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HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100x-powered-by: PHP/7.3.33content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8content-length: 3619date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:42:53 GMTserver: LiteSpeed html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>PATROMIL Asociatia Patronala Romana a Producatorilor de Tehnica Militara - tehnologii, tehnica, productie si industrie militara, echipamente de lupta si protectie, componente si servicii civile/title>meta nameDescription langen contentThe Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers has its place in Bucharest, Romania. Its role consists from bringing together the major companies which are specialized in navy, flight and land military technology and production.>meta nameKeywords langen contentmilitary, army, company, production, technique, navy, association, Romania, Bucharest, technology, space, NATO, manufacturer, producers>meta nameDescription langro contentBucuresti Asociatie de Tehnica Militara din Romania; reuneste firme afiliate din domeniile productiei militare si civile.>meta nameKeywords langro contenttehnica, firme, productie, militara, civila, asociatie, Bucuresti, Romania, afiliat, domeniu, armata, aerian, spatiala, naval, piese, schimb>link relStyleSheet typetext/css hrefpatromil.css>/head>body bgcolor#000000 text#FFFFFF>table width100% height100% border0> tr> th width90% aligncenter valignmiddle colspan2>br> img srcimages/patitro_01.gif border0 width600 height40 altBucuresti Romania - Asociatia Patronala Romana a Producatorilor de Tehnica Militara>br> a hrefhome_en.html>img srcimages/great_britain_fl_md_clr.gif border0 width68 height50 altPATROMIL - The Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers - English - Enter here>/a> a hrefhome.html titleAviatie si Tehnică Aerospatiala, Sisteme de Securitate, Comandă si Control, Sisteme de Telecomunicatii si IT, Nave si Sisteme Navale, Vehicule blindate si Autovehicule, Armamente, Munitii si Explozivi, Echipamente de Protectie Tehnică si Personal, Cercetare, Proiectare si Centre de Pregătire, Comert>img srcimages/intro_m.jpg border0 width384 height288 altArmamente, Munitii si Explozivi, Echipamente de Protectie Tehn
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: Keep-AliveKeep-Alive: timeout5, max100x-powered-by: PHP/7.3.33content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8content-length: 3619date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:42:54 GMTserver: LiteSpeed html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>PATROMIL Asociatia Patronala Romana a Producatorilor de Tehnica Militara - tehnologii, tehnica, productie si industrie militara, echipamente de lupta si protectie, componente si servicii civile/title>meta nameDescription langen contentThe Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers has its place in Bucharest, Romania. Its role consists from bringing together the major companies which are specialized in navy, flight and land military technology and production.>meta nameKeywords langen contentmilitary, army, company, production, technique, navy, association, Romania, Bucharest, technology, space, NATO, manufacturer, producers>meta nameDescription langro contentBucuresti Asociatie de Tehnica Militara din Romania; reuneste firme afiliate din domeniile productiei militare si civile.>meta nameKeywords langro contenttehnica, firme, productie, militara, civila, asociatie, Bucuresti, Romania, afiliat, domeniu, armata, aerian, spatiala, naval, piese, schimb>link relStyleSheet typetext/css hrefpatromil.css>/head>body bgcolor#000000 text#FFFFFF>table width100% height100% border0> tr> th width90% aligncenter valignmiddle colspan2>br> img srcimages/patitro_01.gif border0 width600 height40 altBucuresti Romania - Asociatia Patronala Romana a Producatorilor de Tehnica Militara>br> a hrefhome_en.html>img srcimages/great_britain_fl_md_clr.gif border0 width68 height50 altPATROMIL - The Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers - English - Enter here>/a> a hrefhome.html titleAviatie si Tehnică Aerospatiala, Sisteme de Securitate, Comandă si Control, Sisteme de Telecomunicatii si IT, Nave si Sisteme Navale, Vehicule blindate si Autovehicule, Armamente, Munitii si Explozivi, Echipamente de Protectie Tehnică si Personal, Cercetare, Proiectare si Centre de Pregătire, Comert>img srcimages/intro_m.jpg border0 width384 height288 altArmamente, Munitii si Explozivi, Echipamente de Protectie Tehn
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