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75.2803 453.077 76.2764 450.321 77.5049L444.693 64.6553C447.947 62.9951 451.633 61.7334 455.75 60.8701C459.867 60.0068 464.482 59.5752 469.596 59.5752ZM472.982 91.7988L468.5 91.998C464.914 92.1309 462.391 92.7617 460.93 93.8906C459.502 94.9863 458.788 96.5635 458.788 98.6221C458.788 100.548 459.303 101.976 460.332 102.905C461.361 103.802 462.723 104.25 464.416 104.25C466.773 104.25 468.782 103.503 470.442 102.009C472.136 100.515 472.982 98.5723 472.982 96.1816V91.7988ZM525.178 60.5713V117H505.704V60.5713H525.178ZM515.516 37.8604C518.305 37.8604 520.729 38.4414 522.787 39.6035C524.879 40.7656 525.925 43.0732 525.925 46.5264C525.925 49.8799 524.879 52.1543 522.787 53.3496C520.729 54.5117 518.305 55.0928 515.516 55.0928C512.66 55.0928 510.22 54.5117 508.194 53.3496C506.202 52.1543 505.206 49.8799 505.206 46.5264C505.206 43.0732 506.202 40.7656 508.194 39.6035C510.22 38.4414 512.66 37.8604 515.516 37.8604Z fill#38394F/> path dM329.92 10.584C332.635 10.584 334.666 11.1748 336.014 12.3564C337.371 13.5381 338.05 15.2178 338.05 17.3955C338.05 18.3721 337.908 19.3096 337.625 20.208C337.352 21.1064 336.897 21.9072 336.263 22.6104C335.638 23.3135 334.803 23.8701 333.758 24.2803C332.723 24.6904 331.443 24.8955 329.92 24.8955H328.294V32H322.508V10.584H329.92ZM329.788 15.2568H328.294V20.1787H329.437C329.935 20.1787 330.398 20.0957 330.828 19.9297C331.258 19.7539 331.6 19.4756 331.854 19.0947C332.117 18.7041 332.249 18.1865 332.249 17.542C332.249 16.8682 332.049 16.3213 331.648 15.9014C331.248 15.4717 330.628 15.2568 329.788 15.2568ZM348.597 15.1104C350.208 15.1104 351.6 15.3936 352.771 15.96C353.943 16.5166 354.847 17.3564 355.481 18.4795C356.116 19.6025 356.434 21.0088 356.434 22.6982V25.2471H346.194C346.243 26.1162 346.565 26.8291 347.161 27.3857C347.767 27.9424 348.655 28.2207 349.827 28.2207C350.862 28.2207 351.81 28.1182 352.669 27.9131C353.538 27.708 354.432 27.3906 355.35 26.9609V31.0771C354.549 31.4971 353.675 31.8047 352.728 32C351.78 32.1953 350.584 32.293 349.139 32.293C347.469 32.293 345.975 31.9951 344.656 31.3994C343.338 30.8037 342.298 29.8809 341.536 28.6309C340.784 27.3809 340.408 25.7744 340.408 23.8115C340.408 21.8193 340.75 20.1836 341.434 18.9043C342.117 17.6152 343.074 16.6631 344.305 16.0479C345.535 15.4229 346.966 15.1104 348.597 15.1104ZM348.802 19.0068C348.128 19.0068 347.562 19.2217 347.103 19.6514C346.653 20.0713 346.39 20.7354 346.312 21.6436H351.233C351.224 21.1553 351.126 20.7109 350.94 20.3105C350.755 19.9102 350.481 19.5928 350.12 19.3584C349.769 19.124 349.329 19.0068 348.802 19.0068ZM370.057 15.1104C371.766 15.1104 373.162 15.5938 374.246 16.5605C375.33 17.5273 375.872 19.0752 375.872 21.2041V32H370.145V22.9473C370.145 21.8438 369.983 21.0137 369.661 20.457C369.349 19.8906 368.841 19.6074 368.138 19.6074C367.054 19.6074 366.326 20.0518 365.955 20.9404C365.584 21.8193 365.398 23.084 365.398 24.7344V32H359.671V15.4033H363.992L364.769 17.6006H364.988C365.34 17.0732 365.76 16.624 366.248 16.2529C366.736 15.8818 367.298 15.5986 367.933 15.4033C368.567 15.208 369.275 15.1104 370.057 15.1104ZM390.154 15.1104C391.863 15.1104 393.26 15.5938 394.344 16.5605C395.428 17.5273 395.97 19.0752 395.97 21.2041V32H390.242V22.9473C390.242 21.8438 390.081 21.0137 389.759 20.457C389.446 19.8906 388.938 19.6074 388.235 19.6074C387.151 19.6074 386.424 20.0518 386.053 20.9404C385.682 21.8193 385.496 23.084 385.496 24.7344V32H379.769V15.4033H384.09L384.866 17.6006H385.086C385.438 17.0732 385.857 16.624 386.346 16.2529C386.834 15.8818 387.396 15.5986 388.03 15.4033C388.665 15.208 389.373 15.1104 390.154 15.1104ZM412.2 26.9023C412.2 27.957 411.966 28.8896 411.497 29.7002C411.028 30.5107 410.276 31.1455 409.241 31.6045C408.216 32.0635 406.863 32.293 405.184 32.293C404.002 32.293 402.942 32.2295 402.005 32.1025C401.077 31.9756 400.135 31.7314 399.178 31.3701V26.7852C400.223 27.2637 401.287 27.6104 402.371 27.8252C403.455 28.0303 404.31 28.1328 404.935 28.1328C405.579 28.1328 406.048 28.0645 406.341 27.9277C406.644 27.7812 406.795 27.5664 406.795 27.2832C406.795 27.0391 406.692 26.834 406.487 26.668C406.292 26.4922 405.936 26.292 405.418 26.0674C404.91 25.8428 404.192 25.54 403.265 25.1592C402.347 24.7783 401.58 24.3633 400.965 23.9141C400.359 23.4648 399.905 22.9277 399.603 22.3027C399.3 21.6777 399.148 20.9111 399.148 20.0029C399.148 18.3818 399.773 17.1611 401.023 16.3408C402.273 15.5205 403.929 15.1104 405.989 15.1104C407.083 15.1104 408.113 15.2324 409.08 15.4766C410.047 15.7109 411.048 16.0576 412.083 16.5166L410.516 20.208C409.695 19.8369 408.865 19.5391 408.025 19.3145C407.186 19.0898 406.517 18.9775 406.019 18.9775C405.569 18.9775 405.223 19.0361 404.979 19.1533C404.734 19.2705 404.612 19.4414 404.612 19.666C404.612 19.8711 404.695 20.0518 404.861 20.208C405.037 20.3643 405.364 20.5449 405.843 20.75C406.321 20.9551 407.02 21.2432 407.938 21.6143C408.904 22.0049 409.7 22.4248 410.325 22.874C410.96 23.3135 411.429 23.8506 411.731 24.4854C412.044 25.1201 412.2 25.9258 412.2 26.9023ZM413.387 15.4033H419.422L422.234 24.9248C422.273 25.0615 422.312 25.2324 422.352 25.4375C422.391 25.6328 422.425 25.8428 422.454 26.0674C422.483 26.292 422.503 26.5117 422.513 26.7266H422.63C422.679 26.3262 422.732 25.9795 422.791 25.6865C422.859 25.3838 422.923 25.1396 422.981 24.9541L425.867 15.4033H431.712L425.149 33.0547C424.642 34.4023 424.051 35.5303 423.377 36.4385C422.713 37.3564 421.888 38.0449 420.901 38.5039C419.925 38.9727 418.709 39.207 417.254 39.207C416.727 39.207 416.272 39.1777 415.892 39.1191C415.521 39.0703 415.193 39.0166 414.91 38.958V34.4609C415.125 34.5 415.389 34.5391 415.701 34.5781C416.014 34.6172 416.341 34.6367 416.683 34.6367C417.317 34.6367 417.83 34.5098 418.221 34.2559C418.621 34.002 418.948 33.665 419.202 33.2451C419.456 32.835 419.676 32.3906 419.861 31.9121L419.92 31.7656L413.387 15.4033ZM439.432 32H433.704V9.20703H439.432V32ZM447.752 32L441.424 15.4033H447.4L450.213 25.2178C450.242 25.3057 450.291 25.5303 450.359 25.8916C450.438 26.2529 450.477 26.5898 450.477 26.9023H450.579C450.579 26.5703 450.613 26.2529 450.682 25.9502C450.75 25.6475 450.804 25.4131 450.843 25.2471L453.787 15.4033H459.749L453.421 32H447.752ZM469.842 15.1104C471.941 15.1104 473.582 15.6328 474.764 16.6777C475.945 17.7129 476.536 19.1924 476.536 21.1162V32H472.566L471.468 29.8027H471.351C470.882 30.3887 470.398 30.8672 469.9 31.2383C469.412 31.5996 468.851 31.8633 468.216 32.0293C467.581 32.2051 466.805 32.293 465.887 32.293C464.93 32.293 464.07 32.0977 463.309 31.707C462.547 31.3164 461.946 30.7256 461.507 29.9346C461.067 29.1436 460.848 28.1426 460.848 26.9316C460.848 25.1543 461.463 23.8359 462.693 22.9766C463.924 22.1172 465.706 21.6338 468.04 21.5264L470.809 21.4385V21.2041C470.809 20.4619 470.623 19.9346 470.252 19.6221C469.891 19.3096 469.402 19.1533 468.787 19.1533C468.133 19.1533 467.4 19.2705 466.59 19.5049C465.789 19.7295 464.983 20.0225 464.173 20.3838L462.518 16.6045C463.475 16.1162 464.559 15.7451 465.77 15.4912C466.98 15.2373 468.338 15.1104 469.842 15.1104ZM470.838 24.5879L469.52 24.6465C468.465 24.6855 467.723 24.8711 467.293 25.2031C466.873 25.5254 466.663 25.9893 466.663 26.5947C466.663 27.1611 466.814 27.5811 467.117 27.8545C467.42 28.1182 467.82 28.25 468.318 28.25C469.012 28.25 469.603 28.0303 470.091 27.5908C470.589 27.1514 470.838 26.5801 470.838 25.877V24.5879ZM490.818 15.1104C492.527 15.1104 493.924 15.5938 495.008 16.5605C496.092 17.5273 496.634 19.0752 496.634 21.2041V32H490.906V22.9473C490.906 21.8438 490.745 21.0137 490.423 20.457C490.11 19.8906 489.603 19.6074 488.899 19.6074C487.815 19.6074 487.088 20.0518 486.717 20.9404C486.346 21.8193 486.16 23.084 486.16 24.7344V32H480.433V15.4033H484.754L485.53 17.6006H485.75C486.102 17.0732 486.521 16.624 487.01 16.2529C487.498 15.8818 488.06 15.5986 488.694 15.4033C489.329 15.208 490.037 15.1104 490.818 15.1104ZM506.287 15.4033V32H500.56V15.4033H506.287ZM503.445 8.72363C504.266 8.72363 504.979 8.89453 505.584 9.23633C506.199 9.57812 506.507 10.2568 506.507 11.2725C506.507 12.2588 506.199 12.9277 505.584 13.2793C504.979 13.6211 504.266 13.792 503.445 13.792C502.605 13.792 501.888 13.6211 501.292 13.2793C500.706 12.9277 500.413 12.2588 500.413 11.2725C500.413 10.2568 500.706 9.57812 501.292 9.23633C501.888 8.89453 502.605 8.72363 503.445 8.72363ZM518.387 15.1104C520.486 15.1104 522.127 15.6328 523.309 16.6777C524.49 17.7129 525.081 19.1924 525.081 21.1162V32H521.111L520.013 29.8027H519.896C519.427 30.3887 518.943 30.8672 518.445 31.2383C517.957 31.5996 517.396 31.8633 516.761 32.0293C516.126 32.2051 515.35 32.293 514.432 32.293C513.475 32.293 512.615 32.0977 511.854 31.707C511.092 31.3164 510.491 30.7256 510.052 29.9346C509.612 29.1436 509.393 28.1426 509.393 26.9316C509.393 25.1543 510.008 23.8359 511.238 22.9766C512.469 22.1172 514.251 21.6338 516.585 21.5264L519.354 21.4385V21.2041C519.354 20.4619 519.168 19.9346 518.797 19.6221C518.436 19.3096 517.947 19.1533 517.332 19.1533C516.678 19.1533 515.945 19.2705 515.135 19.5049C514.334 19.7295 513.528 20.0225 512.718 20.3838L511.062 16.6045C512.02 16.1162 513.104 15.7451 514.314 15.4912C515.525 15.2373 516.883 15.1104 518.387 15.1104ZM519.383 24.5879L518.064 24.6465C517.01 24.6855 516.268 24.8711 515.838 25.2031C515.418 25.5254 515.208 25.9893 515.208 26.5947C515.208 27.1611 515.359 27.5811 515.662 27.8545C515.965 28.1182 516.365 28.25 516.863 28.25C517.557 28.25 518.147 28.0303 518.636 27.5908C519.134 27.1514 519.383 26.5801 519.383 25.877V24.5879Z fill#38394F/> /svg> /h1> p classbanner_text mt-4 mb-5> All jobs in one place. 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Services LLC src data-src> /span> /li> /ul> /div>/section>div classsection> div classrow> div classcontainer> div classsection__main row> div classsection__main-info d-flex flex-column align-items-center align-items-md-start justify-content-center col-12 col-md-5 offset-md-1> h2 classsection__main-title> Your Personal AI Job Assistant /h2> div classsection__main-description> p> Its time to automate your job search! /p> p> Tarta Assistant will help you find and get a job at top companies in no time. /p> /div> /div> div classsection__right col-md-5 col-xl-4 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center offset-xl-1> ul classmessuages mw-100> li classmessuages__item d-flex align-items-end> div classmessuages__item-photo> img altphoto stylepadding: 15px; src> /div> div classmessuages__item-text> Hey Alex, Amazon is opening a new remote customer service job. 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329.744 102.606ZM376.561 59.5752C383.699 59.5752 389.277 61.3516 393.295 64.9043C397.312 68.4238 399.321 73.4541 399.321 79.9951V117H385.824L382.089 109.529H381.69C380.097 111.521 378.453 113.148 376.76 114.41C375.1 115.639 373.19 116.535 371.032 117.1C368.874 117.697 366.234 117.996 363.113 117.996C359.859 117.996 356.938 117.332 354.348 116.004C351.758 114.676 349.716 112.667 348.222 109.978C346.728 107.288 345.98 103.885 345.98 99.7676C345.98 93.7246 348.072 89.2422 352.256 86.3203C356.439 83.3984 362.499 81.7549 370.435 81.3896L379.848 81.0908V80.2939C379.848 77.7705 379.217 75.9775 377.955 74.915C376.727 73.8525 375.066 73.3213 372.975 73.3213C370.75 73.3213 368.26 73.7197 365.504 74.5166C362.781 75.2803 360.042 76.2764 357.286 77.5049L351.658 64.6553C354.912 62.9951 358.598 61.7334 362.715 60.8701C366.832 60.0068 371.447 59.5752 376.561 59.5752ZM379.947 91.7988L375.465 91.998C371.879 92.1309 369.355 92.7617 367.895 93.8906C366.467 94.9863 365.753 96.5635 365.753 98.6221C365.753 100.548 366.268 101.976 367.297 102.905C368.326 103.802 369.688 104.25 371.381 104.25C373.738 104.25 375.747 103.503 377.407 102.009C379.101 100.515 379.947 98.5723 379.947 96.1816V91.7988ZM410.129 108.732C410.129 105.213 411.158 102.739 413.217 101.312C415.309 99.8838 417.815 99.1699 420.737 99.1699C423.493 99.1699 425.884 99.8838 427.909 101.312C429.935 102.739 430.947 105.213 430.947 108.732C430.947 112.086 429.935 114.51 427.909 116.004C425.884 117.498 423.493 118.245 420.737 118.245C417.815 118.245 415.309 117.498 413.217 116.004C411.158 114.51 410.129 112.086 410.129 108.732ZM469.596 59.5752C476.734 59.5752 482.312 61.3516 486.33 64.9043C490.348 68.4238 492.356 73.4541 492.356 79.9951V117H478.859L475.124 109.529H474.726C473.132 111.521 471.488 113.148 469.795 114.41C468.135 115.639 466.226 116.535 464.067 117.1C461.909 117.697 459.27 117.996 456.148 117.996C452.895 117.996 449.973 117.332 447.383 116.004C444.793 114.676 442.751 112.667 441.257 109.978C439.763 107.288 439.016 103.885 439.016 99.7676C439.016 93.7246 441.107 89.2422 445.291 86.3203C449.475 83.3984 455.534 81.7549 463.47 81.3896L472.883 81.0908V80.2939C472.883 77.7705 472.252 75.9775 470.99 74.915C469.762 73.8525 468.102 73.3213 466.01 73.3213C463.785 73.3213 461.295 73.7197 458.539 74.5166C455.816 75.2803 453.077 76.2764 450.321 77.5049L444.693 64.6553C447.947 62.9951 451.633 61.7334 455.75 60.8701C459.867 60.0068 464.482 59.5752 469.596 59.5752ZM472.982 91.7988L468.5 91.998C464.914 92.1309 462.391 92.7617 460.93 93.8906C459.502 94.9863 458.788 96.5635 458.788 98.6221C458.788 100.548 459.303 101.976 460.332 102.905C461.361 103.802 462.723 104.25 464.416 104.25C466.773 104.25 468.782 103.503 470.442 102.009C472.136 100.515 472.982 98.5723 472.982 96.1816V91.7988ZM525.178 60.5713V117H505.704V60.5713H525.178ZM515.516 37.8604C518.305 37.8604 520.729 38.4414 522.787 39.6035C524.879 40.7656 525.925 43.0732 525.925 46.5264C525.925 49.8799 524.879 52.1543 522.787 53.3496C520.729 54.5117 518.305 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22.6982V25.2471H346.194C346.243 26.1162 346.565 26.8291 347.161 27.3857C347.767 27.9424 348.655 28.2207 349.827 28.2207C350.862 28.2207 351.81 28.1182 352.669 27.9131C353.538 27.708 354.432 27.3906 355.35 26.9609V31.0771C354.549 31.4971 353.675 31.8047 352.728 32C351.78 32.1953 350.584 32.293 349.139 32.293C347.469 32.293 345.975 31.9951 344.656 31.3994C343.338 30.8037 342.298 29.8809 341.536 28.6309C340.784 27.3809 340.408 25.7744 340.408 23.8115C340.408 21.8193 340.75 20.1836 341.434 18.9043C342.117 17.6152 343.074 16.6631 344.305 16.0479C345.535 15.4229 346.966 15.1104 348.597 15.1104ZM348.802 19.0068C348.128 19.0068 347.562 19.2217 347.103 19.6514C346.653 20.0713 346.39 20.7354 346.312 21.6436H351.233C351.224 21.1553 351.126 20.7109 350.94 20.3105C350.755 19.9102 350.481 19.5928 350.12 19.3584C349.769 19.124 349.329 19.0068 348.802 19.0068ZM370.057 15.1104C371.766 15.1104 373.162 15.5938 374.246 16.5605C375.33 17.5273 375.872 19.0752 375.872 21.2041V32H370.145V22.9473C370.145 21.8438 369.983 21.0137 369.661 20.457C369.349 19.8906 368.841 19.6074 368.138 19.6074C367.054 19.6074 366.326 20.0518 365.955 20.9404C365.584 21.8193 365.398 23.084 365.398 24.7344V32H359.671V15.4033H363.992L364.769 17.6006H364.988C365.34 17.0732 365.76 16.624 366.248 16.2529C366.736 15.8818 367.298 15.5986 367.933 15.4033C368.567 15.208 369.275 15.1104 370.057 15.1104ZM390.154 15.1104C391.863 15.1104 393.26 15.5938 394.344 16.5605C395.428 17.5273 395.97 19.0752 395.97 21.2041V32H390.242V22.9473C390.242 21.8438 390.081 21.0137 389.759 20.457C389.446 19.8906 388.938 19.6074 388.235 19.6074C387.151 19.6074 386.424 20.0518 386.053 20.9404C385.682 21.8193 385.496 23.084 385.496 24.7344V32H379.769V15.4033H384.09L384.866 17.6006H385.086C385.438 17.0732 385.857 16.624 386.346 16.2529C386.834 15.8818 387.396 15.5986 388.03 15.4033C388.665 15.208 389.373 15.1104 390.154 15.1104ZM412.2 26.9023C412.2 27.957 411.966 28.8896 411.497 29.7002C411.028 30.5107 410.276 31.1455 409.241 31.6045C408.216 32.0635 406.863 32.293 405.184 32.293C404.002 32.293 402.942 32.2295 402.005 32.1025C401.077 31.9756 400.135 31.7314 399.178 31.3701V26.7852C400.223 27.2637 401.287 27.6104 402.371 27.8252C403.455 28.0303 404.31 28.1328 404.935 28.1328C405.579 28.1328 406.048 28.0645 406.341 27.9277C406.644 27.7812 406.795 27.5664 406.795 27.2832C406.795 27.0391 406.692 26.834 406.487 26.668C406.292 26.4922 405.936 26.292 405.418 26.0674C404.91 25.8428 404.192 25.54 403.265 25.1592C402.347 24.7783 401.58 24.3633 400.965 23.9141C400.359 23.4648 399.905 22.9277 399.603 22.3027C399.3 21.6777 399.148 20.9111 399.148 20.0029C399.148 18.3818 399.773 17.1611 401.023 16.3408C402.273 15.5205 403.929 15.1104 405.989 15.1104C407.083 15.1104 408.113 15.2324 409.08 15.4766C410.047 15.7109 411.048 16.0576 412.083 16.5166L410.516 20.208C409.695 19.8369 408.865 19.5391 408.025 19.3145C407.186 19.0898 406.517 18.9775 406.019 18.9775C405.569 18.9775 405.223 19.0361 404.979 19.1533C404.734 19.2705 404.612 19.4414 404.612 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21.4385V21.2041C470.809 20.4619 470.623 19.9346 470.252 19.6221C469.891 19.3096 469.402 19.1533 468.787 19.1533C468.133 19.1533 467.4 19.2705 466.59 19.5049C465.789 19.7295 464.983 20.0225 464.173 20.3838L462.518 16.6045C463.475 16.1162 464.559 15.7451 465.77 15.4912C466.98 15.2373 468.338 15.1104 469.842 15.1104ZM470.838 24.5879L469.52 24.6465C468.465 24.6855 467.723 24.8711 467.293 25.2031C466.873 25.5254 466.663 25.9893 466.663 26.5947C466.663 27.1611 466.814 27.5811 467.117 27.8545C467.42 28.1182 467.82 28.25 468.318 28.25C469.012 28.25 469.603 28.0303 470.091 27.5908C470.589 27.1514 470.838 26.5801 470.838 25.877V24.5879ZM490.818 15.1104C492.527 15.1104 493.924 15.5938 495.008 16.5605C496.092 17.5273 496.634 19.0752 496.634 21.2041V32H490.906V22.9473C490.906 21.8438 490.745 21.0137 490.423 20.457C490.11 19.8906 489.603 19.6074 488.899 19.6074C487.815 19.6074 487.088 20.0518 486.717 20.9404C486.346 21.8193 486.16 23.084 486.16 24.7344V32H480.433V15.4033H484.754L485.53 17.6006H485.75C486.102 17.0732 486.521 16.624 487.01 16.2529C487.498 15.8818 488.06 15.5986 488.694 15.4033C489.329 15.208 490.037 15.1104 490.818 15.1104ZM506.287 15.4033V32H500.56V15.4033H506.287ZM503.445 8.72363C504.266 8.72363 504.979 8.89453 505.584 9.23633C506.199 9.57812 506.507 10.2568 506.507 11.2725C506.507 12.2588 506.199 12.9277 505.584 13.2793C504.979 13.6211 504.266 13.792 503.445 13.792C502.605 13.792 501.888 13.6211 501.292 13.2793C500.706 12.9277 500.413 12.2588 500.413 11.2725C500.413 10.2568 500.706 9.57812 501.292 9.23633C501.888 8.89453 502.605 8.72363 503.445 8.72363ZM518.387 15.1104C520.486 15.1104 522.127 15.6328 523.309 16.6777C524.49 17.7129 525.081 19.1924 525.081 21.1162V32H521.111L520.013 29.8027H519.896C519.427 30.3887 518.943 30.8672 518.445 31.2383C517.957 31.5996 517.396 31.8633 516.761 32.0293C516.126 32.2051 515.35 32.293 514.432 32.293C513.475 32.293 512.615 32.0977 511.854 31.707C511.092 31.3164 510.491 30.7256 510.052 29.9346C509.612 29.1436 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