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Our facility is seeking a full-time B/C B/E experienced pediatrician with excellent communication and clinical skills for long term employment in our independent pediatric practice. We specialize in high quality comprehensive care and value warm relations with patients and each other./p>p>We are a dedicated Children’s Hospital, pediatric EMR, recognized as a level 3 PCMH since 2014. The owner is a B/C Developmental / Behavioral Pediatrician, so an interest in children’s mental health is required. We have a highly educated patient base with high standards. All patients are seen by physicians – not mid-level. Four-day work week for full-time and approximately 1 in 4 call./p>p>Chatham has a direct train to NYC and is top ranked on many New Jersey best places to live lists!/p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p>li>$200,000 - $230,000 yearly compensation. li>401(k) matching 4% match. li>Profit Sharing. li>Health & Dental>Employee assistance>Flexible spending>Paid time off (PTO) - 3 weeks with 1 week for CME’s. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC145, Pediatrician, Chatham NJ>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC145/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED NW EYE SURGEONS, SEATTLE WA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Ophthalmologist, OD/div>a href#jobVC144>Ophthalmologist - Glaucoma Specialist Wanted!/a>/td>td>Miami, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Broward, Palm Beach/div>/td>td>div classclient>JacksonvilleDavenport/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC144>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>OPHTHALMOLOGIST WANTED/h4>p>We are seeking a passionate and motivated Glaucoma Specialist with outstanding surgical and interpersonal skills to join our dynamic team in Florida. We provide the most advanced and highest-quality care to patients in a warm, caring, and professional environment. We have an established comanagement approach with the referring doctors in our communities. /p>p>We have 3 state-of-the-art surgery centers throughout South Florida. As a key member of our team, you will work directly with our optometrists to provide surgical and medical care for patients with glaucoma and cataracts. Your expertise in both glaucoma and cataract surgery will play a pivotal role in enhancing our MD/OD medical and surgical eye care co-management team./p>p>b>Education & Requirements:/b>/p>p> li>Fellowship training in glaucoma, board certification/eligibility, unrestricted Washington medical license, and DEA>Glaucoma and cataract surgical skills with a commitment to continuous>Strong communication skills, ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to provide compassionate, patient-centered>Board Certified Doctor of Medicine (MD or DO).li>DEA Certification/p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p> li>Competitive Salary D.O.E. Plus>Medical, Dental, and Vision>401(k) Plan with employer>Company Paid Life>Generous PTO/Holiday. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC144, Ophthalmologist, Miami, FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC144/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- EYE HEALTH PHYSICIANS OF LANCASTER -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobFAAD110>Ophthalmologist, $250k plus productivity bonuses!/a>/td>td>Lancaster, PAdiv styledisplay:none;>Pennsylvania/div>/td>td>div classclient>EyeHealthPhysLancaster/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD110>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>Ophthalmologist Wanted/h4>p> b>Eye Health Physicians of Lancaster/b> has served the Lancaster, PA community for more than 35 years. We are a smaller but very busy practice which allows for one-on-one mentorship for academic and personal growth. Unlike larger, corporate settings, doctor will have greater input into daily operations and leadership opportunities. /p>p>li>Excellent opportunity for partnership/ownership. li>Many surgical opportunities, including cataracts, lasers, glaucoma surgeries & oculo-plastic procedures (optional). li>Well maintained office, with state-of-the-Art Zeiss equipment, including SLT/YAG & Argon lasers. li>Ambulatory surgical center nearby. li>Experienced and mature support>Conveniently located in Lancaster, PA. Close to Philadelphia and>Great area for families, excellent school systems, many cultural and sporting opportunities. /p>p> Flexible schedule: we will work with the hired doctor to ensure a schedule providing work-life balance. /p>p>b>Education & Experience:/b >/p>p>li>MD/DO from accredited medical school and ophthalmology residency>Glaucoma fellowship preferred but not>Board certified or Board eligible. li>Active or eligible for PA license. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b >/p>p> li>Compensation of $250k plus Bonus based on productivity. li>Paid hospital call: $7,000/week 3 to 4 times per year rotated with all the doctors in the area. li>Weekend practice call: very>Paid time off, paid medical>401K with up to 4% matching every quarter, Profit Sharing>Malpractice>Relocation Assistance provided for smoother transition. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD110, Ophthalmologist, Lancaster PA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD110/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- WYOMING CARDIO -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Pediatrician, Pediatrics/div>a href#jobFAAD109>Interventional Cardiologist - $650K + Productivity Bonus/a>/td>td>Casper, WYdiv styledisplay:none;>Wyoming, Cardiologist, interventionist/div>/td>td>div classclient>WYcardio/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD109>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>CARDIOLOGIST WANTED/h4>p>Comp Resource Group is working with an active, growing cardiology practice located in Casper, WY, who is currently looking to hire a Board Certified Interventional Cardiologist. /p>p>The practice has a state-of-the-art nuclear medicine system (accredited) and echo-vascular ultrasound systems (accredited), with an excellent and experienced support team. /p>p>The office is located only one block away from the primary hospital which offers two state-of-the-art cath labs, a hybrid room with a structural heart program, an EP Lab in development (equipment in place), and an active open-heart surgery program with a board-certified cardio-thoracic surgeon./p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary starting at $650K with productivity>Partnership after 2 years (3 years for J1 visa candidate).li>Relocation package / Student Loan>Retirement plan. Pension to $45K Contributed Per Year Plus benefits varies annually based on IRS>Paid Malpractice: Claims Made Policy $1M/$>CME reimbursement along with 10 CME>Time off including 20 working days, 12 end-of-year holidays, six 3-day weekends./p>h4>Two Buy-In Options:/h4>p>li>LCC Buy-In: Real Estate, Facilities (Avg. annual return $50K/year).li>PC Buy-In: Sharing of Call Equalization Pool./p>h4>About the Community:/h4>p>The community of 66,000 is centralized in the state. Estimated population draw area of 300,000. Enjoy proximity to mountains, lakes and rivers for hiking, water/snow skiing, world-renowned fly fishing, hunting, kayaking, boating, biking and more; with a short driving distance to two of the most iconic National Parks in the USA./p>p>The community arts include the symphony and theatre, and easy access to large metropolitan communities, when desired. There are public and private schools from elementary through Masters programs offered. There is no state income tax, and cost of living is low. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD109, Cardiologist, Casper WY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD109/a>/p> !---------------------------- BEITTEL BECKER PEDIATRICIAN -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Pediatrician, Pediatrics/div>a href#jobFAAD108>Pediatric Group Practice, FT or PT Pediatrician, Partnership Track/a>/td>td>Lancaster, PAdiv styledisplay:none;>Pennsylvania, Pediatrician, Pediatrics/div>/td>td>div classclient>PartnersinPeds/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD108>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>Full-Time or Part-Time Pediatrician/h4>p>b>Beittel-Becker Pediatric Associates/b> is a Private Practice Pediatric facility located in Lancaster, PA looking to find a board certified/board eligible pediatrician to join our independently owned pediatric practice. /p>p> We are open to a full-time (4 days per week) or part-time (2-3 days) pediatrician. This position has the potential to offer a track toward partnership. /p>p>BBPA offers a welcoming atmosphere. We embrace a healthy work-life balance with a robust vacation package among many other generous benefits./p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>First Years Compensation of $225-$>Complete benefits including Health, HSA, Retirement>Excellent call of 1 in 5 weekends and 1 evening per>Privileges at top ranked>Excellent work/life>Relocation Assistance./p>h4>About the Area:/h4>p> li>Located in Lancaster, PA (Population 575,000).li>Wonderful family centered community with great housing and>Fastest growing county in the State of>Strong local economy led by agriculture and>Beautiful neighborhoods to live>Picked as an All American City (2019). /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD108, Pediatrician, Lancaster PA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD108/a>/p> !---------------------------- PARTNERS IN PEDIATRICS -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD107>Family Medicine Physician, Salary up to $340,000/a>/td>td>Hagerstown, MDdiv styledisplay:none;>Maryland, Family Medicine/div>/td>td>div classclient>PartnersinPeds/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD107>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - FAMILY MEDICINE PHYSICIAN/h4>p> We are hiring a full-time Family Medicine Physician. Come join our team, earning an annual salary up to $340,000, continuing the legacy of a practice that’s been in the same location for over 30 years located in Hagerstown, MD. /p>p> /p>h4>Why us?/h4>p>li>4-day work week, 1 Saturday every 5 weeks (9am to 1pm). Great schedule for work life>Scribbling assistance is provided so charting is efficient and there is no need to chart at>No hospital call. Light office call once every 5>A great supportive high performance team of clinical and non clinical staff to work>Low drama>Away from the city and closer to>Great career growth opportunity in this growing thriving practice. /p>h4>Doing a great job at this position will look like:/h4>p> li>Providing excellent care and great customer service for our patients so much so they ask for you by>Actively contributing to a great work culture. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary up to $340,>401K with 4% employer match. li>4 weeks paid>Health, Dental and Vision insurance; Paid malpractice>Health Savings Account (HSA) funded by>Annual renewal of professional license fees. /p> !--h4>Description of the Hagerstown area:/h4>p>Located in the Cumberland Valley between the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains, Hagerstown is the seat of Washington County.The city boasts a vibrant cultural scene. The Maryland Theatre and Performing Arts Complex host year-round shows, concerts, and events. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra also calls this theater home.Explore the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, which offers exhibitions, concerts, lectures, films, and special events for all ages.Outdoor enthusiasts will love the area, with the majority of Maryland’s Appalachian Trail running through the county. The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and the Potomac River border the southern edge.Quaint towns like Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Funkstown, Hancock, Keedysville, Sharpsburg, Smithsburg, and Williamsport are accessible via scenic byways, offering country charm, boutique shopping, and beautiful wineries and breweries with spectacular vistas. /p>-->p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD107, Family Medicine MD, Hagerstown MD>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD107/a>/p> !---------------------------- SUMMIT RECRUITING GROUP, GOOGLE -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD106>Dermatologist, Sign-on bonus & Partnership Opportunity./a>/td>td>Milwaukee, WIdiv styledisplay:none;>Wisconsin, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>SUMMITRECRUITING/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD106>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p>We are currently looking for a Dermatologist to join our team in Milwaukee, WI. Our medical group has grown to include over 65 specialized physicians and five convenient locations throughout metro Milwaukee. Our nurses, schedulers, billing specialists and staff are committed to providing you with the very best patient experience. /p>p> /p>h4>About the Position:/h4>p>li>Service area of ~1 million>Full-time,>Multi-specialty group comprised of 65>Join several Derm providers and 2 MOHS>Call>Beautiful new facility in>This is not an employed group. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Partnership track of 2 years with no>Sign-on bonus offeredli>Vacation time of 4 weeks, plus 2 weeks for CME. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD106, Dermatologist, Milwaukee WI>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD106/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- PACIFIC SKIN & COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY, SAN FRAN CA -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD105>Dermatologist, $350k+ Compensation./a>/td>td>San Francisco, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD105>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p> We are looking to add a Board-Certified Dermatologist to join our team in San Francisco, CA. If youve been looking for the opportunity to live and work in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, see a diverse mix of medical patients, is eager to grow cosmetically and/or surgically, and work with a collaborative team of health care professionals, we would love to meet you. /p>h4>About the Role:/h4>p>li>Board Certified Dermatologist experienced in medical and cosmetic>4 or 5 days, open to>Current providers see 25-30 patients per>MD in demand, filled schedule upon>Work in a private practice setting without having to worry about overhead. Lots of>Not required to supervise PAs and>Dermatology-specific EMR system • Company sponsored aesthetic training, if desired. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Lucrative compensation plan of $350k+li>Initial guaranteed high base + production based>Sign on>Health benefit>401k plan with Safe Harbor>CME and licensure>PTO and paid holidays /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD105, Dermatologist, San Francisco CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD105/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED BROOKLYN NY -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD103>Experienced Dermatologist Wanted, Salary of $350k/a>/td>td>Brooklyn, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, NYC, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indeed/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD103>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p> We are a multi-specialty medical practice looking for an b>experienced/b> dermatologist to join our medical practice. /p>h4>Job Responsibilities/h4>p>li>Evaluate patient skin condition(s).li>Assess and update patient medical>Inform patients about available treatmentsli>Conduct medical procedures and Prescribe medication. li>Monitor the effectiveness of skin>Educate patients on preventive skin>Refer patients to other specialists if needed. /p>h4>Job Requirements/h4>p>li>In-depth knowledge of various dermatological>A national medical>A degree in Medical Science. /p>h4>Compensation and Beneifts/h4>p>li>Salary up to $350,000 per>401(k) Retiremant>Health & Dental>Paid time off. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD103, Dermatologist, Brooklyn NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD103/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED DANVILLE CA -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD102>Chief of Dermatology Physician/a>/td>td>Dallas, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indded/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD102>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p>Exciting opportunity for an inspired dermatologist to lead our Dermatology Department in downtown Dallas. /p>h4>Features of the Position:/h4>p>li>Experienced medical dermatologist sought with prior leadership and/or program director experience>Vision to develop robust inpatient consultative dermatology services for medically and surgically complex patient>Vision to develop an outpatient medical dermatology>One practice location in a Level I Trauma flagship acute care>Clinical and translational research opportunities available. /p>h4>Requirements:/h4>p>Candidates must be board certified or board eligible (no VISA sponsorship), and fellowship trainees may apply as well. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary is highly>Generous relocation assistanceli>Full health>401k retirement plan. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD102, Chief of Dermatology, Dallas TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD102/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED DANVILLE CA -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD101>Board Certified Dermatologist, California Licensed, Part Time/a>/td>td>Danville, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indded/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD101>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p>Our practice is seeking a Board Certified Dermatologist to join our team in a part-time role in the Danville, CA area. /p>h4>About our Practice/h4>p>li>Starting at 2 days per>Medical and cosmetic>Established practice that is>Trained>State of art facilities. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits/h4>p>li>Compensation commensurate with>Comprehensive benefits>401(k) with>Health, Dental & Vision>Flexible spending account. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD101, Dermatologist, Danville, CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD101/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- ARLINGTON VA ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Physician/div>a href#jobPHYS102>Family Medicine or Internal Medicine Physician needed in Metro DC area/a>/td>td>Arlington, VAdiv styledisplay:none;>Virginia, DC, Physician, General Practice, Internal Medicine/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPHYS102>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - FAMILY MEDICINE / INTERNAL MEDICINE PHYSICIAN/h4>p>Our growing practice with locations all over Virginia is looking for an Internal Medicine or Family Practice Physician for our Metro DC facility. /p>p>li>The successful candidate will be Board Eligible/Certified in Internal Medicine or Family Medicine and has completed an appropriate residency>This position offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience and a generous benefit package, including malpractice, health, life, disability, retirement, CME and potential loan repayment assistance./p>p>li>130 member group providing care in a wide range of specialties across Virginiali>350 bed NFP teaching>Youll be working with an elite team. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Salary - $200,000 to $250,000, negotiable based on experienceli>$5,000 annual CMEli>Loan Reimbursement Assistance availableli>$2,500 annual reimbursement for licenses, associate dues,>We will move quickly to interview and hire. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Fam Med Physician, Arlington VA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPHYS102/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro108>Associate Chiropractor Wanted, 4 Day Work Week/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Commack, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, Long Island, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>INDEED/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro108>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - STAFF CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p> Associate Chiropractor wanted! 4 days work week, Bonuses, $75k Starting Pay./p>p>We are looking for an energetic, dedicated associate Chiropractor to join our team! Our clinic uses the latest innovations along with chiropractic to help our community live with less pain and improved function. /p>h4>Requirements / Experience:/h4>p>li>Doctorate (required). li>X-Ray: 1 year (preferred). /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Starting salary of $>Health>Bonus>Paid Annual License>Paid $500/yr CE>Paid Malpractice Insurance./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro108, Associate Chiropractor, Commack NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro108/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- GOOGLE HEED HEALTH -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD104>Dermatologist, West Palm Beach, Partnership Opportunity!/a>/td>td>West Palm Beach, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>/td>td>div classclient>HeedHealth/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD104>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - DERMATOLOGIST/h4>p> We are currently searching for an experienced and driven dermatologist to become part of our esteemed, physician-led Dermatology group located in West Palm Beach, FL. This outstanding opportunity provides a nurturing work atmosphere equipped with state-of-the-art technology, abundant resources, and a dedicated focus on maintaining a harmonious work-life balance. We allow you to concentrate on providing unparalleled care to your patients while fostering personal and professional growth. /p>h4>Highlights:/h4>p> li>Work-Life Balance: Enjoy a full-time four-day workweek li>Collaborate with one of the largest independent dermatology practices in the nation, proudly family-owned and operated li>Practice autonomously in a traditional office setting while benefiting from comprehensive professional support li>Partnership opportunities available for motivated individuals! li>Exceptional benefits package, encompassing health, dental, and life insurance, generous PTO, CME, a competitive 401K match, and more! li>Guaranteed base salary complemented by a signing bonus and relocation allowance /p>h4>About the Location:/h4>p> Escape the cold weather and bask in the warm Florida sun on pristine beaches, explore vibrant downtown streets lined with upscale boutiques and art galleries, or savor fresh seafood at waterfront restaurants. With world-class cultural attractions, championship golf courses, and a vibrant nightlife, West Palm Beach offers the perfect blend of tropical paradise and cosmopolitan charm. !-- Lauren Luchan at or call/text 917-672-3109 --> /p>h4>Compensation and Beneifts/h4>p>li>Guaranteed base>Signing bonus & Relocation>Benefits package, encompassing health, dental, life insurance, generous PTO, CME, 401K match, and more!li>Partnership opportunity. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD104, Dermatologist, West Palm Beach FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD104/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro107>Doctor of Chiropractic, Full-time, Earn $125k/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Los Angeles, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>INDEED/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro107>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - STAFF CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>We are a physician owned clinic currently looking to add a Chiropractic>We are also open to an Intern with the possibility of Associate in the>The candidate should use the diversified technique, be DOT certified, and preferably have experience in the area of exercise/sports medicine. /p> h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary up to $125k>Flexible>Health>Vision insurance./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro107, Chiropractor, Los Angles CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro107/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro106>Staff Chiropractor/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Chelmsford, MAdiv styledisplay:none;>Massachussetts/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>Goffstown Chiro/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro106>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - STAFF CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>Our established chiropractic practice is looking for a hard working and motivated licensed chiropractor to join our> Chiropractors schedule will be 8 hour days monday through friday./p>h4>Requirements:/h4>p>li>Doctorate (Required) li>Chiropractic License (Required)/p> h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Pay of $1,000.00 per weekli>Flexible scheduleli>Health insuranceli>Vision insurance/p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro106, Chiropractor, Chelmsford, MA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro106/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro101>Chiropractor, Flexible Schedule, $70k Annually/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Dallas, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>MIDCITIES HEALTH/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro101>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - CHIROPRACTOR/h4> h4>Job Duties:/h4>p>li>Perform chiropractic adjustments and manipulations to treat patient>Develop and implement treatment plans based on examination>Conduct physical examinations, including orthopedic and neurological>Order and interpret diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans, to aid in>Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient>Maintain accurate and up-to-date patient records. h4>Qualifications:/h4>p>li>Doctor of Chiropractic degree from an accredited chiropractic>Valid state license to practice chiropractic medicine. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Salary of $55,000.00 - $70,000.00 per>Flexible schedule./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro101, Chiropractor, Dallas TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro101/a>/p> !---------------------------- PERMIER DERMATOLOGY, SARASOTA FL -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD098>Dermatologist, Flexible Schedule, Partnership Opportunity!/a>/td>td>Sarasota, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Dermatologist, Dermatology/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indeed/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD098>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - Dermatologist in Jupiter / Palm Beach Gardens/h4>p>We are a thriving, well-respected and established medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology practice for over 20 years located in beautiful Sarasota, Florida! /p>p> /p>h4>Qualifications:/h4>p> li>Looking for a board certified/board eligible>Cutting edge EMA medical records>Comfortable, mid-sized practice with positive and highly qualified staff and medical assistants. /p>h4>About the Opportunity:/h4>p> li>Looking for a board certified/board eligible dermatologistli>Full Time or Part>Flexible four-and-a-half-day work>Potential for future partnership opportunity within the>Comprehensive benefits package including, healthcare benefits, profit sharing, 401K, CME funds, and moreli>Well equipped facility offering the latest in dermatological treatments from MOHS surgery to cosmetic>Cutting edge EMA medical records>Comfortable, mid-sized practice with positive and highly qualified staff and medical assistants /p>h4>Benefits:/h4>p> li>Potential for future partnership opportunity within the>Benefits package including, healthcare, profit sharing, 401K, CME funds, and>Well equipped facility offering the latest in dermatological treatments from MOHS surgery to cosmetic>Thriving arts community, fine dining, shopping and numerous recreational opportunities all>Very affordable cost of>Variety of year-round outdoor activity opportunities - hiking, camping, beach volleyball, golfing, boating, sailing, fishing, and more. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD098, Dermatologist, Sarasota FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD098/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- SALINAS, CA ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Physician/div>a href#jobPHYS101>Family Medicine Physician, OB Prenatal Experience, $300k+ Comp/a>/td>td>Salinas, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Physician, General Practice, Internal Medicine/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPHYS101>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - FAMILY MEDICINE PHYSICIAN/h4>p>Our accredited community health center is looking for a Family Medicine Physician with OB or prenatal experience to work in our center in Monterey County, California. /p>p>We are dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare to men, women and children with an emphasis on farm worker families and the agricultural community. Scope of care is from infancy to geriatrics, including new born and well child exams. /p>p>li>Practice Type: Employee Setting: Community Health / Outpatientli>BC Family Medicine MD/DOli>Average patients seen per day: 24li>Call Schedule: On call will be required and schedule can be customized to meet each individuals needs /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Starting salary of $240,>Sign on>Loan>Relocation>Benefits with 100% paid for provider and family. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Fam Med Physician, Salinas CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPHYS101/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro105>Associate Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Bangor, MEdiv styledisplay:none;>Maine, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>Robinson Chiro/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro105>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - ASSOCIATE DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC MEDICINE/h4>p>We are seeking an associate who wants to be a part of our thriving and expanding chiropractic clinic as we continue to grow our offices. Associate must be enthusiastic, outgoing, positive, and great with people. Must have an interest in health and wellness and be coachable. br>Must be a licensed Chiropractic Physician. /p>h4>Schedule:/h4>p>li>8 hour day shiftli>Monday to Fridayli>Some Weekend availability /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p> li>Salary of $50,000.00 - $70,000.00 per year. li>Bonus pay. li>Health>Retirement plan. li>Paid time off./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro105, Chiropractor, Bangor ME>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro105/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- INDEED PULL ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Podiatrist/div>a href#jobPOD100>Mobile Podiatrist, $200k Annually/a>/td>td>Los Angeles, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Podiatrist, Foot, Podiatry/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPOD100>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - MOBILE PODIATRIST/h4>p>We have a full-time position for a mobile podiatrist>Service area includes all of Los Angeles county and surrounding areas. We have full-time, part-time and contract job types available. /p>p> li>We have a large patient and referral base. li>Up to 5 days per week work available. li>Flexible schedule and independence. li>Office work available as well but mobile work is a requirement. li>Inquire if inretested. /p>p> h4>License/Certification Requirements/h4>p>li>BC/BE (Preferred).li>Medical License (Preferred). /p>p> h4>Compensation/h4>p>li>Salary up to $200,000.00 per>Schedule: Monday to Friday. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Mobile Podiatrist, Los Angeles CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPOD100/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro100>Chiropractor, Full-time, Monday-Friday /a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>New York, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, NYC, Manhattan, Midtown, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro100>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>Our NYC based multi-disciplinary clinic is looking to hire an experienced, New York-licensed chiropractor to join our team. /p>p>Candidates must be proficient in Diversified Technique, patient education, examination, diagnosis and coding using EHR. This is a great opportunity for an energetic doctor who loves chiropractic and is motivated to lead a clinic. If you are looking for a stable position to provide quality healthcare, this is for you. /p>p>This is a full-time position, Monday through Friday, 8 Hour shift. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p> li>Competitive salary of $300 to $400 daily. li>Full benefits packag. li>Bonus plan. li>Paid holidays, Vacation and Malpractice insurance. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro100, Chiropractor, NYC>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro100/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- WATERS EDGE DERMATOLOGY, PGA FL -------------------------->tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Dermatology, Dermatologist/div>a href#jobFAAD099>Dermatologist wanted, Full-time, state-of-the-art Facilities/a>/td>td>Jupiter, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Dermatologist, Dermatology/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indeed/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFAAD099>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - Dermatologist in Jupiter / Palm Beach Gardens/h4>p>We are rapidly expanding and looking for a top-performing physician for our Dermatology practices in Jupiter and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. This newly expanded practice offers a full-time schedule, 4 days per week. Our beautiful, state-of-the-art facilities allow our Dermatologists to provide comprehensive individualized care while treating patients like family. This busy practice offers a flexible schedule along with a substantial income opportunity. /p>p> We have grown over the years, one location at a time. We are a full-service dermatology practice with multiple locations. We provide services for all ages ranging from general dermatology and skin cancer treatment to cosmetic dermatology, plastic surgery, and vein health services. From common rashes to skin cancer treatment, no case is beyond our expertise and experience. /p>h4>About the Location:/h4>p> Jupiter, Florida is an eco-minded, natural playground of surfing beaches, crystal-clear inlets and lush coastal rivers of natural delights. Locals love Jupiter for its breathtaking natural scenery, laidback tiki bars and endless ways to play in its star attraction: the water. Hop in a canoe and navigate the cypress and mangroves or dive more than 30 artificial reefs brimming with fish. /p>p> Palm Beach Gardens is home to the headquarters of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA) and each year hosts legendary professional golfers at The Honda Classic. For your shopping pleasure, Downtown Palm Beach Gardens is an open-air, pedestrian-only shopping mecca. PGA Commons sports inviting eateries and boutiques, and The Gardens Mall offers high-end destination shopping set in exquisite décor. Palm Beach Gardens also offers a wide variety of recreational enticements and convenient proximity to beautiful beaches. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFAAD099, Dermatologist, Jupiter FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> a classbuttonjob>jobFAAD099/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- HENNEPIN COUNTY MN -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, PSYD/div>a href#jobPSY138>Adult Outpatient Psychiatrist, $25,000 Sign-on Bonus/a>/td>td>Hennepin, MNdiv styledisplay:none;>Minnesota, Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, PSYD, Mental Health/div>/td>td>div classclient>Hennepin HC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPSY138>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Hennepin Healthcare/b> is looking to hire an Adult Outpatient Psychiatrist. /p>p>Hennepin Healthcare has an opportunity for a Board Certified/Board Eligible Psychiatrist to work full time days in our Adult Psychiatry Clinic as part of the Hennepin Coordinated Care system. We provide full psychiatric and psychotherapy services to individuals 18 and older, including evaluation, medication, individual therapy, and group therapy. Our nearly 50-person staff conduct some 25,000 patient visits a year, among the largest psychiatry clinics in the region. All physicians and therapists are board-certified, and together they are trained to address every type of psychological concern with skill and sensitivity.Call is divided among all providers who alternate Saturday and Sunday call. In general, that happens every 6-7 weeks. /p>p>b>Psychiatrist Qualifications/b>/p>p>li>Completion of a Psychiatry>Possession of a current unrestricted license to practice Medicine in the State of Minnesota or must be eligible for>Board Certified or Board Eligible. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $>$25k Sign on>Relocation Assistance available./p>p>a classbuttonapply Psych, Hennepin County, MN>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPSY138/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro102>Chiropractor, No Weekends, Earn up to $85k!/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Pearland, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas, Houston, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>PREMIER CHIRO/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro102>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>We are seeking a full time Chiropractor for a location in Pearland,>Our open-minded approach aims at treating the cause of the patients condition rather than managing>We are looking for a career driven Chiropractor as we expand and continue to offer the highest level of care to our>You must be licensed to practice in the state of Texas and in good standings with state boards. h4>Schedule:/h4>p>li>10 hour shiftli>No weekends /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Salary of $60,000.00 - $85,000.00 per yearli>Employee discountli>Paid time offli>Commission pay/p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro102, Chiropractor, Pearland, TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro102/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- NOT SURE, DENVILLE, NJ ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Physician/div>a href#jobPHYS100>Hospitalist, Northern NJ, Close to NYC, Earn $250k +/a>/td>td>Denville, NJdiv styledisplay:none;>New Jersey, Physician, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPHYS100>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - HOSPITALIST/h4>p>Our growing Hospital is looking for a Hospitalist to join our staff. Our hospital is located in Northern NJ, just outside of New York City. /p>p>This outstanding opportunity is just under an hour from NYC. Come live and work in this beautiful bedroom community in Northern NJ or easily commute from NY City. Youll get all the amenities of suburban living with great school systems, rolling hills, lakes, parks and a short commute to world class theater, dining, opera and sports in the big apple. /p> h4>Hospitalist Job Details/h4>p>li>Very flexible scheduling - youll be able to build your own>Hospitalist will encounter an average of 18 daily>Hospitalist does not do>Computer system in use is Cerner. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Salary of $180,000 to $250,000 depending upon>Great benefits including health, dental, malpractice>Annual CME stipend and 401K contribution. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Hospitalist, Denville, NJ>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPHYS100/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- INDEED PULL ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Podiatrist/div>a href#jobPOD101>Podiatrist, Union City NY, $60 per hour/a>/td>td>New York, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, Union City, Podiatrist, Foot, Podiatry/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPOD101>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - PODIATRIST/h4>p>We are in need of a part time Podiatrist. /p> h4>Job Type/h4>p> li>Part Time. li>Hourly. /p>p> h4>Shift and Schedule/h4>p>li>Monday through Friday. /p>p> h4>Compensation/h4>p>li>$60 per hour. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Podiatrist, New York NY (Union City)>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPOD101/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- ALLIANCE 4 WELLNESS, LA CA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, Tele/div>a href#jobPSY140>Tele-Health Psychiatrist, $1,200 daily, Only 3-4 patients!/a>/td>td>San Fernando Valley, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Los Angeles, Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, PSYD, Mental Health/div>/td>td>div classclient>Alliance 4 Wellness/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPSY140>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Alliance For Wellness Medical Group/b> is looking to hire a Tele-Health Psychiatrist to work for one of the largest Psychiatry practices in the San Fernando Valley, located in the greater Los Angeles area. /p>p>b>About the Psychiatry Position:/b>/p>p>li>At the time of application, you must hold a current and unrestricted MD/DO license in the state of>Current DEA that is registrable to an address in>Board Certified or eligible at the time of>Must speak fluent>Spanish is a Plus. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits:/b>/p>p>li>$1,200 a shift (average of only 3-4 patients)li>3 Day Work Week Days 1pm-1am or Nights from>Can live anywhere in the USA and work from your own home or office. /p>p>b>About our Practice:/b>/p>p>Alliance for Wellness is an established psychiatry group that has been providing services in a variety of healthcare settings since 2010. Our team of board-certified providers includes Psychiatrists and psychiatric-specialized Nurse Practitioners with specialties in child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric psychiatry. Our providers bring best-practice knowledge together with a local perspective of mental health resources to provide outstanding care to patients, hospitals, and outpatient psychiatric care settings. Alliance For Wellness provides a comprehensive model of care across a wide spectrum of healthcare settings. Utilizing our hybrid in-person and telepsychiatry model, we are able to design programs that fit the individual needs of the healthcare facilities we serve: Emergency Departments, Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitals, general hospitals with psychiatric consultation needs, and Crisis Stabilization Units/p>p>a classbuttonapply Alliance for Wellness, San Fernando CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPSY140/a>/p>/div>/div>!----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro99>Associate Chiropractor Doctor, Earn up to $170 per year!/a>/td>td>Raleigh, NCdiv styledisplay:none;>North Carolina, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td>div classclient>Atlas Chiro/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro99>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - ASSOCIATE CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR/h4>p>We are looking for a doctor who wants to specialize in adjusting patients using Activator Methods. Applicants should be Advanced Proficient in Activator Methods and be open to learning. /p>p>Our ideal candidate must have the following characteristics – must be self- motivated and driven for success, must be an excellent communicator, must be able to show compassion and confidence, must have proficient diagnostic, radiology and adjusting skills. We would prefer a candidate who is seeking a stable, long term career in Raleigh./p>h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary of $100,000.00 - $170,000.00 per>Employee discountli>Flexible scheduleli>Paid time offli>Professional development assistanceli>Tuition reimbursement /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro99, Ass. Chiropractor, Raleigh, NC>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro99/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro103>Chiropractor needed in San Francisco/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>San Francisco, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>PREMIER CHIRO/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro103>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>We are looking for a chiropractor to join our million dollar plus cash family practice in the heart of San Francisco!li>Our clinic has been thriving and successfully serving our community for 20+>Learn from the best how to run and maintain a successful million-dollar plus cash>You will have one-on-one coaching to improve your>Located in the beautiful Inner Richmond of San Francisco, near the best restaurants, walking trails, and family-owned businesses. li>Whether you are a new grad or have practiced for years, we are happy to train you! /p>h4>Requirements:/h4>p>li>California D.C. license (required), pre and post ceptorships are a>California X-ray license (Can apply once hired). /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary of $109,>Total comp up to $250,000 with bonuses. li>401k Retirement>Medical, dental, and vision benefits are 100%>PTO after first>Malpractice insurance covered. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro103, Chiropractor, San Francisco CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro103/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- INDEED PULL ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Podiatrist/div>a href#jobPOD102>Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Surgeon Wanted/a>/td>td>Fort Mill, SCdiv styledisplay:none;>South Carolina, Podiatrist, Foot, Podiatry/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobPOD102>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - Foot & Ankle Surgeon/h4>p>We are a full-service, outpatient-focused orthopaedic practice with an in-house digital x-ray, MRI, DME, Pharmacy, and procedure room. Our newly built facility is spacious and comfortable. We use a cloud-based EMR that can be dictated into or templated and is easily accessible from any location. Our Orthopaedic center is adjoined to one of the area’s premier physical therapy groups, allowing for convenient, contiguous, and effective patient care. /p>p>We are seeking a Board-Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon that is ready to take the next step in their career and become a partner with our growing private practice. This opportunity is best suited for a physician that is:li>>>>However, all candidates are welcome to apply. We are looking for a partner. /p>p>We service a growing number of patients in the Charlotte area. In this prime location, you’ll enjoy easy access to the airport, sporting events, hundreds of restaurants, exciting nightlife and museums, and a variety of options for day/weekend trips. With a more affordable cost of living and access to the big city, our outpatient-based, specialized, orthopaedic practice could be the perfect opportunity for you to practice as a PNMR specialist as you envision and as a partner in a thriving market. /p>p>li>Partnership opportunity>Compensation based on production/>Orthopedic and Sports Medicine>Less than 20 minutes from Charlotte, NC. /p>p>a classbuttonapply Foot Ankle Surgeon, Fort Mill SC>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobPOD102/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro98>Front Desk Coordinator at Chiropractor Office/a>/td>td>Jupiter, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td>div classclient>The Joint/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro98>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - FRONT DESK COORDINATOR/h4>p>Are you looking for a company you can grow your career with and advance in? Are you goal oriented, self-motivated & proactive by nature? Do you have a passion for health and wellness and love sales? Then we are for you!/p> h4>Essential Responsibilities/h4>p>li>Primary responsibility is to gain memberships in order to meet sales>Answering phone calls, greeting & checking in members and patients upon>Maintain the cleanliness of the clinic and organization of>Confident in presenting and selling memberships and visit>Keeping management apprised of member concerns and following managers policies, procedures and>Accepting constructive criticism in a positive manner and using it as a learning>Office management or marketing experience a plus!li>Able to stand and/or sit for long periods of>Able to lift up to 50 pounds. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Pay of $15.00 - $18.00 per>Employee discount. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro98, Front Desk Coordinator, Jupiter FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro98/a>/p>/div>/div> !----------------- FROM INDEED ------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td stylewidth:75%;>div classspecialty>Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>a href#jobChiro96>Chiropractor, Doctor or Intern, Earn $80k to $125k/a>/td>td stylewidth:24%;>Louisville, KYdiv styledisplay:none;>Kentucky, Chiropractor, Chiropractic/div>/td>td stylewidth:1%;>div classclient>INDEED/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobChiro96>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - CHIROPRACTOR/h4>p>We are a physician owned clinic currently looking to add a Chiropractic>We are also open to an Intern with the possibility of Associate in the>The candidate should use the diversified technique, be DOT certified, and preferably have experience in the area of exercise/sports medicine. /p> h4>Compensation and Benefits:/h4>p>li>Salary up to between $80k and $125k>Flexible>Health>Vision insurance./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobChiro96, Chiropractor, Louisville KY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobChiro96/a>/p>/div>/div> /table> script> function myFunction2() { var input, filter, table, tr, td, i, txtValue; 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