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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:27:45 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:14:37 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 9699Content-Type: text/html HTML>HEAD>META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html; charsetiso8859-1>TITLE>Quality Computación - Centro de computos para el administrador de propiedad horizontal /TITLE> META namedescription contentQuality Computacion - centro de computos para el administrador de consorcios, liquidacion de expensas, software, prorrateos, sueldos y cargas sociales, balances, libros contables>META namekeywords contentgratis, consorcio, expensa, adm, administrador, computacion, software, administracion, sueldos, prorrateo, cargas sociales, balance, recibo, liquidacion, libros contables, servicios, administraciones, propiedad, horizontal, edificio, ley, decreto, programas>META nameauthor contentquality computacion>SCRIPT languageJavaScript>var TlxPgNmindex;/SCRIPT>META http-equivGENERATOR CONTENTCreated with Trellix Web, HTML Exporter 2.7.3107> /HEAD>BODY BGCOLOR#FFFFFF TEXT#080000 LINK#000000 ALINK#800200 VLINK#000000> div styletext-align:CENTER; 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>FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC00a772e0.gif border0 width375 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 38 WIDTH603>div>FONT SIZE1 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B> /B>/I>FONT SIZE 4 >I>B>Sistema WinMaster de Administración/B>/I>/FONT>/FONT>/div> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP HEIGHT 148 WIDTH465>bR>bR>div styletext-align:RIGHT; margin-left:29px; margin-right:29px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>FONT COLOR#3366CC>B>Desde 1989 desarrollamos sistemas para Administraciones de Consorcios, si desea conocer nuestro último producto /B>/FONT>A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>haga click aquí/B>/U>/A>A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>./B>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>bR>bR>bR>div stylemargin-left:9px; >FONT SIZE1 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B> /B>/I>FONT SIZE 4 >I>B>Servicios/B>/I>/FONT>/FONT>/div>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP WIDTH138>div styletext-align:CENTER; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>A HREFmnusoporte.htm TARGET_top TITLEWinMaster Soporte tecnico>U>IMG SRC00d5a6e0.gif border0 width90 height110 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 14 WIDTH603> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 65 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:29px; margin-right:19px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Brindamos el servicio de A HREFservicios_1.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Liquidacion de Expensas>U>B>liquidación de expensas/B>/U>/A>B>, /B>A HREFservicios_2.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Liquidacion de Sueldos>U>B>sueldos, cargas sociales/B>/U>/A>, chequera con recibos de expensas, planillas de cobranzas, intimaciones a morosos, recibos para banco, A HREFservicios_3.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Otros servicios>U>B>balances, libros contables, asesoramiento....../B>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>bR>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 23 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE4 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B>Novedades/B>/I>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 14 WIDTH603> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 114 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Regimen de B>información expensas/B> para Administraciones de consorcios. Segundo semestre 2006 con vencimiento 31/03/2007. Res. General AFIP 2159/06. A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>Ver Resolución/B>/U>/A>B>./B>/FONT>/div>bR>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Mi registro. B>Mi simplificacion./B> A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>U>Res. Gral AFIP 2016/2006/U>/B>/U>/A>B>U>./U>/B> y A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>U>Res. Gral. 2097/06/U>/B>/U>/A>B>U> /U>/B>Vencimiento 31/01/2007 para el ingreso de datos de los empleados./FONT>/div>bR>/tD>/tR>/TABLE>/div>div>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT1 ALIGNbottom WIDTH1 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/div>bR>/NOBR>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP WIDTH2>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT57 ALIGNbottom WIDTH2 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP>NOBR>div>FONT SIZE4 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B>IMG SRC00e772e0.gif border0 width375 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/B>/I>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD> tD VALIGNCENTER>NOBR>div styletext-align:CENTER; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC00f6f2e0.gif border0 width111 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD>/tR>/TABLE>/div>div>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT1 ALIGNbottom WIDTH1 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/div>bR>/BODY>/HTML>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:27:46 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:14:37 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 9699Content-Type: text/html HTML>HEAD>META HTTP-EQUIVContent-Type CONTENTtext/html; charsetiso8859-1>TITLE>Quality Computación - Centro de computos para el administrador de propiedad horizontal /TITLE> META namedescription contentQuality Computacion - centro de computos para el administrador de consorcios, liquidacion de expensas, software, prorrateos, sueldos y cargas sociales, balances, libros contables>META namekeywords contentgratis, consorcio, expensa, adm, administrador, computacion, software, administracion, sueldos, prorrateo, cargas sociales, balance, recibo, liquidacion, libros contables, servicios, administraciones, propiedad, horizontal, edificio, ley, decreto, programas>META nameauthor contentquality computacion>SCRIPT languageJavaScript>var TlxPgNmindex;/SCRIPT>META http-equivGENERATOR CONTENTCreated with Trellix Web, HTML Exporter 2.7.3107> /HEAD>BODY BGCOLOR#FFFFFF TEXT#080000 LINK#000000 ALINK#800200 VLINK#000000> div styletext-align:CENTER; > TABLE BORDER0 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH735 BORDERCOLORLIGHT#C0C0C0 BORDERCOLORDARK#808080 FRAMEVOID RULESNONE ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0> tR> tD VALIGNCENTER COLSPAN2 BGCOLOR#CC0000 HEIGHT 90 >NOBR>div>FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC00972350.gif border0 width114 height53 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 BGCOLOR#CC0000>NOBR>div styletext-align:RIGHT; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC008c24b0.gif border0 width450 height75 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP ROWSPAN2 BGCOLOR#000099 HEIGHT 483 WIDTH127> BODY> script typetext/javascript>function Go(){return}/script>script typetext/javascript srcmenuquality_var.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcmenu_com.js>/script>noscript>Your browser does not support script/noscript>/BODY>bR>table> tr>td> div idMenuPos styleposition:relative; width:102; height:102;>img src1x1.gif width102 height102>/div> /td>/tr> /table> bR>bR>bR>div>FONT SIZE3 COLOR#FFFFFF FACEVerdana>B>!-- Start Gem Build Your Own Web Gem -->div aligncenter> center>br>form actionlockedarea/login.cgi methodPOST>input typehidden namelogin valueyes> table border1 bgcolor#CC0000 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 bordercolor#000000> tr> td aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 aligncenter>tr> td> p aligncenter>font faceVerdana size2 coloryellow>b>Soporte Tecnico/b>/font>br> /tr> tr> td> p aligncenter>font faceVerdana size1 color#FFFFFF>b>Usuario/b>/font>br> input typetext nameusername size12>/td> /tr> tr> td> p aligncenter>font faceVerdana size1 color#FFFFFF>b>Clave/b>/font>br> input typepassword namepassword size12>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#CC0000 aligncenter height36> input typesubmit valueIngresar!> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/form> /center>/div>!-- End Gem Build Your Own Web Gem -->/B>/FONT>/div>bR>bR>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN3>NOBR>div> TABLE BORDER0 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH603 BORDERCOLORLIGHT#FFFFFF BORDERCOLORDARK#FFFFFF FRAMEBOX RULESNONE ALIGNLEFT HSPACE0 VSPACE0> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 52 WIDTH603>div styletext-align:RIGHT; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC00a772e0.gif border0 width375 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 38 WIDTH603>div>FONT SIZE1 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B> /B>/I>FONT SIZE 4 >I>B>Sistema WinMaster de Administración/B>/I>/FONT>/FONT>/div> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP HEIGHT 148 WIDTH465>bR>bR>div styletext-align:RIGHT; margin-left:29px; margin-right:29px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>FONT COLOR#3366CC>B>Desde 1989 desarrollamos sistemas para Administraciones de Consorcios, si desea conocer nuestro último producto /B>/FONT>A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>haga click aquí/B>/U>/A>A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>./B>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>bR>bR>bR>div stylemargin-left:9px; >FONT SIZE1 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B> /B>/I>FONT SIZE 4 >I>B>Servicios/B>/I>/FONT>/FONT>/div>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP WIDTH138>div styletext-align:CENTER; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>A HREFmnusoporte.htm TARGET_top TITLEWinMaster Soporte tecnico>U>IMG SRC00d5a6e0.gif border0 width90 height110 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 14 WIDTH603> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 65 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:29px; margin-right:19px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Brindamos el servicio de A HREFservicios_1.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Liquidacion de Expensas>U>B>liquidación de expensas/B>/U>/A>B>, /B>A HREFservicios_2.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Liquidacion de Sueldos>U>B>sueldos, cargas sociales/B>/U>/A>, chequera con recibos de expensas, planillas de cobranzas, intimaciones a morosos, recibos para banco, A HREFservicios_3.htm TARGET_top TITLEServicios Otros servicios>U>B>balances, libros contables, asesoramiento....../B>/U>/A>/FONT>/div>bR>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 23 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE4 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B>Novedades/B>/I>/FONT>/div>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 14 WIDTH603> hr noshade size1 color#CC0000>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP COLSPAN2 HEIGHT 114 WIDTH603>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Regimen de B>información expensas/B> para Administraciones de consorcios. Segundo semestre 2006 con vencimiento 31/03/2007. Res. General AFIP 2159/06. A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>Ver Resolución/B>/U>/A>B>./B>/FONT>/div>bR>div stylemargin-left:24px; >FONT SIZE2 COLOR#000000 FACEVerdana>Mi registro. B>Mi simplificacion./B> A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>U>Res. Gral AFIP 2016/2006/U>/B>/U>/A>B>U>./U>/B> y A HREF TARGET_top TITLE>U>B>U>Res. Gral. 2097/06/U>/B>/U>/A>B>U> /U>/B>Vencimiento 31/01/2007 para el ingreso de datos de los empleados./FONT>/div>bR>/tD>/tR>/TABLE>/div>div>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT1 ALIGNbottom WIDTH1 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/div>bR>/NOBR>/tD>/tR> tR> tD VALIGNTOP WIDTH2>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT57 ALIGNbottom WIDTH2 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/tD> tD VALIGNTOP>NOBR>div>FONT SIZE4 COLOR#CC0000 FACEVerdana>I>B>IMG SRC00e772e0.gif border0 width375 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/B>/I>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD> tD VALIGNCENTER>NOBR>div styletext-align:CENTER; >FONT SIZE3 COLOR#000000 FACEArial,Helvetica,sans-serif>IMG SRC00f6f2e0.gif border0 width111 height46 ALIGNBOTTOM HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/FONT>/div>/NOBR>/tD>/tR>/TABLE>/div>div>IMG BORDER0 SRC1x1.gif HEIGHT1 ALIGNbottom WIDTH1 HSPACE0 VSPACE0>/div>bR>/BODY>/HTML>
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