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With a href>upscale finishes/a> and a href>modern amenities/a>, Paseos Winter Park, FL, luxury apartments are ready to welcome you. You (and your pet!) can relax in our palm-lined courtyard, lounge by a href>the pool/a>, or play in our on-site dog park. With the shopping of Winter Park Village, movies at the Regal Cinema, and the a href>historic downtown/a> all close by, there are endless opportunities to socialize./p> /div> a href classbtn>Check Out Our Perks/a> /div> /div> div classimages data-aosfade-up data-aos-oncetrue> div classcol1> div classimg1> img src altStocksy Txp25C09B66W84200 Medium 1189980 stylewidth: 1733px; height: 1155px /> /div> div classimg2> img src altStocksy Txp25C09B66W84200 Medium 322817 stylewidth: 1733px; height: 1155px /> /div> /div> div classcol2> div classimg3> img src altMatrix068 stylewidth: 1406px; height: 2046px /> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classfeature-section feature image-on-left data-aosfade-up data-aos-oncetrue data-aos-duration400> div classcontainer> div classinfo> div classimage> img src stylewidth: 1154px; height: 1176px /> /div> div classcopy > p>Located in historic Winter Park, these modern apartment homes are settled in the creative heart of central Florida/p> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classcontact-section > div classwrapper> div classcontainer> div classcontact-box data-aosfade-up data-aos-oncetrue data-aos-duration400> div classcontact-form> h3>Interested?/h3> p> Thinking about moving in, or interested in more information? 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