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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 11:15:38 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:28:31 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 14066Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta namerobots contentFOLLOW, INDEX />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namedescription contentLearn how you can hide and protect your files and folders in Windows. These methods are quite easy and anyone can implement them./> title>Password Protect Folders/title>link hrefcss/main.css relstylesheet typetext/css />!--link relstylesheet typetext/css href// /> -->script srcjs/db.js languagejavascript typetext/javascript> /script>/head>body>div classmaindiv>div classheader> div classmain_title>div>img srcimages/header_icon.png altpassword protect folders width96 height96>/div>h1>Password Protect Folders/h1>p>The Best Ways to Hide or Password Protect a Folder in Windows/p>/div>/div> div classmiddiv> div classmiddiv_inner>h2 stylepadding-top:20px;>Option One: Hide any folder with a single checkbox/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_low.png altdifficulty level low width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#589347>Very Easy/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>If you are only interested in hiding a couple of folders from view, then Windows has a built-in option that lets you do so. This option, however, is not a reliable option as anyone can get access to hidden folders with a simple technique. This method may fool a small child but would not pass through anyone knowing passing knowledge of a computer./p>p> /p>p>I find this setting useful for folders that I dont want to see! For example, I only want to see my documents and I dont want to see the gaming folder by the name Games./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder1.png altpassword_protect_folder1 width581 height324> /div>/div>div classleft_container stylepadding-top:70px;>h3>How to hide files and folders/h3>p>If thats what you want, the process is quite easy. Open windows File Explorer and navigate to the file or folder that you want to hide. Right click on it, tap on Properties and check the Hidden box in the menu. Finally, Click on OK and there you go, your folder/file is hidden!/p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center; height:425px;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder2.png altpassword_protect_folder2 width580 height383> /div>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder3.png altpassword_protect_folder3 width495 height428>/div>div classright_container styleheight:480px;>p stylepadding-top:100px;>If you ever need to access it later, you can do so by clicking on the View menu in the file explorer and checking the Hidden Items box./p>p> /p>p>font color#d93434>b>Note:/b>/font> This step would not protect your files at all as it will just hide them from being viewed. Anyone with a bit of info can easily find them!/p>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Two: Create a Password-Protected Folder with Folder Lock/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:470px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#2775f8>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#589347>High/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Now here we are, standing all alone thinking is there anything reliable? Yes, there is. The above mentioned steps are available but arent reliable. If youre in possession of something confidential, then you should opt for a 3rd party software. I would try to recommend you to use Folder Lock. The name of this software is quite self-explanatory so I dont have to go into the details but what I could tell you is that its reliable./p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Folders/files can be password protected using this 3rd party software which has a bit flashy interface. My point is, I dont like the interface as its too flashy but that doesnt stop me from having a complete peace of mind. Furthermore, it has way too many options that do not test my appetite./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder16.png altpassword_protect_folder16 width512 height421> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Three: Turn a folder into a hidden system folder with a Command Prompt command/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:280px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png altdifficulty_level_medium width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>For the sake of argument, lets assume your siblings know how to show hidden files and folders in Windows. Who doesnt right? Well, we got another trick that lets you hide files/folders with a bit of obscurity. However, this method isnt a reliable option but it works without any extra software and does protect you from the not-so-tech-savvy-users./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder8.png altpassword_protect_folder8 width492 height286> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder9.png altpassword_protect_folder9 width416 height421>/div>div classright_container stylepadding-top:60px;>h3>Make a Super Hidden Folder in Windows Without any Extra Software/h3>p>Bear in mind you need to know a bit of command line work and if by any chance you arent comfortable with the Command Prompt or dealing with the deep settings of Windows, Look Away my friend, this option isnt suitable for you! The quickest way to make a hidden folder/file is to mark it is as an important file of the operating system. That way Windows wont display it even if the explorer is set to display the hidden folders or files./p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:230px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>How to do so? Read on. First of all, launch a command prompt by pressing the Win + R Key combination, type in cmd and click on enter./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder10.png altpassword_protect_folder10 width429 height226> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder11.png altpassword_protect_folder11 width480 height310>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>Furthermore, we need to use the attrib command. Type in the attrib command similar to the following command. (Youll need to substitute the path to your folder here).attrib +s +h C:\Users\Josh Reed\Desktop\ConfidentialIn the same way, youll have to replace the stuff in quotes to an absolute path of a file or folder that you want to hide./p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:410px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:180px;>Doing so will hide your folder/file (as shown in the picture) and nobody would be able to identify that youre in possession of such folder or file./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder12.png altpassword_protect_folder12 width499 height422> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder13.png altpassword_protect_folder13 width480 height310>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>In the same way, to unhide a folder or file, you can use the same command but the only difference is use - instead of the + signs!p> /p>To unhide the file or folder you can run the same command, except this time use - instead of the + signs.attrib -s -h C:\Users\ Josh Reed \Desktop\ Confidential/p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:350px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Like magic, my folder appeared again./p>p> /p>p>In this way, its well obvious that you can easily hide and unhide your file/folder without any hesitation. Furthermore, this method is one of the easiest and quickest methods that require no hard and fast rule or tech-savvy knowledge. But since, it does not require much knowledge or much skill; it then involves a risk factor which cannot be avoided. Anyone having a bit of knowledge or experience can easily penetrate through this method without working too hard and gain access to your confidential files. So its hard to say that such method is trustworthy./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder14.png altpassword_protect_folder14 width483 height309> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Four: Encrypt a file or folder without Extra Software/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Another method of protecting your files is through encryption. This encryption can only be unlocked using a password and it would be a mess for someone who tries to access it without a designated password. So in short, the files would only be accessible if youre logged in as the right user. All you need to do is right-click on a folder or file, click on properties, tap on Advanced and make sure the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data is checked./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder15.png altpassword_protect_folder15 width500 height358> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Five: Create a compressed folder in Windows XP/h2>div classoption_two styleheight:250px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png altdifficulty_level_medium width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Moderate/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>b>1./b> To create a compressed folder, first right-click on your desktop or anyplace youd like to create a folder, select New and click Compressed (zipped) Folder. Doing so will create a new .zip file in which you can add files./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder4.png altpassword_protect_folder4 width507 height305> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:215px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder5.png altpassword_protect_folder5 width433 height251>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:70px;>b>2./b> Now comes the step of moving your files. Furthermore, click and drag or simply copy and paste your files into the new .zip file. Remember, you have the complete freedom to move as many files/folders as you like, Voila!/p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:230px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:20px;>b>3./b> But thats not it! Once youve moved everything, you need to add a password. How? Read on. To put a password, simply open the .zip file, tap on File and Select Add a Password. Here youre supposed to create a password of your own choice but do not make the mistake of creating a very basic password. Try to create something rare and not so common. (if you need tips on creating a better password, you may learn them at the end of this page). Hence, now you will need this password every time you access this .zip file./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder6.png altpassword_protect_folder6 width489 height259> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder7.png altpassword_protect_folder7 width403 height258>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>b>4./b> Once all of this done (.zip file is created), youll be having 2 copies of your folder such as the original and the .zip file. At this very moment, move or delete your original so that it cannot be tempered with, Cheers! Youre free./p>/div> /div>div stylemargin-bottom:20px;>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div> /div>/div>div classfooter>Copyright 2018 -> is not an official website of, Inc. /a>/div>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 11:15:38 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:28:31 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 14066Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta namerobots contentFOLLOW, INDEX />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namedescription contentLearn how you can hide and protect your files and folders in Windows. These methods are quite easy and anyone can implement them./> title>Password Protect Folders/title>link hrefcss/main.css relstylesheet typetext/css />!--link relstylesheet typetext/css href// /> -->script srcjs/db.js languagejavascript typetext/javascript> /script>/head>body>div classmaindiv>div classheader> div classmain_title>div>img srcimages/header_icon.png altpassword protect folders width96 height96>/div>h1>Password Protect Folders/h1>p>The Best Ways to Hide or Password Protect a Folder in Windows/p>/div>/div> div classmiddiv> div classmiddiv_inner>h2 stylepadding-top:20px;>Option One: Hide any folder with a single checkbox/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_low.png altdifficulty level low width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#589347>Very Easy/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>If you are only interested in hiding a couple of folders from view, then Windows has a built-in option that lets you do so. This option, however, is not a reliable option as anyone can get access to hidden folders with a simple technique. This method may fool a small child but would not pass through anyone knowing passing knowledge of a computer./p>p> /p>p>I find this setting useful for folders that I dont want to see! For example, I only want to see my documents and I dont want to see the gaming folder by the name Games./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder1.png altpassword_protect_folder1 width581 height324> /div>/div>div classleft_container stylepadding-top:70px;>h3>How to hide files and folders/h3>p>If thats what you want, the process is quite easy. Open windows File Explorer and navigate to the file or folder that you want to hide. Right click on it, tap on Properties and check the Hidden box in the menu. Finally, Click on OK and there you go, your folder/file is hidden!/p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center; height:425px;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder2.png altpassword_protect_folder2 width580 height383> /div>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder3.png altpassword_protect_folder3 width495 height428>/div>div classright_container styleheight:480px;>p stylepadding-top:100px;>If you ever need to access it later, you can do so by clicking on the View menu in the file explorer and checking the Hidden Items box./p>p> /p>p>font color#d93434>b>Note:/b>/font> This step would not protect your files at all as it will just hide them from being viewed. Anyone with a bit of info can easily find them!/p>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Two: Create a Password-Protected Folder with Folder Lock/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:470px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#2775f8>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#589347>High/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Now here we are, standing all alone thinking is there anything reliable? Yes, there is. The above mentioned steps are available but arent reliable. If youre in possession of something confidential, then you should opt for a 3rd party software. I would try to recommend you to use Folder Lock. The name of this software is quite self-explanatory so I dont have to go into the details but what I could tell you is that its reliable./p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Folders/files can be password protected using this 3rd party software which has a bit flashy interface. My point is, I dont like the interface as its too flashy but that doesnt stop me from having a complete peace of mind. Furthermore, it has way too many options that do not test my appetite./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder16.png altpassword_protect_folder16 width512 height421> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Three: Turn a folder into a hidden system folder with a Command Prompt command/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:280px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png altdifficulty_level_medium width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>For the sake of argument, lets assume your siblings know how to show hidden files and folders in Windows. Who doesnt right? Well, we got another trick that lets you hide files/folders with a bit of obscurity. However, this method isnt a reliable option but it works without any extra software and does protect you from the not-so-tech-savvy-users./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder8.png altpassword_protect_folder8 width492 height286> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder9.png altpassword_protect_folder9 width416 height421>/div>div classright_container stylepadding-top:60px;>h3>Make a Super Hidden Folder in Windows Without any Extra Software/h3>p>Bear in mind you need to know a bit of command line work and if by any chance you arent comfortable with the Command Prompt or dealing with the deep settings of Windows, Look Away my friend, this option isnt suitable for you! The quickest way to make a hidden folder/file is to mark it is as an important file of the operating system. That way Windows wont display it even if the explorer is set to display the hidden folders or files./p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:230px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>How to do so? Read on. First of all, launch a command prompt by pressing the Win + R Key combination, type in cmd and click on enter./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder10.png altpassword_protect_folder10 width429 height226> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder11.png altpassword_protect_folder11 width480 height310>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>Furthermore, we need to use the attrib command. Type in the attrib command similar to the following command. (Youll need to substitute the path to your folder here).attrib +s +h C:\Users\Josh Reed\Desktop\ConfidentialIn the same way, youll have to replace the stuff in quotes to an absolute path of a file or folder that you want to hide./p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:410px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:180px;>Doing so will hide your folder/file (as shown in the picture) and nobody would be able to identify that youre in possession of such folder or file./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder12.png altpassword_protect_folder12 width499 height422> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder13.png altpassword_protect_folder13 width480 height310>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>In the same way, to unhide a folder or file, you can use the same command but the only difference is use - instead of the + signs!p> /p>To unhide the file or folder you can run the same command, except this time use - instead of the + signs.attrib -s -h C:\Users\ Josh Reed \Desktop\ Confidential/p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:350px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Like magic, my folder appeared again./p>p> /p>p>In this way, its well obvious that you can easily hide and unhide your file/folder without any hesitation. Furthermore, this method is one of the easiest and quickest methods that require no hard and fast rule or tech-savvy knowledge. But since, it does not require much knowledge or much skill; it then involves a risk factor which cannot be avoided. Anyone having a bit of knowledge or experience can easily penetrate through this method without working too hard and gain access to your confidential files. So its hard to say that such method is trustworthy./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder14.png altpassword_protect_folder14 width483 height309> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Four: Encrypt a file or folder without Extra Software/h2>div classoption_one styleheight:400px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#d93434>Low/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>Another method of protecting your files is through encryption. This encryption can only be unlocked using a password and it would be a mess for someone who tries to access it without a designated password. So in short, the files would only be accessible if youre logged in as the right user. All you need to do is right-click on a folder or file, click on properties, tap on Advanced and make sure the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data is checked./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder15.png altpassword_protect_folder15 width500 height358> /div>/div>div>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div>h2>Option Five: Create a compressed folder in Windows XP/h2>div classoption_two styleheight:250px;>div classleft_container>p classlevel_heading>Difficulty Level/p>img srcimages/difficulty_level_medium.png altdifficulty_level_medium width198 height19>p classlevel_heading>font color#0049c5>Moderate/font>/p>p classlevel_heading stylepadding-top:25px;>Level of Security: font color#0049c5>Medium/font>/p>p stylepadding-top:20px;>b>1./b> To create a compressed folder, first right-click on your desktop or anyplace youd like to create a folder, select New and click Compressed (zipped) Folder. Doing so will create a new .zip file in which you can add files./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder4.png altpassword_protect_folder4 width507 height305> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:215px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder5.png altpassword_protect_folder5 width433 height251>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:70px;>b>2./b> Now comes the step of moving your files. Furthermore, click and drag or simply copy and paste your files into the new .zip file. Remember, you have the complete freedom to move as many files/folders as you like, Voila!/p>/div> /div>div classoption_two styleheight:230px;>div classleft_container>p stylepadding-top:20px;>b>3./b> But thats not it! Once youve moved everything, you need to add a password. How? Read on. To put a password, simply open the .zip file, tap on File and Select Add a Password. Here youre supposed to create a password of your own choice but do not make the mistake of creating a very basic password. Try to create something rare and not so common. (if you need tips on creating a better password, you may learn them at the end of this page). Hence, now you will need this password every time you access this .zip file./p>/div>div classright_container styletext-align:center;>img srcimages/password_protect_folder6.png altpassword_protect_folder6 width489 height259> /div>/div>div classoption_two styleheight:300px;>div classleft_container>img srcimages/password_protect_folder7.png altpassword_protect_folder7 width403 height258>/div>div classright_container>p stylepadding-top:80px;>b>4./b> Once all of this done (.zip file is created), youll be having 2 copies of your folder such as the original and the .zip file. At this very moment, move or delete your original so that it cannot be tempered with, Cheers! Youre free./p>/div> /div>div stylemargin-bottom:20px;>img srcimages/line_break.png>/div> /div>/div>div classfooter>Copyright 2018 -> is not an official website of, Inc. /a>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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