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You may have to a hrefregister.php target_blank>b>register/b>/a> before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below./span>/li> li classnotice restore data-notice-id3 data-notice-persistent1>span classjs-notice-text h-hide-imp>Hello everyone,br />br />Whether your are a long standing forum member or whether you have just registered today, its a good idea to read and review the rules below so that you have a very good idea of what to expect when you come to Pacers />br />A quick note to new members: Your posts will not immediately show up when you make them. An administrator has to approve at least your first post before the forum software will later upgrade your account to the status of a fully-registered member. This usually happens within a couple of hours or so after your post(s) is/are approved, so you may need to be a little patient at />br />Why do we do this? So that its more difficult for spammers (be they human or robot) to post, and so users who are banned cannot immediately re-register and start dousing people with verbal />br />Below are the rules of Pacers Digest. After you have read them, you will have a very good sense of where we are coming from, what we expect, what we dont want to see, and how we react to />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #1/u>/span>br />br />b>Pacers Digest is intended to be a place to discuss basketball without having to deal with the kinds of behaviors or attitudes that distract people from sticking with the discussion of the topics at hand./b> These unwanted distractions can come in many forms, and admittedly it can sometimes be tricky to pin down each and every kind that can rear its ugly head, but we feel that the following examples and explanations cover at least a good portion of that ground and should at least give people a pretty good idea of the kinds of things we actively b>discourage/b>:br />br />"Anyone who __________ is a liar / a fool / an idiot / a blind homer / has their head buried in the sand / a blind hater / doesnt know basketball / doesnt watch the games"br />br />"People with intelligence will agree with me when I say that __________"br />br />"Only stupid people think / believe / do ___________"br />br />"I cant wait to hear something from PosterX when he/she sees that **insert a given incident or current event that will have probably upset or disappointed PosterX here**"br />br />"He/she is just delusional"br />br />"This thread is stupid / worthless / embarrassing"br />br />"Im going to take a moment to point and img src border0 alt titlelaugh smilieid14 classinlineimg /> / laugh at PosterX / GroupOfPeopleY who thought / believed *insert though/belief here*"br />br />"Remember when PosterX said OldCommentY that no longer looks good? img src border0 alt titlelaugh smilieid14 classinlineimg />"br />br />b>In general, if a comment goes from purely on topic to something ad hominem/b> (personal jabs, personal shots, attacks, flames, however you want to call it, towards a person, or a group of people, or a given city/state/country of people), b>those are most likely going to be found intolerable./b>br />br />We also dissuade passive aggressive behavior. This can be various things, but common examples include statements that are basically meant to imply someone is either stupid or otherwise incapable of holding a rational conversation. This can include (b>but is not limited to/b>) laughing at someones conclusions rather than offering an honest rebuttal, asking people what game they were watching, or another common problem is Poster X will say "that player isnt that bad" and then Poster Y will say something akin to "LOL you think that player is good". Were not going to tolerate those kinds of comments out of respect for the community at large and for the sake of trying to just have an honest />br />Now, does the above cover absolutely every single kind of distraction that is unwanted? Probably not, but b>you should by now have a good idea of the general types of things/b> we will be discouraging. The above examples are meant to give you a good feel for / idea of what were looking for. If something new or different than the above happens to come along and results in the same problem (that being, any other attitude or behavior that ultimately distracts from actually just discussing the topic at hand, or that is otherwise disrespectful to other posters), we can and we will take action to curb this as well, so please dont take this to mean that if you managed to technically avoid saying something exactly like one of the above examples that you are then somehow off the />br />That all having been said, b>our goal is to do so in a generally kind and respectful way/b>, and that doesnt mean the moment we see something we dont like that somebody is going to be suspended or banned, either. It just means that at the very least we will probably say something about it, quite possibly snipping out the distracting parts of the post in question while leaving alone the parts that are actually just discussing the topics, and b>in the event of a repeating or excessive problem/b>, then we will start issuing infractions to try to further discourage further repeat problems, and if it just never seems to improve, then finally suspensions or bans will come into play. b>We would prefer it never went that far/b>, and most of the time for most of our posters, it wont ever have to. br />br />b>A slip up every once and a while is pretty normal, but, again, when it becomes repetitive or excessive, something will be done./b> Something occasional is probably going to be let go (within reason), but when it starts to become habitual or otherwise a pattern, odds are very good that we will step />br />Theres always a small minority that like to push peoples buttons and/or test their own boundaries with regards to the administrators, and in the case of someone acting like that, please be aware that this is not a court of law, but a private website run by people who are simply trying to do the right thing as they see it. If we feel that you are a special case that needs to be dealt with in an exceptional way because your behavior isnt explicitly mirroring one of our above examples of what we generally discourage, we can and we will take atypical action to prevent this from continuing if you are not cooperative with />br />Also please be aware that you will not be given a pass simply by claiming that you were only joking, because quite honestly, when someone really is just joking, for one thing most people tend to pick up on the joke, including the person or group that is the target of the joke, and for another thing, in the event where an honest joke gets taken seriously and it upsets or angers someone, the person who is b>truly/b> only joking will quite commonly go out of his / her way to apologize and will try to mend fences. People who are b>dishonest/b> about their statements being jokes do not do so, and in turn that becomes a clear sign of what is really going on. Its nothing />br />In any case, b>quite frankly, the overall quality and health of the entire forums community is more important than any one troublesome user will ever be/b>, regardless of exactly how a problem is exhibiting itself, and if it comes down to us having to make a choice between you versus the greater health and happiness of the entire community, the community of this forum will win every time. br />br />Lastly, there are also some posters, who are generally great contributors and do not otherwise cause any problems, b>who sometimes feel its their place to provoke or to otherwise mess with/b> that small minority of people described in the last paragraph, and while we possibly might understand why you might feel you WANT to do something like that, the truth is b>we cant actually tolerate that kind of behavior from you any more than we can tolerate the behavior from them/b>. So if we feel that you are trying to provoke those other posters into doing or saying something that will get themselves into trouble, then we will start to view you as a problem as well, because of the same reason as before: The overall health of the forum comes first, and trying to stir the pot with someone like that doesnt help, it just makes it worse. Some will simply disagree with this philosophy, but if so, then so be it because ultimately we have to do what we think is best so long as its up to us. br />br />b>If you see a problem that we havent addressed, the best and most appropriate course for a forum member to take here is to look over to the left of the post in question. See underneath that posters name, avatar, and other info, down where theres a little triangle with an exclamation point (!) in it? Click that. That allows you to report the post to the admins so we can definitely notice it and give it a look to see what we feel we should do about it./b> Beyond that, obviously its human nature sometimes to want to speak up to the poster in question who has bothered you, but we would ask that you try to refrain from doing so because quite often what happens is two or more posters all start going back and forth about the original offending post, and suddenly the entire thread is off topic or otherwise derailed. So while the urge to police it yourself is understandable, its best to just report it to us and let us handle it. Thank you! br />br />All of the above is going to be subject to a case by case basis, but generally and broadly speaking, this should give everyone a pretty good idea of how things will typically / most often be />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #2/u>/span>br />br />If the actions of an administrator inspire you to make a comment, criticism, or express a concern about it, there is a wrong place and a couple of right places to do />br />The b>wrong place/b> is to do so in the original thread in which the administrator took action. For example, if a post gets an infraction, or a post gets deleted, or a comment within a larger post gets clipped out, in a thread discussing Paul George, the wrong thing to do is to distract from the discussion of Paul George by adding your off topic thoughts on what the administrator />br />The b>right places/b> to do so are: br />br />A) Start a thread about the specific incident you want to talk about b>on the Feedback board/b>. This way you are able to express yourself in an area that doesnt throw another thread off topic, and this way others can add their two cents as well if they wish, and additionally if theres something that needs to be said by the administrators, that is where they will respond to it. br />br />B) Send b>a private message/b> to the administrators, and they can respond to you that />br />If this is done the wrong way, those comments will be deleted, and if its a repeating problem then it may also receive an infraction as />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #3/u>/span>br />br />If a poster is bothering you, and an administrator has not or will not deal with that poster to the extent that you would prefer, you have a powerful tool at your disposal, one that has recently been upgraded and is now better than ever: The ability to ignore a />br />When you ignore a user, you will unfortunately still see some hints of their existence (nothing we can do about that), b>however,/b> it does the following key things:br />br />A) Any post they make will be completely invisible as you scroll through a />br />B) The new addition to this feature: If someone QUOTES a user you are ignoring, you do not have to read who it was, or what that poster said, unless you go out of your way to click on a link to find out who it is and what they />br />To utilize this feature, from any page on Pacers Digest, scroll to the top of the page, look to the top right where it says Settings and click that. From the settings page, look to the left side of the page where it says My Settings, and look down from there until you see Edit Ignore List and click that. From here, it will say Add a Member to Your List... Beneath that, click in the text box to the right of User Name, type in or copy & paste the username of the poster you are ignoring, and once their name is in the box, look over to the far right and click the Okay button. All done!br />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #4/u>/span>br />br />Regarding infractions, currently they carry a value of b>one point each/b>, and that point will b>expire in 31 days/b>. If at any point a poster is carrying b>three points at the same time/b>, that poster will be suspended until b>the oldest of the three/b> points />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #5/u>/span>br />br />When you share or paste content or articles from another website, b>you must include the URL/link back to where you found it, who wrote it, and what website its from/b>. Said content will be removed if this doesnt />br />An example:br />br />If I copy and paste an article from the Indianapolis Star website, I would post something like this:br />br />div classb-bbcode b-bbcode__url b-bbcode__url--preview> a href target_blank relnofollow classurlimg_container> img classjs-img-fallback src> /a> div classurlinfo> div classtitle ellipsis> a href target_blank> /a> /div> div classurl ellipsis> a href target_blank> /a> /div> div classmeta> /div> /div>/div>br />Title of the Articlebr />Authors Namebr />Indianapolis Starbr />br />div classbbcode_container> div classbbcode_quote> div classquote_container> div classbbcode_quote_container b-icon-fa b-icon-fa--24 fa-solid fa-quote-left>/div> And I would put the pasted article in quotes like this. /div> /div>/div>span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #6/u>/span>br />br />b>We cannot tolerate illegal videos on Pacers Digest./b> This means b>do not share any links/b> to them, b>do not mention/b> any websites that host them or link to them, b>do not describe how to find/b> them in any way, and b>do not ask/b> about them. Posts doing anything of the sort will be removed, the offenders will be contacted privately, and if the problem becomes habitual, you will be suspended, and if it still persists, you will probably be />br />The legal means of watching or listening to NBA games are NBA League Pass Broadband (for US, or for International; both cost money) and NBA Audio League Pass (which is free). Look for them on />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #7/u>/span>br />br />Provocative statements in a signature, or as an avatar, or as the tagline beneath a posters username (where it says Member or Administrator by default, if it is not altered) are b>an unwanted distraction/b> that will more than likely be removed on sight. There can be shades of gray to this, but in general this could be something political or religious b>that is likely going to provoke or upset people, or otherwise something that is mean-spirited at the expense of a poster, a group of people, or a population./b>br />br />It may or may not go without saying, but b>this goes for threads and posts as well/b>, particularly when its not made on the off-topic board (Market Square).br />br />We do make exceptions b>if we feel the content is both innocuous and unlikely to cause social problems on the forum/b> (such as wishing someone a Merry Christmas or a Happy Easter), and we also also make exceptions if such topics come up with regards to a sports figure (such as the Lance Stephenson situation bringing up discussions of domestic abuse and the law, or when Jason Collins came out as gay and how that lead to some discussion about gay rights).br />br />However, once the discussion seems to be more/mostly about the political issues instead of the sports figure or his specific situation, the thread is usually closed. br />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #8/u>/span>br />br />We prefer b>self-restraint and/or modesty/b> when making jokes or off topic comments in a sports discussion thread. They can be fun, but b>sometimes they derail or distract/b> from a topic, and we dont want to see that happen. If we feel it is a problem, we will either delete or move those posts from the />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #9/u>/span>br />br />Generally speaking, b>we try to be a "PG-13" rated board/b>, and we dont want to see sexual content or similarly suggestive content. Vulgarity is a more muddled issue, though again we prefer things to lean more towards "PG-13" than "R". If we feel things have gone too far, we will step />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #10/u>/span>br />br />We like b>small signatures, not big signatures/b>. The bigger the signature, the more likely it is an annoying or distracting />br />span stylefont-size:12px>u>Rule #11/u>/span>br />br />b>Do not advertise anything/b> without talking about it with the administrators first. 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