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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 22:51:30 GMTServer: nginx/1.25.5Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: EXPIREDTransfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta namegoogle-site-verification contentMIECSiY9chtNz5DYpwQDDAf7I0F6XUdg6vMgHIqgok4 />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />meta namedescription contentPaarva Creations is a web designing and branding agency in Calicut./>meta namekeywords contentpaarva, paarva creations, web, design, creative, website, web site, print, branding, logo, identity, web development, mobile website, HTML5, graphic, poster, content, management, interactive, india, kerala, calicut />meta nameauthor contentPaarva Creations />link relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon hrefimages/favicon.ico>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style_vertical.css typetext/css />title>Web Design | Web Development | Branding in Calicut | Paarva Creations/title>link hrefSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link hrefSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextarea.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> style typetext/css>.csswinner{position: fixed;top:50px;right:0px;z-index:999;}.csswinner a{width:81px;height:59px;text-indent:-9000px;display:block;background: url(images/nominee-black-right.png) no-repeat;}.cssda{position: fixed;top:150px;right:0px;z-index:999;}.cssda a{width:69px;height:164px;text-indent:-9000px;display:block;background: url(images/css-design-award-nominee-duo3-vertical.png) no-repeat;}/style>/head>body>script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-30234194-1, auto); ga(send, pageview);/script> !--div idnav> ul classmenu> li>a href#section1>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section2>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section3>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section4>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section5>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> /ul> /div>--> !--div classcsswinner>a href target_blank>Paarva Creations/a>/div> div classcssda>a href target_blank>Paarva Creations/a>/div>--> div classclear>/div>!--HOME--> div classsection black idsection1> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1 classactv1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classbanner>/div> /div>!--HOME END--> !--ABOUT--> div classsection black idsection2> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2 classactv1>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div> div classcontets> h1 classheadings>Prologue/h1> !--p> Paarva is a designing agency in Kozhikode - not apart in God’s Own Countrybr />br /> Paarva was born in 2010 with a hand-in-hand experience in designing and development to become a most sought after agency that fulfills the dreams of clients. We design anything and everything within the scope of our commitments and dedication. Our scope of design will lay a hand through web, graphic, advertisement, branding, logo, corporate, art, fashion, photography and concepts. We are still exploring new avenues and platforms that design has a role in materializing the client’s />br /> We firmly believe in teamwork and synergy - the twin mantra that persists in succeeding our partners />br /> Our equation for success and finest design 1+1≠ 2 ...1+1 is always > 2. /p>--> p>And the story begins here in the early 2010. The story of Paarva! We based out in Calicut with a spot eye over the creative and technical aspect of designing and marketing. It was just an awakening and stood in the top line always – the line of aspiration and dream! We at Paarva strives to look around and create a new saga which will be a paradigm shift for your accelerated />br />Not just words alone notch the heart, but rather apt words with apt design and colour will steal the eye spot. Paarva does it for />br />Dream big and we colour you and will draw the perfect line, well settled. A vital line, indeed!br />And the story continues./p> /div> /div> /div>!--ABOUT END--> !--SERVICES--> div classsection black idsection3> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3 classactv1>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classservs_left> h1 classheadings>What We Do?/h1> p>With solid experience in designing, web and media industry, we are able to deliver a widebr /> range of services which comprises of designing, graphics, web development, branding,br /> conceptualization etc. to our valued clientele. We ourselves divide our scope of activitiesbr /> into two verticals - Creative and Technical./p> ul> li stylewidth:130px;>Web Page Design/li> li stylewidth:111px;>Graphic Design/li> li stylewidth:121px;>Logo Designing/li> li stylewidth:73px;>Branding/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Conceptualization/li> /ul> ul> li stylewidth:142px;>Product Positioning /li> li stylewidth:103px;>Photography/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Non-Linear Editing/li> li stylewidth:163px;>Interactive Presentations/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Flash Animation/li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div> div classservs_right> img srcimages/experience.jpg /> ul> li stylewidth:130px;>Web Development /li> li stylewidth:182px;>Social Network Marketing/li> li stylewidth:121px;>Email Markerting/li> li stylewidth:114px;>Online Software/li> li stylewidth:236px;>Online Content Management System/li> /ul> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> !--SERVICES END--> !--PORTFOLIO--> div classsection black idsection4> !--div classforbg stylebackground:url(images/web-232.png) center top no-repeat;>--> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4 classactv1>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classworks_canvas> h1 classheadings>Our Works/h1> p stylefont-size:13px;>/p> div classselecter> div classselecterBtns> !--ul classnolist> li>a href# relall classactive>All/a>/li> li>a href# relposter>Websites/a>/li> li>a href# relcard>Business Cards/a>/li> /ul>--> /div> div classselecterContent> ul classnolist> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-1.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classcard>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-9.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classprint>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-10.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classprint stylemargin-right:0px;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-4.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-5.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-6.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-7.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter stylemargin-right:0px;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-8.jpg alt />/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> !--/div>--> /div>!--PORTFOLIO END-->!--CONTACT--> div classsection black idsection5> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5 classactv1>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcont_body> div classfloat-left> h1 classheadings>You want to say Hello?/h1> div idmsg>/div> !--div idsuccess_page> h2>font>font class>Message sent!/font>/font>/h2> p>font>font>Thank you for your message /font>/font>b>font>font>rr/font>/font>/b>font>font> . /font>/font>br>font>font>Im going as fast as possible back to you./font>/font>/p> /div>--> span classformBody> form namecontactForm classcontactForm idcontactForm methodpost onsubmitprocess( name1.value, email.value, phone.value, message.value, submit.value ) enctypeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded > span idsprytextfield1> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>Name/label> input typetext namename1 idname /> /span> span idsprytextfield2> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>span classtextfieldInvalidFormatMsg>Invalid /span>Email:/label> input typetext nameemail idemail /> /span> span idsprytextfield3> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>Phone:/label> input typetext namephone idphone /> /span> span idsprytextarea1> label> span classtextareaRequiredMsg>Please enter /span>Message:/label> textarea namemessage idmessage >/textarea> /span> input namesubmit typebutton onclickprocess( name1.value, email.value, phone.value, message.value, submit.value ) value idsubmit/> /form> /span> /div> div classfloat-right> div classadrsBox> p classadrs>Paarva Creationsbr />6/255 D1, 3sup>rd/sup> Floor, City Plazabr />YMCA Cross Road, Calicut,br /> Kerala - 673 001, India/p> h4 stylemargin-left:40px;>+91 9846 303666/h4> h4 stylebackground:url(images/mail-icon.jpg) left no-repeat;>a>>/h4> span> a href target_blank classsocial idFB titlefacebook>/a> a href target_blank classsocial idFL titleflickr>/a> a href target_blank classsocial idTW titletwitter>/a> a href# classsocial idYT titleyoutube>/a> a href# classsocial idVM titlevimeo>/a> /span> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> h6 aligncenter>© Paarva Creations.All Rights Reserved 2017/h6> /div> /div>!--CONTACT END-->!-- The JavaScript -->script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery-1.7.0.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/contact.js>/script>script typetext/javascript> $(function() { $(.menu a).bind(click,function(event){ var $anchor $(this); $(html, body).stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr(href)).offset().top }, 1500,easeInOutExpo); /* if you dont want to use the easing effects: $(html, body).stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr(href)).offset().top }, 1000); */ event.preventDefault(); }); });/script>script srcjs/mobilyselect.js typetext/javascript>/script>!--script srcjs/init.js typetext/javascript>/script>-->script srcSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js typetext/javascript>/script>script srcSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextarea.js typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--var sprytextfield1 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield1, none, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextfield2 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield2, email, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextfield3 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield3, none, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextarea1 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea(sprytextarea1, {validateOn:blur});//-->/script>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 22:51:30 GMTServer: nginx/1.25.5Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Vary: Accept-EncodingX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: MISSTransfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>meta namegoogle-site-verification contentMIECSiY9chtNz5DYpwQDDAf7I0F6XUdg6vMgHIqgok4 />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />meta namedescription contentPaarva Creations is a web designing and branding agency in Calicut./>meta namekeywords contentpaarva, paarva creations, web, design, creative, website, web site, print, branding, logo, identity, web development, mobile website, HTML5, graphic, poster, content, management, interactive, india, kerala, calicut />meta nameauthor contentPaarva Creations />link relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon hrefimages/favicon.ico>link relstylesheet hrefcss/style_vertical.css typetext/css />title>Web Design | Web Development | Branding in Calicut | Paarva Creations/title>link hrefSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css relstylesheet typetext/css />link hrefSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextarea.css relstylesheet typetext/css /> style typetext/css>.csswinner{position: fixed;top:50px;right:0px;z-index:999;}.csswinner a{width:81px;height:59px;text-indent:-9000px;display:block;background: url(images/nominee-black-right.png) no-repeat;}.cssda{position: fixed;top:150px;right:0px;z-index:999;}.cssda a{width:69px;height:164px;text-indent:-9000px;display:block;background: url(images/css-design-award-nominee-duo3-vertical.png) no-repeat;}/style>/head>body>script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-30234194-1, auto); ga(send, pageview);/script> !--div idnav> ul classmenu> li>a href#section1>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section2>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section3>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section4>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> li>a href#section5>img srcimages/dot.png altLink />/a>/li> /ul> /div>--> !--div classcsswinner>a href target_blank>Paarva Creations/a>/div> div classcssda>a href target_blank>Paarva Creations/a>/div>--> div classclear>/div>!--HOME--> div classsection black idsection1> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1 classactv1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classbanner>/div> /div>!--HOME END--> !--ABOUT--> div classsection black idsection2> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2 classactv1>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div> div classcontets> h1 classheadings>Prologue/h1> !--p> Paarva is a designing agency in Kozhikode - not apart in God’s Own Countrybr />br /> Paarva was born in 2010 with a hand-in-hand experience in designing and development to become a most sought after agency that fulfills the dreams of clients. We design anything and everything within the scope of our commitments and dedication. Our scope of design will lay a hand through web, graphic, advertisement, branding, logo, corporate, art, fashion, photography and concepts. We are still exploring new avenues and platforms that design has a role in materializing the client’s />br /> We firmly believe in teamwork and synergy - the twin mantra that persists in succeeding our partners />br /> Our equation for success and finest design 1+1≠ 2 ...1+1 is always > 2. /p>--> p>And the story begins here in the early 2010. The story of Paarva! We based out in Calicut with a spot eye over the creative and technical aspect of designing and marketing. It was just an awakening and stood in the top line always – the line of aspiration and dream! We at Paarva strives to look around and create a new saga which will be a paradigm shift for your accelerated />br />Not just words alone notch the heart, but rather apt words with apt design and colour will steal the eye spot. Paarva does it for />br />Dream big and we colour you and will draw the perfect line, well settled. A vital line, indeed!br />And the story continues./p> /div> /div> /div>!--ABOUT END--> !--SERVICES--> div classsection black idsection3> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3 classactv1>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classservs_left> h1 classheadings>What We Do?/h1> p>With solid experience in designing, web and media industry, we are able to deliver a widebr /> range of services which comprises of designing, graphics, web development, branding,br /> conceptualization etc. to our valued clientele. We ourselves divide our scope of activitiesbr /> into two verticals - Creative and Technical./p> ul> li stylewidth:130px;>Web Page Design/li> li stylewidth:111px;>Graphic Design/li> li stylewidth:121px;>Logo Designing/li> li stylewidth:73px;>Branding/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Conceptualization/li> /ul> ul> li stylewidth:142px;>Product Positioning /li> li stylewidth:103px;>Photography/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Non-Linear Editing/li> li stylewidth:163px;>Interactive Presentations/li> li stylewidth:130px;>Flash Animation/li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div> div classservs_right> img srcimages/experience.jpg /> ul> li stylewidth:130px;>Web Development /li> li stylewidth:182px;>Social Network Marketing/li> li stylewidth:121px;>Email Markerting/li> li stylewidth:114px;>Online Software/li> li stylewidth:236px;>Online Content Management System/li> /ul> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> !--SERVICES END--> !--PORTFOLIO--> div classsection black idsection4> !--div classforbg stylebackground:url(images/web-232.png) center top no-repeat;>--> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4 classactv1>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classworks_canvas> h1 classheadings>Our Works/h1> p stylefont-size:13px;>/p> div classselecter> div classselecterBtns> !--ul classnolist> li>a href# relall classactive>All/a>/li> li>a href# relposter>Websites/a>/li> li>a href# relcard>Business Cards/a>/li> /ul>--> /div> div classselecterContent> ul classnolist> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-1.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classcard>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-9.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classprint>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-10.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classprint stylemargin-right:0px;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-4.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-5.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-6.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-7.jpg alt />/a>/li> li classposter stylemargin-right:0px;>a href target_blank>img srcimages/client-8.jpg alt />/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> /div> !--/div>--> /div>!--PORTFOLIO END-->!--CONTACT--> div classsection black idsection5> div classcenterpad> div classheader> img srcimages/paarva.png classlogo altpaarva /> ul classnavigation menu> li >a href#section1>Home/a>/li> li>a href#section2>About Us/a>/li> li>a href#section3>Services/a>/li> li>a href#section4>Works/a>/li> li>a href#section5 classactv1>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcont_body> div classfloat-left> h1 classheadings>You want to say Hello?/h1> div idmsg>/div> !--div idsuccess_page> h2>font>font class>Message sent!/font>/font>/h2> p>font>font>Thank you for your message /font>/font>b>font>font>rr/font>/font>/b>font>font> . /font>/font>br>font>font>Im going as fast as possible back to you./font>/font>/p> /div>--> span classformBody> form namecontactForm classcontactForm idcontactForm methodpost onsubmitprocess( name1.value, email.value, phone.value, message.value, submit.value ) enctypeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded > span idsprytextfield1> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>Name/label> input typetext namename1 idname /> /span> span idsprytextfield2> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>span classtextfieldInvalidFormatMsg>Invalid /span>Email:/label> input typetext nameemail idemail /> /span> span idsprytextfield3> label>span classtextfieldRequiredMsg>Please enter your /span>Phone:/label> input typetext namephone idphone /> /span> span idsprytextarea1> label> span classtextareaRequiredMsg>Please enter /span>Message:/label> textarea namemessage idmessage >/textarea> /span> input namesubmit typebutton onclickprocess( name1.value, email.value, phone.value, message.value, submit.value ) value idsubmit/> /form> /span> /div> div classfloat-right> div classadrsBox> p classadrs>Paarva Creationsbr />6/255 D1, 3sup>rd/sup> Floor, City Plazabr />YMCA Cross Road, Calicut,br /> Kerala - 673 001, India/p> h4 stylemargin-left:40px;>+91 9846 303666/h4> h4 stylebackground:url(images/mail-icon.jpg) left no-repeat;>a>>/h4> span> a href target_blank classsocial idFB titlefacebook>/a> a href target_blank classsocial idFL titleflickr>/a> a href target_blank classsocial idTW titletwitter>/a> a href# classsocial idYT titleyoutube>/a> a href# classsocial idVM titlevimeo>/a> /span> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> h6 aligncenter>© Paarva Creations.All Rights Reserved 2017/h6> /div> /div>!--CONTACT END-->!-- The JavaScript -->script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery-1.7.0.min.js>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/jquery.easing.1.3.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/contact.js>/script>script typetext/javascript> $(function() { $(.menu a).bind(click,function(event){ var $anchor $(this); $(html, body).stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr(href)).offset().top }, 1500,easeInOutExpo); /* if you dont want to use the easing effects: $(html, body).stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr(href)).offset().top }, 1000); */ event.preventDefault(); }); });/script>script srcjs/mobilyselect.js typetext/javascript>/script>!--script srcjs/init.js typetext/javascript>/script>-->script srcSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js typetext/javascript>/script>script srcSpryAssets/SpryValidationTextarea.js typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--var sprytextfield1 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield1, none, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextfield2 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield2, email, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextfield3 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(sprytextfield3, none, {validateOn:blur});var sprytextarea1 new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea(sprytextarea1, {validateOn:blur});//-->/script>/body>/html>
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