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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:32:10 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: * !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns langzh>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta namereferrer contentalways> meta nameKeywords content在线播放器, 播放mp4、hls、flv、rtmp、websocket等协议的点播和直播流,支持高清、4K、VR视频 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> title>在线播放器 - Airy/title> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap/bootstrap_docs.css> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery/jquery.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcuplayer.min.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefjs/highlight/vs2015.min.css> script typetext/javascript srcjs/highlight/highlight.min.js>/script> link relshortcut icon href/favicon48-2.ico typeimage/x-icon /> link relbookmark href/favicon.ico /> style typetext/css> html, body { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } a{ text-decoration: none; } .playDiv { width: 100%; /* 调整宽度 */ max-width: 1280px; /* min-width: 576px; */ height: auto; /* 自动调整高度 */ max-height: 720px; /* 最小高度 */ min-height: 100px; /* 最小高度 */ aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; /* 16:9 的宽高比 */ position: relative; vertical-align: center; /* 垂直对齐到顶部 */ display: inline-block; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; /* 避免内容溢出 */ background: rgb(88, 88, 88); margin: 0 auto; } p.t-small { line-height: 0.5; font-style: italic; color: rgba(221, 18, 18, 0.877); } p.t-big { color: rgba(63, 63, 67, 0.877); font-weight: 600; line-height: 1; } video { pointer-events: none; } /* 滚动框样式 */ #playlistItems { width: 100%; /* height: 260px;设置播放列表高度 */ height: auto; /* 自动调整高度 */ max-height: 600px; min-height: 180px; overflow: auto; /* 溢出部分显示滚动条 */ vertical-align: top; /* 垂直对齐到顶部 */ display: inline-block; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; /* 防止内容换行 */ } #playlistItems ol li { margin-left: 10px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ margin-right: 10px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ } /* 当设备处于竖屏模式时应用的样式 */ @media screen and (orientation: portrait) { /* 在竖屏模式下的样式 */ #video_div, #playlistItems, #card_div { display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0px; /* 可根据需要调整 */ /* 底部间距为0像素 */ } } /* 当设备处于横屏模式时应用的样式 */ @media screen and (orientation: landscape) { /* 在横屏模式下的样式 */ #video_div, #playlistItems, { display: inline-block; /* width: 100%; 或者其他你希望的宽度 */ flex: 1; /*充满可用空间 */ display: flex; /*使用 Flexbox 布局 */ flex-wrap: nowrap; /* 不换行 */ justify-content: space-between; /* 水平平均排列 */ } #card_div { display: inline-block; /* width: 50%; 或者其他你希望的宽度 */ flex: 1; /* 充满可用空间 */ display: flex; /* 使用 Flexbox 布局 */ flex-wrap: nowrap; /* 不换行 */ justify-content: space-between; /* 水平平均排列 */ /* 设置按钮之间的左右外边距为 5px 像素 */ margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } } /* 设置按钮之间的左右外边距为 5 像素 */ .btn { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* 设置输入框的上下外边距为 5 像素 */ input { margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* margin-top: 20px; /* 顶部间距,根据需要调整 */ /* margin-bottom: 20px; /* 底部间距,根据需要调整 */ /* margin-left: 20px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ /* margin-right: 20px; 可以根据需要调整间距 */ /style> /head>body> div classcontainer> header classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center py-3 mb-4 border-bottom stylealign-items:center;> div classd-flex align-items-center mb-3 mb-md-0 me-md-auto text-dark text-decoration-none> img srcimages/logo-2.png styleheight:72px;> span> a href> p classt-big fs-4 pt-3 ps-1>Airy 在线播放器/p> p classt-small fs-5>HTML5 视频播放器/p> /a> /span> /div> ul classnav nav-pills> li classnav-item idli_home>a hrefjavascript:goHome() classnav-linkaria-currentpage>主页/a>/li> li classnav-item idli_about>a classnav-link data-bs-toggleoffcanvas hrefjavascript:goHome() aria-controlsaboutCanvas>关于/a>/li> /ul> /header> /div> main idmain_div> section classpy-1 text-center container> div stylewidth: auto; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;> div stylewidth: auto; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;> span> div idvideo_div classm-2 playDiv> /div> /span> /div> ! div classpricing-header px-3 py-3 pt-md-1 pb-md-1 mx-auto text-center>!/div> div classinput-group m-2> input typetext idvideo_url classform-control placeholder输入播放地址,支持H.264和H.265视频格式,H265视频采用硬解码,需要浏览器和设备支持 aria-describedbybutton-play> button typebutton idbutton-play classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickplay_url()>播放/button> /div> div classcontainer> div classcard-deck mb-3 text-center styledisplay: flex;> div idcard_div classcard mb-4 shadow-sm styleflex: 1; width50%> div classcard-header>快捷列表/div> div classcard-body> div classcontainer text-center> div classinput-group m-2 > p classlead text-muted fs-6 lh-1>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/01.cctv.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇨🇳央视/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/02.Satellite_TV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇨🇳卫视/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/03.HongKong_Macao_TV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇭🇰港澳/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/ onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🚩地市/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/05.Cartoon.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💝动画/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/15.kenan.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💝柯南/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/06.Global.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🌐国际/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/07.Broadcast.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎼广播/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/08.documentary.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💾纪录片/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/09.China.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>📹航拍中国/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/10.Film.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎦经典电影/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/11.Living_China.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎥直播中国/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/12.MTV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎵MTV/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/13.Legal_Report.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>⚖️工作细胞/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/14.zongyi.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️热门综艺/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/16.PKU.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️北大师说/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/17.ReBo.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️热播剧场/button> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idcard_div classcard mb-4 shadow-sm styleflex: 1; width50%> div classcard-header>列表内容/div> div classcard-body> div idplaylistItems> ol type1 idplaylist>/ol> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idplaylist classinput-group m-2> input typefile idfileInput accept.txt classform-control> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickreadFile()>导入本地播放列表.txt/button> /div> div classinput-group m-2> input typetext idonlinePlaylistURL value🇨🇳央视高清(联通).txt classform-control placeholder输入在线播放列表文件.txt的URL> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickimportOnlinePlaylist(onlinePlaylistURL)>导入/button>/div> /section>/main> div classpricing-header px-1 py-1 pt-md-1 pb-md-1 mx-auto text-center> form methodGET action target_blank> input typehidden valueGB2312> img src border0 ALTGoogle width120px> input TYPEtext nameq size24 maxlength255 value placeholder请输入搜索内容 > input typesubmit namebtnG VALUE谷歌> /form> /div> div classpricing-header px-3 py-3 pt-md-5 pb-md-4 mx-auto text-center stylecolor: #c8c8c8;line-height: 20px;padding-bottom: 5px;font-size: 12px> Copyright ©2024 Airy.CN a href target_blank>本网站SSL证书由 TRUSTASIA 提供/a> br>本站所有内容均来自互联网,本站不会保存、复制或传播任何视频文件,也不对本站上的任何内容负法律责任。 br>如果本站部分内容侵犯您的版权请告知,在必要证明文件下我们第一时间撤除,发布的内容仅做仅限学习测试研究之用。,请在下载后24小时内删除。 br>请支持购买正版!反馈邮箱:Airy.Xu@Airy.CN /div> /body>/html>script typetext/javascript> /** * 播放函数原型: * play(url,divId,format) * @param {type} url 视频地址,支持hls,mp4,rtmp,http-flv协议. * @param {type} divId 视频播放窗口的div的id * @param {type} format 视频流格式,可以是: flv, hls, rtmp, mp4等. 也可以忽略。 */ var divId video_div; // var url; var url images/poster.jpg; var poster images/poster.jpg; var currentPlayer null; play(url,divId,hls,poster); function play_url() { var divId video_div; var format ; var url document.getElementById(video_url).value; if (url ! ) { stopAll(); currentPlayer play(url, divId, format, poster); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; }; } } function goHome() { let home airy; + home + .cn + /, ruiboyun); }function readFile() { var input document.getElementById(fileInput); var file input.files0; var reader new FileReader(); reader.onload function (e) { var content; var lines content.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }; reader.readAsText(file);} function importOnlinePlaylist(id) { var url document.getElementById(id).value; // 获取输入框中的URL fetch(url) .then(response > response.text()) .then(data > { var lines data.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }) .catch(error > console.log(获取播放列表时出错:, error));} function importOnlinePlaylist2(event) { var url; // 获取点击按钮的value属性 fetch(url) .then(response > response.text()) .then(data > { var lines data.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }) .catch(error > console.log(获取播放列表时出错:, error));} hljs.highlightAll();/script>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:32:11 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: * !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns langzh>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta namereferrer contentalways> meta nameKeywords content在线播放器, 播放mp4、hls、flv、rtmp、websocket等协议的点播和直播流,支持高清、4K、VR视频 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1, user-scalableno> title>在线播放器 - Airy/title> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css> link relstylesheet hrefcss/bootstrap/bootstrap_docs.css> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery/jquery.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcuplayer.min.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefjs/highlight/vs2015.min.css> script typetext/javascript srcjs/highlight/highlight.min.js>/script> link relshortcut icon href/favicon48-2.ico typeimage/x-icon /> link relbookmark href/favicon.ico /> style typetext/css> html, body { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } a{ text-decoration: none; } .playDiv { width: 100%; /* 调整宽度 */ max-width: 1280px; /* min-width: 576px; */ height: auto; /* 自动调整高度 */ max-height: 720px; /* 最小高度 */ min-height: 100px; /* 最小高度 */ aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; /* 16:9 的宽高比 */ position: relative; vertical-align: center; /* 垂直对齐到顶部 */ display: inline-block; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; overflow: hidden; /* 避免内容溢出 */ background: rgb(88, 88, 88); margin: 0 auto; } p.t-small { line-height: 0.5; font-style: italic; color: rgba(221, 18, 18, 0.877); } p.t-big { color: rgba(63, 63, 67, 0.877); font-weight: 600; line-height: 1; } video { pointer-events: none; } /* 滚动框样式 */ #playlistItems { width: 100%; /* height: 260px;设置播放列表高度 */ height: auto; /* 自动调整高度 */ max-height: 600px; min-height: 180px; overflow: auto; /* 溢出部分显示滚动条 */ vertical-align: top; /* 垂直对齐到顶部 */ display: inline-block; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; /* 防止内容换行 */ } #playlistItems ol li { margin-left: 10px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ margin-right: 10px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ } /* 当设备处于竖屏模式时应用的样式 */ @media screen and (orientation: portrait) { /* 在竖屏模式下的样式 */ #video_div, #playlistItems, #card_div { display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0px; /* 可根据需要调整 */ /* 底部间距为0像素 */ } } /* 当设备处于横屏模式时应用的样式 */ @media screen and (orientation: landscape) { /* 在横屏模式下的样式 */ #video_div, #playlistItems, { display: inline-block; /* width: 100%; 或者其他你希望的宽度 */ flex: 1; /*充满可用空间 */ display: flex; /*使用 Flexbox 布局 */ flex-wrap: nowrap; /* 不换行 */ justify-content: space-between; /* 水平平均排列 */ } #card_div { display: inline-block; /* width: 50%; 或者其他你希望的宽度 */ flex: 1; /* 充满可用空间 */ display: flex; /* 使用 Flexbox 布局 */ flex-wrap: nowrap; /* 不换行 */ justify-content: space-between; /* 水平平均排列 */ /* 设置按钮之间的左右外边距为 5px 像素 */ margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } } /* 设置按钮之间的左右外边距为 5 像素 */ .btn { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* 设置输入框的上下外边距为 5 像素 */ input { margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } /* margin-top: 20px; /* 顶部间距,根据需要调整 */ /* margin-bottom: 20px; /* 底部间距,根据需要调整 */ /* margin-left: 20px; /* 可以根据需要调整间距 */ /* margin-right: 20px; 可以根据需要调整间距 */ /style> /head>body> div classcontainer> header classd-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center py-3 mb-4 border-bottom stylealign-items:center;> div classd-flex align-items-center mb-3 mb-md-0 me-md-auto text-dark text-decoration-none> img srcimages/logo-2.png styleheight:72px;> span> a href> p classt-big fs-4 pt-3 ps-1>Airy 在线播放器/p> p classt-small fs-5>HTML5 视频播放器/p> /a> /span> /div> ul classnav nav-pills> li classnav-item idli_home>a hrefjavascript:goHome() classnav-linkaria-currentpage>主页/a>/li> li classnav-item idli_about>a classnav-link data-bs-toggleoffcanvas hrefjavascript:goHome() aria-controlsaboutCanvas>关于/a>/li> /ul> /header> /div> main idmain_div> section classpy-1 text-center container> div stylewidth: auto; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;> div stylewidth: auto; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;> span> div idvideo_div classm-2 playDiv> /div> /span> /div> ! div classpricing-header px-3 py-3 pt-md-1 pb-md-1 mx-auto text-center>!/div> div classinput-group m-2> input typetext idvideo_url classform-control placeholder输入播放地址,支持H.264和H.265视频格式,H265视频采用硬解码,需要浏览器和设备支持 aria-describedbybutton-play> button typebutton idbutton-play classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickplay_url()>播放/button> /div> div classcontainer> div classcard-deck mb-3 text-center styledisplay: flex;> div idcard_div classcard mb-4 shadow-sm styleflex: 1; width50%> div classcard-header>快捷列表/div> div classcard-body> div classcontainer text-center> div classinput-group m-2 > p classlead text-muted fs-6 lh-1>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/01.cctv.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇨🇳央视/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/02.Satellite_TV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇨🇳卫视/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/03.HongKong_Macao_TV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🇭🇰港澳/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/ onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🚩地市/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/05.Cartoon.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💝动画/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/15.kenan.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💝柯南/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/06.Global.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🌐国际/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/07.Broadcast.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎼广播/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/08.documentary.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>💾纪录片/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/09.China.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>📹航拍中国/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/10.Film.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎦经典电影/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/11.Living_China.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎥直播中国/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/12.MTV.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎵MTV/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/13.Legal_Report.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>⚖️工作细胞/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/14.zongyi.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️热门综艺/button>button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/16.PKU.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️北大师说/button> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary valueIPTV/17.ReBo.txt onclickimportOnlinePlaylist2(event)>🎞️热播剧场/button> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idcard_div classcard mb-4 shadow-sm styleflex: 1; width50%> div classcard-header>列表内容/div> div classcard-body> div idplaylistItems> ol type1 idplaylist>/ol> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idplaylist classinput-group m-2> input typefile idfileInput accept.txt classform-control> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickreadFile()>导入本地播放列表.txt/button> /div> div classinput-group m-2> input typetext idonlinePlaylistURL value🇨🇳央视高清(联通).txt classform-control placeholder输入在线播放列表文件.txt的URL> button classbtn btn-outline-secondary onclickimportOnlinePlaylist(onlinePlaylistURL)>导入/button>/div> /section>/main> div classpricing-header px-1 py-1 pt-md-1 pb-md-1 mx-auto text-center> form methodGET action target_blank> input typehidden valueGB2312> img src border0 ALTGoogle width120px> input TYPEtext nameq size24 maxlength255 value placeholder请输入搜索内容 > input typesubmit namebtnG VALUE谷歌> /form> /div> div classpricing-header px-3 py-3 pt-md-5 pb-md-4 mx-auto text-center stylecolor: #c8c8c8;line-height: 20px;padding-bottom: 5px;font-size: 12px> Copyright ©2024 Airy.CN a href target_blank>本网站SSL证书由 TRUSTASIA 提供/a> br>本站所有内容均来自互联网,本站不会保存、复制或传播任何视频文件,也不对本站上的任何内容负法律责任。 br>如果本站部分内容侵犯您的版权请告知,在必要证明文件下我们第一时间撤除,发布的内容仅做仅限学习测试研究之用。,请在下载后24小时内删除。 br>请支持购买正版!反馈邮箱:Airy.Xu@Airy.CN /div> /body>/html>script typetext/javascript> /** * 播放函数原型: * play(url,divId,format) * @param {type} url 视频地址,支持hls,mp4,rtmp,http-flv协议. * @param {type} divId 视频播放窗口的div的id * @param {type} format 视频流格式,可以是: flv, hls, rtmp, mp4等. 也可以忽略。 */ var divId video_div; // var url; var url images/poster.jpg; var poster images/poster.jpg; var currentPlayer null; play(url,divId,hls,poster); function play_url() { var divId video_div; var format ; var url document.getElementById(video_url).value; if (url ! ) { stopAll(); currentPlayer play(url, divId, format, poster); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; }; } } function goHome() { let home airy; + home + .cn + /, ruiboyun); }function readFile() { var input document.getElementById(fileInput); var file input.files0; var reader new FileReader(); reader.onload function (e) { var content; var lines content.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }; reader.readAsText(file);} function importOnlinePlaylist(id) { var url document.getElementById(id).value; // 获取输入框中的URL fetch(url) .then(response > response.text()) .then(data > { var lines data.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }) .catch(error > console.log(获取播放列表时出错:, error));} function importOnlinePlaylist2(event) { var url; // 获取点击按钮的value属性 fetch(url) .then(response > response.text()) .then(data > { var lines data.split(\n); var playlistItems document.querySelector(#playlistItems ol); playlistItems.innerHTML ; // 清空现有列表 lines.forEach(function (line) { if (line.indexOf(#) -1) { // 忽略含有 # 号的行 var parts line.split(,); if (parts.length 2) { var channelName parts0.trim(); var url parts1.trim(); var li document.createElement(li); li.textContent channelName + , + url; li.addEventListener(click, function () { if (currentPlayer) { currentPlayer.onended null; } currentPlayer play(url, divId); currentPlayer.onended function () { currentPlayer null; ; }; // 修改元素的颜色 lightblue; }); playlistItems.appendChild(li); } } }); }) .catch(error > console.log(获取播放列表时出错:, error));} hljs.highlightAll();/script>
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