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a href#jobT163>Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA), Comp up to $90k, Excellent benefits!/a>/td>td>Salem, ORdiv styledisplay:none;>Oregon/div>/td>td>div classclient>CapitolPhysical/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT163>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT/h4> p> b>Capitol Physical and Hand Therapy/b> is currently looking to hire a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) to join our team. We are a unique, privately owned outpatient clinic operating inside Courthouse Club Fitness located in Salem, Oregon./p>p> We are well known in our community, for our one-on-one hands on treatments, with a strong focus on manual therapy as well as an emphasis on exercises. This is a great place for both new grads as well as the highly experienced therapist. /p>p> /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Comp up to $90,>Work 36hrs and get paid for>Full Health, Dental & Vision insurance. li>3 weeks>401k with immediate>Relocation>Free gym membership. /p>h4>About the area:/h4>p> Salem is the Capitol City of Oregon. We are within one hour drive of the Oregon Coast, the Cascade Mountains, and the large city of Portland known for a huge variety of recreation or cultural experiences. There are also numerous outdoor recreation opportunities within 30 minutes or less such as hiking, cycling, mountain biking, protected wildlife viewing areas, river sports such as boating, rafting hunting and fishing. I have lived in Oregon my whole life and know the area very well for any recreation be it physically active or cultural. Weather is not to the extreme too hot or too cold year round./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT163, PTA, Salem, OR>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT163/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- FIRST CHOICE PT, ELKO NV ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT160>Outpatient Physical Therapist, NE Nevada, Free Housing for 30 days!/a>/td>td>Elko, NVdiv styledisplay:none;>Nevada/div>/td>td>div classclient>MountainValley/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT160>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>PHYSICAL THERAPIST WANTED/h4> p> As a growing and thriving outpatient, private PT-owned clinic, First Choice Physical Therapy is looking to hire a physical therapist to join our team located at the base of the Ruby Mountains in Northeast Nevada between Salt Lake City and Reno./p>p> There are plenty of exciting outdoor activities to enjoy: hiking, snow-skiing, camping, hunting and fishing to name a few. We are a fun, hardworking, patient-centered team serving the health needs of our neighbors in Elko, Spring Creek, and Carlin, Nevada through multiple clinics. We are looking to hire energetic, driven physical therapists to join our team./p>p> Our state-of-the-art outpatient clinics have the best equipment: Aquatic Rehab Pool, Decompression tables for spinal disorders and the ProBalance360; a dynamic, interactive system to improve proprioception and balance reactions to decrease falls, just to name a few./p>p> You will work with an experienced team who will train and assist you whether you are an experienced specialist or starting your career./p>h4>Job Skills & Requirements:/h4>p>li>Physical Therapy>1-2 years of outpatient experience>Will consider and train/mentor new grads./p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Comp of $100k to $120k depending on>Medical>Free housing for 30>Paid time>Continuing Education & License Renewal allowance up to $1,500 per>Student Loan Forgiveness- We qualify for FULL “Federal Student Loan Forgiveness”.li>New Grad>Career Advancement Opportunities./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT160, PT, Elko NV>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT160/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- FUSION PHYSIOTHERAPY RUTHER GLEN ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT162>Physical Therapist (PT), Path to Ownership!/a>/td>td>Ruther Glen, VAdiv styledisplay:none;>Virginia, Caroline/div>/td>td>div classclient>Fusion/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT162>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist (PT)/h4> p>At Fusion Rehab & Wellness, located in Ruther Glen VA, we are currently seeking amazing Physical Therapists to join our growing team!/p> p>Be the Physical Therapist youve always dreamed of being!br>Consider the real reason you chose to become a therapist - to promote treatment programs and goal setting based solely on the individual, not diagnostic based flow sheets./p> p>As one of the top rated Physical Therapists in Virginia, we offer an incredible opportunity including: li>Structured new grad mentorship program. li>Career advancement>Fellowship>Hours of 7am to 8pm Monday - Thursday, 7am to 6pm Friday. li>Closed Weekends! /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary up to $95k (depending on experience).li>$5k Sign on>$30k Tuition reimbursement. li>Matching retirement>Opportunity for clinic ownership. li>Health>Unlimited CEU budget. li>Paid time off (PTO) of 12>Paid holidays (10 days). /p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT162, PT, Ruther Glen VA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT162/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- ACCESS 2HEALTHCARE, MUSKOGEE OK ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT161>Physical Therapist (PT), Student Loan Repayment, $100k Comp Package!/a>/td>td>Muskogee, OKdiv styledisplay:none;>Oklahoma/div>/td>td>div classclient>MountainValley/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT161>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Physical Therapist Opening/h4> p> b>Access 2Healthcare Solutions/b> is currently seeking a Physical Therapist (PT) to join our 20+ year old family owned practice located in Muskogee, OK./p>p> We focus on providing the highest quality physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services. With over 20 years of experience managing therapy needs in a variety of settings including outpatient, sports, pediatrics, nursing homes, and home health, we help companies meet their therapy needs and assist healthcare professionals where they are valued and can make a positive difference./p>h4>What We Offer:/h4>p>li>Structured new grad mentorship>Career advancement>Work 80% Home Health and 20% Outpatient./p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Comp of $95k - $>Full Student loan>Health, dental & vision>Paid liability>Paid time off (PTO) of 10 days. /p>p> Apply below or visit us at a href>> to learn more about Access 2Healthcare Solutions./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT161, PT, Muskogee, OK>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT161/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- REHAB HOSP OF SOUTHERN NM - ERNEST HEALTH - LAS CRUCES NM ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT159>Physical Therapist (PT), Inpatient, New Grads Welcome/a>/td>td>Las Cruces, NMdiv styledisplay:none;>New Mexico/div>/td>td>div classclient>MountainValley/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT159>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>PHYSICAL THERAPIST WANTED/h4>p>We are looking to hire a Physical Therapist to join our Rehab Hospital in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our patients are family. Healthcare is constantly evolving, and our growing organization is devoted to ensuring that each person in our care feels safe./p>p>Our world-class team of driven, passionate healthcare professionals is always focused on service excellence and providing top quality care at the bedside. /p>p> li>We are open to New>Shifts: Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm, plus 1 Saturday per month. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Compensation of $80k - $95k depending on>PPO and High Deductible Medical Plan>FSA and HSA (with employer matching) options>Dental and Vision>401K with employer>Life>Short-and-long term>Pet>Employee Assistance>Wellness Program with quarterly wellness challenges and incentives for participation. li>Professional Development through the Clinical Career Ladder bonus>Earned Time Off./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT159, PT, Las Cruces NM>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT159/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- FUSION PHYSIOTHERAPY SPOTS ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT158>Physical Therapist (PT), Path to Ownership!/a>/td>td>Spotsylvania, VAdiv styledisplay:none;>Virginia/div>/td>td>div classclient>Fusion/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT158>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist (PT)/h4> p>At Fusion Rehab & Wellness, located in Spotsylvania VA, we are currently seeking amazing Physical Therapists to join our growing team!/p> p>Be the Physical Therapist youve always dreamed of being!br>Consider the real reason you chose to become a therapist - to promote treatment programs and goal setting based solely on the individual, not diagnostic based flow sheets./p> p>As one of the top rated Physical Therapists in Virginia, we offer an incredible opportunity including: li>Structured new grad mentorship program. li>Career advancement>Fellowship>Hours of 7am to 8pm Monday - Thursday, 7am to 6pm Friday. li>Closed Weekends! /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary up to $95k (depending on experience).li>$5k Sign on>$30k Tuition reimbursement. li>Matching retirement>Opportunity for clinic ownership. li>Health>Unlimited CEU budget. li>Paid time off (PTO) of 12>Paid holidays (10 days). /p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT158, PT, Alexandria VA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT158/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- NORTH JERSEY ORTHO, CLIFTON NJ ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT157>Physical Therapist (PT), Private Pratice, New Grads Welcome!/a>/td>td>Clifton, NJdiv styledisplay:none;>New Jersey/div>/td>td>div classclient>Roosevelt MC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT157>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist (PT)/h4>p>North Jersey Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Institute is looking for an ambitious physical therapist (PT) with excellent communication to join our practice. We provide high-quality comprehensive care for all patients that we treat. Our facilities feature state-of-the-art equipment for the effective treatment of a variety of orthopedic and sports related injuries. Medical Specialties include: Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Manual Therapy. /p>h4>Physical Therapist Responsibilities:/h4>p>Perform comprehensive evaluations and interpret findings to determine the nature and extent of dysfunction, develop individualized treatment plans.will evaluate patients and accurately interpret evaluation findings to determine the nature and extent of dysfunction.Assess each patient Establish treatment goals and plan treatment to achieve established goals. Initiates discharge planning from physical therapy.Implement the treatment program through direct treatment of the patient, may delegate a portion of the treatment plan to appropriate supportive personnel, and coordination of the treatment plan with other health care personnel as appropriate.Maintain high levels of communication with other service providers such as Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, and Occupational Therapists to ensure quality patient care. /p>p>Complete notes thoroughly and within a timely manner to ensure that collaborative care is maintained.Provide advice and education to patients and family.Provide accurate, timely documentation of physical therapy patient management.Work towards the advancement of the clinic by maintaining clinical excellence through various CEUs.We are an equal opportunity employer and considers all qualified applicants equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran status, or disability status. /p>h4>Physical Therapist Qualifications:/h4>p>li>New Jersey Physical Therapist Licenseli>No Experience Necessary (NEW GRADS WELCOME!)li>Computer Literacyli>Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skillsli>Healthcare setting: Outpatient, Private practiceli>License/Certification: Bachelors (Preferred), Physical Therapy License (Required), CPR Certification (Preferred) /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>$85k - $115k plus Quarterly>Monday - Friday, 8am to>Excellent benefits./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT157, PT, Clifton NJ>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT157/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- ADVANCED PHYSICIANS, WILLOWBROOK IL ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT156>Physical Therapist (PT), Private Rehab Facility, Salary up to $100k/a>/td>td>Crest Hill, ILdiv styledisplay:none;>Illinois/div>/td>td>div classclient>AdvancedPhys/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT156>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist/h4>p> b>Advanced Physicians/b> located in the Chicago area is looking to hire a Full-Time or Part-Time Physical Therapist to join their comprehensive musculoskeletal rehabilitation organization that offers a combined multi-disciplinary approach utilizing Medical Physicians, Chiropractic Physicians, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Neurosurgery and Orthopedic Surgery. Each location is capable of the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. We accomplish this by utilizing cutting edge diagnostic and treatment protocols administered by highly qualified and licensed professionals. /p>p>The medical physician in each location will diagnose your musculoskeletal condition. The medical physician can also order a variety of tests such as electromyography (EMG), nerve conduction studies (NCV), x-rays, and MRI. Based on the history and physical findings, the medical physician creates a customized treatment plan for our patient. The treatment plan is then co-managed by our Chiropractors and Physical Therapists in order to provide a comprehensive treatment program customized for each patient./p>h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary of $85,000 - $100,>Full health benefits. li>401(K) with>Continuing Education>Paid Time off. /p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT156, PT, Crest Hill IL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT156/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- MOUNTAIN VALLEY REGIONAL REHAB HOSP - ERNEST HEALTH - PRESCOTT AZ ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT158>Physical Therapist (PT), Inpatient, New Grads Welcome/a>/td>td>Phoenix, AZdiv styledisplay:none;>Arizona/div>/td>td>div classclient>MountainValley/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT158>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>PHYSICAL THERAPIST WANTED/h4>p>We are looking to hire a Physical Therapist to join our Rehab Hospital an hour or so from Phoenix Arizona. Our patients are family. Healthcare is constantly evolving, and our growing organization is devoted to ensuring that each person in our care feels safe./p>p>Our world-class team of driven, passionate healthcare professionals is always focused on service excellence and providing top quality care at the bedside. /p>p> li>We are open to New>Shifts: Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm, plus 1 Saturday per month. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Compensation of $79k - $95k depending on>PPO and High Deductible Medical Plan>FSA and HSA (with employer matching) options>Dental and Vision>401K with employer>Life>Short-and-long term>Pet>Employee Assistance>Wellness Program with quarterly wellness challenges and incentives for participation. li>Professional Development through the Clinical Career Ladder bonus>Earned Time Off./p>p> a classbuttonapply jobT158, PT, Prescott AZ>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT158/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- ROOSEVELT MEDICAL CENTER, CULBERTSON MT ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT155>Physical Therapist (PT), Sign on Bonus, Critical Access Hospital/a>/td>td>Culbertson, MTdiv styledisplay:none;>Montana/div>/td>td>div classclient>Roosevelt MC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT155>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist/h4> p>We are looking for a physical therapist to provide services in our Critical Access Hospital for primarily outpatient services with some inpatient and long-term care services as well. The Physical therapist will work M-Th, 8-5 with 1-hr lunch, and Fri, 8-4:30. Will provide PT services primarily for outpatient, skilled swing bed, but also some inpatient, long term care for post-surgery, injury recovery, strengthening, etc. /p>p>li>Will supervise 1 PTA. li>Could be 32-hour full-time week or part-time position. /p> h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary range is $44.80-$58.45/hr. li>Sign-on bonus of $2500: $1,000 with 1st check, $750 at 6 months, $750 at 12>Moving expenses reimbursed (self-move, U-haul, Budget, etc, mileage for 1 vehicle to Culbertson, motels). /p> h4>About the area:/h4>p>Culbertson is one of the oldest towns in eastern Montana. It was founded in 1887 when Montana was still a territory.Every year the Culbertson Saddle Club hosts Frontier Days, featuring parades, rodeo, and other community events and entertainment that celebrates this town’s Wild West history. The a href>Culbertson Museum and Visitor Center/a> for information on the area. It offers a great collection of artifacts and historical photographs. As you walk through the rooms of the Culbertson Museum, you walk back in time.Area attractions include a href>Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge/a>. This big lake, sitting in the pre-ice age channel of the Missouri River, is only about 25 miles north of Culbertson./p> p>a classbuttonapply PT, Culbertson MT>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT155/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- MANUAL THERAPY INC, WILSON NC ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT154>Physical Therapist (PT) One on One Therapy at State of the art Therapy Center/a>/td>td>Wilson, NCdiv styledisplay:none;>North Carolina/div>/td>td>div classclient>Manual PT/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT154>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> h4>Hiring - Physical Therapist/h4>p>Manual Physical Therapy Inc. is looking to hire a full-time Physical Therapist (PT) to work in private practice outpatient setting located in Wilson NC. /p>h4>Job Description, Requirements and Details:/h4>p>li>Staff PT Position. li>Must be a NC state licensed PT in good standing with the NCBPT. li>One on one patient care in a Manual PT clinic. li>We follow a PT centered model with one on one patient care for an hour treatment session. li>No use of techs. li>All clinicians are licensed. li>We also follow a clinician centered model. li>Weekly staff training and mentoring, and focus on continuing education. li>We use WebPT for documentation. li>We serve patients of all ages and diagnoses. li>Room for career advancement. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary range of $75,000 - 100,000>Health benefits including Medical, Dental and>IRA with employer match up to 3% of>Continuing Education (CE) of $1500.00+li>Residency/Fellowship/Certification tuition>Bonus - yearly based on clinic performance. Recent average is $2,000 to $5,>PTO 1st year: 40 hours, 2-4th year: 80 hours, 5th-9th year: 120 hours & 10th+ year 160 hours annually. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Ruidoso Physical Therapy, NM>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT154/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- RUIDOSO PHYSICAL THERAPY, RUIDOSO NM ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT153>Physical Therapist PT, Salary to $105k, $20k Sign on Bonus!/a>/td>td>Ruidoso, NMdiv styledisplay:none;>New Mexico, Capitan/div>/td>td>div classclient>Ruidoso PT/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT153>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> The b>Ruidoso Physical Therapy Clinic/b> is currently looking for a Physical Therapist to join our team. /p>p>We are a unique privately owned outpatient clinic operating for 27 years under the same owner, Lydia Radosevich, PT. We have 2 locations, with our satellite being in Capitan, just 18 miles away. The clinic in Ruidoso is a very comfortable setting where you can enjoy the beautiful blue New Mexico sky and see the deer, wild horses, and elk as they wander among the tall pines outside our treatment rooms. The area includes activities such as hiking, snow skiing/boarding, bicycling and more! /p>p> We are well known in our community, for our one-on-one hands on treatments, with a strong focus on manual therapy as well as an emphasis on exercises. This is a great place for both new grads as well as the highly experienced therapist. /p>p>b>Our ideal candidates will have or have a strong desire to learn:/b> Manual therapy techniques including Myofascial Release as taught by John Barnes, McKenzie Techniques, Women’s Health/Pelvic Floor, Lymphedema management, Dry Needling, Graston. p> b>We expect our therapists to:/b> Be a good team member with the other PT/PTA’s and the supportive staff. Have good communication and documentation skills (be defensible, accurate & Timely). Be able to share their patients as well as cover for another PT as needed. Able to perform presentation/seminars to the public. Enjoy helping people improve their lives. p>b>Compensation and Benefits:/b>li>Salary up to $105k depending on>$20,000 sign on bonus. li>Choose between a 4 or 5 day work week. li>PTO of 1 week in first year, 2 weeks per year>Retirement plan starting in year>Potential ownership/partnership availability! /p>p>a classbuttonapply Ruidoso Physical Therapy, NM>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT153/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- NOT SURE, DICKINSON ND ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, slp, speech language pathologist/div> a href#jobT1533>10k Bonus, Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), CFY/a>/td>td>Dickinson, NDdiv styledisplay:none;>North Dakota/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT1533>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>p> b>Are you a CFY looking for a great mentoring program?/b>/p>p>We are a major organization providing therapy services in over 10 states. We have an incredible mentoring program and always welcome new grads when hiring./p>p>li>Two experienced SLPs on staff to assist with a CFYli>Great mentoring programli>Amazing opportunity to get exposure and experience in pediatricsli>Multi-disciplinary clinic setting with PT, OT, SLPli>Opportunity to assist with weekend swallow evals at nearby hosptialli>New grads are encouraged to applyli>Must be a graduate of a certified therapy program /p>p>b>Compensation/b>/p>p> li>Starting salary of $70,000. li>Excellent benefits./p>p>a classbuttonapply SLP, Dickinson ND>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT1533/a>/p> /div>/div> !----------------- MY MICHIGAN HEALTH, WAR MEMORIAL, SAULT SAINTE MARIE MI ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, slp, speech language therapist/div>a href#jobT152>Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Free housing for 90 days/a>/td>td>Sault Sainte Marie, MIdiv styledisplay:none;>Michigan/div>/td>td>div classclient>My Michigan Health /div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT152>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>War Memorial/My Michigan Health Hospital/b> located in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan looking to hire a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to join their team. Our hospital offers one of the best mentoring programs for CFYs in the Nation! This is a b>No Risk Opportunity/b> as we will provide free housing for up to 90 days giving you the chance to ensure the position and area are right fit for you. /p>p>b>About the SLP Position:/b>/p>p>Currently the department has 18 SLPS across the Rehabilitation Dept. You will be working in a K-8 local school District Overseeing school-aged children k-8, working with IEPs (Individualized education plan); also, will be cross-trained in acute and LTC; you will work alongside PTs, OTs, and education coordinators of the district. The Speech and Language Pathologist directs patient participation and selected tasks to restore, reinforce, and enhance performance as well as facilitate the running of these skills to promote functional independence. /p>p>b>Speech Language Pathologist Job Qualifications:/b>/p>p>li />Completion of a Master’s degree in Speech and Language Pathology approved by the />Possession of or in the process of completing certification of clinical competency as determined by the />Valid state licensure/regulation as determined by Michigan State />Must have a valid Michigan Driver’s License./p>p>b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li />Salary up to $90,000li />Relocation Assistanceli />$10k Sign on Bonusli />$20k Loan Forgiveness package /p>p>a classbuttonapply My Michigan Health, SLP>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT152/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- ALL FOR KIDS, ANCHORAGE AK -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, ot, occupational therapist/div> a href#jobT151>Pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT), $100k+ Compensation/a>/td>td>Anchorage, AKdiv styledisplay:none;>Alaska/div>/td>td>div classclient>All for Kids/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT151> a classpopup__overlay href#>/a> div classpopup__wrapper> a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>All For Kids Pediatric Therapy Clinic/b> located in Anchorage, Alaska is looking to hire a Pediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) to join their team. /p>p> b>About the Occupational Therapy (OT) Position:/b>/p>p>Our occupational therapists work with families to assist their children in learning functional skills such as the development of hand-eye coordination, visual perception, oral skills for eating, coordination of the whole body, and feeling comfortable with the positioning and movement of their body during daily activities. These skills are reinforced by progressive work on their ability to pay attention, remain calm, and learn self-care techniques, such as personal grooming, personal hygiene, and dressing themselves. Visual perceptual skills are essential to successful participation and progress in academic settings and lead to the development of higher level thinking skills in all aspects of life. /p>p>b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li />Annual Income of $ />401k with 4% match if you contribute 5% of your />Sign on Bonus, Productivity Bonus up to $3,000, and Christmas Bonus up to 5% per />3 Weeks Vacation (4th week can be earned). 11 Paid />Continuing Education (CE) - $1,500 and 4 days />License fees, Professional Association Fees and Malpractice />Employee Health, Dental & Vision Insurance - 75% of employee cost covered, 50% of />AFLAC Cafeteria Plan./p>p>a classbuttonapply All For Kids, OT, Anchorage AK>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT151/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------- CARLSBAD MEDICAL CENTER, CARLSBAD NM -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, ot, occupational therapist/div> a href#jobT150P>Occupational Therapist OT, Inpatient Outpatient, $100,000 Comp Package/a>/td>td>Carlsbad, NMdiv styledisplay:none;>New Mexico/div>/td>td>div classclient>Carlsbad Medical Center/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT150P> a classpopup__overlay href#>/a> div classpopup__wrapper> a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Occupational Therapist Wanted/b>/p>p>Our hospital is looking to add an Occupational Therapist to our rapidly growing staff. We are a 99 bed community healthcare facility located in Carlsbad, New Mexico, located about 25 miles north of the Texas border. /p>p> b>About the Occupational Therapy (OT) Position:/b>/p>p>The hired Occupational Therapist will be responsible for evaluation, plans, and executes all aspects of Occupational Therapy, infant through geriatric, with disabilities, disorders, and injuries to develop and restore maximal functional level in a mixture of Inpatient, Outpatient and SNF./p>p> b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $80,000-$90,>Great>Sign on Bonus & Loan Repayment./p>p>a classbuttonapply Occupational Therapist, Carlsbad NM>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT150P/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------- CARLSBAD MEDICAL CENTER, CARLSBAD NM -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div> a href#jobT150>Physical Therapist (PT), IP/OP, $100,000 Compensation Package/a>/td>td>Carlsbad, NMdiv styledisplay:none;>New Mexico/div>/td>td>div classclient>Carlsbad Medical Center/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT150> a classpopup__overlay href#>/a> div classpopup__wrapper> a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Physical Therapist Wanted/b>/p>p>Our hospital is looking to add two Physical Therapists to our rapidly growing staff. We are a 99 bed community healthcare facility located in Carlsbad, New Mexico, located about 25 miles north of the Texas border. /p>p> b>About the Physical Therapy (PT) Position:/b>/p>p>The hired Physical Therapist will be responsible for evaluation, plans, and executes all aspects of Physical Therapy, infant through geriatric, with disabilities, disorders, and injuries to develop and restore maximal functional level in a mixture of Inpatient, Outpatient and SNF./p>p> b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li />Hourly rate starting at $ />Work in either inpatient or />Great />Sign on Bonus & Loan Repayment. /p>p>b>Contact or Apply:/b>/p>p>a classbuttonapply Physical Therapist, Carlsbad NM>email/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT150/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------------- LITTLE HANDS AT PLAY THERAPY, FORT SMITH AR --------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, slp, speech language pathologist/div> a href#jobT149>CFY Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist, SLP, Free Housing up to 1 Year!/a>/td>td>Fort Smith, ARdiv styledisplay:none;>Arkansas/div>/td>td>div classclient>Little Hands at Play/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT149> a classpopup__overlay href#>/a> div classpopup__wrapper> a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Little Hands At Play Therapy/b> is seeking a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to join the team in Fort Smith, AR. Our therapists have a wide range of education and experience working with kids from birth through 21 years of age. Our facilities have been organized so we can offer PT, OT, Speech, and Feeding therapy. /p>p>b>What we believe in:/b>/p>p>li />Teamwork - We know that our best work is not produced by individuals but by collaborating as a team and supporting each />Child First - We address each child’s situation from a holistic />Excellence - What we do, we do well! We strive to exceed expectations. /p>p> b>SLP Requirements:/b>/p>p>li />Masters degree in communication disorders/speech />CFY Mentoring />Must love />Industrious and />Prior experience not required, we are open to new graduates! /p>p>b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li />Salary up to $85, />Loan Repay or 100k Retention bonusli />Health, dental and vision />Retirement plan />CEU />Seven paid />Generous PTO plan (80 hours) in first year of />Paid documentation />Relocation />Paid Housing up to 1yr /p>p>b>Contact or Apply:/b>/p>p>a classbuttonapply SLP, Little Hands At Play, Fort Smith AR>email/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT149/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------------- HCR HOME CARE, PLATTSBURGH NY --------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, ot, occupational therapist/div> a href#jobT148>Occupational Therapist, Salary of $84k, Clinton County Plattsburgh NY/a>/td>td>Plattsburgh, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, Clinton County, Upstate/div>/td>td>div classclient>HCR Home Care/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT148> a classpopup__overlay href#>/a> div classpopup__wrapper> a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>We are looking to hire an b>Occupational Therapist/b> to join our rapidly growing Home Health company. /p>p>Our Occupational Therapists evaluate patients & provide skilled intervention within the context of activities of daily living, all within the patient’s own home environment. OTs work within a dynamic, close-knit OT team & enjoy close collaboration w/physical therapists, speech therapists, nurses, social workers, dieticians, & HHAs. Work flexible hours & independently manage your own individual schedule. /p>p>b>Required Skills/b>/p>p>li>Strong computer skills and the ability to use Agency’s EMR>Strong interpersonal, organizational, time management and written and verbal communication>Able to work independently, and complete paperwork accurately and in a timely>Must comply with privacy & HIPAA laws. Must be respectful of the patient’s rights & treat a client & his/her belongings with dignity &>Valid driver’s license and automobile with current insurance coverage and in good working condition available to use for work. Must be willing to travel throughout assigned>Willingness to submit to physical examination, criminal background and drug testing. /p>p>b>Required Experience/b>/p>p>li>Graduate of an accredited occupational therapy>Licensed by and currently registered with the New York State Education>New Grads welcome to apply /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $84,000li>Relocation Assistanceli>Job Description /p>p>a classbuttonapply OT, Plattsburgh NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT148/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- MY MICHIGAN HEALTH, WAR MEMORIAL, SAULT SAINTE MARIE MI ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div>a href#jobT147>Physical Therapist, Free housing for 90 days!/a>/td>td>Sault Sainte Marie, MIdiv styledisplay:none;>Michigan/div>/td>td>div classclient>My Michigan Health /div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT147>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>War Memorial/My Michigan Health Hospital/b> located in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan looking to hire a Physical Therapist (PT) to join their team. Our hospital offers one of the best mentoring programs for new grads in the Nation! This is a b>NO RISK OPPORTUNITY/b> as we will provide free housing for up to 90 days so you can ensure the position and area are right for you! /p>p>b>About the PT Position:/b>/p>p>Under the direction of the Director of Rehabilitation, assists with the responsibilities for the administrative function of the rehabilitation department. Provides service to the physically impaired patients including assessment, treatment programs, planning, and implementation relating to documentation and communication for hospital inpatients, outpatients, long term care patients, home health patients, as well as provide services to long term care contracts and school contracts. Performs patient services and assists with the supervision and coordination of the activities within the rehabilitation department. Assumes delegated responsibilities in the absence of the Director of Rehabilitation. /p>p>b>Physical Therapist Job Qualifications:/b>/p>p>li>Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from a school approved by the American Physical Therapy>Registered in the State of Michigan as a Physical>Must have the ability to work independently and organize several>Must be able to see and hear or use prosthetics that will enable these senses to function adequately to assure that the requirements of this position can be>Must be able to cope with the mental and emotional stress of the>Must have the ability to lift, push, or pull up to 40lbs./p>p>b>Compensation:/b>/p>p>li />Salary up to $98, />Relocation />$10k Sign on />$20k Loan Forgiveness package. /p>p>a classbuttonapply My Michigan Health, PT>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT147/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- GALLIEN THERAPY SERVICES, ALAMOGORDO NM ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div>a href#jobT146>Physical Therapist, $100k Salary, $100k Bonus, $25k Student Loan Repayment!/a>/td>td>Alamogordo, NMdiv styledisplay:none;>New Mexico/div>/td>td>div classclient>Gallien Therapy Services/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT146>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Wanted - Physical Therapist PT/b>/p>p>We are located in Alamogordo, New Mexico and are looking to hire an experienced or newly graduated Physical Therapist to join our team. Our fast-growing clinic sees a wide variety of patient ages from the high school athlete to a very active older population./p>p>b>Physical Therapist Job Requirements/b>/p>p>li>Must have graduated from an accredited>Current state license as a Registered Physical Therapist or>Team oriented, Enthusiastic and passionate about patient care. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $100,000 depending upon>$25,000 Student Loan Forgiveness>Bonus compensation package of $100,>Relocation Assistance of $5,>Monday-Friday work week, No weekends>Strong support for continuing education, training, and development. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Physical Therapist, Alamogordo NM>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT146/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- PHYSICAL THERAPIST, PALMDALE CA ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div>a href#jobT145>Physical Therapist PT, Salary of $104k, Palmdale CA/a>/td>td>Palmdale, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT145>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Wanted - Physical Therapist PT/b>/p>p>We are an outpatient facility with Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and in-house Aquatic>We are currently seeking a full-time Physical Therapist for our incredible opportunity in Palmdale,>Weve been in business since>We operate 3 locations in the Antelope Valley>We specialize in adult ortho cases, with some neuro and peds cases. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $93,600 to $104,000 annually. li>Paid Time Off (PTO).li>Sick Time and more! /p>p>a classbuttonapply Physical Therapist, Palmdale CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT145/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- ARC OF JEFFESON COUNTY, OGDENSBURG NY ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, slp, speech language pathologist/div>a href#jobT144>Speech Language Pathologist SLP, CFY up to $75K salary plus bonus!/a>/td>td>Ogdensburg, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>ARC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT144>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>The ARC of Jefferson County/b> located in Ogdensburg New York is looking to hire a Speech Language Pathologist to join the team. /p>p>The Speech Pathologist is responsible for conducting Multidisciplinary Evaluations to determine eligibility for speech services, and for the provision of those services to Preschool and Early Intervention students. The candidate will participate as a member of the Interdisciplinary Treatment Team in the development and on-going evaluation of the IEP for each child in accordance with regulatory requirements. /p>p>b>SLP Requirements/b>p>p>li>Licensed by New York State Education Department as a Speech>Certification as NYS Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped (TSHH) or with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD).li>Specialized training or one year experience in treatment of people with developmental disabilities>Certificate of Clinical Competency by American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA).li>Work may require lifting, pushing, or pulling, in excess of 30>Will hire a Clinical Fellow (CFY) /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>p>p>li>Salary up to $75,000 (depending on experience)li>$10,000 Sign on Bonusli>Great Benefits Package /p>p>a classbuttonapply ARC, Ogdensburg NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT144/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- NOT SURE, BOWMAN ND ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, slp, speech language pathologist/div>a href#jobT143>Speech Pathologist (SLP), $15k Bonus, Mixed Setting/a>/td>td>Bowman, NDdiv styledisplay:none;>North Dakota/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT143>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - SLP - SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST/b>/p>p>We are a growing non-profit health organizaiton looking to hire a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to provide care in Southwest ND and Northwest SD./p>p>b>About the SLP Position:/b>/p>p>li>The Speech-Language Pathologist would be responsible for providing evaluation and treatment services for speech, language, cognition, feeding and swallowing for infant through geriatric populations as a member of an interdisciplinary>Setting will be IP/OP/SNF and will the hired candidate will be working as a solo>We are really looking for that entrepreneurial spirit that can assist in marketing the SLP Department to the community/p>p>b>SLP Requirements:/b>/p>p>li>Graduate from an accredited Speech/Language Pathology Programli>North Dakota State Licensure for Speech/Language Pathologyli>Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association/p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits:/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $48,000 to $63,000li>Great Benefitsli>$15k Bonus & Loan Repaymentli>$2,000 Relocation Assistance /p>p>a classbuttonapply SLP, Bowman ND>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT143/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- NOT SURE, SACRAMENTO, CA ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, therapy supervisor, pt, ot/div>a href#jobT142>Home Health Therapy Supervisor, (PT,OT), Earn $120k+/a>/td>td>Sacramento, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT142>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Wanted - Home Health Therapy Supervisor/b>/p>p>Our home health agency is seeking a qualified Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist with Management experience to manage a home heatlh team. /p>p>b>Requirements/b>/p>p>li>Licensed OT or PT , Ideal candidate has home health experience but we will train with prior management experienceli>Knowledge of computer charting a plus but we can>Will supervise team of 25 Therapists. Will also treat 20% of the time /p>p>b>Whats NICE About this Job/b>/p>p>li>No “in-facility rush” to see the next patient. Seeing patients in their homes makes a huge difference in many>Benefit Package for Full Time PTs: Medical, Dental, Vision, Paid Holidays, Vacation, Sick Pay and>Very user friendly charting system which is more time efficient than most. /p>p>b>Compensation/b>/p>p>li>Salary starting at $125,000. li>Bonus opportunity/plan. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Therapy Supervisor, Sacramento CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT142/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- NOT SURE, ALPINE TX ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>rehab, pt, physical therapist/div>a href#jobT141>Physical Therapist PT, Home Health, New Grads welcome/a>/td>td>Alpine, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobT141>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - PHYSICAL THERAPIST/b>/p>p>We are looking for a Full-time Physical Therapist (PT) for our home health position in Alpine TX. You will be performing home care visits with adult and geriatric patients. This position covers a rural area, however you will be on the clock while driving! /p>p>Home Health experience is NOT required, we are open to New Grads interested in Home Health and are willing to accept a PT with experience in any of the following facilities or settings: Skilled Nursing Facility SNF, Rehab Center, Healthcare Center, Outpatient / Inpatient, Assisted Living Facility ALF, Adult Day Care Center, or Hospital /p>p>b>Requirements/b>/p>p>li>Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate in Physical Therapyli>Physical Therapist must have a license to practice Physical Therapy in the stateli>Physical Therapist must either be a US Citizen or have your green card /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Very competitive>Medical, Dental, Vision>Paid time off (PTO).li>Paid mileage, Phone reimbursement. /p>p>a classbuttonapply PT, Alpine TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobT141/a>/p>/div>/div> /table> script> function myFunction2() { var input, filter, table, tr, td, i, txtValue; input document.getElementById(myInput2); filter input.value.toUpperCase(); table document.getElementById(myTable); tr table.getElementsByTagName(tr); // Loop through all list items, and hide those who dont match the search query for (i 0; i tr.length; i++) { td tri.getElementsByTagName(td)0; if (td) { txtValue td.textContent || td.innerText; if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { ; } else { none; } } }} /script> script> function myFunction() { var input, filter, table, tr, td, i, txtValue; input document.getElementById(myInput); filter input.value.toUpperCase(); table document.getElementById(myTable); tr table.getElementsByTagName(tr); // Loop through all list items, and hide those who dont match the search query for (i 0; i tr.length; i++) { td tri.getElementsByTagName(td)1; if (td) { txtValue td.textContent || td.innerText; if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { ; } else { none; } } }} /script> /html> /main>!-- #main --> /div> /div>/div>footer idcolophon classsite-footer pt-3 pb-3> div classcontainer> div classsite-info text-center> table stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none; border-collapse:collapse; cellspacing:0; cellpadding:0; width:100%; align:center;>tr>td stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none; valign:top; align:center>center> table stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none; border-collapse:collapse; cellspacing:0; cellpadding:0; width:90%>tr> td valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>a href>h4>font color#ffffff>Job Board Network/font>/h4>/a>/td>td width2% valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none> /td>td width20% valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>h4>font color#ffffff>Our Distribution/font>/h4>/td>td width20% valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>h4>font color#ffffff>Quick Links/font>/h4>/td>td width20% valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>h4>font color#ffffff>Legal/font>/h4>/td> /tr>tr> td valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>font color#ffffff>Helping organizations solve hiring challenges one position at a time./font>br>br>font color#ffffff>Stop posting your open jobs to sites that distribute it to 100s of generic job boards when you can post it directly to targeted audiences for a fraction of the cost!/font>/td>td stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>/td> td valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>a href>font color#ffffff>JBN Job Boards/font>/a>br>font color#ffffff>Social Media (FB, LI, X)br>Educational Institutionsbr>Professional Referral Networkbr> JBN Newsletter/font>/td>td valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>a href>font color#ffffff>View Job Boards/font>/a>br> a href>font color#ffffff>Post Your Job/font>/a>/td>td valigntop alignleft stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none>a href target_blank>font color#ffffff>Terms of Use/font>/a>br>a href target_blank>font color#ffffff>Privacy Policy/font>/a>br>a href target_blank>font color#ffffff>California Privacy Notice/font>/a>/td> /tr>tr>td colspan5 stylebackground-color:#111113; border:none> br>font color#ffffff>Copyright © 2023. 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