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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 18 May 2024 09:45:38 GMTServer: ApacheAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-EncodingContent-Length: 9015Content-Type: text/html html>head>title>Dr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller - Surgical Oncologist, Endocrine Surgeon, Melbourne Australia/title>meta namedescription contentDr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller - breast and endocrine surgeon respectively performs thyroid & parathyroid surgery, breast surgery, breast cancer, melanoma, sarcoma. To know more on breast biopsy, gastric cancers, and adrenal surgery, contact us.>meta namekeywords contentDr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller, Breast surgeon, Surgical oncologist, Endocrine surgeon, Melbourne Australia, Thyroid, Parathyroid surgery, Breast surgery, Breast cancer, Melanoma, Sarcoma, Breast biopsy, Gastric cancers.>!--This page is about Dr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller.-->link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet typetext/css>link relSHORTCUT ICON hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/includes/browser.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/config.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/functions.js>/script>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script>window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ;function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag(js, new Date());gtag(config, G-P0CF0EVRPH);/script>/head>body onLoadinit();>table width780 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 bgcolor#FFFFFF height100%>tr>td width10 bgcolor#CCC9CD>/td>td>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classtableborder height100%>tr>td height252>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>td width219 height123>img srcimages/logo-new.jpg altParkville Surgery width219 height123 border0 usemap#Map>/td>td width273 height123>img srcimages/parkville_header1.jpg altEndocrine Disorders width273 height123 border0>/td>td height123>img srcimages/ypo_logo.jpg width267 height123 border0 usemap#Map2>/td>/tr>tr>td width219 height95>img srcimages/parkville_header2.jpg altThyroid and Parathyroid Surgery width219 height95 border0>/td>t
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 18 May 2024 09:45:39 GMTServer: ApacheAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-EncodingContent-Length: 9015Content-Type: text/html html>head>title>Dr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller - Surgical Oncologist, Endocrine Surgeon, Melbourne Australia/title>meta namedescription contentDr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller - breast and endocrine surgeon respectively performs thyroid & parathyroid surgery, breast surgery, breast cancer, melanoma, sarcoma. To know more on breast biopsy, gastric cancers, and adrenal surgery, contact us.>meta namekeywords contentDr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller, Breast surgeon, Surgical oncologist, Endocrine surgeon, Melbourne Australia, Thyroid, Parathyroid surgery, Breast surgery, Breast cancer, Melanoma, Sarcoma, Breast biopsy, Gastric cancers.>!--This page is about Dr. Bruce Mann, Prof. Julie Miller.-->link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet typetext/css>link relSHORTCUT ICON hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/includes/browser.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/config.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjsfiles/functions.js>/script>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script>window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ;function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag(js, new Date());gtag(config, G-P0CF0EVRPH);/script>/head>body onLoadinit();>table width780 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 bgcolor#FFFFFF height100%>tr>td width10 bgcolor#CCC9CD>/td>td>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classtableborder height100%>tr>td height252>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>td width219 height123>img srcimages/logo-new.jpg altParkville Surgery width219 height123 border0 usemap#Map>/td>td width273 height123>img srcimages/parkville_header1.jpg altEndocrine Disorders width273 height123 border0>/td>td height123>img srcimages/ypo_logo.jpg width267 height123 border0 usemap#Map2>/td>/tr>tr>td width219 height95>img srcimages/parkville_header2.jpg altThyroid and Parathyroid Surgery width219 height95 border0>/td>t
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