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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:35:58 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 20:22:48 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 17615Content-Type: application/x-httpd-ea-php54 ?require (_constants.php);# Stabilim cei 3 parametri in functie de pagina si de limba.require (_header1.php);srand(time());$random (rand()%12);$q_homepage SELECT IDArticle, title, lead, content, section FROM $table_home WHERE IDLanguage $currentIDLanguage;$r_homepage mysql_query ($q_homepage) or die (mysql_error ());while ($info_homepage mysql_fetch_array ($r_homepage)) { $v_translations$info_homepagesectionid $info_homepageID_article; $v_translations$info_homepagesectiontitle $info_homepagetitle; $v_translations$info_homepagesectionlead $info_homepagelead; $v_translations$info_homepagesectioncontent $info_homepagecontent;}?>body styletext-align: center backgroundimages/bk3.gif topmargin0 bgcolor#000000>!-- script typetext/javascript srcninge.js> /script>-->div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter> img border0 srcimages/spazio.gif altInRome width38 height53>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> table border0 width100 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_03.gif width952 height41>div idContainerHeader>div classHeaderLanguage> ? # generam un vector cu id-urile si numeletarilor in care vom afisa informatiile din site $query SELECT IDLanguage, Language, FlagImage FROM $table_languages WHERE Active y ORDER BY Precedenta; $q_language mysql_query ($query) or die (mysql_error ()); if (mysql_num_rows ($q_language) > 0) { while ($language mysql_fetch_array ($q_language)) { $v_select_language$languageIDLanguageLanguage $languageLanguage; $v_select_language$languageIDLanguageFlagImage $languageFlagImage; } } ?> div classFlag> img srcdyn_img/? $v_select_language$currentIDLanguageFlagImage ?> width15 height10 altLanguage /> /div> div classSelectLng> form action? $_SERVERPHP_SELF ?> namef_language methodpost> ? if (basename ($_SERVERPHP_SELF) article.php) { if (isset ($_GETpage) || isset ($_POSTpage)) { ?> input typehidden namepage value? isset ($_GETpage) ? $_GETpage : $_POSTpage ?> /> ? } if (isset ($_GETs) || isset ($_POSTs)) { ?> input typehidden names value? isset ($_GETs) ? $_GETs : $_POSTs ?> /> ? } if (isset ($_GETid) || isset ($_POSTid)) { ?> input typehidden nameid value? isset ($_GETid) ? $_GETid : $_POSTid ?> /> ? } } ?> div> select namelg onchangedocument.f_language.submit();> ? foreach ($v_select_language as $id_language > $tmp_language) { ?> option value? $id_language ?>? $id_language $currentIDLanguage ? selectedselected : ?>>? $v_select_language$id_languageLanguage ?>/option> ? } ?> /select> /div> /form> /div> /div>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> img border0 srcimages/inRome_05.gif altInRome width952 height25>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_06.gif width952 height29> table width100% cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111> tr> td stylecolor: #000000>p alignright classtesto3>? $arrSearchHotels1 ?>/p>/td> td stylecolor: #000000 classtesto>form action? $www_server . $VDir ?>search.php namef_check_availability methodpost> input typeHidden nameCountry valueEN />p alignright>strong>? $arrSearchHotels5 ?>/strong>/td> td classtesto width214> ? if (isset ($_SESSIONkeepDate)) { $firstDate $_SESSIONkeepDate; $firstYear $_SESSIONYear; $firstMonth $_SESSIONMonth; $firstDay $_SESSIONDay; } else { $firstDate date (m/d/Y); $firstYear date (Y); $firstMonth date (m); $firstDay date (d); } ?> input typehidden namekeepDate IDkeepDate value? $firstDate ?> /> select nameMonth idMonth onchangeinitcalc()> ? for ($i0; $i11; $i++) { ?> option value? $i + 1 ?> ? ($i + 1 $firstMonth) ? SELECTED : ?>>?substr ($v_luni$i, 0, 3)?>/option> ? } ?> /select>select nameDay idDay onchangeinitcalc()> ? for ($i1; $i31; $i++) { ?> option value? $i ?> ? ($i $firstDay) ? SELECTED : ?>>? $i ?>/option> ? } ?> /select>select nameYear idYear onchangeinitcalc()> ? $YearStart date(Y); $YearStop $YearStart + 2; for ($i$YearStart; $i$YearStop; $i++) { ?> option value?$i?> ? ($i $firstYear) ? SELECTED : ?>>?$i?>/option> ? } ?> /select> img srcimages/icon_calendar.gif altIn Rome Palma Residences blank width14 height14 border0 alignabsmiddle idf_trigger_c stylecursor: pointer;> script typetext/javascript> function initcalc () { // pastram in hidden valoarea schimbata de mana pentru a initializa calendarul var fieldDay document.getElementById(Day); var fieldMonth document.getElementById(Month); var fieldYear document.getElementById(Year); var fieldKeepDate document.getElementById(keepDate); fieldKeepDate.value fieldMonth.optionsfieldMonth.selectedIndex.value + / + fieldDay.optionsfieldDay.selectedIndex.value + / + fieldYear.optionsfieldYear.selectedIndex.value; // alert (fieldKeepDate.value); } function catcalc(cal) { var date; var fieldDay document.getElementById(Day); var fieldMonth document.getElementById(Month); var fieldYear document.getElementById(Year); fieldDay.selectedIndex - 1; fieldMonth.selectedIndex - 1; fieldYear.selectedIndex - ? date (Y) ?>; } Calendar.setup({ inputField : keepDate, // id of the input field ifFormat : %m/%d/%Y, // format of the input field button : f_trigger_c, // trigger for the calendar (button ID) align : Bl, // alignment (defaults to Bl) singleClick : true, range : ? $YearStart ?>, ? $YearStop ?>, showOthers : true, onUpdate : catcalc }); /script> /td> td stylecolor: #000000 classtesto width34> p alignright>strong>? $arrSearchHotels6 ?>/strong>/td> td classtesto width53> select nameNights idNights> ? if (isset ($_SESSIONNights)) { $Nights $_SESSIONNights; } else { $Nights 3; } # aflam numarul maxim de nopti permise a fi rezervate $q_maxnights SELECT MaximumNightsStay FROM $table_hotels WHERE IDHotel 1; $r_maxnights mysql_query ($q_maxnights) or die (mysql_error ()); $max_nights mysql_result ($r_maxnights, 0); for ($i 1; $i $max_nights; $i++) { $selected ($i $Nights) ? selected : ; ?> option value?$i?> ?$selected?>>?$i?>/option> ? } ?> /select>/td> td classtesto width216> input typesubmit namecheck_availability value? $arrSearchHotels7 ?> classSubmitCheckAvailabil />/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> img border0 srcimages/inRome_07.gif altInRomePalmaResidences width952 height23>/td> /tr> tr> td width315 height226 valigntop backgroundimages/inRome_08-b.gif> table border0 width100% cellspacing16> tr valigntop> td> ?$q_homepage SELECT IDArticle, title, content, section FROM $table_residence WHERE IDLanguage $currentIDLanguage;$r_homepage mysql_query ($q_homepage) or die (mysql_error ());while ($info_homepage mysql_fetch_array ($r_homepage)) { $v_translations$info_homepagesectiontitle $info_homepagetitle; $v_translations$info_homepagesectioncontent $info_homepagecontent;}?> h2>? $v_translationsresidencetitle ?>/h2> div classSpaceV9> /div> ? tip ($v_translationsresidencecontent) ?> /div>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td valigntop bgcolor#EBEBEB> img border0 srcimages/inRome_?$random?>.jpg altInRome width637 height276>table border0 width637 cellspacing5 cellpadding0> tr valigntop> td alignleft valigntop width317 colspan3> p alignleft classtesto> h2>? $v_translationsabouttitle ?>/h2> p alignleft classtesto>? echo tip ($v_translationsaboutcontent, 100); ?> /td> td alignleft valigntop width317 colspan3> p alignleft classtesto> h2>? $v_translationswhattitle ?>/h2> p alignleft classtesto>? echo tip ($v_translationswhatcontent, 100); ?> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 height75 backgroundimages/inRome_10.gif> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter>div classImagesHotel>font color#ffffff>b>?$arrSearchHotels18?>/b>br> ? # afisam imaginile cu link spre zoom $q_images SELECT Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, Image6, Image7, Image8 FROM $table_hotels WHERE IDHotel 1; $r_images mysql_query ($q_images) or die (mysql_error ()); if (mysql_num_rows ($r_images) > 0) { $img mysql_fetch_array ($r_images); # generam un array in care vom tine doar campurile cu imagini for ($x 1; $x 7; $x++) { if (!empty ($imgImage$x)) $v_imagini $imgImage$x; } } if (isset ($v_imagini)) { $i 1; foreach ($v_imagini as $imagine) { list ($filename, $extension) explode (., $imagine); ?> div classContainerImageHotel? $i % 7 0 ? Last : ?>> div classImageHotelTop> div classMainImageHotel>a hrefdyn_img/? $imagine ?> rellightboxzoom idimage? $i ?>>img srcdyn_img/? $filename ?>_th.jpg width96 height68 altIn Rome Residence blank />/a>/div> div classlightboxDesc image? $i ?>>In Rome Palma Residences/div> /div> /div> ? $i++; } ?> script typetext/javascript> window.addEvent(domready,function(){ Lightbox.init({descriptions: .lightboxDesc, showControls: true}); }); /script> ? } ?> /div>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_11.gif width952 height50> div idContainerlink > p aligncenter>b> a hreflocation.php onclickNewWindow(this.href,name,640,640,no);return false;> ? $arrSearchHotels3 ?>/b>/a> - a hrefcontact.php onclickNewWindow(this.href,name,440,500,no);return false;>b>? $arrSearchHotels4 ?>/b>/a>/font> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/div>p classtesto>font color#EBEBEB>b>Palma Residences/b>, Viale Castro Pretorio, 25Roma 00185 br>Tel: (+39) 0645596734; Fax: (+39) 0645596829 Email: a hrefmailto: informazioni dal sito; classtesto>b>>/a>br>a href; classtesto> Cheap Hotel and Hostel in Rome/font>/a>/font>/p>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-6248893-10);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:35:58 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 20:22:48 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 17615Content-Type: application/x-httpd-ea-php54 ?require (_constants.php);# Stabilim cei 3 parametri in functie de pagina si de limba.require (_header1.php);srand(time());$random (rand()%12);$q_homepage SELECT IDArticle, title, lead, content, section FROM $table_home WHERE IDLanguage $currentIDLanguage;$r_homepage mysql_query ($q_homepage) or die (mysql_error ());while ($info_homepage mysql_fetch_array ($r_homepage)) { $v_translations$info_homepagesectionid $info_homepageID_article; $v_translations$info_homepagesectiontitle $info_homepagetitle; $v_translations$info_homepagesectionlead $info_homepagelead; $v_translations$info_homepagesectioncontent $info_homepagecontent;}?>body styletext-align: center backgroundimages/bk3.gif topmargin0 bgcolor#000000>!-- script typetext/javascript srcninge.js> /script>-->div aligncenter> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter> img border0 srcimages/spazio.gif altInRome width38 height53>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> table border0 width100 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_03.gif width952 height41>div idContainerHeader>div classHeaderLanguage> ? # generam un vector cu id-urile si numeletarilor in care vom afisa informatiile din site $query SELECT IDLanguage, Language, FlagImage FROM $table_languages WHERE Active y ORDER BY Precedenta; $q_language mysql_query ($query) or die (mysql_error ()); if (mysql_num_rows ($q_language) > 0) { while ($language mysql_fetch_array ($q_language)) { $v_select_language$languageIDLanguageLanguage $languageLanguage; $v_select_language$languageIDLanguageFlagImage $languageFlagImage; } } ?> div classFlag> img srcdyn_img/? $v_select_language$currentIDLanguageFlagImage ?> width15 height10 altLanguage /> /div> div classSelectLng> form action? $_SERVERPHP_SELF ?> namef_language methodpost> ? if (basename ($_SERVERPHP_SELF) article.php) { if (isset ($_GETpage) || isset ($_POSTpage)) { ?> input typehidden namepage value? isset ($_GETpage) ? $_GETpage : $_POSTpage ?> /> ? } if (isset ($_GETs) || isset ($_POSTs)) { ?> input typehidden names value? isset ($_GETs) ? $_GETs : $_POSTs ?> /> ? } if (isset ($_GETid) || isset ($_POSTid)) { ?> input typehidden nameid value? isset ($_GETid) ? $_GETid : $_POSTid ?> /> ? } } ?> div> select namelg onchangedocument.f_language.submit();> ? foreach ($v_select_language as $id_language > $tmp_language) { ?> option value? $id_language ?>? $id_language $currentIDLanguage ? selectedselected : ?>>? $v_select_language$id_languageLanguage ?>/option> ? } ?> /select> /div> /form> /div> /div>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> img border0 srcimages/inRome_05.gif altInRome width952 height25>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_06.gif width952 height29> table width100% cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse bordercolor#111111> tr> td stylecolor: #000000>p alignright classtesto3>? $arrSearchHotels1 ?>/p>/td> td stylecolor: #000000 classtesto>form action? $www_server . $VDir ?>search.php namef_check_availability methodpost> input typeHidden nameCountry valueEN />p alignright>strong>? $arrSearchHotels5 ?>/strong>/td> td classtesto width214> ? if (isset ($_SESSIONkeepDate)) { $firstDate $_SESSIONkeepDate; $firstYear $_SESSIONYear; $firstMonth $_SESSIONMonth; $firstDay $_SESSIONDay; } else { $firstDate date (m/d/Y); $firstYear date (Y); $firstMonth date (m); $firstDay date (d); } ?> input typehidden namekeepDate IDkeepDate value? $firstDate ?> /> select nameMonth idMonth onchangeinitcalc()> ? for ($i0; $i11; $i++) { ?> option value? $i + 1 ?> ? ($i + 1 $firstMonth) ? SELECTED : ?>>?substr ($v_luni$i, 0, 3)?>/option> ? } ?> /select>select nameDay idDay onchangeinitcalc()> ? for ($i1; $i31; $i++) { ?> option value? $i ?> ? ($i $firstDay) ? SELECTED : ?>>? $i ?>/option> ? } ?> /select>select nameYear idYear onchangeinitcalc()> ? $YearStart date(Y); $YearStop $YearStart + 2; for ($i$YearStart; $i$YearStop; $i++) { ?> option value?$i?> ? ($i $firstYear) ? SELECTED : ?>>?$i?>/option> ? } ?> /select> img srcimages/icon_calendar.gif altIn Rome Palma Residences blank width14 height14 border0 alignabsmiddle idf_trigger_c stylecursor: pointer;> script typetext/javascript> function initcalc () { // pastram in hidden valoarea schimbata de mana pentru a initializa calendarul var fieldDay document.getElementById(Day); var fieldMonth document.getElementById(Month); var fieldYear document.getElementById(Year); var fieldKeepDate document.getElementById(keepDate); fieldKeepDate.value fieldMonth.optionsfieldMonth.selectedIndex.value + / + fieldDay.optionsfieldDay.selectedIndex.value + / + fieldYear.optionsfieldYear.selectedIndex.value; // alert (fieldKeepDate.value); } function catcalc(cal) { var date; var fieldDay document.getElementById(Day); var fieldMonth document.getElementById(Month); var fieldYear document.getElementById(Year); fieldDay.selectedIndex - 1; fieldMonth.selectedIndex - 1; fieldYear.selectedIndex - ? date (Y) ?>; } Calendar.setup({ inputField : keepDate, // id of the input field ifFormat : %m/%d/%Y, // format of the input field button : f_trigger_c, // trigger for the calendar (button ID) align : Bl, // alignment (defaults to Bl) singleClick : true, range : ? $YearStart ?>, ? $YearStop ?>, showOthers : true, onUpdate : catcalc }); /script> /td> td stylecolor: #000000 classtesto width34> p alignright>strong>? $arrSearchHotels6 ?>/strong>/td> td classtesto width53> select nameNights idNights> ? if (isset ($_SESSIONNights)) { $Nights $_SESSIONNights; } else { $Nights 3; } # aflam numarul maxim de nopti permise a fi rezervate $q_maxnights SELECT MaximumNightsStay FROM $table_hotels WHERE IDHotel 1; $r_maxnights mysql_query ($q_maxnights) or die (mysql_error ()); $max_nights mysql_result ($r_maxnights, 0); for ($i 1; $i $max_nights; $i++) { $selected ($i $Nights) ? selected : ; ?> option value?$i?> ?$selected?>>?$i?>/option> ? } ?> /select>/td> td classtesto width216> input typesubmit namecheck_availability value? $arrSearchHotels7 ?> classSubmitCheckAvailabil />/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2> img border0 srcimages/inRome_07.gif altInRomePalmaResidences width952 height23>/td> /tr> tr> td width315 height226 valigntop backgroundimages/inRome_08-b.gif> table border0 width100% cellspacing16> tr valigntop> td> ?$q_homepage SELECT IDArticle, title, content, section FROM $table_residence WHERE IDLanguage $currentIDLanguage;$r_homepage mysql_query ($q_homepage) or die (mysql_error ());while ($info_homepage mysql_fetch_array ($r_homepage)) { $v_translations$info_homepagesectiontitle $info_homepagetitle; $v_translations$info_homepagesectioncontent $info_homepagecontent;}?> h2>? $v_translationsresidencetitle ?>/h2> div classSpaceV9> /div> ? tip ($v_translationsresidencecontent) ?> /div>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td valigntop bgcolor#EBEBEB> img border0 srcimages/inRome_?$random?>.jpg altInRome width637 height276>table border0 width637 cellspacing5 cellpadding0> tr valigntop> td alignleft valigntop width317 colspan3> p alignleft classtesto> h2>? $v_translationsabouttitle ?>/h2> p alignleft classtesto>? echo tip ($v_translationsaboutcontent, 100); ?> /td> td alignleft valigntop width317 colspan3> p alignleft classtesto> h2>? $v_translationswhattitle ?>/h2> p alignleft classtesto>? echo tip ($v_translationswhatcontent, 100); ?> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 height75 backgroundimages/inRome_10.gif> table border0 width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter>div classImagesHotel>font color#ffffff>b>?$arrSearchHotels18?>/b>br> ? # afisam imaginile cu link spre zoom $q_images SELECT Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, Image6, Image7, Image8 FROM $table_hotels WHERE IDHotel 1; $r_images mysql_query ($q_images) or die (mysql_error ()); if (mysql_num_rows ($r_images) > 0) { $img mysql_fetch_array ($r_images); # generam un array in care vom tine doar campurile cu imagini for ($x 1; $x 7; $x++) { if (!empty ($imgImage$x)) $v_imagini $imgImage$x; } } if (isset ($v_imagini)) { $i 1; foreach ($v_imagini as $imagine) { list ($filename, $extension) explode (., $imagine); ?> div classContainerImageHotel? $i % 7 0 ? Last : ?>> div classImageHotelTop> div classMainImageHotel>a hrefdyn_img/? $imagine ?> rellightboxzoom idimage? $i ?>>img srcdyn_img/? $filename ?>_th.jpg width96 height68 altIn Rome Residence blank />/a>/div> div classlightboxDesc image? $i ?>>In Rome Palma Residences/div> /div> /div> ? $i++; } ?> script typetext/javascript> window.addEvent(domready,function(){ Lightbox.init({descriptions: .lightboxDesc, showControls: true}); }); /script> ? } ?> /div>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 backgroundimages/inRome_11.gif width952 height50> div idContainerlink > p aligncenter>b> a hreflocation.php onclickNewWindow(this.href,name,640,640,no);return false;> ? $arrSearchHotels3 ?>/b>/a> - a hrefcontact.php onclickNewWindow(this.href,name,440,500,no);return false;>b>? $arrSearchHotels4 ?>/b>/a>/font> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table>/div>p classtesto>font color#EBEBEB>b>Palma Residences/b>, Viale Castro Pretorio, 25Roma 00185 br>Tel: (+39) 0645596734; Fax: (+39) 0645596829 Email: a hrefmailto: informazioni dal sito; classtesto>b>>/a>br>a href; classtesto> Cheap Hotel and Hostel in Rome/font>/a>/font>/p>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-6248893-10);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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