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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/ GryphonDate: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 17:21:09 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 16908Last-Modified: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 22:24:09 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 66c90c09-420cCache-Control: no-cacheAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> title>Porchooneh TV/title> link href/js/video-js.css relstylesheet /> style typetext/css> body { background-color: #425146; background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat-x;} body,td,th { color: #FFFFFF;} /style>/head>body>center> script src/js/video.js>/script> table width835 height71 border5> tr> th width834 height57 colspan3>h1>strong>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>b>PORCHOONEH MEDIA/b>/font> /strong>/h1>/th> /tr>/table>table width835 height71 border5> tr> th width834 height57 colspan3>strong>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>b> WORLDWIDE LIVE HD TV/b>/font>/strong>/th> /tr>/table>video idmy-video classvideo-js controls posterlive1.gif autoplay preloadauto width768 height432 data-setup{}> source src/hls/live1/stream1.m3u8 typeapplication/ />/video>table width909 height86 border5> tr> th width293 height72>p>a hrefviewer2.html>img src720p.png width63 height56 alt/>Medium Quality HDTV/a>/p>/th> th width293 height72>p>a hrefviewer3.html>img srcslow internet.png width63 height61 alt/>Slow Internet TV/a>/p>/th> th width293>a href>img srcmiddle-east.gif width117 height64 alt/> Middle East Viewers/a>/th> /tr>/table>table width908 height71 border5> tr> th width834 height57 colspan3>strong>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>b> /b>/font>/strong>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times> Live Sundays 12:30 PM (LA Time)/font>/th> /tr>/table>table width908 height36 border5> tr> th width834 height22 colspan3>Live TV & Radio Shows With Behrooz Pakshir & Affiliates Discussing Daring & Hot Topics That Matter Most!/th> /tr>/table>table width908 height71 border5> tr> th width1319 height57 colspan3>p>strong>a href>img srczoom.gif width291 height86 alt/>/a>/strong>strong>a href>img srczoom.gif width291 height86 alt/>/a>/strong>strong>a href>img srczoom.gif width291 height86 alt/>/a>/strong>/p> p>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>a href>Live Zoom Sundays 12:30 PM (LA Time)/a>/font>/p>/th> /tr>/table>table width908 height1863 border5> tr> th height187 colspan5>p>img srcPorchooneh Magazine Mirror.jpg width813 height182 />/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height24 colspan5>blockquote> p>a hrefYour Own 24 Hr Radio Proposal.docx>strong stylecolor: #FFFFFF>"Anyone Can Have An HD TV & Radio Station"/strong>/a>/p> /blockquote>/th> /tr> tr> th height20 colspan5 stylecolor: #FFFFFF>Number One Provider of Affordable Independent Commercial HD TV & Radio Stations Worldwide/th> /tr> tr> th width197 rowspan13>a hrefTajik Flyer.html>/a> table width197 height1743 border1 alignleft> tr> th height61 scoperow>p>a>Porchooneh Hotline/a>/p> p>a> (310) 896-7524/a>/p> p>FREE CALLS ! /p> p>Sex, Love, Dating, Relationship, Marriage, Finance, Politics and… /p> p>Ask Behrooz Pakshirs opinion. 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FUN/strong>/th> /tr> tr> th height153 scoperow>p>strong>FoodTV24.Com /strong>img srcChef Francois.png width176 height104 alt/> Cooking With Chef Francois/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height171 scoperow>p>font colorwhite size5 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>TalkOnTV b>img srcTalkOnTv-Radio.jpg width157 height103 alt/> /b>Beat Radio/font>/p>/th> /tr> tr> th scoperow>strong>Your Ad Here!/strong>/th> /tr> tr> th scoperow>strong>Remodeling...!/strong>/th> /tr> tr> th scoperow>strong>Remodeling...!/strong>/th> /tr> tr> th height80 scoperow>p>strong>Remodeling...!/strong>/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height180 scoperow>p>strong>Remodeling...!/strong>/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height502 scoperow>strong>Remodeling...!/strong>/th> /tr> /table>/td> /tr> tr> td width19 height153>p> /p>/td> td width439>p>img srchappy-20th-anniversary.gif width438 height374 alt/>/p>/td> td width13>p> /p>/td> /tr> tr> th height42 colspan3>p>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>Porchooneh Radio/font>/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height21 colspan3>strong>Listen Live Sundays 12:30 PM (LA Time), And 24 Hrs. A Day/strong>/th> /tr> tr> td height69 colspan3>a hrefhttp://androidradio.PORCHOONEH.COM>img srcLaptop-Desktop.png width209 height99 alt/>/a>_ a href>img srcIMAGES/apple-iphone-4s-new.jpg width61 height92 />/a> _ a href>img srcIMAGES/HTC-Android-2.2.jpg width65 height93 />/a>/td> /tr> tr> th height119 colspan3>p>strong>Porchooneh Live On Social Media/strong>/p> p>strong>a href>img srcFacebook_Live-900x450.jpg width72 height36> /a>/strong>a href>img srcYouTube-Live-640x242.png width103 height40> img srcInstagram Live.jpg width76 height35> /a>/p> strong>Live Social Media Shows Eva Da.. Eva Daaaayy!/strong>/th> /tr> tr> th colspan3>p>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>Porchooneh Archives/font>/p> p>a href>img srcMedia Archive.jpg width199 height125 alt/>/a> a href> img srcnew season.jpg width203 height124 alt/>/a>/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height22 colspan3 classstyle10>img srcKungFu1.jpg width434 height248 />/th> /tr> tr> th height89 colspan3>p>a hrefYour Own 24 Hr Radio Proposal.docx>strong stylecolor: #FFFFFF>"Anyone Can Have An HD TV & Radio Station"/strong>/a>/p> p>a hrefYour Own 24 Hr Radio Proposal.docx>strong stylecolor: #FFFFFF>Yes, Even You ! (Click to find out)/strong>/a>/p>p>The greatest revoutionary system we developed for the first time so anyone can have a full blown independent 24hr live American commercial HDTV and radio station with a very very very low price. Wherever you live! /p>/th> /tr> tr> th height106 colspan3>table width473 height100 border1> tr> td width64 height96> /td> td width52>a href>img srcIMAGES/TOPROCKradioLOGO.png width48 height45 />/a>/td> td width56>a href>img srcIMAGES/ClassicalRadioLogo.gif width52 height47 />/a>/td> td width59>a href>img srcIMAGES/Logo Jazz-Radio.jpg width55 height47 />/a>/td> th width51>a href>img srcIMAGES/Easy Smooth Radio logo.jpg width51 height46 />/a>/th> /tr>/table>/th> /tr> tr> th height11 colspan3>Listen To The Most Popular Styles Of World Music/th> /tr> tr> th height9 colspan3>p>Please Join The Porchooneh Show On The Hottest Social Networks/p>/th> /tr> tr> th height114 colspan3>a href>img src width48 height27 border0 />/a>strong>--/strong>a href classstyle10>img srcIMAGES/Facebook.jpg alt1 width27 height23 />/a>strong>--a href classstyle11>img srcIMAGES/YouTube.jpg alt3 width47 height27 border0 />/a>/strong>strong>--a href classstyle10>img srcIMAGES/Facebook.jpg alt1 width27 height23 />/a>--/strong>img srcIMAGES/skype.jpg width52 height27 />strong>--a href classstyle10>img srcIMAGES/Facebook.jpg alt1 width27 height23 />/a>--/strong>/th> /tr> /table>table width908 height158 border5> tr> th width840 height144 colspan3>p>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>img srcBitcoin.jpg width103 height65>/font>a>Donate Crypto To Support The Show/a>font color#f6cd27 size7 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>img srcBitcoin.jpg width103 height65>/font>/p> p>strong>Wallet Address: Tether US (USDT) TRC20: TXKb7hvzYz1dUQhT6U4LMc3HMD6ccwnGSk /strong>/p> p>strong> Wallet Address: Tether US (USDT) ERC20: 0x40097281817e8a68be5e36d7b7060f95cf966349 /strong>/p>/th> /tr>/table>p>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>b>img srcnavbar.jpg alt width600 height53 border0 usemap#navbarb9243c0b />/b>/font>font size7 color#f6cd27 faceTimes New Roman,Georgia,Times>b> map namenavbarb9243c0b> area hrefindex.html coords554,30,589,43 shaperect /> area hrefcontact.html coords475,29,539,46 shaperect /> area hrefadvertising.html coords391,30,461,46 shaperect /> area hrefsponsors.html coords295,29,379,45 shaperect /> area hreflinks.html coords250,29,285,44 shaperect /> area href101.html coords111,29,238,45 shaperect /> area hrefshowtimes.html coords19,28,97,45 shaperect /> area hrefthefun.html coords477,8,592,23 shaperect /> area hrefbokon.html coords272,8,367,25 shaperect /> area hrefabout.html coords21,8,134,23 shaperect /> area hrefcrazymoments.html coords204,-287,311,-271 shaperect /> /map> /b>/font>/p>p> /p>/center>/body>/html>
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