\,null,{\className\:\__className_fcd6f2\,\children\:\$\,\header\,null,{\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_topbar__ZHDEd\,\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_topBarContainer__pCmw1\,\children\:\$\,\$L6\,null,{\href\:\/coupons\,\children\:\Click Here for Money Saving Coupons\}}},\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_socialBar__FRhey\,\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_socialBarContent___nhZr\,\children\:\$\,\span\,null,{\children\:\Connect with us:\},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\Follow us on Facebook\,\width\:64,\height\:64}},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\follow us on Twitter\,\width\:64,\height\:64}},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\check out our YouTube videos\,\width\:64,\height\:64}},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\alt\:\see our Pinterest board\,\width\:64,\height\:64}}}},\$\,\$L7\,null,{},\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_banner__K2IO8\,\children\:\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Header_logo__Z4fX_\,\children\:\$\,\$L5\,null,{\src\:\\,\width\:107,\height\:128,\alt\:\AAA Africanized Bee Removal Specialists Logo\}},\$\,\h1\,null,{\className\:\Header_title__v5GNb\,\children\:\Queen Creek\,\ Bee Control Company\},\$\,\p\,null,{\className\:\Header_phoneNumber__uJVGG\,\children\:\480-720-7000\}},\$\,\nav\,null,{\className\:\Header_nav__k_TN_\,\children\:\$\,\ul\,null,{\children\:\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/\,\children\:\Why Use Us?\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/control\,\children\:\Pest Control Methods\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/experience\,\children\:\Bee Keeping Experience\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/bee-control\,\children\:\Bee Control\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/honeycomb-removal\,\children\:\Honey Comb Removal\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/wasps\,\children\:\Wasp Control\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/bee-proofing\,\children\:\Bee Proofing\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/live-bee-removal\,\children\:\AZ Live Bee Removal\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/reviews\,\children\:\Customer Reviews\}},\$\,\li\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\/coupons\,\children\:\Money-Saving Coupons\}}}}},\$\,\$L8\,null,{\parallelRouterKey\:\children\,\segmentPath\:\children\,\error\:\$undefined\,\errorStyles\:\$undefined\,\errorScripts\:\$undefined\,\template\:\$\,\$L9\,null,{},\templateStyles\:\$undefined\,\templateScripts\:\$undefined\,\notFound\:\$\,\title\,null,{\children\:\404: This page could not be 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It is ALL we do, not a sideline like all of our pest control competitors. Certified, Bonded, Licensed, Insured | OPM License # I 5180 B | ADOA Cert. # TO-893\},\$\,\$L6\,null,{\href\:\/privacy-policy\,\children\:\Privacy Policy\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\Copyright © \,2024,\ | All Rights Reserved\}},\$\,\div\,null,{\className\:\Footer_footerRight__1Iu0t\,\children\:\$\,\h3\,null,{\children\:\Partner Links\},\$\,\p\,null,{\children\:\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\target\:\_blank\,\children\:\\},\$\,\br\,null,{},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\target\:\_blank\,\children\:\\},\$\,\br\,null,{},\$\,\a\,null,{\href\:\\,\target\:\_blank\,\children\:\\}}}}}}},null,null,\couldBeIntercepted\:false,\initialHead\:false,\$La\,\globalErrorComponent\:\$b\,\missingSlots\:\$Wc\}\n)/script>script>self.__next_f.push(1,a:\$\,\meta\,\0\,{\name\:\viewport\,\content\:\widthdevice-width, initial-scale1\},\$\,\meta\,\1\,{\name\:\theme-color\,\media\:\(prefers-color-scheme: light)\,\content\:\#FF9800\},\$\,\meta\,\2\,{\name\:\theme-color\,\media\:\(prefers-color-scheme: dark)\,\content\:\#BD6F30\},\$\,\meta\,\3\,{\charSet\:\utf-8\},\$\,\title\,\4\,{\children\:\Queen Creek Bee Control Company\},\$\,\meta\,\5\,{\name\:\description\,\content\:\Contact Queen Creek Bee Control Company for all of your bee control needs.\},\$\,\meta\,\6\,{\name\:\keywords\,\content\:\bee control,Queen Creek bee control,wasp control,Queen Creek wasp control\},\$\,\link\,\7\,{\rel\:\canonical\,\href\:\\},\$\,\link\,\8\,{\rel\:\icon\,\href\:\/favicon.ico\,\type\:\image/x-icon\,\sizes\:\16x16\},\$\,\meta\,\9\,{\name\:\next-size-adjust\}\n4:null\n)/script>/body>/html>
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